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Page 1: Progression Of My Double Page

Progression of Double Page Spread

Helen Jones

Page 2: Progression Of My Double Page

I started my double page spread by deciding to take up an A4 page with an image of Megan, which slightly overlaps onto the other page. The large text ‘>> MEGAN KING’ also overlaps on to the image, which looks good. At the top left corner, I re-used the sub heading I’d used in my contents page to link the two together, and the colour scheme still fits in. I then included two lines to separate what I will write underneath from the title. My title looks bold, large and clear, just like my image, which is effective.

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This is a screenshot of the first page of my double spread so far, which now includes a blurb and two columns of writing, which is an interview with Megan.The blurb is in italics, and so is Megan’s answers, but the questions are in bold to stand out. I have also used at the start of the interview a drop cap, which is a common feature in a magazine article. I also chose to use ‘Microsoft Sans Serif’ as my text font as it is very simple and a common font to use in magazines.Also, I included a smaller photo from the same photo shoot on an angle to include variety in my double spread page and make it look more interesting.

Page 4: Progression Of My Double Page

Then, I designed the other side of my double page. I used a translucent box on the right hand side which overlapped the main large photo, and made it in to a charts table showing where Megan as an artist was in the charts, for both singles and albums. This is a convenient add on to the interview as it fits in with the topic of conversation, and then also in the bottom right corner, a small advertisement and photo of Megan’s album artwork is displayed, which is very realistic.Also, I used a pull-out quote and placed it at the bottom, carefully so that it wouldn’t be cut in two when folded over. It is a bold and clear quote.

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When finished, my double page spread looked like this. I am very happy with the way it has turned out as it looks professional with a realistic interview, and the layout and quirky photos are very effective. The use of the guitar as a prop in my photos has helped to make her look more like a genuine artist, and also the page is full of information, yet doesn’t look too daunting/boring with text at first glance. It has a good mixture of text, photos and interesting information.

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I decided to also do another extra single A4 page, as only half of the interview fitted on the double page spread.I decided to place 2 completely different photos at the top of the page which showed a different side to Megan; one photo is very innocent, then in contrast I have placed a photo with more attitude next to it, for effect. I think I have worked well with my chosen costumes in my photo shoot as they truly represent a young woman who is promoting folk music, but with a twist. The first photo on this page also reminds me of an existing artist ‘Florence and the Machine’ who is also a current popular artist that easily could feature in this magazine as she would be suitable to this type.

Underneath these two photos, I have placed another pull-out quote which is written in the same font as the quote on the page before, and I also use ‘<<‘ which is repeated throughout my pages from my front cover to this page. I also have given the quote box and photos black borders to make the structure look neat and well constructed, as well as bold.

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Next, I placed created 3 columns again and added the rest of the text to the page. As it only filled one and a half columns, I thought a pull-out quote written in a circle would be an appropriate way to make the text take up two full columns, and now the circle shape is in place I know that it works perfectly. At the end of the conversation, I finish by adding an extra sentence in bold giving the details of the MNR website you can go to, to see the rest of the photo shoot.Now I have one box left that I need to fill with something different to an interview, but not more images of Megan as a third of the page is already taken up by that.

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Looking at existing magazines, I’d noticed a popular feature was an extra box where the public’s opinion may be given on whatever the article’s topic was. Seeing as my article was about Megan King’s new album, I thought it would be an appropriate feature to my page.I decided to take photos of 3 ‘members of the public’ and ask them for their opinion of the album after having an exclusive listen.I displayed what they had to say in quotations next to a small picture of them, and I made sure I chose a wide range between ages and also both male and female opinions. I think this feature is a very effective one.Also, I filled the circle shape with a quote which completed the look of my last featured page on Megan.