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Copyright © 2014 Parasoft

Debunking the Myths about API TestingWith the emergence of the ‘The API Economy’, the risks associated with API failure undeniably have broader business impacts. It is now more important than ever to ensure that the APIs you produce and consume continuously deliver the expected level of security, reliability, functionality and performance.

With quality on the line and brand reputations at stake, API testing has become critical to ensuring that faulty APIs do not impact business success.Yet, despite the growing importance of API integrity, many in the industry are still misinformed about the critical role API testing plays

Do you believe that:• If an API is published, it’s been fully tested and guaranteed?• GUI testing is suffi cient for testing an API?• Once an API is tested, it will continue to work as long as the API doesn’t change?• Your monitoring efforts will alert you to critical issues as they emerge?

If so, think again.

Parasoft, an industry leader in API testing since pioneering the technology in 2002, set out to dispel these common API testing myths and set the record straight.

Discover what’s really needed to protect your brand in the API Economy.


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