Download - Production Company Ident


Production Company Ident

The company logo is paradise pictures, this is an effective ident as it reflects the genre as it is dark and mysterious.

Framing has been used to make the text stand out. The text is bold, so it can be seen.

The influence for this company intent was LIONSGATE as their company ident changes colour depending on the style of film, if it is a comedy they use light colours where as if it’s a thriller they use darker colours to reflect the genre.

Furthermore this is a good company ident as it is easily remembered as well as it being catchy is an important part, as it flows and is easier to say.

Text Ideas

These are some of the title ideas which we have for our thriller title, ‘Witness’.

All of these are different and unique therefore can show different effects the first one looks like a gun bullet has gone through the title, the second looks like its ripping in blood.

Additionally the third text looks bold and too the point finally the fourth one looks as if its broken glass.

In our thriller pitch we took a vote to see what people preferred, by popular demand it was text three therefore we are planning on using it for our titles, which include: actors, actresses, casting director, director, photographer and so on.

However for a main title of the film we are either going to use the first or third text as they are both bold and effective and fit best with our crime/ phonological thriller. The influence for our choices of title is from crime thrillers like, Hitman and Wild Card. This is due to the simply bold effective text that show a clear impact.

The influence for our choices of title is from crime thrillers like, Hitman and Wild Card. This is due to the simply bold effective text that show a clear impact.