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Proposed Amendments to the C,


,..\duptPtl in Senate. Octol.H:'l' :J .• :\. J 1, i :~ ! o, Lewi~ .. \. liilborn, s~l'l"t.'tar~· of the 8eua.h.•.

0 \dopt,,d in Ass~·mLdv Oc·tol>c·r ·I. .\. I•. 1:110. 'l'hos. U. \\'alker, Chic•f l'krk of tile Asse1;1blv.

'l_'lli~ r~·~(illltiOll ,vas l'l~cei\·l~d hr tlw (;q\·ernor thi:.-; Gth t.1aY of C(ctoh,•r, .\. ]J, 1:lHI, E. F. :\Jitd1,·ll. I', iYate 'seeretan· uf· tli,:, l...,r_1\'<t'!'lllJI'. •


Sc11utr ('u11stit11tkm,tl ,l111en<imn1t Xu. 1. · ·.1 ,·esolutimi to Jl1'0/JOSC' tu. the JW()/1_1<, o/ the l:;tate o/ Cc,/ifur11i,i "" ,111ien<lmc11t to tho con­st_1t11t11,n or the ,~tatc "/' Calif11r11io !''">'"ling for the separation uf_ ,s·~u'.'' (ll!<f loC'fll ta..L·ution_, pro,·idin.o ful' the. taxativn, o( pul,iit: s,·,.,.11·, u,w 0U1cr cvr1wratio11s tur the lwneftt of tile state, and t<J thut. c,1dutld111y tu urt,cfr th1rt,·,·11 u nm· sectfo11 to 1,e 1rnmliere,t s(Tf /OJ( /ou rtccHJ <.u11cndinu scctiu;1 t, )I nf aTticlc thirteen. a1ut n·JJcal111g S(ctio11 ten uf a.·tick t ii'!'• ,1 therco(. all relating to "n'L'Cltttf.' and ta.1:ation. -\Y-HEHE:A::-;, It is tler·Inl·cl dt·Hirahl,_· !ti ~··J1;1l'.1;,. til1..~ !"-,;O\IJ'l'('S of n:vt··nw.~

ful' fl.:1t1• purpu:--t.•s fru1n tllt' :--n1_1n·,·:-- 1,f r,·\'1.•ntH.· for c·ountv and lllllllH'lJ)<tl Jllll"JHJ:--•·8; 110\V, t!Jt:rt:fur,•. ~

. 'rlh' h·µ·i::..:l;ittil't> of tli1:.._· :-:.ratt· or t';diforni:1. .it its t-•xtraurdinar\· ~t·s­~hJII. t·ornn1'.·llc111g. on tilt' third da>· or i 1,-t1d•,·r, niner.vt_•11 ilundn/d ;111.ll t,~11. t~vo tll1.nls of all· nH~Inl.H_·r:-: l'h ,·t•·d :1, ,·al'h of t111~ two huu:,,;t~~ ~if :-;;_1!d lt·g·1:--L1tu1·t•. Yotlng in f:~\'tn· tl:1·rt'11L lit·n:hy 11rof_H.1:o::t.·s to tl1t• qu:il1J11· 1J t·h·~·to1:~ ut the ~tate ot Calif,1r11Li ti1,.:: fufh,wing- :u11t.'.ndinent tiJ t,· CP!l:-:tttutlon of tl1e ~tnte of C:1!if1,n1h.

l· ll'sf. 'rl1t~r~·t:· is lwreby added tu ;trti,·J .. tllirtl·t.:·n ant.:\\' sPction to l>1• 1111111IH·n·d rourte1.:n and to r1.:•ad ;1~ full,1\\·:,,; ·

~ .... ~·t iun 1 ·L TJtXf•s lt·\'it•d. a~~1-·~:--1·d : : 11d ,·t1llc·l'tt.:•d as lh..:Teinaftt'I' 11n1 \'H!•·d upon r.ttlrua.d.s, h1ella~illg :,;tr,,,,1 r:1il\\'a)·s, wlH·till'r upvratvd 111 onv or 111<1rt• vnuntH·~.: ~lt·,.·p~11.g- t·;1r. dinin;.:· t.·a1-. dra\,·ing·-rot,nl l.'ai· and pal<.l< .. 't_· t·ar t·11n1panh·~. n·lng·t_·1·at1_1r. Pi!. :-:tocli:, fruit. and otitf•r «:ar-luan111.~· :tll!l utl1t~r l':t!' t'nn1p:tnit·s op•·r;i!in;..;· upon railroads in this H.ta_t~-·: t·11111pa1111.·~ .t1u111.g· t'Xl!l'l'~~ liu:-:i11v~:-: 1,11 :,ny railroad, ~tt'<llnbout. \L'~:-;~·l 1~1· :-t:1g·p l1rI\' 111 t!11~ .~t;.~tt'; t1- 1 li:-_~T:1toi1 L'Ornp,tni,·s; tt•lephonl~ '-'1.>lllfH!ll.h·:-.: ~·un1pat1lPH f:t1gag·1:d 111 tilt.' tr;tn:-:!ni:--sion ur :--ah~ of '"as ur ~·lt·r·.trw10·; 1n:,,.11r:irJe". con1p,1nil·H: hank~. l,:,11ldng a~Fod:1tiun!--r sa\'-1.11g:-; H!ld Jo;.tr1 ~Dclt'tJ1·:-:. nm! trust 1·un1p;1·.:,.,-.:; :1nd tax,·~ upon ;.Ill t.ran,·ht~i_·s ol t•\'t.•1·r kuu.l i.tlld lliltlll'I.', :-:l1;_tl\ lll- 1•ntin.~I)' and t·Xdu~i\'Pl\' tnr :-Halt· pu1:po:-;.t•:,.;; a11d ~l1all 111• lt·\·i,·d. a:-:~. :--:~,·d and 1_·1_dlt·t.·ti.~d in u1·1· 1nan.11,·1· l1 1·r1·11!att,_·1· pru,·1di·d. Tlit• ,,·onl ··, ·•!:q,anies" as UH(·ll in tllis :,.;1•ct lull .:,.;!1;1 ll 111clude p1•1'8flt1~. p:1 rt !lt'l'!':'l1i1 ,:,,.·, .:. dnt-stot.·k :is:;ucia t iun~. l'Olll}laut,·~. ;111d t·drporati,n1:-;,

c.u 1 .. \l.l r:1ilr11:1d l'!llllJ.lani,:s. i11dudin1..:- n•t·t r:1il\\';tvs ,vht·tlu.:·r llflt'l .. lt•·d lll Ptl!' 111 IIIO?'i' lOllnth·s, all :-.h·l f ~ L,ll', cl111111g° (..1 ,ll', tlta\\'-Jl~g-JCJP!ll , 11 . .ind't' l',tl' 1·1>nlp<Lnit•..:, !t·fru.;-vrator, ull. stotl\, f1t~lt .ir11.~ t.ttlH r l,tr-)111_1r1111g and ot11,•r t·:tr ,1p.1ni1•:-;, •ip,·rating- upon !ilt. J.lJli ,J,1(1:,. lll tlll:-i St.ill', :tJl ( O!llJ),llllt'~ !Jg' t•\:J!l't ss h11:,,;Jllt•~H OIL di!.\ 1.11lr11.1d. :--tt•,1111!)0:1t. \t•s~•·I ur· st:q.;t· 1 111 tl11-.: ~t.1t,• . .tll tPh·-grapli .ind t,·l1·1aJ1011t• t 1_1111p;1nu•:-::; ,lnd .tll ·q1.tn1 , , ng.1g,,tl 1n tlit• tJan~1111.-..,11111 11r s'.ilt> .\'t .~.1:..; o.r ,·lt·L·}· ill ;t1:11u.dly pa~· tll th~· ,.._t,tt1. '\ t.,x llJ~1111 dH·~J 11,Uh 111:.;,•s, r11a\1\\.t.\ ·od. 'L,, d~. tails. J'Plling-:-:to( k ,oJ,,:.;, \\ II t'S, JJlpPf--. t·an~lls, < u~'~!•l .. :-, ~:d u .. 1.!1,-, .u•d (Jtiwi· y,11,pt"t•t"\, 111 .:111\ pa1t till rc..·uf. ll~Hl' ~~rt·lus1~ tl ,, u~~• l:t1tOll or ln1:-:1111·:..s 111 this stalt•, t·11n1p11t1·tl ns fnl/1,\,·,._: Said t;LX 8llall ht• i:qu:il t.11 tll!.' pt·r~·1·nt:.1gl:8 l11•r1.·it1aflt'l' 1h:1•1l 1q11,1, 1!11· gr,,:.::~ n·t·1·ipts 1ro1t1 t.lf11·r:1t1on ,'1 l-illt'h ,·onqJ;111it·s ,ind v;tdi tlI1·1·,·11t' wititin this ~tat,·. \Yl11•1l :..::1\t'il •·11111pani1.•:-, :11·,, ,,p,·rating p:1rtly within :ind prirth· without t.ilis stat•·. tilt· gTo:,q.; rt·{Tipts within this ~Lit,· :-:i1a\l l,i· d1·1·1i11·tl tn ht· :ill r•·<·j•ir•t~ 011 1'11:.;in•·S!-- lw.i..:·inning- an1l t·tldi11~ \\'itlliii tlli~ st.ntP, and a Pl'OJU1rti,111. !1,u-11·11 llJIIIJl tilt• propurtif,ll ur till• 1nil1·;q.,:p Within t.11i:,,;\' l11 l11,• 1·11tin~ 111il,·ag·,, o\'vl' \\'liid1 ~11"11 ln1:-:i11 1 ·~:-: is dtllH', uf 1·,·,~·~·qit;,; 1111 :II_! Ji_u:,.;in1•!--:-. p;t!'-:•dng thruui.:d1. int11. ur 11111 1if tlii8 :,:::tatv.

1111_· p,•r1·•·11t.1,1 . .:,·:-: .th11\'1' 111t·1-itiunt:•d ~hall h1_· as full1,\\':-:: U11 ~tll r.1il­r,1:1d 1·11u111ani1·:--. inl'llltli11g :-:tn·,.>t 1·ailwars. fuur f11·l' 1·1·11t: un :tll :--l1·.1·pi11g· 1·:1r, 1~i11it1g· l''. dn,wing--r,111111 t·,1r, palj11·1· (·:1r 1·0111panh·:,,:, 1·dng-1·1·,1tnr. nil. :..:t111·k, fr11it ;,_1ntl 01111·1' 1·:1r-l11;11!111g· and utli,·r t·:11' 1·111np.111l,·:-:, thn·•· pt·t' t·1•11t; on ;tll 1·c111q1:111i•·:-,; cl11i11g· •·\pn•:-::,; bt1sin1·!--!-­(lfl itll.\' 1·;1ilro;1tl. :--:tP;t111lu1at, \'c•i-.:--1·1 •n· ~t:1µ,.• litu•, tw,, f;t.•r n·nt; 11n ;111 l1·l1•gT:tJd1 ;~nd t,•l1·1d1P11.,• (·11111pa11ii•S .. t.11,r,·•· :i11d 11111· lialf Jn.·r· t·t-11t; 1,11 :dl l'tl!HJl<IIU1·S 1•11gag,_,t( Ill till· tran~Jll!SSlt)ll HI' ~alt· uf ;.,:.;1.- 11)' t•h•l'lrkit\'. f:·111r p1·1· 1·,·nt. ~1wl1 tax,·:-: :-:liall lH.> i11 JiPll uf all 1•tli•·r tax,-·s arid J lt't'lll'-1 ·~. Sta ti·, 1·1111 nt,\' :ind 111ll llkipa I. tll)llll t ht• Jll't l(ll'l't,\' :th, l\'1• t'IHIH\­t•l'a L ... d ,d· :--iH·il 1·111np:111i,_·:-: 1·\t·1·JH :1:-. ,1tili-r\,·l~1· in tlli;-; :,.;1•1·ti1111 prn\·idt·d; 11rur11/11l. tllat rintiii11g· l1t·r,·i11 :.;!tall I,,, 1·un:-;trth·il t11 1·,·h·:1:-: .. anv :-.u,·h 1·t11t1J.1i11t.,· fri11n tL{· f1:1yt111·t1t 11f any an111t1nt :q.:.Ti·l'd t11 b,• p·aid 1,r 1·1.·qt11rt·1l l,y law t11 bt· p:iid for :111.v :-:11t·c:ial privil1•g1.• or franvlli:-.t· g-1·:int,·d l 1 r ;1ny ,,r lilt> JJl\lllkipal :i11thoritit•l:-i ot tlii:-. ~LttP.

l l,) l·:\·•·r.,· in~tll'an,·,· 1·on1p:1n:r or· a~:,.:t.wiatiun d,ilng l.tu~iru•gs in thi~ f--tatr· :-:linll ,1n1111:llly 1,:1,V t11 tlH· .stat" :1. t;1x 11f otH· and llUt.• half J"lt'I' ...... ,~(. up1,r1 1)!1'. :t!ll'.'llnt uf tl11• gn1~:-: f"!'1•111/tllll~ t'1·1·•·i\'1•d 11p11n it:-: bu~111,·:-..s d1,111· 1n tl11:-- ' 1 t;itt•, 11·;,,;!-: n·turu p1·t·11t1t1111:-; ,ind r1·i11~11r1L11t·,_• i11 e,_•on1pani1·s ur ;1~:-1wiatio11~ auth11rizt•d to du lHJ!->ittv:-:s in thi:,; state: Jl1'ofi,/n/, t!Jat l)WJ't:' 8ltail ht·' dt•dllcli>t} fl'Ulll ~ahl 1.lth" and Ollt:' half J1f•r n~nt Uf11J11 tl1t• grl'1:,t~ pn·n1iu1ns th~· :ttll•HHll of a11~· l'1-.u11tv and 1nunil'ipal t;lXt·~ pahl hy :oHH:h t'•.HUJ111nit:•!-; ,,11 n·:tl t·~tat." own·f·d hv thPlll in lid,: stat,.•. This tax ;;hall ti,· in li.•,1 n( all <1llH·1· wx,•s ai,;1 li<.·f·ll~~ ... ~. ~tat,:·, ('tHIJlt.~· and nntnicipal, ur,nHl thf• pn•JH·rty of such eotnpanh·:-:: •·xl'~_.!Jlt cu1111ty and n1t1nicip:1l taxt•s on r•-~al t·stntP, autl ;;xe,•IH a;; o~h.,rwi;;e in this sedion pruvide<.i; prn1·ic/ccl, tlun when by tilt~ Ja_ws .':'! any ot.h,·r ~late or 1•uunU'f_, an.Y _ ta XPS, tines, }J(·ru1lthH·.'.

-.,,-- _ .,_ U1:ttn_se~. _h•es. <h~p_t)Sll8 of n1ont:"y, 01· of Ht>(•urttil'li, or f,ther obligations -;.::: ... ,::::,-:" or._ p·rnbibftions. are in1pofH:.,~d on insurarh:_e t.•-on1panh-:1s -of thh:i- statP

· ' i doing. hu,;in;ess, ln suc,h oUwr stat" c,r country, 01· upon tl1dr agent.i 1J1~_l'l~in, ·in cxeess-or such t:l.xr·.s.- fint¢_S, p,~nulUtH3. _1iee:nses~ fees, dt~posits of ,n y, .. or . of s,·eurlties. or (1ther obligations or prohib!t!onii,

UlJ9H·!llS\ll'iifi''" ogmp,l,nies Qf.t,U,:)l otl,1e1' stnh) 0 0l'. .CQl.lllU:y, !ID ch hlWI< . U(\.Jll Jome; cctbil. S1'Pl1ili OJ )lga 1k1u·o.hi• ·· · · · · be.'. " ·


F·irst; ·-·-s1.•ctiun one of artick• tllirtt:_,.._,n is lwri,J,y ·11•··d to n:ad as follows:

~~etion 1. 4·\ll prnpt>rty in tl11· ~t:tlt· t·x1·•·11t ; ~· 11t!i,·nYi8e in this f'nnstittttion rn·n,·idr•il. not v~1.·1npt und1-r tl1•· !.:w:-; uf the Cnitt:.·d Htatt:•s, :-::ilall he taxed in proportion tn its ,·aluv. r,, !w asct.~rtainetl as pro\pirl1:•<l by la.\\', (lI' a8 ht·reinaft1_·r pnn·idt•tl. 'I.'! wnnl "property." as used in this artide an<l se('ti,)11 1 is h1_·n-i,.v ,! .. ,·J:1re<l to inl'lude 1notu~ys, 1:rP1lits, bonds.- stockf\ due~. fra.11cili~ 1·~ •• ind all other nutt­ters ;,11Hl tl1ing~. rt:ial, perso11;,d, :ind n1iXi:tl, i..,:q,:d , 1it' 111·i\·atr~ uwnt:-r­

.,ahip: 1n·oridc<I. that a 1nnrtg;1.:..:·,·. tll'1·••.l nf tn1:-:1. ,·o111t.r:tl·t. or utllt:r ohiig·ation lJ)" "'llich a fit.·l.1t i:--: :-;1·l·un:d wlH·n 1:1! ,! i:-- pkdg1.:.-d as s,_~­t·tn·it~· fur tht! r1:t:-,·111Pnt tll1_'r{•nf. tng.-tlwr wit! 1.!1•· 1nn11ey repn•­st·nlt·tl by Hlll'h <h·ht. :,:.hall not ht• <·011~i1h-n·tl pr,q · 1 ·.:• :--uli.kct to tax­:1tio11: (11lr/. f11rthcr 1n·o1·itlt·d, th:tt pn,pl'rtr n:-:,·d '. ,r fr,,.- public lihra­rit~S and freP n1ust1un1s, gruwing- cr,1p~. propt.>11~· ·.-,·d L'Xdusively fo1 puhlie St'houlf-. and SLH:h ;i:; n1a:-,· Ll'l,_,ng: to tlit· ! ·11iU-·tl Statf~s.. this :-::tate. l)l' tP any ('(Hint)· or n1uni!.'ipul <:urpnr;,1ti1·11 within tilis state s!Jall he ext.·mpt fn.un taxation. Tlic- ll··gi::-latu~·e :· :t.\· pruvidi:', 1:X!.'f·Pt in thl' t·,.t~l~ of l'T'L'dits spcurt'll b~· 111ortgag-e 1.1:· ! :·,1:-;t dl•,_•d, lur a ch:i­duetion fro1n t·redits of debts t.111(· tu buna fl1/,· r•.:':O:idents of this stall·.

. ~n·o,ul. !St.'ction four nf artkl(' thirteen i:-:: J11·:·,·l1f n·pealt·tl.

Att,•st :

\\". IL POH.Tl-:H • J•n:~i,l· 1,t 11f tlH~ ~i·natt.•.

l' .. \. :-:T.A:-.:To:-,;, :S,:p,·a 1-::·.·:· pf tlu· ..\~:-,e1nhly.

l~. F. CcnRY, S1.:..crc-:>tarY of ~tau•. Endorsed: F'ilt.'d in tht• (.,nice of th1: ~1.·1·n·t:1r.\· •1l :---tall' the lt3 tla)·

of Marcil, A. lJ. 1110:,, at e:15 o'duck l', )t. C. F. ,·urry, Secretary of ~tat,•. B,· J. Hrwscl1, D,·pllty.


.\tlopt,,,1 in Senate, :'llarth .J, .\. l ), lc<t•:•. J.vw,, . .\. Hilborn. S,·~re­tar.v of tile Senate.

Adopted in .\ssemlJl,·. :'1Iurd1 1,·,, .\.. ll. 1 :•O,• l.'lio L:oyd, Chief Clerk 1.•f the .-\ssembl\'.

This n~sl)lutiun ,\'a.s· rccei'\·t·d· ti~· tht.'• <Jn\·,·rn"l'. this l~lth da;-· of ~Iarvh. A. J..>. 1:.11.l}.t. E. C. CUPJJlJr, Pri\·ate ~v,·n_·t<.i ry uf the GuYernor.

t'! 0L\l'TER ::,. 0f'1Uttc Cunstit11tioH(ll .lJ1H'lld111c11t s·o . . :JtJ.·-.l _;·1·s1,i11tinn to p1·oposc to

the JH'UJJ!c of th1' ,°'fate o( ('(1/ifoniia. un u11,,·11d1,101t to article siJ', .•wctiun 1'i!)ht o( the ,_·011stit11tioll,, rclatill,<T tu i·lf/lf1's of the supcriur ('IJ!IJ't, TIH, h•i;'islature of the State of Californi:.t, .. t its thirtv-eig;nth

r,::-gular se~·~ion. l'Olllllll'ni-ing- u11 t~n:.· ·1th 1!.1~· u( .January, nlnt_•ti.'t.•ll hu1u..lrL·Ll and nine, twu thirds ,.i· th(: lllL'll1l1t•rs d•.>(·tt•1l tu 110th tlle ~1.·nate and asst.'.tllbly. n .. ~p1•,·t i\'1•ly. ,·ot inl.! tlit-•n·f, ,r. lit.•n,1.Jy pn1pn~r·~ ti, the JH··uplt.~ ut" thL~ Statv 11!' t 'alifonda th;1t sc,ctlP!l t·i.~::ht uf artide :-:.ix uf the ,·cmstitution of tllis :-:tat,· IH· arn,·Htled t,, r,·ad as fnllt.>w~:

~t-1·tit1t1 ~. ..-\ judµ:c 11f an.v :--iq11·ri11r 1·1i11rt ni:1:: llulJ a superi11r t.·ourt in an.,· t.·111111ty, at t!l1• rc-q111·!'-t 1if a jud~i· or' tlw :,-;uperiu1· 1·uurt tllert·uf. anti \ll)t>ll tlie n•qtlL•:H u( tl11· g·i•\'t•t'Jl!'/' ·il :-:!1:tll lit:' Ids duty sn

;;;.l;·'t;:·1 n~:;t~·~' ,,:r;~ .. ~n \~;...{1t~:. ~:\.111r;t'~!tff, 1i:1P1.1:r a, ,;.;~: .. t :}~~!1..,::~r .~.1. ... ~:1,.t.hf:: writing h)· tlle pa.rtios litigant. or tl1l·ir :~,r111·:,..-:-. ui, and :--worn t,, tn· tilt• l'at1s1• and ti:,• p,•r:-:1,n :,,;1, :--,•l1·i·!··1l :..;Jlall l>e t·1n1.111wvr1·d to a1·t in !'-livli 1·;1p:t('ity in :Ill f11rtli•·r 1,rnn····lir•..::-: in any suit nr prn­t·1·1:di11g·~ tried l1l·fur1· hilll 1111til l!·,· tin;il d1•lt·r111i1:a~l 1 •11 tJJt_•n·uf. TlH·t'e IJJa\' lu• a~ l'll:tllY s1·s~ic11lS tif :t :-:1q11•ri11r 1·1,:,J't at tl11• :O:,'.lllh' tilll1-:' :1:-. tl1t·i·1· :,r,· ,lt1dµ;t•:,,; tlH•n•uf. in1·luding a11y ju 1 h.:·· or .it1dg1·s nl'tinµ: upun n·qut_·~t. ,1r :1ny judg·t.· 11r j11dg1·s 111·0 t,•1np11r,-. Tl!t· judg·n11·11t.s.::. onl•·r~. ;u·ts and pnw1·1•ding:,,t ,if :111.\· ~1·:..;si.111 11f <Ill.\- ~1.-1H·rii.1r 1•,1urt l11·lt.l li.Y uni· ,1r ?non· judg,,::,. :1t·ti11g- 11pon r1•q11t·:s:L ,1r .itid:,::, or ,J11dg1•:,,: 1,i·o tt·rnp11n·. :.;J1ail Jw t•q\lc.tlif t·t'f•·t·ti\·v as if tl11_• j11d,g1_: 11r :dl t•f tiH.' judg,•s uf :O-Udl

1·11urt prvsid,·d at :.;111·h :-:; .. ~si1J11.


\\". I{. l 'oHTI-:1<. l.'l't_•::-id,·nt of lli,· ~1·t1;1t,·.

P. ~·\. ~T . .\::--:Tn~. :-,:111:ak,:r uf tlh· .. \:,;.:o-,•1ullly.

< •• F. ('l'HHY. :,,!1-vn·tarv of ~tatt:•. End11r:-::,~d: F'ill'd in tllv ;11th·.-· t1f t1n· ~t·l·r· lat·r r,f :-,::;tali· t\1r- :!11 il:i,·

,11· :i.1:1rd1 . ..:\. 1,. l!t1_1:1. :1t 1U: :!u ct\·luck A, :..1 l.'. l-'. l'u1T~·. ~1·1·rL"ta1·~· 11t' ~tnt1•, By .J. Hu\':'·Wil, I •1·J1lllY.


A<l«pthl In S,·natf•. :\lar,·h 1~ .• \. V. 1 :,11:1. Lewis .\.. llilborn, ~1:1:n·tary llf tl11• ~1·11:lt1•,

.\duptt·d i:1 .-,~~t-~t:ihly, .:\larv!t :!~ ... \. U. l'..1 1.<1 • l'li1J LluyJ, t'ldL'f L'l,?rli ui tl1t• .-\~~11n1bly.

This ret-=nlution ,vas r,•1·,_·i\'r:d bv tilt~ t_:.ivt~1 nor. this ~:-~d dav ,)f :\Jureh, ..:\, I.>. 1 \1{1~1. E. c. c•oopt.•r, i-)ri\'att~ ;o;,:(·rt•tn.ry oft.he Uovt.~1:nor.

\'IL\l'TEH ·I~. ~('nttiP Constit11tional A mc-ntl1;41'itt .Yo .. t°'._,....._t_ rrsolutiou tn proµo~c tu

the 11,'u11lc u( the Stat,· vi Culifon&ia <JH a.1;n·1uinu.-·u.t to tlt-e t.·,ni ... titu .. tion uf th,· State of Culi/oniia, V!f !illtl'llflill.<J scdion tllrc,: of ,11·tick Xi thr:ru,f, and rclati11t1 to th,: fon1wtiun of 1ww cvmities, and a/te1'i11{1 tile boun<l(l>'!J liltt:8 o; ,·.l'isting c,mntfr.s. The h'gi:;lature of tht: State of California. at it>< rei;-ular s,;ssion,

eo111111<•1w!ng .the ·1 tll day of .January,. in tlie. y,,ar 01w ihous11nd.·nine hu11ill'e•lllnd nine, two thiJ'ds of all the meiu!Jers illilcted tv £1aqil .qf " the !mu.mi< of. saisL legl11latui:e YPtipgc 111 favor U1ereof; h!c>1't1by p1'0,c .

11'. t11rne 9L 11rU~hi..:,•q,. 9(. J,!1 J:1,m11HttHJo.,n Qf ·· · W,,F I.a. · · · sp a#ifo 1·eM ~~foUiiwli!i, "· · · .· "· ·

thc~reof shall h~· rnadp l1:"1,' the g-o\'t•rn,,r ,d iJi,, s: uf Febr11arv, J'.tl l. Thi· ,·,nn111I:-;~iun li,·r,•li\· (!'

l'•Xl'lusivt.> e·11,trg1• ;111d <·t_•ntJ·ol 1,1f :111 111,iri,·:-,::,; r,;:

Paeiti'.'' Jntt•rnntl,H1al E'.'.:po!--ition ft11Hl: ,,,11/ JJTOt Jt,gislaturi) :-:,;Jiall p;1:-:~ ,tli la\\"S n1·1.~1~:-:::-::1r,\' tu can 1.1ut of this aet. i1idudi11g; tlie tinH:'S and tlH· numn,:· 111 tern1s and conditi11ni t1J1un wilkh n1on,·.\·:-: sba!'. :1·· dr !-itatt: tn·asur,· 1i,· :-:aid t·on1n1i}l~iun: wl1,·n· C(ir.:-:tc·t~ shall hr- tih·d ·: ti) "'hn111 and ho\\' oft,·n r··JH1rts .· ;ell b. dispuBition !--lWll }11_• 111:ui,~· of :1n~· :-:11111 li·t't un,·.;, 1 ... nd fron1 the salt• 1if :iny JJI'OJ)("rt~· or \111ildin.~:-; pun·._ ... ..:.,·d b.\· sai<l c:n111n1i~:.;in11 for lht· U:-:t ... 11( :-:aid ,·.:qios-iti•, p•· O tion of nn)· b\1ilcli11g ur irn1H·11,·,·in,•r1t 1·,1ti~truct1·1: ., :--::t out nf said fund. a111l to pr1n-idt· for tit,· transt·,·~ :q : !1 of tilt• ~tar,· i'lf t'alif11rni;1 of any r,qniun of f.:,1 I·· JntC'rnalional E:qH1sitit1n furnl unu~,-·,l.

Tl11.• ('1Jtnn1i::;.~i,111 11,·r,.·in <"t"l·:ll.t·d is autilnrized: ~uch prnpr·r cc1ntract;-; with tI1•· Panan1a l,:11:lfk ::;r+·n ~iti,m c~ornpan)·, a (·prporatil}n or~:iniz,·d u11tler: ,.· Lt\ nf C,11ifnr11ia tltl tl11·· ~:.!d d.1v of .:',!arch. 1:iln. af:•.,·!11 ··tl nf Califun1ia tn :--ilar.-. proi1urtion:1t1·J>- with ti:· sahl P:1nri111:1 P.witic• .I11t1·rnational Ex-po:-.ltion :· . the hol(ling nf ::::aid t·xpn:--iti,111 at tl1t.• cit)· ;tntl co1:::.,·

,r r:

AltPSI: C. l•"'". t"~t~RRY. ~,·cn·,· of ~t:tti'·.

Entlorst"d: Fil,_·d in til,· 1tfti('1-• of th1· ~1-·(·n·taJ'\' :· .:-:1.1 ~(•pt .. A. P. 1~110. l'. F'. Cu1Ty. ~t·1·n·L1ry of·~··~t· lJ,,pur.v.


_.\,.luptf'd in ...-\~s,~rnl•l.\·, February 11, .\. 1,. l'.f• · ClPrk of tllP .-\:,:,:,,..._~111lil\'.

...-\dopu•d in !"5ei1:ttl'-·." ~lard1 17 ... \. 11. l~•O:i. S0c-rc·tary nf tile ~t'nate.

Tilis n··~1lllltii>Il \\'as n•,·t>in:d hv thi• (;uvf'r'.. :\.larch ... \. lJ. E. t'. (.'11qJH't'. i·rl\·ati.• ~ecn::~ry u

('ll.\PTEH 41. .tssr111l,l.11 Constit11tivllal .-\ 1111·11dJiu'11t ,.Yu. 1,.-.l .·, sn/1

tu the JJt fJJ)/1· uf t/11· stutc o( (_'1,li{ur11iu ttn ,u,.111tl11t stit11tiu11 11( th1· ."ifU/•' 11.11 ud1li11f/ u 111 11.· .•,wcti1,··; tiu'1' luTt d 8• ctiun ,!.) uf urtklc ()JII.' f/ifT1'1;(, ,.,,1ati11'.J tu t 1w1}JJit_' ru fish. · Th(• lt\g·i:--lature i!l t11,· ~taH• ,if ('alif,,rnia, :.t: it~ r

c_·nm111t··111·jn;.:· ull tli,_· fi111rth day ,1f .Janqan·. n::;,•tt·e ninv. twu tliird~ pf all t!Jt' llH..'lllht•rs ..J,·,·tl'tl t · ·adt !,·i.dslature \'t1t11n.;· in J'a\'ur th,·rt·,Jf, l!,··1,·l·>· Jff1i1,11..:,1-· t tiun hi! added t•> tilt,• 1·,111::.titt1ti11n of ti:•· ~tHtt if C nun,bert.>tl !"l't.·ti11n :.!.-, nf ,trtidL' un(• tlwr, ... t' t,, >·;\.1 as

~t>l·thni :.'.:~,. Thi• p1•11Jd1· ~11.dl l1a\'1.· til,· r!:..:!1t t,1 ·i:-:i1 tlll' p1ildk l:111d~ 111' th~· ~t.1l1• a1Hl in tl.,· \\'at,·.·· 11111

UVVl_l lands !--t>l ;1:--id•· for li~h l1at,·IH·ri,·~. :: d L•1 .. :11 ~tatt_~ Sl1a!J ,·\·1·.1· ,, •• :--,,11.1 ;'T' tr,uu.1t· ..... , .... .,-\ W~<:4.;f\j th•~ ;~li!--o_]ut,· r1.gltL ~o 11~11 tlH·rt 1r11lf1: ;i,IJ:i; ffi;-'I?"'' ·-·· :, 111:lkl!lg' It :1 !TIIJlt• 1111' lilt• JwoJil•· t,1 1'11r,: ;i"lll ,:1 1 lli~ stat1• f11r t f1·· p11n11,~ .. l)r ti~ldng in -.\·; 1 1· ha\·•· h1•t•II plant,·d !il•·J·•·ill h\· th,· ~Lit,· ,,,· 1u t 111:t 1\· li~' sL1ttlt1·. pr11\·id1· fur ·th•· :-;,•;1:,,;011 \\ ·,, ~1 : 1 Wli11.·li tilt: dit't\·l't'IH ~p1_•,·i1·8 td' !i:-:il llld.'- Lil~


})J'I ..\tt,,st:

( 1. F. ( 'T'i!I:Y, ~1·1-r,•t:11'\' nf ~tat,, J·:ndor~i 1d: Fil(•1l in th1• ol1i,·t· 11f tL·

11f :\lan:li, .\. 1,. l!tt1'.1, ;d ;;: 1;1 11't·l1·, of :,;tatt1 • lt.,· J". llq,•::;d1. J lo·puty.

:...;,,,·r,···t. .\l.


..:\duJ.Ht1 d in .\:--:--1~111hl)·. ~~-·plt_•rnht'! .\. P. CJ,.•rk t1f t!u· .\:-:~t>111ld,·.

Ad(tJ.lh'd i11 ~t·11at,·. ·~,·11t1_•1uJ,._·r ,..,, .\, 1 ·1. :i Sl."1·1·"tarr 11r' th1· ~ .. nat,· ... _This n·Buluti11n wa: .. r1··{-'eivt:itl l,~- tlw (;11\

~t-.•pl('Illlit·I', A. Ji. ]'.IJ.U, E. F. ~lit•·iwll j' C. ;, i\'t.'t'IH.ll'. '

t'll.\l'Tl·:1: J.

A.sscml,.111 C1nu~tit1.tlional .1 )!l1'ndmrttt _Yn. ;.iJ. to tlu· _J)cop/,' of. thr .~taf1-' of <.'<tlifornia rt st.ft1!ti-un !'f thf:' ,..:fate u( Cot'i(urnia. ,o,t1ior vf .~on ~ra1f<·IS<'u to u1J1rn<I it8 d1ui·tcr i, ln~c1·tu1t1011al J.:,.1,·1.1ositiou. ,111'1 to tltat nHf 8Ut<l. cvu_stitution by <1tldiny <t n1'tc 8C('ti.,Jn sccl'ivn ,:1u. Tile Jeislslature of tho State nf Caliior

session of. tli<• thir!~~-elghth sess!un. of th,i on the sixth day or i,;eptembe.r. 1nv. two 1 (;'!ected to each lm JSil of .said legisl .. ,ture. hereby '{)l'Opose that article .Xl oL tl~(l <"'Qll < C;,hf!lnH(L 1,mde_d ti)· .ttie,ri,qclitlon · a

,i ,'1/d:1t

'(/,. i .. 1

Page 2: Proposed Amendments to the C, - · ll.



d• 1 h\' t!J,· !.!·n,·,·rnnr of tlu• ~: ,· lluring tht.• 111011th T!,·,. 1·111ll.lllL:"':-:ion lwn ... ll\· c:·· ·vU Rhall ha\·t.• tht!

d , ,ir1t rol pf ,tll n1onf·y·~ p. i into th(.• .Pannn1a I l·>q><>:<iti,,n fund; and JJl'o•··'• <l {IO'thcr tllnt tlk'

~:-. ,tll Lt\\"~ fl•·t·d::Mll'Y to l'ar: ... l)ut the proYisions g 111,· linl<'s and the man",:· in which and the :-.: up1111 wllir:11 n1orH•ys shaJ; : ... tlrtrwn t"rc.n1 tht'

S:ii,l ,·11r111ui:--:,,;inn: \\'hl•l't~ vu? ::·.1ets and Ynudll'1'S h11n1 \1nd liPW ,,f£vn ri..-:.p,,l'ts ~ .. 111 hf• rnadt!; "·hat

111:1d•· 11f any :-::11111 lr•ft un, .;·t·nt.h ..... rl or r.-.cei\·t~d r Jw11p1·nr I w huilding-s pnr, ;~t·d or von~truct,.1d !'11r t?i,· 11:-::,• 111' ~ai,l PXpo~it1,,: or of anr disposi­or· i1n11ro,·1·1ni•11t eonstl'lll't1 ,: ·~9 ~aitl eun1n1issiun

ti t,! prnYid,• f11r thi.a transf1 :· :,• Lile g-t..'lll'l'al fund lif,,rnia 41f :1n~· portion of :-;:,l Pana1na Padtie itii•rt lund uru1st·tl. 1·r•·i11 1·r1·at1·d is authnrizt•cl .:.,1 llh·f•etl'd to rnakc

\t~ ,vitll th,• J•,u1a111a PtH•ifi, · itt'rnatio?lal Expo-11n111r:1ti,m nrg·~11.izecl 1111der :., la,vs of the ~tatt• ~~d d:1.1· ,,f :\fat·eh. llllli. a~ ·;:'II entitle tile :5mte

nr,· 11r11J11lrtinnatt•ly "·ith ti:·- ·nntributo1·s to the 1· lnt,•rnatiHn:tl 1-.Jxposition ··. the returns front

exl'11:-=iti,1n :it tlh.\ eity and eo11:.:.•: of San l;'ranl:isco.

ti.·r,·1:1 r,· of ~tatr•.

\\. R. Ponn:n. PresV:1t of the ~enate.

f' .\. HTAXT:>X, Speak·:· uf tile Assc·mbly.

!n t !., · o!lict• ,1f tlv-.' ~eert·tary :· 8tate tl1t-.,, !i day nf 1 ~. F'. l.'ti!T~·. Sl'lTl'tary uf :-:·: tt:_•, Hy J. J-lOt--:'S(·h.

ONSTITUTIONAL AMEND~ ENT NO. 14, hi.,. F,·J.ruary 11. A. D. 1:,,. Clio Lloyd, Chief J,]\·.

l•·." :\lan·h 17. A. l>. 1111):•. Lewis .-\. Hilborn, nate.

·w:1:-: r,•(· .. i,·,•11 hv the Go,·pr: I', thi!'~ :.!::t.1 da, .. of E. t •• l '11011t•r, i 1rivate .8eei· .. · .. !')' uf th~ Uuve1:11or.

t'IL\l'TEH. H. iti11,1! .l111,,11,t11u·nt :iito. 1/.-.l , s"lutiun to propose th,· ,,·tut,· of Cttlilonlia au ,. ·, wluu nt to tile con· tflt,· l,11 ,,tltlin,, a n,·11..' 8U'f ... tlinTtu tu be num-f ,,,.1;;,1,· ,,,,,. ·11,0·,·of, 1·cltir .,. · lo the ,·iyht of the

ol tl11• ~tatf• of C'alif1)1'l1ia, ;1: its r,·g-11la.1· ~e~sion. t:" f,11n·th tla~· of .January. \::wtt.·1·1: huntlrP•1 unll f :dl tiw 11:1•1nh,.·rs (•lC'l·t(1,.l ~ ·ad. liuuse th Rait.l In f:1,·1,r tht·r,··11f. l\1_11·ehy 111 ,; .. ~1· 11i.1t a n,~"· st~l'­h1· ,-,1nstituri1,11 nt' the ~t:.t,· if t':;!ifnn1hi to be

':1 111' artil·lP 11nt" thr-rt·of to,,, 1 :i:-: :',l}Jo\\·s: J11•,qd1· :,;.liall h:1\·t• tlu·· riglil i, i.~Ji :;pon at1tl frnn1

f ll1•· :--1:1tl· aJtd in tl1t• wa···:-- !111 :,·ut', (•Xv1•ptin:,.:­tl,• fur fi:,,1.)1 J1,1t!'l1,•ri1·i,;.. :1nd : , 11.J O\\'Jlt:•1) ))\' tlu-• "''.' _ .... ,. tr•n."""*'.,.., ... ~,~ wiJ~~ ... , !•1 . ..( in the J.;\.'OJtl••

o t1:--h tl1t•1,·1111,111 •• in,. Ill~" lfftcur,\..-er h,~ J1a~::;c(! UI' tli,• p,•oJ•lP tn ,,11t · , Tll'' Jlllhlic la11tls \\·lthin

rJ111:,.:,, of ti~lairig· ii. ,r;tt,·r i·ontainin"' tish that J1 .. r•·i11 hy th•· ~Li'· .. ·id, d. that th,· lt·glsl..itun~ ,·id,· f,,1· tli•· ~,-:1:-.,,1· ·. ,u ,1 llL' f·•nHlilinns undt.•r :,:p,•,·i,·~ of li:-:h 111.t Lti(t !l

t•1'J",•t;1J'\' 11f :,:.:t:11, ht th.- ;1tlii·t• nf t· 11: 1• ;1l :; '. 1;, 11·d,j

1•sd1, J 1t·r,11t,r.


11 11.\·, ~1'J•tt·111l11·• it11,·.

t,·. ·:-:··J•tt·111h,·r •J1;1\•

\'.t~ 1'• 'l't•l\·•·tl 1,' l:IJ" E. F. :II,

, 'HAI ''J'J

}', . ..\. :,0::-rAXTOX', . ....:pt·a·,,.,. of th,• .\:-:st>1nlJl,r.

11·. R. 1-'oHT!rn. Pl'e·: id•}tlt u( t Ill.' ~~ ... nat,•.

r1•t..1 y of Htate tht"' :iO tlay .\t, t', F''. Curry, :,:t'i:r, ... ta1·)~

AMENDMENT NO. 33. · .. ll. p!O, Clio .Llor<I, Cl1ief

i ,. l!t~ll. Lf•wi~ A. llilhorn.

1 :o,·.,rn1H., this Hth dal· of "· .Pt in1te Secretar)" ot' the


'0110/ :·lut1:·nd!u.-,1.1t \n .• :.l.-· . .J. resolution to J1roµosc he st"t,· 11( <',1/1 1,: ""'· an 11111.-·Hcl111<.'ttt to t/~e co11-·"1,· "f l'<1/liur11i<t. ,,.,,,1;ori.itt{l·t1Ht city and <·01rnt.11

t" 11111ti,ul it.v c1,,;l'ft,. fn. a.kl o{ 1J<l1l(t1Jltl l~'aei/ic m.vit i1111, mut t,, , lu1.t .•:nd 11nie111li11.g m·lil.'I<' XI of lnJ 11ddi11g <~ nn{ .>(;9.itJiiJ}lfr~tv, to be k11,,1c11, as.

th,, s-,cond tlay of Jul)', J !Ill, and er,dt of saiti lmnds shall h::t\'P th<! ,ind J>:t)'ahle un till· tlii1 .Ja)· 1,f ,Jul.,· in PH<'h and cwery Y'-'ar there-,_,.,al of rhe stat,• stamp,•,! tht'r•"on. The l"aitl bond;; siµ;1ll'd, ,·,,11111,•r- after until anti i11dudi1 tll,, third ,l:11· uf .July, 1~61. The interest :sigm•d nnd ,·udorsr-tl and sf·alt'<l as ht·r,.in pro,·it\L·d whe•n suit! shall lw ac·1·n1ing- on all of :<:Li.J •ntls that ,:hall 1)(· suit! shall be parable at anU l'Oll~titut( .. .t Yalitl and l1inding oliligation up•Jn thP Stat,• uf c,ali- tile uttiL'e of tile trt.'a:H;: : •Jt· the ~tatc on the third day ot' January fol'nia. though till~ salt~ tl1t..•rt->of l.w n1 ult' at a date or datt.·~ .tf!t~r tho and tl1e third day nf .I .· or t.•al'l1 ar1tl eve1T :v~·a.r afte1· the salt) of pt·rsun .sig-niug, L't>lltlt•·r~igning- atal t·ndnr~ing-. or any ul' t·ith1·1' of the san1e. The intt'l'l·~: 111 all lJOJHls isSUt>tl anll sold shall cease on then1, ~hall han? l't•as1.•tl to h(-.' the ine111nhl'tlt~ of ~U('h otlic·1• or ostic•_·~. the da~: uf their nmtu '.~· a1ul th~ sa.itl bonds so issu8:d and sold Eal'11 ht1nd sh.Ill <'<lntain a <'lausc• th:.t it i,.: sub,kl't to 1·t•Lh•mptlon by shall un tli~ da~· of ti., · maturity b,_• I>aid as herein proYided and lot :ift,:r tilt· Yt>HI' nilH•lt·t·n l1undn•d anti tift~·. ('anf•eleU lJy t!1t: tn·n:,;u1, 1 nf ~aid :-:.tate. .-\ll butHis renu.tining unsoltl

~J~c. :! .. lnh•rt>st l'ot1puns shall ht.;, :-.ttal'la:•ll to Pach of ~aid hnn<l~. ~n :.:;t1all, a.t the date of tli, ·:1aturity tht)rf'nf l1t~ by the trea.surer of the that r;ut'h c..·ouJ,uns rnay I.H .. n•111uvell without in.lurr tt) or 1nutilatiun ot' state eanL·t'h.'d and d, ... :.:,,yt•ll. ~\II ht 1 IHi!-I i:,;sut"U pursuaut to the tht• bnnd. :--:a itl l'nupons 8hall hf~ <·n:1secuti\·,,Jy nun1h,·rt_·d. a111.l ~hall pro,·i~iol's uf this a,·t .· ill IJ1~ :-.igtH•d by tht~ go,·ernur uf this ~ta.te, lwar tht~ litho~T:.tJlht>tl :-.ig-nature of th~ stutt"l tr1.:"a~u1·t·l' wht> t-hall he i11 (·uunter:,;ig·nt:d l.1:i,· ti .. · ~1 • .lte co11trullt'l' and t.·IHlursed 1,y tht• statt:' utticf' un tlH .. ~vt'ond day nf July. 1:111. But nu intl'rf.•:-:t on auy nf trt.:.asun·r. ancJ tlit .. :-;aid 1 .. 111tls stulll h,~ ~0 signelt l''.l1.111t~r~ig11t:d a.nd ~aid h1..1ntlH ~hall hl' pait.l for any tirne "·hieh nla~· intPI"\'i•IH.' IJ,•t\Vt'•ett t•ntl11rsetl h.v the vtfic.:,·: ... who are in utfi1·p un the third day ut" July, the dat•J ,,f au)· of said bonds and t.h•· iR~ue anti sale tht·rPof to a 1,111·· 1:111. antl eaeh of said : .. ·Jlds shall ha,·e tht:: great ~eal of the State l'hasc•r. unll'S~ such at-crut-•c.l i11tt>rt~~t ~hall ha.,·e bt.-i.en. by the purehas1:r uf California ilnpre~:-:i ,1 , he ... eun. The said bonds signed. t'(Hlnler-uf ,.:a i,I bond. paid to tlw ,.:tate at the tim,· of sud1 salt•. signed, endorsed and ~· ao:,icl as herein pnn-i<lec.l, when soltl, shall lJe

HEt'. ;:. Tl1t• sum of ti·,·e thousand dollars is lwr(•I.>)· apJJ1'1.>priatetl to aud ,·unstitute a ntli,, .,nd binding ul>ligation upun the St>Lte of 11:--t.v th(· t'XJ)Pt1St> that n1;.1y bt" inl'urrP1l h.\· tile state tl'll:18ll1'vr in ha\"ing California, though till' f de thert->of be n1ade at a. <late or dates a~·ter f,.aifl hnn1l~ Jll'Ppart~(l. ~aitl an1ount ~ tall ht.· 11·:'.J out of tht! ~an Fran- the 1wn.::on 80 signing-. •·1.JllnH .... rsigning and endorsing, or t·itht·r of l'i~l'O harbor i1npron.'llll'llt funtl on <:Jntroller·s "·arTants. tluly Llra"'n theni. shall ha,·e t't:i.1~1 ,i t1J be the int·un1Uents uf r-:aid office or ottlL't:~. for tl1at J)lll'IHJ~t·. ~Et.:. ::. 4-\ppcnckd t,, ··ad1 uf said bonds thl.·t··· i-;liall bt-.• intt:·t't.:'i'!it

~i,~c. ·L \\""ht·n thf' bontls nuthorhr.:t•il tn hP issued llllth:.r this .lt.'t ~hall t•uupo11s ~o attucht•t..l tl.:,1 tl11• :-:a1nt.• ruay 1,t• ,Jt:t.aeh(·tl \\'ithout injurv he" duly PXt·t·utPli. tlH:•y ~hall ltt· by !ht• ~late t1·t·asur1.•r ~old at puhlic to (1" 1nutihltion ut' :,;:;iid bnn,1. Tltt.· :-.ahl 1.·,.1upon~ shall lJe ('1_,ns,:c1.i-ilU<'tinn tn tht· hig-ht)st bidd1.·r for e;.oct, jn ~ueh paI'(:l·ls and lllllllbl'J'S as ti,·e1y nun1l.H:'l'ed and :~ 1·.all bt:"Hr tile lithograptu:d sig-nature of the ~aid tr·t·a~ur•~l" shall l.1f• dirt.1etc.~(l by tilt' go\'t•rnor of thl· Htat1.•. u11Jt4 1· :-.tale tt·t·asun·r \Yho ~L:_id be in otfh.',• ~1n tl11.· tldrd day pf Jul~·. 1~'11. ~eal tht·n•uf. aft1•r a l't.·solution t'f:'l')t·€'~ting SU<'h salu shall lutvt~ lwt."11 Xo int1:r1:•i:H 8hall be pai,l on an~· of saitl bonds for .sueh tinit:. as n1a,· :ulof,tl·d 1,~~ till• hoard of state harJ,or t·ornmi8Rion1_·r~. :1111.l approv(·1l inter,·t.>ne h1:_•twl·en tlh· d.1te ut' ~aid hond and tht• (lay uf ,\ol,clll:' th,_•rc•uf. h~· .-itht>l' till' t,!"o\·t•rnor of thi:• ~tate w· 1nayor nf tht· city and 1·11unt.r of unh.'HS Hll('h H{'l:rt11:1l int• n·~t ~hall lia\·e lu·t·n. hy tht.• 1,urchuser of ~aid ~an Frant:i~.:1,, "·ho ~hall only apprn\"~: the !-lame \\'ht'"ll in tlH·ir jud~· UonLl, vaid to thl" stat,: :rt tilt..' ti1111..• of :-::ud1 sall4 ,

n1t•nt tilt> tH·tual harbor rt•e,·ipts. :1:111 r,.:.>asonahJ~~ :1nril:ipat ... x1, ~J.;c. ;t Tlu.:re ~hall l•t.• pr11,·ide1l in tJ1.- g't•n,-r.:11 :tpprnpriati•.,n hill \'!'ill jnstit'}· :-:u('h ~ah· nf bonds and the 1·011Req11t~nt in1..·r1.::u,:1:d hurdt•n }.Uflil'h:·nt 1nont·~· to dd;·:t)" all ,·xp,•Jlj,,:t•~ that ~Lall h,• ineurn·tl by thf.! on J1:irJ11.1r rt-~·t_•iJlt~: hut ~aiU tn.·astn·t·l' 1nust rejt•ct an)~ antl all hitls :,:;tate trPa~urt•r in th,_· ;•rt•p.1rati,1n 1.1f :-:ai1l linnds anJ in tht• tu1,·...:rti:-::-for :,;aid IHnllls. tH' for an)· of thetn. ,,·llkh sliall 1,e bl-"ln\\· tl11.: par \'alUt! i11~ of the ~~de th1..•r··••L :is i11 tlli:.:: act ('1'0\'idt•1f. uf said t.1t11tti!'l :,;11 offt·n·d plus tlu• in:P.rt•st ·whieh has at·t·ru1.•,l tlu.•n·on SJ.;c. -!. ,Yhr·n tJJ1• \ .. ,n,ls :l11thoriz1·cl 11~· tlii::- :wt to b(· is~u(•d shall lwtw1·, .. n tll.- dalt: uf salt> urHl tl1t• la$t pn·<.•t)tlinJ.' intc•rt•!-tt rnatnrity l1a,-l .. hPt•n ~ignt:d. <'n'lt:h•ri-;i~.::n,·d. t·nd11n•;,•d and i-:t·ali..·,l us in ~L·(·tion dat1:.•; autl ht:) 111a~-, hy publk nnn,,unet..·n1ent at the plat·1.· and rirne unl.~ Jn·t,\'i(h.·d, tltt .. ~t;i :,- t1·t·a~i:1·t·r ~hall :-:•·ll th,· ~.ttn•· in such p; .. n:•·ls Hxt>ll for tht· :,;alt•, l'ontirn11.· ~uch s:.Jf'. as to thP ·wholr• of Ult~ hunlls :tt1d nun1h1.•r.:-; as tlw .L.! 1 !\t·rn,,:· of tht.~ :-.t:tt•· :-::),all dir,·t·t. t.•J thP hig!a·!'.'t offl"J't•tl. or any part tlH·l't:·uf ot'ft:.r.,,l. to ~ud1 tiinP a11ll Jll:.l('I' .;1s he hitli1.h .. r for l:~i~lt. ~l'h•· ~o\·t•n;r,r ot' th" :,,;t;1te> :-.hall i~~llt' to th,_• state 1na)' 8t·lt•l't. Ht't'Ort• offt:rin~ an~: of .:.aid bonds for sale Uw ::aid trt..•as- t1·p;,1~ur,.·i· ~1wh dir,·1·tiun i111111,·di:tt"l;i,· aft,·r lu·in~ r,·qw·~tL~d ~o lt.l ,lo. 111·,•r :,;lJall (lt·tat·l1 tht•r1·frnn1 all eu1:·)ons \\·hid1 ha\'t' tnatun•d or ,vill throug-h :n11l l.1~· a r,·;-,;"Illtiun duly :i,lt.,pl•·d a11d J1.i:-.s~·d 1Jy a. rnajor·it~· 111attll't.• hPfort· thi..•• tixt.•11 for :-:alt.·. l.)ut• notiet- of t!1,• tin1t1 Yote of tl1e advisury l,,.1anl uf th,:'" 1h·part1n1·nt 11f ,•11...:il1t·,·ring. ~aid and pl.\('" uf ~nl1:• of all hnnds n.1t::-t bt• i::h·en hy ~aid tJ't•a:-:un•r hy t'l'~olution :,;lJall :-.111·t·ir\ tht· ,::tt11t1nt 1Jf 111011 .. ~· wl1kh. in the jutl.1,!"1111:nt J1uhlit-atinn in twu nf•·w~papPr~ J:lllHiRllt.•(1 in tht~ l'ity awl t•o11nty of uf sai1l .:td\'i~1Jl'Y l,11:11·d :-;l::di h1: l'•·qufr~·tl .it ~11t·h tin1t• nrnl thu :,-;an Frand:-:t·11, anti al:-io hy JHJhlk .. tion in unt• llt•\\'~J1.a1n·r Piihli:-::h,•d g11n·n1or of th" :-=tnt•· ~h:..tll dir,·t·t th,• :,.tat,• tr1•a:,;u1·"r t•J ~I'll such in tht- 1·iry 111' 0;1kla111l. and h;i,· J•<:blkntiun in ont- 111:\\":.:p:q,t-r 111111- 11tn11lH•r 11t' J-.ai11 11011<1:,: as 111:;,,· t11· l'PIJllil'•'•l tn rai!--1· :.:::iid a1n1111nt ot' li:-:ht·•d in ti\,· dt~· of Lo~ ,.\ng't._·lP~. ·11Hl h~· 1n1l1lication ill u11P 11,-wi-:-- 1not11·.,· awl that :-:aid !1ontl:-- .<1::ll h,· :-.,·,Id in ('1111:-:,·1·11ti\',.• 11ut111·rit-al J 1a Jwr 11ulil i:-:ht·d in tht' l'ity 11t' ~:u·r tlllt.-"ttto, onc1.) a ,v1•t•k dttt·irn.:- fun r 1.1r,kr 1·un11nt·m·irig- \\' :· · 1 th,· n !'~t four· l:undr,·c! tltt-!',·of. Th,· !-lta ti.:' \\'t•, .. ks 1,J'ior t11 8U1·h sale. ln a,h]i!ion to tht• ntltil't' l:i~t ahfl\'ta Jlf'II- tl'l'il~lll't'J' ~h:tll r:,1t a,·, "Pt :u:;,· l,itl ""llivlt i!-i l1•:,0.:,,! tlwtt th,• J.l:ll' valuu \'itlt·ll f11r. tlif• ~tatt• tr,·:t~ur1.:r rua;i,· ;..:i\'1• ~uC'h furtlH·r nnti,·,· as Ill-' 1n;1y nf ti11~ l1011d Jllu~ ill,· fr:,.·re~~ wi1it-h ha::: ;11'(T11t·1! 111,·1',~on l.1t•twi·(·l1 t.lie d1•,•n1 a1h·i:-:al1lt•. l111t th" 1•\JH:>ll~t·s: nd ci~st of sueh a(lditiuual n1.1th·•· dart• ot' :-:alt.· anil tilP l:1,t pr1·,·· di:1~· int.-r•·.~·q n1a111rio· cLtt.-. 'f'h,• stat1.• :-.hall not 1.·:x,·,·1•d t11e .!-:Ulll of ti,·t• ll:n1lrt·d dnllar·R ($;',UO.t1n) t"or 1·al'i1 tn·.1~u1·1•r 111;1~· :1r t1'11· 1 !n1t:• ::: ,! pl:u:,· li~;·d by llhn for :-::lid ~alt.' r·on-~al1· :-;p :1d\·p1·tl~1·tl. Tl:,• t'ost of :,.,ch puhlit'ation shall h1· 11;.tid out tintlP :-:t11·li r-:a1,· :i:-. to 1:it:• wl.·<, 01· an~· 11;1rt 11t' tl11• l,unds 1,ff't•r1.1U t() 11f 1111• ~:111 Fr:1nvi8-C'O harlJL11· ilnpro·En1,:nt fun1.l, on t:nntrullt.,,r'~ war- ~LH·h tin1,· anti 1il;11·,· ~1."' hi:•!• .v nt th~· t.iflw (1f ~·.id 1 1·ornin11an,·t· dt•!-l-r:u11~ ,lul;v dl':l\\'ll for that Plll'Jll.1:-:t:•. 'l'"h(· Jll'O('t't·~ls i:,f th1.· ~aJ 1 • !'t' .!-!Ud1 ii.:-n,11,·. B,·fun· ,,ff,·ril,:.:- nr:,.· ,,f snid J,1,ndi-:: f•w :,;ah·, th•· s:iid tn•:is-lu,nd:-: 1·x1·1•pt ~uC'!1 arnount as n1n)· lave· h1•t•n p:ttd as al'er11,·1l 111h-.r1.·~t. ur,·r ~11~111 d,'1;1-·:, 111,,r, fr11:1. 11 cuttJH•l1~ \vldi'11 h.t\·p 111:1tt11· .. ,1 nr will tht•n·,111 ~hall lH· fnrth\Yith paid u,·1·· hy ~aid tt·t-asurt·r int,1 lh'" tft':H•· 111at111· .. h1·t"11n· 11.,, 1lnt,- fix,·, !111· Hllt·lt :--al,·. Thi· :i-ltat•· trt•:,~un•r ~hall 11r~·. aml 11111~t b,• h~· hin1 l<t--pt in :, ~,·Jlill':.ttP funtl tu h,• J..110\\'n awl gi\·,, noti1·•· 11f t .·· tirw and .:i1.·t· 11f sal,· Ji,v 1nildit-ati1111 in t\\'11 nt:,,·.s-.f, .. j,lil.fnu1,·d .a..s IJ11• ··s,,,•ur11l ~nn Fr~·t ·1~(·0 ~t·~1\\·all J•"'unll" :ind n1t1i-:t lh• p;IJlt'J':-: Ji1Jli!L·,IJ1·.J in ti11 d:\ :.11d 1·11.1ntv of S:in Fl':illt·i.~(·o and in onf\ us1.·d t·Xt·lu~l\'t·ly f(1t· tiu· '-~unstnh.: t:t Wh~u·,·l·3. ph:!r~. St·awall, ~talt.J u,·\\·~p;1p,-i_ J,,,~01"t-;-.'1.'~-~ ,~··1.&ftt"'citf tH u~·d.;;J;:t1lll. a11tl 111 orH· twwi:,;p:111t•r railroa<L HPU1'S, ht:>ttPrmt"'nts and B.l, nr·t,•11ant•1..:...s and ll(•f·t•s:,;ru·y 1ll'i•1i~- p11hl1~!J,·d 111 ti. 1·11~· , · Ln~ .\ng-1·1'·~ nntl ill 1111,· n,•w:,;1,np1·r pttllli~l!,·tl in~ and rilling- In 1·l.111nL•('tion tlu•r,~Yith un thP \\':tt,.'r frnnt of tllt' 1·ir~· 111 tl11• 1·j1~· nf:..: r:1111•, r,1 111 .,. :i \\·t·Pk f,I)' fnur w1·••li:-: n"xt pr,•1:1•iling :uul t'tlllnt)r of ~an Fra1H·is<·11. l>r· ft~ :11111 \\'iltTanti,; 11pon :-:,lid fund th .. ,,• tix,•,1 r· :-:1; 1 ~aii·. Ju adtliri11n to till' w,tii'\' !:t:-:t al,1'\'t• ~hall hr· <lrawn upnn arHl sl1all Ii,• 1:titl nut 11f saitl fund in th1• ~;1n1 ... • J1J'i,\'id1•d t't,r, t! ..;tat· tr,t·:1.:-:,ii·, .. r tn: 1~- gh·\, ~ud1 furtli•·r 111 ,tii· .. ::is ii,• rnantwt' a~ 1lrnftH ;nHI ,varr·;1nts ;1r· (lr:1\\·11 upon an11 pai1l uut nf tlif• rn:i)· dP•·111 u,h· !ti,·. 11t lli- t·XJH·ll:--t·~ an1l 1·o:,.;t "f :-:udi ,idclJtiunnl !'-,an l•"'ranc•ii,;.._·,1 ilarli1.1r in1prn\-t'!Jll)r.t t'1111tl. "rhf'· nn1tn1nt tllnt ~11:111 11uti1·,· ~ll;ill Jiu' ,. .. ,., 11 tlH_. ;-.un of ti\·, .. l!lllldrt·d d••llar~ for t·;il"ii ~al•.! haY,• h1·t•n Ji.lid at tilt> ~alt· of :-:aid l1111HlR ns ::lt't'l'UPd intl"l't·~t till tl11· so ac.h't•rtli,:::rd. l,oncl~ :-.old :,,.liall lw. by tht'• ~t;1t,• l't':IAUl'1·1'. in1r11t·tliat,•ly aft1·1· ~11d1 Th,•rP ii-: Ju·r· , r•·, r,•,l ii: atHl for th•· :-:tat,• trt··a::,.tu·,· a funil tn ~al1•, pai,1 i11t1 1 tJ1t• trt·:1:--111·~· of TL, :-.tat1.• and pl:H~l"d in tilt- .. :-:~·corH.1 lit ... kun\'\·11 and 1-11 ,::.:·ru!I· rl a~ the. ":,;talf-' J-ligliwav l• ... urul.'' :11111 irnrnt•-~an l•'r:i11t•is1·u ~1·aw.1ll ~inking F ·-d." (liatt•)\' ;1f1,·1· :-;11, :-::ti•. ,f 1J,.111ls th,· tr••:1:-:ur1·r oi' tht• ~tat,• ~liall ria~·

:-=.i-:i'. :i. Fol' tll•.• Jl;1;i,·nh·llt nf til.-. ·inl'ip~1I and il1tPt'f•io,t .-,r ~al1l ltontl~ i11tc1 ti11) ~t;lt,• lJ'• _ .. q! tll<_I 1·;11JSt• ft) lit• pln,·,·d in :-.aitl ~tali· l1igl1way a ,!o;jnJ;:ing f11ntl. to l1P kno,vn anti d ~ianah•tl a~ tJi,·, ··~t.•c·on,J ~an Frau.. fuJld thto tuta1 :ti! .,in. ··1·e,·i\·1·d fnr ~aid J.nn1J:,:, ,·\.i't·pt ~u,·li auJnllJH t·ls,·n ~":·L\\'all ~i11l,ing- l•"'n11tl" ~hall;,,_,: ant.I the :-.anlt.1 is hl•rt· .. 1,y (·reatt.lll, : 1~ 111ay hav,• hi·• 1: 1 ! :ts :, 1.,Tlli•d ilH,·r":--t tt,,. 1.,.1111 TJi,, aniount a~ t'111l11\\':,.::, l11 wit: Tltt• ~t:it" lJ'•·a~· .. r,•r. afl,.r tl11• Ht·1·11ntl ,lay uf Julr. that :-;L.:tll h:I\·,, J,,, i ti,l .it ~tH'h ~al,· as ai·i·f'll•·•l int,·n·~t un tiH• r11111•(f•1•fl IJt1nd1·1·il :111<1 tw1•r1ty-11in, ~Jiall on thi> tin-it da.v of 1·ad1 and hun,l~ :-:nld :-;Ji.ill 1... ii4' tn·;isun·t· 11 f tl1t· :,:t;it,·. irntu,·diat,·lv aft,·r 1•\T1·r.\· 111ontli tlh·n·:ifh•t', aft,•r th,· ..:nJi• of ~ai,l bond:-.::. l:1l'-1' frn111 tl1,l :-.::w·h salt•. paJtl i!:!·· .•

1 tn·;-u..:.ui·y 11 f tht:• ~tate HIHl 1,ia~·,·tl ·in tlh·

~nn Frand~,·o llarlull' i1nprc1,·1'1lH·1 · f1111d ~ud1 ~1u11 :i!-1, 111t1ltiplh:tl l,v inti .. r~\st. :,nd i.;inl,ii::..: , . tht• tin1 1• ju n1u11tl1~. th,· lio11d:,; th,·!' .s11 d a11,I nut~tanding- b:1,· .. ti, r111i, T'JH· 111011 ,.~·:-: J,l:l,. 1 th,· ~tat., Jli~hway funil. l•Ul':•nialJt tn tlJt• \\'ill 1·qu:il rh,• Jt}'indpal of lht-• hun :.; :-:ohl and out~t.111dlug ;1t th•· thll•" pro\'h'du1J~ of thi!4 :,,:, i, :-:h;tlJ ht> 11 :,:. .. tl t·xdu~i\'t·b· fur tli,· ;i1•q11ii--i-i--:_1i1l t1·•·a~11n·r i-:hall ~11 lillit• ft:;1itl !4 11 fru111 !-i:tid ~n11 F1·arwii,:.t·11 l1a1·hur ti11n of ri~lit.:-t 11f \\ ,,r an,l t1 1,. ;w,auhdtiun ;1u,1 ('"Jl~tt·u•·tiPu ,,r iI111t1·0\·1·rH•·nt fund. 11·ss tilt· .11u111; · tht·r,·tnf111·,:. t:1k,•n ti11•1·,.:·t·n111 f<1r :-:aftl ~~-~tt•tu of ~t:i'· ·i;w;1~:i,,::, 'l'li•• r•nJt•• .-r rullt•·:-1 "t' ~aid ~tat, .. :-:aid r1111·1111:-:,·. :u1d h 1· :-.liall 1il.1n· t :-:11111 in th 1· :,;t·•·o11d :O::u1 Fr;it1f'i:-.,·1) l!i.: . .d1w:1.v~ :-:11,dJ h,· ·,·d tt.\· th" .J•·J•.tt'l!1t•·,1r df , ~,:.:it1•·,-rilia.: ,n:d f-.,.·awall ~inking- ru11tl ,·rl'atetl hy l /.. aet. ~aid Ktut,· t1·,·a:.1u·,·r shall. s;tld ruut•-· ~hall lw ·l1·,·t1'1l :int\ ._;t?.l l.!a.:li\\·:i~·.., ~,, l.ti1I ,,nt .1nd Oil t_·Uttll'l'•ll1·1·':,;. wa rTants d11Jy ,tr. wn for tltat 1u1rru.1s,•. •·1upl,~~~ lhP ('<n1sr r11t·lt·1l 01· aequl1, ~ ht enr1:o.titut1· a hlllt1nuouM anti t.·onnef'tt:"\l n1ont·YH i11 :;aid 1'-inkhi~ fund in.1:. pun·ha~.-· of l1ur1tls uf tlh· 1·nitc.·d folit~Ht• liig·h\\'a\F ~v:--~t·! inuini,.:- nu,·tl! .,u,l ~Hilfl; !t1t·,,u~h tt 11 ~ st; 1t,• ~tHt1·:,;, 111· of tl11• ~r;ltl-' o( C.llifli~ '.l.i. nr of tla1 :-:1.•\'1•ral ,·olHltit.•!tl or r1·av1-..1•si11g th~~ ~;J<·!'·'! ·n and :,;an JH.t•au1n vallt·Y~ arul ;tl1,ng thP munklpalitit•s vt' th,• :,;1ac., nf C::i.!'1>r11ia, whit-h snl.t l:,nn,ls ><hall l>,• Paeltle ,•r-:1!-'t lw t!1•· r di:·••l't and IW,tdk,;bl,· r,•111<•>1. ,·,>111wctln~ keJJt in a 1,r11Jwr r•~l't"J•tnt•h•~ appr11;,riat.i\l)· labt~l,_•d: llut lv• tUUtEt kN-'Jl th•• t•otuHy &>at~~ of ti~ \"f•t·af counth.:~ thru11uh \\-")·1h-h It 1,as~*'S and always on hanu a :sul!id,•nt anw1,c·t of rn,,m•y In :<aid slnkln;.: fum.l jolnlng the <"·Pnters .. : p11Jatlo11, to•l!•'tll,··i- with 1¥1ldl l•ran,·h r·r,nds with whh-h tt1 pay tlw lnl•·t'•'St nn , 1 .. h of the iatatr, li,11ul,.: h••rd11 prn- as nrn\· I><• nf',·,-·ssan· ·"nll<'<'t th,·~··wlth (t1<• ~v,•ml ,.,,,wt~· s,•iHs \'ided to h<, lsst1<.·(l n" n1a)· l1a\'l' th,•:-,•tofort' b.-,.•n soltl. ,\nJ to pr<ividP !)·ing ,;ast and w,•st' ,.r ,,h state hhi.thW,tY,_-- -· mea1u1 fnr tlw llllYlllt•nr of int.;rvst .. u t.llt' that mti)' l1f• s,,1,1 a111l l\fon<·Yl'I shall I).,. Jrn\ l!'OJll- ,u1hl 1111i«·v ifli.lnr1t)" tun,l f•1r the pur-011tstuntllng, s11lll treasurer shall 1nm1thl:, t11ke front th,, ~nn }l'r11J1- JSos~s of. this, act .ur,1.>tl '- .•rant,.d_ul)•_. <lhlWn .PY th•, <'(JntrollN· of the ei8'.'0 hnrbo1· lmp1•ovenwnt tuncl, rind ~ny into 111.1.M ,11mwull slnklng , 11-ta.te up,m det)llllldi< ' .. tn .Ji_ by tbe ~d('{larllltl»lt of -erigh1t't>t·Jng- and fund. nn amount <••ll.i!lcl to th!". nil\1 rest th,•n !l11u on au ,bouds , (lmlitecl)lY tl;te $lilt.ti:b.t',,~ "' .Of<• ~'I'$,, ,_. '

;then 1101<1 AMW1;red nu<l. o · stnte tl'~=if ,~;,tl:l~1it;~:J 1:ll(,~"~ ,Ji;- n1:.r·

harbor conunissi11n,·: ... f.,r tJie tidal ha~in. c...·xt, .. ndi!.:..:. til1• ar the l'it~· ant.I eount.\· ,,f ~an F ".-.\n aet to :1uth1.•riz•- ind di sioners lo in~tit11t•· , ,1!Jd1·rn11 erty nnrth of lndi:! i,:1i-:i11, a unt.l t"·f.iunty of ~;111 i-"t:u1dH1.·o· huartl o\·t·t' tJH· i-:aJJz··. ·11111 1, t'run1 th•·· JH'tW•·~,,i:,; ,if l111111ts an <H:t 1:lltitled '.\n ,I f t1, r,r bonds tu cl't'at,· ;l I .::d for h:-1r·Linr e1Jtn111i~sion, 1, 11f a whar,·(·s. d,wk:-:. I·io.-1 .··. J:arho c11u11t~· uf ::-:,111 Fr,11i,· . ..:,·11; tfJ of :-;aid l1111HJ~; ':inrl ,:,·lining tht·n·t11: n1:tldng" :t11 .,;,1,ropr t•XJJ•·ns,, nf 11rintin:..: ;-'..t:•I l.11111 thi:; :t('t to a ,·,1~·· , ·· : !1,• 1,,~ diatPIY aftt·r th,• i:-: . ..:1. 11i,·1• of \"irkt.l for in s1.·1·ti"L 1 :, lt,·r•.' of the :-:itat,.! of ,·.:1'.·,,rnia, dollars 1•:icll. T!.,· •., .. J •. i:<~11 of ont• 1nillion d11lh:·~ :ind .~· ,,f four pt·r (·t·ntU!ll i" 1 a111111 l>oth prinl'ipal and h'· r,•:-:t :-=h standat·,l valw·. :1:11J l •·\' ~h tr(·a~u1·1.:r. at th,· •·\J·:! :1.titJn sul>j(::>et. hn\\'t:•\'t•J', :,, : , ,J,·tnpt Yidt•d. ~aid liund~ ~: :1 II lit•a .' l ttl 1. and 8llall 1... ,,,ad,, p A. JI. 1~1:s,). Th,• in:,.•,·:-.t :tl·<! shall h1.• dtH'"\ and ;1.•: .d•I•.' at !'-,-, nnd dar 11f Jan::·11 ,-. nnd aftl·r t!H: 8<il1• of tl.,· ;... l!llt.!; /J Hhall l.H_' n1adt. .. on ; !_ ... ,,•,·1111d uf said l•untl~ c1H ni:t _ Jia,·t.· of ~,.,·"nt,·-four \'•'.1 ; . ..: fro?n Hltall l'f.·,tHt~ to b,·~11' i:.t,·n'~t. !-=hall l't;ase to h,•;1r i~:· tP~t.; trt•.isun·r ~ltall (·;di 1:,. t"ortl 1110IH·Y8 in th,• .. J 11·11.t f !a~irt anll. ht~ sl1all 11n t\.,. r:r:-:t .:\fo and dt::,;.t1·ov all 111,: ,l:-. :1ot tl1 siguP«l I,~·' tht• -~' ,·. :-:hall'·· ,·ndor:...,·d ·\ 1 i,,• :-:tat of tl11• t-tah· ~t:in:; ··.J :i1t·r1·•,n. it is :-=uhjt•1·t tu r ·1nf•ti1.1n IJy thirty-n i1w.

~Ee.', :!. Jnt,·r· so that ~Uf'll l"IIL

of tli•• IJ11tHI. [-:halJ I;,• :-;i.&.:"W•1J :-:~1id lJnurJ~ :,;11;1[ th1• dat1• ut" :111\ 11urcha~•·r. ·

:-:.r:c. ;;, Th,.·:-­pay th1• 1·x111·n~, '1:11 nit 1 ... ~:iid l111nds J•r•· r,·,I. ·;111' Franl'is,·1> Jl;irl, J111f1r,\ ·.:,·11 tll':~i~'/.~ fi'.t' t{r'i:r,rriJ~tt~~~: HlrnJI h•· ,lul,\" t·x.,1:tltf'1.I. t puldk a1H·li11n t11 tt1 .. iifr llllllJIH·l':-: as :...nid }:tat" 11, rnu~t r,•j1·1·f ;1n.,· nnd all '" !'-hall h'" J1,·l11w thl' \';1 111:t~· liy pulilit: :1111J11lUl1'1'JI . f11r g·nnd ;111d Jo:lltti(·it·llt 1·,

tlJI' l,und~ ,1ff,•1·1·cl fl!' :tfl) . ;1S Jii• 111:1:'" :-; .. ),.•1•t, t1t1f 1•\•· tlw tilll•· .111d pl:w,· 11( :-t;i! :,;ah· tlwr, ut', llllJ~l 1,,. r.:h llt•WSJI.IJ•t•I'~ Jl!ll,J!:,.i1P1l ill :tls11 lly 11t1ldkati1111 in 011,· and h~· J•11hlii·.1tinn ill 11: .. \1Jgplt•:,.:, :tJld 11_\' Jllll1)i1·;1 I nf :-,:;11'1'ol1Jl•'lll1>. ot11·t· a \\ Tll" 1.·tt:--ts of :-.ud1 p11hlk. 1 1

Hat·!,,,r J1n111·1 n't•ru,•nt Fun th;1t tn11'ju1~,·- Tli'" 111·11;·1-, wittl p:tid 11\'1•r hy sai!l r1 hi111 k,·1,t iri ;1 :,,:, pnt·att· 1"111 H.1:,,;\11 Fund. and n,u~t 11, :tl'\',t d,,:-,;,·ritwtl in th,· ;p 1'l".LIH~ UJHJll Haid fund of :-::ai,1 f\Jnd in lhP ~·ttrh· upon and paid nut of th,• "

~l~t·. ;i. J.'(tl' th•.~ Pa.v1n,·r: a. !-liHJ·dng· ft;nd tn he kno" ing Fund," ~hall h1•. arnl • · Tilt• slatt~ trPasurf. .. r !:lhall. aft<-r ti!,· ><, .• ,.,.,1111 dnv of I J'<.,raJH.:i~co f.Jat'hor· ln)pro\'1 thu-, tlw honcls tiwn sold ,, principal ot tlw honds sold shall so tnJ.,• said ,nrm frou. l''und,'' IM$ t11, .... im:mmt U1,·• · ·

d., l.:e ,!)4!,<:e thH->111m ,r satct:at · · · ·

Page 3: Proposed Amendments to the C, - · ll.

ate of California and Propositions, E EIGHTI1 DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. l9l0.

, lax of Jul v in Pavh and everv Year there­: Ile tllinl ,lay of July, 1:1ti I. . 'J.'!te inten'St

,,. .. ,ds tllat shall I.>~ sul,! slucll be, JJa.yable at of the state L'n the third day of January of eaeh atHl e\·er)· Yt·•ar after the sale of

st "" all bon,b issu,•d am.I sold shall ce:tse on , r ,;:·:t anU the sahl hu11ds su i~su~d and sold. t: ,_ ::· 1naturit~· he paid ots herein JJro,·ided anti ., , 1f said state. .:\ll l.lunds retnaining unsold

I';,, !l·:ttlll'it\r tlU .. 'l't'l)f ht• l_,y th(! tl'C-i.l.SUI"er Of the ;, . ..::; ·Jyt•d. · All liunds isiuP.<l pursuant to the .<,.1J lJe signl°"·d by tile~ governor of tllis statt~. ~i.;lti contrullt~r and L·ndursvd by tl1e ~tatu

-.. 1:.i ;",11d~ ~hHll I,:: so si~·ned, t·ountersigned and ·-:- .. ~11u are ill. ultil'e tin tile thinl da~· of Jul~·, i ,,,-:td.t=. shall Ila\·,~ tilt.: g-reat seal uf the 8tate

, ...... ,; ! 11erL·on. The said bouds ~ig-llL'Ll, cot111tl'r­.,.;,·,1!,.·d as herein pru\·ided. "·hen .sold, shall lle

\ 1 ntl binding obligatiun upon the State of r:.•· . ..:.1;, _ _, thereof bL~ 1nade at a date or dates after

,unter~ig·ning- a111.l eudorsing, or either of t I be the i1a·utnhL't1ts of said uffi.1..·e or offices. ··ad1 uf ~ai1i hu1tds th1·l"l~ ~l1all he inlt_'l"l-'Ht

tllt-' sanH· 111:t.,· 111.: t1L·t~tchcd ,vitllout injury hon~l. Tltt' R~dd. cuu11on:-- ~liaU be conSL'L'tl­

,•.tl ~: .. dl bear till~ lithugratJhu 1 ~ignn.ture of the be in Llttk,• nn tL(• tl1inl day of July, l~Jll.

on any uf ::-aid l,onds for :-.uch tl1ne as 111a~· 11:ilL' of ~aid bond and tllt' day of ~:dt.• thcrt.:iof,

~t Hilall l1a\·4.., lit·t·ll. by the 1,urcll~ts1...•r of saiLl tlll· tin1t.• nf su1.:l1 :,:;;dt•.

pro\'idt•d in tilt· ~t_'n"ral appropriation bill nil t'XJ1vn:,,;,·~ tltat ::.,:t1all lit• incurri-'d by the

p..1n1tion nf :--;lid liPnds aud in tl1t• advertis­·:-- in thi~ ,1,·t pr11,·(t1,_,d.

i,.,'..ds :lUtl1ot·lzPt\ l,.r thit= <ll"t to br· iS~lll'd shall ·, -r~ignl~t\. t·nd,)l'~"d atlll ~1.·a h·tl as in ~ ... ~ction · !'t·a~tll't-T :,,.hall ~1·ll tli.· :--~ltn•· in ~UC'h parL·t_•ls rnor of tl1L" :-,;t;1t,· :,..!1;1ll dirPt.·t. to th1...,, highL·!;t

~,,,·vn11_1r uf tilt· ~l;1tt· ~lwll is:-.ut.1 tn Litt:- Htalt.~ i111n1vdi;1t1..·l;v aftt·r !wing r,:qtw~tl·tl 80 to do.

. Lion duly adupt\·d :tnd Jia:--~•·d l.1y a. tn:tjnrity •i., ird nf the 1lt•partn1,·nt nt" Pngir1t_·t·ring. :4aid

·\11· :1111uunl of 111011P.\" w!iit'h. in th1.• judg·tnL'nt :-.hall h,• r,•quln·t_l at :--th:11 tin1e aut.l thu

·\tall dirt·1·t tii,· ~tat,• trt_•HHlt'l'i' tu si.•11 such ::-. n1a.,· !11· n_<1[lli1·,•1l 111 r,d~,· ~:,id an1l1unt of

,ql(}S .-.:l1all lie• :--11ld in t·i•n:-:1•1,·\Jth·t· 11u1n1•rit'al tl!,· rir:-:t four hundn·d th,-n,,1f. Tl11..• B-l:tte

, . )•t an)· hid whkh i:,; J;•:,,::-: than tlJ,, par ,·altte · '. ·n·:.;t wllil"li Ji,1s a1·l'l"lH·d tll,·n· .. n lwl\Yet•Jl th,:: - prv1'•·di11g- int1·r1·~t n1:1turit,\· d,tt(•. The state

1: llC" and pl:1~·1· fi:\Yd 1,y liin1 f,.,r ~:1id sale <·un­: ,. whcil1.• or a11y part 11f t\1t• l11.111d:-; offt•rc•tl tu

n11,i ~ i1f' 111;1\· at tlh· ti111,· t1f ;,,.twl: 1•01Hirn1anc1.• dt·s-(•f,.1 : . an\' !

01f :-::1i1l l111ntl~ 1'01· ~:d,·. th,• :-:aid tr1>:1s~ d1·1 1·11rn· :tll v11\IJ)n11~ \\'liid1 li:1\'1· rnatur,·d or will 1,r,, 'ix,·d. fur :-:ll<'h ::-.;d,·. Tilt' :-:tat,• ln·a~U!'l'I" :-:-hall uf i nd 1>la,,, .• if ~al,· l,y p11hlkati11n in t\\'11 Jle\\'::;-

li:-.11, ,.·i:r 11d t·(1i,1nty of ~an Fr:1111·i:-1,·o antl in onf• 1 ,.':"./lu, .• _..., Ht •• 1~ Cll..,V ul'. C ,:t\.:i:ttld, :ltld l!l llllt' lli'W~J)UJ)f'l'

11 t!H (·ity 0f l.1·-.:: .\11~·t:l1·:--: and in 0111· 11•·w:,.;p:1Ji\'I' puhlishl"·tl 11!' :-,:,..·raJIJ• :1 Wt·t•k fill' f11lll' \\'t•••kH llt.•~t }ll"l'l_l~<lill~ ~1·d 11' :,.;11 .. 1 ~ In ;1ddi1i1111 t11 t\w 11nti1.'L'- la:-;t alio\'i.!

tll', !I :--:t:1t1 tr, ·t· 111;1~· gl\·i· :,,;ndi furtltt·r 11ot!t',~ as lit• ,11lv - 1\JI1·, 1llt -<q11·11:o.i·:-:: ;11Hl t·11i,..'. "f :-;1H·l1 additional

11 not · ,,_•i·f·d t!H 1 111' n,·,,•·d d11lla1·s for t~;u·J1 i;;alt! Sf·il.

/1 .. 1·,,\•_\' \"l't':llt•d n nd dt.· . ..:!gnat,-·d :1 t·r :-:nd :--;il,· 11f \ .f ! I' t }"1•; (,>.;IJJ"\ ; l!Jd i1l:1J 'IIJ)1ill!i' !'t't'•

ll \'1 · l 1, ·, ·It I 1; ·. i, I :1 :.; 11,1\·1· 111·,•11 l :lid !--h:tll lit· L\ t\1t· r,:tid in 111 · 1 c~ t:

tl :-d11ld11.~ r •1d.

,tHl f111· 111,·· :-;tatt· tn•;1Rur~· a fund to • .. ~tatt:• 11 i,-.:-!lway l,;,1111d." an1l i111r11t..·­

..; t\il' tl't·a:,.;,n-,·1· of t1w :--tatt· s\1all 11ay -..:,, 10 111· J•l;11·•·d ill ~.-lid :-:t:it,• hi:..:l1way for ~.tid \,ond:-:, 1·\1't•pt ~w·h a111011nt rllt'(l i11t,·1·l'!-il th1-J'1•1111. TJ1,• :lT)lHll?lt 11d1 :--:tl•• as :11·1·r11vtl int1•n·~t nn tlit>

..:111·1·1· of tl1r• st<tlP. illHH(•di~1t1•l.v aft,•l' i!'f uf tl11 .. • ~tah~ anti pla1.Ttl j11 the

-lh·.,·:-: 1d:11.·1·d n tl · ;;it .. , hl;.;hw;1~· f11nd. JlllJ'~11:111t tn thr-tj!' tili:--: :-=1·, · ,11, :-: J1p ,1:-,;"tl 1_·:,;du~l\·,·b· for U1P a1·1p1h-.ip

J.!.l:t:-- 1d· ,, '.°i)l' tlw ;ll'q11::-:ition ;nul 1·un~trtlf't.!1•n uf Bl ut' :-:tat•· ~-L\\ 'T!1,· J'H\• nt' routt·:-- 11f :-::lid ~tat" ~Ldl. !11• :--:t t.t·d th,· dt·p:1rl1111'tlt uf •·nµ;i111•,·rin~ antl !~}1;ill lit• .~.1 ···1 1.·• :1n1I ~aid }Jighwny~ t,.o laid olit :111'1

tl 11r :H·qui1·1·,' 1st, 1,,1rn.;,titut1• a <'i">ntinuous nn,1. c•onn('c-;:.ed w:1v ~\'Sll·tn '~Jilli~,;..; nn1·t11 and south tht·oug\i t\ll~ ~tat,)

t 11;, ~·(u·r;_ur· to .d ~.111 .lo;tquin \·alh··r:-; n1hi alon~ thP :,.:1 h.v thr• 11 .;t ·, r_·t :ind pnt.l'th!<lhh~ ruut.t.•s, c,111n,-·t.'tit1g ~,·at:-; uf tJP ·\·1·1·,·l 1_•ountir·s tlirough ,vhiPh ft pnsst·!'4 antl

e t·cnters of ,pulati11n1 tngeth0r \\·it11 f;U1:h hra111.·h roads n,·,.·,·ssarv I ·<_11111>·1·1. th,,r,•with the s,•n•rnl county ~,·ats

f11Hl w,,;.;t"of •,·h FlH\(• ·hlgh\\'fl)'. ,;hall he ,lr,w f1·0111_ ~nhl state hlghwa)' fun<\ for the pur­lis ::\l't upon ,, n:uitR tlul)' drawn br th,, controllf,r nf the L dt'mands Ill-""' hy tlw der·utment of t>ngineerlng antl

tl1<' state bQa· .; p1·-,:1mmhrnrs. here is c11er,< Y app1•op1·latc,d fro111 .the _g,1naral fund in

an1n Y- ai; '\\'ill .b!'l-nec.essa,::,, to. p:,i~' the §n Jffl,!\llaj,an(l.~01,i .p4ri\lari-t

harbor eon11ni~~io11,·r:-: for -i acquisitiuu tif the nt•r.·e~s.ary ~1n:•a for a tidal lia~in, l'Xl.l•ndin:..:· tll•' ::!·1·a uf I11di;L tiasin, on tht~ watL'l" fl'ont of tile• l'ity and l'tlllllt ... : 11t' ~:111 1-'ranvt~L:n, ;1~ pru,·iJ.1:d in an act entitlt:d: ''.:-\n ar.·t to autllnrir.,, :ind dir,:1·t thv board of statt'i linl'IJor l'Otnrnis­siniit.'rs tn in~titutv ~·,11Hh,1t11li.1lh•n fll'ttl'~·1_ .. dings a~ain8t c1._·rtain prop­t~rt)· north of Jndi;t l1;1:-1i11. ,ind t_·xtendiu,c,: to 18lais en.•r•k in tht.• eily and l'tH11llY of ~an l·'r..tnL·t.'-•·11. and 1..1 Xlt·11<iing tl1r· jurisdiction uf said huanl oy,_·t· tli(! ~amt•. and 1,rr_1\·iding fur the pay1nent of jud~tncnts fru1n tll1.• pn.11·1:·i·d~ 11l lH)!li!:-:. i:,.:-:ut•U and ::-:old unUl·r tl1t:_· pro\·isions nf an act l'lltitletl '..-\n ,1t·t t11 1,ro1vide fL)I' th1.~ it-suanee ancl sale uf statt.~ bonds tu l'l'l'at1· a llint.l f,ir tlH:· aec.1ui~iti(111 hy the board of .state harbor <·01nn1is~iont·r.°', 11f ;i n1·c,_·:--sary art·a fur a tidal lJ:.tBin, fur \\·hal'\'l':-i, dnl'ki::. pii_.n.-. lw rl,1.q·~ and appurtt_·nantt.'8, in tht· l'it y an1l euunl~· uf ~;1.11 Fra11,_·i:--c11: 1,, ,·r1.·<Ht.' a :,;i11ldng· fund fur tilt~ payn1t·nt t.lf :--:aid hon1l:,..; an,l tkfi11j1;~ tll1• ,lutie~ of ~tall' otticPrs in t'Platiiln thl'n-·tu: tnaking an ;qipr"1·,:-iati1)n of 11m· tliuu:::::and dollars fur tlH· t·~J)l.'tlst· nf printin~ :-::lid h,ndt-: and 1.1r,_1\'idi11g- for th,_• t;ubn1is~ion n( this aL't to a Yott> 11f tlit_• , .. ·11pl1·.' .. tlw :-:tatt· f.I'l'asure·r :-::hall. in1n11_·­tliatt_•ly :1ft1-'r tlw i:--i-:u,1nt·1• 11f th,• prudatuation nf tlll' g-oYernur. pru­,·itled fur in Sl·eti,111 111 l1t·n·c 1 f. 11n•1.1ar1..~ uni:· thnusand suitabh_· hunds of t!1e ~tate of L'alifnrni;1, in tlw dt,no1nination uf one tlluu~and dollars l'al_'ll. ·rht.· wl1•dL· t:--:--q,• 11f ~aid lJ1)nd~ 8ltall not t>XC'l't:.·ll t.l1t· ~u1n of OIH~ n1illion ticdla1·:-;, and .-.:;dd J,nnd~ :-:Lall bear inten•st at tl'w 1·att~ nf four pt·r 1·1..·ntt11n p,,r al11il\l1l. frun1 till' titnl~ uf the ~alt.? tller,:of. and both principal and l!n,·rv:-:i :--"/1:1ll !_11> payablt• in gohl l'Oin ot' thL· prt.·~t·llt slandard Yalu,~. :111,i tltt_·y .--ii;d\ h,, payablt• at th(~ ottit·t.-.~ of t111-.· stat,.! tn.?asurt:r. at till! t.'~J,ira ti, •11 1 if :--(·\·1·11ty-four Yt:>ars fro1n their dat1•, suLjr·ct. IHY\\.f'\'1-•r. 11, 1·1·1it-nq1ti 1rn I,,\· k,t as in this act hereinaftl"r ,_,n_1-vided. ~nid hontl~ ::-.1'.a1l ln-;11' d:itt· l111~ S('CDIHl day of January, .. :\. 1). ll•ll. and l'.-l!all i.,, n,.ad,· J•;1,·:1hJ,• un rht• st•L'011(l dav of Ja1n1ar,· .A .. U. 1 :i:-,;;;. T'llf• i11:,·r1•st :1,·,·r·ning· nn sul.'h of Said bonds as art_' Hul;( 8hall 1,t• dlll) and Jl.t> ,hl,· :\I t!J,, ,1tth_·p nf tht· !-3tatr• trt•a:-:::un•r, un tll1· SPeund da,\· of J:i1111ar,\·, ;1::d ,,t1 !ht· ~t·L·oncl day of .July, i:1f t:'ad1 yu11· aftt:r th,· :-.alt· uf th(· ~:an1t·. ;,n11·it1c<i th:1t tl1+-• tirst payn1t.·nt uf inti.•n·:.:t ~haI1 la.' n1:11i,:' 1lll thP ~t·1:1• ,l day uf January ..... \. D. 1!•1:!. un ~u n1:1n~· of :--aid linnds a~ 111~t~· J1a, ,. !1,·i-·n tla·rvtot'on• ~old . .-\.t the 1..·xpiratit)ll uf :-:1·\·t·nt,\·.,four y,·ar~ fr, t lt11 d:tt,• o[ :-:aid bond~. all h•Hllls :-:old ~hall t't··as,· tn ht·ar int .. n·-..· ,111d lik1·Wi::-:t• ~,11 l_iqntJs rt•dt"(-_•1nc•d b\' lnt slw!l c,·ast• to ht·ur i11t 1 ·l"t''.' .,:-: in this a1.·t pruYid1;•d, and tile· t--aiLl .Stal(• tn:a:sun·1· ~hall i.'tll! in, f, !l\\"ith t)ay and t'tUH.'t•l the· HanH·. nut of 1nont_•y:-. in t!J,.• "India Ba."-' :-,;.inl.:ing- F'und," pru\'i<l1•d fnr in this a('t, and. ht' shall 1111 tilt' tir~t _\: 11da;1: of ~Ja.nuary, A. JJ. l\l~C".. al~o l'HllL'L'l and dt't-troy all liund:,..; nul · :·vt.ofu1·1· ~nhl. ..:\11 botllls i:---sut.>d shall lJ,• signed h~· tf1t.• gn\'t•r·nut\ ,! •'t!dlltt·r:-:igned hy tlit:· t·ontrulh·r, and ~hall ht.~ t•ndursvd :,~· tlw :-· t•·. tri·a:-:-ur1.1r, and Pach ~hall haYt' the sf~al of tlH• st.tt1• i-;t;inq .. ·d t/11•r, E~1cl1 hund :-:::liall ('!II1tai11 a 1:lau8e that it i:-; ~11hj,•1·t tu r•·d,_·111ptiu1, Jut aftPr tl1t· y1.·ar ninl't•, ,_·n lntndrL·d and tbirly-llilll'.

~E1~. :2. Jnt,•r, :-:t cn11p11· so that s1.wh L'IHt;,,1ns may uf thl' bond. :,-:.,! itl l'11tJp, shall bt• .sig:111·d lty t Ii,· :-;1 :-:aid bonds !-<hall 11,~ paid ·· tlw tlall' 11f any uf ~;1id ) pur<·lia!':'t·r.

---l1all h,_, att:.1cht.,,d tn 1_•ach of said I.H.1t1llS-, r1·:n(•\·t. .... d withnut injury to or nnnilation ~ilall ht! 1,.·on~r·l.'Uth'L·lv nu1nbt.>n·d. and trt-·astd°l'I", 13ut 111, iiitt•n!st on an~· of

:tny tir.w "'llid1 Ina)· intvr,·t·tlt.' h1.·tWt.'t·I1 i::-:, and. tlH: i~sue and ~ale th~·rt.:of to a

~l-:c. :-:. Tlli.' ~ 1rn nf o Jt •llf--,tntl dnllars is hPI'l'hy appropri.tted to p:1:,.- tlJ,· t'Xih·n~,· ·J1at. lllt \. 111< urn ,lb)· th,• 8Lltt' tn·L1s11rt..·r 1n ha\'ing :-:aid l1nnd~ pr1·'! ired. ~;1:, :tllH!l111t ~hall b1_• p~dd out ot" tlH~ "San F'r:tnl'is:·u lfa1 .. ·li,,r !···\ .·: t\'llt .. Fund.'' un L'OJJtt·ullL·r·s ,\·a1···1·ants, duly tl1·awn t,ir t!J:1t :..uriiu~

~1·:t,·. -1. \\',;-r~ "1 i,::·· 1,,"11,-,-1 .... ..tlhll111 [.lvd to he isstH:•d lllllH'r this [H_·t

Hllall bt· clnlr ~·'·' ,·tH,·(l. ti ~hall lw snit.I hy tlIP statP tn•asurer at public :111<·tio11 ) tL,· J g ...:t ldddt•J· for t.'<tsh, in sueh pan·t-~18 anU nu1111H·l'!-- :1:,. :-::ti·· :--!:tl•' n ~r,·r ~hall tktvr1ni11't-,: b11t 1--aill trL·aHUl't.. .. r 111ui--t 1·t"•jt•1·t an) :id ail iii, :·11r ~;lid hond:-1. nr for an~· of tlH-•Jn, which shall h,_) lH•l11\\' 1 par \·al ,11' :-,:aid hnnds so ufft·n•d for :-;ah~. and ht:• lll:tY 11)· lHlhliv ;1 ·1111111,·l"fll• at ti!,· pl:1t.·1· and titllt· tixed fur tlH· ~alt·. for· ~·11(111 tlnil ~1 'i1·i•·llt ·a ·. 1·1111tintw !--"Udl ~alt.• a~ tu tilt~ wl1f.lh• uf tlu• l1nntls off1·1"1·, ,1r .tL> I · tlH•r,•,,f 11ff,·n•d, tu ~ud1 tin1i:.• and plat·P ;1~ lt1· in:1.,· =''·lt-1 · 11t1t, \l'I ng. ll11Wt·\'1•r. :--ixty tl~1~·~. lhlt.• 11utic1· of ti!,· tit1H· :tnd Id, · ut' :--;,d, !' :tll J,onds, and of thv J1t1:,.,.qHJllPtlh·11t of :--ah• tli1•n·t1t', Ill\;- \11· ..:i\·1 !1,\" said trt•:1:--uri·r hr puhlll'ati11n in t\\'o 11vw~p;q11·1·s 11111.! 11',l 111 t I ity ,ind 1·t.1\u1ty nf ~an J•"ranci~co, :t!Hl al:-.o h)· puhlkati• 11,i1· i \·:o:J1;q11T 1n11i1i!.;h,·,l in tilt.• dty of Oal,land. and hy rn1hli1•;1t1•.r, Dl}1 't'\\':-i(1ap1•t' pu1di:-::li1·d in tilt• 1·ity c)f Lus .·\ng-d•·:--. at11l 11_\' 1 ati, in ,1111· tH·\v:-:papt·t' pulili~l1,•1l in tll1· l'ity of ~ac·l'an11·11t.11, , ,1 w1 .. during ('qt1J' w,·,·k~ prior to i-.11cll :-i<dt>. Tlw 1._·0~ts uf ::.q_1vL 1,,1;\d1,·at1, :-ti;dl IH· paitl nut of tl1t• "~an FratH'i~l'O Harhor llupr,.1,·1·111,·•,: Fn11ti .in (·uutrolh·r·s warr:ll1ts. duly drawH t\n· thut t•u1·1111st>. Tit,·;.•·, ·•·t·•L.; q( tll1• :,,;alv 111' i--uvll htnitl~ :-:hall lw t'ortll­\Yitli l)t\itl 0Y1·r ii\' .-,1- ! tr,· .:-un·r intn tl1,· tl't•asur~·. and n1u:-:t lw b~· hint J.;.,,r,t in :t :-:1·t 1•1r.,.r. !"!ind to 11,.• known ,.nd th·Higuat,·t1 as the "lndia B:1:--i11 F1111d,'' and tr:· .. ~· Iii• -.,·d ,·x1·l1t:-:i\'1·IY fnr tll1· <tl'qtibdtinn of thf• ar,•a dt_•:-:l·rillt•d in 1,l· . t t·, l··rn·d 111 in :.;,·1·th111 1 i1P!"l·df. a1ui wurr,itlts upon ~~dd ( ;Jtl :,.:;.,,!l hl' tlrawa upun nn,l shall 1,t> p:dtl out of F;ai(l fund in th,_, ...: .i11t• n·1 111t1•·1· a:4 tlrafts ;HHI war1·ants are dl'a\\'n upon and paid 011 t 11!' : ·,l, '":,;;1t1 1;·ranl'is1:!', Harbor I rnpr·ovPnH.·nt Fund.''

SEC. fi. For th,, I ;1'-'t, 1,,nl ,_,f the 1n·i1wfp:d and intp1·est nf ~aiil bonds a Hinkin~r furul tP h,.· ;.;:1:cl)\1tn ;i:1tl dt·~ig-1H1t,·1-l a:,; tlH.~ •1 In<lin Bnsin ~inli:­ing Funtl." ~hnll b,,. ::11.J tht:· ;...;tnh• is l1t.·n•by erf·ah·tl aH follu,vs. tn wit: 'Tlit' statt.• tl't."aH\1}'1·1- ,.;.i;"\ll, on th~· first dar of (•ac-11 and t•\'('l'~~ n1nnth~ aftt·1· t!H.1 H(•cu1Hl_d:\Y .. f J)1•n.•nltu•r, .:\. IJ. l!•:!S, tak,: frtHil thP ":,;an Fn.tnc-isco Harbor I11qn·1f\'e1n1·nt F'llnd," s\lc.'h sun1 ~\.s, 1nultlplit:d by tht.~ tin1~ U1t~ hontl;S th1·n :,;,dtl and. outstanding haY~ to run, ,viii pqual tht" prineipal of th<, llo11,J;; <,ld and ouu;tamling at the tiuw sahl tn,a..sur,•r shall so tak1,.;• -said si.nn rroin .~rhl ··san l~"'r:u1d.scu _HiH'bor J1nprovi~nH:~11t .Puml," l1c•i,s th,· .a m,n11,, t her0tororn taken tlw1·,,from Jor sn itl purpose : n11rl he sh,l)I phtl'•s tl.1 stun,_il1 Ui« '' f11dia Bt,;.;111 Sinking Fund.'· <'l't·at<lti by thi.s ,wt, Su.!, · · as\H'l.'lr .Jil:1,,11, 9n ('01ttrol1er's ,tnrrants, duly 1lt~1,wn for,. t.ll;H, - .-.- · · · · th;;·1 - · )'.S in Ing;;, 1'11n-O in

pier~. statt~ railroad, :-;,:u·:-:. l1, 1 t•·rments and appurte~1ancc·~ in th,~ l'ollnty uf ~an Jli,_·~·1 .. ;: n ,·11~t nllt to exeeed nne ~nilliun li\"e hun­dre1.l tl10u~a.1ul d•.ilLtr.., wr::l:l: :-;ahJ ~ea-wall, wllar\·t·:-:, pit>rs. :--:tate railrnail. spurs. !1vtt,·t:':~~11l.3 .:i::d appurtt~lHlll('t.'S tiH::~ ~aid J,n,u·il uf state l1arl111r 1•11m11ii;:--;:-::,,ite-r:- f,,r ~an lJiegn l1ay art..~ li;.:r,_'.l,y t..'1np1.1w­••red to (·1_n1~tri11·t in tJ.· 1)].,1:1;··!· ;1uthoriZt'd hy law. at a ;_·t1:-=i. n!)t to i·x1·pt_-·d ,1t1t.' n1illion ti\. 1:U11d:-1··! ttiousand dl•llar:4. tlw statt_• trea:-:un.:.·r :-11lall. in11111..·diat, .. J,\· ai't,·r 1:.t.., j-.:-;1;ance of thL· rirodaruatiun 1.1f the g-uv t--'l'Ilt ,r pruY id1.'d f1 Jr in E•··:ti1 ,1; l ,~n of t 11 is act. p rf'pa n· ti ltt·t .. 11 h un­d rPd ~uitalilv J,,1nd:-1 11!' lh·· :-:ta~·· uf California in tilt.' d,·nnnlinatiun ur 0111~ thut1:-1ant..l d,_1:J;1r_-; c.-,tdl. r" l,e 11un1b•-·red fn1n1 tiJJ,'> tu rHt,_·t•n hundr(·d. indu~i\'(:'. aii,\ 1" 1·11·::r date of the St.,,c1_t1Hl da~· qf .July, 11in1.•t,•t·t1 li1111dn·d t'l•·\ ··O. Tl: 1 ' total issue ,.d :--aid l,_1und:--- shall !lut 1·X\'t_>t•d tt1t• :--uni 11t" Ori-~ l!,i\!ion tiYe l1undn·d tlluu::o-:..ln<l d(11lars. aod tlH·,\· :-:hall ht:nr ii;t,·!"f'.:-t at !he rah: of four per vl~nt p,_.r an11un1 frntn tin· dau, of i::--~uat11·e L:1.:~·10 .;t'. The ~aicl b,n1d~ a;id tll1_• interest tt!!:'!""11n slwll lit~ JHt)·alde i:: !..!1:!d coin of tile L·nit1?'1 Stntv:-; 11f the JH'1.·s1.·nt sta11dard oi ,·;due . .it tii•· ntfice of tlie· stat~: trPas11rt_•r of :-:aid ~tat_l', 1,11 ti11.• :,..,-·cnnd day o: 1t . .i11ly, ninetet:n llundn .. tl 1.>ighty-rl\·1:', :--t1hJ1·ct. liuw,·\·t·r. tn n 1 df-!'.'.pt1,,:, by lut as in this al't h1·rt>illafter pn1\·id(·d. Tlie intt.•rest a,·,·:-uin~· llrl all uf ~aid 1.ion,b that .:--;hall he sold ~hall 11" payalilt.• at t! .. - 11 \ii· •.• of the tr1.·a8un_·r uf tlk ~tate un 1111• ~1;·1·1n1ti day of .January <lE,i t!.1· ~ecotul da~· of .July 11f Pad1 ,\'1-·a.r afti-r tltt• :--:Lil· of thf· :-;a1ne. At t 1:e l..,xpiration uf ,:,:;e\·l·nt,·-four ,·t.·:1rs from tl1t• ~latt• 11( ~aid l11Jn,;:.:-. ,ii! lll>nds shall l't.'HSf' to L1~·ar illt(_,rt·~t. and Jil"\.ewt:-:t:- all hond~ n1d•:·~m• 0 d ! fy lot as lll~n:·inafH•r prl'1\' i1h~d shall 1.·f·a~t· tn ln,;u· intPl't:':st a,·cc,:·,.1i1;:..:: t• 1 the proY.isin11.s of thi:, act. and the :,.tatt· lrt·asurer ~!iall 1·:t!l. i:, and i,·,rt!·~\vitt1 pay and (·ancel the :--aH1e DUt 1.if tilt\ 1rnJ111.:y:,;; \n th.e :-:an ! lit·g'O sf'awall sinking fund provid(·d for in t Iii~ Hi.'t. at~,! !it· .~:,;dl 11t1 the date (If the 1..aturit,· ol' said hoi1<.ls 1·:u11·t·l antl 1t,·:-qr1.,y .il! h,,i1ds not thert·tofore Buld. :\ll l.ii"ands ren1aining- 1in~old :-:h:dl. El! the •hte of the n1aturit\· thL~rPnf ht· bv tltf• trt·a:-.ur1-•r of th,· :-;1:1te :rn,·,·li·Ll and t.lestruyt=·d. ·_·\.11 h•HHl; is~llti~l p11rs11an~ tP .tiit? J1r,1\ i:<(JJ1· 1)1 this net shall l.JL~ B,i_:..:·nt"·il by tile !~•1v­t.·rw1r ijt th1:::- :-;,.·. · ()1.::.t,:r,,!.:.ned ily tlle ~talt..: cuntrulli?r. anU 1•11tlun·kd li,\· tlii· :,;t t.• tr,,t:-cir•·r. and the t.unds ~hall l)t-=, so :-.ig-111,_•d. t·ottHtt·r~itn1,·,!. .161'.·~n.i .. r:--1,:,<.1 1:i~~ the ottiee-r~ who are in utflce 1,11 tla_• :-:1;•,·1•1111 d.1:,: .. ;· ,:-:. Ll!lt'lt•(•ll ht:ntlrt.•d e},:\'t•n. and t.'<.h:h oi ~:litl h11nd:,. :-:h:1Il l.:1'·, •· ; t· .::·•·, 1t :-i1..'al of tht~ ~tatt~ 11! l~alifurnia in1-pn .. s~1.•1l tln·n.>11n. <t?.1~1:.: 1! :,-.ig-nL~d._ cn1u1tt:•rsigt1f~ll. l"~ndurseil and ::-..,il1l a:.; ll"rt•in pn 1, 1,!,·,1 , . .- 1,-, and ct)n:-:titute a Yalid and J_dndin" oliJig-ati1111 up,•n tli,· ~· ._. alifurnia th,n1g-h tht• ~ale tlH;,n~or lJ:_-: 1nat1,, ar a dal•.' 1·t· ·:,_·r t!:1' J.)f•r::on sii ~i.i.t:ning-. ('(JtllllC"n-::ig-ni11g and ,•nd,q·~ing·. 1,r t:--r,·"f. shall ha\'~ vh.1:::e1l tu ht~ an i1H.:u1n:. bl'nt ot' :-;;lid ,itii1 1

· :,,:,.:,:. :.:. .-\ppt·:... -,-.·l1 1 ,r Haid hond~ tl1\··r1· shall ht:• inu•re~t co11p,_111~ ~11 att:t, ·:;,· :..:.irnt_· 1nay he ,l1_•t;tt·i1,,,I ,vithnut iniurv 11r u111tilatl11n 11;' :--;1: •.i a·,d :--aid c·nupun:,; :,;J1all h,.• ('111}~1·1·t1tfYt->l\· 11u1nh1:l't·•d, and :-l · tL·· litl1t"1grap1li,· ~ig1.;1tnr,-• ,I[ t!w ~tat~ ... tn·a~ur1.·r wliq ~·1,:1·. ,rfi.·,· PB tlle ~e,·1111d da:1; (•f .J11l;-.·. nin, .. t,•t.-•11 hu11drt..'ti (•!t:,·~·11. ··~t :..:.!1a1l he paid 1,n a11y 11f :--aid h1111tls for ~t1d1 lirnt· a~ ·t· bf•nveen tlit:- d:th .. • ,if :-;:lid l11111tl and the daY .. r s,tld t 1 -.:aid a(TrlH'd int,·r··:-:t :--hall ha\'l~ lw,:n, l>Y the· J)UtTl1a:c-l'r pahl. tu tht.·: :,;tati.~ at tile tin1t• uf ~uch sale.

~EC. :L Tilt· :..: 1 ,

appnqiriat,·d 1)1lt :1ppn1priat,·d tt1 ;, trt.'a:--un·r in 11:1, 1 h(~rt•l)'\· at1tlt11rized in1.·url·t·d 1t1 p•·, hen.•h\' ,lin·1·t1·d

Sf:l;. ·I. \\'11,·t, havt- bt"~(·n :-;i;n1t vhh.,,cl. tile statt· hidth-r in :-:ul."h 1 shall dil·l_'1't. 11ru hf•t"ll ad1 q1t1-.1d 1,:: I li1·~1> l1a\", a! •I '­thc•ir j11dgm•·nt t antkipati•tl. will i1H·rt·as,·d liurd1 n t ht• n 11111 lwr 11( i,, whh-1,. in th,• j11,/:c· lt1• r,·11nin.'d at :..:.•;. tl1t· :-tta1u tr,•a.:-:ur• · :lll)! lljJ)t I 1f J}jj IJit•\

lllltn,•l'il'al 11rd.,r.' tr- IP~!', t ha11 ttw 1, av,:l'\lt·d lht•l't·1111 i11tl·r,~~t llDltu1·it,· ,. plac1l lix1·d l1y !dni DI' :.Illy p:trt 11f :-,.;ij:i t illll' 11f S\!1_·)1 I , ,! , [

hnnd~ f1,r :-..1!1• tla· -"'llich llav,• n!alt,r, saJP. TIH• :-:tat,, tr, :--alt.~ h;\• }lllbli<"H\ill!, ,·ountr of San Fraii,

,;qsanil th·t"! li11n,ln .. d dn1larf: i:-1 hi•n"'h\' ;1:, :.~ ~11 tllP ~lat,' tr,·a:-:.•.1n· n11t 11th~,rwi:-:~:.

1 J•t·: ..,f• t!Jat 111a,· 111'. in1:t1rr',-,d Ii\· lll·· :-:.tat1_• ,,,n,!:-: Jirt•pan•tf. Tl1• 1 ~tat(• 1_.;1ntrc,ll,•r is

~l.:,i}J~~- 1/ti{a''.i1i·,::u~l,tl1/.r l1!~1!1~~·f~.l:.111: i,,,

r . _;: l:. 1,,,,,

j,. 11: ,,' lu, 1 r' :-

<1t·t 1- .• ! .;\ !ly • :,. !

I:,. L I,,:~,·

'. t , f · U• ''ll), ·•ii ' ,,. ll nd r.::i· ....

~t,ir,, d!,e

\t', (!!"iZt•1l to h1:i. i~~lH:•t.1 hy thi~ :11·t sliall \ :i!HI e!Hlurst.,d, as in ~t·vti+1n l pr,,­-·-·11 tl1t· saJI1t~ f11r t':lf-.h tn tilt· higl!i·!'-t ·,·h,-r:,.. a~ tin• g"' rlldl' 111' U1, l'--tah• , ,n n·quf·sting- :--u(·il :--ah• :-:hall bav1! -'.a!,-, harbor vdn1n1iR~itll1t:"rs f1)r ~a.n

i:,,t frai---:-:. ~lll'll 1'•·:-.1dution 1111til in :·1•,·t•ipts, a111l tiln:-11.• r1•a:,..;onaldy "f hnmh; :11111 tht_' ,·1111st:qu1..·11t

:,1~. ~aid rt·~olu1.i1111 :,-.hall ~pt}t·if,\· ;,, 1, 1·1_1dlll'l' th,• (llll1.l1.ll11 Ht' Jllldh•~•

,,,r(i" ,,f liarl.1or t·t11111nb--si11n,·r:-:, ~11all ,·,,rnor 11f th1.• :.::tat•• :,,;liall din1 ,·t .. ,r 1_1t' sai1l h11nd:,; t1_1 r:ti:,,;1• :-.aid

.:_-..:. ~liall Ill.-' :-:!lid ln ,·qt\~1·1·11ti\'f•, .:l\all 11t•t ,1(·1·,·pt :tnY ldd wllh·lt

·. l. t1I11s t\11• :nt,·rt':-;.t wlli,·il 1_1:1:,, ,:· :--ah• and ti11..• la:-.t pn·n·d1ng·

a~ur,·r 111a\·, at tli1' ti11:1• a111l . ~-1 ue ~iltvll :--,;..'ti,: itS ti i t I w wli11l~

· ·•1;,: ;111d ptu·t1 .t!':{ ht• Illa,\· at th1· , 1:,-f,1r!' off,Til1L!' an.,· .,f :,.;ai,l

. d,·t,w!J tlH·n·fr11111 all ,·"ilJ11HJ~ ',t,t\.1r,• t ti•-' datL· tix•·d f,ii· l'"aid

,.>1.ti,·1• of th(.• ti1t1t" and placf• uf .~ pul,li~h,'tl in tl1t• 1·1t,\-" and

pt:hli:-du:•d ill tfh.' ~·ily nf Los Ang-,~lt~s. one n1•\\·~1 i,. i ..

ll<.'Wl:l)H.IJ)<·I' p11bJisl,,·,, ::, lh' Jl) \\'t:::'(~k:,, llPXt })rt.'1.:(•t}l)' . ..:.' th1~ ,.fafr ~ht• 11ntiC'~l lJlt;t abn\'1- ; ·:••\'lt~,~:i (! ll!rttn~!' nut.1\·t·· . .a.~ lit· ';·,,y di,ts-:n nt SLH..:a ,a.Ut11t10111_tl-Jl;__•I1r_e: . .shd.H}; dnlla fS I <)f P>Wh Sale f,, -

v!tv uf ~an 1 Ji,·g·( 1, and tlllt.:! 11T\11J"rito, nth·t:: a ·w,,,,•k t't>r four

-1 •. fnr :-11\'11 ::sale. ln addition tu -•.' st;.Uv tr,·'Hi=-ltl't;;jl' lll(.\Y gi\',_-l ~Ut>h

~!1h:·. hut tht~ t·~pt:•ns~~ and cost _-'---:i:_,~(~\1- tht."'l 8-tHn uf 11Yf:' hundt·t~d

... ;cJ,'lJ:o c·o,:;t of ,:;uch puhlit:a~ion t~fHorJU)_l)l'PY~fl)(~_nt fulid {)(l Ct)tl .. shall be pui,l out uf 1,h,_i tr0 ller's .. wa,rmnt1,_; duly

lllUl;lt J)I!;)' b.e fo

-- · '-' - , 1 + and the. treasurer of. s11d1 bonds sh;l.JL t:1·eitS,.\H\\:';. n.-nd.: n1U=t?t" a11 ,1 d ll. t.i1l 1\,1!

}W,(!Jlli fol' tllll}


Page 4: Proposed Amendments to the C, - · ll.

!'-' I i 1 "t: ! : ' '' 1 j , ..... I I: I \ " ( I i "1 I,! ! . '·•J.' :1 .111\\ ·111,\ 1);, t'11·..:f 1!.1\ ,1!' ,. 11 ,l,1 1· j, 1 !"\'

~! ·11, l · I ri: l 1,l .,f 1 ! :'-: it, Ir·,·- i ....:•: !'\ "ti,,, ,;,1('1, . ir! . \ 111 .. : 1 n t , ,r 11 1•. , 1111,1, .,. 1.\- 11 . ..; ; 1, · r '· •]!lir·,·d ! .i i •:1 ,. ! !1,' !rll ,·I'• <t ,111 I 11,, •· !11d.-.. :1it1·1·1·.··:t l't\ :ill ,if :--:ii,! lHt!)II;-; :,-11 _...,ild :--!1:111

'·" l1,·,·11rn,· tltw iii :1,·1·11r,J.111,·,, \\·!! ll ! 1:,· f!l'f'.

:1,i11 t/1,• ~,.,t,· t1·1·:1:-:11n: :, f1111d t11 111• kn11w11 ~i.att• ! li.~)1W;t~· nnd ~inking- !·~1111d." Tit•'

11: ,,n tlH· fin.:t d:1\· 11:' .1111.\· ,,f tl1,· \'1·:11· 11•17 .J·,.:,\ nf 1·.h·li :111d 1·\1·ry ·~.:i·;tJ' tli,:r,-;1ft,·r i,; :11,),,; ~,1ld J1J11':.:11,111t \11 th,·· Jlt't1\'i~h1n~ elf !ld:-,; ·· 1:<,·r fr,,i11 111,• ~,·111·1;!1 f1111d ,,f th,· ~,:11,, .1t.:liw:1.,·_ :.:i11ki11!,!' r"1111d :--1_1,·ll :111 :1111,,n11t 11f 1_11,,

,I_.; ;"l,·t ;t~ lll.t~· ht• }'1•q111r,·d ltl J1;1_\· ilJ,• Jll'l!l­

'r:r;J;:' d111· ;ind 11;1:'-·:dil1· in :-:111'!1 Y1·:1r-.: all 11f :,...:lid l1t"111d:..: :.:nld ~l1all li1' p;d,1 :1t

(' 1111 ,·.r.-,~r ,n:,·:-: dttP, fr11m tlit_• ~taL· lih.d1\\":1\· :--inking-1,,,, in:,,,., '. 1 nil l111n1l~ ~c,hl :-;hall hp nt · t!H' 1 illH'

n] 1111 d i:,· 1.1.1 fri1ll1 tht1 int,·r1·:-.:t :111,l ~i11k·i11~ f1ind. fl ,·,ir:tr,tll, ' 1·:t ~hnll hP ~1 1 p;1id llJl•llt warr:111t:-: 1l11h·

11,t i.1!,•1]

l•)'.,1:-.: :-:11

Ii'' f I)' ill I l'

•-'.(TJlP j,

r I '\;lTlii!:1 ,it thf• st:1!1• l!Jlo')ll d(•f11:111d:-- :111dit,•tl li\· tli~l ,;,I !', 11 . tlt, ;ind t!10 faith ,if til.• :-:t,1tt• ilf f'allf11r?1ia i:--

111,,,rt•;-;t 1 '/\\1;1~1\\ 111.\l.',,/1;;:·, prinl'ipnl of ~aid ht)lld~ :-;r"I

~tat,-, ' · lr"!1?r :111,l ~t;itf' tn,n~11r1•r ~ll:111 k,•f•p f11ll \ 1::,1,'\·., 1~11\\\\· 111.J r,·,{·ortl nf all tht·ir pr,11'('1·tlini.:-s 1111'1,•r

tt:1t_1:-;1nit 111 tilt' _!.:·11\·.-•n1,,1· in tripli1·:lt1• :111 11 ~ 11 •·lt I•l ··din.~·:-: tl1t•r1."1n,1'T wit!1 :111 ;1nnt1al l't•pnrt

••;;,,!J {11 )q, h,\' t))I• .~'(l\.l'?'l}(IJ', bid lJ1·f11l"(•

,''.;:·~, hir·n1.1ia)I.,·. :\II hw1k:-: ,111,l pap,•r:,; 111·1·-11 fli:itt" 1• ; 'J\!ilt'd fnr Ill tli1~ tu-t ~11:ill. :it :tll ti111t•:-::, 1· in:-:pi"·(·ti ' 11 !' :u1~· pa1·t:v intr>r1.,s.f.-,d. <)r t!H' ~·c1\·1•n1nr.

ji\ 1~/· 1,_1.~:~~;); .''' a i"·n1n~11it t,,,-. 1·1 f t.,ith('r lir:1111·'1 1)( tlH' l,·g-

li i ~·h wa., ,\;\·~;t~-l~;:·~~.): 11 \\:i,a !: ~.". 1\}it;t~;]n 11\\\ J~·'t · t h~:l t;-:; .. n·i N

;i,·t .-d1.'.ill 11~0 rn1:111t?llt 1n 1·l1:1raf't1•r :1n1l ht• tlni~lir·il

1~:t;1\\',];\~11~1~.\'1 a enr11lii11:1tinn nf hnth. nr of ~!kll nliH•r t. _..:rii!:;Lli· :·nt nf t!H., said_ 1lf•p:11·tt1H'nt nf i·ll~-!-ilH't>l'itl.l!

d 11PRt :1d:1nt<•tl tel tilt• Ji~11·tit-11l:11· Jcw:tlit_,. f ti::i;'~\'n~'.·. '•:rrtmPnt of L·11.~·i11,•Pri11~. in tJit-, na1n~· r')f !,r_ l 1 nlif1Hnin: tna:-, 1111n·l1:1~1'. r,•t·,•iY,• hr (l•·.J\, :1ti 11.n. ' .11·asP an\· n,~ht nf \\·;iv, rn1·k qtlalT\" nr

~· ,:::·, I.1.r:'.1):·r;I)~·. tht• ('t"~n~tt'lll"~kJll, l!~t• •11' 111:1int,~n:1n1·t• _.- .. \\,i .••• u., ~·:all 1n·<·1f'1·,·d. 1f JF'1't·~~Hl'\", 1,-, ("•1111lt'~n11

Y:~ 1"!1:-: _11 1 tl·,, C',i1i.i· .-it' C'iYil P1·111•(,d11r,·, n··!:iting t11 s1H·h 1 \ 1:i·,·,-·~:-::1n: :ir r1rnp::1 1· rig-lit .-,f wav. r11d, quatTY nr

·.1:1n1 1·11t_ ,,· •·!l.~in,'Pring ~ll:-111 11;•\'1· ft11l pi1,\·l~r 'and :;;1~,, :tl! ~11ppli,··:-:. n1:1tf··ri;1I. 111ai'!ii11en· :1ntl t,) cll'I

'···· 1 ·~•:---a1T ,q· prop(·t· in tht.-' 1·1m~tnH·ti1)!1 anll 1n:1i11-. ':!l,· llh.·.i ','i"W. ,vitll t!J1' t 0 ;.;c·t.:•ptinn ,,r those Jlllhlic•

t':,• li,-, :••·(·man,,ntlv in1rw0Yt"·1l 111Hlr-r county <IJ' ,-i."'i1•T1 l l t~ ·within tlirc·i--' >·,,ars prior tn' tJ1t1 I' t. :Ill ·,)i r}iw;i~-~ ,vitliin U1is state lying

· ,r W;i\· :i; tr• 111_~11,\·a,v a~ l1Pt0rn1inell and di·11an:··, 11t 11 f',•ring· :-:linll he• :lIHl the s:nne

n 11:trt ,f \11 1 • '\ of id tat l · I fi1,11 \, ·i1:~· {'did t! .-.·,,1.'. p1,.,-1,~Jtf·ffs:wll1ri\1tf i;~;!l~·11";}J!,~:

t 0 rn;t11Jt:ttn.anr high\\':1;'' nlong or on ,, 1 ·1l!i-1nl1_•!11)J1 or :H·11ui~itinn nf thr• npla trcl h~· this :10t. \Yh1·ni•,·~·r anv

,f hnntl~. 1111t10-r the prn,·i::::i11n~ nf th(~ ,unt~· in tlli~ statt",. ~twl1 t·tn1nt,· rn11f:t !, F:\llll t•w--·h ;''t-·:ll' ;18 Bilall f•1·1lHtl tlH~ ·r t'f•nt rwr a1111un1. upnn tiH' t"•ntirP. sneh cn11nt)· in tli0 1·nnstnH·tion nf

pnrtinn nf ~:iid an1011nt c•xPf'!Hlf>il ns prn,·i~inns or' tf1is nr·t. ~hall hr-ar to and nnt~tandi n.~. .-\ 11 Ii ig·h wrn:~ t ·1H1-

iJ:T ,J:,, nrn,· i~h·ns ,·,f thiR act_ sl!:dl lie"• per­

•'1))h•d li~· thf' RtatP nf C:llifnrnia. hi.<

I .J !{ 1 n111 :_·

Cl 1 '' I:',·

II e '

•'11, ,:

J '· I ,). 11 ,.


h·· :-,.:, . .. \.-,.

'·' 11 J,

itJ,, r,

I hv tllr• pt•npl,•. silnll tnk,• 1·rfe<'t nn r. 1!110. n~ tn all ils pri1\·i!-"iilH1:-. i'X•'f•nt

,•·:•, for. itR ~ul1mi~:-:.inn to titt' pi•nph::. , ....... :..: :ind prnel:1in1in~ tl1t'· ,·ot1·~. ;1rnl to

>- .1t"·t !-=hall tak•, f:·fft'1 1't i•11rn,:•,liat-.,l\·. :ul·,·:,ittr·tl tn thf' p1'1lpl1 21 nf tlH' ~t:ttP

'. ·•lll at th"• tu'xt .~t"J11''l':li t-·h··<·tinn to bP nh1:-·1·. 1'.11f1 • .-\. ·p_, and all l1:l!I,·d~ nt •d tlJ-::,• ·!!Jl. :11111 :it th(• t·tH1 thf•l'•'(lf.

....:!twa~· ~l•.·t": and in n. ~,·,parate linf•. '-.i.:::ain~t tl1t--· :-:tat1• l1i!.!'h,\·a>· a,·t.·· np­

Ir·t't :--pa,·,-·~ in whi1·h tht.• \'tl!Prs n1a,· Htf· \\'lli•tlwr tl1c,~· \·(11(• fi"1!" ,1r a.c·aiin,·t

· ...:aid ;11·! :-:l1;lll 11.i ~n :,1.· Jll<\f"illL!. a 1'rn:-:s 1tP lii1;:d1w;i.,· :t(•t," and all tl1,,:-:, ,·,1tin.~

~·1 11>· pJ;t<·in_~ a 1-r,1::~ <qip ,~ii(• tl1t• W:l\. :tr·t.·· TIH· g·n\·f1 rn11t' 11f t!Ji...: ~tale ~· tl.i~ a,·t to t!H• p,-•t"1pic~. :1~ :tf()J'l·~aid.

!--il jt] ~·f1 f1Pf;t] ,-,Jt:,r-j itl!l. <,r a_l!;Lin:-:t thi:-: a~·t :.:!1:dl he· 1·111111u·,·1. dart·d in tlH· ~a,nc- Jnann,•r rind ~uli­

,i,•:-: 1·;1:-:t fHr ~tatP offii•(·I'~. :11111 if it , ,• J'1>1·t•i\'(•d ;l JJ1:[i1'1J'it\' (Ir all th·• \'lt1f>~

,·l1·,·ti1111. :1~ a/"11i·1·~;1{t1. th(•n tl1t· ~a1111•

,1 ,. pr11\'irl, 1 cl ;\lid !-<li:tll li,• itTPJl•·al.thlP ', -t 1•f tll1' JialiiJiti,,:,,:. li,•n•i11 <'T"t'(tt1•d :-;h;i\1

i11· ~(1\'1•rnc1r ~hall n1:1ki• prndan1atinn ,,t' tJi,• y1·1tt·:-. 1·:1:-.:t. a:-. nfnn··:,;aid. an:­-· ~h,IJJ ]H, :t!ld l1t•1'!"1!Jlt• \"1d,!. 1t\· ,if tlw ~,·,·r,·t:tr\· nf ~tatt1 tn h:1YP

•)Jl·,. I]l•\\'~PHP*'t' ill l';l('h f'II\Jllt.,·. II}' .-·it~· 1•d tll1·r1·\•1. thn111.~il1ntt thi:-; ~tatf'. f,)r

th:·· t.:·1·flt·ral f'•l,·1·ti11lJ tn b,• ll!•l,kn in 1. ni111·t1>f•11 l111nrlr1'•I :1ntl tl"·n: thP ,·nst :Jt nf tlH· g·l'llt•l'al fund. 1111 l'Dlltn1llt-.::ot·'g p111·p11~,). knuwn :intl ('itP1l ns tJH:. ":,;::tntf' high-

·.: nf at·l~ in 1·nnf!irt with thP prn\·i~ions ,L

p -\ ~T,\XTn~ ~PPH)\1:r 'nf ih,: :\:-.~;·1l11,1~·.

\\". R. PnP.TE!'?, rrl'shlt•n t of tlw ~1•11:1 te.

' .\. ll. 1 !i0\1, .T. X. Ct11.1,1<:TT. (-;n,·f•t·nrir.

· .. 11 · ·,• of tll,· ~,•(·n·tat-v uf ~tat.i-• th,, :.!:-1 <la:v 1i n'l'lod" A. :\l. ('. F. (,111-ry, ~t:·cn.'tary

1,.; 11;·.


·l.:· try 17. "'.\, D. lHO~l~

.\! !'Ch lf>, .\. ]), J !!0!!,

'Lewis .\. Hilborn,

Clio I.lny,l, Cllif:'f

J,, tht1 GovtArnor. this 1;)th l1ay of :\Ia.rch, E, l.". Coupe1·, l'rlvate Se(•retary uf tht') I'. ~r.

l'i[APT8R -107.

i., ,urn<·e 1111<! sa Ir of stat" bo11</s to c1·ca te a ''"!1 I,, the bo11nl nf st11te lwl'l.101· ,·0111111ission-

,1, (,.,. a tidal ba~'iin. fur 1t!/uircP,liJ. llrn·k.s, pie1·s 1

· ,:'.1,1, -·,<;~ in tile city r11ul county nf "~an F-rr,.n .. ·•/cii;,; fund for t/ie 1w11111ent of said bonds: 1111d ,., Mu 'f! officers ·in 1·c/utfon thereto: makitlfJ an , . th,;··.·s. and dollars for the e;rpe11se of. p1·inti11.g

, .. ·idi;;,1 for the 8Ulm1ission of this act to a i•ot-0

.1111111.t,t 'qt ,tl d,-li, • l ,-,l .'1 1d :.: !·1·]'1 t,\ 1;'.!i"i

I'• ·)1 l ...:., \\"!,,I f. IC•

! l ,,· 1111 !'I qi~>-~ '1!' l. I

f \\'H l ltHll.','lid !J\,

l] !•' ;-.:,1.1 ! • , 11' I ' i] ! f •,' in tlw ., , :1r nin,-i, t,·11111 1l:1 \' ,,f ~l'\

~;! id 111 •!Id~. th,· ... 1: J1r111·1·1·d t11 dr.iw 1,\ l, 1 1 ·.\ !1; I I 1:-: I ,1,...: !I•. 1 !

l !1:1{ tilll1', :111d .-.:!::i f11ll11wi11:..:. 1.!"i\·,· 11,,t ,, \\'! ·t·l..; f1 It' \\\"!I \\'• 'I 1·11t1nt .,· pf :--::1 n J·'t· ' 1·it \' 1 •f I ):l k!;1111! ,I'.

Li,~ .\11.c.,·I,·:-:. :111d :1' f':lJllt•l]fO. ~l;l{ illg t! pal of :.:;lid ht111d-.: ... IIJ' h1•t'11!'1• tlJ!• :-,1•1'<11

aftt'l' :-;1H·ll l:1:-:1 11;1 1 :

i·1•:1:..:,·. ;rnd it :,.ll:11: 1 ,,

·"'" dr: 1 \\'ll I 1\' I, it ;1 r, :twl t]l,, i111·,·r1•:-:r 1·,,

\'1•:11· ni111•tt·1·t1 li1111,J, 111:tllll•'!" :! fp)'1•::-::t id. !•'

:i ~ :-:!1;tl I 11,· r,·q11i.-.:ir, ~;tid :-:inkin_!.!- ftn1d. , .-\ftt .. l' !lit• p;l,\'lllt'l:t •d in ~:lid :-inl-:i11g- fn11,i. ":,:;1!1 l·'"r;1tJ(·i~1·r1 11:,: · r··~n•·1·tiY•· dr:1win!..: . ...: ! :-:;1 iil st:t l1• l111111ls. ~.: otll1•J' hn11tl~. t '11 •Jl i !) :1ft, 1 r ad\·1•rti:..:in~· i ,, Vidt•fl f1 }\' t lit• :,.;;1 J1·· I• r 1l~P til1' J)l'11t't'!'d:.: !'111· Int. :1 ml ;1 t t IH' n i:i · . · r,•,lt"·•·m ~:1id n1:tt11r,·,: , fund. in t•xtil11.!·ni:,;l11~ .. 1 dn1wn fnr !ll:1t 1,ur;1, ...

·- -,, '•; ] ·1 •'.I• i -~, · 1 I i 1 ! ; ,,.1 1 • r :t : "\,

. ! i1.J1 1 I :.1 ,:111 :0-:111 i,;· 11~ 1 · .,,,1 111

' • ... ~ 1 1 ' ' I ( ! : l , ' , , 11 • l J \ 1 , , , ! l ! ! ..; ' , · ! : ...; • , I , I :,.,,11,J ,,r . ...:t.11,, ,1J'l111r ,·,,1111111~~,,,:1,·l ~ I !, \ 1 \" , -.. IJ, •, ·f Ir jl) 11f d11, \\ 1 L'. • -. t ,iii:-,;, ,I

•'' ' rill,., 1 :1 :-.ll 11 l 11f fl) 11t1t· \' :.:11 JI!, 11'11~ f .. r ·\• · · ,I .·1111\,· ti1• ;i111,H1t1! 1in1-ir,·d ),,· ,'<t'!·linn ··ti · d t~r•-111_,,·.-:!\ 1d· tJ,., 11,dirk:d 1 '11d,· 11t'

i'.,,!'·1 · n !1,, 111·.,q .-111d t,·nth d.1Y ,,f '.\:,1\1'?11h,T d• 1r:il f,q·!\·, .1:1d l11•tw,·1·11 !li.: 111".•:t anti

i ,·.1r r 1t•·r·,·:1f1,·1·. 1111t ii Iii•· 1J1;1 ri.rit ,. 1,f "-IJ 1, '-/!.1 I I, 1 !I f )l,'· J1t·1·!'<••1l1'1 • nf t ]i,, L!1l\'t•!.'1l1)J', id• .1111.,111rl1 1d l111ntJ:-: :1~ ~11:dl In· ri-q1ti..:i!,• ·n:, · t/11· ;1111 1n1111 in s;iid :-:inld111: f·111d :1t

iq,,·11 111,! l11•f,1r,· llw t,•nth d;1,· of J11•,•,·r11l11·r 1,i,:,!:. .,d,·1 ·ni:-:,·n11·11t 111 111· in·:-:,·rt•·d twi1'1' :1 :wi, !i .. w~p:1p•·r:--: J111l,li:-:1l,·il in tlw ,·it\· :111d :1.1id .i1~,1 in ,,n1· fl1",\·sp:q••·r 1111lili.:l:, ·d ·in t 11,,

'' 'n "/\•· fl 1·\\":-:J 1;q11•1· J111l ii 1:-:l wcl j n t !i,, i·i t v of \''·'' r,,,-w~p;1p1·r Jnilili~h,·d in t)11• ,·i1,· 1)f ~a1·-111·r 1 •! !,nr1d:-. _,..,, ilr;1\\'t1, and tl:;lt ti'1,· 11rinf'i­

... !.':11d 1111 Jq·p~•·nt;1tic,11 tn t!J,, trt·:1:-:t1r,·1· un . 11! ,l/.1111:1r.v: fu\!11\\'l!a!·. :1n(l th:1t fn1111 :tnd ·I'. ti. !!ll•·r,·:-:! IIJIO!] l1,1nd:-. tl111~ ilr:!\\'Jl :.:il:ill ,\tit_\ 1•! tlH· Tr•·:1~ur,·r :1:.: ~·111n :1~ :-:;lid hi111tl:-: nd,-r.,il 111 l1i1n :111d p:lid. tP 1·:1111·,·I tlw !--:inH·. 1!1t·r,.·i111. ;111d ,·:11·l1 .,·,·;11· h·.~in1ii11.i.: witl! till' nd t,w1_,·. ill•' ."-:ti1l 1n,:1:,.:t1r,·1· :-:ll;dl. in thf'

•! !,, ilr·:1\\' 11,\' 11)\ !--llt·!i :in :·11no1111t ,1f J11)f1ds --.; 11:1'::-:1 :1 . ...: n1•:1rl.,· a~ 111:1,· lt,· ·Ih1· ;1n11lllflt in :_1';\'·1 ·1.t it~ till' 1n:t11111·1· ll1·n·i11;1\111\·1· :-:r:1t.i·d. ~.t,(, .ho!1t!:--, tit•.· sqrpl!1:-: nr h:1lan,·1· rPlll.llfllIJ!.! ,,· !'..••r·,, 1i ... :-;l\:!11 f.'irtliwitlt li,• p:iid int11 tl1,_· !1111•r1>\'1•m1•11t l·'uJld." At tl1i• tinJ;• nf 111,·· ::. :1.-: :~t'11r,,:,4;tid. :111d :il:-::o at th• n1;1t11rit\· nf ,:.:u1·,·1· :-:\1all ~,·11 tl\,• 1·11ilPil ~t;1t1•s \u)ncl~. or 1 ~i11kin:.!· f!md. :it .~n\·1·l'nin.~ 111arl.;,,t rat.-·~.

tlt 1 'l'1·of, i11 tilt"• rnannpr h1·rt·inhf:,f(H'I' nrn-1~ ll,·1·1"•11:'-· ;1utho1·iz1•d tn h,• is.1.qJf•d. ;1nd ~-llnll

'•.1.,·n1t•11t of ~tl<'il hond~ n~ n1:1\· lH• dr:nn1 lJ\~ 111' :-:;.rid l1nnd:., out:.:tanding- ·:,:;::h:111 p,1~· nn~1

..:t:111il111g· lHllld:--, 1111t nf :-:;iid llli"ltlf·\· in s:1id .. ( :-::li.-1 lH)lltl~. un 1·1111tr,lllt.·r'R "·n1-rilnts, tiUl;'·

:-,;:.,--;('. •l. 'Tlu· :-:r:1 t 1· 1llr·r n11tl tl1t" :-:t~1u· trr•:1:--urr·r sh:111 kf·(·r full :11111 p:1rti(·ul:1r ;1t·i· 1 ·!:::· , d t·1·1_•nrd nf all of tht·ir pl'CH't'Pding·~ 11nd,~r tlii~ :1,·t. :ind tll1•,· .._· ···:111...:111it' t,1 tl11· go\·t·rnt'll' :111 ah:-::tr,11.:t nf ;111 ~1H·l1 Jll'O(·,•t•din~·:a-· t 1P 1· !,•i-.. ,\·ith nn :1·11n11,1l 1·,·,pnrt tn lw h~- tllt'· gn\·1·rnnr l:1iil li1>f11:·,, · h·.u:i~laturP lii,•nni:tll.\·: nntl ;111 1,onk~ and J1;1pt-r~ Jll•rt:_iinin_l.!· tr1 ,: ··1:1t t(·r pnn·itk'tl for in t!lis :l<'t ~llall at all titllt'~ hi' n1w11 U1 t!, "'IH'1·ti1111 1Jf :tll)" Jiaro· intr-t't'!"':t, 1 11. nr tl1t"• g1,\·r,1·11or. nr th,• :1tt,,r;', g"t•n,·rnl. nr :1 cnn1n1ith't'' of l'itht-•r hran('h nf tltf' lf,.~·i~l,1tun•. or ·,,i'tt cPn1n1itlt_•e of both. nr· any dtiz,-•11 of tile Rt:l tP. . ~EC. 7. T\ ~h:tll h, ' '1luty f)f th0 :-:;t;Ht• tn1n~Ul'P1' tn f1a\· tlit"• 1ntr•rt•st 0f :-;aid linn,1~ "·1 J •• th,_) , .. 11111·· falls due. nut nf tlJ,, ~inkilH!' fund prn\'i(l1·ll .fo·r··. in tl1i:-, :t,. '.· .... r.,1 .. "n-n trnlk·r·.s "·.n.rrants th.1ly .-lr:nYn fnr that 11urpn~f·. , ls1.1,:~. ,;:. 'rhi.u ,.._, .. t.. it}n/o 1 \i:,.., ,l\u"' y,,.-~-,,.l~ sha.ll t..n.i...oo -tt._ ....... t. .... ,.._

~-hfrty-fir~t ,la;\· of TJ,·<·t·n1l .. ,. r 1. ni11f•tt:•Pn hundre1l nnti. t,·n. ~1~ hi :ill it.s p1·0\·i~iunR (·X1't·1•t 111, \;1tin~ t() nn11 nl'•e1"'~sarY frir it~ ~11l)-n1issinn to th.-• pc•nr,lf'. ;111<1 (. ·11rni1'1~. e,lnYa:::=:sing· an(l prn1·l:1ln1i11~ the \'OU·!-<. and as tn ~;lid t'··'•, · · i Jinl\'isions this act ~h~lll tak(• c·fft·t"·t i 1nrnr·1l in r,-,JY.

SEC'. ~l. ·Tl1is :,('t :,_,11,tll 111·, ;,111 it u~,1 to thP p0op1e nf tilP S 1·ntf.,, nf C'nlifornia. for thei!~ ratifo,·;1· at the !H~xt g-ent~ral Plr1 1··tion ti-1 he h1"1l(l1•n in tl1(• 1nn11th of So\·· i11•r . ..-\. J), nirwteen hundred and tt'•n. .11111 all liallor.s at ~H-iil f•lt•r·!i,, ··all llaYtJ printi"·d t.hcrt?1)n, tilt> \Yt1rd:.:. "Fnr tlitl Intll:t Basin .\,·t.· d in t!H' ~a1ne :--q11:1n--'. 1111,h'r ::.;\ld wnrd:-; thf' f11ll()\\'itn!' in l1r, ·.·: tf})t.'': 1oTl1is nr·t prnYiflt.•s fill' tlh~ aequis1tinn of a tidr1l linsin '1(· lia~· nf Snn Franei~·-·n f,1r llarh11r nurpn~P~. and fnr t!1,• ri:1\·n · · ,,C rdl ('n~ts thPrr·o!'. rn1t r1f the• ·san Frnnds(·O 1-larhnr Jrnprn\.:('ll.• r Frind.' ·· 1n the srp1are i1nn1e(liatd)· hr•l11\\· 11IP squan" l'tltltainir .. · <1'.d ·wnt·d~. th~'!'f' shall bf'• prinu•d nn saiil li:i\h,t. tlJP \V0r<l:-: "..:\g; .. -: t!w· fndia Ba:-=in .-\et.'' and ilnnH'tli­ntt."'i~· lH•}r)\y i:.:nir1 \Ynrds ";\.~ _. 1~t the In,Jin 'F}.:"t~ir' ..:\f't." in hn~vier 0·11r•. ~l,:·111 l,0 prit1tt-•f1 "Thi" ·t prn\·hhts fn1· 1he ..iequisitii'ln ,)f a ti1lal liasin in t!J\'' ha~· nf ~:t! ":111,·is,,n. fnt· J1:1rhnr riurpn:.:f:-.'.•s. nnll for th~' Pa:'-·n1Pnt nf all <·11~t:-= th·· 1:'. 1Jllt nf tll(' · Fr:.1111.'iseo .IT:trlif1r Tmpr11\·1•m,·nt F'1111,l.' ·• ()Ji;,. tilP ·wnr<l~ ''F11r thf' India Ha~in .\,·t." anil ".\.g-air::-:t tilt> ln,!· .. 'J :·t~in ~\C't." tlH•re silall he 1,:-ft f:p:wes in \\'likh tile \·tit(·r::.: 1na,· rn:1\~, "!° :.:tainp n ,··rnss tn in(1icatt• ,vh~·th1•r thf·~· \·,1te fur (ff a~?;ain;,.:f,: 1. ;1n1'1 tho!-=~ \·oting- for ~nil1 nt·t ~hall do ~n h:v pla~·in_~· a 1T1).S:o.:. ,1r-1 ·i(t· th,~ Wi"lnl~: "'.F"nr tht::. IrHlia Ha~i'!"l .-\<·t. .. ;UH} thn:-:t-" \·nting· a:.:·:: ~1 .~:tid :H·t shnll <ln f-O 11:,· pladn.~: a c·r11~s nppnsitt' the ,vnr,1~ '·.\ :.-., ih..:. India Basin .:\(·t." Tlw g-1·1\·-

t'!T1t1r tit' t!Ji~ :-:.tatP ~ln11! in· tltt' ~uhrni~:-inn of this act to tlH~ rt:?;\~,1•11 :·lS ;:~fure~aid. in ili~ ,., .. ·Lt lllH tlon 1·nlling for sahl g-?nerai

~i-:1.~. 1 41. TJH::. y11t0 c-n:-:t f. :t~:1in~t this net ~hall he connh,'11. rt,tun1f•tl nncl l·:un·a~:.:•·d :111ii l:t l't·tl in tlit• !--ana.• rnan11.-•r HTHl ~uh-j,,<·t tn tlH" f:an11• nil,,:-: ;1:a-; 1·:1:-:t. fnr :,.;.tatP ntfil·M·~: :ln1l if it appf•:tr that :.:.aitl n,·t ~!1:dl l .1 1·,-1·,··i\'1'11 a 1najnrit_\. of all th,_) \·,"itt:•:-; c·:ist for and a~ainf-:t it ;1t "-,.!' ··'.,•,·ti11n • .is af1•r•~·sai1l. tlH'll th•· ~arne ~il:dl lul\'l' 1•ff1~1·t :t::.:. h1•r1•in:1 1 1,r,·,\·iilt"·•l. nr1r1 ~hall h1• irrc·p~·alal"il•:i until t!H· pri!ll'ipal and i:1t1·'.• ~· "l 1!1i••s h?rPin <Tc•at,•d :-;hall h1.' pai<l nnd di:..:t·linn.:-1•11. an,\ ~·n\'~·rnnr sh,tll 111akt:> r>nwlan1ation tllerr•nf: liut if a 111:1,i11rir.,· 11! \"•it,·~ (·a~t. n:-. afon•saitl, :tr1:.• aµ·a.inst tltis a('t. tt1f•n tlif' ~anh· ~l!:il! ·111(1 h1·1·nn1t-" \'Oid.

~Ee. 11. Tt :::.llall. lw thf' ,,f tht• ~h·n··tarv nf stah'.'!. t11 !Ht\'t:' thi:-: a('t T :Jhlisllt:111 in :1t l,··a~t r1r-wsp:q_11•f' in ,·,i1ch <'Ol!tlt\·, nr <'itv and 1·ou11ty. if .-int' lH· p 1lidi 1 iJ,··rt=oin. tllrou.i.:d1out tllis ~tate. fo·r tlll'Pt 1 llh)lltll:-:: nr·xt p1·•· •di1 .l!·t•n(·r:11 t''lt~{'tion to lit" !1nld0n in tl1e 111011th nf Xnven1h,-:·, .:\. i:i!L·t•·Pn liulldn~d and tr•n: th1' 1•,_1~t~ of p11hlir·ati1)ll shall lit.., pnid · ,if th,~ g-Pllf.'!'al fu11tl. on cnntr11\1Pr's wal'rant~. t.1ul~· <1rawn f,.r tL.-· :,,1rpH;:,:t•.

~r~(·, 1:!. This .tl't :..:!i:dl 1, '.\!!\\'tl :_u1·l l'itf>d ns thP ··[ndia Ilasin ..\ ,·t."

~Ee. 1 :1. ~.\.II arts :t11d pal':. cd this act nre l!t..,l'f'l 1r 1·,_·pr•:t !

Eni.lorF:H1: F'ilt·d in r nf l\Iar.-11, ,\. P. 1•111:,. <>f :-;rnt,·. By J. I f,ws


t' ,u·ts in cnnnict ,vith tlw prnvisions

\\'. R. Pllf<TEH. P1'P,!,,li1h'nt nf th•_• ~.-,nat,.•.

P. ~-\. ~T.\'.'\:'T()~. S:pt•:1k1:r nf tli,• .-\s~1!111hly.

.J. X. OII.Ll::TT, G1n·, 1 rnnr. i1f t!H· Ri-·t.TPtary nf ~tatt' 1ht• ;!;"; da:;:

11 'd411·k. .A. :\I. C. F'. CutTY, ::;t•cl'L·tary

SENATE BILL NO. 464, Pa.s:,:;ed tlH~ s.-,na!• \l~1rd! l :.'. .. \. D . .1:,0:1.

Secretar\~ flf tht:.-' ~f•n:tt, F'asst~d ·tJu, Ass1'.rn!, 1 • :\l.:t-:·, ~''· A. r,, 1 :1011.

CIL'rk of the ,·\S81'll!l>I.,·

Lewis A. Hilborn,

Clio Llnyt!, Chief

ThiR hill \Ya8 l'•li·,·,\ ·.·d hy 1 ~' 1·;nvcrnnr, this :?:l(l dav of l\h-lrf•h, . .:\. (). 1~·1n'.I, at~' o'd• 1• k ! · u. !·:. ('. < .. \•opPr, PriYate ::,;t•t.·t:etary of tth.~ UU\'l't'llt ,r.

Cll.1 l'TER 6~3.

..!11 act to tJ1·01·ide fo,. r!" issu· ..... ,. rrnd u,lr' of st«te bonl/s to ,·n·ate a fund f'or the constr.-,, lion I; 1.J1r~ lw<ird of t1trttf' hdrbnr co111111issiou­c,-·s for the lul.l/ of .'-°tfil Dir nr lutrl){H' int)Jl'01·, ment,ot ('<Htsist of (I,

• ~cutcu//, 1c/HII'''''-', '" /'·'· .,, ,1,, n11lroal/, ,~p1ir.~. /l('tfer111n1ts rm(/ appu1·tc11011,·t'8 in (11 , ,·. 0 u11t : 1f San Dievo: to ,·r,·atc n sinkinrJ fund (tW th1.• 71ll.lJJilrnt u: ~,,id lrn.,.'.is; to <le/i-nc the duties of st1.1tr• i,{fic('r.~ in 1·elation thert•t,1, 111 n1, 1 J.i' <Hl apprOJJ1'i<ttion of .inc thousriud fl·i,e /11111dretl (/ol/arn ('·'. th, '. .r11:·nse of pri11ti1111 said li011<Is. a!lll to µrol'ide (or tlH' su 1,,,11ssw11 o/ tl11s aet to a. t·ote of thv 11eu1>le.

The. veople of the St.'.''''. o.f l'a/·i·for.11.ia,. re/n.·tw·e.·1.1.·t ... ecl in ~t>·iiate as..,,·,11/Jly; 1!0 1:1mct as fo /1.rv:13:

$J;l.CTION 1. For th,• purpo,a,, ,;,f.11rov.ldi11g a ftmd :toi or tne debt ht•rejly a.>1.t!\()xJ~ed t l,Je 1no\ir

I '.' •~,

I: 'I~ l ! ; t.' / ' :-,; t ' If >.;;Ii ( I J,. ,:;, :·· ~ :;..:: .1 t,·1! :1..: t l1•· "~an I 'I•·:.:" ...:, "".1 tr P, j~ i 11 ·1"1·!, \' ' : 1 ·, l t 'j _, ., ., ,1111 1 l;t _\· '11' .I; 111 ',·. ;t !'\. r .1 · ,, '' ·. ! "11 t l1,· !lr:·.:t 1Lt ,· 11f ,•:,,·Ii .1'.1,l •' ,,( :--aid l11111d:,., 1akt• fl 1111 t i ! ,, ,..:. '' ·!\ :">\I Ill a:-:, 111111 ti• Jdi,·1l t,., 1i; 1 • ...: .. fd and .,11t.-.:t;111di11g' at tl1•· 11n., 1,l ~urn frurn said ~all l•it·g·o!,,,1 :·i,· ~ "'i?lt t!H·r••t11fon• tak,•n tlwr,,fr,11n t' 1 • tli,• ~11111 in tlii• ~1·:t-w:dl :-- 111ki 1 1:.: I ..... 1.,1 t, .. a~11r,•r :-;hall, on ltll\trn\k: ... ~\. .'. i1drJ111:-..-,··. l'!llpln'.': tllP Jljll)\1'_\·s !ti:-,.·, h ,'.' l,•IJ]d~ 11f ti11• t·ni1Ptl ~t~1t1•:--. ••!'pf· ·.:;, ·,J 111,11,!s ~hall lw k,•pt !11 a 111·1•1"·1 •Ji ;, '.\ ,! , l11Jt !11• 11111:.:t k1•1,•p

~~!t;·,\1·'·~-1 1,i'1'.1/ ·!' I· lO..:t~lt.1 l~1i1\\1~1i~J~L.\~:'.:;! Jll'H\·id,•d t,1 ! ,\-.. •: I' 11,'l'll !-:1dd . .-\lid ti) p1·11\·jd,· 11i.·,11,- J•.i\' 1 :fit· l111nd:-: that tnav 11l' :-.uld and,,, :.1,i.: .... ,:,I ··,,,:it.It!\' t.tkP fr111J1 tll~! ~an 1,i,·go 1-I".''·' 1 •,\\ inl(, ~;1id :-:,·aw:dl ,..:;i11ki11t.:" f11:id ;11t•·r•':.:t tl1•·11 ,!111• 11n all l111nd:.: ti.• 1 '" Th, J111ard 11!' :-:talflo 1!:1rl111r 1·1Hn11at-" •;,::,, ,.,-. J,.\· a11tlit,riz1·d and ,lin•i·ti•d 11\· r: :•.11:,··,·.t. ,i'.,:i.: ,,,11t:.:. w!t.:11·f;1g1• ;11111 1·ran,1.~·-· tP. i .. 1; · '. .. ;- t!11· Jllll'fH1~1·:.: uf tlliH :wt. 11\·1·i· and '1 t!JI' •·:d~tili;.: :,.,>t·tion uf th1• 1'11liti,-:,l t ~·, :.1 J:,•t\\·1·io11 tl11• first a111l tt·ntll d;1\· .. t ""\' 11: 1• .. •• , 11 li1111tlr"d .111d flftv :ind 111,tWi"·i·!l· 1: ·-.t .,, ·rtil11 r ti! ,·;1,·li ,·,·a'r tlu .. •r1·aft,·r 1;:itil 1· 'I·· ~:tid t.n·a~11r-'r ~·11all, in tlJr, 11r1•:-: 1·J1• •· ": ,·,! 1,1 ,I raw l1\· Iott :.:11d1 an an111t1nt /)f J,1111d~ .:!1::-:t .-1...; i1,•arl\· ,1~ 1nav l1t~ tlH.~ :lll}1lll!lt 11 tir1,1•, itlld ~1!/tJ} tllPl'f:-llJIOJ :ind lu-fPl'• r f, ,]J,·1,..\·i11.i.:-. gi\"1? notke lly puhlil· nd,· 1.·rti-"'··l!l•'l:t !,.1 it .. •·rt·,;··,\·:. a w,••.·k J,1r tw.i w<:>t.·ks ill t\,·l• 11t·w:-:p;11i,,r.-.: ;1·.1l 1!i<.t·d · t:,i-- r,f ~a11 Fra11<·i:,,;1·n. and alsu in nn1• lll'W~p:q•,·r r,:.J:,l;.--:J in 1!_,. 1·,( ~·t11 l 1j,--.g·n und also in ont• nPw~p,qi.·::· p•il,li:-h,_·d i:-: ·,i•·· 1 it 1i1· !.(1..: .\11g,•lt>~. stating thn nun1her uf J1<ir1d,.; ~(\ (\rawn ;1:1,l ::·:at 1,ri111·ip,il i"1f ~aid lH•11ds \Vill he paid nn pn·~!'l1t;iti 1;n L• 1 !!.,~ :··~:::;1;r,-1· ,,;1 "1' i1"--,fnr1• th,! :-:1-•<·n1Hl llay nf .J:tnuary. t\ilh,win~ .. .-. and ~:,:ti .. :,,:n a:i.J .t:·t··r su,·ll last 11an1Pd clatt:;, :di intt·rt·=:-t up11n ! 11 :id:,; tL·.;:- d:·:'-1•:1 --•-;1:--:,·. arnl it ~h;ill he the llutY ut' th.:' tn·a~1.1· r :i:- ~ .. ,,!. i ,1;,d:-; :--t1 drawn by lot are ~11ri·l~ndcri>d to !1i1!: arid pa!:! t ,!';,·,·! ; :~,· ,.;:tnh:O. an«l tl1e int1:re~t ,·oupon~ tht··n=>on. an,! .-•a1·i1 •f·_).!·:::!,i!._: .. :: witl1 till' >·var ninetet.'n. h11ndrc•1.1 and tift~·. 11·_,. ~:li,1 d!. ln tlit"· n1a1111er afore~aid, pro1.·eed tn dra,\· Ly i11t :,::ni· t 1,, 1nt1s as :-:liall I).,• rE·qtlisite to (·xha11st as nt·ar!\ • in .-.:.:dt1 sinking- fund, antl procc·ed in tht~ 1i;:1n:·1 ·u.,·r ti10 payn1ent of all said hOJH]:,, th·· f-li<l sinking fund. if an>· tiler,· 1 .... harhor impro\·Prn(·!lt ({ ,;_,.y lot, w.l!:l! ~.i.fo1·0'"4l,d., M-n raid trrn~ur·er ~11a?I 8t"!l said sinking- funU, at g-o\· sale tl1ercof in the n~ann l,01Hls !1vrf•hy authorizefl t( the· pay1111c:.•nt of stwh hon 111at1trit~· uf sai,.1 hnnds , n1at u retl ou t::.tanding- llnn(l: ting·uisllnit:·nt uf saitl h.11111~ that purpo:-:.t.•. 1

proct:.e>fls lur ... ·--1\.vn l,>· lt)t, a111l at t!it~

it1:I :-:hall pa~· ,dtd n-.'d(•f'n1 s.aid of ~:~l n1ont.'Y!'"' in ~aid fund in ex­

'l l'Untn.dlel'·=-:; warrants duly dr:nvn for

~EL.'. Tllc ~tate <'1111t·/ ,,•r nnc1 the state trcn~urcr ~hall kePp full an,1 r~1.rtkul~1 r a,:<·ou?lt; ,! n', ·onl of uli their 1,1·,H·vt•ding·~ u1Hl~r t!li~ ac·t. ;uHl tl1e\· shall tr~1: ..:1nit to the go\·t·n1or an ahstr:1et 1)f all si._ieh pn1t·t0 t~ding-s .. tllf•l't'lllllf:, with an nnn uul report. to hQ hv the i·o\·(•ninr· ]aid hpfure th? 1> i:-;lntL1re 1,iennially; and all hnok~ antl 11~.1.pc·rs p(•rtai~1ing· to tl-,e r?:; tl'l' pn,villf'(l for· in this ,1,:t shall at all ti1nv~ 111.' 1_qw11 ti) the~ insrx •in nf any part~p intvre:.;ti:-•d, ur th,=- go\·­er11i:1r. ,n· tJi.-• :ttt1)rnev g·t·J: ... al. or n. connnittee of (•it!H•r branch of tht• lt-... !.;·i:.:tqure, ur a jl)in( 1rnn1ittc·e of bntli. ur anr eitizt·n of the Sta tc•.

Sr:,·. 7. lt ~hall he the ,Jut,· nf the st.rte trc·a~1:rr•r to pay the inu,rest of ~aid bnnd:-. \Yll n th(~ san1e fnlls dw•. uut fif t!H~ ~inking fund Jll'()\'idt·d for in thi~.: ,ll·t. on c,1ntroller·~ \\·arrants duh· llra,vn for that purpose. ..

Si-:1'. ,\. Tllis act, if :1d, 1ptf•d hy the J'IHlple, ~hall tak,~ (·ffect on thi:• tl1irty-tir!"':t da;\· 11f l i.··,:t•rnher, ninpteL'n llundn:il and tt"n. as to all it:-; prci,·L·dn11s. t··Xn pt tllose relatin.::::: ttJ and 11,:r·1·:-:~ar\· f,1r its subn1i~~i1H1 t11 tlit.,, p,·j1pl1', and fol' J'(•tu1-·nin.~. (·an\·a~sin.~. ·and pn,­daimin_~· tllc~ n,tP!"-. :u1d as to :-;aid ex,._·r•ptt•d pru\·isions t!Jis aet shall tak1..• .-,ff1·ct irnrw·diat;•J,·.

Si-:,_·. 11. Tlii~ ~u·t :--h.:lll li•: f:1.tbn1itted to t11c pPnple nf tlie State of C::1Ufnrnia for tiH ... ir r-.ti::('alinn at the llt>Xt .~·1:-_•nc·ral election, to hn holden in tilt· 111011th nr ).;'t"1\·e1nlH::r. nint•tr'en llu1Hire1l and ten, and all J,,dlot~ at :--ahl r·lt.wtii)n shall ha,·e printed tht:·rt.::•un and at the t•1111 tllerf·nf. tilt.• words. "_Fnr the San DiPg-o ~1·awa!l aet." ancl in a s1:·parat,• li11t.~ un,ler tl1e !'-a.llH' \\.", ''.\_gain.-;t the :-:ian Diegn sf>a­"'all a1•t,·· a1H1 uppn:.:itl• :--aid lines tht•n::. sllall lit.'' h·ft ~I:JH1't_·s in which tile· ,·11u•rs n1.1~· 1nak(· nr :-:t:1111p a. ('1'0Ss t,) indit·ate "·hc·tht~l' ; hL'Y ,·ote for ur ag-aiu:.:t said a1·t, and thost) Yutin_g- fur ~aid act ~hail do ~1., hy placing a t·ru~:-:. ,,ppnsite the '\\'Ord~ ··For tltr• ~an J.Jj;,go Sf"a­"·all at·t," and all th11~t.> nitillg· against tl11• :.:aid :11·t ~hall do ~o hv pl~tt.>ing· a 1·n1~:-. ,,ppu~itt: tilt· w11nls ··.-\gain~t tl11_" ~an J H,-·g'O ~t~a\\·ail al·t.'' Tl1t:~ g-uvt>rw>r 11f tllis state shall ind1ak• tlJt• :a-11btni:-.:-.i11n <.,f this ai·t tn tl11 1 pt•nplt·. a~ afor1.~~aitl, in his pr11dan1ation 1.·:tlling- for said g't'IH··ral t·lt:·~·t h111.

81-:1.~. 111. Tlle ,·.,tl·~ ,·,1~t fnr or ag-ainRt this :tl't shall h,_. ,·i,unt0d, I'Ptur11t1 d and 1·a11vas.-;,•d :111d dei·l,.tn•d in tl1P saint• n1arin,·r and suh­.h\ct tn Ull~ :4an1v rul,-~ a~ votes l'a~t for :-.tall~ ufH('1."r~: anti if it appear tllat :--aid ;u·t :--!Jail lla,·0 re(·eivc-d a llJajorit>-· of all tilt' Yntl~s l'tl.!-1,.t fin- and a~.rain~t it ,1t s:till t-:'l•.:O('tion as afurPH:tid, tht•n tile }.a1nn shall Ila\''-=' t•t't't.>·L't as l11·n•i11hflfort~ pr0Yi1led. antl shall hl' itTttpt!alahlt:~ until tilt' pd1H'ipal and i11t,•rPst of the lial.>ilities I., ,·<'in n,•ate,l ~halt lit-! paid and db:wharg-t•,1. and the goveruor ~hall 1nakt:· pnwlatnatlnn thereof; hut if a 111aj11rit~· ut' the ,·ot1::.~s ,·a~t ns aforesaiLl are against this Ut..'t t ltL'll the sa1ut• ~liall lie n.nd bec:orne ,·oid.

:,;,:,·. 1 I. It shall lw 1!t,· 11l11'· of the senNar;· of state to ha,·e this. a,·t'(l in at 1,·nst 011e JH1 \YSpaper in each t·ounty, or eit}' and ,·ou11t~·. if otH' hf• pu!i\isiJefl tl1erein, thruughuut this stat€", for thn~t· n1011tli~ fl(~xt JH't• 1 ~·din~ the~ gt·IH-ral t!lt:(·tiun tu 1H· holden in tht• rnonth 11f Xov~n1h,·r, uinr-tt~Pn huntlrt•d anll ten 1 tht~ 1•1)sts of puh1ication slinll Ju_• paid 11ut of tl1e San Pieg-o harbor in1proven1t•nt fund, un (·untrollt•r's ,,·a1Tants duly dnt\'\'11 fnr that 1n1rpusl~.

~El'. I::. 'l'lu:,. :-:.tat,• 1·11ntrnll, .. r and ~tatt' trl'a~urer art• ltt:•rt•by tlin'{'t( to tran.-:.ft"I' !'n111: any n10nt•ys paitl into tlw San l•1t-•g:o ~t~a.­wall f1111,\ 111ul<•r tit,• 1,1,,vision~ of this a<:t to the g,•neral funtl of the ~tale nf l ~ali1\ 1 r11ia. a11)" nnd all sun1s of rnoney tht:.•retofore transferred rr,,111 sai<l g<:11,·1·al fund tn the San Diego seawall fund together \\'ith intt.\rt.•st ,;H ~a!J 1nontJys fron1 tlte date uf transfer at the rate of four p(·r t.',·lll p~!r Hnnu1n .

s~:c. I :i. This ad m:ry bG known and rited ns the ,;San Diego seawall ad o! mu:,."

',\', R PORTER. Presid<"nt of tl1e :,;enat,~.

P. A. STANTO:S:, Speaker of the Assembly.


Page 5: Proposed Amendments to the C, - · ll.

\, ~ .. ,, ~1·· • it .\:-: ... , !Ii\ •l>

II!\ ,,j· ~r 1'.•

,~!:,' ',: ! (,,· :0:,•,T•·' 'l , , io , 1. 11 k " ~I. , I• 1•·:1,

. ,r :--:r .· ti ,, ::,, ,L1 > I' , · · 1 rn. :0-:, ·, r, -: .u·y


t·L "! ::1 ,·.,· ..: .: .. \. I•.

·• :'>l:11 ,·I, ~.. .\. P.

I. wi~ .\. 11 ilhnrn.

1'•·· ,-i,·,·d It.,· tl\l.' ( :11\,, ''""· thi~ 1:.;t11 da~· nf . 1 ',,,,1, .. r. l'ri\·att' ~. ·, i,t?Y 11f tl1,_• t;nvl•rnnr.

< 'II.\ I ''I' t-:1: c 7. 11• ,1,f•11' 11t .\'u. fl.·--.' , .,,,/,ifi1111 fl) 1n·u11ns(' to • 11r ,·,11;!'11nria ,111 tt1, •,/,,,, ,,t ,d thr' f'1i>1~tit11-"i11·,.,.,11;,, J,roridi11.,, fl,, ,·/H.~:sifi1·,ttion l>o

8 1.'111{ f11/J"/1S fJ.1/ /JU/IJ 1fi1111 .tu/" f/,1· JHl/"fi0Sf' pf' 1,1 l11!11kiu,1. ln1 ,1111• , 1 ,11,1 .,·,,·fiu11 fir,·. urti,·l•·

i1111 11/ th,· ·sroi,· 11{ , ,•,.1·11 i,1. c ~tali' 1.i· t·aJit11rn1. :it it:-: r,·gular ~l·~~iun, tl:t~ ,1f .ld1111ary. 11i1 · · ···11 L1111d1·t•d a111i nilll', 111!11·1"~ 1•l ·1·tt•d tn t. ,,t' tl1t• IW11 !JtlU~,·~ pf i:1 t'.1\·111· tlH•n•11t. ,,: ,·!1:,· pr11p11st•!-= ln thl ...

(' ~t;it,• tlf ( 1alift1t'J!1.! Ti),, f1,]l1•wi11g Ullh'IHl-1\ 1,t' t!J,• :-:.tat11 ,,f t • :;f,1n1ia: ;1r·ti,·I,· 1w1·h·1· i~ !J,, l!_\· :t:Jl•·lldl·tl to n•ad a~

laturi· ~hall han• n, pr,\\"•·r t,1 pa~~ an)~ n.-·t r i·:1111':inµ: p11rp1)~1·:-:. ·,1.l 1 11q1nratk~ns t11· a~­d f,n· :-.11t·ll Jlllt'p11:--1·~ :nd,·r g!'fh·r;II l:1ws. :11111 Yid,· f,,,. tll,• t·la~~iJi, ·i.,11 11f c:iti,·:-. anti tnwn~ 1·111,~1.• of n•gulatin~ .,.,. l,11~i111·:-::~ c1f liilnking-. inn. 11r individual ~: ii is:-:th Pl' pllt in d r1·tl­hil11,:· but the l:tWI !t/o•ll~Y ,,f tlw L"uit,'ll

\\'. H. PnttTRB. I' ·:-:id1·nl uf tl1t• ~1·n;.1t1:'.

I' .. \. f;TAXTOX. :O:i · t..:."r of tht.• Assernbl~·.

n ry of ~tatf•. L .. otti<•c- ot" t h,1 St..•r.:, ·

t 1 :! : 1 r. n'vlnl'k 1M· . , 1-.,.J,11t.\·. ~


t'Jltt•nil,l·r -;, .\. I 1• l!l.10. l .. ewis _.\. 1Jill1orn,

: ~•·pt,·111hl·r :,.., .\. I>. 1~110. l'liL, Lb,r1l, C'hit~f

\~<·•·h·,-d 11,\· th•:· 1 ;,1\·prnor, thi~ :1 dar of S1;.•pt., l1vll. Pri\'at,,. :-,:,.,T,·tary of the Uo,·L·rnur.


u,, 11,/1,1, 11t SP.,;}. -.l ,·rsolutiou to 1n·npos1· to e fl:" ( ·,1/i(urui11 cf11 1u1tcud1nn,t to the c·,,ustitu­.l'u/i("1'11irt 1(11/f J1di1/I/ lH'('fiOJI .!.! <If ({l'tfc/{' Jr,

.11 ,,,,,., /Jc u111,,·,,1,rit1tnl 11111/ rlr111c11 J'rvm the

~t:t!•· ,if l'alit'11rPi.i nt it~ ,,xu·:u1rdinar~· f:1·:-:­~1·:-::-:i1111, 1·•1?~1111t·11,·i11.u; 011 tlh" Hixth 11:1~· ut'. ~1··p­

s 11f ::11 t!i,· 111,·n:l1o r~ t•lt>('tvd t11 t'<l"h 11f tll1• P \',,:in.~.:: ill f:1 ,·, ,r tl11·rl'nf, l!,•J·('h~· t11·01H1!'-1·• that ,.f tlw ,.,.,;~titlitiP:t of tilt• ~talt:• 11f t"alif1)rnia cill11\\":-,!'.

,•\' :-:!1:tll li,· dr:1w11 fron1 thl' tt'1··a~ur,· hut in :1iii,n:-: n1:1d,· 11~· ];1\\', :.111,t 11pon warl':1.ntg duly r1tr11JJ,·r: :Lnd llt! !?1,ni,_•:,· ~hall l'\"1•r hlt appr,,­

tf,,. ~t:1t,· tr•·:1:-:ur.\· for tilt• 11urp11~,· or l11•111·1it ~i:!t ii 111. :1:-:)·l1rn1. !a11~pital. or an~- nthv1· it1:-:tit1:­

si\·,. n1:111:!~1·!l!r·111 ;1!1t.l l·ontl'ol 11f tlH: ~t;1tt· ,1:-: a nil :111_,- gT:lltt ,ir t] .. nation nf p1·1.1111·rl.\' "\"1•r \11· ti·: 11r11rid, ii, 1!::1: nntwitll:-:tandilig· anytlli1~.L:: H[!tt'I' :--1•,.·ti-111 qf t'.d:-: l'!.llllHitlltit111. th~· )l'gi:-:h­t.·l' t11 !.!Tant :li1l t11 the institutinn~ 1·1n1dtlt't1·1l

h1r,·11:1i11·•· 1)f 111i11,11· 11rphnn:-:, 111· lialf 11l'Jil1:111:--. oi- :1~,·d p,•r:-:1,11:-- iti indigl·llt vin·u111:,.:t:111,·,,:,:­h_,. :l 111iif1i1·111 ru:, .. nncl IWDf'o1'tio11,·d 1,1 tl11·

1d1 r1•:,:p,·,·t.i\·1· in:-:tittttinn~: pi·ot·irlnl. !'11rtluT, ·,· ;1t :ill.\' tim,· ti:,· ri;.d1t 111 ili•!llin• i11t11 t h1·

tit11ti1111: 1,1·ul'i,l,-d. (1,1·t}u·1·. that wl1t·lli'\",,r :1ny ty. ,q· ,·i1_\·, ul' t11,,·1,. :--hall J.>l't1Vide fnr till' ~tip·

111' li;dt orpit:111:--. ,q· ahantlont•1l d1ildr,·11. 11r ,·in·11111;,,,:t:1nc·,·:,:, :-:n,·l1 c111111t~·. ,·it~· :n1d ,·11t111t~·.

titl1•1I t11 n•1·,·i\·1) tl1•· ~atlH.' 111·0 rala np11r11pria­d t11 :,,.111'!1 in~tiluti1,ns undPr vhnn·h 11r nth1.:•r ;it1•JJl1•1\t 1,f tli1• l'•·c ,,ipt~ anf.l 1•XJll'llditlll'1':,: uf ;1t1u,·l1i·d 1n and 111:llli~ht.'d with tll1· law:-- at tltt· kgi:-:latlll"t·."

al fur tit,• 1111rpn:,:,, ,,f raif4ing- fi\'C• 1nilli1111 dol· u:-.,·d in t·:-:rallli~Liin.~. 1naintaini11~. and :,.:up.

(•11\Hlt\" 11f ~:,n Fn1n1•:sen. ~t;at,• of ('nlif11rnia. tn11r:lti,,11 of th,• 1·,HPplt:•tion 11f tli" I 1:t11a111a

ht· l'nn:1111,1 1•:IC'iJi1· lntc·rn:1tion:1l l·~xp11:-:itii111, z:;.tinn ~11:111. t'nr 1!11· li~i:nl ~-t>a1· ht>µ;inning- ,Jlll~· th:t'al yi•:ir tl1t.-·r1:·;if1,-r. to an11 indutling- !ht• l~· I. I Ill I. fix. ,·~t"l,li!<h, and It·,·~· ~u,·li an ,11/

n. a~ wt1,·n lt•\"it·tl 1;p,.ln all tilt• taxalil1• prop­n1akin~ dut• allowarll"e for ddinqut·nt·y, :-:hall h fi:,.:i·:d v1·ar!4 a ~ll!ri nf ont• n1illiun t"·o hu11-

dollnn.; I $1.:!:'111,0111-1. Thf.> ~aid taxt·s :,;hall d ,·ollt·1·tl•d up11t1 1·\·,-·1·~· kin,l anc.1 l'hara1•t(.1r t,• 111' <. 'alifnrnia Jti •t t:.•xr•ntJlt frn111 taxation Pl't t11 tnxation nn tile J~t day of .Jul~-. l!flO. l', and liy l110 :,;am,· nv:thotl. as otlll·r ~tah\ ~!--(•d, anti t·nll,·t·lt·d UIHh·r tht• la\\·. al'.- tln• (lay 1,r .July, t:Hn. The :--tatc- l1oanl i1f (•quaJ-

9 at thl' tinu:• it d,·11•rtni11Pi,,:: thl• au101ult nf ott1l·r statt> purp11~,,~. t.letPrrninP, fix. atHl llet·t·:-::--ary tu rai!:-1• tlH\ rt-•vt•Jl Ut• IH?t·ein pro-

d in tl1t> :-:int•· tr1·:1~ ,i·v n fund to ht• kno\\"11 ns t•rn:lti11nal l•:x1111:--i11.,t·, funtl. antl all n1011f·~·~ s y,rc,,·i~ion, :1ft1•r 1l,·,:111·ting tl1•·• 1,ropnrtinnatt-.

tilt- ,·ullt 1 vtio11 Df th,- ~atnt:•, Hhall l1P paiil il1tn r,,.Jitt-rl tu Slll'h fun,;. ..\11 mone~·H HO 1ini<I Into prnpr·i:11\·d. \\'itli111n rl'ft•n•nl't.· to ti~cal :','t':tl'S,, t, 111,tintvn:.,rn·t·, :1n: ~uppnrt nf ~aid Pan:1n1a pu:-.ition. '!':n tax. lic·Pnse ft.-.t:>, or <"harg(:k nf h:tl_l (·v·r ht.' lt>\'l,·l_:. 01' :u~i,,::1_·~Hl 1!l (J)" ~·tw J'AP,d ?-=:11d I an:11na P·11·:··,· It1lt>rnat1nnal l·~xrios1-

t·l't.,· 11:-::.·d :18 1•xliihlr. ; 11,·rt. ... in. whilt• lu•ing- ust:d n tli1·1·,,,,·itl1. tl n 1·n1n1ni~Hion ti-1 l · known rtK thi:;\ I\1 nn1na. J>fl~itiun ( 1onunissio? nf thP ~tat,• of Califor­

·of th•· g>o\'t•rnor of· ,id stnt,~ Hntl foul' ot.h..-.r h)· tilt-· g>u\'t•rnor. h~ :!n,1 \\'ith tht1 advit·P nnrl

f 8ald Rtat(·. Th•· .,,,,·,•rrwr sl:all lm,·i:o th.:, s nt·1·111Tin;.: at any itnt• In ~nid eonunisslon.

nrn1is,;inn ;:ha 11 r<•,•, :,, no eomrwnsa tlon and ·l'h ,,xpositlun shall a,•e b<>Pn elose<I and Its 1r nwmb,·•1·s of sai, ,·ommlssion Rhall hft se-

. dlons .of th,,·,stit· ...

, .. .t'.,,: .:.,i :ti .. ; ! :.·r,, r r, , n, t ! ; , 1: .1 1, , , ! ., 1 ~ : .... .. , , , 1 .. ~ . 1, · i d .. ! , · r~ 111 n. · 1 r II i r. t, · ..... r ",: ,, 1 1.t 1 .. ,? .i... , ;1.•!" ;1!\''lilrl. ;i:1d ..:,jJd t,,,•;,l..; I,• 1.,, I \o•"

;t1ul !I: \I li I• ·it1;iJ I':, qu 1-., ..., ;1 :1, ! 1 ·, ! , -..; ,, :.:ti, It 11111,•:..: .i11d 1.J.,, ,,,. :,11,t 1•1 .... ,, n1.1· 1,,- :.:aid l ·gl:-.l11t!\•• :11.r!111ri11,·_ 1•,,· i·r,, ~t-dd, t11 , ... 1':t.\;tldl' llllf]',•d1.1·1,·l~ \,\ t1 1·,11111t\· t11 tl11• tr·,,,1~11r,·r 11! ... ;aid l'.11 .111:, siti1111" ,·ornpan,·. ;ip,111 tiw d1•rn;111.J .. r..; li111t t'1 111q11111>·. \\'i tll•!lll tJ11· IJ< ,. :-,,qt', ,,( ;

h~· ntlll'l' ;1•1tL,1rit\. l111· :o-;un,• t•• :,,. l'a11.irn:1 l'a,·irk l11t,·?·11,1ti1,r1:1l l·:,rH•··:.:111, 1•1° :..:11,·11 t·:q1;1: ... itin11. und,-r tL,· di1,·,·ti11?1 n,n1p:,n~,

tl,1 l'r1,,·idi11~ tl1·1t :1n~· l111nd1 d in,i JHll'}111:..:1•:,.. ;1f11r"~:li.i ~!Jail Ii,• ,-,,·ln-•q\·•· 111 tli~· ~aid ,·it,· and ,·1it1ntv Ji111it•·t! !1\· ~._.. vliart,•r: · · ·


,::\l ... !11\ ... \: di ·ee,1 :1\ •. , .. : . ,·1;t·;:1i

I tt! 1 1.1 \• ... f,·, ! :..:t.1 ft• ,)t j, .... ..; t '. ,:1 ·1 11.1 r :, t ah;dl 1,,, d··t•·n1,111 1 ·d

( :,:.111l 111)!11!~. WIH·II rer ,it .... ;1i,I ,·it:-· :11i•l Jt1t,·rn;1l!tH:.1l 1-:x1,• 1 -

,ur,·1· ,1!' :..:;11,l ,-,1u1:--i­o,·:il nf :,.:11,·li 1l,•1n:1:J1I ·l d1:-:l,11r:-.,·d hr :-::lid

: \ll,\' f,q· tl1,· purp,1:-.•.·:-: .1tr"l 11f :,.:·1,.·Ji PX}H•~1-

ss ir1,·111T,·d f11r t 11,' ncl,·d i11ili'lit,•d11t·~:-- 11f ,'ff art it l,· Xll nf :--aid

1,,1 tir;u1ti11.~ t11 s·1iil l'an:11n:i 1':tl': :, :. rn:itinn:d Exp11:-1ith111 ("nrnpany th.•,·~• lll~i,·,, 111,~~f·~:-iii,11 :111,I !·•..:-etlt,·r ,vitl1 th,,. rn:1n-a.~·t·llh'llt a11d 1·1111tr11l. nf tli;it p .. rtitir1 ,; :,i·.!n (;at1• l':1rk i11 tit,• ,·it,· :ind t·i.i1nt,, 1 11 !°":111 Fr:1n1·h:,·,, w,- .... 1 ·:·, m Tw1·11tit·th a,·,·nu,·. as ·,·xt,.•n,I~·,I. f1;r ..:.111·!1 •·x111isitii,11 1,111·11-• .... :, h p,1~:,,;1·:-:~i,111 :ind 11~,·. abn nrnl'aµ1•1lJ1•11t a11tl 1·n11trnl. t11 t,•rfll!" ··-· i:"t lat,:1' than •lll•· :,.-•·ar aft1•r tJ11:• 1'11•.,.ill~ 111' :.:11\·i1 1·Xp11:-iti,1t1:

,,!) (iranting· lll ~;iid Jl;111:1111a l'a, ·,· lnt,•rn:1tit1n:l1 Expo~iti11n ( "1n11pa11y tl11• ~-xdush·,, 1•11:..:~t':..:~i1,11 nnd T··~t:·tl1•·r with till' 111:in­a,t.::,·111t•nt n11d 1·,111trnl. r,,r ~11,·II •·xpns·i. :. 1,·:rp11:-:1·~. 11f :ln~· lands Ju·I1l Ji~· tin• lu1nnl 1)f ,:d111·.1ti1111 ,.f tlH·· ,1:id 1·1.i111tr 1)f ~:111 Frn11-1·is(•11, a111l hv tla~ 1·ity und ,·1111111,- nf . F:·.,nd:-::,·o. tH-'t in ai·tual u:,,.,.,. !--illl'i1 1,~1;,.;;:--:.,.·~:-.ion' n11tl t1:-.t1. ;lb,1 :! ... 1~,·tn1•nt and 1·(111tnd. tH t••nninatt~ not lat••r tli,ln t1J1t• y,·ar aft.:· :i.,. do~ing· ,.,t' ~uvh t'Xpn~i­ti11n.

1 f') . .-\.uth<lri"-ing- f:aiil ]">ana,na Pa,:·· Jnti•rnational Expf1siti1,n ('11111pany \11 tt·IJH)•)l'Hl'il~· ,·lo~.~ :-:.trt•t>l~ :· !ht• dty ;11ul vnuntr nf_~an F"n1n,·i~t·n \\"P:-::terh· fr1_1111•til :,-:1t1('. fn1 ~IH'h •:•xp1i:-:1ttllt1 p111·pdstls, and to ·lHl\"P tl111 t··xdusi\·f~ ; ,:,.:-=t~s~irin :11111 11st:1, tug·ert1t.:r "·ith tht• 111ana~~:en1(•nt antl c·ontrnl. of ~,:itl stret•ts ft1r ~uch expof:1-tion purpo~t·~. Blll'h pn:-:st?:-i~ion and 11:-:, .llso n1anag-l•tnent nt.Hl •·un­trnl of ~:ti1l ~tr-.:•t.•ts. tn tt>l'lltinate not : :-:r than ntH! yt•ar attt.·r the dosing tif ~ll<'h r>xpnsit '.tlll.

Prupusal~ t1.1 an1t~nd th1 1 cllart,:·r 11! lte f'it,· ancl t.·11t1nty of San Franvi~Pn in tht' fort•gning- partit•ul:1:· ina~· ·he ~uhn1ittt.')d l,v ttH~ 11:'"gi:.;lath·e .tllthnrity nf f-:.ahl ('itY anti 1nty tu till~ t·ll•ct,1rs oi· Bahl l'ity and {'ullnty. at an~- gen~nil or :"'! ·:ial elt11 tion fand a SJ)f'\'ial c·le('tion 1na.Y he 1·allcd tht:1 refllr1 held saitl cit\" and 1.·ountr. alter th~-. pul>lieaiion of ~nu·h proposals in :1 :w~pnpt·!; nf g-t·neral 1·in:_11la­tton in said C'it)· and r·ounty, for s111.·, tin1e a~ :-:.hall he th•tern1111<. .. 1l h1 sntfl lcigi~h,.tive a1jth,1rity. tTr,Q.t -,~e r·tti·kation i:,f •111~- slw!1 f>r.'.1Ju1i,.;t•i} a!llPillln11-·nt .1y ,t n.1uJnr-1,Jl··• tie t.:Je1.·tors uf .st.Lid' eily and 1·11unty ,·oung· nt ~UPh Plt .. l't1nn on · 'J)roposed an1end1nent. said prnpose,i a1nP1Hl11H•nt rc1.·pi\·ing ~ . 1 ·1ajnrit)· ,·ote shall bec·on1e oJ'-'l'nti\·t ... itnn1P<llatt•I.\' n~ an tunen<b :t tn ~aid (~hart(~l'. ,vithont tilt• 11t\1'L•ssit,~ nf npprn,·al tht•t·f'nf by_ l"g-i~latut·e.

An.\· Ul't of tlH:> lt=rgi.slati\"t· a11thoni ,!' the t'ity and county· of San Frnn<·hwn. in s11hrnitting· to tile,.:. : ~ nf ~aid ,·it~· and ,•nunt:v. at an~· gl~111•ral 1,r RJlt..·t·ia.l le-,·tiun. r,:, .~.ds !n arnf•n!l the .('harter 11f ~akl ei't\· a11tl vnuntv 111 tlie f,1reg,1: ~ : ,1·th·ular.:-:. tnl'Iu,ltng- a.ny notic·,~ hy i1uhli1·~1tinn ;H. ntl_H·rwi~e r,f · _pro1111::--al~. a11d '"'.r sud1 l·lt•r·tion. ancl t~1e hnl,ling- ol :-::twh eh· 1n a1·<·t1nh1n1·" with tile prn,·isinn~ heret)f. hefor;:' tht:• aclOP.t.1 .f this a1nL·ndin1:.•nt. ar 1•

hert1 hv valit.lntt-"11 in all l'l_..HP~'vt~ as lt ·-:-1,,: :i~t·d ~11b::--f•qucint tn tl1t.~ adoption of thi:-:. anit.:•J!llinPnt. The . ...::,·1:·..:.-,!lH·nt of all f11nd:­ohtained fro1n snid h,ltJds shall l_H' a1·· ·::n,·d 101· h~· ~aid l'anarna Padti(' I11ternatiu11nl l::xpn:,:;itii'ln <"'om1 ri.,· an itf•nliz.-•d :..:tatt•­lnl"llt tl1<·reot' tn l.>e tik,l wit.ii the au,:: .. r ,.( tile eit~· a:lll c,rn11ty ,.Jf San Francis<:o.

P .• \. :,,:'l'..\:'\"T•YX,

4; .\tt,·~t:

i ;,.,•u 11f tlh· .\:-:~1·1111,J)~. \\~. FL P,.)::1·1-:1~.

1':·,,!".·l,•nt nf tltt• :-:.i:·nai..1...\.

( ". I·.,. C't·nRY. ~\'t'l't·tnr~-. of ~ta tc"·. Eru1urH1.•d: F"ill•d in thL• otlh•t• 11t' till' Sl·: :-· 1:·:,· of :,O::t;ltl· tlH• lflth 1h1v

( if ~eptt:>rnlit"r. A. V. 1 ~11.0. l ~. F. C'urry. ~.- :· :a ry uf 8tate. B)· .J. Hnl'~l'h, .1 ·)1-·pu ty.


PH~!':',1;1 11 tJH~ H:t~nat(~. )lard\ ...... \. r,. ~l·1·1·1·ta1 Y 11f tlit• ~1·11:1 ti·.

l':.1.s~t1d tile ... \~:,,;1:n1ld.,·. ::\larl'h 1.~, .. .:\.. ! i. ( 'lt·rk tif tla .. A.s:-:,.•111hly.

Lewi~ A. l l'ilhorn.

Clio Lloyd. Chi.::f

Tl!i~ hill "·as 1·t•(·ei\·1· 1l h~· thr• ,;""'-~r11,·1 .\. 11. l!•o:1. at ll u'diwk ..-,. :\l. 1-:. l.'. (',,,, tl11• Uu,·t_--'l'll1 ti·.

:; 1 !•th <la,· nf :.\lart'h. Pri\·att• .;;~.·t·retary vt"

f"IT.\PTl-:R 3~" .In ru·t tu JJ/"ol'i,fr (111· fllf' iss11,_11u·,· ai~d sui· · ,t,1t, .. lmntls to ,·1Tatc a

f111ul {01· tlu· i11tJJl'Ul'f·1111·nt uf .,·,,,, J-1·,ult· .. ~1 • io1,1•b11r hi, th,· ,·1Hu-,·t1·H1'­tion lHJ fl/f' lu,anl of ,"tffltt· h,trlu,r f'nHn, r'' , ,·.~ of wl,u;·i·f·s. pkrs. 8ftttc 1··Hiil'o<ul. s1,1n·.~. lwttt·1·111r·nt."i. u11<l u.,. ·1r111t•t'N ,cu,/ 11,·,·u;;sar11 tlrt'd!}iU,fl <llHf /i/liU!I in ('1,1IIIIC<·fi1.1u rher~ 1• ., fhf' t·ifll fllltl ('O/lll{/1 of ·"'"H Fra,u·isr·o: to c·r,·atc a 8ll1ln11,r11 1 ,;, fllf' /Hf!llllt'llt of said lunu/.i;;,· to dcfi11,• th,' tfttti,•...: uf" stat,· offe,·1 , 1·r,fotiu11 tlHTCtn: tu 1iH1l~·1· au <t/J/J/'OJH"icttion u( /ii·,· fhn1tsa,u: ,. ·8 fu1· tl11· ,·.rp,,,,..~c uf J11·i,J.tin,t1 "'"id lunu/8.' <1nrl tn J1ruritle for 11·, 1 /;111is.~iu11 11{ this OC'f to o rut,· of thf' J.Wnplc.

T/11· JJl'1>JJ/c of th1• State of ('H/i(u1·11 ia, ass,·111/Jl.11. t[tJ l /t,((·f <t8 fu

~E1'T10:,.; l. For tiJ,• 11urp,l~1· r,f pro,·icling: : 1l fur tli,· par1n,·11t ut' th1.• irnl,··ht,·tln,·~s h1·r,·h~· nt1tl11,riZP1l tn bt· ;· · 1·,,t1 h,· tl11• h11a1·1l of :-::tat" hal'hl)r 1·0111111iH:--i11nt•1·.s t'n1· rlw 1·1'PCti ,. · whar·\',·~. pi,·r~. :..:1·:1-wall. :-:tat,· r:tih·nad. s1nu-~. ht·ltt.>J'IJ11•J1!~ anti ,·t,·n:111,·,·s and 111•1•1·~-:-:.ar_v clr,·lli.dng- antl tilling- in t·n11t11·1·tt11n t 1 .1 ith i11 tl11· l'i't~· an,i ('ount\' nf ~an F1·.1nei:H·o, :it a <·ni-.t nnt to 1 \ 11in .. n1illif,11 tlollar.::--1 whil:h :..:aitl \\",·v~. pit·r:-:. s,•a,,·nll. i..:tate r i :,l. ~1n1rs. l11·tt,•1·1111•nt:..: :111tl appt11·ti·11an,·":,:; an,1 n1·1·,,:,;:..:nr.v dr,·•hdnj.·. tilling in c·onn1 .. t·tion tlh'l"l'\\"ilh tlh· huarcl nf :·Hat,• h:1r1Jor t·111111nifi-J, i:-: :11·(' l11•r"lir 1·1np11\V· ,,r .. ,l tn 1·011.stJ·ut·t ;1nd 1l1) in till· 111:tnllPI', at,': ~"d h\' l:lW. :i1ul at a ,·o~t not tn 1'X(·1·1·d ~aitl 11inr• rnillinn d• 1llars> · ..:tat1.'tt·,·as11r,·r ~linll. itn1n1•1li:it1•l\' :iftt•r t!H• ii,;:~11;1n1·t• of th,· Jll"O< ·ion of 1!1,· g-u\'••l'JltH', JH'U\'iilt·t\ t";>r in ~<.ll•tion 1 o lwr'-·of. Jll'Pl)ar ,. ll11111:..:a11d :..:uitaltlt> honils of t)h:i Bt.tlt• nf C:ilit"ornia, in th•• den1,•1 tion nt' 11111• 1111111:..:an,.l 1l11llnl'R t·al'h. T'il1· \\'hoJ1 .. i:,;:..:tu• of :,,;ai,l hnnd~ ~ I not P~l·1•1·1l th1: ~un1 of nirH· 1nilll.-1n tlollur:-;, and :..::lid horHls ~hall l intf•r1•:•.t nt th,· ratt' of four p1·r 11c·nlt1tn fll'l' :1nn11111. ft·11n1 tht> dat_ :-iHll:LJlt·,· th.,r,•nf. and hnth print'ipal :11111 inh•r11:..:t i..:Jinll hP pa~·:ihle 1 i: d eoin of th .. pr"~l'Tlt t-itan<lar<l \'Hhh·. :u1tl th1·~· :..:hall ht· Jiayahle -· · ,. otfi,·•· of th,• ~tat,• tl'(•ast1n•1·. :1t tl11• 1•xpit·ation 1)f Sl'\'t"rtt~·-f'on · :l'fo; fron1 tiJPir datt•, :,.;11hi1·l·t. hnwt•\·r~r. t1l r•1)clt>IHJ1tion h~· Int as in ;11·t h1·1'1·i11aft,·r pro. \'idt~tl. ~ni,1 hon<h.; :-.hall lwar 1lau• tll,• :,:;pc·on; of Jul~· .. .\. P. nint·· tt>Pll l1tnHlr,•1l n111l i:•11·,·,·n. arul ~llall 111• n~ade J I,· 1111 1h1• ~1·<·o!1tl tla\' of .J11I.v, niw·tt•,·n liunch·Ptl and (·i~hty-11,·,,. , nt"n·:-.t a1·(·ruing nl1 !-!llf'h of sai1l hnnd~ :a~ art- snld, i-.hall ht> 1lue !' ·1;i~·:ihl,• at tl1t• otfte,) of th1_. statt1 tr,•a:,:;urPr 011 tilt• st~t·otHl rlay i,t' J;,·r, v. autl on th,· :,-:.r•1·nn1l 11:t)' of .Jul.\ ... of 1·al'h ~·f·ar nf't,•r thP sali·· of •: ~ 11111·: 1n·u1·id,'tl, that tl1P first p:1~·111t·nt nt' inti·n·~t ~hall h1· 111:1 111~ o_ ,..:,·1·ond tlay of Jul~·. 11i1wlt.·en ln1ndn·il :111tl twvl\'1·. nn :--n 111:_lft;\" ot horid:..: a:-: 111:1\' lta\'1• hf·1:n tl11•r1·toforP f.iol,t. ,\t th1~ ttxpirat1o11 of .. , • t,v-f11ur )"Pat·:,;l frnn1 thP olntte of sai<I hontlH, all honrls ~old ~hall c ,, lwm· int,•n,,;t and likt>Wis,i all l>nn,ls r,•rlr• .. rut•,l h~- lot Hhall ~en • h,·:, I' intr·r .. ~t ns In this aet proYi<lt•,I. and th,.: s«l<l st:11,, tr,•asur,··· ·c'l ,·all in, forthwith pay .,and <·arn·t.·l tht• !-;allll', out nf tilt' n1,1111•ys n · ~,·,·nntl ~an Fran­C'!sN> Sl'awall "inkin~ f1111d pro,·itl,•,l fill' In, t ,, .. ,,.r. :11ul 11 ... shall on th,•-ilr1>t l\fornlay of Jul~-. niiwt<'<·'n hun,h· .. d an I;, 1t,'-llv,•, also ,·ane<-1 aml d('strov all hnnd1< not. th,·rPtofon• sold. .,!, un,ls is,.m,<1 f'ha.11 b,• si1n1ed h)· tht> ;.:-ov,·rnor,, nml eountPrslg-1w,I by <l ... ,,,,.rnllt>r, nnd !'hall b,• (ll1<lorsed by tlrn st(tl(• t l'Pasur,•r and tl)e l!id homts .shall be so signed, -oount<:>rslgo,Hl and endorsed hy the ~!'.!ei>,~,h<:ct.rce ln··.offlce on···

'. " . ' ~-" ·,,,,-,.··c .,,, ,f, .; • ., ,

... ;.:·iin:::t tl1iR :lC't ~l::111 ht."1 ('()l1Dtl:)11 • ~-,:·.··E in the- ~nnv· n1;t~1:i,,r ,rnd ~11h­.: . · ;t for :,:t;1t1·\ ntli1·,·r:-:: :11111 if it :·,.,:~,-1] il )11;\_ioritY 1,r .ill ~}J,·, \'OtC>:,:; ,), . .-;on n::: nfnt'(•/.:;lifl. !,l;,·n r!1n ~:1nli'

\t:id1·,,1. nnl"l ~hall l1o· in·,·,p .. :i1·'lhlP ~ Ji;d,iliti,-·::-:: lH·r(.,in ,·n•:1r,••l P)~~,11 ·ernnr :,, n1:1k,· nrjh·l::rnat1nn ~ i:-n~t ni::: ;if,l?"f·:":ti,l art"• ng·:1in~t bf•1'0I11P \"flit]. thi~

~tt /;~:•t/~/~1 n,~1 ,~;;1\1 ~:·. \'~r 11/.\ ~·;: :1 n,l r\1rnu::..h·11Jt till~ :..:::ii•·. f111· !hr,·,-· :~tinn' tn 11,· h11l1l,·P 111 tl·,• ?11ont 11 ·~tr. tht"' 1·i'l~t~ 1·,f V'l1lic:1tin11 Bll:i!l --t,nr itlH'''l't\'t"'l"IH·ni funi.l. l)?I 1•11n­:t lll1J'l1(1:0:,·.

,_ 1.~11 1.:itP<l :i~ thf• ·· . ..:an Fr:inci~,:·n

"-· R. 1',,r,n:n. Prf>shh·nt ,,!" tl!I.'· :,;:t•natt:"'.

P . .:\. :-,:T_\:,.;,T11:\'. Spe-akr·r of tJ1,· .-\:.;=:,.:;t•:nhly.

F,P1,l11rR('1l : F"il,•d i ·~ : ! ·· ntfi·. · ·1 nf ).Jnrc·h . ..-\. l"> 1~,.,·,. ·t i 1;,, 1-.

.T. X. n11.t.F.'r'T. nnn-·rnnr. ~(•('l't'{;l1"\" Of :-=t:llf:• thf• ~0 1li1:\' )I. C. I~,. (''11tT~·. ~t-·:·rt-tar~· 1·,f

~tnt,1 • R:i,.· .J. J-In,•:.:, L. l i,,put_\·.

ASSEM BL V al.I. NO. 990.

Passed thE- ..\~.-~i·n·:.i\·. :\lard i. \.; D. l!H)!l. Clio Llo~·,I. Chit~f Cll·rk nf the .b~<'ll';,1:,. \ l''ll

Pas~,•,.1 the :c;,-n:tl•· :lfan·il 1 . .' !), 1!10~. L,)wis ' . " ,11rn. :';po•rPtat·v nf t]ll' ,; •.. , .. t•·. , /' ti · ,, ) ]· · f ::'>f• , \ ll

Tl .. 1 'n1 ··1 •..•. ,,·· ·t! li\' tiJr.' '.,r<.11)01', 11S _t ( a~ f) - .11.. .. . . 1 ~, 11 :/

1:,;at) i::"'11::\-1'\l'l.;_. ':,-1, ·E. 1 •. · ptr. Pri\·ate 8c••Tetary uf tilP

Uonernor. Cl[.\ 1,. : ;~3.

I t . ,:J,H·t111i.~ition, 111uiutc11lll!<_'C a_,ul .111 ad 1111tltorhi11,1 1 ,,- . ''""" ,· 1 .,

11.~ ;11 the Stat,_· of ('a/,for111!1:

<'OlltJ'o/ of <I ,1;·11.~f( ,, ur staf1 ., ,.' . irnts fn 1n• 111orlf' Vil ,·n11nflf'.~ s1u·,·if11iny th,: w,,:'l:. 1i.riur1. ·J_,. ' .. in,, to,· thr· 1.~s,unu·i· ,uul Nak {1 I' HJf}llf 1/f'; f',J'/H 11,f, ,/ f/111"t 111 • / • '/'

f, . l ' 1~ t 1 ,111 t,·. a /1 ,,i{ .t. e c·on,'itt·ur·tion an< <rt't/111,~l io.n 0 8ft1t, 10111 s O

1 .;.,, ,,t 11 ,,1 11 ,, ,,, (1111d fn1' tit,· JJ<llllllf'llt of saul of s11,·1l 811,"'t( 111 : r",,r fl,, . ....- . , S.'livn oi thi~ fl1·t to a t.·ntc vf 11011</s: au<l 1n·11ru!i11'/ ,·

the /JC"Jl/c. , , 1• ,.,.,,,.,.,si,11fc1/ i11 s<"11,1te and 'l'ltc µco])le of till' .-rut,· ,,f 1 ·,, 1.s ,·,,11u1rs:

tU?8f'tillJ[}I. t/ 1 •

:<f:CTIOX 1. .\ ~)·st,·'lll 11 f st,, 1 .t 'wa,·~ in a11,1 for th<' Htatt• of l~ •. 111· 1·01.111·,.1 ::,.}i.-.11 h~· 1 •1111'll('tt•d qt1fr1?cl as a11d in tl1<;. 1nannt_\r

) l'llj,;d!lt'l~l'ing- nr ~aid i-:tatt• at pro,·ided hy Ia,v liy til,~ 1 •·P•~ltl, tloltars. Fur thi• 1n11·1,1.1~t· nf a r·oRt not to ex,·,-,•d ,·t~htl·t•.n ,1· nf tilt• ,·oY1strtH·ti,,r1 ,,1· :u·qui-pro\·iding for ttu:-o pa_\·111,·.11 t ,~t 1 ! · ·s. t It(• Hta tP t)f ( ~alifn1·11 ia i~ $ition of said sy:,,:.t,·111 ot :-.aul !. ~ln··~:.; in tlHl 111 antu.•r JlJ'O\'hlt:•d 11,-.r,,h,· authorizi"·d t,1 l11\·11.r ;.ui ! .. illinn (lnllar~. h\' this a('t in t.lH~ sutn °1 t:'IJ.dJt ":'thf' pr11daruat.ion nf thP g·n,· ...

0 ln1111e,HatPly nftf.'?: tlli:• l~:-:i;,tr, llii~ :H·t, tht-' tr~.•a!--11r1•r nf tht~ PJ'llt'll', :1:-: prnv11h-.,l lll ~-·,·t 1'-11 \ 1 ~ IJ.f~uitalil,• hond~ 11t' thP ~tatf~ of ~tat1· ~hall fll't'I 1H1't' t:.ii:lit_e"ll i .. • .t tl'l11u:-;autl tlollars t~al'h, tn ht~ Callt\lrnla in the tlf•non~uiatl'. 11 : and tn lH~:n· thP llatt> of tht-. n111uht-1n~d t't'nnt 1 to 1 :,,:, 11 •-' 1.'. 111 i,;st1t' 1lf ~ai1t hnnds ~hall 11ot thin! 1la)· ot ,Jul~·. l!ll l. 1 h•· l II I j ("···,,,,~ll 111 ,, ,.,, 111 of Pig. ht('t-n i" •liar~ and they ~ Ht .u:•ar n-

., ~ '" - it·!' annnln front tilt> ilHh' of terest :tt the rate uf fou.r J'w' th<' 111tPrest thereon shall be tssunnet.:i. there~f. Tl~e ~aal }''<\ i.t~~ nf the in·cst."?nt standard of pavable in gold 1·oin of the t ,,.. .,ai<l Hrnte at the tinH'S an<! In Yaiu,.- !it the office of the tr~"~'.'.:. t four hundre,1 of said hnn,ls the mann<'r following. to WI t:.. , tla ,· uf .J uh·, 1!1 '. 7, and 1\1u1· sba.11 due and payab_l<? ,m -' n unierieal or,ter shall he due

- hund.r.ed !l.f.sald bonds m /"qll"·,

q./1 ,i .... r:..·•.;!f th,· .-.:1 d,• ...... 1 r," ,,f ,· ·e lfi.1!1iw

1i1d ••H T!., Ii•.-.• I :,1t·, ~:.rr,t '":l~t· ~i::/11 l'i'./.';.;,;,.,.·· ~old 1,1.1·~ t,, ·i!-i11 r~· t,, t l i• · ." 1 -· "'r rr 11 n, rr~1,n1·\·~ ;q,J,r-.1,ri ,· ~~111\~i~\;~:. ':,,.i1 nr tli" l,iind..: .' 1lll•' ;11111

~1-:,·. t;, Tl,,. J•?. 11 11!' !-::d thr• fiHIP tt1P ~:1!1i> dt1P, fr,q :·.1•1,1. :ind tLr• n11,: : bt1nd:-: s ~,·,id int••r··~t 1"··· 11 • ··rnni tJ 1e p .. f1J prindp:tl :11·1i ..:b:ill I," d!-.i\\·n hv tLio •·••Ill' ·-;~~tat., ...i:11!"' l111:1rd nf 1•:c1r th("> f:lit 1_,.,·,-hv 1,),•dc+··d f,,r ~nt nf ti .. 1.i. :11111 th,· int.-··1• ~ th.-,r, .. 1

~r:,·. - Ti1" ~tat- · ·r :ind s 1~,1 p:1rtii'11L1r :1, •. · •er·1,nl "r

,·,i~ .i,·t :intl th"v -mit t,, .il, ... tr:ll't 11f all :-=n,·!. · q-~ tll•·ro ·,! 1rit•li 1 ·:•t1·. o1n•· ,.," 1 t1t , ... • ·w}, f'IIIJ~i· t1f f }i,, 1• - ,ff'lllli:111 1 iJ,1inL!' t,, tl11• 111:11r. . ,1 f,q· in :,,, 11pi•n to t!1;• in~,"" ny 1,: 1rt ., .. tli'" att11r11,·.v g•·n,-r \nimitt,'11 , ... Jat11rt"· ur :i .i 11 i11t 1·1 ,1 f lll'tl! n

f-!t-:•·. ,. Tl:f• ld.1..d1\, -·rui·t,·d ~'IIJlS 11f fflf~ Hf't :-,:J;;1' 'lllnlil'llf' ·.\·itl1 nil nr n1:11·:ul:1n1 ,inhin.tti :·ralt>rial a~ in thf> _iil• ,f tii. :-.:-:-·:,:,11 lu· 1n1,:,:t ~llit:111!,, ~t :id:1n t a,·,..r:-:i·,1. Tia:, :-:tat,· ·· .. P.nt ,,f 1110 pt·nplf' nf tilt? :-:t: ·alif,1r?d dnnntif,n nr (l('dif•ati1111 ~e an,· l:tn,l J1P1'P!--'~nr~· nr pn·J· -11e 1·1,ns 11f :-:aid ~tat1-. lligh,\-:\~· JI priH· nnflPr the- prn,·ision:,,: 11f ,:e nf C'i r•!'Of'Pf'(lin,e-R an:,: nf•,·t·:-."' nrcip,--r 1;11111. Th~· <h·pn1·tn11·nt .:inf•t"·rin n11thnrit~· to p11t·f'i1afif-> ·, ·:-lie~. 111 ,di ,,thPr thin~~ 11Pl'f'R~;i ;•'.'Opt~t' i , .. nan,·e of said ~tate !.il, " with highl'.·a~·!-1 ·whir·li haYt-. !it•.:0:1 :inanen pr-nnatll"'nt rontl ,liYiRion 1., ·! . ..:sues a,]np.tinn nf .thi~ a<'t: all ,_,. ·,, hlg wtthm the r1~ht nf w~~- -,r ,1 stat n,]ontPd lt~· tllf' ,lt-.partnH-n t. n. Rhall ht)r•ornfl n part of th,• r1ghr nut ,·r1rllllf.'rl~.tth•11 l1Pfrl~ tiald ... tJ.J taine1l i:::hall r,:-quirt~ t 1 ·p :-:!·ttf!· f'. !-:a.ill rig-hi. nf \\":1s. prtul" l" t:, pprn1a11,·nt irnprn,·e11wnts (···:it<~ mnn••\' r0,•r•i,·.-,t1 f"rnn1 tl11_. . ...:;1'.· .,: fli·t. ~h:ill ht~ t•Xfll'JHl(·d in a•··, 1•:1v into thP ~tat1• trt•,1:-:.111' lnt'er •_!,:r. :1t tlle rnt,• 11f f., '!' 1•1·! s•1111 nf 111011,··_V i?XJ.V·I1d1· 1l \'. :t1:·j :-aiil i,.tatP ldglnva.v. 11·:-::-= ~ '.l l' l\lt• ho111l~ rnatur('fi il!Hlt .- <: 1,: ! lie total tnnnhe>r of l,nnt]..: "' ,J,1 ;1 ·

ll .,

:--trurL:cl or ,1<.·quin")t1 \11";1:···· tL·· : ·j 1~1anr-ntl\· n1aintainr·d an,i 11 r r,

:-,~r,:c:-. !( This a<"··t. if :iq ,r,r, .J i hr• thirtv-first cla~· nf J'I•· · ·n1L,·r. 1.i1nsc~· l'C.·latjng- !n, and ],, '~:-: 11· ;1n1l f,11· rf'turn1ng-. (·:·1n·:.,~..:!11..: . ... :1,·l1 a<·,··<-•ptP(l prn,·i~ii",~1.: ::::..: ;1,

~Br··- 10. Thi~ a<·t F 1 :ili hr.~ .. ,,f 1':1lifi)rnh fnr th<0 ir r:ir•:i"·:1 1 :, •

!:11lden in the n1nnth i"1! :,.:. 1\'· ri "':tii1 pJf'(·ti{)n ~hall ha\·,, J1~·i:.;,,.: 1!1,• ,vnnl~ ''Fnr thr• ~\;1(• J1l:.!l '.'. 1•r thP ~nn1e. thP ".v,,1.l:-:: ··.\.L

t 1)

Jin~ite ~aid Jinf>~ thc .. rr> ~li:1i_i l·:· :. : : :-. ·n:tk:, •,r Rtan1p a f"·rn!"g t•• !llf'.···:.· w :..:·till ac·t. anfl tht,~f: \·nti1:~ ;'.;r .-=a;· 11ppn~itr• tl1t·· "·nnlfl. ''Fnr t!:,-. :.:~.:tt- ., ;1~ai11~t thP ~aif1 Hr·t !..'.-:1:•!! 1l, :..'.·• i1y w,1rd:;. "~\g-ain~t th~· :-:tntt· hi;'.w:~\· 11.~ :-:!1:111 in1·l111lr- thP ~uhrni. .. :-.,,n ·•ft:·:..: i!l Iii~ JH'1)l'lan1ntinn 1·alli!!~ f1,r :-:;d,:

~~-Y·. 11. The Yntf·~, ··."'t :·,,r ,,1· :t:.r J'1ltlll'J1(•1l Hl111 ('illl\"H:,,:.~f-11 :,.!111 df"-,·'.;11' ·t

!t·,·t tn th,:-. :-:an1r• n1h~:-: ·•..: y,,t,·:-: ,·a ;tppear:-: th::it af't .:.:J.;i\1 h:1\·l;' r,,,.,. \-:i~-:t f1')r and ag-ain~t it <it ~(j,·\1 ti shnJl hn,·0 f·ffec·t Hf,: lit•r1-i:.h,-:·,11",· ,,1·0 until tile prin('ipaJ a111l t!:lt·ri::·q 1,f·:.11 bi: paill an1l di~f·harµ·e,1 :11.l tL,· .;.'.•iv thr•rf•of. Hut if a n1.ij.,rity nf th1• aµ·ain~t this ac-t tllen th, ... amt• ~!;,di

~EC'. l:.!. It Rhall hf-' lh· ,:uty ,,( this a(·t puhli:-;herl in nt :, ;l~t nn,:- ii,• :incl 1•1)lll\t~·. if nne ht> p;;J.ji:-:'1~·il tJ.•l thn:-:-e ~nnntl1R nc-xt l)l'· lir:_- tl1 _ tllrl r11onth nf ~n,·ernli,·r .\. !'l. 1d !1,-t 11t' pulilieatinn ~hall hf· Jo: .. d •IH .. J t "·nn·,un~ duh~ .-lrawn f111· th, r,11q,,,:..:

;.:F:l"". 1:L This aet ~l!;:'l Ji .. kI!••\\"ll "'a\·R Hl't."

~EC". 1-L .-\11 :l(·t:;; an1~ pap~ nf :1,·t nf thi:,; rH·t :11·c· ht?>rf•h,- J"•·i":·ai(•,l.

E11<ln1·s(•tl: 'F'ilf•tl in tl ,. otlk,:i ,,r' • 11 of llnrl'\1. .-\, l). 1!10!f. :i· •1:::0 1t',·111t· of ~tah•. B)• ,J. lJnf•:-:1'!:, Pt-J ll~.\·


Pa~si?il thr• SenatP. l·\·hr1,ar,· St.,{'1"f1 tary or· tlw St.•Jlat, thP .-\s~t."1 t11ld ll:1r1·i~ ('Jerk of the .-\s,..t·mhh·.

Thi!' hill was r,,,.,.f,·, 1,,- t , ;. ,v .-\, P. ]~IO~·. at :l o'dot·i,; i' .. ~~. 1: ,·. Gu,·t'rnor.

! 'I I.\

An 1wt f,i 111·ot·itlc fur '/;,· i~'"". funtl for flu' tH·q,d.1o;,•,.,i, ,,,, r· ,T8, of H Jlf'('l'N,"iflf'" (· , ,; ··>J",

harlJor,, and <tJ)JHitt· •,Ht, cs. ei."~eo: to <'1"t.·atr a 8; i. in,: f11,

tlcfi J1i11y tlw du tic's• , · .,t',•tc . a1i111·01iriution of o, :h, 1111<1, sai<i l>n1HI,•; mu/ 1;1·,. ·',liq/ (, of the people. ·

1'/ic µcoplc uf the >-t•:1,·. of 1

(U·,,;~ 11{{,!y., ti

Page 6: Proposed Amendments to the C, - · ll.

i 1 (•

in '"-" ' l ,. ,11!\ \\ !\ i1 : i .... 1:1 ii, 111 Hi.It i, irt :•·d:,1 I l • ... 1 ., J ....

11f !lw .1 -~1;.t! .i~...;, : .... .- 11f :-.:q1·l, l1:111k Ti,ls f I\ . ..: 11 ,,t',, l I 1\,·_-...: dl<I 11, ,·1::-:,•.-.:, ~l.tlt·. ,·11n!1I\ ·11,! !tt

:--!1;,1·., .. ( .""'1,wl...: .r1•! if•iifl r !,,. 11n1J"Tt~ ,,r' :--,:.-Ii l, ;ii)d_!!)ljl]it 11•:il l; '\.•",'- 11 1! ]',·:i! _t ,~!;Jf1• :ltld I\, ,•pl ~1·1'!1111, !·I'••\ td,·d In d,·tt•r111!11111~ 111•· \,lh:,, ,if 1 ._! ,,. h

t .. 1\, t1.,·

. \!{I •'1 i' I·' 1 'i !:f:Y, :-,,:,., 1·1 t.11"\' ,.f ~I [1,

!>1t1nr:-:• d ·f·'i!,-d ir1 t!,,· ,1tJ],. ,,r tl.•· I 'f .\ 1. I I ( \:. • \ l 1, 1 . ! I.' I : ! ~ f .~, \ '.' l 1 11 !,;_ I' I,! :-: : 'It'-. I:,\ .J. If.".:,'.•· l \ I •• -1, 11 t .\ .

...... /

! ' . \ . ..: i' ' ,; I

~: ., i· tlr r 1.1 \ . .:. ·1, 1 ,! ,,

,,f :-:1.1r, :" d.i .\' I·· I '!!IT\. :-:,, • I'• t:1 !'.\'

1, .. :1, ti,, d•-!•·•·n;J:i

,1 ''/:,!'


i~ 1i•f"T· i , ·:...: ! -.1 · r· , l

- 'J• · t, Tin:, ..... : ..; ... , ), '. ; t."' ~: j,

"'.i "· il.J l,u/!d~ \ l"·I' ;flJ!.id/1, :i.1:d -.:., :,j '"''.i;I...; '" !,, •·:\••' ,11:tl 11:iir,:,·q•.t! 111,q,"_ .. , :--. ,111,! '" ,, .. ."'ll•'ll titrP·-- ;1! d 1,L1,,, . ._; 1!1.f iti :--11,·!1 rt1.1


'·rt,., l 1· tL I',

J\'P ,•f·-d ! .·

all , ,t ,. - -i,.frn:l ! "

/Ill,\- !1;t1;k 1 11,·1·1· ~!1.1/I lu• d1·,lt1i't1·d l°I't!JII th:· '..'t}!lr•

\,tlll• .. ::-- :1....:.~,- .... ~1·d for I il\Jtlt_,. Li \t·s. t•I ,ln\· !',· 1t1t1rt:..::i:...:+ it1r,·r, :-:t~ 111,·n i11. o,n1,·d hr ~11t·lt Ji:,nl, ; 1

p11q111:,,:,,:,,: T!)1 h:1rik.'- :--:li;dJ lu· 1i:1hh• ln 11,t• .-,;(.d,• ~. S;\!)1,• !'-J::i]\ Ji,• 11.i\d :,1 \i\t' ~(;1!1 1 h,\· tll••f)l H'l \1•·!1:i\1 in tli,· llt,1111:,·r :ind ;it t!1,· 1 int,· 111·,·.-:t·ril,,·d 11,· la\\' a lit 1q11111 tl:t i,.:l.1:11·,,s ut' ~t1wk and 111•,;11 an,··

!,!f •'1!1'!\'

, \. I J1,i \).1 kl ,,(,!,·r :--: .di 1 .. ,,, SENATE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 44.

l,y :-.;1 lfl l :...:1..;J;d i\· .. :1 sit h11rity: tli•· Jll i-:uld 111 I,. J•;i\';l!,J· :r1:tL .Jial,·h I•\· t. • ·1111 Ht.\· ! " ti JI' t r,·;t..;, i 1, r ,J! .~·aid · I ';111;1 n :,;jJ i, 111 I 'ttl/1f,:1ll.\, 1q1,,n tl 11• di·!l1;11i.J •1f 1h 1n t'itJJiJ•:111.,·. \\'illi•fiiT tf11• ll• 1·,·~.--:it\· ,q I,\' /If ,]I_!" ; l 'J lf :r I! ii\'. 1 ) . , · :.'.ii IJ j,' t t 1 • \ ,, '

J';1Jl:L111;1 i'.i ili1· lnt,··n::it i•1n;d Ex11,1 ... :t:,

' f.:C,tJ,l f,(J

·~r , ' Int, !Jf•·· 1\·al , ,r --11

l di.--l,•; 1 -.:

tnr :·,,r 111 . trol 1 ,l :-- t

tl1t•1'1•111} to :--:,•1·\ir1• Ult' :11lltHl?1t :--:,1 p;1id.

; 1. I: JI'\,•)":,.:

.\d11J•t,·d in :-::•·!!:it,·. F,·hn1:1r:· :::: . . \. I, 1. ·w1:-; .\. Hilhtirn, :-:,-( 1·,·t,li"\' ,,r tL•· :-,:,.~t:tt,,

.\d11pt;·d in .\:-;!°'t·!t:l,I.,·. :.\J.11c'1 : .. . \. Ir '(J'f, I 'Ji,, J...Jq~,l. 1.'!111·[ , ,r :-: 11,· 11 ,. ":•t ,.: it i• 1:1, 1111,l,· t· t ! J•· 11 i rt·· ·ti,,. Th+· 11\ll!l•·.\·,,,j r·:qiit:11. r,•:.;t•tT,·. :-:11rpl11~. 11n,Ji,·i,i nth•·?' J!l'ttfl\•l't)· h(·\•1t1gi11~ 111 IITd!l\'lll'fH11';l{1:,d h::i llli~ ."-LIT\·, l\f' IH·ld h)' ;!!l.\" h:tllk ]11t·:1t,·d in rhl...; .-: :.;!i;tr,,:-,:- ()f ,·;q 1ital :--:r 1•,·k. 1w ,·n1J1lp~·t·1l ln tlil~ ~t; 1 t,·

\\ i, j lj:J....:: no I ·1~,rJ.;: ; ,f t \\1• .\ :-;;-:1• ll:) 1\ \".

Tld:-; !•·~id11ti1111 \\'a; r,· •·1\·,·d 11_\' tl1• 1:•1\•·t:I"'', thi:-: l:.'.tl da\· r,f )!ai·t·li. .\. f,. l'.1HI•. E. c·. 1·1,1)1,1·r, l'rlYat, :,-.. , h·tary 11t tht~ 1;t1,·t·1:n,Jr.

ti•ill ,·11nq1:!/1\·,

tfd l',-.,\·Jdi11~ tl"J:1t ·n1\· l,11)111+'-11 ir JHirpj1:..:.,,"' ;rf,n·,-~aid :-;!i:dl 1·, .. ,,x,·lu.-.:in·, tli,· :-<ai1l ,-It;· ;tti,J ,·1it11:t,~ H-niit,,d 1,v :,;,

-::s i11, -:; r i-

1dc·d i11il,·l 1f .:i!'T i• !, ·

t!_l . .!'f'JH·i,·~. (I!' ntl1,·1· 1·t·Pl'1'!"1 ·flt,1ti\'1_·~ ur :111,· J1;1nl,:-:: d1 -. 1, r: 1111_· (1• ·:-:..

:.;i1lt- of tl/1' ~Litt· of l ';tlifnJ'lli:I, :,.;l}:tl] lu• ·!il.;:1 wi~,· tu ~111·11 l,ank~ nr l1;\11k1·r:.; Ii~· ti!,· :--:lid IH,:tJ'd 111·,, ll1;,ll!l1·r 111 h• rw11\·id,•,1 h.,· law, :tlld !.:i:-..:,•d :it !]11 }t·\·i,•d :q111?1 t[ll• ~!1;11·1·~ 11f 1•;qJita\ :-:\tH·k Df j!J,·<11''

1 . ..:; l;i··~:-,; I l[Jt •

, j "i!ld Ll \1·.J 1;1,!1. in tli,·

,. r ,. 1 L:t t i~

,·11.\1··n:1: ~~

;-,;, 1/f/t,· ('1111 . ...:tit11ti,nu,! .\ n1,·~11/1111·11t S,,. //. .\ ;·uu1l11ti1m ti) /Ji'n7111s(' tn th,· 111 ,,11/,· 11l th,· Stat,· u,r ('(l/i(11n1i,r ,1 • 1/;/1111 nt n( tlu' ,·n11stit 1~

I·/ 1ilrt l'I", • . .

1,,1 t;:·;1ntinµ- 111 S'.tid ]'ar.:1rna 11,: C'11nq):t1:.\· tlJ · ,·x,-!11~i\'1: p,,:--:--1·:--!-ii1111 a1:, :il.:;,·1w·11t :1n,I 1·,1?1t!·1,l. f1f th;1t r,.-,rti,11 (·it.,· :1:HI t·1,1lJ1t.,· oi' :-:;in Fr:1r1,·i:-:1·11 w,·~ as 1·.Xt•·nd,•,l. fi1r ~11,·!i ,·:-,:pq:-:it'i,,n p1111, rtl:-;n n1:it.i!t:,··111,·11t a11,! (·011tr,1I. to t•T'.· aftt•J' t!ie dj 1:--i1Jg 11( :-:,1,·il t'XJ1,1:-:iti1111;

rnnti•,.1:11 ·~tli,·:· \\ j 11 •0 I ;;1 t, • I' ·n ·rw,-1111u l p11~· .... ,•:.:_...:J1)

t la t,·r ~ ).a

p1·11\ id,·d in t!11· fir:-:t p:u·:t,1 . .:r.11di ,1f ! Iii:-: :-:t1l1dl\·L-d1n1. 1

pn1111·1·1y :-:11:tll 111· d,·t,•nnin,·d b~· t:tl.;:inµ; ti;,, (·ntir( ill :-:11d1 l1ti:--:iT1,•:<:--. tn!..::,·tlt<"I' with :di th,• 1'1•:--1·n·, .• :-=11r1· prnli!:-;, ;11 tlit•i?' r11J! t·:1~!1 ',:lilH•. :lilt} d,•dtli·Titl!.:" tlJ1·!·, :t:-,;:,.1•:-.'.'-,•d f,ir 1·nunt~· t;,,,,:-: ii! an~· l't•;ll 1·~Ltt1·, ,1tf: ini• 1 t·1·."-t:-: t!t,·n·in. tJ\Yll•·d J1~· !--11\'li li;ink and t;1,,·d :, ~u1·h ta,,·...: ~!J:111 l,t• in li,.•u pf :11! otl1,,r t:1\i·s r·1•n11tr ttlld 11u1rii,·ip:d. up11n tilt· 111·1qu·rt,\· 11f tlt,· llh•11tin11i·d in tlli:.; f1:1r:n.:.r;1pl!, t'\:1·1·rit ,·1nrnt.\· :111d

, ! l ,: , ni,:--:, :t :--1 ) i It· , • f .-..::: j, !

i11,·,·."-l1·,l ;11111,·i,l,,11

ti,111 n{ (/,( 8fu((' ui ('q/ifu,·JliH, /11·11 ' 111· f}/,• r'/(.l8Sifir·1t(i,01 l>,;1 fl,,· /,·.,1islut1in u( ,·itii·.o.; t/JI,/ f1,i;-11.-.; /,11 /'"/Ir, 1utiu11 ,fu1· th1• }1/li'J111S1' nf n·.f/11/11ti11_,,1 th,' l111~i,u .......... (Ir /1n11J,·in.r1. /111 11 11• .u!fn_(J 81 ('tiu11 //1·,. l()"fi,-/,· t1n·fr1· 11!" th,· 1·u11stit11tiu11 11/' th, .-.:.111r1 ,,· ,·11/i(11n1iH.

,; I; I;\..:--

r i , · il: r, · :1.~

I f1\Jl'J111:-,:+- . ..:, ,..:1;1r1·.

· . i 11.t 11 k•· r~

rr·al 1•:,;t;1t1· ;111tl l':'\li't·J1t ;t~ «1th,•nvl,..:t• i11 thi:.; !--1·,·th,n i I i,i, intt·ntin11 t1f till.-.. p;1r:1;.n·:1pl1 that :tll tnon(•_v,·d ,·:q,i1

1:l \ ,,:.:, 1 J)l

J t i~ t ti,·

tli1· h:1111.:.:-- an(l h:1nk·-"S l1lt·11tin1u·d in tlli:-:: par:1.:..:r;q, and t;ix,_•d at tlh• !-,:;tllh' rat,, :l:.; an il1t'lff['11r;it1_•d 11::' t!J,, tin.-:t Jl;1r,1;..:T:q11l 1)f tllis ~ulldi\·i;.;iun. In rit·l1·1·11i

j• !'• >j H •J'! )' f If 11 !1t· :1~ . ..::1•:-,::,,i1•d

:-, ,\ i.J,·1 \ (111· in ~:- ! ! It' \ ; t [ \11 • t ff

thr· n1un1·~·,·1l <·apltnl :1ntl prnp1·rt~· c,f Ui,_. llu11k:,; .1· tiot1Pd in t!ii::- :-:ulidi\·i!-linn. tlH· t-:.;lid :-:::t~1lt-' l,oard .11· inl'1111lt· .tnd :1:--:-:,·~~ tn ~llt·\1 hanks :11! fWOPt'l'tY and o,\·rn~d or l11·ld by t !11.·n1. "·ilil'h gu to rnakt• 11p th,

· 11,1 ·1·...:: n1, ·n­t j()JI ~li;t 11

11!' \';1 ll H' !it,· i·apit;d

11·1,;1r;1t1·d a1Hl ~tock of f-lit·h hank~ ;ind hankl'r~. if the Hat11v \\'t·J it:1 1t.atl ~i;:1n·:--. nf t· stol·k.

Th1· ,\·urd "li.tnk8" ,is t1s1.~11 in this subdi\·i:·dnn :-- :il .1, !ud,· liank­ing ;u-•:.-:n,·iatinns. :-,,1\·in~~ ~l!Hl lPan 1'0ch•ti1·s :ind 11 .: 1 ,-,,11111~1,livs, h11t shall 11qt il!dtlllt-· huil(lin.~ and lunn asso,:i:tl\(111~

< cl l .:\11 t'ranl·hi!--t':,..i, utlit·i· tll~tn thni.::r- t':\p1l1·:-:~J\ "' i.J, ·d rnr in tlli.:-: secth)Il. sh,lll ht> ;.1::-:.::-;,·~~f't.l ,1t thr-ir at·tua\ (_::isil '"· 11: th,, 1n:1nn1·r

~~n~~ni)~~~)~~~\~1~~~ .//!~-: l t~\·11::1rtx~~~~.\~1111)'~) t1:a\1' :• ,,1· ~J;aiT t:i. ::~l\-.~1~i\'1t:t1·.~~

fot()l1t.: ,~;·/~:1'f1i:~fL ·n~;;~t~r11n1 t!tf> ta:\'.,·~ p ·c,,1 \,<,r ln-nus·fert"u,11. tngt•th••I' "i.rJt},1 aJJ o f.:'1' ~LLit• t'P\t.'llltt·S. lf1n1 1ait'lw fin:t ~t'!" ;q1;1!·l till• tl\!llll'Y!-! tn t,1, ai lli·d li~t t!lt.' ~t:it,· t1) . .,. uppol't /if lht> 1111hl1c school ~\-..:t,•111 :1ncl th·,, un1n r:--1t,· t11 tht-· ·· ,,q; tlH· ;1ho,·,. narn1·tl r1'\'1·11t1•··~ ar,• ~1t :111v tin11' d,·t·rn.,d ir - :1!it-i 1 ·nt to 11H·t·t tli..· annt1:1l •·Xpt>ndit11r1':- ,ir tllt' ;t,1rr·. ind11,Un!!· tl·, ;1li11\'1· 11:1n1 .. d 1·Xpl'n1li­t11rt·H f()J' Pdllc:tti()!l;tl }llll'Jl()~·-·~. tl~(·l"t' Hl:t.\" f 1t·,·i1•(1. in tllt-1 11l~ll1JH'I' to lH• IH'<l\'id1•d hY la\\". a t,1:,..:, fnr ~t:tt1· 1111!'f ."'1·~. Pll ,ill t11v propc-l't.\" in tlJ,, l3tatt·. inl·l11ding· tilt· 1·!;1~:-:t··~ 111' 11n · ,-,,- t·nun11·rat.1,d in t\Ji:-; F=t·t.·tion, ,.;:utfich·nt trJ n1,'1..:'t tilt-' dt·t'kii·iw.\' : J 1 l'ClJl(·rt~· 1·1111rn,·r;tt(•tl in ~ubdiYi~ions u. b. ;tnd d uf thi::- ~t>,·ti"Jt ~1 \.,, ::-:ub,ii>1·t tn t;l:,,1tinn. in tht~ 1n,u111P1· r,nn·i<lt"'1l hy la\\·. tn pa,\· tiH· Ji1·i·, ii1:tl arlll i11tr·t't':,.:f of nn.v honrlr·tl indt·htt·(lnt·~s ('~'1•:it"d and 01;1:-:t::n1:. ·:..: b.\· :in.\· l'il.\·. t·it.\' and l~Otll1t\·, 1·01intY. t1nn1. Unn1~-·llip ,w di~trit'!. : .. ;',q·,· tilt· :1ih•pti{1J1 of thi::,: 8l't·til1·11. Tl1e ·t:1x1•:; ~o p;1i1I for rwiTt1·l) :11 :111,i int1·1·Pst nn, ~l!('h liond,_·d in1h·ht,·tlnl·!-,::-, sh;.lll l.,e t.h·_·dut.·11:d frurn tii,· t,1t I ~i!!111t111t paid in taxes for :--tat•_· J'LJl'PP~t·K

( fl All tlH' pn,Yi:-::in118 of this ~,·r·ti,1n .-..:1; 1! hf• ~"lf·t':\•-···nrinr.;. ani1 tht' li:~i:i:--1Ltt11n• :--hall J1:t:=-;~ ,1!1 l:nn.: 11,•1·,·~:-::1r.,· • 1 1·.11-r:-,; thi~ :--t•(·titHl int1J 1·!'f1.·c·t. :ti1d !--li:111 pt·n\·iik f,11· :1 \'<.1: 1:tti, ., ;i:-::--:1·:-:~m\'Jlt of Lhl• 11r,1J1-l'l'tY vn1.1111t'1':1t1-•tl in thi:-, ~1.·1.·ti1)n. a11d H 111,·:--:·rilw tll•' duti,·:-- nf t\11> i-:tn'te J,na:·d 1)f Pq\laliz:ttinn an1l an~· 1· ,,:li1·t,r.-..: in 1·111111,•('ti,in \\"itll tlll' ad111ini~tr<ttion t\ll,r1·of. "J.'l1t·· 1·:ik:-: 1 '\ :!ion ti\t 1d in tl11:-: :--.(•,·ti,,n shall J't-·Jnain in fi1r1·1· until <'11:tng·,,d 11.'- t! · J . ...:·f!':-lat11n·, two tliird~ ,11' nll tl11• n11--·111hr,1·s Plt'1't1.•1l tu t·:11'!1 i;f' 111, l\'-" Lnu:,;;l·:O: \"qtin.~ in f:1\·rw 1I1t,r1 .. ·t1f. 'Ti11_• tr1x1·~ ht·n·in jlt'n\·id1·d fi>: :-:' .. 11 l11·c·i>·!11-· ;1 li•·n n11 t!1t·· 1ir~t :\[nnd,1,· in }1;1n:ll of 1·a(·h V;·:1r ;il·r,·:·: ,,. :id·,11tinn of tlli:-: ~t·('tiPn ancl ~l1;dl 1i,;•(·01111:• cl111:> :11111 J1;1Y:tldt' on t\1, ri:·.<t :\t1,nd,1>· in .J111.,· t:1,'!'1·­.ift1-r. Ti11· gTu:-::"' 1·1·(·vipt:-- :tnil :.:Tn:-:::-- pr,·!:'i'i'l;:-: ll1·rvin t1l\':!~i11nt·d :-=ll:ill lH• l·•n11r1utt·d ftH' tht·· _\·1·:tl" vndin.~· 1]11· 11.· 1• 1 _,:~tirst d:1)· nl. f.,t•,·v111l11··r p1·iur 1n tht· It.·\·.\· ,,f ~ul· 11 1a,1·~ :111.\ t\1, 1 1•· 1)f :1n':_r1r11TK'r--· 111 1.·11-tiot11'1l ll•·•n,in :--:l1:1ll 1•(· tix•·d ;ts 1it' ! Ill· t!r·.-.:1 ,\!, !:1>· in ... \lar(··h._ ... '-•ltl11n.!..:· 11,)l't"in t:011t:1invd :-;l1,1Il ,tfft·:·t .tll.\' t:1 \ L,, l ,1 1· ,1~~i·~:-::1·d 1n11"•r t11 th,· :tdnption uf t!1i~ :-;t•t·ti1_111: ;11111 :111 Lt\\':-: i1: r, :J1,:t t1l :-:u,·11 t:t\(·:O: in fin·r·,· ~lt tllt' tin11· nf tlH-· :idfll)tinn of tlti;-;; ~,·r·ti,1·, ll r1·nl:till in fn:·c·(· tl)lti! <·lla11g-t,d h~· th,• l1·~i::,-l:1tur1·. l .. nti! th,· 1 '1\s th,· :-:t:ll(· :-1ll;lll r 1 ·_i·11-l1ur~i· an,· .1111! ,ti! ('fllHlli1·:-- w\1ii:ll :--11....:t:1 ·-."" ,1f rt•\'"11\ll·' 11.\· tlw w1tll-dr~1\\"al n·f r;d\1'11:1d 7wop1·1·ty fron1 t·1 1 11 \,tliun fnr thl' 111:·t lo~~ in <·tlllllt\· 1·1·\"PJ1l11• 11<'i';J!'-iun1·<l ll\· th,• 111' 1,·;d uf r:1ilr11;1d iH'tJtH·J·\y fro1n '('•IIIIlt\' t.1xati!ln. '['ht· 1<·.!.!·b,::,ri:r, -.;1 1il prnri,J,, for n·i1nl1t1r:-::1·-111Pnt fnirn 'tlli·· g·~·n~ 11·;tl f1n1'1:--: of :u1\· 1·(111n1· (., di:-:trkt:-- 1li, 1 r•·in w!H·I'•' ]()~Si~ t1<·1·a~ii>n,•d i11 .-.:t1..-l1 di~tJ·icr., ii.,· ti;, \1 • 1 !1d1·:1.w:tl fri•!ll l111·:1l tn:-> nti,1n 1it' pnqr,_•f't.\· t:1Xt'·d t'11r :-,:t;1t1, Jil!rJ111 ..... , .... ··~i).',. .

I (JI :\'n ill,it1111•tin11 ~11:ll! 1·\·1·r i,..:::,,:111• ill ;1: '· 1lit. :ll·ti11n 111' Jlt't.wt•1·1lln;.!' in ,in,· 1·11un a1!·:1in~t t!Jis ~t;1t1· (11· :1.:..::ti r,\·· ntfit·,·1· tli•·P·11! to pri·-vent 1·1r 1·11.ini!1 ill,· <"<1ll1·(·ti,n1 11f :1n_,· t:i, , ,\ 11nd,·1 ti.(' pn,\·i:•.:i11n~ of tllis ~Pcti,,n: l,11t :1ftc•r r•:1~·11:t·111 :1,·ti,111: !,1· 111ai111:titH·1I t• 1 1·1·,·11\'t•t· :1nv tax illt·~;111Y t'i1l!1·1·l1·d in :-:\ll·\1 ni:11111• 111d :Lt :-.111'11 tii11,· ;ts 111;1>· nu\,· o:· l1t·ri•aft1·1· ht> Jl!'t1Yiil,·d I,,· Li\\'

8,To1ul. :-:, 1 '.·tion \('Jl (if :1rti:·l,· tllir\.-· · 1,f i-:aid ci111:,;titution i:-. hc:•r1>li\· a1111•tHl1•1I to n·,111 :1:-:: ful\11\\·:-::

~r·1·lio11 10 . .-\11 ]lJ'op1 1rn·. 1_•,1·1·pl :1:-- 1it!. •wi!--" in tlii~ t'Ptl~!it11ti,1t1 pn,vidt'll. :-:ii,111 i1,• :1~~1·:-:s1•il in t\11· c·t)11?l!,,· \. dtY .111d 1·111111t~·. to\\'11 or town:-:liip. 01· di:-.trkt. in wliid1 it i..; :.:i:., ,t,·il. in tllt> t11:u1111T p1·,·-

S('1/};;';.~-,.1'~-~~::.~\~)t1 tt·tt of a1·tidt• 1·!,•\'i'll i,I - "I ,•nnstittlli•lll is ltt·t'+·I,~· l'l'Jlt>:llt·d.

l 'n ·."-i, I, , · i '.ii\\'..\l!ll I. \\··1!.FI•:, :i:·11 t1•111. 11t' !II•· ~1•11.ttt•.

r ' .• \. :,-;T:\'.Ti ,:-,: . .--=1-, d.;:1·1· 11f t Ill' _.\ ~:--t•tnl ily.

A tt.·~t : (" P. ("1·n1tY, ~t'1 r·1·tal'Y nf ~\:1\1•.

Emlorsr-d: F'ilecl in the nfllf·f• nr ti!,· :-;I''· of U1·tullt•r .•. \. I>. ] ~! 1 o. f.'. ·.F. ( ·11rry. ~,.,

::1rr i'lf ~t,1tt• th:-· .:itil da)· :tr) 11f Stalt.•.

SENATE CONSTITUTIONAL Al'.1rNDMENT NO. 11. A,lopt(•tl in H,•nntP. l•'(•hrnary ~;; .. \. ! ·.

St..-..1·rt•t<t1'\" nt' thP ~(•!J:Ltt.•. Atl,Jpt;•tl h1 .\~}.t>J11hl_v, :\la1·1·h l, .\.

("J;irk tJf { h,·, .\:,.:-:t>IJ]l1lr. This 1·1·.~i.luti1111 w,1~ t'l•(·f•l\',•tl l1\· th,

Marl'il, .\. 11. 1 i111t•. E. (", (.\J(lJkl', ·1 1rir at,

Cll.\l'Tl·:I: >.

1 '.111:1. T..11\\'i~ ...\. l lilhorn.

: .•11:1. ( 'li,} I .. Jt1y1l. ( 'hit·f

1·,-,,,rnnr thi~ I :!th 1la~~ tit'

·n·tarr ,,f tJi,, Unv(•rnur.

ifrnttlt <'u1n~tif1,tio11nl ~·l Hit·n,lmcut So. fl. \ r,· . ..;ol11tio11 to 11ro;10.'H' to tilt }Jlf!/J/, ()f f}/t' ;~f(lfl ur. ('ffllfl'Jl/11 1 ' / I/ 1/ll/llf')/f fu f//1' ( 0U/18fi(//•.

flllll t1f t}u ,-.;tr1t1 of ('11l1/ur111t1. }1/11, (/11,,1 ll"1t u 111t1t'f.1Jfl_(}1·, d,·,·d of tr1ud. ,·ont1·ul'I, 111· othr'r 0Vli.tJ<1lit1J/ /1•1 ii i1'• !1 u tlcl,t i.-; ,1,ri 1·1u·q/ 1tlt_f'il lund i8 p(t't/.11~·ti U8 8t't'11-l'itp lnr tJi,, 11u,,, ,1 ,1f thn·,·uf . .Jn.,1t·tluT u:1t11 fh-1" illl>trf'IJ )'f'JJ1'f"."lf"llft•t( f)y ,li/l('li <It f,f, .",)1n!! l,i• l'J'('11tJ)f f 1'11111 f<I..L'llflOll, an(/ to thi1t ,,n,i nmn1tli'll.t1 ,1:edi11n un, u,.1/ 1·,·11cali'II!} .~t'<"fioll f,uo· of nrticlc tl1irtPi:1t of tll.<1 r:uns-titution nl th, ... ···tlt' of f"'nlifnrnio. 'l"}H:i. ]pµ-1:--.laturf~ of thr, ~tato or C'nlif•, 'i.:l, at its l't'"4 ;d:"ll' ~t>SS!(•ll,

con1m(•11 .. ·i11g th,l f1)u1·tll dny of ,Janunr_·.-. ,•_;,._·tnen hunt11·"ll Hilt.I n111L~. two tltlnl, (If all ti,,. rn,•1111wrs ,,IP•·t•·•I 1, •:,,di of th•· twn house,; <>f said'C' voting in favor the, ,qt, IJ'· 1 i·h;\' p•, post:·s to the qutd­Hied 01,,r•tn1·H of the State of Calif,,r•.; L,,. following ,Lm,mdment to the ,·onstitution of the State of ""·'f·,rn'·,.,,

ThP I1•g:~1atnr1.· t,f th(• ~t;llt' or <'ali!11:·:1i L :1t it!'- l't,~.nilar ~··~!--inn, 1·,111urlli•1H·i11.1.;· tl1t• f111irtfl da:"",· 11( .l.1n;1;1r.,·. •,11.,·t,·,·11 linndri::•d and nin,·, l\\'11 tttil'd.-: 11f :t!J t!it• 1;1,•!Jlill'J'S ('\ ·1·l1'!J f1, :1, !1 i,f tlH~ 1Wt1 111)\1!-=t·S 11f

~:lid l,·gi:-,l;it11n· ,·utira.:· in f.1\·111· tlwt·t·"' !.,·r,·li>· J1n.Jp11~t·~ tn tlH.~ t[U;tlilit•d t·\••i·t,irs 11f llit1 ~t;1t,, 1,r (';1!i(w!li:1 tltt• f11ll1iwing arni:·nd­lJ\!·llt:-: 10 tlil' 1·11lJ:-:t.it11thll1 1,( tilt' ~ta1,• ,it <'·t!if<irnia:

ti/I nr;111ti11~· t,, ,..;;ti,i -1',tll:lllla J 1;1

( ·,H11pan:,.· ti:,· ,_·x"111.-:i\·,, pr1:-:s,,i.;~io11 ,111,• a.~1·1lH'll~ ;111,! ,·,1ntn.J. t'11r :,-111·!1 r·xp,1_, /lt•J1\ fi~· tJiP h1J:\1'tl 1,f ,·t!1)1•;_\tiOJ1 Of t!1,· 1·is1·r1, <tni! liy thf• ,·itv cn1d t·11UI1t\' 1,:" ll:0-t', ~11!'}1 J,;·, . ..:st·.'~:-iiJJl. HIid USP. ;_i,l!,:;;1, lt''l'lllil1.:1t"-~ ll1.1t lat•.'!' tilan 1.1rn· \"L•ar .af1

rn:1ti,,11:1l ..;,et!1,,1· \\: 1 t ··p1,:,.:,•:.:. ,,f c11d111:: ,,r

.n1:!~1·11. i.n 't lf•!l t ;l 11 • l 1:;,-sf. ~··1·ti1111 ti\·,· ttf ;1rtkl,· l\\T1 1 1\·,. i . ...:: ,·1,·li.\· an1,·n1h_·d to n•:.1d ;1~

f1 t) lt I\\':,. :

S1•1·tio11 .~. Till• l•·.:.::i~Jatlil''' ~li:11! l1a\·,, n .. p11w1>r to pn~~ an.\· aet .i..:T;111ti11g· ;1nr 1·l1artt.:•r fur l 1anki11g· Jll\l'J11 1 . .: ·:-:, l111t 1·o!'p•1r.:1tinn~ 11r ;:1~­:-:1wi;1tion~ tli;1\· \11• fnnn,·d t'nr :-:t11·Ji 11un,1,-.,•:- llll1kr g,·111>r:ll l;:w~. :11111 t'11· lt·.i.:i::-.]:1tl.ll't·· ~l!all 1,r11,·Jd1· 1'11r tlw 1·l;t:-:...:::1i 1 .1ti1J?1 of cith·~ an1~ h1"~n;.. h.\· pt1J111Iati1111 f11r th,· ptl!"po::-.,· 111' rt•gulati:1~ 1)11· htr~i11,·sR (1t' hanldng. :",~n 1·1wp1l!'atinn. a!'-:-:<11·iatin11. tit· indi\'id11:1l . ;1Jl b!'-Ut' \II' 1n1t in ('ir,·u­L1tiun. :u.-: 11111nt·r. Hll)'ll1111g· hut lilt' la\•;1,.J n11."JJ10y nf th(i L"nit(•t.1

,,·. H. PnnTER. l '•·,·~id,,nt of lilt.· ~1·natf'.

P. A. ~T ,L'\"rnx. ·..;I : k,.'r of th• ... · Asst.·1nbl~·.

of ~tatn t hC> 1G day I•~. Cl1rry, Sec1ltary


. \_dopt,·d in ~t'lUd-:•. Sr•pt1?1nhc1· 7. A. ll. 1:1Jr1. Lewi:-1 • .\. I·lilhorn, 8(•,·1·,·ta1y of tlte ~t-'llilH ...

..-\1h1Jitt,d in .\s~t'Illhly. f::.i:•JHt:tnl;L,r ~, A. ]1. 1~111.1, L'lio Llnytl. f'hief (.'Jtirk uf tilt• .-\~~t.:::"rnhJ\·.

Thi~ r,.'·:-:nlutiun ,\·:t~ 0 l't!co;•i\·(~11 l•)~ tile Ut1\-t·t'!lul'. this :·1 iLL)'" of St~pt., . .\. Ii . .1 !•1 ti, E. F. :\Iit(·lh.·ll. Pri\'atc-- ~t'~_:l'etar~ or th,_· Uuv~rnvr.

l"H.\PTl~R ::.

~' ... :,·11utr' ('nustitutin;111l ..t,J1,·11d11lf'11t .Yu. ;;.:.--~.l r1 8()/;ifi,}}t to p1·u1,os1' to thf-' pro]Jh' uf th,· Stoff' of ('ulifur11i(I r111 tt11,·, l!d,,1,·1Jt fl) the f'u/l.sritu­tio;i n/ th,· ."-tfltc u!" ('nlif,-,n1ia cr111e11rli11,ft :-::, 1·tiu11 ,!! ,,f arth-/r: 1i·. 1·,·f(lfi11.'f lo h(IIC 111,1J/('.II Jli((!f Ve UJJJ1rv11ri11tr d ruul dnucn (r,.,11l the .-.:tut(· trr·a.':o·11r.11.

Tll1' l,·!..:i~L11ur1· ,1f tll,, ~tatf' nf L"alifnrni:·i ;11 it~ (·Xtr:u.,rdin:u·y ~t~:,::­:-:i,,n ,,r tJ.p• tlii!'t,\'-t·i~·1tU1 ,..;,,~.-.:ion. ('IJJll!JU·n1·.:n.!..!· ••!I Tilt• .~ixt!1 d;t_\" n'r· :--:,-•p­li'lllli,·l'. 1:,10. twn tliird~ 11f all th;_• 1w·ml1t-r:-: t·l,-c·ti_·(l t•J ,·~t~·h tJf th,· 111111~1·:-: <it' ...::1i,I lvg:i:-::l:1tt1r,· Ynting- in faYnr th,·r,-,,f. lit·r•·l1.v pr1lp11:o-t• tli:u :-:1·r·ti<1t1 ~:: ,lf ;1r-1i1·lt.· I\' nf tli•· V(.dl.-..:titntinn 1,r iii,· :-:r.lti._• of t 1alifornia 111· :11nv11d,,d t1J 1'1';1.J .1~ follows:

.. ~1·1_·ti11n ::::. .,11 n10111•y ~h:tll 1J~· il1·:n,·11 fr·1,m tli,=· t1·1·:t~1.1r>· 1.Htt in ,·,in:.:1·•111,·:11·,· uf ;1f•p1·,1pri;1tl,111::-: lll:li.lP 11.\· la\,·. ::11,! 11p1n1 w:1rr:1nt:,,: duly dr:1w11 tltt·r,·<,n l,.,· t!i1· t·ontrulh,r: a1111 nu 111(1Ji1·_,. ~hall •·\·,·r h\' ;q,p1·1•­pri:1t, ti ur tlr:1wn fnHII tl:t· :--t;1t1• tr1·a:-:t1r.,· 1,11· 11:,, J_111rp1·,:-,:,_, ,ir Jit,ni·tit of ;111,\· l·1·,rpor:1tiun. ;i:--:--1wi;!ti,n1. a~ylu1n. !1()~p!r.:1l. •1r :tn,\· (1tht·l' i11~tit1:­tit111 not. und,•r t!H· ,•Xt·\11:-:i\·1:· n1a11:ig·l.'!1ll·nt :111,l ,·,1nu·nl 1·1f till· :-:t;t t;, :!:-: .l ~tat,, ir1~tituti1)11. n,q· ~11:1\l ;111>· .~T:n1t or di1rL11i,1n jJl' pi-11Jh·rt.\' t·\·1·1· !)t'

111,1d,· t!it•n·tu Ii>- tl11· :-::t:1t1.·; prori<ic<l. t.lJ:1t n,1t\\·i1!1:-:t:!ndin~ :tn,\·tlli!:.::.:· ,·,111t,ll111·tl iu tl1is ur ;1n.v otll1·r !-i1•1·ti.-m (,f t!ii~ (·+1n:-:titt1ti11t1, tlH' l•·,:..:i~l:t· tun: ~!iall lia\"t: the• puwt·r tll g:r;_int aitl to ti1,• ln:,;titlltinns f'1)nrluctt.•d f11r t!:(' !--ll}"IJJ11rt :1n,l 111,ti11t<-·1rn1H·l' of tI1i1"J1iJ' orpli,111:--, 111· li:ilf n1·phan:-:. .ir ul,:tnd11nt•d 1·l1ildn·11. iff ;ig·1·d p1-·r~1)1l!-- in indi:.u·nt 1·ir1.·t1n1~1an(·1·:-=-­~1wll :lid tp h1-• gTa11t1•d hy :1 unifi)l'I'\l n1l1 1 • :ind pr1q1nrtion,·d to th,, 11un1ll,-r of inn1at,,:-; 1.Jf :-;11d1 n•i-:p1,•cti\·1• in~tituti,111:--: proi-idc,f. /'urthrT, tlwt till' :--tnrt• :-;Ila!! 11:1\"(' ~tt any tinh• the r!:..:!lt to inquirt.• iuto til,_· 111:1n:1~t·nll'nt nf 8'U1·!I in:-:titution: JJJ'nl'idcd, (un/1,T. tllat ,v!H·n,·,·•·1' an,\· 1·uunty. ,ir i·it:,.T and c,lunty. ur C'ity, DI' town. :-;l1;dl pru,·idt:.,. for tht• sup­JH11·t llf r11iw1r nrpl1:t11~. ill' 11:tlf orpl1~1ns. (oJ' i\1:1nd,11H·d 1·hild1·,·n. nr :1~·,,t1 Jk'r~on:,.; in indi;..:t·nt ('ir(·11m:;.;tarn·1•:,;, !--111'11 ,·!•llllt.\·, C'it.\· and t.·nnnt.,·, l'it~·. or t1_1\\'ll. silall bt:"• i"•ntitlf>d tn rP1·1·i\·p. tll+:' :-.:111i(' pro rata appropria­tiPn~ ~ls tnay l.u:• gra11tf•d ti, sul'l1 instituti•fn:-: rmilt•r 1·!iun:il ur oUh.·1· 1·111111·!,L ~·\n :li't'lll';tt1· ~tat1·n11•11t of tll1· 1'1.-'('1·i1•t:-: ,ind t·:1qw11ditll!'P8 of Jiuh!i(· rnnn1·~·:.; :-:t1:d\ hl' att:1d1t·d tt1 anil J111hll:-:livd with th,· 1:nv~ ~·1t ,•\'1•l'.\' r 1·.t.n1!,ir ~t'~~ion pf tilt· h·g·isl;Hun•."

J'rorit!nl, /i,,1e1T1T, tll:tt fnr tlit·· puni,i~t· i,f !'.ti~ing ti\·1• 111illion 1lnl­J;1r:,.; t ~;i.000.0011), t,l ht· 11:-;t·il in t·i-:tnlili~hin;::-. :11:1intnining-, ,111,I f-llP­p11ni11g in til1· ,·it~· ::ntl ('flllflt.\· of :--:in Fr:111<':::-:, ,1. ~tat•· uf Califnrni;t. :1n 1•xp,1:--itit1n in ,-·,11111111-•tnor:ttinn of tilt'· t·t1!;11,l(·til'1t1 1rf ti'!,· l 1,1nHrrt:i r·:111,!I, to h1• loio\\'11 ;1.:-: th,• Pan:1n1c1 P:t<"ilil' 111 1 , n1:1ti11t1:-il Exno:--itiu11. 1 IH• ~Lll.., b11:1rd 11f t•tpl:l1iz;1tion :.;}l:111. f11r tli1• ti~ ·il )'\':ll';.:: Jul.\· I, 1 ~1 J l. :t!ld for 1•nd1 ti!--1·nl f('Hl' tl1en?aft1'r. 1,i ;111d in1·luding- tl1r­li~,·:il .''••ar l1t•i . .dnnin~ .July 1. 1:q-1, fix. i-""stahli:--·., and lt.·\':,.· ~11t'l1 an ad rulun lit ratt• 11f taxatt,in. :t!-\ wh1·n h·\~ktl 11n1):, all tl11=- tax:Lhlt...• pr1,p­t·rt.,· i11 tlH· statfl, aftl.'l' tnaking· dn(• nll1H\'t-t11«·t· f,_11· dvlini111e111.·y, :-:hall p1·1Hl111·t• fllr Pal'h 1,r sul'it ti~t·al yt·ars a sllm (,: 1n1-' nlilliun t,vo hun­dn•d a11d tirt-y tlH,11!--and dollar:-; ( $1,:!.ilJ,lHHI). Tile sahl taxt·s shall lH' I(•\' i,•tl. a:,:::-:1·~~1·~1. ant] <.·nll~ 11·tt~1I tipPn L'\'t'! · kintl and ('tlarnct(:'l' 11r propPrt~· in tl1ti ~tat1• nf <"alifqrnia not ··\t•mpt ft·t"lfll taxation t111dt·r tht 1 Jaw, :ind suhjt_•,·t tn taxatlnt1 nn the l:--t t.lay of ~hil.v, J~l111. a11tl in tllf' :.;a1n,• nuu1n1•1·. a111l h~· thf> sanh! 1 .. ,·tllotl. a::; other st:Ht-~ taxf•s Wt.>rt·-:. Jp\·it•d, a:-:-~1·s~(•d, antl (·('111.•1.·tell u:i.Jt.•1· thl' la\\r, as th,_i S:tJ!lr' (-'Xi:-ib·•i{ on tilt• 1Rt tlay or .JUI.\·, 1~q11, Tl1,· -.:tat(~ hoard nr equal­ization i-:liall 1•tu·h Y•'a1'. at tl1t.• ti1111:1. it 1l,\tt>l"'!·il1t·~ the atnount of 1·t•\'1.'ll 1it• r1 .. 1 pli n•1l t'nr thc•r l-:=ta t(• purpo~(·:... c l1)term ini•, tlx. ant.1 i111'111d1· tl1t• rat1.\ of tax. net·t.>s~ury to l'iliSt! th· n·venu,~ herein pru~ vld(·d f11r.

TJ11·1·1· i~ Ji,,,·.-·l1v CTt·nt,•fl in th1\ :.;tat,-:. tn·:1:-:nr,· ,1_ f11nd tD lw k11n"·n n~ tI11• t•:inatna l':t1.·iti1· lnt1·r·nati1ln.1l EXJ)o:.;itinr) t" :nd. and all rnonf>y~ 1·1dl1·1·t1·1I p11r.,uant t,1 tl1i~ J11'1l\'isi11n . .:-tftl'I' df•1lu, :.11g· th1· nr,,p11ninnatt1 :-.lian• uf tl1t 1 t>Xpr1 n~f> fnr tlit· <·llllfTtii.111 of tilt.:. !'>:!tel~·. shall bt• paid into tlJP ~tatu tn•asur)·. a1Hl l'l'editt" .. tl tn Sll('h fttnd. .\Ji n1u11ers ~o pai·d into st1d1 ftind ;1t·1· il1•1·ph_v appn,priiltt>d, \\'itil1.nir r.,r,-r,·111'" tu ti~L·al ;\-'t•ar~. for tit•• UK•·. ~·:-:t;ilili:-;!11t1t .. Ht. 111aint,•narH't•, :11111 ~111·\lol't Hf ~aid P:1n:tn1n 11al'itlc J11tt•rnntional Expo~itiun. ~o tax, Ih-,·•::.:e· fr·l•. or (·ha1·g<~ of :ttl:'>' klnd 111· t·ll:ir,1t·ttT :--hall f'\/1' lw 1t·\·if·d H' ·i~~··~s,•d_ ,n 1·l1argy•d :1L.:·,1it1~t an,\· r,rnp,·rty nf :-:aiil I ,111:,tll:t P.i1·iti1· '1!,·rn;1tii,nal l·:xposi­tion, or ;q.:;1in:,.;t. a11.v pr,1pi•l'lY li!-,t'd ;1s t·Xhihit tii,···,·in. whilt.' b1~ing tt~l::'t.l (JI' 1·xhlhit1•tl in ('nnn,,c·tinn t h1·r(·Witll.

Th1•r, 1 f~ 11 .. r1•1,,· l'n·att.•tl n (·on1r11is:-.ion tn h,· 1. ·1,1\\'!l a~ thi) P,n1;1n1a Pat"itk lntfTllati<.nwl Exp11~ltion f\,rnrnissiun of 1.11.-, ~tatf• of Califor­nia. wllid1 Hhall ronsi:-.t nf tllt·' g-n,·1•rno1· of i-:.aid st;ttP and four otht.•r 1nP111lwrH to l11• nppninh1tl hf tlH· g-p\·t•r11<.11·. hy 11111! with t}Hl atl,·ict• arnl t 't Hlst_•nl of t hti St•JHl tt.• nf :-:aid ~tat1~. 'l'ht.1. ~.n.1., ·rnur ~ha 11 h:t v~,• tht:• rinwer t(l tHI nll vncanr-it:-.~~ Ot·r·urring- nt nny tllli·· in s:"tid eo1nn1h~sion. "rh(• 1n+_.•111h1:-rs of said r-ornn1Jf\sion shall I'l•t"·d v~.:1 no cnn1pPnsa lion and ;;hall hold otttce until HUC'll •.'xpositlon ;;hall Ila,·,- hPt'll dosed anrl its nffoirs s~tth•d. 8nid four 11w111lwrs ()f sahl (1ommis;,i<m shnll be se­lN,ted from uifferent sedlons of th<l stm,,, aml the appointaknt

ti1111. . . (f·} ;\utl1nr·izlng· saiil Pan::--in1a. l':1

C'11n111:H1f t.-i t,·111f)i"fr:triI.,· d1 '~c· f-tn·f·t~ F'!'..tlll'i~1·11 w,·st'P1·J,T fru1n TWPntit:tii Jlu rpns1•:,;, ;t n,l t.-, hay,·, tJi,, ,•xdnsiY· "··itt1 th, .. • n1:-111:·1g-c:.·:nr:-r1t and r-ontr,d. (,· ,! tinn JHll"po~t'~. ~u1·l1 pn~s,·:.:.sion and .,, rn:1nag,,n1t·ll tr·,i! nf :--aid str,:,·t~. t11 tl·nnin;1tt• JH1t r!1,tn .. _1111: :,-,-::t

l: :, rnatiiitial ,·it,· nnd ,.,,

··. ·for :-:1i,·I: ~ . ...:i1111 and Ii~

...:trt.:~f·ts f1,r :..:

du:--inµ; or :--ni·h t<:q,,1~itJ,,n. Prnrinsab t•·1 c11w~nd tht"· r·hart:,r , -: (:in· a1Hl ,·,111

FrHtJdR1·n in th1..~ f1,1·1·.1 . .:::oi11~· partir·11I· ·i;a~· ·11e :-:uhntit lt:~g-blativ(• aathnrit,T i·if ~aid dt\· ani! ·11tY t,) tl1t· t.,l,•(·t city nnd <·uu11ty, at .un.r ,g-t)l\1.'r.:il Pl' iai' •?l(•ction 1a11 c·lt•t:tion n1.--t~· he calh~d tht>Tt."fort h,•l1! :c:aid t·it\· and 1·c) tlH~ puhlieation l)f s11d1 proposal...: ln: w:-:r1;:p .. 1· 1d _t.:"1·:1e t1on in said (•ity and <:nu11t,·. for f-:.})1· tin:•· a~ :-:.hall lw h~ ~aid lf'gisla_tlv('!' n.uUHtt·ii-:v. l~P4,1 .. :, .... ,r.itii·atiPll ,,f. [•Jl')JHl~f··•l :1!·llPJJf}rtl••1Jt 11:v r1 ll.l.tJCi!'"1')#:1J, 1).-e, ,'.i.:~,'.lOl'l'!. o( :-<1~ 1·1,11nt~· \·ut1n.~· at suvh {•l'r"t'.! 1~in on t . y11·opo~c~,1 arn1·n propo:-tc~d an1•·11dn1r'llt r<"·,·t•J\·1ng- ~1 , ·\-" \·nt•• :--h PJ1·ratin.• in11111'diat1·l>· :1!"> :111 arn,•t '.·1 ,t v, :--:ii1l 1·hart tJii• ll•'l'c•~::,:;jt\' Of app\'t1\';\} tJU·J't 1!1( I)•! ],•gi:O-J:tllJ!°!• .

;\n~· nvt t·I!· tilt' l~g-ii-:bth··· ,1ntliori1 if t!1e ·-·ity ,t:J1l San Fran(·bt·O. in :-:t1l1nlittin:.!" tn tli(~ el,· ·I'~ tit' s~iid ,·it:: at an>· g·e111·ra: or ~Pt:··c·ial ,·h·,·ti11n. pr,· .. .::tl:.: tn arn,·11,l of ~:lid l'it.\· and. 1·1_H1no· in tlw f11rf-~gcoi:.: p;1rtii-11L.1r:.:. itic nnti('f• h~· p11hlil·atin11 11r 1Jtli,·rwi.-.::t· of ,;,-i1 111·rqh,...:::d:-::. :1 •·lt:.>(·tiiJn. ailll t.ll,? holtlin.~· 1_,f :--;u,·11 t~le< ,.,. in :t1·,·11r11;t!:,: pro,·isi•in:.:: IH."l'('Of. lH-(nL• t!:1· adEJ~ti· ,,·· t.Li . ..; ;111:•·11 ht•n·hy Yalidatt,d in ·tll r1·~1i.·1·t:-; :1~ ff ;:.~,'.· .. i·n-:Yd :.::111,.--,.,1 acl1Jpth,n 11f thi~ an1t·nd111,.·1ll. The .:':' .. :·~··111,·nt. 1,( nht:1inr·d t'r,,nn,l liond~ ~i1-dl lP' a(, il.:, . .] (,,:· l,>· .-.:a l'avitk Intt1 rnatit..1n,_il E:q.10:-:iti11:·1 1_'r,mJ ::·::,· 1), .. <lll it"l!l n1i::-·nt th1·J'f'1">f tn- ln• Oled ·wit!1 tl!L' aud.'eir .. ( tl1,· 1·it~· of ~till Fra11cisv,J .

I' .. \.

_.\_ t tt·t.::t : c·. I·". <.'tT1~,n-. ~,:·,T1·t:1r>· _(·,( :--=t.1t,·.

E11dc11':-:1·1l: Fi l,,11 in tl1,-· 11t!ii·,, I )}I. f-.:f·•T• ::in· 11r :-:.i:1 [ [ h ,if ::-:.,•pt,•rnl.H~!', .\. Li. 1'.IJ 11, t' F. t'un·r. ~e•::: tar~· ,,f :-:.1~ n .. ,, .. :-:i'I:. J 1t··r,u 1.\·.

SENATE BILL NO. 485. P,t.:.:-:-:-~·d th.~ ~t.•n<ttP, )J;1r,·i1 ,

St·lTPt;\J"\' ,if thi"> :-:, ·});tt1~. ,l';t:-:~l·d tl11~ .\:-:-~t·n1hl\·. :\L1.t·, !i.

t 'le·rl( 11r tip:, .\~:..:1•ll] hi:,.·. Tlli~ hill ,\·a~ l"t'i.·, __ ·i,·,·,l h>· t!;,•

.\. l 1. l ~111'.I. at 1 ! t1'd1_1d.;:: A. :'.\l, tilt.' t;u,·1·rnur.

,,·,,n, .. r ~Li:-: l'.itli •L'.,_. I·:. t '. (.'<11,jH•!', J':·j\'<lt' ~

( 'I l.\f 1TJ·:t! :::!11. .1i1 fl('t fu }IJ'tJl'i1/f' l1Jr fh1' fSSl/f!Jil', rliir{ , ... •(tjt ,,f .~ft/f1· 11,,i/r/S

(1111<! fur tit,· i111p1·ur1111111t 11{ .,·1111 Fo111ci.,·r·,,h1 ,-{,,,,. 1,11 th lion l>1J th•' l1uurd ol slot, l1urli,J,· 1·,,1,0111:-;s:,,.1, rs,,( 1,-;,,1 st<tf(' ruil1·11utl. 8/Jfll·,<.,,·, lwtt, ru11 nt ..... ,11111 {l,J1/1 ·t, ,11,111·1 .... 0111l d1·r·doinf/ "1ul /if!in1, i11 ,·11,111, ,·ti"11 t/11 rr1··:t!1 i I fh(' ,·if,, uf .;.:,;111 i·'nuu·ist·,,: 'tn 1T1 ,_11,· u :~i1.;/:i11y (1.t,1,i i,1 · th,- /HI ,•11l l,uuds: ff! 1fr/il1t' f}l1· dutr,·s "·' ,.f,,r, 11ffi, r··, ,,. 1·,'f11riu11 t 111uk,· 1111 <1JJ/J/"")J1'iutiu11 ,J,- /i1·, U1,,11.i.,.·1u1d 1/1,;'/q,·s {11/' th, JJ/'i,'/_(/ Mti1/ lJi!}/(/8 .' f'lllrf (!I }il"r!/ i,/1 ;'l)r t/,, s,r/111, /.-. . .;i1111

tu (I i-1,t,· uf th,· JJ1·u1j/f',

The JJf_'Uj)[,_· u/' tlu·- :"fafc or C11/i(11J'1I iu. 1·,'j,•"•S·'//{r" f/S,'-i'l'/1/ /1/jl. f/11 t 1/1(1-f t/8 fu/\;1·;

~Et'Tr11:,...· 1. 1-'1,r· tli,• J1llJ'J1t 1:-.,' 11!' Ji!'•)\·i,ling :~:··:i:d f,,1· tl,· tll,· i111I1~lit,·dn,·:--:-- 11,·n·J..v ;:t11f;,Hi1.,·d 1,1 J,e i!. ii-1·,,,I I,\· 11.t: st:ltl' liarhot· 1'lllllll1J:-;:-:it11l1·1·:-. f,11· ti:•· ··l'1·1·tic ll ,:' wl::1r·\·1·~. "·;111, ~l:1t,· J'ailri,acl, :--t•ll!'...::. h1·1t1·r11J,·l!l~ .ind:,: i,J'l•'!Lill•·,·.-.:

~<tl'.\' drt'llging and rillin~ in ,· 11 n11,·,·~i1111 t 11"'··\''it!1 in tl1 1'(llltlt.\· nf :-;;itl J·'r.111,·i~i·n, :1l ;1 ,·o~t 111,t t 1 (·\ ... ,1 11i11,· Jltll!i 1 wlikh :-:aid wl1;11·v,·!'-l, J1i,·r:-::. :--,·:,w:i!J. :--1.,:,, r:di· •::d. ~,,q 1· ..... lt

:111d ,1ppt1r!(·11,uw,,:,: and n,·,···~:-:a r.,· d1·, d;..:ing ,1•,! 1illi11;.:, 111 Th••n•\\'it!l rh,· ltti;1nl of ~L1t1• !1:11·1" 1 1' ,·,,11111liSbl• 1'··1·.-.: ; 1r·1· l!.-1,· t·l't.·11 ln l'11H~tru,·t anti d.i i11 tli•· 11i.1n1,,·r. :\..UlL·: ... :~"'i h,· i 1\V 1•n:--;t 11nt !11 1·x1·1·1·d ~:li•l ni111· tllilli,,11 1!,.Jl:irs). t. · irntn1•1li,1t•·h· ;1ftt·r tit,· i~~1J:1n•·t· r,r 1!1, ,,rqc} t:· lll'O\'i,lv,l f1·11· in r:1·t·ti1111 111 11,·1·,·,,f. 1•r•·1 1ar( hund~ ttf th,· :--:t.1t1• of ,~;dit'11rni:t. i11 ri,,, d,·noic;, tlnll:.11'~ l'ili'h. Thi· \\·\11,:1• i:.-:!-i11,· uf :,,:.;11,! l1 111JdS ~· llt' 11i111.' 1nilli(,n dnll;ir:,;. :ind ~:d,i IH1n,i-.: .,.:!1;Ll1 l, •1' int,·!',·:--! r nf f11t1t' fH·I' <'t·ntun1 Jlt>I" ;1t111un1. f1·11111 t \1•' datl·, · i:-.!'-11:111,·1· th h,th 11ri1H·ipal an,l int1•r1·~t :--:\1:1ll 111· J1:ty:i!dt1 i·1 ... ,!d t'tdn 11f t :-.t,u1,larll Y:ilt11.·. :ind tilt·~· ~hall lH· J•:!\·:1\ilo; · ':.,• 11f1i<·,· 11f. tt·r-:1~l!l't•1·. ;it th,· t·Xpirati11JJ nt' :--:t·\' 1·:it\-f°qU1 11·:-: fri,JlJ s11lij1·,·t, 1111\\"(•\'(•r. 1n n·dt·n111ti11n l1_v l·•t :t."' in~1·." a1·t li,·r,·in vi,lr•,I. ~;lid lk1111l...: ~11:111 h1.·;11· d:11,• tl\,· . ...:i-,·nno ,: \' 11f .Jiil~· .... tp,,n lnmdr,·<1 arui 1·lt•\'t•11. :ind ~ll:tll 111· 111:td,···P'.· li!,· f, 11 th". t"1f .Jul,\·, 11it1t·th·n ln111drl·d and t·i:.;llt.\·-J:\· 1· .. • ·~ i11t1·r1·:,;t a suvh of ~aid bt"1t1d~ :1~ :11·1· ::.nb'J. ~11:lll J,. d_11e :,: f1ay:11JJ,, a of thl'· ,:-;tat(• tr,·n:-;tn·,·r nn tilt• s1·1·n11,l d;1_\· id .Jan·_,\', aud 11ri dn:v 11f .Jul_\', 11f 1•ach Y":11' aft,,,. tli,·•· ,if t ;. ~·un,· · /JY11 tllr• Jir:-;t p:1y1111·nt ,1f int1·1·,·:-.t :-:1!:111 l"' 111:1d,· 01: · :-:,_·i·oud d· nin1.:q~·t:•11 huntlr·l·tl ;.1t1tl t\\'1•l\·1·, on ~,1 rn:1ny of "<1>! bond~ ;is hf·t>n tlH·n·li"1fnr1-· H11ld .• ·\t tlw ••xpir:1ti1 1n of~, . ., ·1t,·-fnur th(• diltt~ of' s.nid hlHHl:-:;, all bonil:,:: :,-:uld :.:li:tll Ct ·t;,, tn. lwal' itl likr•wisP nll l1onds 1·t·df·t.·11lt-·1l b~" h1t :-:11:Lll ,..,~fl.Ft>·-. h"nr· int this aet r,ro\·idt·,l. ;.1n,1 thP ~niil sun,- :.n·ai,.ure; :-:,::ll vall in, pttv and r'an<·el tilt-• s.i Ult>, i lllt of t lw 111,;111•>·s_.1n ·.:;,, St.>t·11t1tl t"·is'c-o t,:,.t•a\\·all ~inl,ing· flJJ1(1 JH't)Yidr·d f11r in tl1is r,ct, and h thf• first 1\f()tHlny of ,,_July, ni111."tt)t:1n hnndrt)1l an<1,:.:ehty-flvt"·, ' and destro\' all hontl~ nut thr-n•tofon, ~1l}d .. .AU '_1ond.s i:-::su signed h)~ thP gUY()t•no1\ and c-ountt•r:-.i!.!·nt•d hYi, 1.11,~ '..~ontruller,­t,-. ... -endorsl-"<l b~- the stnti:· trf•asttrt•r and the: s.s . .J bond~ s signed, cotmh•1·s!gn,:,d atHl Pncloi:sH\ lly th<; 01'(:eri who are t

Page 7: Proposed Amendments to the C, - · ll.

.\It' ,t ,· 1· ,., 1-,-, . ....:, , r• r ,i·, :---

l·'.:1"1"1·:--,·d l·'il, ,i l'l 11:· ,,1!l,. i,f i ,, t, ,l ,, ·1· .. \ 11 1 •, l 1'. I·' >


. \'1,1ptt•1l in ~,·:1at~·. F't·l1!'11;1ry :.::,. ~t·1·!·1·t:1n· i•l" tl:1· :,-;,,11:11,.

.\dopt,•d ir1 .\ . ...:~1·1nl,J\·. :'\.la11·\l ;, C!,•rl\ (If t)p• \.~ . ..:1·1111,l\·.

Tliis -~, il1P11111 \\·:1-.: r,-,-,,1, ,·d i :\1nr1·l1 .. \. I•. I :11,:1. E. <"". t '1111111·r. I 't

<'I I.\ !'Tl:

s,·11u(1· ('11nstit1di,1J1f(/ .l ,ni 11r/m1 11f .\'· tJi, J1,·111i/, ,.f /J,1· Stat,· 11( ('ffli(P1·,, fi1,;1 ,,r ti;, ,"fut,· (J( ('rili(u1·11il/, ,, .. , I I'll,",'(. ' ., II t rn 1'(. 111· 11fl11 I' 1•l•lit!i11 i,uJ }11•1,f j,.,_ )1/, ,/,1, ,! os 81 1·11 rit fl f1u· ti, J •

f11,· ,111,.H 11 ,.; 111·,,,..., ntnf bu s1,·,·Jr ,/, i,! rtnt! fn f/i,1f, ,1,l ,11,11111/iitrt ,<n f'!i,ur .,.,. ,11·til'/,· tl1i/'f('1 11 o( fl,,, nnistU1<fin11" Tli1 1 l1·L:.h•:\;1l11rt• of tli1..., ~t;1t•' 11f 1·,

1 11n1t111·11,·i11.:..: tll•• fn11rth tlav cif ,J:111~1:, tw11 !l!ird:; "f :ill tilt..., t: 1·r11l1"1'~ (·k··t,,!: ~:dd J,•:..:.i:-·,lat11n1 \·,1ti11.~· in fa\"f11' tl11·1·, .. 1 ili1•d ,•J,·1·t111·~ pf tht• ~tiltt"' 11f (';1llt'ur:1,.\ tl1t• t·i1t1~tit11tk,n 1,t tilt• :--!tatt' tit" ( ':tl11,,1·:

\ • 'f .:-,: 1; l ! •' ! [ I .-, t \ l I !;i ~-1 • (•·

,CMENT NO. 11.

1 ,:1. J_.,•wi~ . .\. I lill,urn .

' \} JI Ir t 11 i:..:: 1 ~ t l\ (];i. \• I If •·t•t,1ry it! t\11· ( ;,,,.,,,··ni,r.

·, 1.:n/11fi,111 fd /H"11J111.•o' In 11l111,·11t f., tit, 1·1111.<.:titn-

1 11,1 f ,, 1,1111·t !J,1,,,·, ,/( ,,/ 11 1'

I! d, lit is ,._,, 1·111·, rl l/'lt1 II

i f /11 /'I 11t', (11,1, ·f/1, 1' JI' if11

, ,.1,·1111,t f/'11111 f<1.1·rrtin1/. , /H r1/i11rJ -.;, f'f in11 (<1//1' fl( if,· n( ( 'nlif"l'n iu.

; 1 t it~ n·u:i:l:1 r :-:,·:-:~ i, in. t,·,·11 linnd:,·d and liin,·. !1 ,if tll,• f w,, li11!!!',••:-: 4 if ,,· firni'o:-:,· .... tc I ti it• qt 1;!1-

.· .. ]hYWing· :1rn,·11dn11·11t t11

State of ealif ornia.,

"I ' ' ' . , ' 'I. j • f .. '. I . ' '' I ..; i ~ • '

,i: t ,:, I I:!·, \1 1 ,1 ,!,,,i.,1, ;.1, ,,,.,. l ,, I .l .~ '- 1 ....... I .1 •. ,! , ,,q, \ ,·.\ I l\"

11 1••1" •t, •r1 !t, :-.1.,1. , ! 1'.1!1:,,:1 ,,t •,,

: 1·:d• ·i 11 , . 1 1 \' ,1 :•,! ,, ·,l, ·, r r ., c,, .111 ,., 11 ti , :,;1d i r; 1 !.1 .... 1111 111.1 •.t1•·r .. 11, I I,\ t I, ..... ,!!,

t:l'.'>.•'~ \\,.I 1' I, \ It ii. ;1~:"'"t ........ ,-it ;t !.cl I .. ;],•, 1 ,·d ~:1rt:,· , -,i··t 1-,+ , •ri I I 1,· J ~t ,l.1 \ 1 11· .l 1 ;) \, 1·11,1 'i' 1

ir.a! i,111 ~!ull --:1, !, \ ··11 ;\1 1)11· I lllP' it ,], I•" J'1 ·\'t'rl IJI. 1 ,., j Ill 1-,·d f1 II "1 L · 1 ..: t. ( lt• 11·1 ~-{' 11 ... , • i 111·! 1id, tl1t• r.i 1•· 1,t ta, ?11•,·,·:-:.:-::11T I 11 ,·:li.-.;,· I' \'id ·1 I 1,, r

: ,•, '\\,

•,! 1,1 \•"' .... f,:d! ,\',<! ! .. 1':l• 1,·1

., f 1 ! ·:,,'I' 1 1'\;1!J1o'.1

-t •i 1'. ••1 ·' .i\. ]'1\1• ,, 11,i ,l .. •it! ,.t' -.:t.11•· •·l 1\ ·· l:1\\, ,I,°' li1•• Lil•· !,, 1;\: d 'if Po! 'l,d ~

t ..... t!1•· ,lfllt)litit 11( 1,-1,-111: in•·. th' .ind

- .. ,· ,·1112" 1,. ·rt ·in rir!J-

Tl.,·11· i-.; f1 .. r•·h\' ( r,·:1!• r1 it1 tll'· ~d:11,, t1·, .• 1.-.:·;r~· :·,;r:d !'• l1,• kn••\\'ll ,1:,.: tL,· P:111:1111·1 l 1,11·11i, t111,,rn.!li,1n;t! 1-:,1,•1~-d11•·!' i:,! ,tnd Ill 11\H!\!'\'~ ( 11] J. ., ·1, 'I f 11., l":--11:! 111 t ( I 1 f1 j_..; ; 11·, 1; !:--:i' •ll. :1 ft, 'I ii• ·d (1 : ;.: l l;,. ! 1!"<1Jllf: ! i1111: It'.

:-·l1:1r•· 11t' th,• 1·,p,•111,:,· f,1r tl1,• ,·,1!!,·,·t1t1n ,if tl1,• .- ':,, :-:L:111 h,~ paid int11 t}1,· :,,;t;1t,• tl l·<1-..•1n·. and 1 11·dit1·d tn :-;11ch f1111d. !11111H·.,·...: :-:-11 p.iid i11t11 :-:l11·l1 f1111d :1r1· !:1.·r,·l,_,· ,qipr"l'l'i.!l,·d. "·i1L11111 r,. n, ,. 1,1 1\:-: "11 \'1•:1r~:. for th,· >1:-:,-, 1·~t:1lili.-.:li1111·t1t t11,1i!ll•·ll,l?l1·,•, ::11.J :-' 1 · ',,1rt •1f ~;lit] l 1;ln:u11;1 l';t,·iIII' illl\·1'11: ti1111;1l E:qu1.•·dti•lfl. ~11 t;t\:, lii·· f,•P. nr charg-t• nf .111,·_ kind 11r ch:1r:t1·t,·1' :..:/1:11.1 1·\i't" h,· i•'\i,·,_l,1.• .-~~:,.,~··d tlf' 1·li,1rt::,·d :1L:";11r1:-.:t :1!1_\· 111·11Jwrl_\' 11f . ..::11,I I .:11:1111;1 i'.1,·1:1, ·· r11:1ri,,n;1J l·>;y111,-.i-til1r1. 10r :11.!:1i11.-..:t :111y r1r11p,·!'1.\' ti:,,:,,,! :\s ,·'\l.iliit tl., :11, w11q" 1,•·int:: n:-:i·d P!" 1•\llildli•,! ill 1'111J!)l·t·tiull ! 1]1·1·1,\\'ilf;.

Tli,·r,· i:-: 11•·1·,·l,\" ,,n·:1t,•,l" 1·1irn11Ji:-;:-.:i1,n t" 1 ... , ll.ti·ilii· l11t,•n1:1 I h·1n;1l J·:'\po:--iti(>Jl c ·,,nrn1i,..;:--i11!1 ,,1 ni;1, wlii1 lt :-.:11:tll 1·,111:-.:i~t qf tl1,• .~o\"1•]"Jlr•r id' .... ii,i l!lt'll}l11•1':-: {!I !11• :tJlJlnllllt•d 'h_\' tfl•• :..!11\'1•1'!ltl1', 1 1_\·

1·•111~•-nt 111 1/\.- :--,·1·,:1tl' nf ~:tld :-:t.,t,•. Th,· :..:1, JIP\\'•·r l•i till all \·:1(·:11wit·:--: 1w1·1nTi11~ r1f an~, ri:r T"li,• 11·, ·t11l11·1·...:; ,,f :-.::1id ,., 1rnr111:-::-:i1 •11 :-:11:lll 1·1·1·· 1 ,·,,

:--ll:111 J1,1ld ,1tfk,, 1111til :-.:u,·11 4•\JH1:--iti,m :-:llall :1fr',1ir:-.: ...:;,·ttl,·1L ~:drl r,nlt' t111·111lH·1-~ 11f :-:ai1! 11·1·!1•1! fr11n1 ,liff,•r,·nt :..::1·t·rin1::,..:: tif tli,· :-:t:1~


"\\"ll :1:-: lllf• ! 1:11l:!!ll:I , · :-:1 ;1 t, · f,f , ':t Ii f1 ,r­

·-1.11,. :• nil fonr 1,1 !1,·l' \\-:I)\ I };1• ;111\ ; : I !111

:\di' :--:\1.11l 11:t\' t l.1· :n . ..::!Jd r•ri1111ni:-;..:i1111.

" 1· .. n11,,·n:--::1ti11n :in,l ~11,,·n ,·ln~1·tl :ind jn,:

'::i:-::-!inn :-,;ll:111 !1t• ~1-­

:, I tll•· :qip1-dnt111,·nt

r \\ , ... 1,', ,r ,,l 1 •1 • 1 r ·, 1:.11,, ~ 1 :•d ii•, ,! ~ i: ~ tl

1 , • ! .. \\ 1 · 1 • , 1.. i ,, .. r , 1 , , r :.:. r : , , •. l , , , i ,, , :· , , , 1 1. 11 1 i "~

, r , · j 1" , "':" '. r , , : . 1 ! i, J 11 .. r ~: 1 ! . , · !J !, 1, 1 1 \l \ I l"' I I I ,f 1, I ' \' I • 'I ~.1 i1J JI I!)•. ,, 1'1111, •!! I I l ... ) \: I I! l l 1 '1 ! I, I l • J \' : 1 f ~ •' I 111 • · j :,.::,-.: ! I, I I 1 • • I • f ( l • l , ,, •]

1.r 1,\ id•"l fi,r in _..;,-, 1 i11n J II l:•·r• 11f. Jir, r .. 1 r1 !1, •tl• I:-- • if t ! !>. :..: ! ,( t' ',f ( ';1Iif11?'!\].1. Ill ! l .· '!, !10' d1dl.1r:,,; •·.11 11 Tl1, ,\ 11,il,· 1...::-:,H· ,,f :-::11.J J,.<t,d8" ' ,t ,,r ni11, rnilli,111 d1dl.1 r:-:. ;1rtd ... 1 id 1,,i1,d..: --· .. dt i

nr f11t1;· f«·r ('1·fltTl1!1 I"''" illllll,!tJ. fr•1t1J ti.• •LIU' I

l11.f!1 1,nn,·111:11 :1!HI !rit•·r,· . ..:t ~~.:111 Ji,· t· 1:,·,1\,]1· ii •i, ,d ~L1nd.1r.J \:1111,·. :nid th,,. :-:l1.dl h,· r·. \.1:,J,,: tr, 1:--1::·,·1· :ti l\ , ,1drj\1l11n ,,f ~··\•·:1 1 \·-f,i1u 11..: f ~1111.i,·, t, 111•\\·,-y,.,-. 111 r•·d,·1nJ1tii1n 11,· I·•! ·1_,, in - .1, ! \ 1d1'd. :-::1i,I J,1,11.f:-- :-'i!':t!J lu·:tl' d:!I•· (!, ...:, , 11nd .,f ,T t,·, n '::;::,lr,·d .:t,•I, !,·\•·n. :111il ,L:r~l 1.. :•l•· p: ·,!,. 11r ,1f .f 111\·, 11'.11,-t,·1·11 i,.11111l·•·d :111d 1·i:.:L; \, •·· 1!1l• r ~lH·); 1d· :-:.tid h1111d:-: :1....:: :Jl'l' :-:111,1. :--:L.tll i,. ,i;i,•;. i\";l

11f r Ji, ~1:., ,. 1,, .1..:t1r•···, 1n t 111 · :-:•·1·, ,i;.] , J.1 \' , : .Ja: d:1\· 1d' .J ,J\· ... f •·.i,·11 .,·1·:11· :1ft1·r tl1•· - ,!,·,,ft· 1111,· ! !1,• ti I .'·:t J1:t \'JJp 11 f • if ill t •'J"••:-:t :,-:Ji;1 ]l l 1,· '.: , !,, flJJ ni1wl•·l'J: !11111dr·, d :(IHI 1\\·,,j\·,,. 1111 :--11 't .,r,_,.. ,1f, loi,!J h,·,·11 !11, 1·1 r .. f,1r•· ~·1lil .. \t tl.,· •·\J,i:· · . .,11 ,if~· Ill+' ,Ltlt• ,1f "-;lid Ju,11d_..:_ ;1JI luifld:-: :-:1r!,! ·'. .d\ i•t•. ~ !Jk,·wi:-:,, .\ 11 l11,11d..: r, il•·•·r11,·d li\· ]1,: i I .·,-.1~ t.t1i~ .1,·r f1J"ct\'id,·d .. l!!d 1 ,, ...::1i,( :-:r:-1•, !··· ...;111·i:•r -11;1 \" :1 n,i i ·.111, ·, i r I., :..:,1 r 11, •• , 11J ! 11f l !,. ;; 1· ,n •·\·_..: i :, f·i~i·,1 .--:,·:1\\',lll :-:i1d,i1n.: f1111d 11r,1,·id, · :·,., in tl,:~ th,, tir::-r '.\f,1111!.1 1,. 11f .Jill\·. nir1,•tf'•·n l. -:··· ,! :i1Hi · ..:1,t,·-;.111d d··~tr11,· :111 L11t1.Js i1ot !li•·r,·1{)f1,1 .. ,].J. A ,11df4 :-;i~n,·d li\· tl1,· : .. ::11\'··rn,,r. :l!ld ,·,1u111,·1·._._., ,·,l l,\· t·, b,, ,·nd,11·~,·d h:,-· ,1,,. :-:t;11,, 11·, :1.....:111·, r ,l 1il·, • ..:. :-:i).!r1t·d. 1·11q11t,·r:-:i~-n··d ,uid ,·nd,,r:-:•·d l, ·,.,. 1,flit.·

Department of State.) ... ,, .... , . , .'~'.-·----·- -~ ... , ....... , •('01utly Clerf., uf lhr ("lio11u1"f_··"'Jf : Tr.HER/._,'~L":J'. TJ.., lD 11i . .;;Trtf11n' of the Stotc of Ca7i/ur11ia. at its l!tirt.11-ci9hth srssion, ucgi1111i11y 011 tlic fo11rtlt 1!11,1; ,,, .T

forc,r;oin,rJ .-;1 er ml r11ue1ul111111t., /IJ thr Co11stit11tion of tl1c S'fafl' of Cnlif'o1·;Ju. prcpu1·cd 011<7 disti11,1;11isl1td l;y n11111l1Ns, to 1,·

tio)l(rT ~l111nul1J/( 11{" .Yo. 11. u711,/ 11'!1i1·/1 81/id Con.'!fitutiunlfT ~1111111d111(}/f.-1 ll'l l'r' d1d.1J p11.-..-,('(l li.tJ tlir ,"'.,'r'1111fr> u11rl ~l..;;,.;1'111M_IJ ut ti, ....... ~LSD WllEHE~I."' ...,///1/ f~<,fJisll/{lli'C dul.lJ JUf.,;scd OJI act ('llfitlcd: ".lil ~let to 11ro1·itl1 (or tlic is.,;1101u·1 1/nrl .c,1(/( (!( :,.;f,:·, 1,

nu111·1's !IJI(/ i1t1·1·s.,;1n·.11 drerl,11iJ1// 11111! /illi11.11 iu connection thcrell'itl1 in the cit.111tnrl co1ulfy o/ ,...,·011 Fru111·isf·O; to l'rcatc 11 si111.'iJ1,1J ·,,

the .-;uln11f.,.,siuu of ll1is 111·/ loo 1·u/1 o/ tl1c ;1coplc. '' .:lp1Hoi·cd Jlarclt :!O, ].1JO.<I .

..:.LYD JrJlEHH.IS s11id f..1,11isl((flll'C dlll,lf j)(f88C'd (l/1 act ciltit7cd: ".111 .:.let Olltltorizinr; tlil' ('1)//Sfl'Uctioil, (/('(J///s/f/01 ,, 1/

-iss11uucc' oud .-wlc of siu/1 !11uuls /,, 1·n'rifl' a f1111d (or the co11str11rtion (l)U/ 111·1111isitio11 of sur·ll .s,1pdc111: 1·rr'afi11y a .-;111/i'i,,.,1 7,,

..:.lXD lJ~JfJ.,,'HJ._'_L...,' s11i,. /,,,,;islnt11rc d117,11 pn . .;;sl'd an f/ct eiltit7cd: ··.in Act to 1;ro1·ir!1· for tlie iss1rn111·t 1111d s11/1 "( s

co111it.11 of 81111 Frrlll('/81·0: to 1'!'11//1 u _.;;inki119 f1uul for the 1>uyn1c11t of soiil l)(111ds: owl dcfi11i11.r; tlic d11tfr . .., of' :,II/le offil'( r . .;; ,, ,1J

::1. 1.fJ{)f}.

.!YD TrIIERE..JS sffid Le,r1islrd111·(· dn1.IJ jJ((.';S(r/

mc1ds cu11slsf of a 8C1/ll'f//{, 11·lt111T1·s, 11ir·r ..... sfutc n1ilro1((l,

of ouc tlu,,1sr111d /ii'c /1 ll urfrcd dul111 J':; for flt<' l'.i'j1c11s1 o{

.!YD 1r11ENE~lS the Lcyi .... h /I"(' o( tlte 8t11l1

mc1ubcr.,; 1 /. 1-lnT tu 1'1u·li of tlic house.-; o( s11irl Lc,1Ji.,;l11t11J"<

Xu .. j.:! 1111d .h:-;n11/J1y f1011.-;fif11fio1/(/l .L/}/fl/r/111( }If Xu .. 'JS .



. l.\.J> 1r111.,·u1.,·~18 tlic Le,qi .... 1ttf11n' of tlif' St11t1

1ncmb1T.>1 1 ', 1.ff'd to< 11(·!1 of the ll()if8CS of s11id Lt,t/islot11ff

S,JJT¥. Tl/HUf;FOHE. p111·.-:11u11t to 1u1 .td u( ti,

pl(l;lil"uf1u1 111/rl ,li,.,/ ri/J11fin11 of rt 1urn111/1l< t showi11.1J 11 1·u11,

of S't11fr 1, 1 t/1c ,",'fut( o/ ('alif'orui(/, do /I( n71,11 r·r·rti(.11 t!t11

f'l!Jldlt du,11 ,t' Xot'<'IJJ/i( 1·. ~l. D. 1.IJ!O. 11·itli flu· ori.1;111111 .... (111

11 !TXl1./88 illlJ lwnd awl tli1' Oreot S1·(i/ of flu

,.-NOTICE: This Certificate supersedes and takes the r 1



'• 't


l f

Page 8: Proposed Amendments to the C, - · ll.

d•il!:, r~ -Lt:," t r,·,.:--111·1 r· :--1 . .111,

tl11· J11'e), 1,111 nf t!:1· l.:."\• n:,,r. f. pr,•pa· ·' tl1111::-:;1111I :--u1t.1hl,·

t !1,· d,·n• · i,111 nt' 11J1,· 1 !:.,11:-::1 ll.\ Hid h11rul i tP•t 1·\.1·,·,·d t!it· :-:11:n nd:,.: :-:ilnJ: int r,·:-.T .11 tl1,· t',llt'

rn t1i,· ,lil' :-:~11 itw,· tl1,·n·11f. :ind r1:J:'-';1hlt> d t'nin nf tll1• pr1·~1·!lt p;1,'i·:1hh' ,• ntlil't• Hf tit .. :-:tat,·

,·,·nt,·-fn1· \1'~ fn,111 tiH•i1· dat,•, l11t ·:1~ h · :u·t lll'l'l·inaft•'l' prn-

tlt,· !-l•'t'OII 11f ,JUI:'-·, ~\. I l. nit1f•-l,(• tn:itlP i ,\" Pll tht• :,.;1•1•n11tl tl:o:

l1t~·-th·,,. nt,·r,·:-:t :11'('l'Hing- ,,n 11 h,• dn{· ·,;1\':1hlt> ut tlw (ltli,·,· day nf .1: ,·. ·and nn 1!1,· ~1·1·llnd

p :-:,ll,• ,lf ~ 1111,·: 1n·ori<T,-d, that h,• ni·,il,· 41 :,,,:,,,·,11H1 tl:1:'-· nf .Jul~·. n 111: 1 nv of ~ hon di-: a:-: rnay Ila \"1• ir,1ti11il nf t\·-f1111r ,·1·:tr:-1 t"rn111 Id :-:}1all c 11• lw:1r il1t,·r,·st and

t ~hall c·P:1 h,·:11· irlt,•r,·:--t afol: in t,, tr,•:1sur, '.l ,·.tll in. t't1rth,\·ith .. lllilrll'VS ~1·1·n11tl ~:ltl Fran-

etl fnr ii1 t t. :111d l:1· ~il:tll nn undr,,,1 nn · 1t,-li\'1•. :1l~n 1·:111t•,·l

or,, :,:onl,1. .'·: ~ ,:,;\:,,,: i:-.:-:.11, ·d :,.:ha 1l h,• r:-:ig-n"d hr·, 1,11:r,,Jl,·r. and ~h:tll 1' i\llf] thP -. b11•;.}:,,:: :,.:haJ1 hP :,1:Cl hy tilt\ 11fti,. \, ;1" :,rt"• in ntfl,·t· on

•,.,· 111,,,;, •1\" , , 111 1u!, ,, r/11 r, ,, : 1, 1 • ,1 ' .'i1, ,.t...0.:.-111111, ,11,,1 .,,,!r "t" ... ,,, r,· ,, .. 11f/s t,1 ,., .•. ,, t,· fl (u I/ fl ~·., , 1 ! • , ... , ' •If f I•"' I/'"' 0 1 '/ ;,i-.:i f 1 .. 11 ,,.- ,ru·h .,•1, ... r, ,,, ; •. ,., 11fn111 If .... ink d ', 11,/ ... • ,,,_. /'!/ ,,,, ',,, •1-' s,,•1/ ''"''ifs: ,,,,~f Ji1'u1·1din_,1 t"ur tlf,· .,., I ,,·1,.i· ,,, f/11 ..... · ,11·f t,, fl 1,,f, 1,r flt,· ,,,·.,,ii,.

'fl/• /ti t1}.l{I of f/,1• 8/11 . .,.• ,If' ('11:i . ... ,, ,·, /If"• .\.I •/f1·t] /1/ .~I 1/llf,· ft>lf/ '1.~8' 1,iV/11, ,/11,,. ,j 'I'" i,.J!.,ir.,

~.~:.,·T1•:~ 1. .\ !,;~·~t,•n1 11f ~tat,• ·:i \\.\~~ ~n a~Hl for thP ~tat.1 '.'f <~n11r,1n11a ~,li:111 lw 1·,,n~tr11,·t,·tl a· t ,, 1111t·,·,I ;t:-- anil in tl1,· r11;11111,·r }\1"11\"i1]1 1tf hy la\\' hr tlW d1•pal 11llt ! r it ( 1 IJL:i1H't'l'i?1g" nf ~aid !'l.!att• :t~ a 1-n~t ilnt tu t'Xl'l'+'d 1·i~hlt-t>ll r11.:: ,.J .. 11:ir~. F'111' th,· IHU-(lo~t1 nt pro\·i1}ill.~ fpt' t'lf' 1):l:'-'llH'llt n( tJH ,, ' 1if n,1• 1·n11:,.;tt'Ui:ti11t1 .(ll' a1:1ttJi­~itii)ll of :,,;:\111 :,:;:'-"Rlt•lll ,1f ~al1! lli~r\ •\:-:, tt:.- ~lat,• nf ('alJfr~rllI:t i~ h+•r•·l•\' :1uth11rizt·1\ t11 in1·111· a11 in,,:,. ,1•1 ·~:-: Pl tiH' n1an11r.•r Jn'o\·i1lt•tl 1)\· thi~ :11·t in th,, s11n1 of ~~hd1h"· :· li1111 d11llar!'l.

· 1,nnH•di:1t1·l:'-" aftt•r tlH~ l:4si1a111·, •:.•· p1·11"la111:1tion t"1F thf"• _~nY-1•rn1q·, :,:-: prn\"idt\tl in :,:.,•1·thlll 11 ·• · .1~ :,1 t. th,• tn•;1~111·,·1· nl tf1,• :,,;t:1lt• !--hall pr1•pan~ t•il{iltP•.·ll lh11u ,·: ,1it;il,J1· }ip11•l~ 1,f th1· ~Lah• 11f <·aJif,1r11ia ill tlir• d,•tH'11lin:ilion 1•. t\· .. 1::-.:111d d11l1:1r~ 1•a1·h. tn 1,, ... 111nnli1_•rt·~I t'rnn1 I t,, 1....:.11011 ind:,• ;1!111 111 h1•at· th,• 1!;1!1• t1f th" third d;1:-,.· nl .Ju}.v. l'.111. The• t, \ i ~..::i• 111' ~;li1I 1,,1t1d:-. ~l1all ti.>t t.'Xt·f"'t·d th1 1 :--uu, nf Pig-llt1·fln nlilJi .. : ii.11·,,; a!1d tht·Y i,:iiall 11,·:tr in~ lt"1 1'(',)-H at tlw r;ttt"' nt' fttlll" rwr ,. · ,t·T' ;J!JTlll!ll t"t"tll?\ tht• d:11•· of i~sunn1•l1 t l11•r,•nf. ThP !'o,ait.l h1111d;--;, t!\•· i11tt'l'f•~t thf~l't•on ~h:11! l11• pa:'-·ahlt• in g-nld ,•nin tlH' rnlt,•1:: · -~ J1f tilt• pr,•i,:,·nt standard nf \'alw .. at thP ,,tftt·f' of t!H"" tr, 1n:,..1n·,·:, .:Jd :--tat,· :1t ll1t1 tirtJt'!-= and in th,• 111:111111'1' f,1Jlnwing-, tn \\'it: ·rh,•!I ,• 1'11JH' h1m1h·t1tl t"lf Raid hnnd:-. ~hall 111\ t.111t' antl pnyahl1:- 1111 tl1, .. ~d d:1>· 111 .J11l:v·, 1:117. :ind f11ur hu111ln.'d of Rnit\ l11111t.l~ in t·11nRt.'('Ut:· · 1 1;111,'l'kal 11nh•r Fil:111 1'1• d11c

----------------·---------·-·-····- ·------··--·- -

' ---~ ~ > • - ~:._.__

.. :· :\I.I!' IL . \. I•. l 'l o1'.,, ••f :-,:L1l1·. n.\· .J ]/iw"-• 1

SE' , TE Bl LL NO. 227.

Pa~~··d th,, :,,:=,•?Ht,~· F ~1•1•rt•tarv 11t' th•· :-=:P11ar

Pa~:-i,•tl th,• ,\!,;~t•nil•I·· t ·Ji"·1·k 11f tlit' .\:,;:;:,;.t•n1'1b· ·

Tlii~ 1•111 ,,:;1i;; rh·t•i\·· ..\. 1-. 1 !Hl~I, Ht ;~ u'(')11,·k l,u\'t.•rnor.

.ln '"~t to /J1"1H·id,· f,11· t.i · fund r·,u· th,· 11r·rpfi,,,,.,1 1'1',~. uf U. 1/1 f'''8S(l1'.1f f."

/u11"l,n1·.~ 1011/ tt/ipurt• ,·j.~1·,1; to ,.,.,.,, r,· (I ... 1 '

,b /illi11!1 t11,· 1/11fir.1;,

tr/1Jlt"U/J/'iufiu11 uf o/i· 811itl b1m,l.i,;: and /JI·. r1( f /1#' /J('IIJ)/1•.

Tlw 11n,11/r· rof fll•' .,

~r~, .. ·r1f1X 1. For tl nf tll,• irhl1·ht•"'d111·~~

,tr>-· 17 .. \. 1,. 1:111:•~ L~~wi~ .\. l[ill·,•rn,

, rdt I" . ..\. l l. I :,,1:1, ('I io I.luy,l. ( 'i,i,•f

t1; ·, t:1JY1•rnnr, ttli~ l;";th d:1\· of ~1·1rc·1, E. t •• c •• ,oper. 1 1 rl\·att• H~·('l".eta rr" o'r tl;;.;

'IL\!'TER llli.

.~1un1 1 ·1· ,ur,l ,q,r/,~ ,,f .~fr,t, 1,,;nd.~ to ,,r,,,,t,· fl 11 11 th, /Jrurnl ,1f ,\'tut,, lturl,rir• ,•0111>11/8."?inn­,r ,, _ri,i,iJ '"':"'ill, (111' wl1111·,·, .i;, tl,u•k,"'l, ,,;, rs. f·.t:t. 111 th,· ('lty nn,J ,·1n111t.11 of SHJ/ Fnn1-f111•,l. {1.,r ff1t· Jt'.-''"',IUlf o( .~aitl ,~,n,ds; ,nul

,tc ,.rfu·1 r.':f Ill J'f'.lt1f1oa t1,,.,.,·f,1; 111111\~;11,1 ro1 1/,\'(~n·.' r/111/rtl','1 ,.~,,. _,,,,, ':"/Jf ."8'' ,,, ,,,-;,;r,11.,, '' fu1 ti!,· ~mb,n ,.~.1or1u,i of t1U."'t ,,,·t l!J a nde

·•f <'- 1:J11rnia. r,·,n'f•.,·, nt, tT i,1 S('1Utt,_: ,,ad •11. ,I.,· nrlf't a.~ !'ollrJ1t'8:

1_11,:-:,, ·t' proyidin,: :1 fun,1 f11r tl'lrt pa:•1m·nt 1z('d 1 .. hv u11·1u·1·t·1l hr tlll.-· board 11f :-:tnte

.. -

,, NATE BILL NO. 464 Pa~:-: .. ,1 fJ1o 1 ~,·ri:1: : 1r, 11 ! :.: . . \. I•. 1 :11,1

~Pi'J't•tar·,· 11f th" :0:,, Pa:,.!~t·ii 1hr- .\:-:..,.;,,•: ~l:u 1 h :,:o, .\. J 1. J ~~I

,. .. h·r·k ,,r th•-- .\ ~i,.,, n~ 1 TliiR lii11 wa~ I°"', · Ji,· ti11• t";nYf~T·t1or, 1tl A\. [ ,. 1 !to~,. at ;, n',·J, , . .li. E. t •• (.1oop,.r. 'I


r'JL\ l 'TER G2:J.

.-lu ru·t tr.. 111·oi·it/,· f,,/" ,1,, i.f.l.,'l11,1nr,-, nnd ,f.lo/1· of~ f1uul r,,1· thr (•on:,.f;- .. t,r,,i b,, ,,,,, lu,,,nl ,,,. .'lftl fT,'i f,1r fhf' lu1,11 ,.,, ''" l)i, _r,,, of 11ur1,o,· iu1pt Nr'r,wrrll. 1t·Ju11·1·, •· .. ''' ,·,,;,:. stirt,· >'rlih·oarl • . ~J:l U/>/Jl'1'/,·1u1·1u-, .~ in . .. 111tt ,· u( ."'1on }Ji, _110: t< for fht' JHt_,,w, nt ~-., :d lu11,,l8: f() tlf'/i11r flu11 in 1•rlt1tion tllfT' t,,. •,, 111 t:J.,, u11 ((/J/Jt'OJH'i<J fi,·,• /111,r<irnl ,Joi/or.,, /.,,. ti,, • J'l)Ol,S•' of JJl'illt1 prori,le fu1' t11,· .... ·11l11;1i.,,i,1u <1f this net to ft 1·~

' 1'/ic J)f'O/Jlr ,,f Iii,., :,/,,tr of f ',,/ifm•11irt. f'C'/11'/J ,,_,.,, i11hly. ("II I ll(U't "·' folio~

SEr:Tro:-r l. Fur ti,,, 1•11rrn-·, .-,f prnvidfng rL~J of thP indehtf"tlnf•:,::,,: i.•·t,·hv ;1 .1 llorizP.rl to h(~ 1)f fitatP- harhor 1·11J1::1.i.-::-:i11·n.-·~.: f1lr th~ hay pf'. itnproYPn1ents c,in:..;;\ ... t nf fn:· tl1t:' E'rectfnn n

-------- ---~

•. , • I ·,1liforni11: { ul/, ,luy of Jw11uu·y_. A. D. 1909, and ending on fr tll'enty-fourth day of Jlarch, A. D . .i.11119, t 1/'o thirds of all the members elected to each ,,f the lwu

111 l's, In u·it: Senate (!011stitutio11al Amciulml'ntJI). 11,: Senate Constitutio11rtl .:imc11<!111, 11/ .Yo. 3(i: Senate Constitutimwl Amoulment .Yo . .'J.,,,. 8rnatc l1i,11 ,,/ flu' State of California, in the nrn111u'r r~uircd V.ff section rmc of article ci9ldN11 (J/ /.11< < 'onstitution of the State of Califor11ia. u/, 1d stuti· bonds to create a. fund for the imzni:,•mcllf of San Fm11cisco harbor by t/11 ,.,111.slruction b,y the board uf state lwrbo1· comn,isiso,,, 1·:, of u·lut

...:111!,·i,1.<J (1111d for the payment of sahl bonds; t define the duties of state officers in rc/11tion llicreto,: to make an appropriation of five tl10u81111(l dollal's

<i111s(lin11, 1w1intcnancc and control of ft S,!JStcnVJf' state ldglrn·o.11s in tlie State of Califon,iaj .~pecifyin{/ the 11·01·k) fixing the payments to b, 111(1de by i11/, :,,,,, f11nd for !lie payment of bonds; (Ui prodding for tlte s11bmis.-;io11 of this od lo 11 rote of the people;'' Approved JI arch 2:2. 1.?u:1.

,-.;u/, ,,( state bonds to create a fund for the acqv'sition b,y the board of state harbor co111111i~siu11ers, of a necr'ssa1·y area, fo1· a tidal basin. fo,. ,,·/ian·cs: ofii,·, /'.~ iu, relatfon tht>·eto; making an appropntion of one tliousn11d dollars for the c.1·11r,1sc of print£ng said bonds; and providing for tl11 . .;;ubmissio

JIits.,, rl ii/I act entitled: "An ~-!ct to proi-ide for lit issuance and sale of stale bonds to crnre 11, fund for the construdion b.11 the board of stat, lwrbor ca 1ilr11,11{. ~1,11r.-;, bettcnuents and appurtenances iid,e count.ff of San Diegoj to crtatc a 81111."n.11 fund for the payment of sm'.d bond,-;: to defi11c l/u duties < 11 .... 1 u/ Jlt':11ti11g said l•onds, and to 1n·ovide fol' t.l' :,;ulnnis . .-;ion of this ad to a l'ote of thl' 11oplc.-'' Approt"ed ,.{pril 16, 1909.

,, ,...,·t,1/, o.t California) at its c.rtnwrdinary sessiry, fJf the thil't!J-('i,(Jflfh scssion. bcgi1111iJ1.(/ ,, tlic day of September, A.. D. 1.910, and t11di11,11 011 the

.~~~::'./;,/' 1·uriny in faro>· thereof. proposed tho forr.ning sererul u111('11dmc11t.~ to the Co11..,-fi/;l'm cf the State of California, prepared and d;,,fiilguislie

l<' st,,fl' , aliforuict,. at its second extraordi11arucssion of the thirf,lJ-ciyldh sc..,.sion. v<'[Ji11,+.<J on the third da_y of October, A.. D. 1910, (11/i/ , ;1di11y 011,

,i.-:/11f1rn· 1 1,r; in fal'or thereof, proposed the forf./oinq amendment to the Constitution o( t/., :·,'tate of Ca:lifornia) prepared and distinguislrcd :,,, 1111ml1cr

,·t u/ th, '.<Jislalurc of the State of Oaliforn,ia. e·Ufrd: "An Act to amend section one th",,.~ 1ml one lurndred and ninet.lf-fit:<' of the Poldh-,,i < '/)de l'l'I tii'e sta.fcwtut of the opemtion of th ,)rest'llf section or article of tlw Constit,0,111 and of the result to be effected by the propo., ,1 111111·1111

a1'<' carcfull,1/ compared the forc,r;oinuopics of said proposed amendments to f/1 '011stitut,'.on of the State of Califol'nia and pl"o; ,,,,,jfio11s t, 111y office_, and that the same arc co·rect fl'ltnscripts therefrom and of tht' 1t/r,1 thereof. of California, at office in 8acmm('1l11. this sfa·th day of October, A. D. 1910.

• t I I I I I I I I If I••, o Ito f

any and all certiflcates heretofore issued b! the Secreta.ry of State, relative to Amendments to Constitution of the State of California and Proposition~ , o be voted


Page 9: Proposed Amendments to the C, - · ll.

,: I.

JI, ..

. ,.,· ~· l • l:ll'\ "' :--Li 11• ( 11•" :_:, dd V • i,·,·li•· l,; .\ '.'Ii. •·. ,.~ 1·1:rr.\'. ~···(·n·~.1ry


. :, rE BILL NO. 227.

1ry 1"7, ~·\. J1_ J:ln\}. l .. ewi~ .\. llillinrn.

. \! rC'h 1 n .. \. 1 ). 1 i1n:1. t 'lio Llll)'l.l. ( 1 lti,•f

tl!P (~!l\'t)l'fl!H', thi:-1 1,-,tlt da.)· !l{ :\f:tl'f'h, E. C. t'ut}Jlt}r. 1•rivatt• St•\·retary of tl1t~

11.-\PTER 111;,

·IUIU'f.' and .wr/,· of Nf(lfc l11>11rls to <'l'r'af<' a f the buard n{ stut,· hrtl'l,11r ,·om111ission-

.i'. <t Jidul lnt:"'·i11. /"ur ll'liurr,·s. dn•·f-i·,..,,. /ii< 1"8, :~· IH tJ,,, c·lf,11 and ,·n1111t11 rlf ..... ,n, Ftnn­tuntl {1,r tht· 11u11111,'11t of .~aid lJnnds: ,nul

·,· n/}fr•,.,..~ in r, luf/011 th,·n·/o: nutkinr, rrn ,,"','f~itrJ tfl)l/<rl'.": for fl,,. ,·.1'/Jf'USI' 11/ /ll"i>/t;nq '/ for fht' Nllb11Jis.••:in11 11( fl//,,• <l<"t tv a t·rlf°e

_f ('alifnr11ia. /'1'/ffcs,·11trd in ~c,irrfr 011rl 1, tlo !"JlU('t H8 (o/lnws:

11):,;:f• of prn\·iding- ;1 f11nd fnr th<' p:1\·nu•nt :r:~·d to h1_> i1H·111Tt·d l1y til,• hnard tf!" ~tilte


SENATc BILL NO. 464. l 1as~1-·d 1!1f• ~1·nat•.·. -}tar,··

:-::t•1·t·t•tar-y of t 11!' ;-:,,n;i t1 11:lS:O-t•d tllf' -'~S~'!llLh· -:\l,;1

Clf·rk nf Utt~ .\~~t·111l11\·.· ... Thi:-; hill W:l~ T'P('t·h·,·d h\"

.\. I,. J!111:,. at ii 11\·\11di 1·. ,.[, (.f11\'~'l'H111',

Cl ..Ln uct to 1n·ori1/;" for· thr ;,..,.,....

f111ul fur the t·,111stnr(·tiun l, f'l"S fnr thr lin_11 n{' Srrn lJi, .~'f'(l/l"(J/l, P'h(JJ-l'f',',', })itT8,

op1n1rr,·1unu·c8 iu th,· 1·11111L' fur th,' /Htllnll'Jlf of' soi,/ b, in rclofir111 t fu-r,'tn: to 11

fi 1·,· 1i 1nufrnl i/nl/f/rs f,11· ti, /JJ'Ol"itl,~ fu,· 111,~ 81/~HiliSNion

The J>Cupk ul the ~t11fe nr 08.",'('}J/ lJl.11

~1·:l:'T1.o~ 1. F'i)r tlH' purp1 of tl1,~ lllth .... liU•tltlP!--S 11,•rt-h\' ,1t· ~tatP h:1rhnr ('Otntlli~f-:io'n1 in1J1rt1\"t•rnt~nt::: ,·nn~ist of f•

.\ 11. 1:•11'1, l.,·wis .\. lli!h11r11.

t ;,1\'1·n111r, tlds :!:!d da,· nf :\L1rd1 . t •. C1.1op+>1·, ]'ri\'at~ ~i.'('l:t•tary of tllP

,· on,/ .~rrl, 1,P 8(1tf,· !11111(/."'l to <·r,-·,rfr' a . 1. 1· (11,111·,/ 11( stat,· lt11rl,11,· ,·um 111 i.-. .... ·ion­,,~· ltf11"i>1Jr im1>ro1·,,1111·11t8 <'otud.~t of rr

raifrnflrl. s1111rs. lH·ft, 1·111,·nf.t: 11nd .... ·u11 /Ji, '/P.' tn 1"1",·u/( o sinki11,1 fund

: (11 ti, /in·,, th,· ,!11/i,·s n( stnt,· ,·1flit·1T,'-: 1111 ttJIJl/"OJJ1'iuti1111 nf ,,,1,· thu1,st11uf 11 1i.1w of 111·i11ti11.r1 suid /;,nHI.~. and to

"Ir is a,·t t,, u 1·,,tc 11!' th~· Jwo11li'.

'i(111'11in, 1·, ,,,.,.,,w11t~·t1 in s, ootr· anrl , uu,·t UN (u//nirs:

pr•)\·idi11~ a fun,1 f,lr tilt' Jlayn1r•nt ,rit.t•d tq 11~) itH'lllT•·tl hy th,·· l,oard r tl1, ... hay tif ~an 11i,•,-.:-o for }rnrh11r

(•n.•t·trttn of a :-11.·awall, wliarv1:•.:,-,

U11.-.: iii t th-•); t/11• ~;:Jl. , .. ii! ;,,, lid ljt'l"H/J!•' \"il[d

:-,:i-,:(· 11. ll ~l1all 1 .. :,.,. d111 .. r tL,• ~1-,T•·L1r:• .. f !-<tat1• t•• J1a.\·e thi:-: :i, l J111l,Jh,.:lp,d ir1 :11 1:-st .. : :;··WspaJ,t'r l!i. P;w1, 1.·1HJ1Jt:s. or l'itv

.111d '""lltJt~·. if 1q·,, , .. , J· 1i,li~li1 tl1,•rt>i11, tl1r111a!hf1ill t)1i. ... ~t;Jt••, fo.r tlir-1•1• !?'1tltll:~ 11,•.,t r,r•·· •·<illig' \ i-:1·t1~·r:1l t•l1-,·th,ri jo !,1• b,ld,-n in tl11· m1,ntl1 11! :\',1v-•111l .. r·, JJiii,·· di t11111cln·il and li·n, tt11' r11~t~ of puhli,·atinn ~!tall Ii~' J1;1id ,,qt <11 <h•.} ~an J ijf•,-.::-1, l1ariH1r in1pn1,·,·rnPnt f11nd. on ''lllltndh•r':4 w:1n;tnt:-:. ,· !y dntWtl t'nr thut 1,nquH~•·.

~..:,,. 1 :.!. '!'ht! :--tat,· ,·i,ntrn];. ·· and H1att: trP;-1.s11r,·,1~ ar,• h,:i1·r1 hy din'(·tc•d ti, transf1-1 r fr11n: ;111.v : ,10~·\·~ ]laid int,1 the ~an J 11,~gu ~f_•;.( .. ·wnJl !'un,! \1TltJ1,.i· ~l.l(' J_jr1,\·i~ii1n · "f ).._Is ill't to _till! ~••JH•r:tl fund qr tile ~tate ()f < :i\111,rr11a. ,1nr ·td ali"' .,.~urns ,If n111n,·:i,.· th1•r11tnfor~ tran~ferre,I frun; :--aid i!•·11t·ral : rn.,l t11 r'nfl San 1 Jit.\1.:·11 :-ii•a,\·aa f11nd. t11g .... ther ,,·!th int,:•n·~t ,,n :-:;a!d · 1•H1t·y~ f'ri•nl tilf" datt• , . ._ tran!--fer at tilt~. ~·.~lh! _nt' r:·1_1u_· f\1.'J' ('t !lt p••r a· 111111.

~I·.l, 1.1. 1 hi:,; ai·t :na,· tin , 'lo1wn and ,·lt1.'d ;ts t)11 1 1·~an f>it1go Beuwall aet ut' 1!11111:· ·

.\µpro,·,·,l . • \pi-ii 1,,,11 .• \, l>. ,,,no.

\\". TL J'.,1:n:::. l'r1·:-tid"nt pf t!1~· ~1 .. nat(•,

f~ .. \. ~T,,STfi:,;. ~pf'ak,·1~ 11f th,; .\:-1:i.l 1lnhly.

.J. X. C1t.I.E-:TT. 1;0,·r-·rnor:. E1Hiol'~(·1!: F'ilt•,1 in 1)1•· 11ff'i,•, ff 111,• :-:=l 11·t'•·tarr of ~tati• 111'~ "7th day

nf . .-\pril. • .\. U. 1 :111'.t, :11 1:.:: .,: ,'du(·k l" . .:\I. C. F. t ·ur-1-r. ~~·l·retary of ~tatt:.'. Hy J. H111·!·..J.·h. I 1t•1,i:

-· ------------ ----- ----~-------··· -- ---···--··--··------··· - ·-----~-------------------···-··------------------------~------··---

D. 1.110.t). / 11·0 thirds of all tlw memb('/'s elected tu 01th of the houses of saicl Leg1'.slature voting in fa1.:ol' thereof) proposed the d/)/<'111 .:\'u. :Ni: 8c11atc Cowditutiona7 Ame11rlme11t .Yu. 3:,'.: Senate Constitutional ... '.l1nendmcnt ~Yo . .J.l, c111d Assc111bly Constitu­<'ll o/ f 711 f ·011stitution of the State of Californiu. the ,·n11.,lr11ction b/J the board of state harbor comi11isi . ..;0Ju'rs of whw·i·cs, piers) state raifroad, SJJlll'S, bcff-crmcufs Oll(f uppurte­rc7ution tlurdo: to make an appropriation of jh'I' tl1u11srrncl dollars for the expense of printing said boJ/11s; and to pron'de for

olifornia: .~pccif ying the 1cork, fi.ring the paymc1ds lo l>e made by counties for nzoneys expended the1·l in; prodding for the is act to ,r 1·otc of the people." ..:ipproved .Jlarch }}. J.f)()/J.

co111111is8i1111ersJ of a nr'ccsscu-y area f'o;· a tid l basin. (or u·harves., docks, piers, harbors and app111'few111Ns, in the cit.I/ w1d e e.rpcnsr of printing ::;oid bonds; and proriding /ur tlu' submission of this act to rt vote of the J>coplr." A.pprortd Jlw·

to crc11f-(' 11 fund fo1· the construction b,11 the board o( s/1/fr harbor commissioners for the bay of San Die.1111 o/ harbo;· iillprot:e­a sinkin.,1 f1111d for the pa.ipnent of said bonds; to,/( _liue tl1c duties of state officers in relation thereto; to 1i111kc rm appropriation

f the p10Jif c:'' Appro1·ed April 16'_, 1909.

1111i11g o,i ti,c :,i.rth day of September, A. D. 1.910) a11il, 11diil{I on the niutl1 day of September, A. D. 1.910. f 1co tliiJ'ds of all tlw Co11stit11fu11 of the State of California, prepared u1"! di .. ;;tinguishcd by 1111mbers, to ll'it: Senate Const1t11/io11nl Amciulmcnt

1. ucgii1i1 11q on the third da.11 of October. A. D. 191,,. 1 111d c11ding on the fifth day of October, A. D. 1910. t u·o tl1irrls o( all the t'on of tlic ,-.;fate of California, 1n-eparcd and distin,r;uis/,nl b.111u1111ber_. to ll'it: 1',cnatc Co11stitutio110I Amc11,f111r 1d .Yo. 1.

01/C fltilil,

Constit11t nts to t/11· f the 11'7,o . 1!)10.

dments to

11ul one lwndrcd and ni11cf.1J-ftl'c o/ the Pu1: 1 1(·11/ {'ode relating to Constitutional A111c11dml'11fs 11,117 Jm!l'idin[J for the 111 awl of the result to be cff ecte<l b.lJ the 1,r,,, 110 . .,,.d 1rn1<'>ulm<'11f, '' aJ>provcd JI arch .10, .WO.<J, I. C. F. r 'l 'R Ur . .S'n·>·r>tw·.11 onstitution of the State of Caiifon1ia aJ11! ,.,1·01111 . ..;ifious to be rotul upon at the nc.rf [Jc11c1·al elel'/11111 to lJc held 011 the thereof.

• f • f f • f f I I • I f fl I I f f .. f
