Download - Promotional features Article Publication...self-promotional. We reserve the right to remove/refuse/re-write content that we feel does not meet this requirement. The content must be


Promotional featuresArticle Publication

We will publish your article

Inside includes:

The landing page specifications AND

Writing Guidelines and Required Standards





Article – writing guidelinesPlease refer to page 6 for rules and best practice around creating a promoted feature.

Introduction text This text will be used in the newsletter and website listings. 170 characters maximum, including spaces.

Headline Max 100 characters, including spaces.

SEO title Max 70 characters including spaces.

Main body 500 to 1500 words.

MultimediaPlease send any relevant pieces of multimedia that will help the content quality. We recommend a combination of at least two pieces of multimedia content.

Images: Graphs or pictures. jpg; png or non animated gif. No logo nor branding allowed. Size: Width: 600px max – Height: 300px max.

Videos: Youtube URL or MP4.

Product categories What will your topic be about? Choose up to 2 Product categories (to select in the list

presented page 4).







Top image

This image will form the top part of the page and should reflect the article’s content. Please do not include any text or logo (we will overlay the image with your company logo).

Size: 980 x 350 pixels (width x height).

Weight:1 MB maximum.

File Type: .GIF, .JPEG, .PNG. (RBG color mode only).

Please send a 120x80 pixels version as well for the promotion in the newsletter. By default we will resize/crop the big top image.



Please provide:

Product Categories - Select up to 2 product categories relating to the topic of your article. FOR THE EDITABLE VERSION – CLICK HERE.SP





Bakery&Snacks Filling & Packaging Equipment & Systems Food ManufactureCarbohydrates and fibres (sugar, starches) Global Meat News Beef Nutra-Ingredients Antioxidants, carotenoids

Ingredients Cereals and bakery preparations Pork Botanicals & Herbals

Packaging & Packing Materials, ContainersChocolate and confectionery ingredients Lamb Dairy-based ingredients

Processing Equipment & Systems, Automation, Control Cultures, enzymes, yeast Poultry Dosage forms

Beverage Daily Filling & Packaging Equipment & Systems Dairy-based ingredients Game Fibres and carbohydratesIngredients Emulsifiers, stabilisers, hydrocolloids Halal MineralsPackaging & Packing Materials, Containers Fats & oils Kosher NutricosmeticsProcessing Equipment & Systems, Automation, Control Flavours and colours Exotic Omega-3s & Nutritional oils

Big Hospitality Alcohol Food safety and labelling Ingredients-additives PolyphenolsBeverages Fruit, vegetable, nut ingredients Packaging equipment & materials Probiotics and prebioticsCleaning & Hygiene Health and nutritional ingredients Processing equipment & plant design Proteins, peptides, amino acidsDesign & Furnishings Meat, fish and savoury ingredients In-Pharma Technologist APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients) Soy-based ingredientsEquipment Preservatives and acidulants Delivery formulations Vitamins & premixesFood Proteins, non-dairy Delivery technologies Allergies & intolerances

Hospitality Services Processing equipmentExcipients, raw materials and intermediates Blood sugar management

Technology Packaging equipment Packaging machinery & supplies Bone & joint healthBio-Pharma Reporter Analytical (technologies & services) Packaging materials Processing equipment Cancer risk reduction

Bio-Outsourcing Hygiene, safety & cleaning QA/QC Cardiovascular healthBioreactors IT Regulations Cognitive and mental functionCell lines Environment Tabletting, coating & ancillary equipment Energy

Disposable Manufacturing Tech ServicesPublicans' Morning Advertiser Ale & Stout Eye health

Facilities Food NavigatorCarbohydrates and fibres (sugar, starches) Bar & Catering Equipment Gut/digestive health

Fill-Finish & Packaging Cereals and bakery preparations Cellar, Dispense and Bar Equipment Healthy ageing

Separation & PurificationChocolate and confectionery ingredients Cider Immune support

Cosmetics Design Color Cosmetics Cultures, enzymes, yeast Design and Refurbishment InflammationFragrance Dairy-based ingredients Entertainment Maternal & infant healthHair Care Emulsifiers, stabilisers, hydrocolloids Food Men's HealthNutricosmetics Fats & oils Lager Oral/Gum healthPackaging Flavours and colours Legal Respiratory healthSkin Care Food labelling Marketing Skin health

Confectionery News Ingredients and additives Food safety Outdoor Sports nutritionPackaging equipment and materials Fruit, vegetable, nut ingredients Professional services Weight managementProcessing equipment & plant design Health and nutritional ingredients RTDs Women's health

Dairy Reporter Filling & Packaging Equipment & Systems Meat, fish and savoury ingredients Security Out-Sourcing Pharma Analytical testing, QCIngredients Preservatives and acidulants Smoking and alternatives Bulk ingredientsPackaging & Packing Materials, Containers Proteins Soft drinks Contract ManufacturingProcessing Equipment & Systems, Automation, Control Sweeteners (intense, bulk, polyols) Spirits Contract sales & marketing

Feed Navigator Analytical EquipmentFood Navigator Asia Bakery Technology Data management

Enzymes Beverages Training Drug delivery, formulationFats Confectionery Wine Fill & finish, packagingFunctional Additives Convenience foods and snacks Work wear Medical devicesGrains Dairy Phase I-IIGrasses Desserts Phase III-IVHandling Equipment Functional foods and drinks PreclinicalProbiotics/Prebiotics Meat Regulatory affairsProcessing Equipment Seafood Supply chain, logisticsProtein and Amino Acids Soups and sauces Validation servicesVitamins and Minerals Traditional and staple foods







Company Profile / Supplier Info Center

Please ensure your company profile landing page is up to date.

If you do not have a Company profile already listed or if you would like to update one, please refer to the following specification: Company Profile specification .







Guidelines for article creation

Article Structure

The article should be between 500 and 1500 words in length.

You should include multimedia content to encourage reader engagement (images, videos, podcasts, infographics). We recommend that you include at least two pieces of multimedia content.

Photographs, line drawings, and other illustrations may be in colour or black and white. Electronic images should be 72 DPI, in one of the following formats (by order of preference): EPS, PNG or JPEG. Colours should be set to RGB.

Article Content

The article and the links in contains should be non-commercial in tone and should not be blatantly self-promotional. We reserve the right to remove/refuse/re-write content that we feel does not meet this requirement.

The content must be unique and not published anywhere else online. Please note that re-publishing is permitted across William Reed brands as it is a great way for brands to increase reach and brand awareness to a highly qualified audience. Due to SEO rules, traffic from search engines will be mainly to only one of the sites, however, the content on the other sites will still be exposed to the audience via newsletter and website promotion.

Any reference to third party content must be approved by all third parties.

The article must not be aggressive in tone or derogatory towards competitors or other parties.

The article should not read as a ‘press release’ or ‘news piece’

Use of acronyms should follow our editorial guidelines. Unless an acronym common knowledge within the industry (e.g: FDA, US, EU…), the term must be spelled entirely the first time with the acronym in parenthesis: I.e “Consumption of a sugar-sweetened drink on a daily basis may be associated with an increased risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), say researchers….”. Once defined, the term NAFLD can be used freely thereafter.

Trademark, copyright, registration marks and related symbols will not be published in the article.

Commercial rights to all copyright material – including photos, videos and audio elements must be secured by the advertiser from the copyright holder before the material is used in branded content or fall under fair use







Content best practices

Traffic techniquesStimulate interest and immediately connect with your target audience.

Send an Editor’s Spotlight to increase visibility.

SEO techniquesTap into already qualified leads outside our core audience.

Ensure the title reflects what someone would type in a search engine. The content must be unique and not published anywhere else online.

Captivating techniquesGrab the attention of readers.

Think about what topics are trending. Use appealing and relevant multimedia content (infographics, videos, charts etc.). Use colour in your illustrations.

Quality techniquesShowcase your expertise and look professional.

Use insightful, educational and thought-provoking content. This will ensure best results, higher reader engagement and positive association with your brand.

Your priority should be to educate and inform. This will demonstrate true thought leadership. Your company name / a product name may be mentioned within the article – but this should not

be used repetitively. Remember that your company name is already clearly associated with the content in our article template signposting

Branding techniquesEnsure you stay true to your brand and followers.

Consistent with your brand. Relevant to hosting website focus.









Promotional features do not necessarily reflect the views of William Reed Business Media (WRBM) and its affiliated brands. In order to remain transparent, we will display clear visual signs for promotional features when presenting the article to the readers.

Any WRBM Publications may reject or remove any piece of promotional feature that does not correspond with our required guidelines and standards, contains false, deceptive, misleading, illegal information or does damage to the WRBM brand or its affiliates.

All content is published subject to our Standard Terms and Conditions for Advertising Booking in force at the time of booking.

Please note that the article can be revised a maximum of three times from the moment the preview link is shared.

General information and disclaimers