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  • 7/29/2019 Proposal for Food Crisis Program


    Compassion International

    Complementary Interventions Proposal Form

    Food Crisis Program

    Country:Indonesia (IO)


    52 IO Projects

    Completed by:

    Sufian (IO-CIV Administrator)

    # of Direct beneficiaries: 7,950

    # of child beneficiaries: 2,650

    # of adult beneficiaries: 5,300 (parents)

    Total Activity Budget: US $ 89,000

    Local Contribution: US $ 600Total Request: 88,400

    Date the first funds needed: September 2008 Support (US $ 58,000)

    Date the second funds needed: July 2009 Support (US $ 30,400)

    Date prepared: June 5, 2008

    Activity Start-Date: September 2008Activity End-date: June 2010

    Completion Report Date: August 2010

  • 7/29/2019 Proposal for Food Crisis Program


    1. Executive SummaryFood crisis is a classic problem in this country, such an irony for an agrariancountry with a fertile land and is said as a prosperous country. The food crisis

    nowadays happened when the countrys need for food has heavily dependent onimport, and when the price rose uncontrollable. The majority of Indonesianpopulation is either labor of food sector, consumer or mere end-user.

    We then as a part of Indonesia want to come alongside with the program ourgovernment carries out. Surely we will only focus to church partners, in whereChildren Development Centers are the ministries we are abound in. We haveconcentrated in several regions that obviously they are still included as the mostaffected regions of food crisis. These areas include Northern Coast of Java (Tegal,Pemalang, Pati, Juwana), Nusa Tenggara (Kupang, Soe, Sumba Island), andSemarang region.

    Food crisis precautions and solutions are essential in all of those areas. The mainprogram we are going to do is distributing basic food such as rice and corn,cooking oil, noodle, and Milk; giving education on how beneficiaries act when acrisis on food happens; distribution of vitamin and food supplement; and the lastwe will exhibit cooking demonstration as a way to preserve food, making creativerecipes, and using natural resource as cooking recipe. The education will be informat of seminar and distribute any stuff that relate to food sustainability andprevention from hunger.

    Our target in this program is mainly children of Children Development Center atages under 5 years old. However, since the crisis also affects other children as wellas parents, we do not want to limit our program addressed for these people only.We do not want to cause other problem, since we ignore parents or caregivers.Also when we see that it is very necessary program for project staffs, we mayinclude them as well. We want to include reasonable number of people as many aspossible. The total beneficiaries will be approximately 7,950 people that include2,650 children and 5,300 parents and caregivers.

    The program is designed to cover 2 year period. The first period will take place infiscal 2009 with the aim on improving ability of beneficiaries since this year is themost affected time and crisis as the cause of the rise of foods prices. The secondperiod will take place in fiscal 2010 as an effort to provide food safety andsustainability so that there will no longer crisis effect.

    The fund we need to implement the program is US $ 89,000, in which US $ 600 isthe local contribution (hence the fund requested is US $ 88,400).

    2. Background and history

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    IO Office has never implemented a programon handling food crisis till this moment,since we really never faced such a problemso far. Our program is mainly focused indeveloping children variously, yet in thecorridor of holistic aspects: physical,

    intellectual, socio-emotional, and spiritual.

    However, this year Indonesias people arefacing hard life. The picture shown on theleft is a proof that some Indonesias peopleare facing food crisis that cause them,especially children affected by malnutrition.

    This case was found in Nusa Tenggara, the province located in South East part ofIndonesia. The girl of 9 years old died 2 months ago because she did not getadequate food, and her parents were very late informing the case to any respectedand authoritative institution nearby. The case above is actually not affecting IOs

    project, yet happening in the neighborhood of one of Children Development Centerin Nusa Tenggara. So, it is our concern as well as IO partners to give significantresponse toward such a case, as a way of giving real impact upon the existence ofChildren Development Center and doing exact mission toward projectscommunities. Also it is a big warning for IO office and partners to be seriously carryout program and response over food crisis. We are called to fight this casetogether with our government.

    IO office has experienced in handling program on fulfilling physical need of thechildren in the Children Development Center. There are also various activities onphysical aspects that include physical education, physical games, and taman gizi(nutrition chamber). Particularly for nutrition chamber program we always givenutritious food to all of children that include rice or corn (for some children in NusaTenggara that eat corn as their daily carbohydrate resource). But in this year, eventhough we still do giving food program, we cannot expect children to stay at theChildren Development Center every time. Children get food only when they haveactivities at the Children Development Center, and if they are not in there, theyget the food from their parents. It means that at home, parents or caregiver thatobviously the first party to be responsible in feeding and nurturing their children.However we understand and experience that in the crisis time, children as well asparents will face significant trouble getting basic foods.

    3. Problem Statement and Assumptions

    There are 2 main problems we want to draw and explain here as our concern indescribing why we really need support and food assistance at present. First we will

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    gion in red line is the most affected of El Nino.

    Kitchen and pantry in Nusa Tenggara.Usually in dry season, in which droughthappen, this building is used for housesince in this area, wind blows hardly andabundantly. People live here for morecomfortable dwelling place.

    talk about drought a phenomenon that happens frequently in Indonesia. Second,we will talk about increasing prices upon some things, including food.

    Drought in Indonesia is related to the phenomena of ENSO (El-Nino SouthernOscillation). El-Ninos effect is stronger in dry season than in rainy season. Thecharacteristics of this phenomenon are as follow1:

    The end date of dry season lasts longer than normal condition. The first date of rainy season starts also longer than usual. Rainfall happens extremely. Dates of drought are longer, especially in the eastern part of Indonesia (Nusa

    Tengara and sometimes in East Java).

    Drought will affect health ofhuman being, plant, andanimal. Drought will cause treesand plants die and soils get

    barren in dry season. While inrainy season, land will be easilyeroded and cause flood. Theimpact of drought then takes

    lives into the loss of food material; farmerscannot produce any rice or corn. Eventuallymany people will be attacked by famine and

    lose basic foods.

    Drought alone happens almost regularly in some areas of Indonesia, in where IOsprojects are also located. These areas are located in Nusa Tenggara Timur. Whenrainy season comes hardly in Nusa Tenggara is assailed by drought.2

    The drought has affected the corn or riceproduction in Nusa Tenggara and hence in thistime, people are conditioned to prepare andpreserve food in such a sufficient amount so thatthey can be hindered from famine and hungerduring the time. However, apparently the ability towell-preparation is very low, since they have limitedaccess caused by poverty they are included in.Stories, news, formal information regarding droughtappear up and down. Here quoted one news3 :

    1 Asep M. Muhsim, TAGANA CIANJUR, September 13, 2007.

    2 The terminology of drought maybe confusing when we relate this to the case expressed above, in which in rainy season yetfalls hardly. It happens since the people in Nusa Tenggara Timur eats corn daily and in rainy season, corn cannot grow well.In happens in December-February.

    3 Kupang Post, local daily newspaper, September 4, 2007.

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    Cornelis and his family after showing his rumahbundar (round house to store corn or rice). Thisfamily tries to endure hardship amid food crisisthat happen quite often.

    Pos Kupang reported that residents of 23 villages in Timor Tengah Selatan(TTS) Regency were now experiencing drought and the food supplypredicted lasted within 6 months ahead until March next year. The regent ofTTS had ordered the village chiefs and district leaders to make sure that thevillages rice barns filled sufficiently and all families were aware of thissituation.

    This situation happens almost annually and hence actually regents, leaders, as wellas all inhabitants are aware of this situation. However, this preparation or alertwarning is not appropriate anymore when there are other factors that worsen thesituation. The other factors that specifically recently happens are as explainedabove: the hike prices of fuel. Secondly, at present people in Nusa Tenggara preferto eat corn rather than rice. The reasons are as follow:

    1. The price of rice is more expensive than corn or maize.2. According to most people that work as farmer, consuming corn has enabled

    them getting more energy than consuming rice.

    3. The soils in their nature do not support rices growth in a long time. Itproduces one season rice harvest. Also rice plant needs lots of water thancorn.

    Therefore, the advice from the regent of TTS above is almost nothing and usefulmostly for those whose incomes are affordable to buy rice. For those who havesuch situation, they actually do not ignore the advice. They store corn in rumahbundar (round house) as shown in the pictured above. However, theyare only ableto store the corn until 3 months ahead. After that they usually work harder outsidethe village. A story about this came in4:

    My name is Cornelis. I have 2 little kids. My family and I eat whether rice orcorn, whatever I can get.Actually I work on my own. Ihave little field that sometimes Iplant it with rice or corn.Recently I do not plant rice sincethe seed of rice is moreexpensive and also, I need to beaware of drought that I believewill happen in December. HenceI plant corn. However, it is veryhard time. weather in hererecently is very bad for any cornor rice. I think my corn plants

    4 This story captured recently when the author had an opportunity to visit this family in May 2008.

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    will last until September only. And when it happens, I usually look for a job innearby city as laborer for anything available. The problem sometimes ariseswhen I work in city. My wage, besides too little, I have to carry it out to myvillage so that my family can purchase foods. Usually I pass on the moneythrough my friends. But when there are no good friends, going home, Icannot give the money and surely my family may not eat.

    Indonesia, with close to 200 million people, is the world's fourth most populousnation after China, India and the United States. It faces similar problems.Indonesian farmers brought in a record harvest of nearly 50 million tons ofunhusked rice in 1995, but because of increased consumption the country had toimport 2.3 million tons5. That was a substantial increase over the 280,000 tonsimported in 1994.6 Meanwhile, official figures show that in the 10 years to 1993,rice production on Java, which accounts for 56 percent of the national total, fell byan annual rate of 2 percent as 900,000 hectares (2.2 million acres) of rice fieldswere lost during the decade.Based on the projected domestic demand for rice in2009, rice production needs to be increased by 1.8 million tons by that year, and

    to do so, the countrys rice farming area have to be widened by 600,000 hectares.The consequence over this situation is that government has to provide more ricefield, import rice from other countries, or extensify other food materials such ascassava, corn, or sweet potato. We honestly believe that the government hasalready significantly worked on these scenarios. However, there are manyobstacles that apparently coming alongside the efforts. The obstacles thatapparently have occurred and have lacerated the scenario are natural disasters,pets and bugs that destroy the rice plants and the seeds, floods, and drought.

    In the meantime, at present people of Indonesia is facing increasing prices forsome things, including basic food materials. Hence, urgent action is needed to helpthe poor who are devastated by soaring food prices.

    The price of rice rose precipitously as a result of the hike of fuel price recently. 7 Ithas affected the prices of any products and needs, including basic food materialsincreasing significantly from 15% - 50%. In fact, starting in year 2005, the rising ofdomestic demand over basic food materials, especially rice outstripped domesticsupply and the domestic price of rice doubled at that time. Meanwhile the incomeof Indonesian people increased lower than percentage of all these prices.8

    5 IHT, Fears of Food Crisis Rise As Cities Engulf Farms, Michael Richardson

    Published: TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1996

    6 ibid7The government of Indonesia announced on May 23 at 11.19 PM the new fuel prices following skyrocketing world's oilprice. The gasoline price increased from IDR 4,500 (US $ 0.5) to IDR 6,000 (US $ 0.6). This is definitely a hard news foreverybody in Indonesia.

    8 Since 2005 until 2007 on average the growth of Gross Domestic Product has reached 6,3%. (source: Department of FinanceRepublic of Indonesia, issued on March 10, 2008. It means that with the fuel prices hike up to 15%, people still have toreduce their income approximately 9%. And if they do earn increasing income less than 6.3%, their income reduced morethan 9%. And typically the people we are going to help in this program are of those whose income reduces more than 9%.

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    Therefore this situation has significantly elevated the poverty rate. There is astrong and intrinsic link between poverty and high rice prices. The needs of themajority of the country the poor and near-poor over rice remain going upalongside with the growth of the family member. In fact their ability to purchaserice is decreasing. Thus they remain living in poverty.

    The main trigger of hiking prices is inflation as described below9 :

    Inflation rate in the first quarter of 2008 noted as 7,9%.This position is higherthan what happened in theforth quarter of 2007. Thisinflation rate is respondednegatively in the early ofsecond quarter of2008.Inflation rate gets uptriggered mainly by the priceof oil and food globally that

    significantly increasing. The highest inflation is on food materials (rice, corn,cooking oil, and noodle) and energy (oil, electricity, gas). Inflation itself,caused by subprime mortgage crisis that reduce the speed of the worldseconomy globally. It happens because The United States of America is themost influencer of global economy, and hence what happened in this countrypressing down the economy situation in other countries, including Indonesia.

    From what we describe above, we then cannot just blame somebody or institutionincluding Indonesian government. Real action needs to be carried out as theeffective responses toward the crisis.

    4. Objectives

    First of all, we want to share the outcomes of Child Survival Program (CSP),Children Development through Sponsorship Program (CDSP), and LeadershipDevelopment Program (LDP). These are three core programs of Compassion.

    The Child Survival Program (CSP) seeks to achieve three outcomes and the life ofthe child and two outcomes in the life of the mother.

    1. The child is physically healthy2. The child exhibits self-confidence and healthy relationships3. The child demonstrate curiosity, interacts with their world and communicatesexperiences4. The mother/caregiver is sufficiently healthy to provide for childs well-being5. The mother/caregiver exhibits the motivation and skills to be economicallyself-supporting

    9 Bisnis IndonesiaM.A. Daniri, April 14, 2008.

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    The Child Development through Sponsorship Program seeks to achieve threeoutcomes in the life of each child so that upon graduating from the program, he orshe can:

    1. Chooses good health practices and is physically healthy.2. Exhibits the motivation and skills to be economically self-supporting.3. Interacts with other people in a healthy and compassionate manner.

    While the Leadership Development Program seeks to achieve four outcomes in thelife of each student so that upon completion, he or she demonstrates:

    1. Good health practices2. Personal and professional skills to be economically self-supporting3. Positive self-worth and healthy relationships

    4. Servant leadership

    From the above statements we as childrens advocate in responds of especially theoutcome of # 1 of CDSP and LDP, outcomes # 1 and # 4 of CSP, and in regard offulfilling adequate nutrition over the children and their core families, will upholdthe best effort battling against the crisis. We want to take action as ourgovernment endorses and encourages us to do. Physical health also means anydiseases caused by food crisis: malnutrition and death.

    Therefore our objectives are as follow:

    General Objective:

    Provide complete aids as complete program (prevention toward food crisis anddeployment of food aids) for several IOs projects that are vulnerable during thecrisis.

    Specific Objectives:

    1. Enhancing awareness of children and parents toward the dangers of faminein the intended projects.

    2. Giving appropriate assistances that related to food in any sufficient amount.3. Improving exploration ability of the beneficiaries in finding alternative food

    and creativity on food making as safety movement and food crisisanticipation.

    By putting in these kinds of objectives, obviously we are eager to bring goodhealth practices over the life of:

    a. CSP, CDSP, and LDP students

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    b. Parents and caregivers.c. Project Staffs.

    5. Implementation Plan, Activities and Schedule

    Mostly our activities are on prevention categories. However, we need to be awareand ready for any cases or incidences that cause us to give curative activities.

    5.1. Process

    In Regard of achieving our objectives, we are going to do actions as follow:

    As a respond over:Enhancing awareness of children and parents towardthe dangers of famine in the intended projects, we will:

    Doing campaign in seminar format, handing our brochures and posters.

    House visit in order to communicate effective, especially toward those whoare in unhealthy of physical being.

    Group discussion and simulation in order to collect similar ideas,thoughts, and common understanding so that local people (IO partners,project staffs, educators are able to do the same awareness program in thefuture with no big cost).

    As a respond over:Giving appropriate assistances that related to food inany sufficient amount.

    Deploy basic Foods: rice, corn, cooking oil, noodle, and milk.

    Deploy vitamin and food supplement: as additional nutrition in order toimpose immunity and resistance toward caused by malnutrition.

    As a respond over: Improving exploration ability of the beneficiaries infinding alternative food and creativity on food making as safetymovement and food crisis anticipation.
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    Cooking Demo that will focus mainly on the creating recipe from basic foodmaterials and ingredients.

    Exploring Food Alternative that will focus in finding resources out of riceor corn as basic food, which is giving similar result as of rice or corn.

    5.2. Beneficiary

    1. 2,650 children from 52 projects:

    No # of CDC No # of CDC No # of CDC No # of CDC1 IO 966 14 IO 784 27 IO 628 40 IO 6672 IO 981 15 IO 785 28 IO 629 41 IO 6683 IO 985 16 IO 786 29 IO 630 42 IO 7214 IO 986 17 IO 787 30 IO 640 43 IO 7225 IO 660 18 IO 788 31 IO 670 44 IO 9096 IO 662 19 IO 600 32 IO 671 45 IO 935

    7 IO 664 20 IO 619 33 IO 672 46 IO 8388 IO 669 21 IO 620 34 IO 673 47 IO 9549 IO 732 22 IO 623 35 IO 647 48 IO 95010 IO 733 23 IO 624 36 IO 650 49 IO 89611 IO 734 24 IO 625 37 IO 658 50 IO 94512 IO 782 25 IO 626 38 IO 659 51 IO 94913 IO 783 26 IO 627 39 IO 665 52 IO 948

    2. 5,300 parents and project staffs.

    Total: 7,950 beneficiaries.

    5.3. Time of Activity

    This activity would be implemented in September 2008 and will be ended in June2010

    This is the schedule for this program:




    Food Distribution (each regionhas each own food crisis time).Vitamin & Food Supplementsfor malnutrition casesEducational sessions forchildren

    Educational sessions for

  • 7/29/2019 Proposal for Food Crisis Program


    parents and project staffs

    Cooking DemoFood Alternative: creation andresource













    Food distributionVitamin & Food Supplementsfor malnutrition cases

    Educational sessions forparents and project staffsCooking Demo

    Food Alternative: creation andresource


    6. Monitoring and Evaluation

    In order to achieve the objectives written above, we list out below the indicator ofachievement.

    Objectives Indicators Standard of Success

    Method(s) ofMeasurements

    Enhancing awarenessof children and

    parents toward thedangers of famine inthe intended projects.

    a. Therewill be at least 2

    topics given ineducationactivities for bothchildren andparents.b. Allprojects (100%)that are intendedin this programwill educate theirchildren and

    parents on foodcrisis.c. Incidence of malnutritionreduced and fearof food crisiseliminated.

    a. 2 topicsgiven

    thoroughly andall participantsget involvedactively.b. 90% of theintendedbeneficiariesattend allsessions ineducationactivities.

    c. We targetto reduce 70%of allincidences.

    a. attendance list

    b. Participation records.c. Topicevaluationtools.d. Incidentrecord.

    Giving appropriate a. Basic foods: a. One family a. Receipts

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    assistances thatrelated to food in anysufficient amount.

    rice or corn,cooking oil, milk,sugar given anddistributed well.b. Vitamin andfood supplement

    will be handedover 100 tomostly those withmalnutritionstatus.

    will accept 1packageincludes: 10kgrice or corn,2lt cookingoils, 2lt milk,

    and 2kg sugar.b. 1 peoplewithmalnutritioncase willreceivevitamin andsupplementsufficient for atleast 1 month.

    Record (forfoodpackage).

    b. Project resulttools(designed to

    track andmonitor thesupplementand vitaminresultindicator).

    Improving explorationability of thebeneficiaries in findingalternative food andcreativity on foodmaking as safetymovement and foodcrisis anticipation.

    a. Cooking demo willbe implementedin each cluster.

    b. Food alternativeis explored deeplyin projectssurroundings.

    a. There areat least 2cooking menugiven in thedemo.b. Find atleast 1alternate foodthat isappropriate tobe consumed.

    a. Demorecord forevery cluster.b. Foodalternativerecords

    7. Activity Management

    7.1 Administration

    Partnership Facilitators: Prepare the implementation of the program, andmonitoring the activities process and progress regularly.

    Supervisor: supervise the program and giving appropriate data and record of theimplementation.

    CIV Administrator: giving necessary consultation and evaluates the program,and submit the final completion report.

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    7.2 Financial Management

    Administration & Finance Team: Disburses funds and manage the record of theexpenses that happen.The activities related to finance usage tracking &administration of this program will be under responsibility of IO Accountant and CIVAdministrator.

    7.3 Reporting

    1. Any documentation will be used to record any progress of the programimplementation and activities. Person in charge will submit the activitiesrecords such as school progress, given training, the results, and theimplementation.2. This information will serve to CIV Administrator to prepare final report.Interim report will be available quarterly.3. Completion report will be submitted in August 2010.4. reporting will include:

    # of children in need of food; # of education held;

    # of parents or caregiver in need of food;

    # of food supplement and vitamin distributed.5. We will also provide activity update that will be including

    # of food distributed

    # of family in need and malnutrition incidences.

    # of incidence resolved.

    7. Project total cost

    Budget details

    Details Account Amount in IDRAmountin USD



    Basic Food (given twice) 601,800,00066,866

    .7 N/A 66,866.7

    Rice: 2,650 packages x 2 x IDR 60,000 318,000,00035,33


    Corn: 1,000 packages x 2 x IDR 20,000 40,000,0004,44


    Cooking Oil: 2,650 x 2 x IDR 20,000 106,000,00011,77


    Milk: 2,650 packages x 2 x IDR 14,000 74,200,0008,24


    Sugar: 2,650 packages x 2 x IDR 12,000 63,600,0007,06


    Vitamin & Food Supplement (twice) 68,000,0007,555

    .6 N/A 7,555.6

    Vitamin: 1,000 x 38,000 38,000,0004,22


    Food Supplement: 1,000 x 30,000 30,000,0003,33


    Socialization and Campaign 26,000,0002,888

    .9 N/A 2,888.9

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    52 projects x 500,000

    Education Program 52,000,0005,777

    .8 N/A 5,777.8

    52 projects x 1,000,000

    (speaker: 52 projects x 2 sessions x250,000)(Meals: 52 x 250,000)

    (Tools & Material: 52 x 250,000)

    Cooking Demo 14,000,0001,555

    .6 N/A 1,555.6

    14 clusters x 500,000 (Materials) 7,000,000 777.8

    14 clusters x 500,000 (Expert Fees) 7,000,000 777.8

    Transportations 31,200,0003,466

    .7 600 2,866.7

    52 projects x 600,000

    Miscellaneous 8,000,000888.9 N/A 888.9

    Total 801,000,000 89,000 600 88,400

    Exchange Rate IDR 9,000 US $ 1

    Budget Summary

    Details Account Amount in IDRAmountin USD



    Basic Food (given twice) 601,800,00066,866

    .7 N/A 66,866.7

    Vitamin & Food Supplement (twice) 68,000,0007,555

    .6 N/A 7,555.6

    Socialization and Campaign 26,000,000


    .9 N/A 2,888.9

    Education Program 52,000,0005,777

    .8 N/A 5,777.8

    Cooking Demo 14,000,0001,555

    .6 N/A 1,555.6

    Transportations 31,200,0003,466

    .7 600 2,866.7

    Miscellaneous 8,000,000888.9 N/A 888.9

    Total 801,000,000 89,000 600 88,400

    Exchange Rate IDR 9,000 US $ 1

    Disbursement Schedule

    Date the first funds needed: September 2008 Support (US $ 58,000)Date the second funds needed: July 2009 Support (US $ 30,400)

    8. Future feasibility

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    This activity is designed to give impact for 2 consecutive fiscal years. Hence wewill not propose similar activities as this except there is emergency needs andcrisis on food.

    9. Conclusions

    This activity will be conducted as a response of Compassion Indonesia strategy inreleasing children from poverty in. This activity is very significant for partners,family (children, parents, and caregivers), and also we believe- influencingcommunity.

    This activity also will actually make thousands of children being served and growholistically under education that is centered and also comes from great value.