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Knowledge Sharing in Sustainable Urban Living between

Asian Sub-Continent and Africa through CESSAF

(Proposal for South-South Collaboration)

Mukesh Khare Patron, Planet Earth Institute

Member, Global Scientific Committee, PEIProfessor of Environmental Engineering


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Benefit of Collaborations

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The International Collaborations

1. International collaborations are interdisciplinary in nature.

Such efforts examine processes of change in relation to human well-

being and the environment.

2. Collaborations are interdisciplinary- between individuals,

institutions, countries or combinations.

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A Successful Collaboration

1. Appropriate partners – ‘Fit for Purpose’ of sharing of academic research

2. Win-Win for participants – ‘Partnership’

3. Mutual respect and understanding

4. Clarity of agreement on key goal(s)/outputs at different stages

5. Clarity of roles – ‘Inter-dependencies’

6. Transparent decision making processes

Prosser and Meehan, 2001

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Factors Driving Collaboration

1. Desire to increase profile of research – ‘Peer Recognition’.

2. Desire to advance knowledge – ‘Pooling’.

3. Increased specialisation – ‘Interdisciplinary fields’.

4. Growth of cross- sectoral work – increased emphasis on knowledge transfer,

knowledge sharing and dissemination.

5. Sharing of resources – ‘Escalating costs of Manpower, Equipment,

Specialised facilities etc.

6. Political factors – changes in funding patterns and/or levels.

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Measurements of Successful Collaboration

Numbers of

1. Researchers involved/disciplines involved

2. Stakeholders/end users involved

3. Students exchanges

4. Researcher exchanges per total number of researchers

5. Shared facilities and resources – usage profiles

6. Joint proposals to other funders prepared/successful

7. Leverage into strategic area of collaboration by all parties

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Major South -South Collaborations: Indian Lessons

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A. IIT Delhi – University of Technology, Lae , PapuaNew Guinea (Funding: JICA and UNITECH)

1. Establishment of Environmental Engineering Laboratory,

Environmental Management Group (EMG) and development of

Undergraduate Level Courses in Environmental Engineering.

2. Conductance of /quality improvement programmes, short courses for

academicians, practicing engineers, government officials, industries.

3. Local Problem Oriented design of Mini and Major Projects

(Involvement of Government and Private Stakeholders).

4. Participation of Experts from the EMG of the University for

Evolution/ Modifications of Policies of the Government on

Environmental Pollution Control.

5. Teaching and Research

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B. IIT Delhi – University of West Indies, Trinidad &

Tobago (Funding: UWI and Atlantic LNG, USA)

1. Expansion of Environmental Engineering Laboratory

2. Development of Postgraduate Level Courses in Environmental

Engineering and local industrial involvement in academics and research.

3. Conductance of training courses, short courses, seminar and

workshop in Air Pollution Dispersion.

4. Integrating experts in area of Environmental Engineering and

Sciences from different faculty of the university.

5. Teaching and Research

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6. Active involvement of the Environmental Faculty in designing and

formulating the Government policies in Environmental Conservation laws

of the country.

7. Assisting the University Administration in preparation of ‘White Paper’

on policies related to International Research Collaborations, Faculty

Recruitment etc.

8. Working with Atlantic LNG, USA in area of Ecological Assessment of

the Sensitive Regions of the country.

9. Collaborations with International NGOs , e.g. Blacksmiths, USA, in the

area of Toxic Pollution Assessment (Lead Battery Disposal)

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C. IIT Delhi – University of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa

(FICCI, India; Ministry of Education, Ethiopia)

1. Training of experts in area of Air Quality Instrumentation.

2. Assisting the Faculty in preparation of modules on Air Pollution,

Indoor Air Pollution and Urban Sustainability.

3. Design of Postgraduate Syllabus on Urban Air Pollution and

Sustainable Urban Living.

4. Formation of core expert group in India for conducting in house

training programmes for Ethiopian practicing Engineers and Scientists

at Addis Ababa.

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D. IIT Delhi – Durban University of Technology, South

Africa (NRF, South Africa)

1. Formation of expert group in areas of Indoor Air Quality and Urban

Living comprising of Indian and South African Faculty.

2. Collaborative research proposals in areas of mutual research interest.

3. Exploring the possibilities of external funding from various

international agencies for short visits of experts from both countries to

identify the core areas of collaborations.

4. Delivery of seminars/lectures; exchange of students and faculty from

both institutes (on card).

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1.Facilitation of development of analytical abilities through

knowledge sharing and knowledge mapping

2.Shift focus from knowledge transfer to knowledge sharing

3.Capacity building of trained professionals

4.Facilitate the dissemination of research

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Establishing PEI- Science, Technology & Resource Centre (PEI - STRC), New Delhi

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Need for Establishing Links

1. Creating opportunities for achieving sustainable development links

through education .

2. Understand the potential for Sustainable Urban Living through

efficient resource management. More for developing countries where

urbanization has enabled vast segments of population to be lifted above

poverty line.

3. Enable movement of academic community to identify opportunities

and threats in the path of Sustainable Urban Living alternatives.

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Developing the Paradigm to Move Beyond

Teaching Knowledge Transfer

Teaching Knowledge Sharing

Research Clustered

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The Importance of Knowledge Today

1. The knowledge dividend.

2. Promoting knowledge for social development.

3. Integrated higher education, research, innovation.

High Level Knowledge

1. Intellectual Capital - via advanced academic credentials.

2. A robust R & D Sector.

3. Strong CIT capacity.

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Understanding the data

Establishing the information

Gaining Knowledge

Achieving the Wisdom

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Role of CESSAF

1.Potential for development as a specialized unit on knowledge


2.Platform for interaction of experts from various fields

3.Nodal centre for liaison between participating countries to facilitate

knowledge based linkages to mitigate gaps in knowledge in the build up

sustainable environments.

4.Facilitation of a Knowledge Mapping Unit which may also provide

efficient and consensus pathways to share the data and information

between Asian Subcontinent and Africa, thus strengthening their

scientific and technical co operations.

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Role of PEI- Science, Technology & Resource Centre

(STRC), New Delhi

1.Research and Development in environmental sustainability of urban


2.Joint capacity building through teachers training programmes and

student -faculty exchanges through CESSAF.

3.Nodal centre for academic programme co-ordination between

CESSAF and India.

4.Nodal centre for logistics and funding of operational activities.

5.Vision for active involvement in the future for technology and

scientific interventions for smarter and sustainable Indian cities.

6.Potential as a resource centre for sustainable initiatives.

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Role of IIT Delhi

1.Working together with PEI and CESSAF through PEI-STRC, New


2.Provision of educational aids support such as labs and other support

infrastructure for CESSAF and other partner institutions in Africa.

3.Exposure to allied disciplines for more holistic approach towards

Sustainable Urban Living.

4.Identification of clustered research questions involving environment,

society, gender , resource conservations, sustainability, governance and


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Developing the Mechanism

Interactions at a higher level

1.PEI as nodal coordinating agency

2. Setting up of PEI-Science, Technology & Resource Centre

(PEI-STRC) for knowledge transfer and facilitate funding

3. Involvement of Ministries of Science and Technology, Ministry of

Urban Development and Ministry of Human Resource Development

4. Setting up of a high level co-ordination and monitoring committees

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Developing the Mechanism

Interactions at grassroots level

1. Identification of projects for study

2. Developing outreach programmes

3. Interactions with local stakeholders and ULB’s to understand the

type of area or characteristic under consideration.

4. Involvement of allied institutions, professionals, NGO’s to

understand behaviour of settlements processes.

5. Quantification and evaluation of sustainability as a participatory

process .

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Towards Building Research and Training Capacity

Improved teaching

Asking relevant questions

Commitment to research

Evolution of Sustainable systems

Agents of Change: Using evidence to question

Capacity to be part of international research community

Skills for carrying out researchResearch and

Training Capacity Capacity to generate own knowledge

ResearchUniversity as a hub

Capacity to utilise external research/knowledge

Capacity for evaluation

Capacity for analysis


Budget for research

Research policy & strategy

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Schematic -Implementation Structure

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PEI-STRC India Current Status

1. In formation stage.

2. Finding/Mobilizing Partners

3. The PEI-STRC will propose a Practice Based Joint Research,

Capacity Building, Exchanges in Core Areas of Sustainable

Urban Living in Partners Countries of Asia and Africa.

4. Creating/Finding Tools for Self Sustenance of PEI-STRC


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Schematic Implementation Structure

Joint Advisory Board (JAB)

CEO – PEI & Trustees; Chairman, GSC; CESSAF- Director;

Major Funding Partners

Central Steering Committee (CSC)

Chairman, GSC; CEO, PEI (India); Director, CESSAF; UNESCO

Steering Committee (India)

CEO, PEI (India); Director, PEI-STRC (India); Members, Expert Advisory Board

PEI-STRC (India)

Strategic Programme Cell Admin Cell Finance Cell CIT Cell

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