Download - Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (

Page 1: Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (



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A letter and :documents entitled* "PrOjet.relatif A l'exPloitation dlune carritre de Granit" and "Le Granit ce M4conne; supplied by-.Lout s Charron of Granit Charron Inc. te the Deputy Minister of Mines on November 22nd, 1960.

• , ..... ,


134:4zeaaai File No. 18,1069 Granit Charron Inc.

Granit Charron Inc: was ineorporated by Quebec Charter

on July iMh; 1960. The capitalization consists of

20,000 $100 shares,

The Property is said to be situated on the southwest

halves of lots 7 and 8, range B, •Campbell townshipt,

Labelle county.

D n R


Reference* File No, 44,002-394,

Mining concession 394 covering the southwest halves

of lots 7 and range 13 of Campbell was issued on the 7th

of January 1952 to Joseph-Arthur St-Pierre of Lac des corces.

Documents complémentaires / Additional files

Licence / License

Page 2: Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (

The mining concession is still registered in our books

under the name of J.A. StePierre who pays the annual tax

regiilarlyi No work exceeding $200, in value was ever

reported by the.owner.


Referenee: Division of MineralStatistics, Quebec.

- Production reports pertaining to the property were

received from Mr. St-Pierre for 1951 and 1952; to my

knowledge, the luarry has been idle ever since.

Referenqqt "Projet Relatif A l'Exploitation d'une Carrière de Granit"; "Le Granit ee Méconnu"; The Granite industry of Canada", by Q.?. Carr.

In the documents submitted, the authors 'seem to ignore

the fact that Guenette granite has been:.known and quarried

for more than fifty years.- In 1959, four quarries were

worked in the area and one of these by a highly qualified

and highly reputed operator.:. It is therefore not a ques-

tion of starting a new industry in an undeveloped area.

The information given in "Le Granit ce Méconnu" and

that which appears in the Federal Department of Mines.'

report entitled; "The Granite Industry of Canada" by

C Carr, do not quite concur.

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Referring to the Guenette area on page 76 of his report,

Mr. Carr correctly says "This district, is the source of

one of the best red granites produCed in Canada to date",

On page 8O Mr. Carr also correctly says "The oldest and

one which has brought the district into prominence as

producer of granite, is owned by Brodie's Limited of

Montreal". "The product of this quarry is the finest

grained stone in the district and the exact type has not

been duplicated by any other quarry. It is from this

uarry that granite press-rolls have been produced."

"Other quarries have been opened in the area, and the

stone, 'though not quite as fine grained, and even teitured

as the original Guenette, is an extremely, attractive monu-

mental stone,

A photograph of the St -P/grre quarry appears on

Page 78 but no reference whatever is made to this quarry

in the text .and it is said no where as stated at the bottom

of page 39 of' "Le Granit ce M4connu"„ that "l'ancienne

carrire St-Pierre" is considered as "la source du meilleur

granit rose produit au Canada".

Reference: "Le Granit ce M6connuni published reports of the Federal Bureau of Statistics; reports on the mining industry of the Province of Quebec; information compiled from data fur-nished by quarry operators to our Division of Mineral Statistics.

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Flgur given in tbe second paragraph, pages l and 2,

of Tir* chants memoirs refer mainly to quobec production

while figures pertaining to granite given on page 3 apply

to the whole of Canada*

Mineral aubst,aces such as asbestos coppers gold,

lead, mine and iron aro essential raw materials for mh eh

there are no acc•eptable substitutes at ourr.tnt pice*

Building granite does not belong to thLgroup* Granite IA

no longer a 'struturait Material in the trux sense of

the word, granite is now used mainly as an ornamental and

monument stones and as a facing on thn exterior of public

and largo tonmorcia1 buildings* It constitutes a very good

bat high..pritc material for which there aro accolltabl Rohs-

titt e, in the building trade, ouch as linostenes sannintras

enameled matai' face*brick and ath r ceri,ic products*

It 10 also used for the production of Paving blocks and


Granite productien as given in Fadorul 4-nd Provincial

re0orto comprises, 04 the one hands dimension stone such oo

building steno, monuments, curbstone end paving block:s1 and

on the other hand% crushed granite for uae in concrete, road

and general •construction verity atut riprap td wharf

Construction and for general filling purpos a*

In noboc, gra Ito for use as dimension atom extras

from quarri o optrated $olelY for the commercial production of

this materil* with the exclusion of crushed stone*

Page 5: Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (

Practically the vhol ot thoq bo ‘tpot or cruShed

granite lo derived from temPorarYt often ia?ga-acalat

nonocommerclal operatons* It enters ao concrete aggro*


gItt in the construction of .h7d electric and othtr

large Industrial planta, in are$s whcro limestone 1,, not

easily available* Dim-nsiom stone production accounted


for in Oar statistics comprises* (a) a.les of uawrOught

atone bY quarry operotors$ (h) solos of stone quarried and,

dreesed in quehec by the same opratero Coles of steno

drt$aed otherviso ore n*t included* It follows that total

soles or Onebee dimansi o stone dress In %ha Province

tars/m*4001 in same yeas t the value ant I4. In our

abl0 of production


The very notable ri s and drops which .ppoar under granite

• in the annual tAblos of production published by the Federal

and Provincial Department of Klass are attributable mainlY

to sharp variations in the production of crushed granite by

nom.commercini quarry 440ratorett and to 4, lesser dogree, to

variations in t ratio of the quantity or quebee graalta

quarried and dressed by the same quarry operator to that of

the quebno rirnito droased otharvise•

Table ttivaa tn detail"), $410S of granite quarried in

Quebec with th,,ft exclusion of crushed stons bble, end

ripreps ao record by our Pa ion of !itatistico for

Page 6: Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (

190 to 1959, It shoos n fiarly gradual Increase from a

lowvi f4.260*000 in 1933 to a high of f$41,0230 ,00 ir

1954* The value dropped slight17, to $30838,000 ln 1959*

Tabl T, shove tho inerensk in vale in sales of the

main mineral prodtlots of tuebec during the fifteen year

period ended 'with 1959* The increase of 363% pier cent

L n the 004e of granite used as dimension stone i.s notable

and compares wall wtth that rosords)d for other mineral subs.*

tances azI for the 'total mineral prodqctio* It cannot

therefore be said l'iht statintios 11,ortining to granite

4forment 10 ehapttre sombre dans 1 thistoirs de l'indttstris

mlnitre d* notre province* and thA.t l'eette Indus-trio minitre

oat paralysac" (pa4je 2* lest paragraph; page 3* second para..

glt4aph* "Lc arttnit co Miconne')*

Quebec is fertanate tn .eb1o to sup the building

InduStrir with t4ost of the mu:oriels of mineral origin such

as eranit limestone* and building bHck required for the

exterior vklls oe buildings of all types* So far AS the

eeonamic interest of the Province ts coern,* it matters

little which product is used provided the pradnot is derived

from govhoe sources end oanofacturord in Quebec* 5tImetimas0

and sometimes fOr glood reasons, stone froft outside the

Province is used* 'iltst In most of such cases* the stone o

Page 7: Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (

in linvrought* and le out in dressing plant0 situated in

queboo* It aan Safely be said that the value et tho building

steno (granite and liftitrtono) shipped outside the Province

far exeeeds. ti of the stoma brsligh-t 100

Me market is limited by the building trade lipUoh in

torn tg limit by the velu* 4, v nature of building seueo,

V:14104074 Asrtbergvaret 60011ti stOae *OwAra in

abundance In mat countrlas and in particular in the United

tat &a and Canada whore the prodlictiun sapositY far extends

the demand. orts are gonerelll' 1Witod to rough stone

soiling at a Inv price*

st sentence or hs Second paratraph or tqu; Chi' *a latter 4sted Nevotbar 22nd#

Tho ProsPeritY 39704 by th* granite indust,y0 refer

to in tho lover bait or pa/0 5 ot thiti mPOrt; -P1-°t obarod equally by all producers

Several operators have bemn and ero still exposed te ft.

naneial ditritratioe* Tbi3 811voatIOU 1.0 attriWtabla to 4

number of c4u44% Ohio?, Moog those are;

) The ouPP1Y 8nd the PmduetiOn oapuoity tlftost elvers for ,:ecood th demand*

b, Largo areas of granite in quebea ere% whiah blinding stone cAvld be derived aro available. rt two 000P40, rattvelr little eapItal to open a quarry*

Page 8: Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (

0) The number or buildingtograotte quarrY operators IS largo und it has boon so for many yea * In 19), , thirty operators work , thirty.-five quarries*

d) The bidding for contracts is sharp* Coutraets atql • sometimes lot at prices close to the sPaVating 00St0

a) Builders vent the stone in a burry and thia la prtio. cularly true in the rase of large Contrastao This calla for heavy and expensive equipment, tbarorara large cup, tal expenditure* The granite qnarrytng industry is taaaanal* Much or the equipment required for laroo CI tracts f4,ay remain practically Idle ter years aftwr tha completion or * lurge efotret0 This situation is illustrated in Table Ili ohish shows the ups and downs of $41em af a few of the main produecro of buildins granite botuaan 1953 und 2959*0*

ranit co ut Pr$t rolat/f a 1"nxpl4tation dlune carri4ra de Grant

Much ot the stone ovtractod from botIOAng-arantto Cuarrio

goes t the. grout pila* ZrI certain ea00$0 waste rook may

constitute as mach a ten timos the toOnngs or the stono


Years ago, granite unsuited ror .P1,1 handing trade ante

In the production of Crbsto and plVing bock** ft 1927v

eales of pavtoR block* totallod gait600 tons; th 1931, $ales

of cnrbstolle totall-* 54,000 tons* The market bas eln

dwindled to the point tbAt the avarage annual Prdnetion for

thr,, e4.year period *rated with 00nliSt4 or onlY

188 tens Of Ourbstons una, touS of! yowntig blocks. Mae th

the -bundance of limeotono to proOticaIlY all the settle areas •

Page 9: Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (

of the Provincet the production of norceostiy ernohod granite

for use as eancrete .$ggrf gate, by buiIdiag.,gronito producers,

is not regarded as economic.

I . late years# the tread In the construction of the etterter

wale Or certain WPes of reaidtIntLAI, Comarcial4 and public

buildings is to ose low-cot quarrv-rot granite.* A4 operator

in the Qusbec city area roPerta that q3arrF-r1n stone from to

property has entered in the construction of more %bast ono

thousand houses* Thin practice giveS stit4tectorY results

ond le to be rocoomonded,

Llith regard to the use of granite srenetes terrazmo

chips, it it be stated that* marble tom ..414 for centurion.

and is Still regerd 44 the ideal rwv aleterial for use

in terras. flooring* It would Surprise mo if vrt‘nitn grotto.

los could servo as sn s000ptsb3e substitute*

Xt rd eosn t Cremit aborroo TAO* little4 produe. a rev

tons of granolas from their` vests stenst to Submit ea 040P100

to the terraazo chi, trade* kurthermoret it should not be

impossible to foi SOfte0D*W11IitWe tb 000 thiS produet In

terrazzo work on an eltpori%en

Quebec is,an tvpnrtznt ProdUcar glarble ChiP0 and Krentllee

for use in terrazzo ?loors ate artificial ,stoneA Vh. 1959 Quebec

prodOotion st cruli,thod snd $leed mgrbIe tor gueh• purposes was

I 7?) tons qal cupoNona.

Page 10: Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (

There are ralllions or tone of waste granite lying on

grout piles adjoining Quebec querriez end should marPtet even-

tually develop For tht$ stone* thre vill be many eampotiters* - I

QoArrtoe of the Guortotte area prodeoe 4 very good and

ttrtve granite used .aily az a monument• atone end to

ZcAr dg* for the exterior walls or building*

Ouellette le Dot the sale quetee pr*duccr or pink granite*,

Other areas ar* Ile d4Alma* Roberval* and Sainto-Anne in

the Lake St* Job4.Chiceutimi area; Srownsburg* Argenteuil

Cout; Riviera aPierre* St*P4kylvond* sad Stalibald* Porthnf

County; Ville..Rerio cod, M,lntremtl* /emicoaraingue County*

The combined output or granIto fron tboso Areas Is mmah

higher theiln that of 4nonette*


LVIlted were recent

I am informed thnt the asseti er aredie$

aetllitre IV Rock Or a corporation

Page 11: Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (

of Barre, Vermont, ono of the worldll 'ftt tportant

granite produceto

Cmnadian Pink titanito Limitd; LeareMLn Granite CompanY

tmlted; 8eIroe Grantte Company; aa.A5, St*.Plerre, tho

registered owner of mining concession 30,works a stoma

dreseintg Plant Lao dos Bcorcea, mak uso of purchased


°Projet nolatlf 161txpleitation dine Carri6ro de Graite, page tft 4104usine poutra provuire 15,000 plods ear ie solis et polis par jour"o "Le nombre dos omployis y compris caux du bu4,. ru, des 4tudes *t des atellers seront vDiug do clog cants*"

Assuming that the output of 15'10000 square fPot is 40/JiVA0..

lent to 15,000 cubic foot; the productions on a.,2100-4eY

40.lS, "mold be aPProximatelY 3759000 tons o nin4 times t

total %II/tattoo output of rossIch and dresaed granite in 19590

In 1959$ 0%0 Total number of nen employed in the production

of rGØ apd drewNed granite in Quebec on a 300wday basis vas

409 4$ compared wtth 500 to be employed by Oranit Charron tue*

Are vo to unterstand from the above that as a conse4nne

,ot the. 0perlIng et the Chatten quarry ovary granit,, producers

of Quebec ;411 be put out of business o that the Quebos

granAt produRtion 1$11,1 imoreas. ninotold,

jotgropq- "Projet !**if A l'Rxplttstton otitune Carrie do Granl,t411 Pa40 4* '0434In compagnie C*P011* n.-t.....0114 pas lalo4 sotendre ti011ne production en vrac do 30 wag-,,ns de terraso pat Jost palli. ralt au d4ficit annual latent do la, %vie ferrie existeAt°0

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tiorl 4 be enough

and IMO


Thor PO many

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it a se t.


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Page 15: Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (

• Lz LVIS,,,31,111,1TpLitailia

Ct .azv-AlgP, 133 144':.;:ft z' 41.1%M ..ts 161P.4.11


470 310%



-0 1945 1959

61$ $704660462 12013 0

P,Polo Wan

5 $2g,08

59 950 390

194 Sat fp90999 xoo 310% 520 1959

Page 16: Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de · Projet relatif à l' exploitation d'une carrière de granit (

• ow/

Infome, t-tott s pit rra v2, sio•neml ti nios.

5r3 $325200*



1954 293 s 241 I,. 000

195 449$ CM tv0010

1956 414, ta-M 17310 207$ CM0

19.0 6071,0M 91XX) 2/11,..0M

1958 33000 22:4 CM 24504X0

198 241 if, WO 19alt It41)

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