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  • 8/8/2019 Progress April 2010


    A monthly publication of Pakistan Petroleum Limited Vol.LIV No.9 Apr il 2010

    2 3 4 7 8 11 12

    54th year ofpublication

    Communicatingwith Confidence

    New Leaseon Life

    Comingtogether toCompete

    AnnualAwards, BaraKhana atKandhkot



    Lasharivisits PPL

    I N S I D E

    F ederal Minister for Petroleumand Natural ResourcesSyed Naveed Qamar,visited Sui to perform thegroundbreaking of PakistanPetroleum Limiteds (PPL) PublicWelfare Hospital at Sui anddistributed share certificatesamong employees under theBenazir Employees Stock OptionScheme (BESOS) on March 21.

    Besides PPLs management,staff and workers, the event wasattended by senior officials of thepetroleum ministry, includingDirector General PetroleumConcessions Mohammad NaeemMalik and Director General GasMansoor Muzaffar, provincial andlocal government officials, areanotables and a huge contingentof national and local media.

    The hospital is PPLs latestCorporate Social Responsibility(CSR) initiative at its bannerflagfield. Located in Sui Town on landgiven by the Government ofBalochistan (GoB), the 50-bedded facility, covering an areaof 52,000 square feet will cater tothe fast-growing local population.PPL will construct and furnishthe hospital and provide thenecessary medical equipmentwith an allocated budget ofRs. 150 million. Besides basicadministrative infrastructure andfully trained doctors, nurses andparamedics, the hospital willcomprise an emergency andsegregated male and female in-patient wards, consulting clinics,operation theatres and recoveryrooms, laboratory, radiology,obstetrics, gynaecology andpaediatric services.

    Provided everything proceedsas planned, the construction ofthe hospital is expected to takeabout two years. On completion,PPL will hand over theadministration, managementand maintenance of the hospitalto GoB but will continue to

    provide financial assistance forprovision of free medicines andservices of seven to tenspecialists.The hospital willhave an independent Board ofGovernors that will includerepresentatives from theprovincial and localgovernments and PPL.

    Under BESOS, some 2,700PPL employees have beenallocated 12 percent sharesbased on length of service fromthe governments holding of78.40 percent.The company hasalready disbursed a bonus andtwo dividends under the schemeamong its employees.

    On arrival at SFG, the nationslargest natural gas field, thefederal minister was given anoverview comprising the currentproduction levels, ongoing andfuture drilling activities toenhance reserve replacement ofhydrocarbons and the companys

    extensive CSR initiatives for thelocal population.

    Following the presentation,Qamar was driven to thehospital site for thegroundbreaking after which hepresented BESOS certificatesamong PPL staff and workers.Speaking on the occasion,Qamar highlighted the efforts ofthe government to facilitate theExploration and Production(E&P) sector to ensure a safeenergy future for the country.BESOS, he added, was part ofthe same effort as it wouldencourage stake and ownershipof employees in state-ownedenterprises, resulting inimproved performance.Qamar also urged E&Pcompanies to discharge theirsocial responsibilities forsustainable development,particularly in disadvantagedareas of the country.

    In his address, MD and CEOPPL Khalid Rahman reiterated hiscompanys resolve to carry out itsCSR programme equitably andtransparently, especially in itsoperational areas.The companysextensive CSR portfolio, hepointed out, is ample evidence ofits commitment to positive socialchange and development. KhalidRahman also lauded the efforts ofthe petroleum ministry infacilitating the E&P sector andthanked the minister forimplementing BESOS that wouldnot only increase employeegoodwill and stake in thecompany but also result inimproved performance andachievement of business targets.

    Later, the minister also visitedWell 92 to survey ongoing drillingwork, where he was given a briefaccount of the operation bySMDO Kaleem Siddiqui and histeam of engineers. n

    Minister performs groundbreakingof Sui Public Welfare Hospital anddistributes BESOS certificates

    Federal Minister Syed Naveed Qamar gives a certificate to a Sui Gas Field employee. MD and CEO Khalid Rahman accompanies Qamar

  • 8/8/2019 Progress April 2010



    If work is like a box, many a managementguru will tell you, creativity can only existin the cavities that we manage to make inthat box. Learn that and you will alwaysstand out above the rest. Dont break rulesbut always make space within your headand professional life to think and actindependently, even if the usual chorus ofnaysayers goes: But it was never donethat way before. So goes the counsel.

    Countless studies have proved thewisdom of these words. Most outstandingprofessionals are creative thinkers,finding solutions to emergent problems bythinking out-of-the-box. That is, outsidethe parameters of past practice andpopular wisdom.

    But what does creativity at theworkplace entail? In the interest ofclearing misconceptions, lets begin withwhat it is not.

    Creativity does not entail breaking rules,overriding experience, prudence and duediligence or simply seeking attention. Also,creative thinkers are neither errant rulebreakers nor ignorant of the consequencesof their actions.

    On the contrary, birthing new ideas and

    solutions and transposing them into actionsor outputs involves disciplined thinking,though on different lines, in full cognizanceof all possible impacts. Driving any form ofchange, be it in thought or action, alsomeans shouldering responsibilities andrisks without the comfort of predictability.

    Most importantly, creativity requiresgumption and grit. Marching to the lockstepis invariably easier as it only demandsfollowing well-rehearsed queues. And falsesteps are more likely to go unnoticedamidst a vast sea of homogeneity.Creativity, on the other hand, does notalways offer the protective cover ofprecedence. In fact, it means treading ontricky terrain in full view of prying eyestrained on catching you fumble and fall.

    Another common fallacy is that creativityis inborn, not cultivated. Yes and no. Toborrow from a well-worn dictum, some areborn creative, others acquire creativity andstill others have it thrust upon them. How?

    Knowledge and experience arms youwith insight, building capacity to viewissues through a different prism, potentiallycountering them independently of standardoperating procedures culled from dusty,dog-eared manuals. And lastly, theshapeshifting world in which we live todayoften leaves us little choice but to adopt

    novel solutions in response to emergentproblems and needs.

    But all said and done, creativity has itsrewards, measured in resultant solutionsas well as professional satisfactionresulting from making that extra effort,seeking and finding a different path.

    Those of you who still remain skeptical areadvised to examine your fingertips. Each ofthem is crowned by an abstract design thatis completely different, as are your mentalfaculties.

    That is how nature made you. Nurture thatdifference, not for its own sake or to find faultin the tried and tested. But to contribute whatyou alone can give. I

    From the Editorial Desk

    To a different beat

    Editor, Progress Pakistan Petroleum Limited4th Floor, PIDC House,Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road,P.O. Box 3942,Karachi 75530, PakistanEmail: [email protected]: 111-568-568Fax: 92-21-3568-0005 and 3568-2125

    Design and Production:Public Relations DepartmentPhotography: Abdul Hannan

    For Correspondence:

    In the highly competitive worldin which we operate, theability to assert and persuadeothers is a key communicationskill. Generally, this skill ismisunderstood as people areunable to differentiate between

    assertive behaviour withaggression. Similarly, topersuade is not the same as tocajole. It was to drive homethese points that Training andDevelopment organized a two-day workshop between March25 and 26.

    The workshop was facilitatedby Arshi Aziz of the Institute ofTraining and Consultancy, whohas over two decades ofexperience in training, andattracted 28 participants. Azizgave an overview of passive,

    aggressive andassertive behaviorpatterns andsuggested varioustechniques foreffectivecommunication,dealing with difficultsituations andcriticism andlearning to say no.

    Assertive andpersuasivecommunication canimproverelationships,

    reducing stress and thelikelihood of conflict scenarios,circumventing excessive workload due to needless requestsand enabling efficiency,timeliness and better work-lifebalance, Aziz stressed to theparticipants. n

    E ffective communication is becoming increasingly importantin all aspects of professional life. Some would even go as faras to say: if you can articulate your arguments and point ofview cogently to others, half the game is already won. Indeed, goodcommunication skills go a long way in marketing your professionalskills as well your outputs.

    This was the basis of the training titled Communicating withConfidence held at the Officers Club, Sui Gas Field between March29 and 30. The 23 participants were drawn not only from Sui butKandhkot, Mazarani and Chachar fields as well.

    Hassan bin Rizwan, the soft skill trainer who facilitated thesession, ensured that the training covered all essential elementsand skills required for gaining confidence in communicating withothers. Likewise, he discussed the psychology of communication,the power of feedback, communicating to resolve issues andhandling aggression and submissiveness to your advantage.

    At the end of the two-day training, MCS Zafar Iqbal Kaharadistributed certificates among participants. n

    Communicating with confidence

    Assert and persuade

    Lady Secretary Francesca Fernandez receives her certificate from CFO and GMF Kamran Wahab Khan.

    ML&D Naveeda Mahmud and trainer Arshi Aziz are also seen in the background

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    New Leaseon

    Imagine the utter despair of discovering yourchild suffers from a life-threatening illness,the treatment of which is not only long andpainful but prohibitively expensive. Next,conjure the relief on learning there is someoneto help through your travails and all may bewell. Such was the spectrum of emotionsexperienced by Shah Murad and Kakar Bugti,both workers at Pakistan Petroleum Limiteds(PPL) Sui Gas Field.

    Shah Murads son Taurez, four, wasdiagnosed with leukemia at Sui Field Hospital(SFH) in March 2009 and immediately sent toKarachi, where he admitted to hospital incritical condition. Due to the severity of thedisease, Taurez was advised to have a bonemarrow transplant, a long but potentially life-saving treatment requiring prolongedhospitalization. The procedure was carried outat the National Institute of Blood Diseases inAugust 2009. Since then, Taurez hasrecuperated and regained his health, not tomention his radiant smile.

    The case of Kakar Bugtis 17-year-old sonTariq, near-concurrent with Taurezs, was asharrowing. After discovering that Tariq was fastheaded towards renal failure, he was sent toKarachi for further investigations in July 2009.Tariq remained on dialysis at the Kidney Centrefor four months while undergoing preparatorytests for the transplant. Following a completeassessment, the Kidney Centres panel ofdoctors found his case to be too complicatedand was hesitant to go ahead with theprocedure.

    That was when SMMS Dr. Khurram Shahidand his team contacted noted urologist Dr.Adeeb-ul- Hassan Rizvi of the Sindh Institute ofUrology and Transplantation (SIUT) for anexpert opinion. After thorough medical

    investigations, it was decided that Tariq wouldundergo a kidney transplant. Fortunately, Tariqsmother was found to be a suitable donor. Asuccessful transplant was carried out inFebruary with SIUT bearing the expenses ofthe procedure.

    According to latest reports, both Tariq and hismother are doing well and starting to resumenormal life. I will resume my studies soon,which I left due to my illness. I am grateful toPPL for virtually giving me a new life, saysTariq cheerfully.

    Though PPL provides comprehensivemedical coverage to all its permanentemployees, it is the solicitude and personalattention invested into the cases by PPLsMedical Services (MS) staff that is trulycommendable. As Dr.Shahid puts it:Saving lives, tothe extent wecan, is ourresponsibility.And in thesecases, as inothers, wehad theunwaveringsupport of themanagementto do whateverwe could for theboys.

    Kudos to MSand best wishesfor a healthylife toTaurez andTariq. I



    To enhance Health, Safetyand Environmentawareness and monitor

    emergency preparednessamong personnel employed bycontractors, fire and emergencyevacuation drills were held onMarch 9 and April 12,respectively, at Adhi Field.

    The drills were carried out atthe Adhi 9 (T/K) constructionsite and attended by 25personnel representing

    contractors employed by theDesign and ConstructionDepartment. E (HSE) S.Perwez Zahoor and DCE(D&C) Omer Hayat Bugticoordinated the drills.

    The drills began with theemergency alarm andevacuation of all personnel fromthe site, who later gathered atthe assembly point where aheadcount was taken by theirrespective supervisors.

    Speaking to the part icipants,Zahoor underscored theimportance of drills inenhancing capacity forimmediate response tosafeguard human life andcompany assets during

    emergencies. I

    Drills at Adhi

    Taurez Murad Farhat Anis

  • 8/8/2019 Progress April 2010


    P PL Sports Cluborganized the 2 nd Inter-location CricketTournament between March27 and 28 at Rashid LatifCricket Academy.Teams from the headoffice and five fields,with Adhi, Chacharand Mazarani

    clubbed underJoint OperationsXI, took part in thetournament. Eachteam played twomatches beforethe final betweenthe qualifying JointOperations XI andKandhkot XI, followedby a festival matchwon by PPL Grey ledby SyO Javed Shaikh.

    MD and CEO KhalidRahman and DMDAsim Murtaza Khandistributed prizesamong winners andrunners-up and themen of the matches.

    Progress presents a briefrecap:

    Kandhkot XI vs.Head Office XI

    Making their debutappearance in the Inter-location tournament, KandhkotXI showed commendable team

    spirit despite the fact that themajority of the players were notexposed to hard ball cricket andgrassy grounds.

    Winning the toss, Kandhkotskipper Aslam Pervez opted tobat first. Mehmood Hashmi andMuhammad Waqas together putup 24 runs on the scoreboardfor the first wicket partnership.But Hashmi was retired hurtwhen his individual score was13 runs of 15 balls.

    Though Hashmis teammatestried to retain the pace of theinnings after his departure, the

    phenomenal bowling attack byHead Office XI did not allow themto strike and resulted in wicketsfalling in quick succession. As aresult, Kandhkot XI only made 77runs for 9 wickets, with threebatsmen reachingdouble figures.

    For its part,Head Office XIachieved thetarget in 9.1 oversat the loss of onewicket. Thesolitary casualtywas YousufMajeed, who

    partnered Umar Daraz with his21 in 26 balls. Daraz cracked asolid half century 56 off 27deliveries with 7 fours topower Head Office to acategorical nine-wicket victoryover Kandhkot. Befittingly,Daraz concluded the game inthe tenth over.

    Joint Operations XIvs. Sui XI

    J oint Operations XI managedan excellent all-round displayto thrash Sui XI by three runs inthe second match of thetournament.

    After winning the toss, JointOperations decided to bat firstand set-up a challenging task forSui. Openers Abdul Wahid andAjmal Abbas scored 46 runs inthe first wicket partnership withscores of 22 and 14 runs,respectively, and 10 extra runs.

    The batting line-up also madea respectable contribution tokeep the momentum going.Ehtisham Khursheed scored 20while Aftab Arbab made 16runs. Joint Operations

    accumulated 120 runs including23 extras. Rashid Hussain ofSui bowled a wonderful spell,claiming 3 wickets in an equalnumber of overs and givingaway 22 runs.

    Suis hopes of chasing downthe total were cut short by thefearsome bowling performanceby Joint Operations. Sui XI lost

    3 wickets early but Dr. HassanAli stayed at the pitch, adding34 valuable runs in 26 balls tothe teams total. Tail-enderJahanzeb Ashraf scored 28runs in just 12 balls. But oncehe was out, other batsmencould not sustain the show. Inthe end, Sui XI managed toscore 117 runs for 9 wickets inthe stipulated 15 overs.

    Joint Operationsflamboyant all-rounderKhursheed was declaredman of the match for hisoutstanding all round

    performance. He notonly scored 20 runsbut also picked up awicket and the mostsignificant catch ofthe match.

    Head Office XIvs. Sui XI

    Batting first, Head Officescored 108 for 9 wickets.While the two openers and thecaptain returned to the pavilionearly, Dr. Yousuf Majeed playeda firm inning of 28 runs facing14 balls, followed by QamarAftab, Arsalan Naseem,Mohammad Usman and AtifIqbal, who shared 58 runs alltogether to set up a competitivetotal for the opponent. RashidHussain captured 3 wickets for9 runs in 3 overs, his bowlingplaying a vital role in restrictingHead Office batting line up toscore freely at any stage of thegame.

    Sui Field openers gave asplendid opening stand. Both,Captain Ehtisham Bugti andVice Captain Tariq Aziz playedmagnificent innings of 29 in 18balls and 22 in 11 balls,respectively. With the duosbatting performance, the targetbecame easier for others.

    Head Office bowlers made ahuge effort to curtail theopposition but Sui batsmenachieved the target andregistered their victory by 4wickets. Head Office CaptainWajahatullah Khan snatched 3wickets, including the first two.


    Coming together to


    Match SummaryMatch Winner Man of the Match

    Kandhkot XI vs. Head Office XI He Head Office XI Umar Daraz

    Joint Operations XI vs. Sui XI Joint Operations XI Ehtisham Khursheed

    Head Office XI vs. Sui XI Sui XI Ehtisham Bugti

    Kandhkot XI vs. Joint Operations XI Kandhkot XI Mehmood Hashmi

    Final: Kandhkot XI vs. Joint Operations XI Joint Operations XI Bilal Inam

    Captain Joint Operations XI Bilal Ahmed receives the winners trophy from MD and CEO Khalid Rahman

    Joint Operations XIs Bilal Inam

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    Joint Operations XIvs. Kandhkot XI

    Batting first, Kandkhkot scoredthe largest tournament totalof 163 runs in 15 overs. OpenerShahabuddin smashed 2 foursand 2 sixes in his 37 runs inningof 21 balls. Later, MehmoodHussain led the way as heclobbered 7 fours and 2 sixes ina well-crafted 66-ball knock,remaining unbeaten.

    Mohammad Shahid was theother batsman who scored 33 in

    just 13 balls. The score provedadequate for Kandhkot todefend themselves, especially inthe presence of quality bowlersin the team.

    From Joint Operations, AbdulWahid and Muhammad Usmanstarted the proceedings. ButUsmans early dismissal withoutscoring compelled Wahid andAjmal Abbas to stay put at thepitch. Wahid led Joint Operationswith his splendid 68 runs inningin 46 balls, comprising 11 foursand a great six.

    Abbas played run-a-ball inningof 27, giving a wicket stand to hispartner and allowing him to playshots with confidence. Butunfortunately other players couldnot sustain the pace of the inningand the required run rate climbedup quickly in the effort to meetthe target with Joint Operationslimping to score 123 and loosingthe match with 40 runs.

    From Kandhkot, Shahabuddintook two wickets whileMohammad Khalid, FurqanQamar and Mohammad Waqasshared one each.

    Final: JointOperations XIvs. Kandhkot XI

    J oint Operations XI clinchedthe tournament title, beatingKandhkot XI by five wickets inthe final.

    Kandhkots skipper AslamParvez won the toss anddecided to bat first. FurqanQamar and Mohammad Shahidstarted the proceedings.Shahid played a responsible

    inning of 34 runs, smashing 3sixes and a boundary. Battingat number 5, MuhammadKhalid scored 22 runs.Kandhkot XI posted 133 for sixin 15 overs at the score board.

    From Joint Operations, BilalInam claimed two wickets for16 runs while Bilal Ahmed,Ehtisham Khursheed andMohammad Usman capturedone wicket each.

    Chasing the target of 134runs, Joint Operations lost thefirst wicket without scoring. ButAbbas and Khursheed lifted

    the inning by adding valuableruns to the team total byscoring 21 and 31 runs,respectively.

    Once Khursheed was run out,Inam hammered a match-winning 23-ball 43 that included3 boundaries and 3 sixes,resulting in a brilliantperformance on behalf of JointOperations. The team achievedthe required target in 14.3overs, losing just five wickets.For Kandhkot, Furqan Qamar,Muhammad Khalid andShahbuddin shared one wicketeach. n S. Zafar-ul-Haq


    PPL PeopleRecruitmentsI Shaikh Abdul Naeem ,

    Technician (Civil), Design andConstruction

    I Ali Haider Baladi , DeputyAdministrative Officer, Hala Field

    I Muhammad Khurram Khan ,Technician (Mechanical),Design and Construction

    I Nasim Bano , AssistantAdministrative Officer,Administration

    I Riaz Ahmed Khaskheli ,Assistant Engineer (Mechanical),Kandhkot Gas Field

    I Shuja Haider , Deputy StoreOfficer, Materials and Contracts

    I Zabrain Aziz Bugti , TraineeAccountant, Finance

    I Ali Azeem , Deputy Driller,Drilling Operations


    Rashid Islam Junejo , DeputyEngineer (Maintenance),Kandhkot Gas Field

    PromotionsI Rakhshinda Bashir ,

    promoted as Vice Principal,Sui Model School

    I Mohammad Azam Bugti ,promoted as Assistant GeneralOfficer, Sui Administration

    I Abdul Sami Rashid , promotedas Assistant Head Master,Sui Model School

    AchieversI M. Aadil Saleemi , Technician

    (Process), Adhi Field, completedhis Bachelor of Technology fromPreston Institute ofManagement, Science andTechnology, Karachi

    I M. Anwar Habib Siddiqui ,Deputy Engineer(Maintenance), Sui Gas Field,completed his Master ofTechnology from Indus Instituteof Higher Education, Karachi

    I Munir Ahmed, Technician(Electrical and Instrument),Chachar Gas Field, completedhis Bachelor of Technology(Honours) from Preston Instituteof Management, Science andTechnology, Kohat.

    I Naeem Anwar , Technician(Maintenance), Chachar GasField, completed his Bachelor ofTechnology (Honours)examination 2009 from PrestonInstitute of Management Scienceand Technology, Kohat

    I M. Ilyas Siddiqui , SeniorAssistant, Materials andContracts, completed hisMasters of BusinessAdministration (HRM) fromNewport Institute ofCommunication andEconomics, Karachi

    RetireeI Gulzameen Khan , Havaldar,

    Administration, retired witheffect from April 17, afterserving for 30 years

    WeddingI Mudassar Zubair Khan ,

    Deputy Geologist, Exploration,married Nausheen Akhtar onMarch 26

    I Muhammad Tahir Mahmood ,Technician (Instrument),Mazarani Gas Field, marriedSajida Batool on March 25

    I Arif Hussain , Helper, WestWharf, married Shazia onMarch 19

    I Rizwan Khan , AssistantGeologist, Exploration, marriedSaleha Naz on February 28

    I Hassan Ali Rai , AssistantEngineer (Production),Adhi Field, married Hina onFebruary 20

    I Aadil Khurshid , Technician,Adhi Field, married ShaziaParveen on February 06

    I Mazhar-ul-Islam , Senior Clerk/ Computer Operator, MedicalServices, married SadiaShafaat on February 04

    BirthsI A baby girl, Rabia , was born to

    Jamil Ahmed Bugti, Technician,

    Sui Gas Field, on April 06I A baby girl, Mahnoor Sultan ,

    was born to Muhammad Sultan,Carpenter, on February 23

    I A baby boy, MuhammadAayan , was born to MuhammadKamran Khan, Technician(Safety), Sui Gas Field, onFebruary 16

    I A baby girl, Abeeha Jamil , wasborn to M. Jamil Khalid,Assistant Geologist,Exploration, on February 15

    I A baby girl, Chahat , was bornto Ghulam Yasin, Dr iver andForklift Operator, Kandhkot Gas

    Field, on February 14I A baby girl, Noor Fatima , was

    born to Mujtaba Hussain,Deputy Engineer (Instrument),Sui Gas Field, on February 09

    I A baby boy, Muhammad Rauf ,was born to Muhammad AliBugti, Technician(Maintenance), Sui Gas Field,on January 11

    I A baby girl, Soha Nadeem , andboy, Muhammad Zeyan BinNadeem , were born to M.Nadeem Akhtar, AssistantEngineer (Machinery), Sui GasField, on January 07

    Festival Match:PPL Grey vs.PPL Green

    Under Javed Shaikhscaptaincy the Greys hadsuch a strong batting line-upthat the Greens couldnt

    capture a single wicket, with allplayers retired hurt and tworemaining not out.

    PPL Grey OpenersTauseefA. Khan and Umar Daraz, whoscored 29 and 27, respectively,set the pace for the otherbatsmen, each adding his bitto the team total to put up 108runs on the scoreboard.

    Out at 75, the Greensseemed off colour in thematch, with only Dr. Hassan Aliand Usman Paracha scoring indouble figures. PPL Grey wonthe match by 33 runs and Khanwas declared man of the matchfor his all-round performance.

    GMCS M. Yaqub takes a shot

    SysO Javed Shaikh (left) and MHSE Tauseef A. Khan

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    Developing project managementskills and equipping employeeswith the tools necessary toaccomplish projects through properplanning and timely execution isessential for the success of anyorganization. That was the reason thatled Training and Development toorganize a four-day training session onProject Management Professional atthe head office between March 29 andApril 2.

    Altogether 22 participants, comprisinga mix of project managers and relatedstaff, were trained in a six-moduleformula to enhance requisite skills. Themodules included evaluation of projectconcept and techniques, scopemanagement, focused improvement,work breakdown structure, riskestimation and planning, budgeting andcost efficiency.

    The programme was facilitated byShaikh Nisar Ahmed of MillenniumSystems Consultants Limited, an expert

    and certified trainer in the field.The trainees were apprised of

    recognized high-performance projectmanagement standards and effectivemethods of designing large-scale,multifaceted projects. Ahmed presentedideas for an unlimited number of targetplans and explained how massive datarequires sophisticated yet flexible toolsto provide a multitude of ways toorganize, filter and sort activities,projects and resources. n

    Causes:G Increased pressure on median nerve andtendonsG Congenital predispositionG Trauma or injury such as a sprain orfracture that causes swellingG Mechanical problems in the wrist joint

    G Work stressG Development of a cyst or tumor in the canalG In some cases no direct cause of thesyndrome can be identified

    Symptoms:Symptoms start gradually with pain,weakness or numbness in the hand andwrist, radiating up the arm. As the conditionworsens, patents may feel a tinglingsensation and a decrease in grip strength.

    Risk Levels:Women are three times more likely at risk of

    carpal tunnel syndrome growth than men.

    Normally,thedominanthand inroutine activityis affected first andproduces most severe pain. Persons withdiabetes or other metabolic disorders arealso at high risk.

    Diagnoses:Early diagnosis and treatment are importantto avoid permanent damage to the mediannerve. Physical examination of hands, arms,shoulders and neck by a consultant couldhelp address complaints related to dailyactivities. Various laboratory tests can alsobe carried out on advice by the consultant toascertain carpal tunnel syndrome.

    Treatment:Treatment for carpal tunnel syndromeshould begin as early as possible.Underlying causes such as diabetes should

    be treated first. Initial treatment generallyinvolves resting the affected hand and wrist,avoiding activities that may worsensymptoms or immobilizing the wrist in asplint to avoid further damage from twistingor bending. If there is inflammation, applyingcool packs will reduce swelling.

    Non-surgical:In special circumstances, various drugs can

    ease the pain and swelling associatedwith carpal tunnel syndrome. Non-

    steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs maybe taken under the direction of the

    consultant for relieving pain.

    Surgical:When symptoms continue for more than sixmonths, surgical intervention may bepreferable.

    The following surgical treatments may beused.

    The traditional surgical procedure forcarpel tunnel syndrome is open releasesurgery that involves cutting the carpalligament to enlarge the carpal tunnel.

    Endoscopic surgery may allow fasterfunctional recovery and less post-operativediscomfort than the open release method.

    Recurrence of carpal tunnel syndromefollowing treatment is rare. The majority ofpatients recover completely.

    Prevention:G Perform stretching exercisesG Take frequent rest breaksG Wear splints to keep wrists straightG Use correct posture and wrist positionduring routine activities

    Wearing fingerless gloves keeps handswarm and flexible I

    C arpal tunnel syndrome is a painfulprogressive condition caused bycompression of a key nerve in the wrist.The situation arises when the median nerverunning from the forearm into the hand becomespressed or squeezed at the wrist.

    The condition is more likely among peopleworking on assembling lines and regularly usingcomputer keyboard in an incorrect posture.

    Median nerve iscompressed at

    the wrist,resulting innumbness

    or pain

    Effective project management

    T he ability to solve problems effectivelyand make strategic and timely decisionsis a key managerial competency requiredat all levels of professional life. This was themain thrust of Saadi Inssha, a leading trainerand motivational speaker, who facilitated theworkshop on Problem solving and Decisionmaking held at the head office between 6 and 7.

    Inshaafamiliarizedthe 27participantswith the basictools andtechniquesfor effectivemanagementof problemsas well as

    quick decision making. The issues coveredduring the workshop included problem solvingframeworks, navigating common pitfalls indecision making and leveraging collectivecreative potential with effective solutions. n

    Solve and MOVE ON

    DMD Asim Murtaza Khan speaks to t he participants as Shaikh Nisar Ahmed looks on

    Tunnel SyndromeDealing with CarpalTunnel Syndrome

  • 8/8/2019 Progress April 2010



    Kandhkot Gas Field (KGF)hosted its Annual Awardsand Bara Khana on April 8with great fanfare. As MD andCEO Khalid Rahman, DMDAsim Murtaza Khan and SGMFasih-uz-Zaman and othersenior executives were presentat the occasion, it also providedan opportunity for distribution ofISO 9001 Quality ManagmentSystem (QMS) certificates andprizes among winners of AnnualSports 2009.

    The guests were warmlyreceived and garlanded on theirarrival at Kandhkot airstrip. Onreaching the venue, they werealso presented ajraks and capsby Pakistan Petroleum WorkersUnion Vice President Mir HazarKhan Lashari in a traditionalSindhi gesture of welcome.

    The event began with therecitation of the Quran. In hisbrief introductory address, PEICKandhkot Qaisar Ali formallythanked the guests for joiningKandhkot staff. He then gave abrief overview of KGF operationsand activities, particularlyongoing development work,community developmentinitiatives and QMS certification.Qaiser Ali appreciated theteamwork of KGF staff andgenerous support extended bythe management and relevantdepartments at head office.

    Speaking to staff, Khalid

    Rahman congratulated the longservice awards recipients andwinners of Annual Sports 2009.He lauded the efforts of KGFstaff on the achievement of QMScertification and managing otherfield operations and developmentworks smoothly. In this context,he commended the fact that KGFwas currently producing andsupplying highest-ever quantitiesof natural gas. Khalid Rahmanalso talked briefly on the

    companys future strategy to

    optimize productionand replacement ofreserves.Following hisaddress, KhalidRahman distributedLong Serviceawards amongstaff for completionof 15, 20 and 25years of service.

    Once the LongService awardswere over, DMDAsim MurtazaKhan presented ashield andcertificate toQaisar Ali forachievement ofISO 9001certification. Khanalso gave SpecialThankscertificates to DE(E&I) Muhammad

    Saleem-ul-Haque andTechnician (Instrument) FurqanQamar in recognition of theirefforts in developing,implementing and achievingQMS certification.

    Later, prizes were distributedamong winners and runners-upof Annual Sports 2009 by Khanand others. This concluded theformal segment of the event thatended with the guests joiningKGF staff and workers for the

    Bara Khana. n

    Annual Awards andBara Khana at Kandhkot

    Adhi Field hostedAnnual SportsFestival 2010 onMarch 20 with a festiveinauguration at the OfficersClub. Speaking to staff,PEIC Adhi Sajjad Ahmedhighlighted the importanceof sports and urged allemployees to activelyparticipate in all events.

    Following theinauguration, a friendlytable tennis match wasplayed between Sajjad andMember, Sports Committeeand AE (E) Raza Punjwanito formerly start thefestival.

    Both indoor and outdoorevents, ranging from cards,carom and darts tobadminton, squash andcricket were organized,giving maximum staff thechance to participate. Allthe events held during theday drew enthusiasticparticipation from staff. n

    Adhi hostsAnnualSports 2010

    PEIC Kandhkot Qaisar Ali receives the ISO 9001 certificate from DMD Asim Murtaza Khan. CE (M&I) Jamil Akhter is also present; (middle) MD and CEO Khalid Rahman with

    DSTO Marghoob Ghori in the background; (top) Kandhkot staff at the Bara Khana

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    Indoor Gamesprize distributionand kick-off

    Alarge number of staff andmanagement attendedthe Indoor Games 2009

    2010 kick-off and last yearsprize distribution organized byPPL Club on April 13.

    In his welcome addressPresident PPL Club JavedSiddiqui gave a brief overview ofclub activities and thanked allthose who attended the event.Your presence here todayaffirms not only your support ofPPL Club but also your interestin sports, he added.

    Addressing the audience aschief guest, MD and CEO Khalid

    Rahman appreciated the effortsof the PPL Club to organize avariety of indoor sporting eventsthroughout the year. Highlightingthe importance of sports as ameans of healthy recreation, hereiterated his commitment tofacilitate the club in pursuing itsactivities that promotes sports.Khalid Rahman also encouragedmore employees to come forwardand participate in sports andsuggested developing companyfootball and hockey teams.

    Later, Khalid Rahman formallyinaugurated the games byplaying a shot with DMD AsimMurtaza Khan and distributedprizes among the 2008 2009winners. I S. Zafar-ul-Haq

    WINNERS INDOOR GAMES 2008 2009SPORT WINNER RUNNER-UPDart Amir Manzoor Syed Muhammad Asad JaffriChess Fayyaz-ul-Hassan Khan Syed Muzaffar HusainDraught Shahid Amir Yasir Saleem UsmaniCards Muhammad Arif & Syed Jalil Ahmed

    Tanweer Ahmed & Talib HussainCarom: Singles Ahsan Mateen Shakeel IqbalCarom: Doubles Ahsan Mateen & Syed Azhar Ali &

    Muhammad Usman Muhammad Arif

    Table Tennis: Singles Syed Azhar Ali Muhammad AjazTable Tennis: Doubles Syed Azhar Ali & Syed Muhammad Azfar

    Prince Najmi Irshad & Victoria NoronhaPlayer of the Tournament Ahsan Mateen

    PPL COLOURSVeteransRukhsana YunusAnwar MoghalGhulam SarwarSyed Jalil AhmedCricket Team RegularMuhammad UsmanCricket Team VeteranRais TariqCaromMohammad SamiullahFootball

    Mushtaq BalochTable TennisMary C. Jones


    SPECIAL PRIZESNames Designation ResponsibilityAbdul Hannan Photographer Coverage of PPL Club EventsMubeen Ahmed Khan Club Boys Miscellaneous DutiesLiaquat AliRavi Das Club Attendants PPL Club MaintenanceShaikh YasirMohammad Asif

    Muhammad Tariq

    S taff at Sui, Kandhkot,Mazarani, Adhi andChachar fieldscelebrated Pakistan Daywith enthusiasm. Thetraditional flag hoisting wasperformed at all fields andsweets distributed amongstaff, school children andcommunities.

    Staff at Chachar GasField held a friendly cricketmatch between the ChacharGreens and Whites, whichwas followed by dinner.

    Special celebrations wereheld at Sui Model School

    (SMS) to mark the day. MCS Zafar Iqbal Kahara, who was invited aschief guest, was presented an impressive salute on his arrival.Speaking to the students, Kahara urged them to use the knowledgeand discipline acquired at school to enrich not only their lives butalso of those less fortunate than themselves.

    Principal SMS Javed Ali Khokhar and Vice Principal Khawar FatehIrem thanked the management for its support in running the school,especially for establishing the girls college and computer laboratory.

    In a befitting conclusion to the festivities, SMS studentspresented a lively musical show, local dances and tableaus that

    were greatly appreciated. I

    Pakistan Day observed atPPL fields

    Abdul Hannan receives PPLClubs honorary gift from MD and CEO Khalid Rahman

    Kandhkot Gas Field

    Chachar Gas Field

    Sui Model School Kids at Sui Model School

    Mazarani Gas Field

    Adhi Field

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    West Wharf workers organize milad

    Emergencydrill at SFGCS

    A scenario-based emergencydrill was conducted at SuiField Gas Compressor Stationon March 27. The drill was primarilyaimed at assessing individualresponses in case of heavy gasleakages.

    Staff was apprised of emergencyprocedures prior to the drill. Inresponse to the emergency alarmand announcement of Level IIemergency, Emergency ResponseTeams wearing Self-containedBreathing Apparatus assembled inthe Control Room.The staff enactednecessary mechanical isolationsand rescue operation that wereclosely monitored to check response adequacies withinoptimum time limits. n

    Kandhkot Gas Field participated in the 2nd Annual Flower Show organized in Kandhkot town by District Coordination Officer and Administrator Syed Abid Ali Shah between March 17 and 19.A large number of people visited the KGF stall that hosted some 1,600 pots of seasonal blooms.The event was given extensive coverage by the print and electronic media.

    A friendly cricket match was played between Kandhkot and Chachar Gas field on March 21.Chachar scored 149 runs for six wickets in their allotted 12 overs. Though Kandhkot tried to chase the target vigorously, it remained short by 21 runs. Muhammad Usman of Chachar Gas Field was declared Man of the Match for scoring 56 runs and taking three wickets.


    W est Wharf workers celebratedEid-e-Milad-un-Nabi andGiyarhween Sharif on April 15.The event drew a large number of staffand management, including MD and CEOKhalid Rahman, DMD Asim Murtaza Khanand SGM Fasih-uz-Zaman.

    The milad started with the recitation ofthe Quran by Akram Mujahid, followed bynaats by young naatkhawan Iqbal Qadrias well as a number of companyemployees. Noted khateeb AllamaSaleem Abbas Naqshbandi gave asermon on the life of ProphetMohammad (pbuh) and urged others tofollow in his footsteps.

    The ceremony ended with the salam and prayers for the prosperity ofPakistan, the company and its staff. nMD and CEO Khalid Rahman, DMD Asim Murtaza K han and SMMS Dr. Khurram Shahid along with other staff listen to naatkhawan Iqbal Qadri

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    OPEC holds oil demand forecast steadyT he Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) held steady onApril 7, its forecast for modest growth in world oil demand this year, notinguncertainty about the pace of global economic recovery.

    The world economic pulse is the variable that will determine the fate ofglobal oil demand this year, read OPECs April report. Economic activities inthe US are playing the wild card for world oil demand growth. Given the slowworld economic recovery, global oil demand growth is forecast in 2010 at 0.9

    million barrels per day (bpd) or 1.1 percent to average 85.2 million bpd, thereport stated.

    While some minor improvements were being seen in US oil demand as aresult of increased economic activities, the low statistical base and coldweather, it is still too early to draw a complete conclusion about the fate ofthe countrys oil demand, the report went on to say.

    Oil consumption is traditionally low in the second quarter but the third quarterincludes the summer driving season which has a large impact on gasolinedemand. According to the OPEC report, all anticipated growth in oil demand thisyear would come from developing countries, particularly in Asia. AFP

    Iran aims to cut fuel importsas sanctions loom

    Aplanned hike in gasoline prices will cut consumption and reduce Iransdependence on imported fuel, a senior official said on April 19, dismissingthe threat of more international sanctions on the Islamic state.

    Iran is the worlds fifth biggest crude exporter but US sanctions have led tolack of investment in refineries, forcing the OPEC member to import 40percent of its gasoline needs.

    Commerce Minister Mehdi Ghazanfari said a plan to reform Irans costlysubsidy system, under which energy and food subsidies would be phased outover five years, would increase domestic gasoline prices. With the US pushingfor a fourth round of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear work, several of theworlds top oil firms and trading houses have already curbed fuel sales topreempt potential penalization of their US operations.

    Iran bought around 128,000 barrels per day (bpd) of gasoline in March,steady with imports the previous month, according to traders. Iranian motoristsnow pay just 1,000 rials [about 10 US cents] per litre of gasoline, for amountsof up to 80 litres per month. Above that level, they pay 4,000 rials. Reuters

    BHP Billiton ditches iron orebenchmark for most sales

    The worlds top miner BHP Billiton ditched the traditional annual pricingsystem for iron ore for most of its sales, shaking up a key market for Asiasgrowth. The move was announced just a day after four Rio Tinto employeeswere jailed for corruption surrounding last years failed negotiations with China,which the Shanghai court said caused the country huge financial losses.

    BHP Billiton today announced that it had reached an agreement with asignificant number of customers throughout Asia to move existing iron orecontracts that were previously priced annually to a shorter term landed priceequivalent basis, BHP said in a statement. The agreements reachedrepresent the majority of BHP Billitons iron ore sales volume.

    BHP has long been in favour of moving from annual contracts, a systemused for decades, to a more flexible mechanism better able to reflect andaccommodate price swings. Analysts said the Anglo-Australian giant hadfinally won over Asian countries which resisted the move from annualcontracts that make it easier to plan costs. AFP

    ExxonMobil drills longest ER wellE xxonMobil completed the worlds longest extended-reach well drilled from afixed platform rig the Heritage Unit offshore southern California theoperator informed the media on April 15. According to the operator, the well wasdrilled using the companys fast drill technology. As such, the well extends oversix miles horizontally and more than 7,000 feet below sea level to become thelongest extended-reach well drilled in North America.

    Kok-Yew See, ExxonMobils US production manager, credits the tools andlessons learned during work off Russias Sakhalin Island as helping the companydrill the well.

    The well will be able to produce an additional 5.8 million barrels of oilequivalent. The additional production will feed through the Santa Ynez unitoffshore California comprising the Hondo, Harmony and Heritage platforms,which produce oil and gas from the Hondo, Pescado and Sacate fields. Since1981, the Santa Ynez Unit has produced over 450 million barrels of oil.

    In 2007, ExxonMobil used extended reach drilling to obtain oil production inthe western Sacate Field from the existing offshore Heritage platform.ExxonMobil said it is applying its fast drill technology to achieve up to 80 percentimprovement in drilling rates. Oilonline Manager


    Shaukat Maqsood, Engineer (Maintenance), Sui Field Engineering, is set to retire with effect from June 5 after serving the company for over 32 years. A farewell was arranged in Maqsoods honour at Officers Club, Sui, on March 19 where he was

    presented the company shield by MSui Muhammad Zakir.

    Agroup of over 45students from three localschools Government

    Higher Secondary School,Government Mehran HighSchool and Government BhitaiHigh School were given awarm welcome at KandhkotGas Field (KGF) on March 22when they visited the facility fora study tour.

    After a security briefing attheir arrival, the students were

    given a brief overview of theinstallations at KGF. They werethen taken on a guided tour ofthe Dehydration Plant andproduction facilities as well asthe instrument workshop, officeblock, cricket field and airstrip.

    A demonstration of fire tenderuse and various Health, Safetyand Environment practices wasalso held to apprise students ofthe measures that need to betaken at the field. n

    In a huge operational set-up such as Pakistan Petroleum Limiteds(PPL), it is important to equip staff with the skills necessary forthorough incident investigation. To this end, Training andDevelopment held a one-day workshop on Incident Investigationon March 19 at the Pakistan Society for Training and Development.

    The training was attended by 21 staffers and facilitated byTahseen Hassan of Occupational Safety and Loss Prevention. Theprogramme covered the investigation process from securing thearea to the final stages of taking corrective actions with a specialfocus on accident prevention, investigation and reporting toconcerned authorities. Participants learn skills required to identify,evaluate and investigate incidents and minimize future risks.Hassan also paid special attention to timely follow-up of incidents.

    Among the various aspects covered in the training was ensuringnecessary first-aid, determining loss potential, informingconcerned managers, controlling secondary accidents, short- andlong-term corrective actions and incident reporting. n

    Students visit Kandhkot

    Incident investigation

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    S ecretary, Ministry ofPetroleum and NaturalResources (MPNR)Kamran Lashari visited the headoffice of Pakistan PetroleumLimited (PPL) on March 24accompanied by DirectorGeneral Petroleum Concession

    Mohammad Naeem Malik. Thiswas Lasharis first visit to thecompany after assuming charge.

    CEO and MD Khalid Rahmanand his management teamreceived the secretary on his

    arrival. To apprise him on thecompanys current and futurebusiness programme, Lashariwas given an overview onPPLs current activities,ongoing and future explorationplans as well as key focusareas such as Corporate

    Social Responsibility, Health,Safety and Environment andQuality Management System.

    Khalid Rahman highlightedPPLs commitment to fast-t rackexploration activities, adding

    that he looked forward tosupport from the MPNR to helpthe company achieve itstargets.

    For his part, the secretarydrew attention to the measurestaken by the ministry to enablethe oil and gas sector andattract foreign investment. Heappreciated PPLs proactivedrive to accelerate itsexploration programme and

    offered his assistance andguidance on the ministrysbehalf.

    Later, Lashari attended adinner hosted in his honour atKarachi Boat Club. I

    PRODUCTIONPPL-operated Fields

    March, 2010

    (Million Cubic Feet)

    Kandhkot Gas Field Sindh

    Raw Gas Total

    Average/Day 184

    Maximum/Day 197

    (Million Cubic Feet)

    Adhi Field PunjabTotal

    (Barrels)NGL Average / Day 2,756

    Crude Average / Day 1,692

    (Tonnes)LPG Average / Day 148

    (Million Cubic Feet)GAS Average / Day 43

    Mazarani Gas Field Sindh

    Raw Gas Total

    Average/Day 12

    Maximum/Day 12

    (Million Cubic Feet)

    Hala Field SindhTotal

    (Barrels)NGL Average / Day 790

    (Tonnes)LPG Average / Day 16

    (Million Cubic Feet)

    GAS Average / Day 8

    Chachar Gas Field Sindh

    Raw Gas TotalAverage/Day 8

    Maximum/Day 8

    (Million Cubic Feet)

    Lashari visits PPL

    Sui Gas Field Balochistan

    Raw Gas Total

    Average/Day 556

    Maximum/Day 567

    ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001certificates distributed at ChacharISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001certificates distributed at Chachar

    ISO 14001 and Environmental ManagementSystem and OHSAS 18001 Health and SafetyManagement System (HSMS) certificateswere distributed at a simple event held atChachar Gas Field (CGF) on April 8. MD andCEO Khalid Rahman accompanied by DMDAsim Murtaza Khan, SGM Fasih-uz-Zamanand MHSE Tauseef A. Khan were present onthe occasion.

    CGF joined Pakistan Petroleum Limitedspool of production facilities that haveacquired international HSE certification inSeptember 2009 after a successful externalaudit conducted by SGS Pakistan (Private)Limited.

    Khalid Rahman congratulated CGF staffand workers for their successful efforts in

    implementing international HSE standards intheir respective domains and urged them tomaintain the same in the future. Thiscertification is another step towards acquiringoperational excellence, alignment with industrybest practices and fostering an organizationalculture based on ethical, social andenvironmental values, he added. Later, KhalidRahman handed over the certificates to PEICChachar Muhammad Yasin.

    Earlier, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO9001 Quality Management System certificateswere distributed at Mazarani Gas Field.

    DMD Asim Murtaza Khan along withSGM Fasih-uz-Zaman, MHSE Tauseef

    Ahmed Khan and CE (M&I) JamilAkhtar attended the distribution. I

    PPLs management team with Secretary, MPNR Kamran Lashari. (from left) GME Moin Raza Khan, GMP Munawar Ahmed,SGM Fasih-uz-Zaman, MD and CEO Khalid Rahman, Secretary MPNR Kamran Lashari, DGPC Mohammad Naeem Malik,GMCS M. Yaqub, CFO and GMF Kamran Wahab Khan, GMHR Masroor Ahmad and GMIA S. M. Khaledin