Download - Property.CoZa Offering to Agents

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(Presentation 2)(V1.3)

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You have heard so many rumours, but what is Property.CoZa’s real offering to its agents?

Why are so many people talking about this company and why are so many agents joining Property.CoZa?


Why is this group one of the fastest growing real estate companies in South Africa?


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An introduction…

Take everything you thought you knew about the property industry, and throw it out of the proverbial bay window. We'd like to introduce you to a real estate company that's rewriting industry rules, building client relationships on integrity, trust and professionalism and creating exceptional career opportunities for top real estate agents.

Innovative, dynamic and agile, Property.CoZa is one of the fastest growing real estate companies in South Africa. Since our inception in 2009, we have rapidly expanded into a national network of dedicated agencies, made possible by our experienced management team who is driven by innovation and a future-focused vision. 

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Everybody is talking about our excellent commission offering.So let’s talk about the finances first…

• We pay 80% of the commission to our regular performing full status agents,

• The lowest commission split we pay is 70% (non-regular performing full status agents), but obviously we only appoint the best, so the bulk of our agents earn 80% commission.

How much commission do we pay our agents?

• Our rookies earn 50% of the commission. That’s more than what most full status agents earn with other agencies… (rookies work under the supervision of a full status agent/mentor. The split is 50/30/20. 50% to the rookie, 30% to the mentor, 20% to the agency).

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But you have heard this before, right?

• We do not charge our agents any desk fees, royalties or other hidden costs.

What about the desk fees, royalties and other hidden costs?

• Our agents only pay for their own business cards, stickers & car magnets.

Sounds good, right? So we pay the best commissions without taking back a large portion through “hidden” deductions…

• Our agents also receive bond origination income. If you average a minimum of 50% support to our in-house bond origination company, Property.CoZa Financial Services (PFS), you earn 0,05% commission on your bond registrations. That is R500 on a R1m bond! If your sales price was R1m with an 80% bond (R800 000), you will earn R400.

But what else?

• Monthly by means of vouchers.

How is this paid out?

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But, does the different commission splits really make a big difference to your earnings? Let’s have a look at the reality…

Your earnings with a 50/50 agency:

Let’s do a practical comparison. An agent’s take home income on a single deal with a 50/50 company, compared to what our agents take home on their deals @ 80/20. (for comparative purposes, 7,5% + Vat commission was used & it was presumed there were no other splits between other

agents or agencies)

Your earnings with us at a 80/20 split:

Gross commission (incl. Vat) = R85 500

Minus 14% Vat = R75 000

Minus Head Office royalties = R69 375

Minus 50% split = R34 687

In your pocket = R34 687

Gross commission (incl. Vat): R85 500

Minus 14% Vat = R75 000

Minus Head Office royalties = R75 000

Minus 80/20 split = R60 000

In our agent’s pocket = R60 000

MORE in our agent’s pocket = R25 313

Per year @ 1 registration per month (before tax) =

Per year @ 1 registration per month (before tax) = R720 000R416 244

R303 756More earnings per year to our agent =

Example: A R1m transaction with commission calculated at 7,5% (+ Vat):

Actual % commission earned versus the 100% commission:(R34 687 divided by R75 000 % = 46.25%

Actual % commission earned versus the 100% commission:(R60 000 divided by R75 000 % = 80%

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But we also pay bond origination income…

Your earnings with a 50/50 agency:

Let’s take the previous example but continue & add the bond origination income...

Your earnings with us at a 80/20 split:

In your pocket per registration = R34 687 In our agent’s pocket per deal = R60 000

MORE in our agent’s pocket = R25 313

Per year: @ 1 registration per month = 12 registrations =

Per year: @ 1 registration per month = 12 registrations = R720 000R416 244

R308 556More earnings per year to our agent =

What could you buy with R308 556 extra? For doing the same work you are doing now…

If the average bond was R800 000 per registration and all the bonds were placed through our in-house bond originator (PFS), our agent receives an extra R4 800 worth in vouchers to spend at a local convenience store! (R800 000 x 0,05% = R400 x 12 = R4 800)

R720 000


R4 800


R724 800

Actual % versus 100% commission = 46.25% Actual % versus 100% commission = 80,53%

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But what if you don’t work for a 50/50 company? Let’s have a look at the reality of a “so called” 100% offering compared to our offering…

Your earnings with a 100% agency:

Once again, let’s compare earnings on a R1m transaction at 7,5% (+ Vat) commission:

Your earnings with us at a 80/20 split:

Gross commission (incl. Vat) = R85 500

Minus 14% Vat = R75 000

Minus Head Office royalties = R70 125

Minus desk fee & office costs = R55 125

In your pocket = R55 125

Gross commission (incl. Vat): R85 500

Minus 14% Vat = R75 000

Minus Head Office royalties = R75 000

Minus 80/20 split = R60 000

In our agent’s pocket = R60 000

Very much the same, right? Or not??

More earnings per year to our agent = R99 000

What if you only had 8 registrations for the year?

4 x your monthly desk fee & office costs (R15 000) = R60 000 must still be deducted from your yearly income…

Per year: @ 1 regi per month = R661 500 Per year: @ 1 regi per month = R720 000

8 x R55 125 = R441 000 minus R60 000 =

R381 000

With 8 registrations for the year, our agents still earn 80% of the commission, but no desk fee deductions during the months when no transactions were done…

8 x R60 000 = R480 000 minus R0 = R480 000

63,50% Actual % versus 100% commission = 80,00%

Actual % commission earned versus the 100% commission: (R381 000 divided by 8 = R47 625 divided by R75 000 % =


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But once again, what about the bond origination income…

Your earnings with a 100% agency:

Let’s take the previous example but add the bond origination income…

Your earnings with us at a 80/20 split:

In your pocket per registration = R55 125 In our agent’s pocket per deal = R60 000

MORE in our agent’s pocket = R4 875

Per year: @ 8 registrations for the year =

Per year: @ 8 registrations (after the 4 month’s without registrations’ desk fees had been deducted = R480 000R381 000

R102 200More earnings per year to our agent =

If the average bond was R800 000 per registration and all the bonds were placed through our in-house bond originator (PFS), our agent receives an extra R3 200 worth in vouchers to spend at a local convenience store! (R800 000 x 0,05% = R400 x 8 = R3 200)

R480 000


R3 200


R483 200

Actual % versus 100% commission = 63,50% Actual % versus 100% commission = 80,53%

What could you buy with R102 200 extra? For doing the same work you are doing now…

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Let’s summarise the financial comparisons again…

If we analyse a 50/50 split we see they actually pay 46,25% commission. We pay 80% and if you support PFS, we pay 80,53% commission.

Comparing apples with apples, we pay more commission without hidden agendas.

The 100% company’s only pay’s 73,50% if you do 1 registration every month and 63,50% of you only do 8 registrations for the year. We pay 80% and if you support PFS, we pay 80,53%



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Let’s summarise the financial comparisons based on the example used above…

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Let’s summarise the financial comparisons…

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Let’s summarise the financial comparisons…

The above commission split examples might not be exactly the same as your calculations, but it might be a good idea for you to do a similar calculation to determine how your commission

calculation splits compare to our offering…

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So we pay our agents more for doing the same work… What else?

Passive income: if AGENT EVE (working for Property.CoZa) recruits another agent to join our group anywhere in South Africa, he or she receives the following:

We also incentivise our own agents for assisting us to grow the company! How?

R2000 per registration for the 1st 5 registrations done by the new agent = R10 000

If AGENT EVE recruits 10 agents, he/she earns R10 000 x 10 = R 100 000

The R2000 per 1st 5 registrations is not deducted from the new agent’s commissions. The agency pays the R2000 x 5 = R10 000 via a structured national recruitment incentive program to the recruiter (after each registration)

For every (0,05%) PFS bond origination voucher (refer to previous slides) earned by the newly recruited agent, AGENT EVE who recruited him or her also receives a voucher. This voucher is however calculated at 0,08% of the bond value. This means for every R1m bond placed through PFS agent A will receive a voucher of R800 (R1m x 0,08% = R800)

If AGENT EVE recruited 10 agents and all 10 of these agents registers a R1m bond through PFS every month, AGENT EVE will receive a voucher for R8000 (R800 x 10) every month.

Reward 1 remains effective for the 1st 5 registrations done by each new agent recruited, subject to both parties remaining in the service of Property.CoZa as service providers.

Reward 2 remains effective forever, subject to both parties remaining in the service of Property.CoZa as service providers. This leg is also subject to the minimum support criteria as stipulated by the PFS support voucher program (minimum of 50% support based on a 3 month cycle)

Reward 2: PFS Angel reward voucher 1st 5 registration fees Reward 1:

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Let’s summarise the financial comparisons again…

Comparing apples with apples, we pay more commission…

Then there is the question of the passive income – the recruitment incentive program…

A Property.CoZa agent gets rewarded for assisting us to grow the group…

For each agent recruited, our recruiter receives R2000 for the 1st 5 registrations = R10 000

For every PFS bond origination voucher received by the recruited agent, the recruiter also receives a voucher. It just keeps on adding up…


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Let’s summarise the financial comparisons FURTHER…


AGENT EVE - monthly income statement with Property.CoZa 

Month Item Earning: Balance:September Commission - own transaction PRO0035 R 60 000 R 60 000


         Total due to Agent: R 60 000

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Let’s summarise the financial comparisons FURTHER…


AGENT EVE - monthly income statement with Property.CoZa 

Month Item Earning: Balance:September Commission - own transaction PRO0035 R 60 000 R 60 000

  Own PFS bond origination voucher on PRO0035 R 400 R 60 400                                                                      

         Total due to Agent: R 60 400

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Let’s summarise the financial comparisons FURTHER…



AGENT EVE - monthly income statement with Property.CoZa 

Month Item Earning: Balance:September Commission - own transaction PRO0035 R 60 000 R 60 000

  Own PFS bond origination voucher on PRO0035 R 400 R 60 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0023 R 2 000 R 62 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0024 R 2 000 R 64 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0025 R 2 000 R 66 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0026 R 2 000 R 68 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0027 R 2 000 R 70 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0028 R 2 000 R 72 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0029 R 2 000 R 74 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0030 R 2 000 R 76 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0031 R 2 000 R 78 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0032 R 2 000 R 80 400

         Total due to Agent: R 80 400

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Let’s summarise the financial comparisons FURTHER…



IF WE ADD THE PASSIVE INCOME, IT IS IN ACTUAL FACT POSSIBLE FOR A PROPERTY.COZA AGENT TO EARN MORE THAN 100% COMMISSION. (Own income + passive income: R60 000 + R400 + R20 000 + R6 400 = R86 800 divided by R75 000 % = 115,73%

AGENT EVE - monthly income statement with Property.CoZa 

Month Item Earning: Balance:September Commission - own transaction PRO0035 R 60 000 R 60 000

  Own PFS bond origination voucher on PRO0035 R 400 R 60 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0023 R 2 000 R 62 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0024 R 2 000 R 64 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0025 R 2 000 R 66 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0026 R 2 000 R 68 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0027 R 2 000 R 70 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0028 R 2 000 R 72 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0029 R 2 000 R 74 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0030 R 2 000 R 76 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0031 R 2 000 R 78 400  ANGEL-DIAMOND recruitment incentive - deal - PRO0032 R 2 000 R 80 400

  PFS ANGEL VOUCHERS (Deals on 10 Diamonds) (R640x10) R 6 400 R 86 800  Total due to Agent: R 86 800

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Let’s compare those cheques again…

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Let’s compare those cheques again…

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Let’s compare those cheques again…

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But why do we not use a typical pyramid scheme as used by the U.S. based estate agencies as basis for our recruitment incentive program?

The reason is very simple…

There are not enough estate agents operational in South Africa for a pyramid recruitment incentive scheme to be successful. A typical 7 layer pyramid scheme will only result in significant income to be generated by the people who are registered on the 1st & 2nd layer of the scheme if the scheme is to become very large. In the traditional pyramid recruitment schemes as developed by the U.S. based estate agency groups, the first and second layer of people are the franchisor, franchisees and the agency managers.

The U.S. has ± 400 000 operational estate agents. A typical 7 layer pyramid recruitment scheme can be successful in the United States and therefore it could be financially viable to ALL parties concerned i.e. the agents in layers 3 – 7 as well. South Africa only has ± 28 000 operational estate agents. A 7 layer pyramid scheme will not generate significant income for agents in South Africa. A 7 layer pyramid scheme has to grow to extreme numbers in order for it to be successful and viable for the parties registered on layers 3 – 7. It is not viable in S.A. and for this reason, we have opted for an incentive program which is viable, easy to understand, easy to follow and truly rewarding to ALL parties concerned.

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But money isn’t everything. What about our other offerings? Let’s talk about support structure for a minute…

• A professional office infrastructure with state of the art I.T. facilities,

What support structure is provided?

• Full time Sales Manager as well as Office Administrator to guide and train,

• Follow-up of pipeline transactions done electronically for agent,

• In-house bond origination facilities (PFS),

• Local conveyancers providing legal support,

• Bridging finance facilities (Rodel & Prevance).

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What about I.T. infrastructure?

• FREE WEBSITE EXPOSURE to ALL the major property portals:

What about website exposure?

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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)

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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)

• OMS: An Office Management System used to load listings only once, thereby publishing it to our range of web portals including but not limited to Property24, MyProperty, Private Property, Property.CoZa etc. Our listings currently receive more than 1 million views per month through these websites…

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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)

• AUTOMATED BROCHURES: The system also automatically creates electronic brochures in printable and e-format. No need to design your own brochures…

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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)

• TREASURE MAP: Our offices and agents are electronically linked with the attorneys on our approved panel of attorneys by means of our Treasure Map I.T. system. Follow-up and reporting of pipeline transactions is done electronically for agents. The agent can view, real-time feedback of the progress of their deals. Cash flow projections and various reports are available to the agent. Updating is done by the transferring attorney as well as the Office Administrator.

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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)

• DOCUMENT LIBRARY: An online Document Library providing the latest documents, contracts, training manuals and regularly updated marketing campaign material to be printed or downloaded by our agents as and when they need it,

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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)

• NAVIGATOR: Navigator I.T. platform providing statistical feedback for each agent on his or her transactions and standing in relation to the National Rewards & Recognition program,

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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)

• PROPERTY.COZA DATA: Access to the PROPERTY.COZA DATA SYSTEM powered by Agent I.Q. This system provides statistical & ownership data on all registered properties, properties currently in the process of being registered as well as properties currently being marketed by other estate agencies. The system also generates a branded property report to be used when an agent needs to do a CMA.

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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)

BTMobi: BT Mobi is an online electronic application directly linked to Bondtrak, the system used by PropertyCoZa Financial Services (PFS) to submit bond applications to the financial institutions. The main features of the application is to pre-qualify clients in the following ways: a. By performing a quick check lucid credit check, b. Quick scoring at ABSA Bank and FNB Housing Finance, c. Affordability and income qualification of potential clients, d. Bank pre-submission calculator which includes all the banks’ loan to value criteria e. Immediate Property Searches etc.

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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)

• REFERRAL SYSTEM: Office to Office electronic referral system,

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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)

• NEWS BULLETIN BOARDS: Electronic Group and Office news bulletin board,

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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)


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What about I.T. infrastructure? (continues…)


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What else?


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What else? (continues)


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What else? (continues)


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What else? (continues)


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What else? (continues)


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Our business model has been developed by agents, to the benefit of the agent…

Best financial offering

Office support structure

I.T. infrastructure

Marketing & branding

Sales Manager

Office Administrator

Attorney support

Bond origination support

Property.CoZa National Franchise Group

This group is the future for the South African Real Estate Agent

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Corporate Vision

Our Promise:We strive to be South Africa’s most dynamic Real Estate Organisation by providing an uninterrupted

personal service to our clients with a focus on expedience through commitment, reliability, professionalism and trust.

Our Motivation:The greatest rewards come to those who foresee and act upon an opportunity and in doing so, change

that market dynamic for the better.

Our Brand Values:ReliabilityPassion


A prioritized, solid lifestyle (God, family and then business)

Our Characteristics:Bold (brave and courageous)

Ambitious (driven)Dynamic (energetic, vibrant)

South African

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Where are we already established?

Our goal is to dominate market share by establishing the largest footprint of successful Property Professionals across South Africa. We have been achieving our goal over the past 6+ years…

Established operational offices:

• Benoni/Boksburg• Bronkhorstbay• Cape Town – Helderberg (Somerset West / Strand / Gordonsbay)• Cape Town – Blouberg (Blouberg / Milnerton)• Centurion• Edenvale/Bedfordview• Hartbeespoort/Brits• Johannesburg – Fourways• Johannesburg - Lonehill• Johannesburg North-West (Honeydew)• Johannesburg South• Kempton Park• Lowveld/Nelspruit• Middelburg• Pretoria New East• Pretoria Old East/Moot/North• Randburg• Roodepoort• Rustenburg• Vanderbijlpark/Sasolburg• Witbank• Centurion (Head Office)

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Where are we going next?

Expansion of the group will continue over the next 5 years…

Offices set to open in 2015:

• KZN – Umhlanga / Ballito• Cape Town – City Bowl / Atlantic Seaboard• Cape Town – Bellville / Brackenfell• Cape Town – Durbanville / Welgedacht

Offices set to open in 2016/2017:

• JHB Old South/Central• Vereeniging/Meyerton• Potchefstroom/Klerksdorp• Krugersdorp/Randfontein/Westonarea• Johannesburg East• Germiston/Alberton• Bloemfontein• East-London• Port-Elizabeth• Claremont• Retreat/Tokai• Constantia• Rondebosch• Welgelegen• KZN

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Is all of this too good to be true?

Our opposition would like you to believe that it is simply too good to be true because they can not offer the same offering. They say it will not last… they said the same in 2009…. more than 6

years ago… but still we continue to grow…

Our business model is built on solid foundations supported by state-of-the-art IT systems & professional service providers, thereby empowering South Africa’s Property Professionals to

become the Property Professionals of the FUTURE.

Our forefathers also thought the idea of travelling through space is too good to be true.Some things can be so good you wouldn’t believe them unless you were there…

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