Download - Project No. 0076321 and Title: Conservation of Biodiversity plan working document x x x x m 2,000 inland Nat Ecologist 2 months (HI-IC existing contract) 6,990 IC

  • Project No. 0076321 and Title: Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use Management in Dragash


    Year: 2013


    And baseline, indicators including annual targets


    List activity results and associated actions




















    Budget Description Amount

    Output 1 Plans and policies in place for the adequate conservation of biodiversity and sustainable land use management. Indicators (1.1-1.4) (Indicator; unit ;target; means of verification) 1.1) Hectares of protected area/hectares; ha; 22000;

    Sharr national park law approved/in place 1.2) Rrelevant plans in place; name (MDP,

    Masterplan for Water & Wastewater, …); none; all of them in text; publication on municipality website

    1.3) Institutions using Sustainable Development Atlas; name (MinESP; NPD; Municipality) none; all of them in text; publication on MoESP website incl. Reference to users.

    Baselines (1.1-1.3)

    1.1) Highly valuable bio-diversity is un protected, there is no identification of locations for Natura 20001 sites, nor endangered species mapped.

    Activity Result 1: Short- and long-term biodiversity studies conducted to ensure all basic scientific data and required information is in place to allow for establishment of conservation targets and zoning.

    Activity action: 1.1 Publication of the SDA for Dragash


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    Output Nat coordinator 12,233


    Translation of 250 pages -2



    1 Natura 2000 is EU wide network of nature protection areas established under the 1992 Habitats Directive. The aim is to assure the long term survival of

    Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats.

  • 1.2) No existing management and financial framework for protected area system (high level degradation of natural resources, especially of water resources due to waste disposal, and lack of awareness of carrying capacity of nature). 1.3) Institutional and technical capacities not fully functional to implement protected area management and financial plans at all levels (local, central and trans-boundary).

    Targets (1.1-1.5) Core Targets

    1.1) Amongst other targets Capacity Development Targets

    1.2) 3 knowledge transferring workshops, 3 training sessions, and 3 focus groups sessions organized on natural resilience capacity, impact and benefits of protected areas, nature protection laws, and on impact and needs to manage waste and waste water sustainability.

    1.3) 2 workshops, 2 study and training trips, developed institutional framework for protected area, and 2 cross-border activities implemented.

    Targets (Years 1-3) (Year 1) All planning-related processes initiated in

    close cooperation with and “buy-in” of relevant stakeholders, ensuring some level of shared responsibility

    (Year 2) Policy and plans/instruments fully developed and formally adopted

    (Year 3) Assist the Municipality in prioritising and justifying its needs, identifying low-cost solutions and preparing concepts based on developed plans for raising funds from national and international sources.

    - Project to maximize leverage from other existing initiatives and promote fundraising.

    Gender Marker Rating Rationale 2: related to UNDP 8 PA & Global Gender Equality Strategy (GES):

    x x

    layout /design 5 volumes 250 pages


    .Printing 5 volumes -400 pages in 3 versions Eng 100, Alb 300, Serb 200 A4 colour


    printing of 40 maps in A3 colour in 2 languages 100

    Eng, 500 Alb/Serb 3,000

    Activity action 1.2 Complete SDA (sustainable development atlas) working document for Sharr National Park region




    Nat. GIS Expert 5months (Existing IC contract

    extension 5 months in 2013 to July - EH)


    Nat GIS specialist 8 months (Existing IC contract

    extension 5 months in 2013 –IG)


    Nat Ecologist 2,5 months (HI) IC existing contract


    Guidance to GIS map production 17,5 days PB

    including 2 missions 10 days


    10 days specialized input (Prof B. M )


    Activity Result 2: Finalization and adoption of the MDP through a participatory planning approach,













    Contract proof reading and project design. IC existing

    contract 2012 (CW)


  • Project activities under output 1 will allow working to: -Expand women’s citizenship, promote gender equality and develop capacities for social change ; -Transform government to deliver for women; & -Develop capacities for social change •. This outcome will also allow for Focus area II, item 1, Focus area III item8 and focus area IV items 2,7,& 8 of the Gender Equality Strategy to be partially achieved.” Related CP outcome: 4A

    with particular attention given to the participation of women and minorities in the process.

    Activity action: 2.1 Complete the MDP (Municipal development plan) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (MDP Published)


    Int. Rural planner IC contracted 2012 + contract

    ext. 6 days 2013 11,374

    Nat. Support to translation 2 months (SC existing

    contract) 3,838

    Nat Ecologist 1 months (HI) IC contract ext. (SEA



    Design of MDP summary version for electronic and

    physical publication


    Printing of MDP summary version for local use and

    distribution: 200 copies Albanian, 200 copies



    Activity Result 4: A municipal environmental action plan developed, with the aims of tackling pollution contamination, biodiversity degradation, ensuring municipal capacity in the monitoring of environment and biodiversity protection indicators, including awareness raising

    Activity action: 4.1 Develop the Environmental Action Plan working document

    Activity action




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    Subcontracts- experts or Institution to complete LEAP


    Activity Result 5: A municipal waste management strategy to tackle waste and sewage treatment and disposal developed, including possibilities








    4 months national staff support for monitoring and

    work with community (existing SC contract)


  • of recycling and other business-oriented solutions.

    Activity action: 5.1 Include Gora villages in waste collection system

    x x x x

    SLA with Municipality for waste clean up


    Activity Result 6: National park management, financial and business plans, including roles, responsibilities and benefits for the local government and community, developed by the national park authority, Financial plan to include analysis of financial mechanisms. -Activity Action: 6.1 Finalize SNP (Sharr national Park) management plan working document






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    Nat Ecologist 2 months (HI-IC existing contract)


    IC existing contract 30 days (MA- Management Plan)


    IC nat. consultant new (6 month)


    IC nat. consultant existing contract (MP map

    production- EH 1.5 month include concept for



    LoA KEPA –purchase of camera 2,000


    LoA KEPA workshop expensed up to 14,000


    LoA KEPA donation of several project assets


    -Activity Action: 6.2 Finalize SNP (Sharr national Park) financial analysis & Business plan working document s

    x x


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    50 days extension nat. consultant (existing IC

    contract – ES) 6,000

    10 days extension int. Expert (existing contract MF


    Activity Action: 6.3 Finalize study on economic benefits of SNP (Sharr national Park) - Dragash region.


    Nat. specialist IC contract ES + INT Expert IC MF

    (existing carry over from 2012- ES)


  • Activity Result 7: A trans-boundary cooperation strategy developed by the municipality with support from relevant Ministries.

    -Activity action 7.1 Develop a trans-boundary cooperation strategy by the municipality with support from relevant Ministries




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    IC Contract Nat expert -existing


    x x x x


    & P






    -Vehicle maintenance costs

    -Other printing and translations costs

    Under Output1


    Output 2

    Plans and capacities developed for improved


    Indicators (2.1-2.3)

    (Indicator; unit ;target; means of verification)

    2.1) Local economic development (LED) strategy

    outdated; date ; 2012- 2022; publication in print

    & on municipality website

    2.2) Value chains developed and analyzed with local

    farmers; Number; 8; documented value chain


    2,3) local associations are un-existing or none

    operational; Number; 3; Official registration


    Baselines (2.1-2.5)

    2.1) Strategic assessment developed in 2012 shows the lack of understanding of the competitive values of the local products and lack of cooperation amongst the farmers.

    2.2) No women and women-minority-driven formal

    Activity Result 1: Support provided to local farmers and producers through improved governance of economic system. -Activity action: 1.1 Build ownership of LED strategy and

    further detail work plans










    9 month IC contract (extension to October- BC)


    Grant EURADA contract 2 2,000

    -Activity action 1.2 Support existing Dragash LAG (local

    action group)



    x x LoA Municipality Dragash 15,000

    Internat. Tech Assistance- EURADA contract 2


  • businesses in Dragash/Dragaš

    Targets (2.1-2.5)

    Core Targets

    2.1.1) At least 3 value chains improved in their

    productive and market performance and

    competitiveness in collaboration with local


    2.1.2) 4 to 10 local businesses within the 3 value

    chains are enabled for national and

    international markets.

    2.2.1) A Sound local economic development

    strategies/plans are shared with local actors

    and being implemented.

    2.2.2) A support service system for local actors is

    designed and established. (i.e.

    animation/association; access to finance

    schemes; technical assistance; training;

    territorial marketing; support to planning;

    project development.)

    2.2.3) Improve governance for local economic

    development by working to promote links –

    between local and national actors

    Capacity Development Targets

    2.3. At least 4 decentralized cooperation initiatives

    are in place through the ART GOLD mechanism

    to support increased and renewed production in

    Dragash/Dragaš, identified by the community

    through a participatory approach

    2.4 At least 5 women-driven businesses become

    formal businesses, including at least 1 new

    minority-women-driven business initiative created

    through decentralized cooperation, with the

    -Activity Action: 1.3 Strengthen regional net working and

    local associations

    x x x x Grant EURADA contract 2 2,000

    Activity Result 2: Support to farmers and local producers for economic performance and competitiveness and system services, of the value chains with high impact potential on long term development -Activity action: 2.1 Provide guidance, training and technical assistance on quality, food security , innovation and market: Implementation of projects to support value chains performance and competitiveness (bees, milk and meat, herbs, forest products - fruits, mushrooms, truffles , fruit-vegetables-cereals (FVC), textile-clothes and the cultural and tourist system). Includes promoting the understanding of service system mechanisms.














    Internat. Technical

    assistance – EURADA

    contract 2


    Purchase of small equip ment for farmers


    -Activity action:

    2.2 Complete the agroforestry/nursery pilot project initiative developed in 2012 in Krstec & Rapca villages.

    x x


    & P





    Finalize contract with Agrovet


    1 month IC contract

    Extension (EH) 2013 2,581

    Activity Result 3:

    Business initiatives based on recycling and organic waste researched, developed and linked to large initiatives and policy in Kosovo; market potential from integrated waste management programme created. –Activity Action: 3.1 Launch Recycling Business pilot project


    x x


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    Grants for recycling micro business 2 to 3 pressing

    machines 26,490

    60 days national specialist

    for micro business



  • creation of 10 permanent employment positions.

    Targets (Years 1-3)

    (Year 1): Improvement of competitiveness and

    performance of existing value chains (under

    reformulated targets 2.1), & 2.2

    (Year 2):least 5 value chains improved in their

    productive and market performance and

    competitiveness in collaboration with local actors

    (Year 3):Ensure dissemination of value chain

    analysis and installment of the LEDA approach as per


    Gender Marker Rating Rationale 2: related to 8 PA and GES:

    Project activities under output 2 will allow to work to:

    -Expand women citizenship, promote gender equality and develop capacities for social change

    -Ensure gender-responsive recovery

    This outcome will also allow for Focus area I, item 7, and focus area IV items 4, of the Gender Equality Strategy to be partially achieved.

    Related CP outcome:4A

    Activity Result 4:

    New capacities for improved local livelihoods’) businesses development enhanced through the ART GOLD participatory approach and decentralized cooperation mechanisms; including strategy for interethnic women business promotion; ii) pilot investments in strategic infrastructure for improved livelihoods –Activity Action: 4.1 Provide capacity building of O&M units for water services





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    3 months engineer to work with community


    Tools fro O&M Units training 30,000

    -Activity Action: 4.2 Strengthen economic and social capacities of women (ART Gold), employment generation

    x x x x 1 community officer (existing IC contract +extension)


    Equipment- Grant to RDA South


    -Activity Action: 4.3 Complete Ecoprofit support to SMEs initiated in 2012 -Complete training programme for SMEs started in 2012 (service contract) -Use results and lessons learned to promote approach for local micro-enterprises through local and regional Associations -Promote approach and lessons-learned with MESP

    x x x


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    Complete contract with STENUM


  • -Vehicle maintenance costs

    -Other printing and translations costs

    Under Output2


    Output 3

    A sustainable energy strategy and

    implementation capacities in place

    Indicators (3.1-3.3)

    (Indicator; unit ;target; means of verification)

    3.1) Energy strategy approved; yes/no; no; yes; published in print & on municipality website

    3.2) Energy baseline & demand developed; yes/no; yes; report reviewed by SC and MWG – MoM‘s

    3.3)No. Of renewable resource pilots (micro-hydro; wind; solar; bio-fuel); number; 1 to 4; project reports

    3.3) No. Of trained staff in municipality; number; 0; 1; training certificates

    Baselines (3.1-3.4)

    3.1) Environmentally-sound energy supply strategy for Dragash/Dragaš non-existent.

    3.2) Energy demand baseline by sectors in a framework of sustainable development is non-existent.

    3.3) No clear knowledge and understanding of RET and EE in the Municipality and community, including SME’s

    Targets (3.1-3.5)

    Core Targets

    3.1) Local renewable energy resources are analyzed as a resource base and with regard to their environmental impact (input to local energy strategy)

    3.2) An energy demand baseline formulated and elaborated with regard to purpose, quality (heat, power, mechanical drive) and quantity of energy

    Activity Results 1:

    Municipality integrated into governmental and commercial initiatives for electricity generation and distribution -Activity Action: 1.1 Initiate implementation of Municipal Energy Strategy including international networking (including assisting Municipality to asses steps for the Convenance of Mayors and for EE action plan if requested by MED)






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    Printing handouts-workshop-translation


    1 nat. expert existing IC contract extension 9 months



    -Activity Action: 1.2 Finalize wind desk study

    x 7 days IC contract 9,055

    Activity Result 4:

    A municipality plan for solar thermal applications for clinics, schools, community service and subsidies for private households is in place. Activity Action: 4.1 Subsidize a number of solar thermal systems to the private households

    x x x


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    Purchase solar thermal systems


    1 month mechanical engineer


    Activity Result 5:

    Framework for identification of local companies with experience in energy service technologies is established -Activity Action: 5.1 Develop a data base of RET and EE practitioners

    x x x x


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    IC contract Nat expert (under 1.1)

  • services used in the different sectors of the municipality, including environmental impact assessment and CO2 emissions.

    3.3) Future energy demand of an environmentally and socially sound municipality quantified and analyzed with regard to purpose, quality and quantity of necessary energy services.

    Cap Dev Targets

    3.4) Local Government and community has capacities for dealing with energy.

    Targets (Years 1-3)

    (Year 1)

    -Basic data collected for energy sector analysis

    -Basic analysis for legal and administrative

    frameworks completed

    (Year 2)

    Municipal energy strategy developed

    (Year 3)

    - Structure and Capacity Profile for a Municipal Energy Unit proposed to Municipality and MED

    - Advice provided to Municipality for them to produce Energy Efficiency Action Plan

    - EE Pilot Projects implemented

    Gender Marker Rating Rationale 2: related to 8 PA and GES:

    Project activities under output 3 will allow to work to:

    -Expand women citizenship, promote gender equality and develop capacities for social change

    This outcome will also allow for Focus area IV items 2,7 & 8 of the Gender Equality Strategy to be partially achieved.

    Activity Results 6:

    Strategy for demand side management and EE measures for decreasing specific energy demand is in place for the municipality, including auditing by certified auditors -Activity Action: 6.1 Conduct/launch compilation of EE & RET Manual, EE & RET brochures or any poster on EE for sharing the information on EE in the households





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    Complete contract on NAT expert IC existing


    20 days nat. expert (new IC contract)


    Design & printing manuals


    -Activity Action: 6.2 Implementation of street lights pilot project (carry over from 2012)

    x x

    LoA with Municipality 46,354

    2 days IC contract new 3,109

    -Activity Action: 6.3 Implement a large scale information campaign on positive impacts of EE measures. Including Delivering of LED lamps to the VWG during the integrated awareness campaign Under Output 4.2.2

    (under O 4)


    Activity Result 7:

    Capacity development and training for energy service providers (operators for wind and hydro power plants), solar thermal installation companies, and EE measures are scheduled and training material is developed

    -Activity Action: 7.1 Provide training of school teachers -trainer of trainers on RET and EE measures under O 4.2.1

    (under O 4) 0

    -Activity Action: 7.2 Provide/conduct capacity building for solar system practitioners

    x x








    Rent of transportation for 20 people


    Hotel and food expenses 20 trainees 5 days 4 nights


  • Related CP outcome:4A

    -Activity Action: 7.3 Organize knowledge sharing on options for use of RET & EE in the households

    x x Food and venue 300

    -Vehicle maintenance costs

    -Other printing and translations costs

    Under Output3


    Output 4

    Relevant mechanisms and capacities are

    developed within the municipality for the

    promotion of sustainable development

    Indicators (4.1-4.4)

    (Indicator,; Unit; Baseline; Target; means of


    4.1) municipal capacity assessment developed ;

    yes/no; no; assessment by Q1/Q2 2012;

    implementation through out 2012-2013;

    4.2) No. of training sessions provided/No. of staff

    trained number; no; 16 trainned municipal officers

    and 10 community groups;satisfaction rate of

    public services

    Baselines (4.1-4.4)

    4.1) Capacity assessment report produced 2012 indicates lack of technical, managerial, resources and financial mechanisms within the municipality to support promote and improve sustained local development in Dragash/Dragaš.

    Targets (4.1-4.4)

    4.1.1 The institutional development of the

    Municipality and the enhancement of the managerial

    and technical skills for professional

    implementation of administrative tasks results

    Activity Results 1.1:

    A capacity development demand assessment and coaching programme, for municipal areas related to sustainable development, developed and the Municipality is motivated to implement

    Activity Action:

    1.1.1 Conduct a capacity assessment report including training database hand over to Municipality and Municipality capable of using it.




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    1 nat specialist IC existing contract + extension (RD)


    3 1 day workshop’s with Municipality


    Activity Result 1.2:

    Municipal institutions’ capacities for implementing the Municipal Development Plan improved

    Activity Action:

    1.2.1 Provide training for Municipal Staff






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    Contract with KIPA 19,430

    Contract with AUK 1,299

    English teacher IC 6 month contract


  • in the adjustment of the tasks of the


    4.1.2: The required awareness and skills for the

    preparation and implementation of the MDP are

    strengthened with managerial, technical skills

    and awareness. Focus on: Urban

    planning,Tourism, Environment/biodiversity,

    Services (water and waste), Economy, Human


    4.2 Capacity Development Plan for spatial, social, economic and cultural planning and development in place (policy, networking, organizational and individual level);

    4.3.1 Financial estimation of the capacity

    development plan

    4.3.2 Mobilizing municipality to allocate funds to the

    capacity development plan

    4.4 At technical and management level staff from

    MESP, MLGA, NP-Directorate and other

    Municipalities are part of the coordination of

    Capacity development (they contribute to

    training, and participate in training and change).

    Targets (Years 1-3)

    (Year 1) Municipal capacity development

    assessment conducted, and agreement reached on

    proposed action plan

    (Year 2) Capacity development plan fully


    (Year 3) Capacities of municipality developed to

    operate improved environmental and economic units

    Activity Result 2:

    Support provided for the development and implementation of the Municipal Development Plan; capacities to improve municipal funding levels improved

    -Activity Action:

    2.1 Provide training on sustainable development for Dragash for teachers, NGOs, LAG and other multipliers.





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    Venue and food (trainer of trainers)


    Transportation fee for teachers 30 teachers 20 Euros x 2


    interpretation 2,554

    90 LED lamps 2,915

    -Activity Action:

    2.2 Conduct ownership creating awareness campaigns on sustainable development in Dragash

    x x x x


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    600 LED lamps 19,430

    Radio, TV spots and project dissemination of results


    Nat Ecologist IC existing contract extension 3 months (HI)


    Design and printing of 1 biodiversity brochure, 1 poster + ART Guiudelines


  • as well as implement energy strategy for


    Capacity of municipality developed to fully monitor sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity.

    Gender Marker Rating Rationale 2: related to 8 PA and GES:

    Project activities under output 4 will allow to work to:

    -Expand women citizenship, promote gender equality,

    -Ensure gender responsive recovery; &

    -Develop capacities for social change


    This outcome will also allow for, Focus area II, item 1 and focus area IV item 8 of the Gender Equality Strategy to be partially achieved.

    Related CP outcome: 4A

    Contracting of local NGO´s awareness raising in selected villages


    Activity Result 3:

    Support and training provided for improving business establishment and basic skills for business development in local communities

    -Activity Action:

    (Under Output 2)

    Communication costs 12,376

    -Vehicle maintenance costs

    -Other printing and translations costs

    Under Output4


    External evaluation cost


  • Total by Outputs 946,154

    Management Costs 316,161

    7% GMS (includes part of 2013) 82,581

    Total 1,344,896

    Available 1,503,910

    Balance for decision of Steering Committee


    Note1: Gender equality is a crosscutting objective, Thus, equal participation of men and women both is planning and or implementation processes is an implicit objective towards the promotion of gender equality. Indicators used to measure the achievement of targets shall consider disaggregated data in regards to gender.

    Gender marker rational 2 implies that gender equality is an important secondary objective, and is expected to be promoted by more than one of the activities associated with the output.

    Name: Maria Elena Zuniga Barrientos Submitted by the Project Manager Date:


    Name: Daniela Zampini Cleared by Programme Coordinator Date: Signature:________________________

    Name: Steliana Nedera Approved by the Deputy Resident Representative Date: Signature:_______________________

    Name: Brikena Sylejmani Gender screening by Gender Programme Associate Date: Signature: ______________________

    Note 2: Management costs calculations:

    1. Administrative Assistant (Ajhan Hadzija) - From January to November 2013 - EUR 15,026

    2. Cleaner (Hazemina Rifati) - From January to November 2013 - EUR 1,309

    3. Translator (Abdullah Kryeziu) - From January to November 2013 - EUR 17,061

    4. Finance & Liaison Officer (Elvis Abazi) - From January to December 2013 - EUR 23,916

    5. Project Manager - proforma P4 *12 months - EUR 258,849

    Total Management Costs in 2013: EUR 316,161

  • Brief Description of actions in Work Plan for 2013

    Under Output 1

    1.1 Publicate the SDA for Dragash - The SDA strengthens the present and future

    planning competencies of Dragash Municipality. Publication is relevant in order to

    allow for this new knowledge to be shared, disseminated and to reach private sector

    and decision makers at all levels, including community and central government

    level. Includes, review, endorsement, design for online and small scale paper

    printing and distribution.

    1.2 Complete SDA for Sharr Mountain National Park region - for area outside

    Dragash finalization this includes relevant expert knowledge, analysis of data and

    production of maps and technical analysis for production of guidance maps,

    digitization of land use based on EU Corinne classification. The SDA for rest of

    National Park focuses on enabling the SNP MP. Includes training to NP staff.

    2.1 Complete the MDP and Strategic Environmental Assessment after Public

    consultation and present it to MESP for review and approval. This implies

    introduction of observations by Municipality –MWG and MA, public consultation

    process, preparation of reports on the consultation process, sending the SEA, MDP

    and its consultation reports to MESP, adjustment of the documents once

    commented by MESP, publication in needed formats (electronic, executive summary

    for dissemination, large scale maps for Municipality)

    4.1 Develope environmental Action Plan working document – Based on the already

    produced water, waste water, waste and biodiversity actions plans and municipality

    needs to decide on the pertinence of completing a LEAP. Project will use the

    produced plans and analysis to produce a LEAP The project will use the venues

    under awareness rising for environmental issues as well as the village working

    groups as consultation platforms to complete this survey and consultation aspect of

    the LEAP. Consultation with REC will take place to ensure that the methodology is

    made compatible for Dragash. Consultations will be integrating the Municipality as

    the LEAP should be of support to their work, it is the Municipality and its

    environment officer who should assess the full relevance of the LEAP. Project will

    facilitate the discussions and feasibility of this plan.

    5.1 Include Gora villagesin waste collection system – Project is working to raise

    awareness of local actors to ensure inclusion of all villages into waste collection

    system. Project involves all actors and creates a task force led by municipality. The

  • work consists in advocating in villages for payment of fees, obtaining agreement to

    pay from 60% minimum, and liaising with Regional Waste Company. The process

    implies signing of household individual contracts with company, training of local

    NGOs, producing awareness raising campaign, mapping dumpsites and transferring

    resources to municipality for clean up main illegal dumpsites.

    6.1 Finalize the SNP management plan working document – This includes i)

    participatory planning for management plan coordinated by SNP Directorate; ii)

    Capacity development and basic support to SNP Directorate to implement MP.

    Several equipment enabling monitoring and planning will be provided to SNP, as

    well as basic training on geographic information systems for planning purposes. It is

    planned that by end of 2012 an agreement between the project and KEPA will be

    signed to establish roles and responsibilities of both parties in completing the MP

    for SNP.

    6.2 Finalize SNPfinancial analysis and business plan working documents - Business

    plan for SNP will be developed upon completion of the Financial analysis and the

    Management Plan. It is planned that by end of 2012 an agreement between the

    project and KEPA will be signed to establish roles and responsibilities of both parties

    in completing the MP for SNP. It is in this financial analysis and business plan level

    that the resources and capacities of KEPA and its SNP Directorate to implement the

    MP is assessed , and that a resources development plan is produced.

    6.3 Finalizing study on economic benefits of SNP- Dragash region - Study has

    been initiated in Q2/2012. Final draft expected for December 2012, the draft study

    will be presented to relevant stakeholders in Q1/2013 and finalized upon their

    input. Study to be complemented with the application of the Scorecard for Financial

    analysis of PA, as a 1st screening on actual finances of SNP.

    7.1 Develop a trans-boundary cooperation strategy by the municipality with

    support from relevant Ministries - The project will meet and consult with the

    Ministry of Transport and Communication, where the specific needs of Dragash, as

    presented in the MDP, shall be explained and an agreement on further procedure

    should be reached. Then, on both national and municipal levels, the relevant

    counterparts in both neighbouring countries shall be contacted and invited to join a

    cooperative planning procedure. The UNDP project will provide facilitation and

    coordination to enable the trilateral contacts. At least there will be one workshop

    with national and municipal representatives from Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia.

    The CBC action described is in line with the road and infrastructure strategy of the

    MDP. Dragash {s need for communication with other CB municipalities is the driving

    force for this activity.

  • Under Output 2

    1.1 Build ownership on LED strategy and further detail work plans- As

    elaborated earlier, endorsement by Municipality will be gained through approval of

    the MDP. In 2013 this strategy shall be socialized, shared with the Municipal

    Assembly, Municipal and Village working groups (10), through workshops and

    seminars with the aim of initiating specific activities as detailed in following actions.

    1.2 Support existing Dragash LAG – The project will work with the EURADA

    team specialized in local economic development to sstrengthen the capacities of the

    LAG for being a sustainable participatory instrument for supporting local economy

    of Dragash area. This will be achieved through coordination with GIZ for consistency

    with the programme being implemented by GIZ and MAFRD;, and coaching the local

    actors for organizing sustainable services to the economic development. This also

    includes support to the establishment of the participatory Steering Committee of

    the LAG, building managerial capacities, and, the elaboration of the LAG medium-

    long term business plan. This aims also at finding solution for installing capacities in

    Dragash for service system promotion (economic animation ,assistance to the

    preparation of business plans for accessing to bank and finance) for improving

    productivity and competitiveness, commercialization, animal sanitation, quality

    control, vocational training, project Development; support to innovation.

    Associations will be promoted in 3 sectors; beekeepers, Herbs and forests.

    1.3 Strengthen regional networks and local associations – By supporting existing

    associations of producers and promote new ones (when needed) by economic

    sectors, and promoting creation of forums by value chains is a relevant task for

    2013. The goal is establishment of local forums in support to the existing

    associations. It is expected that associations should be created for at least 3 sectors:

    bees, herbs and forests.. This is done through technical assistance on the

    elaboration of the association’ s objective, statutes, organization, actions, as well as

    financial assistance for the association’s initial costs. This action may include

    support to the functioning of the LAG, as the natural catalizer of the groups of

    associations or forums. This will be done in collaboration with the joint GIZ MAFRD

    initiative to support LAG’s.

    Project will work also towards promoting and facilitating the establishment of

    formal or non-formal multi-level network agreements between different municipal

    departments: economy, agriculture and education, establishment of forums

    including producers, civil society and public institutions (at least 5). Also agreements

  • with other Municipalities (Prizren, Suhareka) will be promoted. Project will carry

    out bilateral meetings with each actor, exploring the possibilities of agreements,

    research of common interests, and presentation of success stories.

    2.1. Capacity development and advice to farmers and producers to improve

    value chains - Project will provide guidance, training and technical assistance to

    farmers and producers on quality, food security, innovation and market, mainly

    through implementing of capacity development to improve selected value chains

    performance and competitiveness, according to above-mentioned strategic

    guidelines. The project will use national and international expertise, and will support

    the value chain components technically and financially (financing small equipment

    for collective use, and facilitating access to existing credit schemes). Wjhere possible

    the project will implement small investments for support of local producers in

    equipments or laboratory for the case of honey production. Detailed work plan

    being produced. The capacity development in 3 sectors is as following:

    o Honey:

    - winter activities (preparation for the winter, support of bee

    colonies during the winter, winter tools and beehives

    maintenance, etc.),

    - bees nutrition,

    - pest and diseases management,

    - solutions against bees poisoning by pesticides,

    - quality, food safety and organicity in honey production and

    processing (ISO, HACCP, "Bio"),

    - queen bees rearing,

    - product diversification

    o Forests (soft fruits, mushrooms & truffles) - environmentally compatible and sustainable techniques and good

    practices for gathering activities, - methodologies and rules for farming local endogenous varieties of

    soft fruits (especially the local woodland strawberry, "fragaria vesca")

    - basic techniques of packaging - quality, food safety and organicity for the forest productions (ISO,

    HACCP, "Bio");

    - product diversification;

    o Herbs:

  • - environmentally compatible and sustainable techniques and good practices for gathering activities,

    - identification and gathering of not actually produced kinds of herbs2, - methodologies and rules for farming local endogenous farmable

    kinds of herbs, - basic techniques of packaging; - quality, food safety and organicity for herbs production activities (ISO,

    HACCP, "Bio"); - product diversification;

    2.2 Complete the agro-forestry nursery pilot project initiated in 2012 - Aiming

    at community based tree nursery for reforestation projects, project developed

    training of local community in tree planting in villages of Rapca and Kerstec. This

    initiative needs to be finalized and lessons drawn to assess viability. Complete

    concept paper to allow for fundraising. The initiative is been developed with support

    of the Finnish funded twinning project of forests, discussed and promoted with the


    Main actions under this activity is the discussion with KFA, the design of the

    proposal /concept by the project forest specialist and possibly involvement of the

    EU twining project for forestry FAO. Finally the discussion of the proposal with the

    municipality for them to promote it.

    3.1 Recycling Business Pilot Project - Project will follow-up on learning of the

    USAID Greentech pilot which established collection points and effective recycling

    mechanism in Ferizaj. This implies a Grant fund to match Greentech’s possible

    contribution to establishment of local businesses in Dragash.

    4.1 Capacity building of O&M units for water services - in close cooperation

    with Municipality the project will pilot the establishment of the water and waste

    water units that could operate and maintain (O&M) the water and waste water

    systems in the villages. The project will prepare manuals for the above O&M unit’s

    and organize materials and training sessions for the M&O units’ staff. In line with

    this objective (under output 4) the project will design and implement a public

    awareness campaign for the reduction of water wastage and water losses.

    4.2 Strengthen economic and social capacities of women (ART Gold) -

    Through: i) Monitoring of and finalizing implementation of priority projects at the

    2 See "Survey of the Resources of Dragash" updated to 19/10/2012, Herbs, sec. 1.1.2.f and 2.1.1.a.

  • village level –in villages of Zlipotoc for farming, Shajne and Rapca.ii) Support for the

    women business initiative programme started in 2012; completing training, and

    linking to market opportunities . The aim is to promote the establishment of a small

    business gathering these women and or the registration of the trained women as

    self employed workers. iii) Textile value chain promotion; In line with the above. iv)

    Follow-up on Decentralized Cooperation interchange activities with Umbria region

    and Siena Province. Next step towards making official these interests for

    cooperation of both sides are two general framework agreements that will be

    signed by Dragash Municipality, Umbria Region and Siena Province.

    4.3 Complete Ecoprofit support to SMEs initiated in 2012 - Complete training

    programme for SMEs started in 2012 . Use results and lessons learned to promote

    approach for local micro-enterprises through local and regional Associations.

    Promote approach and lessons-learned with MESP.

    Under Output 3

    1.1 Initiate implementation of Municipal Energy Strategy including

    international networking – by: i) Assisting municipality in analysing its

    responsibilities for electricity supply and EE, vis-a-vis the legal and administrative

    framework. ii) Summarizing the procedures needed for becoming member of

    signature of the Covenant of Mayors, and by iii)Assisting municipality on creation of

    the "Municipal EE Action Plan".

    1.2 Finalize wind desk study to integrate findings in the energy strategy - This

    study will indicate whether there is wind potential for energy production in Dragash.

    This information needs to be included in the Energy Strategy. This activity was

    planned for 2012, will be completed in 2013.

    4.1 Subsidising a number of solar thermal systems to the private households -

    Providing subsidies in scale of about 70% to trained peoples for installing the real

    solar thermal systems in their houses for show case and pilot. Because they are well

    trained and they work on that field, they will be able to use properly the solar

    thermal systems. After the implementation of the pilots in the households, project

    will continue to monitor the work and the way how those households use the

    systems up to the end of the project activities by the end of September 2014and

    based on that will write the report of the results. The success story will be written

    and the benefiters of the pilots will be open to introduce the systems to interested

    parties who would like to see the example case, if that could be organized by UNDP

    office in Prishtina. Because UNDP Project in Dragash has to be finished in third

    quarter of the 2014, there is no time for replication of the activity by the project. In

  • this regard UNDP office in Prishtina could use this experience for replicating it wide

    Kosovo or in any certain municipality.

    5.1 Develop a data base of RET and EE practitioners - After the first training

    activities for Solar Thermal Collectors and EE measures for SME staff, follow up of

    related activities of such SMEs will result in a database of RET and EE experienced

    SMEs within the Municipality. This database will be linked to the initiative on

    Ecoprofit support to SME’s being developed under Output 2 . Database will be an

    excel table with all details of the peoples who have gain knowledge by the project to

    the Renewable Energy Technology and Energy Efficiency. This table will be given to

    Mayor or head of the Municipal Working Group.

    Since mid of the 2011 municipality has selected one municipal officer from the

    technical staff to be the contact person to the Energy Component. Energy

    Component is working close with him for increasing his capacities in regard to

    energy and keeping him informed about energy related activities. This municipal

    officer has capacities to maintain the database. Maintaining the database means

    that the data has to be saved and updated them

    6.1 Compilation of EE & RET Manual, EE & RET brochures or any poster on EE

    for sharing the information’s on EE in the households. The manual will provide

    information on EE and on electric appliances that are used on households, as well as

    different tips for energy saving. RET manual started in 2012, in 2013 will printed and

    distributed in 2 languages. Manual for RET will be distributed to the Municipality

    (Municipality Working Group, Directorate of the Education, Directorate of Urbanism

    and Cadastre and Municipal Assembly Members – Heads of the Parliamentary

    Groups), to the teachers trained by the project for the awareness campaign, Heads

    of the Village Working Groups and to some active NGOs in Dragash. Leaflets,

    brochures and posters will be distributed in the schools, to the Village Working

    Groups and some active NGOs in Dragash.

    6.2 Monitoring of implementation of street lights pilot project -

    Implementation of the improvement of the street light efficiency by replacing the

    incandescent lamps with LED lamps in Dragash Town will be done by municipality.

    Main actions are describe in the “Concept for LED street lights in Dragash Town”

    annex in Q3 report of 2012.

  • 6.3 Large scale information campaign on positive impacts of EE measures. –

    Under the implementation of integrated awareness campaign, targeting changes of

    habits, under Output 4.2.2, project will deliver EE LED lamps to households in VWG

    to demonstrate impact of EE measures

    7.1 Training of school teachers -trainer of trainers on RET and EE measures-

    Under O 4 Act 2.1, training of teachers as complement of the integrated awareness

    campaign to change habits , conduct in regards to RET and EE. This activity relates to

    training of 30 (max) teachers of physics and technology on benefits of use of RET

    and EE. This group is expected to transfer knowledge to pupils thus to households.

    Agreement and coordination with Directorate of education to ensure this content is

    included in the Dragash school curricula. 30 teachers will receive also 3 LED lamps

    each. Until now we didn’t consider possibility to cooperate with teachers training

    institute or university, because we consider that UNDP Project in Dragash has

    enough capacities for conducting the training of the Physic and Technology teachers

    in regard of transferring to them the information’s regarding the Renewable Energy

    technology and Energy Efficiency. Project is cooperating with Education Directorate

    of the Municipality.

    7.2 Capacity building for solar system practitioners – through:

    i) Training on installation of the solar thermal systems. Training will be organized by

    GIZ in their facilities; UNDP Project will support participation of people from

    Dragash. In these trainings UNDP Project staff in Dragash will have a role of the

    national co-trainer. UNDP Project will support participation of a number of the

    interested participants from Dragash.

    ii) Training on the operation and maintenance of the solar thermal systems, also

    organized under the model of “learning by doing”, in cooperation with Vocational

    Training Centre, established by GIZ. Under this activity the trainees targeted are in

    part those trainees who have already received 1 training module on installation of

    solar systems plus other trained as per i) above. Total expected trainees are 17. We

    are considering that 12 EE practitioners from Dragash trained in 2012 is a solid

    number for the start.


  • Knowledge sharing on options for use of RET & EE in the households – through

    two 1-day workshops for VWGs for Introduction of options for use of RET

    wind/solar/biomass (gasification) to the households. Workshops will be organized

    for the VWG that have expressed interest regarding the use of wind energy and

    micro hydro power plants.

    Under Output 4

    1.1.1 Capacity assessment report including training database hand over to

    Municipality and Municipality capable of using it. Report completed 2012, requires

    discussion and endorsement by Municipality. Workshop with the Human Resource

    Office and Directors, plus coaching to use and integrate it throughout the year for

    monitoring the improved capacities of Municipal Officers. The two areas where the

    changes should take place are: a) assure changes to the structure of the

    organogram, and Municipal Statutes, b) performance monitoring – creating an

    incentive mechanism for improved capacities.

    1.2.1 Training for Municipal Staff - The institutional capacity development/ training

    programme will be delivered at a large scale to Municipality and Municipal

    Assembly and relevant institution in the field of municipal own and delegated

    competencies during 2013. Details provided in Annex 14

    2.1 Training on sustainable development for Dragash for teachers, NGOs, LAG and

    other multipliers - Trainings have been identified as necessary to transfer

    knowledge and understanding to the local community and civil society, vis-à-vis the

    MDP Vision and challenges for the future, in the topics of biodiversity , waste

    management, improvement promotion of local products. Training of school

    teachers as multipliers and training of trainers is included in the operations manual.

    Training of teachers for RET and EE under 11.1

    2.2 Ownership creating awareness campaigns on sustainable development in

    Dragash - An integrated awareness campaign targeting change of habits of the

    community in relation to waste management, energy efficiency, RET , conservation

    of biodiversity , safe drinking water and its availability will be produced to impact

    improved basic services and well being of the community. This activity will be

    coordinated with project activities of output 1, 2 and 3 as far as teaching/lecturing

    in public schools are concerned under 2.1. This activity includes a large scale

    campaign through NGO’s targeting households in largest villages.