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Section B [10 marks]

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Questions 16-25Read the advertisement below carefully. Then complete the diagram that follows.


A tall portable Ferris Wheel comprising 42 gondolas (including 1 VIP gondola) allowing visitors to experience a 360-degree panoramic view of the capital city and over 20 kilometres of its surroundings including Kuala Lumpur Tower, Istana Budaya and Petronas Twin Towers, during a 12-minute ride.

6 January – 31 December 2007 * 10am – 10pm*

Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur

For an unforgettable glimpse of KL, step on board the Eye of Malaysia, one of the tallest viewing wheels in the world. Experience breathtaking, 60-metre high panoramic views of the city as the nation turns a stately 50. While you’re there, be sure to catch the International WaterSky Spectacular, a showcase of laser lightshows, jet and water ski stunts, and pyrotechnics commencing at 8pm daily.

Organised by:

Questions 16-25Complete the diagram that follows.

@ English Unit, MRSM Muar 2014

16 The wheel comprises


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SECTION C[25 marks]

Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow.

1 It as a typical hot summer season. By mid-afternoon it was pushing 40°C and everyone at Ruth and Geoff’s family home north of Brisbane was feeling in need of a swim. The family arrived at the Calliope River Camping Ground at about 4 p.m. Some 23 kilometres inland from the ocean, the tranquil place was a popular spot for both locals and visitors. Kids were playing games while their parents, with drinks in their hands, were enjoying a few quiet moments before the holiday season really came alive. A dry spell meant no fresh water had


@ English Unit, MRSM Muar 2014

Viewers can see

17 ……………………………………………………………………………


18............................................................................19 Duration of rides :


25 One of the organizers:


20 Height :


21 Other event:


A showcase of:

22 …………………………………………………..…………………….

23 ………………………………………………………………………...

24 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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flushed out the river system for about ten months. 2 Geoff and Ruth set up their chair. Rachael, her brother Sam and his friend, Lachlan,

stripped down to their swimwear. “There’s nothing dangerous in there, mummy?” Rachael queried. “No, but don’t go too far away,” Ruth replied. The three kids hurried to the river while Ruth and Geoff settled down with glasses of lemonade. Rachael’s squeals of delight rang through the sweltering air. The kids pushed out through the river’s middle, some 30 metres from the river bank.


3 Sam, Lachlan and Rachael were just a metre apart and in waist-high water when Sam suddenly felt a pain as though his left ankle and knee were being “stabbed by glass”. He reached down and pulled off a jelly-like mass. Before he could react to more pain, he was jolted by the sight of his sister’s failing arms and sound of her hysterical screams. Ruth leapt from her chair and sprinted towards the river. Sam then hauled Rachael up onto his body board and pushed her towards the river banks. “Get this fish off me!” Rachael screamed.


4 Sam dragged her sister to a patch of sand at the water’s edge where an elderly couple had rushed to help. “It’s a box jellyfish! We need some vinegar,” said the woman, hurrying to her campervan. The elderly woman returned with the vinegar and paper towels. As Ruth poured the vinegar over the tentacles, they released their grip on her daughter’s skin. Ruth grabbed large handfuls of the jellyfish using paper towels, but any relief was short-lived: Rachael was slipping into unconsciousness.


255 “Get the car!” Ruth yelled. By the time Geoff returned with the vehicle, Rachael’ s

body had developed angry purple welts where the tentacles had been, her face was pale and she couldn’t be woken in her mother’s arms. “She’s stopped breathing!” Geoff started CPR. He supported Rachael’s back and neck with his left hand, while using his right to keep his child alive. He knew he needed to focus on getting air in his daughter’s lung and to be careful that his compression weren’t hard enough to break bones. After two minutes, she started to breathe by herself. Rachael was showing signs of regaining consciousness.


6 When they arrived at the Gladstone Base Hospital 20 kilometres away, the medical staff told Ruth and Geoff that Rachael needed to be placed in an induced coma. That would give her body a chance to counter attack the effects of a lack of oxygen. The next morning, she was flown to the Royal Children’s Hospital in Brisbane. Two days later, she was well enough to be taken off life support. She remained in hospital for the next few weeks before she was able to go home.


7 It was now approaching a year since Rachael was stung. Once a keen swimmer, today she will no longer swim in anything other than fresh water. Now, she says she’ll never swim in the sea or river again Ruth feels the same way – as does the rest of the family. It’s swimming pools, dams and freshwater creeks for them now.


(Adapted from Reader’s Digest, January 2011)

26 From paragraph 1, where did Ruth and Geoff’s family go for an outing?

____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

27 (a) From paragraph 2, what did Ruth say to remind the children about their safety?

____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 4, what did Ruth do to release the grip of the jellyfish?

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____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

28 (a) From paragraph 5, provide two pieces of evidence to show that Rachael was in a critical condition? Evidence 1: ___________________________________________________________[1mark]

Evidence 2 : __________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 5, why did Geoff have to be careful when performing CPR on his daughter?

____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

29 (a) From paragraph 6, which phrase shows that Rachael was in a state of forced unconsciousness?

____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 7, where do they go for water activities nowadays?

____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

30 In your own words, would you obey the warning signs put up near beaches? Give your reason. ___________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

31 Based on the passage, write a summary on how Rachael was saved from her ordeal.

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the originalmeaning.

Your summary must: Be in continuous writing (not in note form) Use materials from line 17 t0 38 Not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below.

Begin your summary as follows:

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Ruth leapt from her chair upon hearing Rachael’s hysterical screams … [15 marks]





















1st paragraph

The character I sympathise the most in the novel, Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail, is Rory. There are a few reasons I symphatise him.

Short and simple..

2nd paragraph

The first reason is Rory has to take care of his senile grandfather, Granda despite of his young age.

Evidence: This can be seen in the tasks Rory had to do in taking care of his grandfather. Among them is he had to send Granda for checkups at Dr. Nicol’s clinic. Granda whined about having to take

Topic sentence. It is the main focus of the paragraph. It has to be your

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a lot of medications but as for Rory, he had to make sure his grandfather take them as Granda had a tendency to be forgetful. Another task he did every day is to bring home lunch for Granda. He would sneak out from school during lunch time and dropped by at the bakers for two hot pies. Granda relied on him to bring him his lunch every day. Rory had to go home at lunchtime and make sure Granda take his pills.

own original reason. Not yet a textual evidence.

Now, it is your turn. Look up evidences to support the reasons.

3rd paragraph

The second reason is because the society is trying to separate Rory from being together with his grandfather.

Evidence : This can be seen when..

Topic sentence 2

4th paragraph

The third reason is because Rory had to face a lot of difficulty to ensure he and Granda stay together.

Evidence : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Topic sentence 3

5th paragraph

Looking at all the evidences presented, it is undeniably true Rory is a

character I sympathized. Knowing that Rory is just twelve years old and

able to endure all those hardship makes me admire him. I do hope that I

will not face the same situation. However, his determination is something

that I have learnt in facing any difficulty in life.

Sum up the whole exercise


1st paragraph

The character I sympathise the most in the novel, The Curse by Lee Sue Ann, is the Old lady. There are a few reasons I symphatise her.

Short and simple..

2nd paragraph

The first reason is because the Old Lady had to go to prison after defending herself from an abusive husband.

Evidence: This can be seen when the Old Lady told the story of her life. Her husband was abusive that he kicked and hit her repeatedly every time he was mad about something. In the end, the Old Lady stabbed his husband accidentally in trying to defend herself.

Topic sentence. It is the main focus of the paragraph. It has to be your own original

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reason. Not yet a textual evidence.

Now, it is your turn. Look up evidences to support the reasons.

3rd paragraph

The second reason is the villagers shunned the Old Lady just because they did not know her well and believed in stories and chatter passed around.

Evidence : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Topic sentence 2

4th paragraph

Looking at all the evidences. I cannot imagine having to put myself in her

shoes. I hope if I were to face the same situation like her, I would be as

patient and able to endure the life she had especially when being shunned

or outcast by the society that did not understand who I am.

Sum up the whole exercise

Section A : Directed Writing[35 marks]

[Time suggested : 45 minutes]

Your school is organising a road safety campaign. As the editor of your school magazine, you have been asked to write an article on road safety tips for students in the school.

Use the notes below to write your article.

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PEDESTRIAN SAFETY TIPS Use zebra crossing Look before crossing Use overhead bridges Stay visible when crossing Walk against the traffic flow Use pedestrian pushbuttons at traffic lights

CYCLING TIPS Obey all signs and traffic lights Ride with the traffic flow Use lights at night Use hand signals Ride single file Wear helmets

When writing your article, you must remember: To give a suitable title To include all the points To have an introduction and a conclusion That your readers are students at your school

@ English Unit, MRSM Muar 2014