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Page 1: Project Report








Ashish Kapoor(1704212)

Anurag Mathpal(1704213)



Lect. Deptt. of CSE



Page 2: Project Report


Particulars Page No.

Candidate Declaration



Abstract of Project

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Platform Description

2.1 SRS Documents

2.2 DFD’s

Chapter 3: Literature Review

Chapter 4: Source Code

Chapter 5: Outputs

Chapter 6: Conclusion

Chapter 7: References

Page 3: Project Report


I hereby certify that the work which is being presented by Ashish Kapoor and Anurag Mathpal in

partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of degree of B.Tech. in Computer Science &

Engg submitted at Haryana College of Tecnology & Management, Kaithal under

KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA is an authentic record of my own work

carried out under the supervision of Er. Meenakshi

The matter presented in this report has not been submitted by me in any other University /

Institute for the award of B.Tech Degree.

Signature of the Student

Ashish Kapoor(1704212)

Anurag Mathpal(1704213)

Page 4: Project Report


This is to certify that Project Associates ASHISH KAPOOR(1704212) & ANURAG MATHPAL

(1704213) of Bachelor of Technology 7th Sem , Computer Science & Engg have successfully

completed the “MINOR PROJECT FILE SPLITTER” In the partial fulfillment for the award of

Bachelor of Technology Degree from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra during academic

2007 – 2008.

We wish him a prosperous, happy & bright future with all the great silvery success in his career.

Prof. V.K Shrivastav Er. Meenakshi

Head of Deptt. Lectt. , Deptt. of CSE

Computer Science & Engg

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I am highly grateful to the Dr. D.P. Gupta, Principal, Haryana College of Technology &

Management (HCTM), Kaithal, for providing this opportunity to carry out the project.

The constant guidance and encouragement received from Er. Meenakshi,

Department of Information Technology, HCTM, Kaithal has been of great help

in carrying our the work and is acknowledged with reverential thanks.

Without the wise counsel and able guidance, it would have been impossible

to complete the project in this manner.

I express gratitude to other faculty members of Computer Science & Engg Department, HCTM,

Kaithal for their intellectual support throughout the course of this work.

Signature of Student

Ashish Kapoor(1704212)

Anurag Mathpal(1704213)

Page 6: Project Report


File Splitter is a java application which enables a user to split or join file of any format.With this

application, a user can make use of the secondry storage very efficiently and can optimize the

speed of the machine to be worked on. File Splitter splits a file into any no. of splits of a defined

size of the file.This application supports .jpg,..mp3,.mpeg file and saves the file into .sfl format.

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Environment: JDK 1.x to compile and JRE are required to run this application.

This includes a splitter application that splits any large file of any format into desired

number of parts.Compile the file and on the command prompt enter java split

filename number. Where filename is the name of the file to be split and number is the

number of parts to be made of this file.

eg. C:\source>java split xyz.exe 3

This will produce xyz1.exe xyz2.exe xyz3.exe in the source directory in which xyz.exe was


The othet part of this application is the program the code under

and keep the class file at the destination machine\folder. Once the file is split into a number

of parts, collect all the parts move it to the destination machine\folder, make sure that

join.class is available in the same folder. Then run java join filename numberofparts.

To split a file, it is needed to specify:

The file to split. (it is not modified)

The target path; where to create these chunks; these chunks will have the name

targetpath.X, being X the chunk number.

Maximum size for each chunk.

The application also creates a batch file that allows to the user to merge the created chunks and

get the original file. It is possible to specify the kind of batch to create:

Windows platform: it creates a .bat file, with name targetpath.bat

Unix platform: it creates a sh script with name targetpath.merger

To make easier the use of Split File, it uses -only in the window interface- a settings file.

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Fle Splitter can split any type of file into smaller pieces and rejoin them to the original file. It

helps you copy the split ones to floppy disk or CD/DVD, or send them via e-mail. File Splitter

supports 3 split modes: It can split a file equally by size. Users can specify a custom size such as

1.44MB(floppy disk ), 650M (CD size). It can also split a file equally by number, and cut any

segment of the file as needed.

Split large files (of any type), then easily rejoin without the use of this software. Easily break up

large files (no limits, splits any sized file) for copying to floppy or sending via email, as anyone

can recreate the original file without having this software. When you split your files, a small

program is created in the same folder and can be distributed with your split files, which will

allow anyone to recreate the original file, with the original name. You can also print any folder

contents, keep track of total files split, and view your available RAM memory. Simply run the

self-extracting file to install. (Runs on all Windows systems)

The memory space complexities are reduced in general by using this as the huge file is split in

number of splits and the obtained file is less memory consuming.

File splitter the project we are into comes as an perfect answer to this question.What this project

is all about is something that helps to reduce the memory space of files

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An abstract class might initially seem like an odd design. Why write a class

and not allow anyone to create instances of Java technology has evolved from a programming

language designed to create

machine-independent embedded systems into a robust, vendor-independent,

machine-independent, server-side technology, enabling the corporate community

to realize the full potential of web-centric applications.

Java began with the release of the Java Development Kit (JDK). More interface and libraries

were extended in the JDK as the corporate world demanded—and received—application

programming interfaces (API) that addressed real-world situations.

JDK API extensions fully integrated into the JDK with the release of the Java 2

Standard Edition (J2SE) of the JDK. J2SE contains all the APIs needed to build industrial

strength Java applications. However, the corporate world felt J2SE lacked the strength required

for developing enterprise-wide applications and for servicing the needs of developers of mobile

and embedded systems.

Just as C++ was becoming the language of choice for building industrial-strength

applications, another growth spurt in the evolution of programming language was

budding, fertilized by the latest disruptive technology—the World Wide Web. The

Internet had been a well-kept secret for decades before the National Science Foundation (who

oversaw the Internet) removed barriers that prevented commercialization. Until 1991 when it

was opened to commerce, the Internet was the almost exclusive domain of government agencies

and the academic community.

Once the barrier to commercialization was lifted, the World Wide Web—one of several services

offered on the Internet - became a virtual community center where visitors could get free

information about practically anything and browse through thousands of virtual stores. Browsers

power the World Wide Web. A browser translates ASCII text files written in HTML into an

interactive display that can be interpreted on any machine. As long as the browser is compatible

with the correct version of HTML and HTTP implementation , any computer running the

browser can use the same HTML document without having to modify it for a particular type of

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computer, which was something unheard of at the time. Programs written in C or C++ are

machine dependent and cannot run on a different machine unless the program is recompiled.

The success of the Internet gave renewed focus to developing a machine-independent

programming language. And the same year the Internet was commercialized, five technologists

at Sun Microsystems set out to do just that. James Gosling, Patrick Naughton , ChrisWarth, Ed

Frank, and Mike Sheridan spent 18 months developing the programming language they called

Oak, which was renamed Java when this new language made its debut in 1995. Java went

through numerous iterations between 1991 and 1995, during which time many other

technologists at Sun made substantial contributions to the language.

Although Java is closely associated with the Internet, it was developed as a language

for programming software that could be embedded into electronic devices regardless of the type

of CPU used by the device. This is known as the Embedded Java platform and is in continuous

use today for closed systems.


Writing Java programs is similar to writing C++ programs in that the programmer writes source

code that contains instructions into an editor, or in an integrated development environment, and

then the source code is compiled. However, that’s where Java and C++ part ways. The compiling

and linking process of a C++ program results in an executable that can be run on an appropriate

machine. In contrast, the Java compiler converts Java source code into bytecode that is executed

by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Machine-specific instructions are not included in bytecode.

Instead, they already reside in the JVM, which is machine specific. This means that the bytecode

might contain fewer instructions that need to be translated than a comparable C++ program.

Although the Java compiler generates bytecode that must be interpreted by the JVM at run time,

the number of instructions that need translation are usually minimal and have already been

optimized by the Java compiler.

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Java is strictly an objected-oriented programming language. All the Java code

that you write will appear in either a class or an interface. When you write a program using an

object-oriented programming language, you design your program around the objects in the

problem being solved. For each object, a class is written to describe the object’s attributes and


By definition, a class is a description of an object. Similarly, an object is

defined to be an instance of a class. An object consists of attributes and behaviors.

An attribute is a feature of the object, something the object “has.” A behavior is something the

object “does.”


A constructor is a special method in a class that is invoked when the object gets

instantiated. The purpose of a constructor is to allow the fields of the object to

be initialized when the object is instantiated.

Remember that when an object is instantiated using the new keyword, the

memory is allocated and zeroed out. Therefore, the initial values of the fields

of an object are zero values Without a constructor, you have to go in and initialize all the fields

so that the object has meaningful data. A constructor provides an opportunity to construct the

object so that its fields have meaningful data while

the object is being instantiated.

What makes a constructor different from a method is that a constructor satisfies

the following two properties:

■ The name of the constructor must match the name of the class.

■ A constructor does not declare a return value, not even void.


In object-oriented programming (OOP), a new class can be built upon an existing

class with the new class extending the existing class and inheriting its

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attributes and behaviors. Extending a class is called inheritance.

The existing class is referred to as the parent class, and the new class is

referred to as the child class


Every member of a class (that is, the fields, methods, and constructors) has an

access specifier that determines who has access to the member. Access specifiers

allow the design of your programs to take into account who should be accessing

the various attributes and behaviors of an object.

For example, you might want to add a method to your class that performs

repetitive tasks and that is only invoked by the other methods in the class. You

can declare this method private, thereby hiding the method from anyone outside

the class.

Java provides four levels of access for members of a class:

Public access. Granted using the public keyword, public access is often

referred to as universal access because public members are accessible to

any other object.

Private access. Granted using the private keyword, private is the most

restrictive of the four access specifiers. A private member cannot be

accessed outside of the class.

Protected access. Granted using the protected keyword, a protected

member is accessible to any other class in the same package and also

child classes, no matter which package the child class is in.

Default access. Also referred to as package access, you grant default

access by not using any of the other three access specifiers. (There is

no keyword used to grant the default access.) A member with default

Page 13: Project Report

access is accessible to any other classes in the same package


When we discussed inheritance, I explained how the is a relationship is used to

determine if your inheritance is a good design. The is a relationship is also helpful

when learning polymorphism. Polymorphism is the term used to describe

how an object can take on many forms. An object takes on many forms because

an object can be treated as a child type, a parent type, a grandparent type, and

so on up the hierarchy tree.

The term polymorphism is a combination of poly, meaning many or

multiple, and morph, meaning shapes or forms. Polymorphism in OOP

refers to the ability of an object to have many forms, which is a direct

result of inheritance.

A child object being treated as a parent class type has the following benefits:

■ Using a parent class reference to a child object.

■ Using polymorphic parameters and return values.

■ Creating heterogeneous collections of objects, where not all objects in

the collection are of the same type.


Abstraction refers to the ability to make a class abstract in OOP. An abstract

class is one that cannot be instantiated. All other functionality of the class still

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exists, and its fields, methods, and constructors are all accessed in the same

manner. You just cannot create an instance of the class. it? In most situations,

the design of the class is such that no one would want an instance of the class.


An interface is a collection of abstract methods. Aclass implements an interface,

thereby inheriting the abstract methods of the interface. Unless the class that

implements the interface is abstract, all the methods of the interface need to be

defined in the class. An interface is similar to a class in the following ways:

■ An interface can contain any number of methods.

■ An interface is written in a file with a .java extension, with the name of

the interface matching the name of the file.

■ The bytecode of an interface appears in a .class file.

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1.1 Purpose of this Document

File splitter splits a particular file according to the needs of the user,number of splits varies

accordingly. The main objective of the project is to reduce the memory space complexities.

This includes a splitter application that splits any large file of any format into desired

number of parts.Compile the split,java file and on the command prompt enter java split

filename number. Where filename is the name of the file to be split and number is the

number of parts to be made of this file

1.2 Scope of the Development Project

Identifies the product to be developed by name and function, lists limitations (if any), highlights

distinct features, lists benefits as clearly and precisely as possible. This will provide the basis for

the brief description of your product.

The othet part of this application is the program the code under

and keep the class file at the destination machine\folder. Once the file is split into a number

of parts, collect all the parts move it to the destination machine\folder, make sure that

join.class is available in the same folder. Then run java join filename numberofparts.

1.4 Reference

Help was taken from a number of sources:

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we also refered the book The Complete reference by Herbert Schildt.

1.5 Overview of Document

A lot of things are described starting from the importance of the splitter to its applications in

various fields.The use of SRS is not only confined to the fact that only the external features are

known to the user but he becomes aware of the procedure being followed in general,it is

necessary that the user is aware of whats happening in general rather than just knowing about the

outer description,he must be aware about the constraints being placed on the programme and the

limitations that can be faced by him in the course of time.


File splitter splits the given file into number of parts as per user requirement,the number of splits

and the size varies according to the user requirement.

The splits can also be joined using this particular application.

2.1 Overview of Functional Requirements

Provide a short description of the functions to be performed by the software, i.e. what the

product should do. The file splitter splits the file according the user requirements,the splitted file

can be regained to its original form using join function.

The file splitter function is used to split the file and the output is the number of splits.

2.2 Overview of Data Requirements

A general appears infront of the user asking for:

1. The filename.

2. Path where it exists.

3. Number of splits.

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4. Size of the splits.

5. Another option appears either to split or join.

2.3 General Constraints, Assumptions, Dependencies, Guidelines

The project requires no web based application.

The project is not confined for persistent data.

Only sfl file can be joined(LIMITATION).

2.4 User View of Product Use

The user can reduce memory spacing complexities by using this file splitter

It is convienient for the user as it becomes less spacious.

A screen appears infront of the user containing the following information:

The filename.

Path where it exists.

Number of splits.

Size of the splits.

Another option appears either to split or join.

The user can input the data as per his requirement either to split or to join.


The user must have the knowledge about java programming.

3.3 Performance Requirement

The project is quite reliable in terms of security basis, in general several users can access it and

can carry on the proceedings .

3.4 Quality Attributes

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Security issues are the main concern for any project,it is necessary the security issue does not

create any problem in any ways. The project file splitter ensures that security is the main

concern and quality is maintained.

3.5 Requirements

Hardware Requirements

P3 or p4 processor

128 mb Ram.

20 gb hardisk

Free space

Software Requirements

Jdk1.3 or above

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The data flow diagrams are a complete pictorial representation of how the data flows between

processes. Essentially a data flow diagram gives us an idea of the internal working of the system.

A DFD should represent all external entities, processes, data flow, databases etc. The DFD for

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the project we developed is given below and deals with all data flow and processes. In the DFD

we have produced the following are the specifications:

1. Square boxes represent external entities

2. Oval shaped figures show processes

3. Rhombus shaped boxes define database entries

4. Arrows represent dataflow and are direction specific

The data flow diagram for the project as shown in the following page deals with processes and

dataflow. Here the external entities being the user of the system, the processes the functions

define the DFD


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Level 0 DFD

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We all know the fact that files being used today take a lot of space and it adds to the complexities

of the user to certain extent. Memory spacing and facts regarding memory concerns are a vital

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part of any programming strategy. It is important that the files take less space to add to the

convenience of the user. It took us a lot of pain and strategic thinking to get to an answer to this

question. File splitter the project we are into comes as an perfect answer to this question.What

this project is all about is something that helps to reduce the memory space of files. Under this

project a particular procedure is followed which is as follows:

File Splitter Instruction

To Split a File :

1. Enter or browse part of file to split

2. Enter or browse directory/folder where the splits will be saved

3. Enter the size of splits in bytes

4. Splits

To Join a File:

1. Enter or browse the file to be joined(has a.sfl extension name)

(joined file be saved in same folder)

2. Press join


import javax.swing.*;

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import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;


public class FileSplitterFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener, KeyListener {

private JButton btnBrowseFileDir, btnBrowseSplitDir, btnSplit, btnJoin, btnExit, btnHelp;

private JTextField txtFileDir, txtSplitDir, txtSplitSize, txtFileSize, txtNumSplits;

private JLabel lblFileSize, lblNumSplits, lblFileDir, lblSplitDir, lblSplitSize;

private final JFileChooser fc;

private final static String HELP_MSG = "File Splitter Instructions:\n\n"+

To Split A File:\n 1. Enter or browse path of file to split\n "+

"2. Enter or browse directory/folder where the splits will be saved\n "+

"3. Enter the size of the splits in bytes\n 4. Press Split\n\n"+

"To Join A File:\n 1. Enter or browse the file to be joined (has a .sfl extension name)\n "+

" (joined file will be saved in the same folder)\n 2. Press Join";

public FileSplitterFrame() {

super("File Splitter");

btnBrowseFileDir = new JButton("Browse");

btnBrowseSplitDir = new JButton("Browse");

btnSplit = new JButton("Split");

btnJoin = new JButton("Join");

btnExit = new JButton("Exit");

btnHelp = new JButton("Help");

txtFileDir = new JTextField();

txtSplitDir = new JTextField();

txtSplitSize = new JTextField();

txtFileSize = new JTextField();

txtNumSplits = new JTextField();

lblFileSize = new JLabel("Size of file:");

lblNumSplits = new JLabel("No. of splits:");

lblFileDir = new JLabel("File to split/join:");

lblSplitDir = new JLabel("Splits folder:");

lblSplitSize = new JLabel("Size of splits:");

fc = new JFileChooser();

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txtFileDir.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 28));

txtSplitDir.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 28));

txtSplitSize.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(105, 28));

txtFileSize.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 28));

txtNumSplits.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 28));

btnSplit.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(78, 28));

btnJoin.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(78, 28));

btnExit.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(78, 28));

btnHelp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(78, 28));


















JPanel c = new JPanel();

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c.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());

GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();

gbc.insets = new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2);

gbc.gridwidth = 1;

gbc.fill = gbc.NONE;

gbc.anchor = gbc.EAST;

c.add(lblFileDir, gbc);

gbc.gridwidth = gbc.RELATIVE;

c.add(txtFileDir, gbc);

gbc.gridwidth = gbc.REMAINDER;

c.add(btnBrowseFileDir, gbc);

gbc.gridwidth = 1;

c.add(lblSplitDir, gbc);

gbc.gridwidth = gbc.RELATIVE;

c.add(txtSplitDir, gbc);

gbc.gridwidth = gbc.REMAINDER;

c.add(btnBrowseSplitDir, gbc);

gbc.gridwidth = 1;

c.add(lblSplitSize, gbc);

gbc.anchor = gbc.WEST;

gbc.gridwidth = gbc.REMAINDER;

c.add(txtSplitSize, gbc);

gbc.gridwidth = 1;

gbc.anchor = gbc.EAST;

c.add(lblFileSize, gbc);

gbc.anchor = gbc.WEST;

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gbc.gridwidth = gbc.REMAINDER;

c.add(txtFileSize, gbc);

gbc.gridwidth = 1;

gbc.anchor = gbc.EAST;

c.add(lblNumSplits, gbc);

gbc.anchor = gbc.WEST;

gbc.gridwidth = gbc.REMAINDER;

c.add(txtNumSplits, gbc);

gbc.anchor = gbc.CENTER;

JPanel p = new JPanel();





c.add(p, gbc);

getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());






public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

JButton src = (JButton)evt.getSource();

if (src == btnExit) {



} else if (src == btnBrowseFileDir) {

// set directory of file chooser dialog to what is in txtFileDir

fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(txtFileDir.getText()));

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// show files and directories in file chooser


int action = fc.showDialog(FileSplitterFrame.this, "Select");

if (action == fc.APPROVE_OPTION) {

String name = fc.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();


String path = fc.getCurrentDirectory().getPath();


txtFileSize.setText(fc.getSelectedFile().length()+" byte(s)");





} else if (src == btnBrowseSplitDir) {

// set directory of file chooser dialog to what is in txtSplitDir

fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(txtSplitDir.getText()));

// show directories only in file chooser dialog


int action = fc.showDialog(FileSplitterFrame.this, "Select");

if (action == fc.APPROVE_OPTION) {

String path = fc.getSelectedFile().getPath();



} else if (src == btnJoin) {

long before = System.currentTimeMillis();

long retval = Splitter.join(txtFileDir.getText());

long after = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println("Time elapsed: "+((after-before)/1000L));

if (retval == -1) {

msgbox("File is invalid. Must be a SFL file.",

"Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

} else if (retval == -2) {

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msgbox("One of the split files is missing.",

"Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

} else {

msgbox("Join Process Done!", "Join",



} else if (src == btnSplit) {

String s = txtSplitSize.getText();

String f = txtFileDir.getText();

String d = txtSplitDir.getText();

long size = 0;

boolean problem = false;

try {

size = Long.parseLong(s);

if (size < 0L)

problem = true;

} catch (NumberFormatException nfx) {

problem = true;


if (problem) { // was split size valid?

msgbox("Invalid Split Size: "+s, "Error",




return; // exit this method


int retval = Splitter.split(f, d, size);

if (retval == -1) {

msgbox("File/Directory does not exist/is invalid.",

"Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

} else {

msgbox("Split Process Done! Make sure not to lose"+

" any of the files!", "Split",


Page 31: Project Report


} else if (src == btnHelp) {

msgbox(HELP_MSG, "Help", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);



public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {computeNSplits();}

public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {computeNSplits();}

public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { }

private void computeNSplits() {

File f = fc.getSelectedFile();

if (f != null) {

long fileSize = f.length();

long splitSize = 0L;

try {


splitSize = Long.valueOf(txtSplitSize.getText()).longValue();

} catch (NumberFormatException nfx) { splitSize = 1L; }

txtNumSplits.setText(Splitter.computeNSplits(fileSize, splitSize)+"");



public void msgbox(String msg, String title, int msgtype) {

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(FileSplitterFrame.this, msg, title,



public static void main(String[] args) {


new FileSplitterFrame().setVisible(true);



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public class Splitter {

// buffer size

private static final int BUF_SIZE = 2048;

// buffer - where bytes from read operations will be stored

private static byte[] buffer = new byte[BUF_SIZE];

public static long computeNSplits(long fileSize, long splitSize) {

long nsplits = (long)Math.ceil((double)fileSize/splitSize);

return nsplits;


public static int split(String file, String dir, long splitSize) {

File f = new File(file);

File d = new File(dir);

// make sure file is a file and directory/folder is a

// directory/folder and both exists

if (!f.isFile() || !d.isDirectory())

return -1;

RandomAccessFile in = null, out = null, zro = null;

File f0, fn;

long fileSize = f.length();

// compute number of split files produced

int nSplits = (int)computeNSplits(fileSize, splitSize);

long acc = 0; // counts how many bytes have been written

int ctr = 1; // file counter

int n = (nSplits+"").length();

String s0 = null;

System.out.println(dir+" "+f.getName());

if (dir.endsWith(File.separator))

s0 = dir+f.getName();

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s0 = dir+File.separator+f.getName();


f0 = new File(s0+".sfl");

try {

// create file (.sfl) containing list of split files


// open file for writing

zro = new RandomAccessFile(f0, "rw");

// open source file (to be split) for reading

in = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r");

// write source file's filename to .sfl file


// write the source file's size


long bytesLeft = 0, // bytes left in buffer from last read

bytesRead = 0, // bytes from last read to buffer

offset, // index in buffer where writing start's from

len, // bytes to be written to a file

bytesToGo, // bytes left to be written to split file

bytesWritten; // counts bytes written to split file

while (acc < fileSize) {

// create a file with a numbered extension name

// number depends on ctr variable

String filename = s0+"."+padLeft(ctr+"", '0', n);

// open this file

out = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "rws");

// write the name of this file to .sfl file


bytesWritten = 0;

while (bytesWritten < splitSize && acc < fileSize) {

if (bytesLeft <= 0) {

bytesRead =;

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bytesLeft = bytesRead;

offset = 0;

} else {

offset = bytesRead - bytesLeft;


bytesToGo = splitSize - bytesWritten;

if (bytesToGo > bytesLeft)

len = bytesLeft;


len = bytesToGo;

out.write(buffer, (int)offset, (int)len);

bytesLeft -= len;

bytesWritten += len;

acc += len;


// write the size of the split file


// close newly created file


// increment file counter



} catch (IOException iox) {


} finally { // makes sure to do the ff:

try {

// close source file (the file to be split)

if (in != null)


// close .sfl file

if (zro != null)


// close last split file opened

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if (out != null)


} catch (IOException iox) {




// return how many files made

return ctr;


public static long join(String src) {

File f = new File(src);

// did user enter a filename not a folder name or drive?

if (!f.isFile())

return -1;

// does the file end with .sfl

String name = f.getPath();

int idx = name.lastIndexOf(".");

String extname = name.substring(idx);


if (!extname.equalsIgnoreCase(".sfl"))

return -1; // has no .sfl extension name

RandomAccessFile zro = null, fn = null, out = null;

File temp = null, orig = null;

long fsctr = 0; // file size counter

long fileSize = 0;

try {

zro = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r");

// read the original filename of the split-ed files

String fname = zro.readUTF();

System.out.println("Filename: "+fname);

// read the original file's size

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fileSize = zro.readLong();

System.out.println("size: "+fileSize);

// compare this filename to filename supplied to join()

// without the sfl extension name

String f0 = name.substring(0, idx);

System.out.println("f0 = "+f0);

if (!f0.equals(fname))

return -1; // invalid .sfl file

// create File object for original file

orig = new File(fname);

// create and open temporary file

String tmpname = src.substring(0, src.indexOf(File.separator)+1)+"split"+((int)


// System.out.println(tmpname);

temp = new File(tmpname);


out = new RandomAccessFile(temp, "rw");

// read a filename of split file

fname = zro.readUTF();

while (fsctr < fileSize) {

// read split file's size

long fsize = zro.readLong();

// check if file exists

File file = new File(fname);

if (!file.exists()) {

out.close(); // close temporary file

temp.delete(); // delete temporary file

return -2; // missing file


// open file

fn = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");

long i = 0;

int bytesRead = 0;

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while (i < fsize) {

// read from split file file

bytesRead =;

// write byte to original file

// start constructing original file

out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

// count bytes written to this file


// count total bytes read from split file



// close this split file


// see if we've completely constructed the file

if (fsctr == fileSize)

break; // jump out off this loop

// read another split file filename

fname = zro.readUTF();


} catch (IOException iox) {


} catch (Exception x) {


} finally { // make sure they're closed

try {

if (fn != null) fn.close();

// close zero file

if (zro != null) zro.close();

// close original file

if (out != null) out.close();

} catch (IOException iox) {




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// rename temporary file and rename to original file


return fsctr; // return file size


// pads a String with a character on its leftside

private static String padLeft(String s, char pad, int len) {

if (s.length() >= len)

return s;

StringBuffer ns = new StringBuffer(s);

while (ns.length() < len)

ns.insert(0, pad);return ns.toString()


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This particular project that is “FILE SPLITTER” is of great use in general and will help reduce

the space complexities being faced by the users. Program complexities being faced by developers

today are main concern because huge files which in general take a lot amount of space add to

different problems in general and today time allotment is the main concern for the development

of any kind of project. It is necessary that less space is occupied and the work is done in short

span of time.

File splitter follows a simple and practical approach for removing this flaw, an input given in any

form with is compatible with the platform being used that is java can be given and the user is

asked how many splits are to be made n in response the splits are made which can be joined in

courde of time.

Nowadays its use can be seen in many forms in general. The applications of FILE SPLIITER are

vast and hence worth.

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Complete refrence for java programming.

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Writer: Mr. Herbert Schildt

JAVA How to program?

Writer: DEITEL