Download - Progress towards a Long Shaping-Time Readout for Silicon Strips

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Progress towards a Long Shaping-Time Readout for

Silicon Strips

Bruce SchummSCIPP & UC Santa CruzCornell LC Workshop

July 13-16, 2003

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The SD Tracker

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Tracker Performance

SD Detector burdened by material in five tracking layers (1.5% X0 per layer) at low and intermediate mo-mentum


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Idea: Noise vs. Shaping Time

Min-i for 300m Si is about 24,000 electrons

Shaping (s) Length (cm) Noise (e-)

1 100 2200

1 200 3950

3 100 1250

3 200 2200

10 100 1000

10 200 1850

Agilent 0.5 m CMOS process (qualified by GLAST)

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The Gossamer TrackerIdeas:• Long ladders substantially limit electronics readout and associated support• Thin inner detector layers• Exploit duty cycle eliminate need for active cooling Competitive with gaseous

track-ing over full range of momentaAlso: forward region…

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TPC Material Burden

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Pursuing the Long-Shaping Idea


SCIPP/UCSC• Optimization of readout & sensors• Design & production of prototype ASIC• Development of prototype ladder; testing

Supported by 2-year, $95K grant from DOE Advanced Detector R&D Program

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PRC MeetingDESY, Hamburg, May 7 and 8,


SilC: an International R&D Collaboration to develop Si-

tracking technologies for the LC

Aurore Savoy-Navarro, LPNHE-Universités de Paris 6&7/IN2P3-CNRS, France

on behalf of the SiLC Collaboration

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The SiLC CollaborationThe SiLC Collaboration


Ann Arbor Wayne

Santa Cruz


Obninsk Karlsruhe


Prague Wien Geneve




Korean Universities




ASIASo far: 18 Institutes gathering over 90 people from Asia, Europe & USAMost of these teams are and/or have been collaborating.

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Alex GrilloHartmut Sadrozinski

Bruce SchummAbe Seiden


Gavin Nesom

(half-time LC postdoc from

1999 program)


Christian Flacco

(will do BaBar thesis)

Engineer: Ned Spencer (on SCIPP base program)

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SCIPP/UCSC Development Work

Characterize GLAST `cut-out’ detectors (8 channels with pitch of ~200 m) for prototype ladder

Detailed simulation of pulse development, electronics, and readout chain for optimization and to guide ASIC development (most of work so far)…

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Pulse Development Simulation

Long Shaping-Time Limit: strip sees signal if and only if hole is col- lected onto strip (no electrostatic coupling to neighboring strips)Charge Deposition: Landau distribution (SSSimSide; Gerry Lynch LBNL) in ~20 independent layers through thickness of deviceGeometry: Variable strip pitch, sensor thickness, orientation (2 dimen-sions) and track impact parameter

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Uncorrelated Sampling Check

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Carrier Diffusion






Hole diffusion distribution given by

Offest t0 reflects instantaneous expansion of hole clouddue to space-charge repulsion. Diffusion constant given by

hq qkT


Reference: E. Belau et al., NIM 214, p253 (1983)

sec65.00 nt

h = hole mobility

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Other ConsiderationsLorentz Angle:

18 mrad per Tesla (holes)

Detector Noise:

From SPICE simulation, normalized to bench tests with GLAST electronics

Can Detector Operate with 167cm, 300 m thick Ladders?

• Pushing signal-to-noise limits• Large B-field spreads charge between strips• But no ballistic deficit (infinite shaping time)

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Result: S/N for 167cm Ladder

At shaping time of 3s; 0.5 m process qualified by GLAST

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Result: S/N for 132cm Ladder

At shaping time of 3s; 0.5 m process qualified by GLAST

132cm Ladder 300m Thick

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Not Yet Considered

• Inter-Strip Capacitance (under study; typically ~5% pulse sharing between neighboring channels)

• Leakage Current (small for low-radiation environment)

• Threshold Variation (typically want some headroom for this!) But overall, 3 s operating point seems quite feasible proceed to ASIC design!

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Analog Readout Scheme: Time-Over Threshold


















TOT given by differencebetween two solutions to

(RC-CR shaper)

Digitize with granularity /ndig

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Why Time-Over-Threshold?








101 1000100

Signal/Threshold = (/r)-1

100 x min-i

With TOT analog readout:

Live-time for 100x dynamic range is about 9

With = 3 s, this leads to a live-time of about 30 s, and a duty cycle of about 1/250

Sufficient for power-cycling!

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Single-Hit Resolution

Design performance assumes 7m single-hit resolution. What can we really expect?

• Implement nearest-neighbor clustering algorithm

• Digitize time-over-threshold response (0.1* more than adequate to avoid degradation)

• Explore use of second `readout threshold’ that is set lower than `triggering threshold’; major design implication

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Gaussian Fit


Gaussian Fit

Readout Threshold (Fraction of min-i)

Trigger Threshold167cm Ladder

132cm Ladder

Resolution With and Without Second (Readout)


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Lifestyle Choices

Based on simulation results, ASIC design will incorporate:

• 3 s shaping-time for preamplifier

• Time-over-threshold analog treatment

• Dual-discriminator architecture

The design of this ASIC is now underway.

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But Can It Track Charged Particles?

1 100.1

Energy (MeV)

z (cm)

Photon Distributions at R = 25 cmSee Upcoming Talks!

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Current Activity

ASIC architecture established with pulse sim…

• ASIC design underway (chips in hand 1/1/04?)

• Further pulse sim studies (x-talk, leakage current, angled tracks, etc.

• Developing test stand (long ladder, readout, etc.)

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Where Next?

We’ve just begun the process of fleshing out the design of this `Gossamer Tracker’

In the 3-year R&D window, SCIPP needs to:

• Design and submit prototype ASIC (chips in hand 1/1/04?)• Demonstrate ability to read out long ladders • Demonstrate resolution and dynamic range • Demonstrate passive cooling (data transmission is an issue!)• Mount testbeam effort to verify simulation studies, refine chip• Probably second submission and second round of testing