Download - Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Page 1: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #1

Project: Simulation in NS

• Learn how to use NS-2• Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark

studies• Implement a simulation of the Drexel

TAARP routing protocol• Using procedures in the papers,

benchmark TAARP with OLSR and AODV– NS-2 code should exist for OLSR and AODV

• Write up the results

Page 2: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #2

Project: Campus 802.11 RF Map

• Create a tool for 802.11 RF mapping– Signal quality at a given


• Track the multiple access points visible at each location– Each point on campus gets a

vector of AP & signal levels

• Inside and outside• GPS card will be provided

Page 3: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #3

Project: Link Quality Study

• Reproduce the results in– Understanding link quality in 802.11 mobile ad

hoc networks, Gaertner, G.; Cahill, V.; Internet Computing, IEEE, Volume 8, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2004 Page(s):55 – 60

• Perform studies for 802.11a and 802.11g• Develop 2-3 scenarios for testing a/b/g

– Indoor, line-of-sight, treed area, subway

• Document results

Page 4: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #4

Project: Survey & Package

• Write a survey about the currently available set of OpenSource 802.11 auditing and security tools (including their current level of support)– i.e. war driving, intrusion, network auditing, etc

• Package a set of tools for a home user to test the survivability and security of their network (802.11 a/b/g)– Including website, download pointers, installation

summary, documentation– Windows, MAC, and Linux Versions

Page 5: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #5

Project: Where am I?

• Finding yourself in buildings is very hard• Using signal data from DragonFly access points

nodes, create a tool that will tell you– What building you are in– What floor you are on

• Overlay this information on a map of Drexel’s campus (i.e. using tcl/tk, java or perl/tk)

• Package this for download for Drexel students

Page 6: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #6

Paper: MANET Routing

• Using NS-2 or the Drexel MATES simulator, implement and benchmark routing protocls– AODV, OLSR and another two algorithms of

of your choosing

Page 7: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #7

Project: MESH vs MANET

• Compose a survey paper about Mesh vs MANET networks

• Include at least 20-30 references

• Document scenarios when one is better than the other

Page 8: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #8

Project: Attack WEP

• Using freely available open source code, set up the following scenario– User is surfing the web

• i.e. set up a computer with a script to poll web pages (i.e.

– Intruder captures packets from user• Questions

– Can you break in? How long does it take? Can you measure this? Does the surfing pattern matter? Try 64bit and 128 bit keys… etc.

– What other variations to this can you suggest?• Write report

Page 9: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #9

Project: Home Wireless Self Test

• Create a tool that can run as a background process

• User specifies his own network

• Tool passively sniffs this network trying to crack the wep/wpa/etc keys– Must restrict memory footprint

• When it does, it raises an alarm (time to change keys)

Page 10: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #10

Project: MANET Routing & Performance

• Set up a system with Linux and the OLSR INRIA implementation from the U.S. Office of Naval Research mods (

• Tasks– Install OLSR software in Linux– Configure so that test can be done for IEEE 802.11 a, b and g ad hoc networks– Synchronize time with a “controlling”:node– Use iperf to measure throughput with a directly connected topology– Two teams in each network run iperf servers– Two teams in each network run iperf clients– Create a multi-hop topology and repeat the test– Save results– Try with several applications (I.e. H323 or SIP based audio or video conferencing

tools)– Try is several operational environments (campus, 30th street station, etc)

Page 11: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #11

Project: Observe Security Issues

• Objectives: – Observe security vulnerabilities in wireless local area networks, especially Denial

of Service (DoS) attacks that target IEEE 802.11 WLANs– Observe the operation of an 802.11 WLAN detector, sniffer, and Intrusion

Detection System (IDS)• Special software: Kismet – a layer 2 wireless network detector, packet

sniffer, and intrusion detection system• Tasks

– Spoofing the Intel gateway’s IP address (ARP cache poisoning): One student spoofs the IP address of the access point and, under some conditions, “poisons” the ARP cache entries of other nodes in the network

– Network sniffing, detection, and intrusion detection: Kismet is used to monitor IEEE 802.11b traffic

– Impersonating an access point: set up a computer to impersonate an access point and cause other nodes to disassociate from the real access point

Page 12: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #12

Project: Implement a Paper

• A team of 1-2 students, try to reproduce the work (or a subset of it) in–


Page 13: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #13

Project: Universal Remote for Wireless Networks

• The challenge: wireless networks have literally hundreds of parameters– Power, frame sizes, ack rates, etc

• Write an application (java?) to expose the controls for Cisco Aironet cards running under Linux

Page 14: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #14

Project: Interference Analysis

• Examine the relationship between– 802.11 a/b/g channel selection– Thru-put

• In environments where there are competing networks

• Do ‘nearby’ channels have an effect? What kind?

Page 15: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #15

MAC Project• Design and Prototyping project• Test harness for adding limited

application level MAC features to 802.11 provided (with RTS/CTS and ACK’s turned off)

• Linux PC AP and client platforms with modified drivers, etc. provided by Z. Wu

• Design document (full description, flow charts, pseudo-code, etc.) and prototype demo as deliverable by April 15.

Page 16: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #16

MAC Project• 802.11 protocol extensions

Client test harnessfor application levelMAC development

AP test harnessfor application levelMAC development

Page 17: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #17

MAC Project

• Design MAC reservation and scheduling extensions to provide flow QoS for 1,2..n users. Test with 3 UDP sources generating ~0.5, 1, 2 Mbps. Measure connection setup delay, flow rate, overhead, net throughput and packet loss rates.


Page 18: Project Idea #1 Project: Simulation in NS Learn how to use NS-2 Examine 2-3 papers that do benchmark studies Implement a simulation of the Drexel TAARP.

Project Idea #18

MAC Project

• Design MAC reservation, error control and scheduling extensions to provide fast downloading of large files to 1,2..n users with simultaneous requests. Prototype with 3 users each downloading a 10 MB file using TCP. The goal is to minimize total elapsed time for delivering all 3 files to completion.