Download - product catalogue 2019 in Education · 2019-02-20 · product catalogue 2019 Engineering Excellence in Education Cover 2019_Layout 1 13/02/2019 16:52 Page 1. ... Flow Measurement

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TecQuipment Ltd, Bonsall Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 2AN, UK

Product Catalogue 2019

T E C Q U I P M E N T . C O M

p r o d u c t c a t a l o g u e 2 0 1 9E n g i n e e r i n g E x c e l l e n c e i n E d u c a t i o n

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C o s t S a v i n g sThe University of Northwestern looked at four main suppliers ofequipment, comparing the product specifications, cost andcomprehensive equipment provision. “TecQuipment was both cost effective as well as able toprovide the majority of the equipment that we needed toteach both our thermal-fluids and materials laboratories,”commented Friesen.

T h e L a b o r a t o r y S e t - u pAt the University of Northwestern, theory and laboratorycourses do not relate one-to-one. For example, the materialslaboratory consists of mainly destructive testing equipmentthat explores concepts from both the material science andmechanics of materials courses.“Our favourite piece of equipment has been the UniversalTesting Machine. Despite also having a higher capacity pieceof equipment in the laboratory, we like this one because it is aneasy-to-manipulate, hands-on machine,” explained Friesen.The compact size means that the instructors have the freedomto move it around and can allow students to operate it. Plus, ifit should break, they felt confident about the repair process.Friesen explained further: “It is so very fun to watch thestudents pumping the hydraulic arm and then see them edgefurther and further away as they anticipate the break inmaterial. It has also given the engineering department anopportunity to educate the rest of the university and localcommunity about what we do. We’ve had groups from our

alumni community, human resources and the local communitycome along to the department, get hands-on and breaksomething with this piece of equipment. It allows us to showthem that engineering is not all equations and work oncomputers.”Other equipment for exploring materials included thepurchase of the Torsion Testing Machine and Creep TestingMachine.

D e d i c a t e d T h e r m o - f l u i d s L a b o r a t o r yFor the thermo-fluids laboratory, they purchased a DigitalHydraulic Bench and experiments to mount on it, including theFlow Measurement Methods apparatus and Flow Calibrationapparatus. They also purchased freestanding apparatusesincluding the Piping Networks apparatus and Two-Stage(Series and Parallel) Pumps. For learning about heat transferand thermodynamics, they opted for the Heat Transferexperiment base unit with a range of experiments, HeatExchanger Service Module base unit and experiments, a Freeand Forced Convection experiment, a Radiation experimentand, lastly, a Refrigeration Cycle experiment.

A S e a m l e s s E x p e r i e n c e“Throughout the process of purchase we have had excellentservice from the TecQuipment team and local agent, LabMidwest. It extended from the initial quote, where it was clearto see what was and what wasn’t included, through to the setup and installation - which was incredible. Paul Holslin fromLab Midwest worked with me for a week in 90-degree heatunpacking crates. Then, TecQuipment specialist Matthew

Fellows did a wonderful job of walkingus through all the products, answeringquestions and resolving the small transitdamage issues,” summarised Friesen.Rachel Friesen went on to emphasise thepeople element. “Another thing I reallyappreciate about working withTecQuipment is that you are workingwith people, not just with namelessassistance at a generic email address.It’s that personal care and attention thathas never left me feeling that I’m waitingunnecessarily.”

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I n t e r m i t t e n t s u p e r s o n i c w i n d t u n n e l ( A F 3 0 0 )

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T e c q u i p m e n t u s e r g u i d e s 198

S t u d e n t c o m p e t i t i o n s 220

G e n e r a l- P u r p o s e A n c i l l a r i e s a n d E q u i p m e n t 303

C o n ta c t i n g T e c Q u i p m e n t 304

K e y w o r d I n d e x 305

P r o d u c t L i s t 309

U n i v e r s i t y o f N o r t h w e s t e r n c a s e s t u d y 312

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C O N T E N T SE N G I N E E R I N G S C I E N C E 5

A E R O D Y N A M I C S 29

C O N T R O L E N G I N E E R I N G 63

P R O C E S S C O N T R O L E N G I N E E R I N G 77

F L U I D M E C H A N I C S 89

M A T E R I A L S T E S T I N G A N D P R O P E R T I E S 149

S T A T I C S F U N D A M E N T A L S 179

S T R U C T U R E S 185

T H E O R Y O F M A C H I N E S 213

T H E R M O D Y N A M I C S 241

E N G I N E S 269

e n v i r o n m e n t a l c o n t r o l 287

s o l a r e n e r g y 293

V e r s a t i l e D a t a A c q u i s i t i o n S y s t e m ( V D A S ® ) 299

V i s i t o u r w e b s i t e at i n d u s t r i a l .t e c q u i p m e n t. c o m f o r E l e c t r i c a l p o w e r S y s t e m S

N e w p r o d u c t s 2

C r a f t s m a n s h i p 3

p r o d u c t s a n d i n d u s t r y 4

W i n d T u n n e l c a s e s t u d y 40

A e r o s pa c e c a s e s t u d y 56

I n s ta l l at i o n p h o t o s 76

F l u i d M e c h a n i c s c a s e s t u d y 112

S t r u c t u r e s c a s e s t u d y 196

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n E W P R O D U C T S i n t h i s e d i t i o nFor 2019, TecQuipment has focused on the development of the Fluid Mechanics range and Theory ofMachines range.

N e w t o T h e o r y o f M a c h i n e sThe C o r i o l i s F o r c e (TM1017) is a desk-top, stand-alone apparatus that complements the Theory of Machines ‘motion’ products forteaching students about the Coriolis force and understanding fictitious, or inertial forces. This equipment turns theory into reality,enabling students within a laboratory set-up to see, in real-life, the effect of the Coriolis force acting on a jet of water within a rotatingcontainer. Suitable for teaching modules in disciplines including civil engineering, meteorology and aerospace engineering – S e e Pa g e 2 2 8 .

N e w t o F l u i d M e c h a n i c sThe Fluid Mechanics range features two new compactentry-level products:

The S e r i e s a n d Pa r a l l e l P u m p s (H52) bench-top test set isthe new entry-level apparatus for understanding single anddual pumps within the Fluid Mechanics range. Thesimplicity means that this can be used for illustrating thebasics of centrifugal pump performance, applicable formany generic engineering foundation courses, requiringlittle direction for carrying out experiments. The compactsize also makes this a great option where budget andspace are limited – S e e Pa g e 1 3 1 .

The F l o w V i s u a l i s at i o n apparatus (FC15) is a compactentry-level product for visualising flow patterns aroundweirs and other objects in an open channel. This is perfectfor introducing students to the concept of flow by capturingtheir interest using a high-impact, visual sensoryexperience. While this is part of the Fluid Mechanics range,the application is relevant to many common areas ofengineering, such as civil, built environment, aerospace andhydrology – S e e Pa g e 9 2 .

r o tat i o n

Ac t ual t ra j e c t o r y

I n t e n d e d t ra j e c t o r y

3D v i e w P lan v i e w

D y e f l o w a r o u n d t h em o d e l s



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C r a f t s m a n s h i pAttention to detail, expert craftsmanship and a philosophythat our products should be built to last for decade afterdecade are key to the TecQuipment culture. These goals areachieved through the employment of a highly skilledworkforce, and a culture that breeds individual passion andpride in their work. This, along with stringent quality controlpractices, careful selection of materials, and specialist in-houseequipment, ensures that each product is brought to you withhand-crafted care. Before any products leave the factory, to be shipped across theworld, they are thoroughly tested by specialist electrical andmechanical test teams to ensure that they perform accordingto the specifications.

The TecQuipment doors are always open to visitors who canlearn first-hand how committed the TecQuipment workforce isto designing and making equipment that they know willwithstand the rigours of years and years of use by generationsof students pushing it to its limits.

In the company’s 61st year, TecQuipment continues to grow,embracing a culture of continual improvement, resourcefulnessand lateral thinking. The product range expands year onyear to offer a greater inclusive range of equipmentthat provides more accurate results and betterexperiment visualisation, at the price andscale that meets the requirements ofthe worldwide market.

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p r o d u c t s a n d i n d u s t r y











































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S U B J E C T A R E ASubsonic Wind Tunnels

Supersonic Wind Tunnels

Special Purpose Wind Tunnels

Forces and Moments

Materials Testing

Vibration, Friction, Energy

Simple Machines


Flow and Pressure


Open Channel



Fluid Power

Basic Properties

Strain Gauging

Destructive Testing



Arches, Bridges, Trusses





Heat Transfer/Exchange



Internal Combustion Engines

Gas Turbines

t e c q u i p m e n t R A N G EA e r o d y n a m i c s

C o n t r o l E n g i n e e r i n gP r o c e s s C o n t r o le l e c t r i c a l p o w e rE n g i n e e r i n g S c i e n c e

F l u i d M e c h a n i c s

M at e r i a l s T e s t i n g a n dP r o p e r t i e s

S tat i c s F u n d a m e n ta l sS t r u c t u r e s

T h e o r y o f M a c h i n e s

T h e r m o d y n a m i c s

E n g i n e s

e n v i r o n m e n ta l c o n t r o lS o l a r E n e r g y

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Engineering Science

E n g i n e e r i n g S c i e n c e

“I am very pleased to find the highly innovative and professional approach of TecQuipment Ltdin designing and manufacturing a variety of equipment for engineering and technicaleducation at all levels. Such equipment is very useful to develop conceptual skills in students.

D r I n g V P S i n g hS h r i Va i s h a n v I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y a n d S c i e n c e , I n d o r e , I n d i a

Pa c k a g e s 7

W o r k Pa n e l 8

f o r c e s a n d m o m e n t s 9

m at e r i a l s t e s t i n g 1 1

v i b r at i o n , f r i c t i o n a n d e n e r g y 1 5

s i m p l e m a c h i n e s 1 9

m e c h a n i s m s 2 3

S t o r a g e E q u i p m e n t a n d A n c i l l a r i e s 2 7

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The Engineering Science range is a modular system ofexperimental kits that addresses the fundamental principlesof mechanical engineering, including:

• F o r c e s a n d m o m e n t s

• M at e r i a l s t e s t i n g

• V i b r at i o n , f r i c t i o n a n d e n e r g y

• S i m p l e m a c h i n e s

• M e c h a n i s m s

The high quality, robust kits are suitable for teaching STEMprinciples at beginner level, while remaining relevant forfamiliarisation for post-graduate students. All the hardwarerequired to do experiments related to a particular topic arecontained within a kit. These are presented in a storage traywith a purpose-made insert and checklist to ensure all ofthe parts are returned at the end of the laboratory session. Kits can be purchased in any combination, from multiplekits for a whole class to perform the same experiment, or aselection of individual kits for demonstrating a variety ofdifferent experiments. TecQuipment also sells a purpose-built storage trolley for keeping the kits tidy while protectingthem from damage when not in use.

Ideal for curricula basedon educating students infour specific disciplines –science, technology,engineering andmathematics – in colleges and schools. TheES range, with its hands-on approach and detailednotes on experiments, provides the perfect linkbetween theory and real-world applications. TecQuipment’s Engineering Science range is thefoundation of STEM education.

C o m p r e h e n s i v e e x p e r i m e n t k i t s L o n g - l a s t i n g w o r k pa n e l• Each kit offers multiple experiments – with over 60

experiments for the 18 kits, it is outstanding value for money• All the kits are safe and simple to use – ideal for minimal

supervision at many levels of education

• Rugged, compact and easy to use – the EngineeringScience work panel comes with over 1000 pages ofworksheets, notes and lecturer material in PDF format

C o n v e n i e n t s t o r a g e F l e x i b l e o r d e r i n g• Kits are housed in tough, stackable trays• A purpose-built mobile storage unit offers the flexibility

to expand as required

• Start with one panel and one experiment, a package orbuy the whole range – TecQuipment’s EngineeringScience range can be completely tailored to your needsand budget

E n g i n e e r i n g S c i e n c e

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Engineering SciencePackages

• A mobile and compact trolleyholding a full set of TecQuipment’sEngineering Science kits (ES2 to ES19)and three work panels (ES1) for over60 experiments in fundamentalengineering science topics

• All the parts needed in one mobileframe – one person can move a fullset of kits from one room to another

• Includes a Spares Kit (ESX) to replacecommon parts that could becomelost from experiments during use

• Spare empty trays to store additionalmaterial such as coursework,worksheets or guidance notes

• Strong, lockable wheels on thetrolley allow easy movement but alsohold the trolley stable when needed– making it an ideal demonstrationtable

This full set allows at least three sets of students towork with any three of the Engineering Scienceexperiments at the same time, while storing theother kits tidily and efficiently. Alternatively,lecturers or teachers may set up one experiment asa demonstration on the mobile trolley while twogroups of students do experiments at their desks.

E n g i n e e r i n g S c i e n c e F u l l S e tE S F

A mobile trolley with a complete set of TecQuipment’s Engineering Science kits and three work panels.

Pa c k a g e sAs well as the full set, the following packages are alsoavailable which offer great value for money:

F o r c e s a n d m o m e n t s k i t Pa c k a g e e s B 1• Forces Kit (ES2)• Moments Kit (ES3)• Work Panel (x2)

M AT E R I A L S T E S T I N G K I T Pa c k a g e E S B 2• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers Kit (ES4)• Torsion of Circular Sections Kit (ES5)• Tensile Tester Kit (ES6)• Spring Tester Kit (ES19)• Work Panel (x4)

S I M P L E M A C H I N E S K I T Pa c k a g e E S B 3• Pulley Kit (ES10)• Drive Systems Kit (ES11)• Gear Trains Kit (ES13)• Centrifugal Force Kit (ES16)• Work Panel (x4)

M E C H A N I S M S K I T Pa c k a g e E S B 4• Cam, Crank and Toggle Kit (ES12)• Simple Mechanisms Kit (ES14)• Bar Linkages Kit (ES15) • Additional Mechanisms Kit (ES18)• Work Panel (x4)

V I B R AT I O N , F R I C T I O N A N D E N E R G Y K I T Pa c k a g e E S B 5• Simple Harmonic Motion Kit (ES7)• Friction and Inclined Plane Kit (ES8)• Potential and Kinetic Energy Kit (ES9)• Rotational Friction Kit (ES17) • Work Panel (x4)

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k Pa



Multiposition work panel for use with TecQuipment’s Engineering Science kits.

• Forces Kit (ES2) 9• Moments Kit (ES3) 10• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers Kit (ES4) 11• Torsion of Circular Sections Kit (ES5) 12• Tensile Tester Kit (ES6) 13• Simple Harmonic Motion Kit (ES7) 15• Friction and Inclined Plane Kit (ES8) 16• Potential and Kinetic Energy Kit (ES9) 17• Pulley Kit (ES10) 19• Drive Systems Kit (ES11) 20• Cam, Crank and Toggle Kit (ES12) 23• Gear Trains Kit (ES13) 21• Simple Mechanisms Kit (ES14) 24• Bar Linkages Kit (ES15) 25• Centrifugal Force Kit (ES16) 22• Rotational Friction Kit (ES17) 18• Additional Mechanisms Kit (ES18) 26• Spring Tester Kit (ES19) 14

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t k i t s :

Experiment Kits(ES2–ES19)

Essential Base Unit (ES1)


For use with TecQuipment’s Engineering Science kits, thework panel fits on any standard desk or bench top. Students,teachers or lecturers fit the parts of the kit to the Work Panel(ES1) to study or demonstrate an engineering science topic.

• Perfect size for both experiments andsimple classroom demonstrations

• Supplied with digital copy of all teachingmaterial needed for the full EngineeringScience range

• Stable and multipositional – can be used inmany different ways to suit the experimentsor demonstrations

• Solid, thick perforated metal plate for longlife and choice of fixing positions for theexperiments

• Simple thumbscrews for safe, quick andeasy assembly

o v e r 1 0 0 0 pa g e s o f T e a c h i n g m at e r i a l f o r a l l t h ee x p e r i m e n t s i n t h e r a n g e

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Engineering ScienceForces and M


This kit includes a set of different plastic shapes forexperiments in centres of gravity of two-dimensionalobjects. It also includes pulleys, weights and a magneticprotractor for experiments in concurrent and non-concurrent coplanar forces and angles.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Equilibrium of Forces (STF4) 183

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

F O R C E S K I TE S 2

Demonstrates how to find the centre of gravity of shapes and the relationship between angles andcoplanar forces.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Centres of gravity• Force triangles• Force polygons and Bow’s notation• Linked polygons (non-concurrent forces)

s p e c ial o f f e rF o r c e s an d M o m e n t s Bu n d l e ( E SB 1 )

This basic experiment bundle includes: • Forces Kit (ES2)• Moments Kit (ES3) • Two Engineering Science Work Panels (ES1)

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M o m e n t s K i te s 3

Demonstrates the relationship between distances and forces in rigid beams and levers.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Principle of moments• Beam balances• 1st, 2nd and 3rd order levers• Bell crank lever• Beam reactions

This kit includes a rigid beam for experiments in theprinciple of moments, extending to levers and beams. Itdemonstrates the three main lever types (first, second andthird order) and includes an ‘L’ shaped plate forexperiments in bell crank levers. A pulley allows extraexperiments with moments caused by oblique forces.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Equilibrium of a Beam (STF5) 183

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

D i g i tal datas h e e t sVisit individual product pages on the TecQuipment website to view and download the digital datasheets.

t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m

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Engineering ScienceM

aterials Testing

D e f l e c t i o n o f B e a m s a n d C a n t i l e v e r s K i te s 4

Demonstrates the deflection of beams of different materials and dimensions, held on different supports.

This kit includes different beams and fixing blocks. The fixingblocks work as clamps or knife-edge supports. They holdthe beams in different ways, such as a cantilever, simplysupported, fixed (encastre) and a propped cantilever.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Stiffness – Bending and Torsion (TE16) 152• Beam and Leaf Spring (SM1000g) 165• Beam Apparatus (SM1004) 175• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers (STR4) 202• Continuous and Indeterminate Beams (STR13) 204

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Beam length and deflection• Beam material and deflection (Young’s modulus)• Beam ‘I’ value and deflection• Beam supports (cantilever, propped cantilever, fixed

beam and simply supported) and deflection

h e r e t o h e l p y o uA team of specialist customer care personnel is available to answer a range of questions relating to technical details, spare parts and maintenance.

c u s t o m e r . car e@t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m

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ls T



This kit includes different circular section specimens andadjustable chucks for experiments in torsion. Students fixthe specimens in the chucks and apply weights to a leverarm. The arm applies a moment (torque) to one end of thespecimen. A scale on the arm shows the angle of twist.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Torsion Testing Machine – 30 Nm (SM1001) 158• Torsion of Circular Sections (STR6) 211• Torsion Testing Components (TE16b) 152

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

T o r s i o n o f C i r c u l a r S e c t i o n s K i t e s 5

Demonstrates the torsion in circular section specimens of different materials and lengths.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Specimen length and angle of twist• Specimen material and angle of twist (modulus of

rigidity)• Specimen ‘J’ value and angle of twist

T e c Q u i p m e n t n EWS L E T T E R S I G N - U PDon’t miss out on the latest new products, case studies, demo videos and blog posts. Sign up to the TecQuipment newsletter today.

T e cqu i p m e n t. c o m / s ubs c r ibe

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Engineering ScienceM

aterials Testing

This kit includes a cased tensile tester with specimens ofdifferent materials for students to stretch specimens todestruction, while measuring the extension and force.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Tensile Test Specimens (MTT) 28

• Universal Testing Machine (SM1000) 163• Bench-top Tensile Testing Machine (SM1002) 161• Materials Laboratory with Data Capture 166

(MF40 MkII)


e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Tensile tests (to destruction) of different materials• Finding the tensile strength of a material• Material behaviour in the elastic and plastic region• Creating a force and extension chart

T e n s i l e T e s t e r K i te s 6

Demonstrates the principles of tensile tests on specimens of different materials.

s p e c ial o f f e rMat e r ial s T e s t i n g Bu n d l e ( E SB2 )

This experiment bundle includes:• Deflection of Beams Kit (ES4)• Torsion of Circular Sections Kit (ES5) • Tensile Tester Kit (ES6)• Spring Tester Kit (ES19)• Four Engineering Science Work Panels (ES1)

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Hooke’s law and compression spring tests• Hooke’s law and extension spring tests• Parallel and series spring tests

This kit includes different coiled springs for experiments inspring testing. These include extension springs,compression springs, parallel springs and springs that canconnect in series.Students test the springs to prove Hooke’s law and find theirspring rate, comparing it with given manufacturers’ values.They also test springs in parallel and series to see how thisaffects the overall spring rate.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Hooke’s Law and Spring Rate (SM110) 151• Coil Spring (SM1000f) 165

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S p r i n g T e s t e r K i te s 1 9

Demonstrates the characteristics of coiled springs and how to test them.

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Engineering ScienceVibration, Friction and Energy

S i m p l e H a r m o n i c M o t i o n K i te s 7

Demonstrates simple harmonic motion (oscillation) in springs and pendulums, and its usefulness.

This kit includes different pendulums and a spring to showstudents the principles and uses of simple harmonic motion.Students test different pendulums and a spring to see howdifferent factors, such as mass or pendulum length, affectsimple harmonic motion and the period of oscillation.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Simple and Compound Pendulums (TM161) 231• Filar Pendulums (TM162) 232

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Simple harmonic motion of simple, bifilar and trifilar

pendulums of different lengths and masses• Simple harmonic motion of a spring with different

masses, and a simple spring rate test• Simple harmonic motion of a compound pendulum• Simple harmonic motion and gravity using a Kater’s


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n, F






L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Forces on an inclined plane• Rolling and sliding friction on different surfaces• Kinetic and static sliding friction between different

surfaces• Surface angle and friction between different


F r i c t i o n a n d I n c l i n e d P l a n e K i te s 8

Demonstrates the frictional and other forces on bodies and between different surfaces on a flat orinclined plane.

This kit includes parts for experiments in friction and forceson a flat or inclined plane. The plane has an inclinometerand adjustment to allow the student to set the plane to anyangle between zero and 90 degrees. The parts includedifferent friction surfaces, a roller set, a rolling car or sledwith adjustable mass, and a simple roller.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

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Engineering ScienceVibration, Friction and Energy

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Kinetic and potential energy in a pendulum• Elastic potential energy in a spring • Kinetic energy in a flywheel

P o t e n t i a l a n d K i n e t i c E n e r g y K i t e s 9

Demonstrates the difference between potential and kinetic energy and how it can change from one tothe other.

This kit includes a pendulum, a spring and a flywheel forexperiments in potential and kinetic energy. Students testeach part to discover the difference between potential andkinetic energy and the transfer of energy from one form toanother.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Geared Systems Test Stand (TM1018a) 222

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Efficiency of a screw jack• Efficiency of a wedge • Efficiency of different bearings

This kit includes a screw jack (or ‘jackscrew’), a wedge anddifferent bearings. It helps students understand howrotational friction affects the efficiency of popular machineelements and bearing materials. It shows why engineerschoose some materials and devices above others for anygiven application.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

R o tat i o n a l F r i c t i o n K i te s 1 7

Demonstrates how rotational friction affects the efficiency of popular machine elements.

s p e c ial o f f e rV ibrat i o n , F r i c t i o n an d E n e r g y K i t Bu n d l e( E SB5 )

This experiment bundle includes:• Simple Harmonic Motion Kit (ES7)• Friction and Inclined Plane Kit (ES8) • Potential and Kinetic Energy Kit (ES9)• Rotational Friction Kit (ES17)• Four Engineering Science Work Panels (ES1)

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Engineering ScienceSim

ple Machines

This kit includes a wheel and axle with single, double andtriple wheel or ‘sheave’ pulleys for experiments inmechanical advantage. Students test fixed, movable andcompound pulleys attached to load and effort weights totest their mechanical advantage.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

P u l l e y K i te s 1 0

Demonstrates the mechanical advantage of different combinations of pulleys and a simple wheeland axle.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Simple pulleys – fixed, movable and compound• The wheel and axle• The Weston differential pulley

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This kit includes three different drive systems to show theirrelative advantages and disadvantages. Students test a universal coupling, a belt drive and a chaindrive to see how they work and how they differ in the waythey transfer motion (power).

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Geared Systems (TM1018) 222

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

D r i v e S y s t e m s K i te s 1 1

Demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of three popular drive systems: belt, chain and auniversal coupling.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Power transfer, efficiency and direction in a belt

drive• Power transfer and efficiency in a chain drive• Input and output relationships of a universal

coupling• Friction and angle of lap on a pulley

s p e c ial o f f e rs i m p l e mac h i n e s k i t bu n d l e ( E SB3 )

This experiment bundle includes:• Pulley Kit (ES10)• Drive Systems Kit (ES11) • Gear Trains Kit (ES13)• Centrifugal Force Kit (ES16)• Four Engineering Science Work Panels (ES1)

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S o c ial M e d iaFind out all the latest up-to-the-minute news, promotions, stories from users and videos etc.

Plus, embrace the opportunity to interact with other academics, students and get fresh ideas.

s har es

c o m m e n tc oL i k e

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Engineering ScienceSim

ple Machines

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Characteristics of spur gears, including single and

compound gear trains and the ‘idler’ gear• Characteristics of a bevel gear• Characteristics of a worm drive

This kit includes a selection of different gears forexperiments to find their unique characteristics.The gears include spur gears, a bevel gear and a wormdrive. The spur gears have two sets of teeth on the sameshaft, allowing extra experiments in compound gear trains.Students test each set of gears to see how it works and notethe differences in characteristics (such as efficiency, gearratio and mechanical advantage) of each set.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Geared Systems (TM1018) 222

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

G e a r T r a i n s K i t e s 1 3

Demonstrates the characteristics of the most popular gear sets.

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Relationship between centrifugal force, radius and

velocity of different rotating masses.

This kit includes a manually rotated frame with a low-friction cantilever linkage. The frame has mountingpositions for adjustable masses and a spring that applies afixed frictional force value to a rotating drum. The range ofmounting positions and masses allows many variations ofthe experiment to help students understand therelationships between the variables of speed, mass andradial position.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Centrifugal Force (TM1005) 227

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

C e n t r i f u g a l F o r c e K i te s 1 6

Demonstrates the relationship between centrifugal force, radius and velocity of rotating masses.

T e c q u i p m e n t bl o gRead the TecQuipment blog for informative posts from topics focused on engineering education, through to guest posts from academics sharing view points and relevant teaching projects and perspectives.

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bl o g

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Engineering ScienceM


L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Displacement and angle characteristics of pear,

heart, round and spiral cams• Characteristics of a mechanical toggle• Turning moments and forces during crank motion

This kit includes a crank and slider to show the relativeforces during crank motion. It also includes four popularcam shapes to show their different characteristics. Anotherset of parts in the kit shows the characteristics of amechanical toggle.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

• Cam Analysis Machine (TM1021) 219

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

C a m , C r a n k a n d T o g g l e K i tE S 1 2

Demonstrates the characteristics of a mechanical toggle, crank motion and the most popularshaped cams.

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This kit includes three popular mechanisms for experimentsin conversion of motion, from linear to rotary, or rotary tolinear. These include the Scotch yoke (sometimes called‘donkey crosshead’ or ‘slotted link’), the crank and slider,and the quick return mechanism. Students test eachmechanism to see how it works and note the differences inthe way that each mechanism converts the motion.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

S i m p l e M e c h a n i s m s K i t e s 1 4

Demonstrates how three popular mechanisms convert motion.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Conversion of motion using the ‘Scotch yoke’ (or

‘slotted link’)• Conversion of motion using the quick return

mechanism• Conversion of motion using the crank and slider

s p e c ial o f f e rm e c han i s m s k i t Bu n d l e ( E SB4)

This experiment kit bundle includes:• Cam, Crank and Toggle Kit (ES12)• Simple Mechanisms Kit (ES14) • Bar Linkages Kit (ES15)• Additional Mechanisms Kit (ES18)• Four Engineering Science Work Panels (ES1)

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Engineering ScienceM


L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Four bar linkages – crank rocker, double rocker,

draglink and parallelogram• Straight line linkages – Watt’s straight line,

Chebyshev, Peaucellier-Lipkin, Hart’s inversor,Robert’s and Hoeken’s

• Pantograph• Ackermann steering

This kit includes a selection of over 20 perforated bars ofdifferent lengths and pivots or ‘joints’ to allow students tocreate an unlimited choice of linkages.Students assemble the bars and joints in any arrangementand note how the linkage converts movement from oneform to another (for example: rotary motion to linearmotion). Bar linkages are one of the most basicmechanisms used in mechanical engineering.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

B a r L i n k a g e s K i t e s 1 5

For students to assemble and understand different bar linkage mechanisms.

p r o d u c t d e v e l o p m e n tThe information contained in this publication has been carefully prepared and is correct at the time of printing. TecQuipment is, however, committed to a programme of continuous improvement; hence we reserve the right to alter the design and product specification without prior notice to ensure it continues to meet customer needs.

For the latest information on all our products please visit our website at: t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m

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This kit includes two popular mechanisms for experiments inconversion of motion from one form to another. Theseinclude the Geneva mechanism (sometimes called theMaltese cross mechanism or crank and star), and a ratchetmechanism. Students test each mechanism to see how itworks and note the differences in the way that eachmechanism converts the motion.

• Work Panel (ES1) 8

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Conversion of motion using the Geneva mechanism• Conversion of motion using a ratchet

A d d i t i o n a l M e c h a n i s m s K i t e s 1 8

Demonstrates how two popular mechanisms convert motion.

Q ual i t y C o n t r o l w i t h I n - H o u s e P r o d u c t i o nTo maintain high quality and keep lead times to a minimum, products are designed and manufactured all under one roof in the TecQuipment headquarters based in the UK.

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Engineering ScienceStorage Equipm

ent and Ancillaries

S t o r a g e Equ i p m e n tE S T / E T L

Storage equipment for use with TecQuipment’s Engineering Science range.

• A set of five spare trays and lids(ETL) – useful for safely storingancillaries or printed material suchas lecturer guides or worksheets

• A compact mobile frame (EST) thatstores up to 24 trays safely andtidily, while allowing one person tomove all 24 trays from one room toanother

For use with the Engineering Science kits, TecQuipmentoffers these supporting products as a useful resource forlecturers or teachers:

S t o r a g e U n i t E S TA mobile trolley for use with the EngineeringScience kits. This trolley allows lecturers orteachers to safely and tidily store up to 24 trays inone mobile unit.

T r ay s a n d L i d s E T LA set of five trays and lids. Identical to those usedfor the kits, so they fit and stack in the same way.

Q u i c k d e l i v e r y o n S t o c k P r o d u c t s

TecQuipment holds stocks of the most popular products, ready for speedy shipment across the world.

Contact us to find out what is currently in stock.

Sal e s@t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m

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t an

d An




S pa r e s a n d C o n s u m a b l e sE S X / S W 1 / W T / W T L / M T T

Spares and consumables for use with TecQuipment’s Engineering Science range.

• Useful to replace any parts that become lostfrom the experiment kits during use, or toincrease the variation of experiments

• Additional tensile test specimens (MTT) forthe Tensile Tester Kit (ES6)

TecQuipment offers these spares and consumables mainlyfor the Engineering Science range. However, the stopwatchand weight sets also work as spares for other TecQuipmentproduct ranges.

S pa r e Pa r t s K i t E S XThis kit includes spares of the most common parts used inthe other Engineering Science kits, including fixings, weights,hooks and cord.

S t o p wat c h S W 1An easy-to-use, accurate, hand-held digital stopwatch. Replacesany lost from the kits or allowsmore students to shareexperiments.

W e i g h t S e t s W T a n d W T LSlotted masses that fit onto TecQuipment’s weight hangers.They will work as general-purpose weights and spares forthose in several otherTecQuipment products, suchas the Structures range. W T – A set of 10 g masses andweight hangersW T L – A set of 1 g masses

T e n s i l e T e s t S p e c i m e n s M T TSpecimens made from a choice of four different materialsfor use with the Engineering Science Tensile Tester (ES6).M T TA – AluminiumM T T D – DuraluminM T T P – PVCM T T S – Mild SteelN o t e : TecQuipment suppliesall specimens individually,but a minimum ordercharge applies.

S pa r e Pa r t s K i t ( E S X )

• Additional weight sets (WT and WTL) andstopwatch (SW1) – useful spares for both theEngineering Science range and otherTecQuipment products

• A tray of spares (ESX) containing themost common parts of the EngineeringScience kits

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“We recently purchased a wind tunnel for the training of our aeronautical engineering studentsfrom TecQuipment. The product was easy to set-up, straight forward to operate and I amconfident will continue to be used for many years to come. The service and training thatTecQuipment provides makes them a pleasure to work with.

S e a n H a i n s w o r t hA e r o n a u t i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g L e c t u r e r , M i lt o n K e y n e s C o l l e g e

S u b s o n i c W i n d T u n n e l s 3 1

S u b s o n i c W i n d T u n n e l I n s t r u m e n t s a n d A c c e s s o r i e s 5 1

S p e c i a l P u r p o s e W i n d T u n n e l s 5 3

S u p e r s o n i c N o z z l e 5 8

S u p e r s o n i c W i n d T u n n e l s 5 9

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a e r o d y n a m i c sThe aerodynamics range is used for teaching a vast rangeof aerodynamic principles – from fundamentals through toadvanced theories – with products to suit every space,budget and complexity requirement. The wind tunnels spana variety of sizes and experimentation capabilities, frombench-top models for learning the basics, to versionsrequiring large laboratories for a more detailedunderstanding of aerodynamics.

P r i n c i p l e s o f A e r o d y n a m i c sTecQuipment’s subsonic wind tunnels teach students thebasics of lift, drag and pitching moments, plus high-leveltopics such as boundary layer and pressure distributionaround models. Students can also perform wakeinvestigations.

A d va n c e d T h e o r y o f A e r o d y n a m i c sTecQuipment’s supersonic wind tunnels are for the moreadvanced teaching of aerodynamics engineering, withexperiments that start with nozzle pressure distribution, onto analysis of Mach numbers, and the measurement andvisualisation of pressure and shock waves using Schlierenapparatus.

A u t o m at i c d ata a c q u i s i t i o n A variety of the products in this range work withTecQuipment’s unique Versatile Data Acquisition System(VDAS®) – S e e pa g e 2 9 9 .

M a d e f o r t e a c h i n g : Realistic results yet small enoughfor laboratories.

F l e x i b i l i t y: Packages of equipment can be chosen tosuit budgets and needs.

E a s y s e t- u p : It takes only minutes to change and set upan experiment.

H a n d s - o n : Laboratory-scale parts allow easy fitting andadjustments, for a more practical understanding.

k e y f eat u r e s an d b e n e f i t s :

M o d u l a r F l u i d P o w e r r a n g eThe Modular Fluid Power range includes productsthat allow demonstrations and studies of theperformance of different types of ‘real world’ airmachines (fans and compressors) – S e e pa g e s 1 3 4 – 1 4 8 .

C e n t r i f u g a l Fa n M o d u l e ( M F P 1 0 6 )

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F E AT U R E S : B E N E F I T S :Supports and supplies a controllable air flow to itsoptional experiment modules

Modular design saves space and reduces costs

Eight different optional experiment modules Covers all aspects of a basic aerodynamicscurriculum

Compact, mobile and easy to install Simplifies laboratory layout

Easy set-up – just minutes to remove and fitexperiment modules

Maximises experiment time and requires minimalsupervision

M o d u l a r A i r F l o w B e n c ha f 1 0

A mobile bench providing the base unit for a widerange of air flow experiment modules.

S h o w n f i t t e d w i t h o n e o f t h e ava i l abl e e x p e r i m e n tm o d u l e s ( A F 1 2 ) a n d M u lt i -t ube M a n o m e t e r ( A F 1 0 a )

recommendedancillary (af10a)

Experiment modules(af11–af18)

Essential Base Unit (af10)


The AF10 is a small-scale wind tunnel with an electric fanand adjustable air flow control. It is the essential base unitfor eight different experiment modules that demonstratekey principles and phenomena of air flow.

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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D tU



This experiment module illustrates Bernoulli’s equation asapplied to a convergent-divergent duct. A Pitot static tubemeasures both the total pressure and the static pressureindependently. The tube traverses along the axis of the ductand connects to the AF10a manometer (ancillary) viaflexible tubes fitted with quick-release couplings.

• One of a series of eight experiment modulesthat fit to the Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10)

• Quickly and simply illustrates Bernoulli’sequation for air, and its limitations due toboundary layer effects

• Quick-release couplings for rapid andreliable pressure connection to the AF10aManometer

• Transparent front to the duct so that theprofile of the test nozzle and the position ofthe Pitot static tube can be seen clearly

M o d u l a r A i r F l o w B e n c h ( A F 1 0 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

• Bernoulli’s Equation (AF11) 32• Drag Force (AF12) 33• Round Turbulent Jet (AF13) 34• Boundary Layer (AF14) 35• Flow Around a Bend (AF15) 36• Coandă Effect and Jet Flow (AF16) 36• Flow Visualisation (AF17) 37• Tapped Aerofoil (AF18) 38

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :• Multi-tube Manometer (AF10a) 38

• Bench-Top Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1125) 39• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S) 47• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S) 49• Flight Demonstration Wind Tunnel (AF41) 53• Flow Visualisation Wind Tunnel (AF80) 55


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

B e r n o u l l i ’ s E q u at i o n a f 1 1

Allows students to measure the pressuredistribution in a convergent-divergent duct.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Confirmation of Bernoulli’s equation• The use of a Pitot static tube and water manometer

• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31

• Multi-tube Manometer (AF10a) 38

• Bernoulli’s Theorem (H5) 94

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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• One of a series of eightexperiment modules that fit tothe Modular Air Flow Bench(AF10)

• Compares drag for a cylindercalculated from a measuredpressure distribution, and awake traverse against thatmeasured directly for a cylinder

• Allows comparisons of dragforce between a cylinder, flatplate and aerofoil

• The test duct has transparent sides withclearly printed scales – allowing students tosee the experiment and accurately positionthe models and the Pitot tube

This simple yet comprehensive experiment module consistsof a duct with transparent front and rear. The front hasscales printed on it to position the various parts during theexperiments. A Pitot tube and simple mass balance areattached to the outside of the duct for wake traverse anddirect drag measurements respectively.

• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31

• Multi-tube Manometer (AF10a) 38

• Cylinder Model (AF1300a) 43• NACA 0012 Aerofoil with Tappings (AF1300b) 43• Flat Plate Drag Model (AF1300e) 43• Three-dimensional Drag Models (AF1300j) 43• S1210 Aerofoil (AF1300l) 43

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Determination of the drag coefficient by

measurement of the pressure distribution around thecylinder

• Determination of the drag coefficient by waketraverse

• Determination of the drag coefficient around thecylinder by direct measurement and comparison toresults obtained by pressure distribution and waketraverse

• Direct measurement and comparison of dragcoefficient between a cylinder, flat plate and aerofoil

D r a g F o r c e a f 1 2

Allows students to investigate the direct and indirect measurement of drag on various shapes.

D o c u m e n t s I n c l u d e d – E v e r y t h i n g Y o u N e e dA comprehensive pack of documents is supplied with all experiments, including:

U s e r Man ual : How to use the product, along with instructions on experiment set-up and supporting enginering principles for guided learning. Pac k i n g c o n t e n t s l i s t: All the parts that make up the complete product. T e s t c e r t i f i cat e : Your peace of mind that the product has been thoroughly tested before dispatch.

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D tU



R o u n d T u rbu l e n t J e t a f 1 3

Allows students to investigate a jet of air as itemerges from the end of a tube.

This module consists of a tube with a specially designedrounded entry. The tube is mounted on a stiff plate with therounded entry on one side and the exit on the other.

• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31

• Multi-tube Manometer (AF10a) 38

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


• One of a series of eight experiment modulesthat fit to the Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10)

• Allows a number of tests on the velocity of asubmerged jet emerging from the end of atube

• The tube has a carefully designed inlet forbest results

• Quick-release coupling fitted to the Pitottube to allow rapid and reliable connectionto the AF10a Manometer

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Decay of the centre-line velocity• Velocity profile at various distances along the jet and

the development of the spread of the jet• Analysis of the velocity profiles to demonstrate how

the mass flux in the jet increases, the kinetic energyflux decreases and the momentum flux remainsconstant along the jet length

e x p e r t s o n t h e e n d o f t h e p h o n e

The dedicated, multilingual Sales team is available to discuss equipment specifications, teaching objectives and constraints, to offer the best products to suit requirements.

Cal l +44 ( 0 ) 1 15 97 2 2 6 1 1

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B o u n d a r y L ay e ra f 1 4

Allows students to investigate the boundary layeron a flat plate.

This module consists of a duct in which there is situated aflat plate. The flat plate is rough on one side and smooth onthe other, providing different surface conditions for theformation of a boundary layer.

• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31

• Multi-tube Manometer (AF10a) 38

• Flat Plate Drag Model (AF1300e) 43

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

• One of a series of eight experiment modulesthat fit to the Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10)

• Allows a number of tests on laminar andturbulent boundary layers, with rough andsmooth surfaces with different pressuregradients

• Boundary layer velocity profile is measuredwith a Pitot tube with a fine micrometeradjustment for best results

• Test section has a transparent front –students can see the experiment and theposition of the Pitot tube clearly

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Measurement of the velocity profile in laminar and

turbulent boundary layers• Measurement of the velocity profile in the boundary

layer formed over both rough and smooth plates• Measurement of the velocity profile in the boundary

layer at various distances from the leading edge ofthe plate

• Effect of the pressure gradient on the boundary layervelocity profile

D own l oad P o s t e r s , S o f twar e an d Catal o g u e sTecQuipment offers a wide range of digital content such as posters, brochures, catalogues, charts and software on the website.

T e cqu i p m e n t. c o m / d o w n l oad s

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F l o w A r o u n d a B e n d a f 1 5

Allows students to measure the pressuredistribution in a smooth rectangular bend.

C o a n d ă E f f e c t a n d J e t F l o w a f 1 6

Allows students to investigate the Coandă effect anda fluidic flip-flop.

This module consists of a smooth rectangular bend with tenstatic tapping points on both the inner and outer curvedwalls, plus a further nine along the radius.

• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31

• Multi-tube Manometer (AF10a) 38

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


• One of a series of eight experiment modulesthat fit to the Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10)

• Shows the pressure distribution in a smoothrectangular bend as an example of internalflow problems

• Quick-release couplings for rapid andreliable pressure measurement connectionto the AF10a Manometer

• Highly visual plot of the pressure profile onthe manometer

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Pressure distribution along the curved inner and

outer walls• Radial pressure distribution and comparison with

that predicted assuming free vortex velocitydistribution

• Calculation of loss coefficient (K)

This module consists of an aerodynamically shaped nozzlefrom which a jet of air emerges. This flows against a wall towhich it attaches.

• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

• One of a series of eight experiment modulesthat fit to the Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10)

• Shows an example of how the phenomenaof fluid mechanics can be exploited toperform a useful task – a fluidic flip-flop

• Transparent fronted test duct with clearlyprinted scales allows the experiment to beclearly seen and components accuratelypositioned

• Effectively demonstrates the Coandă effect

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of the Coandă effect• Demonstration of the fluidic flip-flop

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F l o w V i s u a l i s at i o na f 1 7

Allows students to “see” the air flows aroundvarious shapes by using smoke filaments.

This module consists of a specially shaped duct which has alarge working section with transparent window. The inlet ofthe duct is attached to the Air Flow Bench plenum chamberusing quick-release clamps; the outlet is located into thebench exhaust.

• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31

• Flow Visualisation Wind Tunnel (AF80) 55

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

• One of a series of eight experiment modulesthat fit to the Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10)

• Includes a set of differently shaped two-dimensional models

• Transparent fronted test duct, with clearlyprinted angular scale, allows the models tobe clearly seen and accurately positioned

• Comes complete with ducting to allow thesmoke to be easily and safely drawn awayby the Modular Air Flow Bench

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of the flow patterns round a cylinder,

flat plate, aerofoil and a sharp-edged orifice/slit

T ra i n i n g Ava i lab l e O n - S i t e o r at T e c Q u i p m e n t H eadquar t e r sComprehensive equipment training is available from TecQuipment’s team of specialist engineers.

Topics include:

• Operation• Safety • Maintenance• Introductory experimentation

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Ta p p e d A e r o f o i la f 1 8

Allows students to investigate the pressuredistribution around a two-dimensional aerofoil.

m u lt i -t ube m a n o m e t e ra f 1 0 a

A multi-tube inclinable manometer for use withthe Modular Air Flow Bench.

This module consists of a duct with transparent front andrear, between which is mounted a symmetrical aerofoil witha NACA profile. The aerofoil has 12 tapping points at variouschordwise positions on its surface, allowing the pressure tobe measured at that point. The tapping points arepermanently connected to a manifold mounted on the ductshowing the tapping position and number for easyreference.

• One of a series of eight experimentmodules that fit to the Modular Air FlowBench (AF10)

• Provides both a visual and analyticalexperience for students as the manometerreadings clearly show both the pattern andmagnitude of the pressure distribution

• Serves as a useful companion experimentto the Drag Force Apparatus (AF12)

• Transparent front and rear to the test ductwith a printed scale allows the experimentto be clearly seen and allows the aerofoilangle to be accurately set

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• The visualisation and measurement of the pressure

distribution around an aerofoil section• Lift characteristics and stall angle of an aerofoil

The multi-tube manometer is an ancillary to the AF10 basemodule and its experiment modules. It fits on or near to theAF10 and connects to pressure tappings on the optionalexperiment modules. Some experiment modules may onlyhave two or three pressure tappings but others use up to 12tappings. This makes the multi-tube manometer essential tosee all the pressures at the same time.

• Uses water for safety and simplicity

• Inclinable for increased sensitivity

• Adjustable height datum and levelling feet

• Includes non-toxic coloured dye to seewater levels clearly

• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31• Bernoulli’s Equation (AF11) 32• Drag Force (AF12) 33• Round Turbulent Jet (AF13) 34• Boundary Layer (AF14) 35• Flow Around a Bend (AF15) 36• Tapped Aerofoil (AF18) 38


• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31

• Multi-tube Manometer (AF10a) 38

• NACA 0012 Aerofoil with Tappings (AF1300b) 43

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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• Selection of models included for studies ofdrag and pressure profiles

• Efficient and compact where laboratoryspace is at a premium

• Two-component balance with digitaldisplay for lift and drag measurement

• Compact, open-circuit suction design

• Transparent working section for a full viewof the test area

• Electronic controller for variable air velocity

be n c h -t o p S ubs o n i c W i n d T u n n e la f 1 1 2 5

An ultra-compact, open-circuit bench-top subsonic wind tunnel that offers a complete system ready foraerodynamic experimentation – suitable for college use, undergraduate study and research projects.

Air enters the tunnel through an aerodynamically designedeffuser (inlet cone) and honeycomb flow straightener thataccelerate the air linearly. It then enters the workingsection and passes through a grille before moving througha diffuser and then to a variable-speed fan. The grilleprotects the fan from damage by loose objects. The airleaves the fan, passes up through a silencer unit and thenback out to atmosphere.

E X P E R I M E N T M O D E L S I N C L U D E D :• Drag models• Cylinder with pressure tapping• NACA0020 aerofoil

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :A wide variety of subsonic aerodynamics experiments,including:• Flow past bluff and streamlined bodies• Pressure distribution around a cylinder• Lift and drag forces

• Smoke Generator (AFA11) 51

• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S) 47• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S) 49• Flight Demonstration Wind Tunnel (AF41) 53• Flow Visualisation Wind Tunnel (AF80) 55• Supersonic Wind Tunnel – Intermittent (AF300) 59• Supersonic Wind Tunnel – Continuous (AF302) 61

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


L i f t a n d D r a g B a l a n c e ( i n c l u d e d )

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M i lt o n K e y n e s c o l l e g e ta k e so f f w i t h A F 1 3 0 0 w i n d t u n n e lThe electronic and aeronautical test facility at Milton Keynes College in the UK recently purchased an AF1300Subsonic Wind Tunnel for teaching Level 3 Aeronautical Engineering BTEC Diploma students, which is used ona regular basis as part of the course.

A d d r e s s i n g t h e A e r o n a u t i c a l E n g i n e e r i n gS k i l l s S h o r ta g eIn response to the world skills shortage of aeronauticalengineers, in 2016 Milton Keynes College began a dedicatedAeronautical Engineering BTEC. This course, headed up bySean Hainsworth, former RAF aerospace engineer, first beganas a trial. Following the course’s success, Milton Keynes Collegehad a full cohort of 40 applicants starting in September 2018.

W i n d T u n n e l i n t h e S y l l a b u sStudents are required to complete projects that involve thedesign, manufacture and test of aerofoils throughout the year.As part of the course, students have a project to design andbuild three types of aerofoil, testing with three angles in thewind tunnel (0 degrees, 5 degrees and the critical 15-degreestall angle) and then applying three different equations (lift,drag and wind speed).

P e a r s o n B T E C L e v e l 3 D i p l o m a i n A e r o n a u t i c a lE n g i n e e r i n gThe AF1300 Subsonic Wind Tunnel is used as a standard pieceof equipment in specialist aeronautical engineering facilitiesacross the globe. For the Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma inAeronautical Engineering, the equipment is utilised for thefollowing units:

• Unit 5: Mechanical Principles and Applications

• Unit 48: Theory of Flight

• Unit 68: Principles and Applications of Aircraft MechanicalScience

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S ubs o n i c W i n d T u n n e l 3 0 0 m ma f 1 3 0 0

A compact, free-standing open-circuit suction subsonic wind tunnel with a working section of 300 mmby 300 mm and 600 mm long, allowing students to perform advanced study such as analysingboundary layers, performing flow visualisation and observing velocity in the wake, offering extensiveteaching and research functionality.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

Essential Base Unit


instrumentationExperiment models

M o d e l c a r i n t h e s ubs o n i c w i n d t u n n e l

• Safe, compact, open-circuit suction windtunnel – a cost effective solution whencompared to full-sale wind tunnels

• Additional models and instrumentsavailable to extend the range ofexperiments

• Wind tunnel controls mount on a separate,free-standing instrument frame for easeof use

• Also available as a starter set (seeopposite)

“We recently purchased a wind tunnel for thetraining of our aeronautical engineering studentsfrom TecQuipment. The product was easy to set-up, straightforward to operate and I am confidentwill continue to be used for many years to come.The service and training that TecQuipmentprovides makes them a pleasure to work with.”

S e a n H a i n s w o r t hM i lt o n K e y n e s C o l l e g e

c o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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Air enters the tunnel through an aerodynamically designedeffuser (cone) that accelerates the air linearly. It then entersthe working section and passes through a grille beforemoving through a diffuser and then to a variable-speedaxial fan. The grille protects the fan from damage by looseobjects. The air leaves the fan, passes through a silencerunit and then back out to the atmosphere.

• Cylinder Model with Tapping (AF1300a) 43• NACA 0012 Aerofoil with Tappings (AF1300b) 43• NACA 2412 Aerofoil with Flap (AF1300c) 43• Set of Two NACA 0012 Aerofoils (AF1300d) 43• Flat Plate Drag Model (AF1300e) 43• Boundary Layer Model (AF1300f) 43• Aircraft Model - Low Wing (AF1300g) 43• Aircraft Model - High Wing (AF1300h) 43• Three-dimensional Drag Models (AF1300j) 43• S1210 Aerofoil (AF1300l) 43

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d e l s :

• Differential Pressure Transducer (AFA5) 44• Basic Lift and Drag Balance (AF1300Z) 44• Three-Component Balance (AF1300T) 45• Angle Feedback Unit (AFA4) 45• Smoke Generator (AFA10) 45• Multi-Tube Manometer (AFA1) 51• 32-Way Pressure Display Unit (AFA6) 52• Pitot Static Traverse (300 mm) (AFA7) 52• Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS-F) 299

• Bench-Top Wind Tunnel (AF1125) 39• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S) 47• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S) 49• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31• Flight Demonstration Wind Tunnel (AF41) 53• Flow Visualisation Wind Tunnel (AF80) 55• Supersonic Wind Tunnel – Intermittent (AF300) 59• Supersonic Wind Tunnel – Continuous (AF302) 61

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

r e c o m m e n d e d i n s t r u m e n tat i o n :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :TecQuipment can also supply optional models and instruments to extend experiments, giving:• Flow past bluff and streamlined bodies with pressure and velocity observations in the wake• Investigations into boundary layer development• Influence of aspect ratio on aerofoil performance• Performance of an aerofoil with flap, influence of flap angle on lift, drag and stall• Pressure distribution around a cylinder under sub and super-critical flow conditions• Study of characteristics of models involving basic measurement of lift and drag forces• Study of the characteristics of three-dimensional aerofoils involving measurement of lift, drag and pitching moment• Study of the pressure distribution around an aerofoil model to derive the lift and comparison with direct measurements

of lift• Flow visualisation

s ta r t e r s e t A F 1 3 0 0 SIncluded with the wind tunnel in this starter set are:• Basic Lift and Drag Balance (AF1300z)• Set of Three-dimensional Drag Models (AF1300j)

s ubs o n i c w i n d t u n n e l ( A F 1 3 0 0 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

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c o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

S u b s o n i c W i n d T u n n e l ( A F 1 3 0 0 ) E x p e r i m e n t m o d e l s

• Simple and quick to set-up and use

• Some models include pressure tappings forpressure distribution experiments

• All models work with the other optionalinstruments for the AF1300 Subsonic WindTunnel

C y l i n d e r M o d e l w i t h p r e s s u r e ta p p i n g A F 1 3 0 0 aA cylinder model with a singlepressure tapping point. Themodel spans the fullwidth of the workingsection of the windtunnel.

N A C A 0 0 1 2 A E R O F O I L M O D E L W I T H TA P P I N G SA F 1 3 0 0 BThe aerofoilhas 20 staticpressuretappingsalong itschord onthe upperand lowersurfaces. They eachconnect to tubes that pass through the aerofoil and thenout to clear, numbered, flexible tubes.

1 5 0 m m c h o r d N A C A 2 4 1 2 a e r o f o i l w i t hVa r i a b l e F l a p A F 1 3 0 0 CAn unsymmetrical section(cambered) aerofoil withadjustable flap. Theadjustable flap allowsstudents to study theeffects of controlsurfaces such as flaps,ailerons, elevator orrudder.

1 5 0 m m C h o r d N A C A 0 0 1 2 A e r o f o i l s A F 1 3 0 0 DA set of twoaerofoils. Oneaerofoil has aspan thatextends thefull width ofthe workingsection of the wind tunnel. This model has thecharacteristics of a two-dimensional aerofoil. The otheraerofoil has a span that extends for half of the workingsection of the wind tunnel. This model has thecharacteristics of a three-dimensional aerofoil.

1 0 0 m m D i a m e t e r F l at P l at e A F 1 3 0 0 EThis model showsthe flow around abluff body mountednormal to the airflow direction, andthe drag force exerted on it.

F l at P l at e B o u n d a r y L ay e r M o d e l A F 1 3 0 0 f

Demonstrates boundary layer development andseparation. The model is a flat plate that spans the fullwidth of the wind tunnel working section. It hasaerodynamically shaped blocks mounted across the plateat different distances from the leading edge.

A i r c r a f t M o d e l –L o w W i n g A F 1 3 0 0 gA i r c r a f t M o d e l –H i g h W i n g A F 1 3 0 0 hModel aircraft withNACA profile wings. Onehas a low wing position(bottom of the fuselage),the other has a highwing position (above the fuselage).

T H R E E - D I M E N S I O N A L D R A G M O D E L S A F 1 3 0 0 JA set of five different shaped models with identical frontalarea to allow students to compare the different coefficientof drag for each shape. Includes a dummy stem for tests tocancel out the drag due to each model’s support arm.

S 1 2 1 0 A e r o f o i l A F 1 3 0 0 LAn unsymmetrical aerofoil thatspans the full width of theworking section of the windtunnel, for two-dimensionalexperiments.

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• A two-component balance to measure thelift and drag forces on models mounted inthe AF1300 Subsonic Wind Tunnel

• Transmits the force on the model directly toa strain-gauged load cell with digitaldisplay

The balance mechanism enables test models with a rigidsupport arm to be mounted and held securely in position inthe working section of the wind tunnel. The arm transmitsthe force on the test model directly to a strain gauged loadcell. The load cell is connected to a readout unit with adigital display, which is powered by a desktop power supply(included).

• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Cylinder Model with Pressure tapping (AF1300a) 43• 150 mm Chord NACA0012 Aerofoils (AF1300d) 43• 100 mm Diameter Flat Plate (AF1300e) 43• Three-dimensional Drag Models (AF1300j) 43• S1210 Aerofoil (AF1300l) 43


B a s i c L i f t a n d D r a g B a l a n c e A F 1 3 0 0 zMeasures lift and drag forces on models mounted in theAF1300 Subsonic Wind Tunnel.

S h o w n f i t t e d w i t ht h e p r o t r a c t o rf r o m t h e A F 1 3 0 0W i n d T u n n e l

s ubs o n i c w i n d t u n n e l ( A F 1 3 0 0 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

S u b s o n i c w i n d t u n n e l ( A F 1 3 0 0 ) i n s t r u m e n t s

D i f f e r e n t i a l P r e s s u r e T r a n s d u c e r A FA 5Digital differential pressure measurement anddisplay unit for use with the AF1300 SubsonicWind Tunnel.

• Measures and displays differentialpressures from models, Pitot static tubesand other devices

• Quicker, easier and more versatile thanusing liquid manometers

• Measures differential pressures or pressurewith respect to atmosphere

The Differential Pressure Transducer and readout measuresand displays pressures in Pitot static tubes and otherpressure-sensing devices fitted to the AF1300 SubsonicWind Tunnel, with respect to the atmosphere or differentialpressures.

• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Cylinder Model (AF1300a) 43• NACA 0012 Aerofoil Model with Tappings (AF1300b) 43• 150 mm Chord NACA2412 Aerofoil with 43

Variable Flap (AF1300c)• Set of 2 NACA 0012 Aerofoils (AF1300d) 43• Flat Plate Drag Model (AF1300e) 43• Boundary Layer Model (AF1300f) 43• Aircraft Model-Low Wing (AF1300g) 43• Aircraft Model-High Wing (AF1300h) 43• Three Dimensional Drag Models (AF1300j) 43• S1210 Aerofoil (AF1300l) 43

• Multi-Tube Manometer (AFA1) 51• 32-Way Pressure Display Unit (AFA6) 52

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


• Three-Component Balance (AF1300t) 45

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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c o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

T h r e e - C o m p o n e n t B a l a n c e A F 1 3 0 0 tMeasures lift, drag and pitching moment of modelsin the AF1300 Subsonic Wind Tunnel.

• Provides a convenient support system formodels to measure the lift, drag andpitching moment

• Digital display shows lift, drag and pitchingmoment directly

• Fully adjustable for varying the angle ofincidence to the direction of air flow

The Three-Component Balance provides an easy-to-usesupport system for wind tunnel models. It measures lift,drag and pitching moment exerted on the model.

• Balance Angle Feedback Unit (AFA4) 45

• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Cylinder Model with Pressure Tapping (AF1300a) 43• 150 mm Chord NACA0012 Aerofoils (AF1300b) 43• 150 mm Chord NACA2412 Aerofoil with Variable 42

Flap (AF1300c)• 100 mm Diameter Flat Plate (AF1300e) 43• Aircraft Model - Low Wing (AF1300g) 43• Aircraft Model - High Wing (AF1300h) 43• Three-dimensional Drag Models (AF1300j) 43



• Basic Lift and Drag Balance (AF1300z) 44

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S m o k e G e n e r at o r A FA1 0Allows the observation of air flow in subsonicwind tunnels and other air flow situations.

A smoke generator and probe that allows students to seeair flow in subsonic wind tunnels and other low flow rate airflow products.

• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Flight Demonstration Wind Tunnel (AF41) 53

• Flow Visualisation (AF17) 37• Flow Visualisation Wind Tunnel (AF80) 55


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

b a l a n c e a n g l e f e e d b a c k u n i t A FA 4Measures the angle positions of modelsmounted on the Three-Component Blance(AF1300T) and feeds the information directly tothe Versatile Data Acquisitin System (VDAS®)

The Balance AngleFeedback Unit is an ancillaryfor use with TecQuipment’sThree-Component Balanceand VDAS® together tomeasure and record theangluar position of modelsmounted on the balance inTecQupment’s subsonicwind tunnels.

• Three-Component Balance (AF1300t) 45


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s ubs o n i c w i n d t u n n e l ( A F 1 3 0 0 ) I n s t r u m e n t s C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

It is possible to complete all AF1300 experimentswithout using VDAS®. However, there is aminimum additional instrumentation requirementfor some experiments.All TecQuipment electronic instruments, e.g. the32-Way Pressure Display Unit (AFA6), have visualdisplays from which data can be transcribed. Other instruments, e.g. the Multi-tube Manometer(AFA1), are read manually and the datatranscribed.N o t e : The AF1300 is supplied with a standard Pitottube, a Pitot static tube and a manometer (builtinto the control panel). Some or all of theseinstruments will be required, in addition to theoptional instruments listed here, to complete theexperiments.

M i n i m u m i n s t r u m e n tat i o n r e q u i r e d i f n o t u s i n g v d a s ®

This table shows the minimum additionalinstrumentation required if choosing not touse TecQuipment’s VDAS®.N o t e : When using AF1300 without VDAS® alldata recording must be done manually.





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Cylinder Model (AF1300a) üSet of Two NACA 0012 Aerofoils (AF1300d) üFlat Plate Drag Model (AF1300e) üThree-dimensional Drag Models (AF1300j) üS1210 Aerofoil (AF1300l) üNACA 0012 Aerofoil with Tappings (AF1300b) üBoundary Layer Model (AF1300f) üNACA 2412 Aerofoil with Flap (AF1300c) üAircraft Model - Low Wing (AF1300g) üAircraft Model - High Wing (AF1300h) ü

M i n i m u m i n s t r u m e n tat i o n r e q u i r e d i f u s i n g v d a s ®

This table shows the additionalinstrumentation required if using VDAS®,making the most of its data collectingabilities.N o t e : When using VDAS® with the AF1300,data recording is quickly and accuratelyachieved directly onto a suitable computer. The data can then be downloaded into asuitable software package for furtherevaluation and presentation if required.



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Cylinder Model (AF1300a) 2 ü üSet of Two NACA 0012 Aerofoils (AF1300d) 2 ü üFlat Plate Drag Model (AF1300e) 2 ü üThree-dimensional Drag Models (AF1300j) 2 ü üS1210 Aerofoil (AF1300l) 2 ü üNACA 0012 Aerofoil with Tappings (AF1300b) 2 ü üBoundary Layer Model (AF1300f) ü üNACA 2412 Aerofoil with Flap (AF1300c) 2 ü üAircraft Model - Low Wing (AF1300g) ü ü üAircraft Model - High Wing (AF1300h) ü ü ü

S m o k e t r a i l a r o u n d t h e L o w W i n g A i r c r a f t M o d e l

M i n i m u m i n s t r u m e n t s r e q u i r e d

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :A wide variety of subsonic aerodynamics experiments (some need ancillaries), including:• Flow past bluff and streamlined bodies with pressure and velocity observations in the wake• Investigations into boundary layer development• Influence of aspect ratio on aerofoil performance• Performance of an aerofoil with flap, influence of flap angle on lift, drag and stall• Pressure distribution around a cylinder under sub and super-critical flow conditions• Study of characteristics of models involving basic measurement of lift and drag forces• Study of the characteristics of three-dimensional aerofoils involving measurements of lift, drag and pitching moment• Study of the pressure distribution around an aerofoil model to derive the lift, and comparison with direct measurements of

lift• Drag force on a bluff body normal to air flow• Flow visualisation

S ubs o n i c W i n d T u n n e l 4 5 0 m m a f 1 4 5 0 S

A sizable open-circuit suction subsonic wind tunnel with a working section of 450 mm by 450 mm and1000 mm length. It provides a cost-effective balance between being able to carry out advancedaerodynamics study, while being less bulky than the AF1600.

• Cost-effective solution when compared tofull-scale wind tunnels or airbornelaboratories

• Operates at meaningful Reynolds numbers

• Safe, open-circuit suction design

• Package includes an aerofoil with tappings,a three-component balance, anglefeedback, dual differential pressure display,a 32-way pressure display unit, 2 x Pitotstatic traverse, protractor, model holder anddata acquisition (VDAS-F)

• Controls and instrumentation convenientlymount on a separate, free-standing frame

Air passes into the wind tunnel through a honeycomb flowstraightener and a grille. It then passes into anaerodynamically designed effuser (cone) that acceleratesthe air in a linear manner before it moves through theworking section. Finally, it passes through a diffuser, theninto the variable speed axial fan. The grille protects the fanfrom damage by loose objects. The air leaves the fan,passes through a silencer unit and then back out toatmosphere.

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I n c l u d e d w i t h t h e w i n d t u n n e l :T h r e e - C o m p o n e n t B a l a n c e A F 1 4 5 0 TThe Three-Component Balance measures lift, drag andpitching moment exerted on the model. Includes a balanceangle feedback unit which measures the angular position ofmodels mounted on the balance in the wind tunnel andfeeds the information directly to VDAS®.

N A C A 0 0 1 2 A e r o f o i l w i t h Ta p p i n g s A F 1 4 5 0 BA 150 mm chord 450mm spanNACA0012aerofoilwithpressuretappings.

D u a l d i f f e r e n t i a l P r e s s u r eD i s p l ay d p 6Measures and displays pressures in Pitotstatic tubes and other pressure-sensingdevices fitted to the wind tunnel, withrespect to the atmosphere or differentialpressures.

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3 2 -Way P r e s s u r e D i s p l ayU n i t A FA 6Measures and displays up to 32different pressures frommodels, Pitot static tubes andother measuring instrumentsfitted to the wind tunnel –S e e pa g e 5 1 .

P i t o t S tat i c T r av e r s e x 2 A FA7Two traversing Pitot static tubes with electronic positionmeasurement for use with TecQuipment’s Subsonic WindTunnels – S e e pa g e 5 1 .

P r o t r a c t o rFor assisting with setting up modelsand rotating them during experiments.

M o d e l h o l d e rTo hold models when the three-component balance is not used. Alsofor use with the user’s own models.

V e r s at i l e D ata A c q u i s i t i o n S y s t e m V D A S - FA frame-mountingversatile dataacquisitionsystem(VDAS®) toallowcomputer-based datacapture –S e e pa g e 2 9 9 .

s h o w n f i t t e d w i t ht h e ba l a n c e a n g l ef e e dba c k u n i t( i n c l u d e d )

s ubs o n i c w i n d t u n n e l ( A F 1 4 5 0 S ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

• Multi-Tube manometer (AFA1) 51• Smoke Generator (AFA11) 51

• Cylinder Model with Tapping (AF1450a)• NACA 2412 Aerofoil with Flap (AF1450c)• Set of 2 NACA 0012 Aerofoils (AF1450d)• Flat Plate Drag Model (AF1450e)• Boundary Layer (AF1450f)• Aircraft Model – Low Wing (AF1450g)• Aircraft Model – High Wing (AF1450h)• Three-Dimensional Drag Models (AF1450j)• Two Vehicle Drag Models (AF1450k)• S1210 Aerofoil Model (AF1450l)


ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d e l s :

• Bench-Top Wind Tunnel (AF1125) 39• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S) 49• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31• Flight Demonstration Wind Tunnel (AF41) 53• Flow Visualisation Wind Tunnel (AF80) 55• Supersonic Wind Tunnel – Intermittent (AF300) 59• Supersonic Wind Tunnel – Continuous (AF302) 61

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :AF1600S is designed to be flexible and utilised for a variety of possible experiments designed by our customers. Typical examples include:• Flow past bluff and streamlined bodies with pressure and velocity observations in the wake• Investigations into boundary layer development• Influence of aspect ratio on aerofoil performance• Pressure distribution around a cylinder under sub and super-critical flow conditions• Study of characteristics of models involving basic measurement of lift and drag forces• Study of the characteristics of three-dimensional aerofoils involving measurements of lift, drag and pitching moment• Study of the pressure distribution around an aerofoil model to derive the lift, and comparison with direct measurements

of lift• Drag force on a bluff body normal to an air flow• Flow visualisation

• A cost effective solution when compared tofull-scale wind tunnels or airbornelaboratories

• Operates at meaningful Reynolds numbers

• Safe, open-circuit suction design

• Package includes three-componentbalance, angle feedback unit, dualdifferential pressure display, 32-waypressure display unit, Pitot static traverse,X/Y Pitot static traverse, protractor, modelholder and data acquisition (VDAS-F)

• High levels of safety

Air passes into the AF1600 through a honeycomb flowstraightener and a grille. It then passes into anaerodynamically designed effuser (cone) that acceleratesthe air in a linear manner, before it moves through theworking section. Finally, it passes through a diffuser, theninto the variable-speed axial fan. The grille protects the fanfrom damage by loose objects. The air leaves the fan,passes through a silencer unit and then back out toatmosphere.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

S ubs o n i c W i n d T u n n e l 6 0 0 m m a f 1 6 0 0 S

TecQuipment’s largest open-circuit subsonic wind tunnel, with a working section of 600 mm by 600 mmand 1250 mm long, is for the study of advanced aerodynamics theory and research. With the larger sizecomes greater visualisation and more accurate results, operating at meaningful Reynolds numbers.

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P i t o t S tat i c T r av e r s e A FA7A traversing Pitot static tube with electronic positionmeasurement – S e e pa g e 5 0 .

P i t o t s tat i c x / y t r av e r s e A F 1 6 0 0 x yA traversing Pitot static tube with electronic position measurements for both the x and y planes.

P r o t r a c t o rFor assisting with setting up modelsand rotating them during experiments.

M o d e l h o l d e rTo hold models when the three-component balance is not used. Alsofor use with the user’s own models.

V e r s at i l e D ata A c q u i s i t i o n S y s t e m V D A S - FA frame mounting versatile data acquisition system (VDAS®)to allow computer-based data capture – S e e pa g e 2 9 9 .

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• Bench-Top Wind Tunnel (AF1125) 39• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S) 47• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31• Flight Demonstration Wind Tunnel (AF41) 53• Flow Visualisation Wind Tunnel (AF80) 55• Supersonic Wind Tunnel – Intermittent (AF300) 59• Supersonic Wind Tunnel – Continuous (AF302) 61

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

I n c l u d e d w i t h t h e w i n d t u n n e l :T h r e e - C o m p o n e n t B a l a n c e A F 1 6 0 0 TThe Three-Component Balance measures lift, drag andpitching moment exerted on the model. It includes abalance angle feedback unitwhich measures the angularposition ofmodelsmountedon thebalance inthe windtunnel andfeeds theinformationdirectly toVDAS®.

D u a l d i f f e r e n t i a l P r e s s u r eD i s p l ay D P 6Measures and displays pressureswith respect to the atmosphere ordifferential pressures.

3 2 -Way P r e s s u r e D i s p l ayU n i t A FA 6Measures and displays up to32 different pressures frommodels, Pitot static tubes andother measuring instrumentsfitted to the wind tunnel – S e e pa g e 5 2 .

s h o w n f i t t e d w i t h t h eba l a n c e a n g l e f e e dba c ku n i t ( i n c l u d e d )

s ubs o n i c w i n d t u n n e l ( A F 1 6 0 0 S ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

• Multi-tube Manometer (AFA1) 51• Smoke Generator (AFA11) 51

• Cylinder Model (AF1600a)• NACA 0012 Aerofoil with Tappings (AF1600b)• NACA 2412 Aerofoil with Flap (AF1600c)• Set of two NACA 0012 Aerofoils (AF1600d)• Aircraft Model – Low Wing (AF1600g)• Aircraft Model – High Wing (AF1600h)• Three-Dimensional Drag Models (AF1600j)


ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d e l s :

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S m o k e G e n e r at o rA FA 1 1

A smoke generator and probe which allows theobservation of air flow in subsonic wind tunnelsand other airflow situations.

A control unit that pumps oil to the tip of a probe. A low-voltage electrical coil at the probe tip heats the oil toproduce a fine smoke trail. The smoke moves into the airstream smoothly and steadily. Students can adjust thecontrols of the control unit to change the smoke strength tosuit the air flow conditions.

• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1125) 39• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S) 47• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S) 49


• Uses water as manometer fluid withcolouring for ease of visibility

• Easy-to-read scale common to eachmanometer tube

• Preset incline levels for consistency andaccuracy – up to five times magnification

• Pressure reading level preset by adjustablefluid reservoir – includes fine-adjustmenthand-wheel

For safety and convenience, the manometer uses water asthe manometer fluid. This is via an adjustable reservoir withfine-adjust hand-wheel held at the side of the equipment.Water colouring is included to aid visibility.

• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S) 47• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S) 49• NACA 0012 Aerofoil Model with Tappings (AF1300b) 43• NACA 0012 Aerofoil Model with Tappings (AF1450b) 43• Flat Plate Boundary Layer Model (AF1300f) 43• Flat Plate Boundary Layer Model (AF1450f) 43

AN C I L LAR Y F O R :• Different Pressure Transducer (AFA5) 44• Dual Differential Pressure Display (DP6) 48• 32-Way Pressure Display Unit (AFA6) 52

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S u b s o n i c W i n d T u n n e l ( A F 1 3 0 0 / A F 1 4 5 0 S / A F 1 6 0 0 s ) I n s t r u m e n t s a n d a c c e s s o r i e s

M u lt i -T ube M a n o m e t e rA FA 1

A tilting 36-tube manometer for use with the AF1300, AF1450 and AF1600 Subsonic Wind Tunnels, otherTecQuipment products, or as a general purpose instrument.

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RIES 3 2 -Way P r e s s u r e D i s p l ay U n i t

A FA 6

A 32-way pressure measurement and display unit foruse with TecQuipment’s Subsonic Wind Tunnels (AF1300,AF1450, AF1600).

• Measures and displays up to 32 differentialpressures from models, Pitot static tubesand other devices

• Quicker, easier and more versatile thanusing liquid manometers

• Measures pressures with respect toatmosphere

• Fully compatible with TecQuipment’sVersatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) toenable accurate real-time data capture,monitoring and display on a computer

The unit mounts onto the control and instrumentation frameof the wind tunnel. Connection to each of the 32 calibratedpressure transducers is via quick-release pressure inputsmounted on the front panel of the unit. This allows easy andquick connection between the unit and an experimentmounted in the wind tunnel. All pressures are measuredwith respect to atmosphere.

• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S) 47• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S) 49• NACA 0012 Aerofoil Model with Tappings (AF1300b) 43• NACA 0012 Aerofoil Model with Tappings (AF1450b) 43• Flat Plate Boundary Layer Model (AF1300f) 43• Flat Plate Boundary Layer Model (AF1450f) 43

• Multi-tube Manometer (AFA1) 51• Dual Differential Pressure Transducer (DP6) 48• Differential Pressure Transducer (AFA5) 44


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

• Mounts either upstream or downstream ofa test model to measure pressures acrossthe wake of a model

• Accurate digital display of position

• Zero facility allows the starting point of anexperiment to be set in any position

A Pitot static tube, its vertical position within the workingsection is displayed on a digital indicator that can be set tozero in any position. The signals from the indicator can beread directly or output to VDAS® for accurate, reliable datacapture.

P i t o t S tat i c T r av e r s e ( d i g i ta l )A FA7

A traversing Pitot static tubewith electronic positionmeasurement for use withTecQuipment’s Subsonic WindTunnels (AF1300 / AF1450S /AF1600).

• Subsonic Wind Tunnels 41/47/49(AF1300, AF1450, AF1600)

• Cylinder Model with Tappings 43/48(AF1300a, AF1450a)

• NACA 0012 Aerofoil With Tappings 43/48(AF1300b, AF1450b)

• NACA 2412 Aerofoil With Variable Flap 43/48(AF1300c, AF1450c)

• NACA 0012 Aerofoils (AF1300d, AF1450d) 43/48• Flat Plate Drag Model (AF1300e, AF1450e) 43/48• Aircraft Model - Low Wing (AF1300g, AF1450g) 43/48• Aircraft Model - High Wing (AF1300h, AF1450h) 43/48• Three-dimensional Drag Models 43/48

(AF1300j, AF1450j)• S1210 Aerofoil Model (AF1300l, AF1450l) 43/48


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F l i g h t D e m o n s t r at i o n W i n d T u n n e l a f 4 1

A model aircraft suspended in an open-circuit wind tunnel. Includes realistic flight controls to teach avariety of principles of aircraft flight.

• Simulates take-off, level flight, cruise andlanding

• Demonstrations include aerofoil lift, stall,longitudinal stability and transient motion

• Includes electronic display of air speed,attitude, altitude, pressure and lift

• Tufts on the wing clearly demonstrate thephenomenon of separation and stall

• Adjustable centre of gravity of the model

c o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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For classroom demonstrations and student investigationsinto the behaviour of fixed-wing aircraft and wingperformance during take-off, flight and landing. The apparatus is an open-circuit wind tunnel with a modelaircraft suspended in the working section. The model issupported by linkages that allow it to move vertically and topitch about the quarter chord point independently.

• Two-Pen Chart Recorder (AF41a) 54• Smoke Generator (AFA10) 45

• Modular Air Flow Bench (AF10) 31• Bench-Top Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1125) 39• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S) 47• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S) 49• Flow Visualisation Wind Tunnel (AF80) 55


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :A variety of practical demonstrations, ‘hands-on’ flightsimulations, and student investigations into thebehaviour of fixed-wing aircraft and wing performance,including:• Practical investigation of longitudinal stability and

control of the aircraft to demonstrate behaviourduring take-off, level flight and landing

• Determination of the effect of speed on attitude forlevel flight and stall

• Measurement of the lift curve for the wing up to andbeyond stall

• Students can adjust the centre of gravity of themodel to alter its trim. They can then plot trim curvesand determine the neutral point

W i t h T w o - P e n C h a r t R e c o r d e r ( A F 4 1 a , ava i l abl es e pa r at e ly ) : • Demonstration of phugoid motion in terms of

altitude• Short-period oscillation due to sudden disturbance

can be shown by the change of incidenceW i t h S m o k e G e n e r at o r ( A FA1 0 , ava i l abl e s e pa r at e ly ) : • Visualisation of flow patterns past the aircraft’s

aerofoil and tail plane

F l i g h t d e m o n s t r at i o n w i n d t u n n e l ( A F 4 1 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

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• High-quality, verticalwind tunnel thathelps studentsunderstand air flowaround differentshaped objects

• Ideal for small groupexperimentsor classroomdemonstrations

• Includes smokegenerator andlighting todemonstrate flow clearly

• Variable air speed

• Includes a set of models withadditional model set availableseparately

A variable-speed fan mounted on top of the wind tunnelproduces the air flow through the working section. Air flow isvertically upwards.

• Additional Model Set (AF80b), including:– Bend– Cascade corner– Plain corner– Heat exchanger tube bank

• Flow Visualisation (AF17) 37• Bench-Top Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1125) 39• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S) 47• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S) 49• Flight Demonstration Wind Tunnel (AF41) 53


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

P h o t o g r a p h o f t h e s m o k et r a i l s a r o u n d a h e m i s p h e r e

F l o w V i s u a l i s at i o n W i n d T u n n e la f 8 0

A vertical suction-type wind tunnel that uses smoke trails to demonstrate air flow around differentlyshaped models, for understanding boundary layers, separation and rotational flow.

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :When used with the optional models, the visualisationand demonstration of:• Boundary layers• Separation• Rotational flow

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A e r o s pa c e E q u i p m e n t f o rS o l i h u l l C o l l e g e

T u rbo j e t T r a i n e r u s e s K e r o s e n e t o r e p l i c at e t h e be h av i o u r o f a s i n g l e - s h a f tg a s t u rb i n e

• Effect on thrust generation by variation inrotational speed and propelling nozzlearea

• Isentropic, polytropic and mechanicalefficiencies of compressor, combustionchamber and turbine

• Pressure ratios of turbine, compressorand non-dimensional characteristics

• Combustion chamber pressure lossesand combustion efficiencies

• Specific fuel consumption, thermalefficiency, air standard cycle, work ratioand heat balance

Solihull College and UniversityCentre recently introduced anAerospace Engineering andMaintenance degree. A new facilitywas created, which required asubstantial investment in specialistaeronautical educationalequipment to teach everything fromthe basic theory of flight, looking atdrag and lift equations, through tomore advanced topics that look atboundary layers, pressuredistribution and wake investigations.This was part of a £2.5 million spendon the aviation and aeronauticalfacilities at the Woodlands Campusof Solihull College and UniversityCentre.

T e a c h i n g F u n d a m e n ta l s o f aJ e t E n g i n eFor teaching students how single-shaft gasturbines on aircraft work, the collegepurchased a Turbo Jet Trainer ( GT100).Powered by kerosene, students canaccurately replicate the behaviour of asingle-shaft gas turbine that would be usedin aircraft. The self-contained design allowsstudents to learn the following:

“After inviting companies to bid for the new equipment, we selected TecQuipmentbased on the premium specifications, competitive price, and reputation forquality of service supported by the excellent pre-sales experience,” commentedPaul Matthews, Senior Lecturer and Coordinator at Solihull College.

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F i r i n g u p t h e T u rbo j e t T r a i n e r

T h e o r y o f F l i g h tIn addition to the BSc degree course, Solihull College also offersan HNC in aircraft maintenance, and an HND. Salman Javed,Aerospace Lecturer at Solihull College, explained: “Rather thanthe BEng version of an aerospace engineering degree thatfocuses on the design of aircraft, the BSc is designed to bemore-hands on. This focus means that practical experimentsplay a greater role in the learning process.”The aerodynamics laboratory has an array of different piecesof apparatus for teaching all of these courses.

A e r o d y n a m i c s P r i n c i p l e sFor teaching the foundations of aerodynamics, Solihull Collegepurchased a Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300). This sits in themiddle of an extensive range of wind tunnels available fromTecQuipment. It is compact enough to be moved around onwheels, and yet has the functionality to allow students toperform experiments to understand the following:

• Investigations into boundary layer development• Influence of angle of attack on aerofoil performance• Flow past bluff and streamlined bodies with pressure and

velocity observations in the wake • Performance of an aerofoil with flap, influence of flap angle

on lift, drag and stall• Pressure distribution around a cylinder under sub and

super-critical flow conditions• Study of characteristics of models involving basic

measurement of lift and drag forces• Study of the characteristics of three-dimensional aerofoils

involving measurement of lift, drag and pitching moment• Study of the pressure distribution around an aerofoil model

to derive the lift and comparison with direct measurementsof lift

• Flow visualisation

A d va n c e d A e r o d y n a m i c T h e o r y w i t hS u p e r s o n i c S t u d i e sFor a more advanced understanding, the College added anIntermittent Supersonic Wind Tunnel (AF300) to theirlaboratory. At the easier end of advanced theory, students canlearn about nozzle pressure distribution, analyse Machnumbers and then use the Schleiren apparatus to measureand visualise pressure and shock waves on a model.TecQuipment offers two supersonic wind tunnel options: theintermittent and continuous supersonic wind tunnels. Forbudget, easy laboratory set-up and result accuracy reasons,Solihull College opted for the intermittent wind tunnel, whichstores compressed air in tanks - in this case a line of threetanks, which induces a flow in the working section of the windtunnel. This controlled air supply provides a more stable flow ofair, with filters and air dryers for accurate results that can becaptured in a 5-10 second window. Once the experiment hasrun, the air tanks will refill for 3-5 minutes and then be ready torun an experiment once more.The Schlieren apparatus allows students to see densitygradients as variations in intensity of illumination, see forthemselves supersonic air flow around models, plusshockwaves and expansions. A series of mirrors and lensesallow the student to see the results as they happen, while adigital camera records them for later reference. The recordingfunctionality is particularly useful when sharing the results witha group of students.

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L ava l N o z z l e F l o w A p pa r at u s a f 2 7

Demonstrates the thermodynamics and fluid mechanics of the adiabatic expansion of air throughsubsonic and supersonic nozzles.

• Connects to suitable laboratory compressedair supply or TecQuipment’s optionalCompressor (AF27a)

• Includes three interchangeable, profiledand polished brass nozzles: convergent,convergent-divergent and convergent-parallel

• Electronic instruments measure and displaymultiple pressures and temperatures at thesame time, for ease of use and forconnection to TecQuipment’s VDAS®

• Works with TecQuipment’s Versatile DataAcquisition System (VDAS®) for instantrecording of multiple readings andautomatic calculations

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• The relationship between pressure ratio and flow for

convergent and convergent/divergent Laval nozzles• The pressure profile in convergent/divergent nozzles

at various pressure ratios• Investigation of expansion with friction in a parallel

passage at high subsonic velocities• Boundary layer growth under subsonic and

supersonic conditions • The phenomenon of choked flow corresponding to

sonic velocity at a nozzle throat

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

A nozzle is fitted to the chest. Compressed air passesthrough the pressure regulator and an isolating valve. Itthen enters the pressure chest and passes vertically downthrough the nozzle, then through a precision downstreamvalve. The air flow then settles as it passes along ahorizontal pipe, through an orifice and out to atmosphere.

• Compressor (AF27a)

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Supersonic Wind Tunnel – Intermittent (AF300) 59• Supersonic Wind Tunnel – Continuous (AF302) 61

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :



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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Pressure distribution along a convergent/divergent

(Laval) nozzle with subsonic and supersonic air flow• Comparison of theoretical and actual pressure

distributions• Comparison of actual and theoretical area ratios of

a nozzle at supersonic air velocities (Mach numbers)• Pressures around a two-dimensional model in

subsonic and supersonic flow conditions, at differentangles of incidence

• Lift coefficients for aerodynamic models insupersonic flow

• Shock waves and expansion patterns around a two-dimensional model in supersonic flow conditions(when used with the optional Schlieren apparatus)

I n t e r m i t t e n t S u p e r s o n i c W i n d T u n n e l a f 3 0 0

Investigates subsonic and supersonic air flow, including flow around two-dimensional models.

• Laboratory-scale wind tunnel for subsonicand supersonic tests, nominally up toMach 1.8

• Supplied with aerodynamic models forsupersonic tests – includes model angle-feedback encoder

• Supplied with a set of different liners forcontrolled subsonic and supersonic air flow

• Induction flow for better air flow andaccurate results

S c r e e n s h o to f t h e V D A S ®s o f t wa r e

S h o w n w i t h t h eo p t i o n a l S c h l i e r e nA p pa r at u s ( A F 3 0 0 a )

c o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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• Schlieren Apparatus (AF300a) 60

• Bench-Top Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1125) 39• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S) 47• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S) 49• Laval Nozzle Flow Apparatus (AF27) 58• Continuous Supersonic Wind Tunnel (AF302) 61


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

s c h l i e r e n a p pa r at u s a f 3 0 0 a

Allows students to visualise density gradients as variations in intensity of illumination, when connectedto the AF300 Intermittent Supersonic Wind Tunnel.

A compressed air supply (AF300b, available separately)induces a flow in the working section of the wind tunnel.This gives a less turbulent and more stable flow foraccurate results and comparison with theory. The essentialcompressed air supply includes filters and air dryers to givethe dust-free and dry air source needed for good results.

• Air Compressor Receiver and Dryer (AF300b)• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299

Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)


• High-quality, laboratory-standard mirrorsand lenses for clear images withoutdistortion

• Shows supersonic air flow patternsaround models

• Shows shockwaves and expansions

• Includes digital imaging equipment andTV monitor

The focused light from the light source (and condenser lens)passes through the optical slit and is reflected at90 degrees to the first achromatic lens. The light passesthrough the working section of the wind tunnel, thenthrough the second achromatic lens. A second mirrorreflects the light at 90 degrees towards the Schlieren edge.The Schlieren edge enhances the light refracted image. Thesmall lens focuses this image onto the imaging screen.

Achromatic lenses are chosen because of their ability topass light without colour distortion, that would normally ruinthe Schlieren image.

• Intermittent Supersonic Wind Tunnel (AF300) 59


i n t e r m i t t e n t s u p e r s o n i c w i n d t u n n e l ( A F 3 0 0 ) c o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

I m a g e o f a i r f l o w pat t e r nr o u n d a 5 ° S i n g l e W e d g e m o d e l

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C o n t i n u o u s S u p e r s o n i c W i n d T u n n e la f 3 0 2

A suction-type, continuous-operation supersonic wind tunnel for investigations into subsonic andsupersonic air flow around two-dimensional models.

• A suction-type, continuous-operationsupersonic wind tunnel for investigationsinto two-dimensional air flow aroundmodels for nominal airspeeds up toMach 1.8

• Includes high-quality optical glass windowsin the working section, suitable for use withan optional Schlieren system

• Includes a selection of models for two-dimensional flow experiments and anencoder for feedback of model angle

• Supplied with a multi-pressure display unitand calibrated pressure sensors to showpressures relative to atmosphere

• Includes a vacuum pump with remotecontrol for ease of use

Va c u u m p u m p( s u p p l i e d )n o t s h o w no n i m a g e

S c r e e n s h o t o ft h e V D A S ®s o f t wa r e

An instrument frame (supplied) holds a remote-control unitthat controls a high-capacity vacuum pump (supplied). Thepump creates low pressure downstream of the workingsection to draw air into the wind tunnel. A bypass duct, witha hand-operated valve, allows the operator to reduce theair flow through the working section, without disturbing thequality of the main air flow. This is useful for startup andshutdown and for subsonic tests. The working section of the wind tunnel is a convergent-divergent nozzle with a removable top part (‘liner’). Theshape of the liner controls the maximum air velocity at thedivergent part of the working section. Included are threedifferent shaped liners.

c o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M6 2

• High-quality, laboratory-standard mirrorsand lenses for clear images withoutdistortion

• Shows supersonic air flow patterns aroundmodels

• Shows shockwaves and expansions

• Includes digital imaging equipment and TVmonitor

The focused light from the light source (and condenser lens)passes through the optical slit and is reflected at 90 degreesto the first achromatic lens. The light passes through theworking section of the wind tunnel, then through the secondachromatic lens. A second mirror reflects the light at 90degrees towards the Schlieren edge. The Schlieren edgeenhances the light refracted image. The small lens focusesthis image onto the imaging screen. Achromatic lenses arechosen because of their ability to pass light without colourdistortion, that would normally ruin the Schlieren image.

• Continuous Supersonic Wind Tunnel (AF302) 61


s c h l i e r e n a p pa r at u s a f 3 0 2 a

Allows students to visualise density gradients as variations inintensity of illumination, when used with the AF302 ContinuousSupersonic Wind Tunnel

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :• Pressure distribution along a convergent/divergent

(Laval) nozzle with subsonic and supersonic air flow• Comparison of theoretical and actual pressure

distributions• Comparison of actual and theoretical area ratios of

a nozzle at supersonic air velocities (Mach numbers)• Pressures around a two-dimensional model in

subsonic and supersonic flow conditions, at differentangles of incidence

• Lift coefficients for aerodynamic models insupersonic flow

• Shock waves and expansion patterns around a two-dimensional model in supersonic flow conditions(when used with the optional Schlieren apparatus)

5 d e g r e e s m a c h 1 - 8 a n d 5 d e g r e e w e d g e

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Schlieren Apparatus AF302a 62

• Bench-Top Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1125) 39• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S) 47• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S) 49• Laval Nozzle Flow Apparatus (AF27) 58• Intermittent Supersonic Wind Tunnel (AF300) 59

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :



c o n t i n u o u s s u p e r s o n i c w i n d t u n n e l ( A F 3 0 2 ) c o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

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Control Engineering

c o n t r o l e n g i n e e r i n gC o n t r o l E n g i n e e r i n g P r i n c i p l e s 6 5

“Our students are comfortable while using products from TecQuipment in labs. Highlyinnovative products by TecQuipment Ltd for engineering education are ideal for engineeringand technical education at all levels. Our students are regularly using this equipment formasters and doctoral research. The products are user-friendly and need minimum after-salesservice.

P r o f e s s o r R D M i s a lD e f e n c e I n s t i t u t e o f A d va n c e d T e c h n o l o g y, G i r i n a g a r , P u n e , I n d i a

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c o n t r o l e n g i n e e r i n gThe Control Engineering range focuses on the teaching ofspecific control principles relating to static and dynamicsystems, as well as naturally unstable, non-linear, multi-variable and oscillatory systems. The majority of the range can be connected toTecQuipment’s dedicated controllers with easy-to-usecontrol software. The simple, low-voltage connections allowsafe and quick experiment set-up.

A c a d e m i c a n d i n d u s t r i a l : Bench-top products foracademic teaching and industrial products for vocationaltraining.

c h o i c e : Start with a single control scenario and build up,or choose a more complete product to suit the budgetand needs.

s a f e a n d e a s y s e t- u p : Simple, low-voltage connectionsallow safe and quick experiment set up.

H a n d s - o n : Both the academic and industrial productsallow easy connection and adjustments, for a morepractical understanding.

k e y f eat u r e s an d b e n e f i t s :

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Control EngineeringControl Engineering Principles

C o n t r o l S o f t wa r ec e 2 0 0 0

Icon-based software that simulates control systems and works with TecQuipment’s Controller (CE120) orDigital Interface (CE122) to control and acquire data from TecQuipment’s Control Engineering range.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :S o f t wa r e o n ly:The user guide shows students how to use the softwareand how to build and test common control systems,such as:• Design and implementation of three-term controllers• Design of controllers and filtersS o f t wa r e a n d h a r d wa r e ( w h e n u s e d w i t h o t h e rp r o d u c t s f r o m t h e C E r a n g e ) :• Thermal control (CE103)• Level control (CE105/CE105MV)• Ball and beam control (CE106)• Engine speed control (CE107)• Coupled drives control (CE108)• Ball and hoop control (CE109)• Servo control (CE110)• Flow, level, pressure and temperature control (CE117)

The CE2000 is a powerful control software package withmany features. It is supplied as standard withTecQuipment’s Controller (CE120), Digital Interface (CE122)and Process Trainer (CE117). The software allows studentsand experienced control engineers to develop and test awide selection of controllers and filters.

• Software only – needs no extra circuitboards in the computer

• Includes a range of ready-made fuzzy logicand control blocks, such as proportional,integral and derivative blocks

• Collected data can be shown and printedas charts or exported for use in otherprograms

• Real-time display of variables by virtualmeters, virtual chart recorders or virtualoscilloscopes

• Easy-to-create control circuits made bylinking together drag-and-drop icons

• Users can create their own circuits and savethem, or use the ready-made circuitssupplied

T e c Q u i p m e n t n E W S L E T T E R S I G N - U PDon’t miss out on the latest new products, case studies, demo videos and blog posts. Sign up to the TecQuipment newsletter today.

T e c q u i p m e n t. c o m / s u b s c r i b e

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This compact unit has analogue electronic circuitsconnected in blocks. These blocks mimic the importantparts of industrial controllers. Clear diagrams on the frontpanel of the controller show the blocks, each of which hasits own set of connection sockets. The user connects theblocks in any way that they need and then connects them totheir chosen experiment module.

C o n t r o l l e rc e 1 2 0

A self-contained analogue and computer-based controller designed to supportpractical investigations into the basic andadvanced principles of control engineering at all academic levels.

Experiment modules(ce103, ce105–ce110)

Essential Base Unit (ce120)


• Thermal Control Process Apparatus (CE103) 68• Coupled Tanks Apparatus (CE105/CE105MV) 69• Ball and Beam Apparatus (CE106) 70• Engine Speed Control Apparatus (CE107) 71• Coupled Drives Apparatus (CE108) 73• Ball and Hoop Apparatus (CE109) 74• Servo Trainer (CE110) 75

• Process Trainer (CE117) 81

ava i lab l e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :


F E AT U R E S : BE N E F I T S :Controls and monitors signals to and from selectedControl Range experiment modules

Modular design saves space and reduces costs

Manual controls plus additional interface withanalogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogueconversion

Allows ‘hands-on’ control arrangements, pluscomputer control and data acquisition, with noneed to fit interface cards in the computer

Buffered, low-voltage connections Safe, even for inexperienced students, with minimalsupervision

Multiple summing junctions, proportional, integraland PID blocks

Allows many different control arrangements

Includes TecQuipment’s CE2000 Control Software Real-time control and data acquisition with morechoice of control arrangements

Standard 10 VDC signals May be used to control other suitable systems

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :When used with the experiment modules:• Temperature (thermal) control• Level control• Engine speed control• Servo control• Coupled drive control• Ball and beam control• Ball and hoop control

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Control EngineeringControl Engineering Principles

F E AT U R E S : BE N E F I T S :Connects between a computer and selectedControl Engineering range experiment modules forcontrol and monitoring of signals

No need to fit interface cards in your computer

Buffered, low-voltage connections Safe, even for inexperienced students, withminimal supervision

Fully digital with simple set-up Needs no adjustments and saves time

Includes TecQuipment’s CE2000 Control Software Real-time control and data acquisition withhundreds of different control arrangements

Standard 10 VDC signals May be used to control other suitable systems

D i g i ta l I n t e r fa c ec e 1 2 2

A self-contained, computer-based controller designed to support practical investigations, covering thebasic and advanced principles of control engineering at all academic levels.

The Digital Interface is an alternative to the CE120Controller, when the user only needs the interface part ofthe CE120. It converts analogue inputs from otherequipment into digital signals for a computer. It alsoconverts the digital signals from a computer into analoguesignals to control other equipment.

Experiment modules(ce103, ce105–ce110)

Essential Base Unit (ce122)


• Thermal Control Process Apparatus (CE103) 68• Coupled Tanks Apparatus (CE105/CE105MV) 69• Ball and Beam Apparatus (CE106) 70• Engine Speed Control Apparatus (CE107) 71• Coupled Drives Apparatus (CE108) 73• Ball and Hoop Apparatus (CE109) 74• Servo Trainer (CE110) 75


ava i lab l e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

h e r e t o h e l p y o uA team of specialist customer care personnel is available to answer a range of questions relating to technical details, spare parts and maintenance.

c u s t o m e r . car e@t e c q u i p m e n t. c o m

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The apparatus has a variable-speed fan that forces airthrough a duct. In the duct is an electrically-heated processblock. A balance of the heat gained from electrical heatingand heat lost by convection and conduction gives a steadytemperature at the block.Two temperature sensors measure the temperature of theblock. One sensor is in direct thermal contact with the block.The other sensor mounts on an insulating spacer tointroduce thermal inertia and variable-time constants intothe control loop. A servo-driven vane, mounted after the fanand the process block, creates a variable restrictiondownstream for more advanced experiments.

• Electrically-heated andair-cooled modelprocess that mimics areal industrial process

• Includes variablehysteresis for advancedprocess controlexperiments

• Temperature sensorswith different thermalcontact to the processgive variations inthermal inertia andtime constant

• All inputs and outputsbuffered for connectionto TecQuipment’soptional controllers orother suitablecontrollers

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Heat transfer• On/off control: experiment includes investigation of

overshoot and undershoot, on and off time ratio,rates of heating and cooling, offset and hysteresis

• Proportional, proportional + integral, or proportional+ integral + differential control

• Frequency response of model process• Thermal inertia and variable-time constants• Multi-variable control – up to three variables can be

monitored and individually controlled

T h e r m a l C o n t r o l P r o c e s s A p pa r at u sc e 1 0 3

A self-contained, bench-mounted temperature control apparatus that mimics common industrialprocesses, designed to allow students at all academic levels to investigate the basic and advancedprinciples of control.

• Controller (CE120) – A controller with analogue 66and digital controls and instruments o r

• Digital Interface (CE122) – An interface which 67connects between most products in the ControlEngineering range and a suitable computer (not included)

Both the CE120 and the CE122 include TecQuipment’sCE2000 Control Software (see page 65) with editable, pre-made control experiments for use with the CE103.

• Process Trainer (CE117) 81• Temperature Process Training System (TE3300/05) 85• Control and Instrumentation Study Station (TE37) 87

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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Control EngineeringControl Engineering Principles

Each tank has a level sensor that gives output signalsproportional to the water level in each tank. A scale oneach tank allows students to check the level-sensorcalibration. A variable-speed pump forces water into theleft-hand tank. A valve connects this tank to a second tank, ifneeded, for two-tank experiments. A rotameter-type flowmeter shows the flow rate. An electronic flow metermeasures the flow rate.

• Controller (CE120) – A controller with analogue 66and digital controls and instruments o r

• Digital Interface (CE122) – An interface which 67connects between most products in the ControlEngineering range and a suitable computer (not included)

Both the CE120 and the CE122 include TecQuipment’sCE2000 Control Software (see page 65) with editable, pre-made control experiments for use with the CE105/CE105MV.

• Process Trainer (CE117) 81• Level Process Training System (TE3300/04) 84• Control and Instrumentation Study Station (TE37) 87

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Calibration of transducer and actuator circuits • System dynamics in process systems• Design and operation of analogue controllers using

proportional, proportional + integral, or proportional+ integral + differential control

• Steady-state errors and closed-loop transientresponses

• Ziegler/Nichols controllers tuning rules• Multivariable control• Step-change tuning • State feedback• Flow control

C o u p l e d Ta n k s A p pa r at u sC E 1 0 5 / C E 1 0 5 M V

A self-contained, bench-mounted apparatus to demonstrate basic and advanced principles of controlof single and coupled tanks, including the study of static and dynamic systems.

• Option for second pump withsecond flow meter to allowmultivariable (MV) operation(CE105MV)

• Level control of one and twotanks

• All inputs and outputs bufferedfor connection to TecQuipment’soptional controllers or othersuitable controllers

• Includes rotameter-type flowmeter so students can see theflow rate

• Ideal for use with othercontrol strategies suchas fuzzy logic

M u lt i va r i abl e C o u p l e d Ta n k s A p pa r at u s( C E 1 0 5 M V )Based on the CE105 but features a second pump andflow metre for more advanced experiments on theprinciples of multivariable control.

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B a l l a n d B e a m A p pa r at u sc e 1 0 6

A self-contained, bench-mounted apparatus to demonstrate basic and advanced principles of controlin naturally unstable systems.

The apparatus has a steel ball which is free to roll on twoparallel tensioned wires positioned on a beam that pivots atits centre. A servo motor controls the beam angle andsensors measure the beam angle and ball position. Thebasic control problem is to vary the beam angle to controlthe ball position. The system is a double integrator, so it isnaturally unstable. It needs active feedback control usingphase-advance methods.

• Controller (CE120) – A controller with analogue 66and digital controls and instruments o r

• Digital Interface (CE122) – An interface which 67connects between most products in the ControlEngineering range and a suitable computer (not included)

Both the CE120 and the CE122 include TecQuipment’sCE2000 Control Software (see page 65) with editable, pre-made control experiments for use with the CE106.

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Measurement of system dynamics by transient and

closed-loop methods• Design of analogue phase-advance compensators• Design of state reconstructors to obtain estimates of

ball velocity and position

• Self-contained, compact and bench-mounted unit that mimics a real controlproblem in unstable systems, such asmissile or rocket take-off

• Highly visual apparatus, with moving balland front panel mimic diagram of theprocess – students can see what they arecontrolling

• All inputs and outputs buffered forconnection to TecQuipment’s optionalcontrollers or other suitable controllers

• For basic and advanced experiments withangle, velocity and position control

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Control EngineeringControl Engineering Principles

A scale-model engine, driven by compressed air (notsupplied) for safety. The basic purpose is to adjust amotorised valve to regulate the engine speed under load.A DC generator connects to the engine output and loadsthe engine.The engine dynamics are similar to those of a typicalignition compression engine coupled to a dynamometer-controlled test bed. It is an ideal physical model to helpengineering students at all academic levels to gaininvaluable practical experience.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• The use of dither signals in the compensation of

system non-linearities• The measurement of system dynamics from step

response information• Inner loop feedback compensation• P+I controller design

• Small-scale, compressed air-powered piston engine tomimic a full-size engine withrealistic results

• Demonstrates problems ofspeed control in non-linearsystems

• Front panel includes mimicdiagram of the process sostudents can clearly see whatthey are controlling

• For basic and advancedexperiments with speedcontrol and non-linearitycompensation

• All inputs and outputs bufferedfor connection toTecQuipment’s optional controllers or othersuitable controller

E n g i n e S p e e d C o n t r o l A p pa r at u sc e 1 0 7

A self-contained, bench-mounted apparatus to demonstrate basic and advanced principles ofengine speed control, including non-linear systems and inner-loop feedback techniques.

• Controller (CE120) – A controller with analogue 66and digital controls and instruments o r

• Digital Interface (CE122) – An interface which 67connects between most products in the ControlEngineering range and a suitable computer (not included)

Both the CE120 and the CE122 include TecQuipment’sCE2000 Control Software (see page 65) with editable, pre-made control experiments for use with the CE107.

• Compressor (CE1B) 303

• Optical Tachometer (OT1) 303• Stroboscope (ST1) 303

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:



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A l l p r o d u c t s a r e m a n u fa c t u r e d i n - h o u s e by a h i g h ly s k i l l e d w o r k f o r c e

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Control EngineeringControl Engineering Principles

The apparatus has two electric motors, coupled by acontinuous flexible belt. The belt also passes over aswinging arm wth a ‘jockey wheel’ that measures the beltspeed and tension. A manual control allows the user toadjust the spring tension at the swinging arm.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Independent control of speed and tension• Simultaneous control of speed and tension• Practical methods of controlling multi-variable

electro-mechanical systems

• Coupled drives demonstrate theproblems of speed and tensioncontrol

• Mimics many industrial andhousehold applications with realisticresults

• All inputs and outputs buffered forconnection to TecQuipment’soptional controllers or other suitablecontrollers

• Front panel includes a mimicdiagram of the process so thatstudents can see what they arecontrolling

• Controller (CE120) – A controller with analogue 66and digital controls and instruments o r

• Digital Interface (CE122) – An interface which 67connects between most products in the ControlEngineering range and a suitable computer (not included)

Both the CE120 and the CE122 include TecQuipment’sCE2000 Control Software (see page 65) with editable, pre-made control experiments for use with the CE108.

• Optical Tachometer (OT1) 303

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


C o u p l e d D r i v e s A p pa r at u sc e 1 0 8

Compact, bench-mounted apparatus designed to allow students at all academic levels to investigatebasic and advanced principles of control, including control of multi-variable systems.

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B a l l a n d H o o p A p pa r at u s c e 1 0 9

A self-contained, bench-mounted apparatus to demonstrate basic control of position or speed of a ballin a hoop, and more advanced studies of liquid slop.

The apparatus has a steel ball that rolls inside a hoop. Thehoop is free to rotate, but controlled by a servomotor.Transducers give outputs of the hoop and ball positions.When the hoop is under angular position control, the ballmoves like a cylindrical pendulum. This allows students touse it as a model for the study of liquid slop dynamics.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• The design and analysis of servo control systems for

position and velocity control• The analysis and modelling of liquid slop dynamics• The use of ‘pole zero’ in the analysis of control


• Demonstrates the problems ofspeed and position control ofa mobile body or liquid in acontainer

• Mimics industrial, aeronautical,fluid transport and pumpingsystem problems with realisticresults

• All inputs and outputs bufferedfor connection toTecQuipment’s optionalcontrollers or other suitablecontrollers

• Front panel includes a mimicdiagram of the process so thatstudents can see what theyare controlling

p r o d u c t d e v e l o p m e n tThe information contained in this publication has been carefully prepared and is correct at the time of printing. TecQuipment is, however, committed to a programme of continuous improvement; hence we reserve the right to alter the design and product specification without prior notice to ensure it continues to meet customer needs.

For the latest information on all our products please visit our website at: t e c q u i p m e n t. c o m

• Controller (CE120) – A controller with analogue 66and digital controls and instruments o r

• Digital Interface (CE122) – An interface which 67connects between most products in the ControlEngineering range and a suitable computer (not included)

Both the CE120 and the CE122 include TecQuipment’sCE2000 Control Software (see page 65) with editable, pre-made control experiments for use with the CE109.

• Optical Tachometer (OT1) 303• Oscilloscope (OS1) 303

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


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Control EngineeringControl Engineering Principles

• Demonstrates the problemsof speed and positioncontrol of a servomotorunder different loads

• Mimics industrial, transportand aeronautical problems- with realistic results

• All inputs and outputsbuffered for connection toTecQuipment’s optionalcontrollers or other suitablecontrollers

• Front panel includes amimic diagram of theprocess so that studentscan see what they arecontrolling

The CE110 has a DC servomotor, a DC generator and aflywheel mounted on a common shaft. Analogue 0 to ±10 Vcontrol signals vary the servomotor shaft speed in eitherdirection. An optical sensor measures the speed and showsit on a panel-mounted digital meter. The DC generatorstatically or dynamically loads the servomotor. An electricclutch connects or disconnects the shaft to a 30:1 reductiongearbox for position control studies. A manual controlallows the user to set a position control setpoint.

• Controller (CE120) – A controller with analogue 66and digital controls and instruments o r

• Digital Interface (CE122) – An interface which 67connects between most products in the ControlEngineering range and a suitable computer (not included)

Both the CE120 and the CE122 include TecQuipment’sCE2000 Control Software (see page 65) with editable, pre-made control experiments for use with the CE110.

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Basic tests and transducer calibration • Response calculation and measurement • Proportional and proportional plus integral control of

servo-system speed • Disturbance cancelling and feedforward control • Angular position control: proportional control and

velocity feedback• Angular position control and the influence of non-

linearities • Non-linear system characteristics

S e r v o T r a i n e r c e 1 1 0

A self-contained, bench-mounted DC servo apparatus to study basic control of speed of a servomotor,through to more advanced studies of non-linear effects of hysteresis, deadzone and saturation.

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T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M7 6

S h a r e Y o u r I n s ta l l – L abo r at o r i e sF r o m A r o u n d t h e Wo r l dAcademics and students from across the globe are proudly sharing their latest installationpictures on social media.

Following installation, Richard Filut and Kevin Staton fromTexas State Technical College in Abilene familise themselveswith their latest equipment - a transmission line simulator, adistribution trainer and a transformer trainer.

N e w Y o r k U n i v e r s i t y Abu D h ab i

Training on the large AF1600 subsonic wind tunnel at NewYork University in Abu Dhabi, following installation.

U n i v e r s i t y o f V i g o

The University of Vigo in Spain takes derlivery of a largeAF1600 wind tunnel.

H C T A l A i n

S h a r e Y o u r P i c t u r e s

T e x a s S tat e T e c h n i c a l C o l l e g e

Academics at the Higher Colleges of Technology in Al Ain,UAE undergo training on their latest intermittent supersonicwind tunnel and flight demonstration wind tunnel.

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Process Control Engineering

p r o c e s s c o n t r o l e n g i n e e r i n g

“Just wanted to say what a great guy Dave Giddings (TecQuipment’s ICT Manager) is. Thankyou for sending him. I was very impressed with his work ethic and expertise. Also, he is verygood interacting with the customer. You probably know all this already but I just wanted tosay it!

C a r y S t o v e rb u c k e y e e d u c at i o n a l s y s t e m s

e n g i n e e r i n gD i g i ta l C o n t r o l 7 9

P r o c e s s C o n t r o l 8 1

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p r o c e s s c o n t r o l e n g i n e e r i n gM a d e f o r a c a d e m i c a n d i n d u s t r i a l t r a i n i n gThe Process Control Engineering range extends frombench-top products, made for demonstrating controlprinciples, to equipment using industrial parts forvocational training.

A c a d e m i c a n d i n d u s t r i a l s o f t wa r eAll our Process Control products work with software. Most ofthe academic products work with TecQuipment’s ownCE2000 control software. The more industrial products workwith industrial process or PLC control software.

C o n n e c t i v i t yThe Process Training system (TE3300) can be usedindividually, to study control elements in isolation. They canalso be connected to other units in the system, to introducemore complexity and wider experimentation capability.

A c a d e m i c a n d i n d u s t r i a l : Bench-top products foracademic teaching and industrial products for vocationaltraining.

h a n d s o n : All the products allow easy connection andadjustments, for a more practical understanding ofprinciples.

i n d u s t r i a l c o m p o n e n t s : Realistic student experience,with the use of industry-standard instrumentation.

k e y f eat u r e s an d be n e f i t s :

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Process Control EngineeringDigital Control

P L C T r a i n e rc e 1 2 3

Uses an industry-standard PLC to control the PLC process using ladder logic programming running ona PC. For use with the PLC Process (CE111).

• Includes PLC software to program thecontroller, and ready-made programs tomatch experiments given in the user guide

• Introduces ladder logic programming

• Works with TecQuipment’s PLC Process(CE111) to show students how to control acommon industrial process, but in safeconditions

• Uses an industry-standard controller to givestudents realistic industrial experience

• Includes manual override switches tointroduce faults for fault-finding training

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Simple programming• Ladder logic operations• Timers, counters and monitoring• Editing and adding comments in a PLC program• Special ladder logic instructions

The PLC Trainer shows students how to use aprogrammable logic controller. It also works withTecQuipment’s PLC Process (CE111) to help students studyhow to use programmable logic controllers to control aprocess.

• PLC Process (CE111) 80

ava i lab l e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

Experiment module(ce111)

Essential Base Unit (ce123)


D o c u m e n t s I n c l u d e d – E v e r y t h i n g Y o u N e e dA comprehensive pack of documents is supplied with all experiments, including:

U s e r Man ual : How to use the product, along with instructions on experiment set-up and supporting enginering principles for guided learning. Pac k i n g c o n t e n t s l i s t: All the parts that make up the complete product. T e s t c e r t i f i cat e : Your peace of mind that the product has been thoroughly tested before dispatch.

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The apparatus has two transparent tanks, mounted oneabove the other. A variable-speed pump transfers waterfrom the reservoir (in the base of the unit) into the uppertank. The water can drain down to the lower tank and thenback into the reservoir. Solenoid valves may be individuallyopened or closed to control and redirect the movement ofthe water. The pump control is on or off , but a manualcontrol allows the user to set the speed. A float switch in thereservoir monitors the level of water.The object is to connect and program an externalprogrammable logic controller to monitor and control thelevel and flow rate of water in a two-tank system.

• PLC Trainer (CE123) 79

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

• Allows basic and advancedstudies of programmable logiccontrollers (PLCs) in industrialapplications

• Demonstrates control of liquidflow, volume and level in twotanks

• Includes a selection of fullycontrollable valves to give manydifferent liquid level and flowcontrol experiments, includingbatch processing

• Front panel includes mimicdiagram of the process sostudents can clearly see whatthey are controlling

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :When used with the CE123:• Basic programming of a PLC• Basic level control• Tank filling sequence• Simulated batch processing (sequencing)• Ladder logic programming• Editing and adding comments in a PLC programThe open structure of the CE111 and CE123 allows theuser to create additional experiments to suit their needs.

P L C P r o c e s s c e 1 1 1

A self-contained, bench-mounted liquid flow and level process, providing a physical system toexperience the programming of programmable logic controllers, for use with the PLC Trainer (CE123).

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P r o c e s s T r a i n e rc e 1 1 7

A self-contained, bench-mounted, fully integrated teaching apparatus that mimics industrial processengineering, including a comprehensive range of experiments in flow, level, pressure and temperature,ranging from basic theories through to more advanced principles.

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Process Control EngineeringProcess Control

• Includes four basic process control methodsin one compact unit

• Supplied with TecQuipment’s CE2000software for supervisory control of theprocess with data acquisition

• Mimics common industrial parts andprocesses with realistic results

• Ideal for classroom demonstrations andstudent experiments

• Includes experiments from basic control toadvanced control methods, including ratiocontrol, cascade control, interactive controland feedforward control

Using water as the working fluid, the equipment allows safe,practical experiments on control of flow, liquid level,temperature and pressure. Students can study each ofthese separately or in combinations.

• Thermal Control Process Apparatus (CE103) 68• Coupled Tanks Apparatus (CE105/CE105MV) 69• Pressure Process Training System (TE3300/02) 82• Flow Process Training System (TE3300/03) 83• Level Process Training System (TE3300/04) 84• Temperature Process Training System (TE3300/05) 85• Control and Instrumentation Study Station (TE37) 87

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Proportional, integral and derivative (PID) control• Control of flow• Control of level• Control of pressure• Control of temperature• Ratio control• Cascade control• Multi-loop control• Interacting control loops

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P r e s s u r e P r o c e s s T r a i n i n g S y s t e mT E 3 3 0 0 / 0 2

A self-contained, mobile module using pressure as the control variable to illustrate the principles ofsingle-loop control and the calibration and tuning of controllers, transmitters, converters and valves.

• Demonstrates automatic control of pressurein an accumulator using proportional,proportional plus integral, and proportional,integral plus derivative (PID) control

• Uses industry-standard parts making itideal for industrial, vocational andacademic training

• Demonstrates operation, calibration andtuning of controllers, transmitters, convertersand valves

• Connects to the Flow Process TrainingSystem (TE3300/03) for cascade control

• Connects to the Computer Control System(TE3300/06) for distributed control

• Service Module (SM3300)

• Flow Process Training System (TE3300/03) 83• Computer Control System (TE3300/06) 86

• Flow Process Training System (TE3300/03) 83

• Process Trainer (CE117) 81• Control and Instrumentation Study Station (TE37) 87




alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Proportional, integral and derivative control• Setting up and demonstrating automatic control• The principles of loop control and the calibration and

tuning of controllers, transmitters, converters andvalves

• Cascade control of flow and pressure (when usedwith the TE3300/03 Flow Process Training System)

• Distributed control (when used with the TE3300/06Computer Control System)

To carry out experiments, students fill the reservoir withclean water and prime the system. They then set thecontroller to regulate the flow of water using a pneumaticvalve. This alters the pressure in the accumulator. A pressuretransmitter measures the accumulator pressure and givesfeedback to the controller. For a realistic experience, theequipment has industrial-standard instrumentationand parts.The apparatus includes two gate valves. One valve controlsthe flow at the output (drain) and the other acts as a flow-bypass valve. A chart recorder shows and logs the changesof the process variable (level) and the controller output.The self-contained unit can perform many experiments. Byconnecting this to other products in the TE3300 rangefurther experiments are possible.

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Process Control EngineeringProcess Control

To carry out experiments, students fill the reservoir withclean water and prime the system. They then set thecontroller to regulate the flow of the water using apneumatic valve. The gap-type flow meter gives a visualindication of flow. The fixed orifice and pressure transmittergive feedback to the controller. For a realistic experience,the equipment has industrial-standard instrumentationand parts.The apparatus includes two gate valves. One valve controlsthe flow at the output (drain) and the other acts as a flow-bypass valve. A chart recorder shows and logs the changesof the process variable (level) and the controller output.The self-contained unit can perform many experiments. Byconnecting this to other products in the TE3300 rangefurther experiments are possible.

• Service Module (SM3300)

• Pressure Process Training System (TE3300/02) 82• Level Process Training System (TE3300/04) 84• Computer Control System (TE3300/06) 86

• Pressure Process Training System (TE3300/02) 82• Level Process Training System (TE3300/04) 84

• Process Trainer (CE117) 81• Control and Instrumentation Study Station (TE37) 87



alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


F l o w P r o c e s s T r a i n i n g S y s t e mT E 3 3 0 0 / 0 3

A self-contained, mobile module for flow process control experiments to illustrate the principles ofsingle-loop control and the calibration and tuning of controllers, transmitters, converters and valves.

• Demonstrates automatic control of flowusing proportional, proportional plusintegral, and proportional plus integral plusderivative (PID) control

• Uses industry-standard parts making itideal for industrial, vocational andacademic training

• Demonstrates operation, calibration andtuning of controllers, transmitters, convertersand valves

• Connects to the Pressure Process(TE3300/02) and Level Process (TE3300/04)Training Systems for cascade control

• Connects to the Computer Control System(TE3300/06) for distributed control

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Proportional, integral and derivative control• Setting up and demonstrating automatic control• The principles of loop control and the calibration and

tuning of controllers, transmitters, converters andvalves

• Calibration of an orifice flow meter with a differentialpressure transmitter

• Quadratic flow laws and square root extraction• Cascade control of pressure and flow, and level and

flow (when used with the TE3300/02 andTE3300/04)

• Distributed control (when used with the TE3300/06Computer Control System)

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To carry out experiments, students fill the reservoir withclean water and prime the system. They then set thecontroller to regulate the flow of water using a pneumaticvalve. This alters the water level in the transparent vessel.The differential pressure transmitter connected to the vesselgives feedback to the controller. For a realistic experience,the equipment has industrial standard instrumentationand parts.The apparatus includes two gate valves. One valve controlsthe flow at the output (drain) and the other acts as a flow-bypass valve. A chart recorder shows and logs the changesof the process variable (level) and the controller output.The self-contained unit can perform many experiments. Byconnecting this to other products in the TE3300 rangefurther experiments are possible.

• Service Module (SM3300)

• Flow Process Training System (TE3300/03) 83• Computer Control System (TE3300/06) 86

• Flow Process Training System (TE3300/03) 83

• Coupled Tanks Apparatus (CE105/CE105MV) 69• Process Trainer (CE117) 81• Control and Instrumentation Study Station (TE37) 87




alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Proportional, integral and derivative control• Setting up and demonstrating automatic control• The principles of loop control and the calibration and

tuning of controllers, transmitters, converters andvalves

• Wet and dry leg operation of a differential pressuretransmitter

• Operation of a level-control system• Cascade control of level and flow (when used with

the TE3300/03 Flow Process Training System)• Distributed control (when used with the TE3300/06

Computer Control System)

L e v e l P r o c e s s T r a i n i n g S y s t e m T E 3 3 0 0 / 0 4

A self-contained, mobile module for level processcontrol experiments to illustrate the principles of single-loop control and the calibration and tuning ofcontrollers, transmitters, converters and valves.

• Demonstrates automatic control of level usingproportional, proportional plus integral, andproportional plus integral plus derivative (PID)control

• Uses industry-standard parts making it ideal forindustrial, vocational and academic training

• Demonstrates operation, calibration and tuning ofcontrollers, transmitters, converters and valves

• Connects to the Flow Process Training System(TE3300/03) for cascade control

• Connects to the Computer Control System(TE3300/06) for distributed control

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Process Control EngineeringProcess Control

To carry out experiments, students fill the reservoir withclean water and prime the system. They then set thecontroller to regulate the power to the in-line heater andcontrol the temperature of the water at any of three places.The heat-exchanger removes the heat from the water, togive quicker experiments. The thermocouples (selected by athree-way switch) give feedback to the controller. For arealistic experience, the equipment has industrial-standardinstrumentation and parts.The apparatus includes one gate valve that works as a flowbypass. A chart recorder shows and logs the changes of theprocess variable (temperature) and the controller output.

• Computer Control System (TE3300/06) 86

• Thermal Control Process Apparatus (CE103) 68• Process Trainer (CE117) 81• Control and Instrumentation Study Station (TE37) 87


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

T e m p e r at u r e P r o c e s s T r a i n i n g S y s t e mT E 3 3 0 0 / 0 5

A self-contained mobile module for temperature process control experiments to illustrate the principlesof single-loop control and the calibration and tuning of controllers, transmitters, converters and valves.

• Demonstrates automatic control oftemperature using proportional,proportional plus integral, and proportionalplus integral plus derivative (PID) control

• Uses industry-standard parts making itideal for industrial, vocational andacademic training

• Demonstrates operation, calibration andtuning of temperature transmitters andthermocouples

• Includes delay coil to mimic realistic timelag due to a process

• Connects to the Computer Control System(TE3300/06) for distributed control

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Proportional, integral and derivative control• Setting up and demonstrating automatic control• The principles of loop control and the calibration and

tuning of temperature transmitters andthermocouples

• Operation of a temperature control system • Distributed control (when used with the TE3300/06

Computer Control System)

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C o m p u t e r C o n t r o l S y s t e mT E 3 3 0 0 / 0 6

Connects to the TE3300 process control modules for remote control and monitoring of processes(distributed control).

• Industry-standard software

• Colourful, easy-to-use on-screen mimics of the processes

• Includes high-specificationcomputer, large monitor,keyboard and mouse

• Real-time displays of variables

The Computer Control System (TE3300/06) is a computercontrol package for use with modules from TecQuipment’sTE3300 process control range. It allows remote control anddata acquisition from the controller of each process. Thissystem will also control and collect data from the controllersof TE3300 modules when connected in cascade.

One or more modules from the TE3300 process control range:• Pressure Process Training System (TE3300/02) 82• Flow Process Training System (TE3300/03) 83• Level Process Training System (TE3300/04) 84• Temperature Process Training System (TE3300/05) 85


L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :When used with the TE3300 process control modules,computer control and monitoring of:• Pressure process (TE3300/02)• Flow process (TE3300/03)• Level control process (TE3300/04)• Temperature process (TE3300/05)• Cascaded flow and pressure (TE3300/02 and

TE3300/03)• Cascaded flow and level (TE3300/03 and


Q u i c k d e l i v e r y o n S t o c k P r o d u c t s

TecQuipment holds stocks of the most popular products, ready for speedy shipment across the world.

Contact us to find out what is currently in stock.

Sal e s@t e c q u i p m e n t. c o m

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Process Control EngineeringProcess Control

The Control and Instrumentation Study Station usesindustry-standard parts to teach industrial process control.It is an excellent tool to help train plant technicians andprocess control engineers.Hot and cold water supplies connect to the study station.Two valves (operated by compressed air) control the flow ofthe water supplies into a process vessel.

C o n t r o l a n d I n s t r u m e n tat i o n S t u d y S tat i o n T E 3 7

A laboratory-scale model of a typical industrial process plant providing the essential facilities to allowflow level temperature and pressure control. Demonstrates applications of advanced control systemsusing industry-standardinstrumentation and controlsfor the training of planttechnicians and processcontrol engineers.

• Patch panel withleads for quick andsimple connectionbetweeninstruments, valvesand controls

• Optional distributedcomputer control

• Gives academic andvocational study forprocess controlengineers and planttechnicians

• Includes hiddenswitches to createfaults for fault-findingtraining

• Fully programmablecontrollers with localand remote setpoints, and fullyprogrammableproportional, integraland derivative control

• Service Module (SM37) – This module connects to asuitable cold-water supply and provides hot and coldwater at the correct flow and pressure for the studystation. It includes an air compressor and storage vesselto supply compressed air to the study station valves.

• Distributed Control System (TE37DCS) 88

• Thermal Control Process Apparatus (CE103) 68• Coupled Tanks Apparatus (CE105/CE105MV) 69• Process Trainer (CE117) 81• Pressure Process Training System (TE3300/02) 82• Flow Process Training System (TE3300/03) 83• Level Process Training System (TE3300/04) 84• Temperature Process Training System (TE3300/05) 85



alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Setting up process transmitters• Level, pressure, flow and temperature control• Cascade control• Coupled and decoupled interactive control• Ratio control• Feedforward control• Feedforward-feedback control• Split range control • Fault-finding

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D i s t r i b u t e d C o n t r o l S y s t e mT E 3 7 D C S

A computer control hardware and software package that connects to the Control and InstrumentationStudy Station (TE37) for remote control and monitoring of processes.

• Industry-standard supervisorycontrol and data acquisition(SCADA) software, with colourful,easy-to-use on-screen mimics ofthe processes

• Improves students’ understandingof industrial process control

• Mimics and controls both controllersof the TE37

• Includes high-specificationcomputer, large monitor, keyboardand mouse

The package includes a high-specification computer, withlarge screen monitor, keyboard and mouse. The computerincludes connections for direct communication with thecontrollers on the study station.The software logs all events and any controller alarmconditions. The data is shown in real-time (as a trend) orlogged for later examination.

• Control and Instrumentation Study Station (TE37) 87


L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :When used with the Control and Instrumentation StudyStation (TE37), the remote control and monitoring ofcontrol processes including:• Level• Pressure• Temperature• Cascade control• Coupled interactive control• Decoupled interactive control• Ratio control• Feedforward control• Feedforward-feedback control• Split range control

T o p 5 r eas o n s t o v i s i t t e c q u i p m e n t

1. Personal development

2. See real products in production

3. Get hands-on with equipment

4. Meet the teams

5. Combine with university visits

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Fluid Mechanics

“We are extremely satisfied with the TecQuipment Fluids and Thermodynamics equipment: it iswell presented, works well and the students are able to operate it easily. The best feature isthat the user guides are of a very high quality, with excellent theory sections and experimentguides. The support from TecQuipment introducing the equipment and installing it has beenexcellent too.

r i c h a r d a l b a n y-wa r ds c h o o l o f s c i e n c e a n d t e c h n o l o g y, u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h a m p t o n

f l u i d m e c h a n i c sd i g i ta l H y d r a u l i c B e n c h 9 1

F l o w a n d P r e s s u r e M e a s u r e m e n t 9 2

P i p e F r i c t i o n a n d E n e r g y L o s s 9 9

L a m i n a r a n d T u r b u l e n t F l o w 1 0 3

N o z z l e s a n d J e t s 1 0 4

V o r t i c e s a n d C av i tat i o n 1 0 7

F l o w V i s u a l i s at i o n 1 0 9

P i p e S u r g e a n d Wat e r H a m m e r 1 1 0

O p e n C h a n n e l F l o w 1 1 4

H y d r o s tat i c s a n d P r o p e r t i e s o f F l u i d s 1 1 9

H y d r o l o g y 1 2 3

P u m p s a n d T u r b i n e s 1 2 6

M o d u l a r F l u i d P o w e r ( P u m p s , T u r b i n e s 1 3 4a n d C o m p r e s s o r s )

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d Me



f l u i d m e c h a n i c sThe Fluid Mechanics range offers a wide scope of teachingequipment for the delivery of complete courses in fluiddynamics.

B a s e U n i t a n d M o d u l e s f o r F l e x i b i l i t yIn many settings, the modular Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F)acts as a base unit, allowing tutors to swap out individuallymounted experiment modules on these self-containedbenches, reducing laboratory set-up time, spacerequirements, the need to be near a water source and cost.Modules include experiments for exploring Bernoulli’stheorem, the function and dynamics of weirs, pressure andflow measurement, pipe friction and energy loss, andmuch more.

U n d e r s ta n d i n g F l o wThe impressive flow and sediment channels, fordemonstrating the mechanics of flow, also enable thepractical teaching and demonstration of phenomena such

as critical and subcritical flow,hydraulic jump, anddune formation.There are manyancillaries availablefor use with the flowchannels, enablingthem to be used asboth teaching andresearch aids.

M o d u l a r F l u i d P o w e r r a n g e The Fluid Mechanics range includes a sub-section ofModular Fluid Power products ( pa g e s 1 3 4 – 1 4 8 ) todemonstrate real-world applications of fluidmechanics. They include pumps and turbines, whichalso provide a link to renewable energy.

A u t o m at i c D ata A c q u i s i t i o n Each product in this range works with TecQuipment’sunique Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) –S e e pa g e 2 9 9 .

l o n g e v i t y: Long-lasting equipment to teach principlesthat do not go out of date.

wat e r a n d s pa c e s av i n g : Many experiments work withthe self-contained, mobile hydraulic bench to save waterand laboratory space.

l a r g e c h o i c e o f e x p e r i m e n t s : A huge range ofexperiments for a complete course in fluid mechanics,from simple flow and pressure measurements toadvanced studies of vortices and open-channel flow.

k e y f eat u r e s an d b e n e f i t s :

P i t o t t ube f o rt h e F C 8 0 f l u m e

s p i l lway f o r t h e F C 3 0 0 f l u m e

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Fluid MechanicsDigital Hydraulic Bench

This product supplies a controlled flow of water to a widevariety of laboratory experiment modules (availableseparately). The body of the bench forms a reservoir or‘sump tank’ with a submersible pump. Once filled, thebench needs no external water supply.

B e n c h - m o u n t e d :• Flow Visualisation (FC15) 92• Flow Through an Orifice (H4) 104• Bernoulli’s Theorem (H5) 94• Discharge Over a Notch (H6) 93• Friction Loss in a Pipe (H7) 99• Impact of a Jet (H8) 105• Flow Measurement Methods (H10) 95• Vortex Apparatus (H13) 107• Francis Turbine (H18) 126• Pelton Turbine (H19) 127• Hydraulic Ram Pump (H31) 128• Jet Trajectory and Orifice Flow (H33) 106• Pipework Energy Losses (H34) 101• Flow Meter Calibration (H40) 97

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

F r e e - s ta n d i n g :• Losses in Piping Systems (H16) 100• 2.5-Metre Flow Channel (FC50–2.5) 114• Pipe Surge And Water Hammer (H405) 110• Fluid Friction Apparatus (H408) 102

Experiment modules

Essential Base Unit (h1f)


T h e D i g i ta l H y d r a u l i c B e n c h s h o w n w i t h t h e J e tT r a j e c t o r y a n d O r i f i c e F l o w ( H 3 3 ) e x p e r i m e n tm o d u l e

D i g i ta l f l o w d i s p l ay

D i g i ta l H y d r a u l i c B e n c h h 1 f

Provides a controlled recirculating water supply and accurate flowmeterfor hydraulic and fluid mechanics experiments.

F E AT U R E S : B E N E F I T S :Supplies and measures water flow to over 15different experiment modules

Saves space and reduces costs

Electronic flowmeter and digital display Accurate measurements and quicker experiments

Self-contained with recirculating water circuit Needs no external water supply, saves mains water

Fully mobile unit with a flat top to hold severalexperiment modules

Makes best use of laboratory space

Fibreglass construction Strength, easier transport and long life

* U p g r a d e y o u r o l d e rg e n e r at i o n g r av i m e t r i c o r

h y d r a u l i c b e n c h w i t h a :d i g i ta l e l e c t r o n i cm e a s u r i n g k i t H 1 x

S e e pa g e 1 0 5

*Currently available only in the UK

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C a l ibr at i o n o f a B o u r d o n P r e s s u r e G a u g eH 3 a

Demonstrates how a Bourdon tube pressure gauge works and how to calibrate it.

• Demonstrates ‘dead weight’calibration of a Bourdongauge

• Bourdon gauge hastransparent dial so studentscan see how it works

• Suitable for groupdemonstrations andstudent experiments

• Self-contained – needsno extra services

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Function, operation and calibration of a Bourdon

tube pressure gauge

Many engineering applications use the Bourdon gauge.TecQuipment’s Calibration of a Pressure Gauge experimentallows students to study Bourdon tube theory. They see theworking mechanism, calibrate the gauge and comparetheoretical results to experimental results.

• Pressure Measurement Bench (H30) 96• Hydrostatics and Properties of Fluids (H314) 121

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Visualisation of flow around objects in an open

channel• Study of flow around submerged sharp-crested weir• Study of a broad-crested weir and the effects of

changing the profile of the weir (by reversing theblock in the channel)

• Visualisation of flow around a hydrofoil (symmetricaland asymmetrical)

• Visual demonstration of hydraulic jump

Consists of a robust stainless steel tank (to reduceturbulence) flowing into a 15 mm wide flow channelfabricated from transparent acrylic, together with variousgates, weirs and blocks. The channel is fitted with dyeinjectors enabling the detail of flow patterns to be easilydemonstrated and observed.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Hele-Shaw Apparatus (H9) 109


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

• Blank panel enhances visualisation byproviding a plain backdrop

• Undershot inlet for demonstrating hydraulicjump

• Overshot outlet for regulating free surfaceheight at low Reynolds numbers.

F l o w v i s u a l i s at i o nF c 1 5

A compact, entry-level piece of equipment forvisualising flow patterns around weirs andother objects in an open channel. A range ofmodels supplied in the package makes this anideal product for introducing students to flowvisualisation in fluid mechanics.

D y e f l o wa r o u n d o n e o ft h e m o d e l s

n e w

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Fluid MechanicsFlow

and Pressure Measurem


The Discharge Over a Notch apparatus demonstratesclearly the use of weirs as simple flow regulators. It allowsstudents to do tests on relationships between upstreamwater level and weir discharge for different shapednotches. They can then compare their results with theory.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Flow Channels 114–118

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

D i s c h a r g e o v e r a N o t c hh 6

For the study of weirs as flow regulation and measurement devices.

• Portable, corrosion-resistant glass-fibrechannel for ease of use and long life

• Includes one rectangular and two V-shapednotches for basic experiments

• Two additional weirs included for moreadvanced experiments

• Adjustable depth gauge for precisemeasurement of water level

• Works with TecQuipment’s Digital HydraulicBench for easy installation

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Comprehensive study of flow over weirs, including:• Investigation of head against discharge• Coefficient of discharge for notches• Rectangular and different angled V-notches

S h o w n w i t h t h e D i g i ta l H y d r a u l i cB e n c h ( H 1 F ) – ava i l abl e s e pa r at e ly

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The Venturi tube in TecQuipment’s Bernoulli’s Theorem istypical of meters used throughout industry. However, it hasmany more pressure tappings, connecting to watermanometers, which allow full study of the pressuredistribution along the convergent-divergent passage.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Bernoulli’s Equation (AF11) 32• Flow Measurement Methods (H10) 95• Flow Meter Calibration (H40) 97• Fluid Friction Apparatus (H408) 102

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

B e r n o u l l i ’ s T h e o r e m h 5

Allows students to study Bernoulli’s theorem by measuring the complete static head distribution along ahorizontal Venturi tube.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Comprehensive study of a Venturi meter and Bernoulli’stheorem, including:• Direct measurement of the static head distribution

along a Venturi tube• Comparison of experimental results with theoretical

predictions• Measurement of the meter coefficient of discharge

at various flow rates

• Eleven pressure tappingsalong the tube

• Direct measurement ofstatic heads

• Complete pressuredistribution clearly visible

• Compact and simple tooperate

• Works with TecQuipment’sDigital Hydraulic Benchfor easy installation

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Fluid MechanicsFlow

and Pressure Measurem


Students measure flow using a Venturi meter, an orificeplate meter and a rotameter. Students find and comparethe head losses associated with each meter, as well asthose arising in a rapid enlargement and a 90-degreeelbow.

F l o w M e a s u r e m e n t M e t h o d sH 1 0

Demonstrates typical methods of measuring the flow of an incompressible fluid and showsapplications of Bernoulli’s equation.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Study of Bernoulli’s equation, flow measurement andlosses, including:• Application of the Bernoulli equation for

incompressible fluids• Direct comparison of flow measurement using a

Venturi meter, orifice plate and rotameter• Comparison of pressure drops across each flow-

measurement device• Comparison of pressure drops across a sudden

enlargement and a 90-degree elbow

• Includes Venturi meter, orifice plate androtameter

• Works with TecQuipment’s Digital HydraulicBench for easy installation

• Direct measurement of head loss

• Three different flow meters which work withBernoulli’s equation

• Multi-tube manometer demonstratespressure at various points

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Bernoulli’s Theorem (H5) 94• Flow Meter Calibration (H40) 97• Fluid Friction Apparatus (H408) 102

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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The apparatus consists of two units: a manometers andgauges unit, and a Bourdon pressure gauge calibration unit.

• Calibration of a Bourdon Pressure Gauge (H3a) 92• Hydrostatics and Properties of Fluids (H314) 121

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

P r e s s u r e M e a s u r e m e n t B e n c hH 3 0

Self contained, bench-mounted apparatus that enables a range of practical investigations intomanometer and Bourdon gauge pressure measurement techniques, including inclined and U-tubemanometers, and Bourdon-type vacuum and pressure gauges.

• Provides practical investigations forpressure measurement using inclined andU-tube manometers, and Bourdon-typevacuum and pressure gauges

• Enables instant comparison ofmeasurement methods

• Includes separate Bourdon gauge withdead-weight calibration apparatus, andBourdon tube mechanism clearly visible

• Fully self-contained, bench-top apparatus

• Suitable for group demonstrations andindividual student experiments

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :A range of investigations into common pressure-measurement techniques, including:• Comparison of pressure measurement by

manometer and Bourdon gauge• Calibration of a pressure gauge• Determination of gauge errors as a function of true


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Fluid MechanicsFlow

and Pressure Measurem


The Flow Meter Calibration works with TecQuipment’sDigital Hydraulic Bench (H1F, available separately) andstands on the hydraulic bench worktop. Four water-filledmanometers show the pressure differences at the flowmeter and across the overall flow meter assembly.

F l o w M e t e r C a l ibr at i o nH 4 0

A compact unit that compares anddemonstrates the accuracy, losses anduse of fundamental flow meters.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Accuracy of nozzle flow meters• Losses and k value• Calculation of the coefficient of discharge

S h o w n f i t t e d w i t h t h eo p t i o n a l P i t o t T ube ( H 4 0 a )e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e

Experiment modules(H40a–h40c)

Essential Base Units




F E AT U R E S : b e n e f i t s :Supports and measures pressures in its optionalexperiment modules

Saves space and reduces costs

Nozzle flow meter included as standard Allows tests ‘out of the box’

Optional Pitot, Venturi and orifice flow meters For comparisons of accuracy, losses, and tests ofvelocity profile and boundary layer effect

Unique ‘quick-change’ adaptors and self-sealingpressure connections

Maximises experiment time and reduces waterspills

Works with TecQuipment’s Digital Hydraulic Bench(H1F)

Easy installation and accurate external flowmeasurement

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Pitot Tube (H40a) 98• Venturi Flow Meter (H40b) 98• Orifice Flow Meter (H40c) 98

• Bernoulli’s Theorem (H5) 94• Flow Measurement Methods (H10) 95• Fluid Friction Apparatus (H408) 102

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

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V e n t u r i F l o w M e t e rH 4 0 b

Venturi flow meter for use with the Flow MeterCalibration unit (H40).

• Demonstrates the accuracy and use of aVenturi flow meter

• Demonstrates how a flow constrictionaffects pressure

• ISO standard dimensions for morepredictable results

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• Flow Meter Calibration (H40) – with H1F 97

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

P i t o t T ubeH 4 0 a

Pitot tube flow meter for use with the FlowMeter Calibration unit (H40).

• Demonstrates the accuracy and use of aPitot tube flow meter

• Demonstrates the boundary layer effectand the fluid velocity profile

• Micrometer head for precise adjustmentL E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Accuracy of Pitot tube flow meters• Losses and k value• Calculation of the coefficient of discharge• Velocity profile

• Flow Meter Calibration (H40) – with H1F 97

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

• Flow Meter Calibration (H40) – with H1F 97

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Accuracy of Venturi flow meters• Losses and k value• Calculation of the coefficient of discharge

O r i f i c e F l o w M e t e r H 4 0 c

Sharp-edged orifice flow meter for use with theFlow Meter Calibration unit (H40).

• Demonstrates the accuracy and use of asharp-edged orifice flow meter

• Demonstrates how an orifice affectspressure

• ISO standard dimensions for morepredictable resultsL E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :

• Accuracy of orifice flow meters• Losses and k value• Calculation of the coefficient of discharge

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The equipment is a small-bore straight test pipe on a baseplate. It works with the Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F,available separately) and stands on the bench worktop.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Losses in Piping Systems (H16) 100• Fluid Friction Apparatus (H408) 102• Osborne-Reynolds Apparatus (H215) 103• Pipework Energy Losses (H34) 101

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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Fluid MechanicsPipe friction and energy loss

• Investigates laminar andturbulent flow and thetransition point

• Demonstrates the criticalReynolds number and verifiesPoiseuille’s equation forlaminar flow

• Includes precision valve forprecise flow control and a header tank for goodlaminar flow

• Works with TecQuipment’sDigital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) for easy installation

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Study of friction loss in a pipe, including: • Investigations of laminar and turbulent flows• Demonstration and measurement in the change of

the laws of resistance (friction factor) from laminar toturbulent flow

• Finding the critical Reynolds number• Verifying Poiseuille’s equation and the coefficient of

viscosity for water in the laminar flow region

S h o w n c o n n e c t e d t o t h e D i g i ta lH y d r a u l i c B e n c h ( H 1 F ) – ava i l abl es e pa r at e ly

F r i c t i o n L o s s i n a P i p eH 7

For direct measurement of friction loss in a small-bore horizontal pipe to studythe change in the laws of resistance for laminar and turbulent flow, find thecritical Reynolds number and demonstrate the flow transition point.

* U p g r a d e o l d e rg e n e r at i o n s o f t h i s

e q u i p m e n t w i t h a :d i g i ta l e l e c t r o n i cm e a s u r i n g k i t H 7 x

s e e pa g e 1 1 1

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L o s s e s i n P i p i n g S y s t e m sH 1 6

Freestanding apparatus, demonstrates pressure losses in several small-borepipe circuit components, typical of those found in central heating installations.

• Includes two colour-coded water circuits

• Works with TecQuipment’s Digital HydraulicBench for easy installation

• Includes different pipe bends and valves forstudents to compare losses

• Fitted with a range of piezometers and apressure gauge to give accurate pressuremeasurement

• Optional ‘roughened pipe’ ancillary toinvestigate flow characteristics in aroughened pipe

The Losses in Piping Systems apparatus comprises avertical panel with two separate hydraulic circuits, colour-coded for clarity. Each circuit includes various pipe systemcomponents. The unit has wheels for mobility.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :A comprehensive range of investigations into losses in avariety of pipes and pipe system components, including:• Straight pipe loss• Sudden expansion• Sudden contraction• Bends with different radii• Valves• Elbows• Flow in a roughened pipe – needs the optional

Roughened Pipe (H16p)

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Roughened Pipe (H16p)

• Friction Loss in a Pipe (H7) 99• Pipework Energy Losses (H34) 101• Fluid Friction Apparatus (H408) 102

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


* U p g r a d e o l d e rg e n e r at i o n s o f t h i s

e q u i p m e n t w i t h a :d i g i ta l e l e c t r o n i cm e a s u r i n g k i t H 1 6 x

s e e pa g e 1 1 1

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Fluid MechanicsPipe friction and energy loss

* Currently only available in the UK

This compact bench-top apparatus uses smooth, industry-standard plastic pipe, commonly used in domestic andother small-bore water systems.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Friction Loss in a Pipe (H7) 99• Losses in Piping Systems (H16) 100• Fluid Friction Apparatus (H408) 102

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

P i p e w o r k E n e r g y L o s s e sH 3 4

Compares pressure losses and k value of popular fittings in small-bore pipework.

• Compact, easy to fit and easy to use

• Includes three different bends: mitre, elbowand large radius

• Compares losses in a sudden enlargement(or expansion) and a contraction

• Includes a multi-tube piezometer forfundamental, accurate pressuremeasurements

• Works with TecQuipment’s Digital HydraulicBench

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Measurement and comparison of losses in: • Mitre bend • Elbow bend • Large radius bend • Sudden expansion • Sudden contraction

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F l u i d F r i c t i o n A p pa r at u s H 4 0 8

Demonstrates flow and losses in different pipes, fittings and valves. Shows popular flowmeasurement instruments.

• A space-saving vertical panel that workswith TecQuipment’s Digital Hydraulic Benchfor easy installation

• Includes experiments on roughened pipes

• Uses Bernoulli’s equation

• Demonstrates how to use Venturi and orificemeters to measure flow

• Includes a traversing Pitot tube to measurethe velocity profile

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Use of the Pitot static tube• Flow measurement using a Venturi meter and an

orifice meter• Smooth pipes• Artificially roughened pipe• Straight pipe loss• Sudden expansion and contraction• Bends and elbows• Valves• In-line strainer

TecQuipment’s Fluid Friction Apparatus allows students tostudy flow, flow measurement techniques and losses in awide variety of pipes and fittings. The equipment has threewater circuits with instruments, pipes and pipe systemcomponents.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Losses in Piping System (H16) 100• Pipework Energy Losses (H34) 101• Flow Meter Calibration (H40) 97• Flow Measurement Methods (H10) 95• Bernoulli’s Theorem (H5) 94• Friction Loss in a Pipe (H7) 99

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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Fluid MechanicsLam

inar and Turbulent Flow

The apparatus consists of a precision-bore glass pipe (testtube) held vertically in a large shroud. The shroud is open atthe front and the inside surface is light coloured. This allowsthe students to see the flow clearly.

• Stopwatch (SW1) – To measure flow rates 28

• Heater Module (H215a) – Free-standing unit 103to vary and control the water temperature and hence its viscosity

• Friction Loss in a Pipe (H7) 99• Viscosity and Particle Drag (H410) 122

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :



L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of transition between laminar and

turbulent flow• Determination of transition Reynolds numbers and

comparison with accepted values• Investigation of the effect of varying viscosity, and

demonstration that the Reynolds number attransition is independent of viscosity

• Constant head reservoir and flow-smoothing parts for a smooth flow

• Uses dye injector system to demonstrateflow patterns

• Investigates Reynolds number at transition

• Optional heater module available for testsat different viscosities

O sbo r n e - R e y n o l d s A p pa r at u sH 2 1 5

Free-standing apparatus that gives a visual demonstration of laminar andturbulent flow. It also allows students to investigate the effect of varyingviscosity and investigate Reynolds numbers.

O p t i o n a l H e at e r M o d u l e ( H 2 1 5 a )

D y e S t r e a m S h o w i n g L a m i n a r F l o w

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• Direct measurement of total head, headloss and diameter of jet

• Vertical water jet

• Integral Pitot traverse tube

• Sharp-edged orifice included

• Works with TecQuipment’s Digital HydraulicBench for easy installation

Water flows from the hydraulic bench and into thecylindrical tank through an adjustable diffuser. The flow rateand an overflow pipe set the water level. To change thelevel in the tank (and so the head on the orifice), studentsadjust the flow to the diffuser. Water leaves the tank throughthe orifice. The jet that leaves the orifice discharges backinto the hydraulic bench. The equipment is supplied with aset of interchangeable orifices (nozzles).

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Jet Trajectory and Orifice Flow (H33) 106

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S h o w n f i t t e d t o t h e D i g i ta l H y d r a u l i cB e n c h ( H 1 F ) – ava i l abl e s e pa r at e ly

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Investigations into a variety of orifices over a range offlow rates, including:• Determination of contraction and velocity

coefficients• Calculation of discharge coefficient• Determination of actual discharge coefficient, and

comparison with calculated values• Determination of the various coefficients over a

range of flow rates to demonstrate the influence ofReynolds number

• Study of the characteristics of different orifices, usinga set of four circular orifices (nozzles). Each has thesame minimum throat diameter but a differentlength. Each has a different approach and dischargesection. Also included are additional square andtriangular orifices.

I n c l u d e s s e to f o r i f i c e s

F l o w T h r o u g h a n O r i f i c eh 4

Demonstrates flow through different orifices for different flow rates.

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Fluid MechanicsNozzles and Jets

The Impact of a Jet apparatus demonstrates the forceproduced by a jet of water as it strikes a flat plate orhemispherical cup, which can be compared to themomentum flow rate in the jet. To extend the range ofinvestigations, the 120-degree conical plate and 30-degreeangled plate are included.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Pelton Turbine (H19) 127• Pelton Wheel (Turbine) (MFP101b) 137

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

I m pa c t o f a J e tH 8

Investigates the force generated by a jet strikingplates (representing turbine vanes) to aid in theunderstanding of how turbines work.

• Includes flat and hemispherical plates

• Extra angled and conical plates

• Ideal for demonstrations as well as in-depthexperiments

• Works with TecQuipment’s Digital HydraulicBench for easy installation

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Measurement of the impact force and comparison withmomentum change of four different plates:• Flat plate• Hemispherical plate• Inclined flat plate• 120-degree conical plate• 30-degree angled plate

1 2 0 - d e g r e e C o n i c a l P l at e a n d 3 0 - d e g r e e A n g l e d P l at e

F eat u r e s : Instant display of flow rate in l.min-1 and l.s-1

Comprehensive assembly instructions and drilling templates supplied

Be n e f i t s : Significant time savings for experiments:

for example, save 25 minutes for Bernoulli’s theorem (H5) experiment

Purchase from maintenance budget

U p g rad e y o u r H y d rau l i c b e n c hUsing a TecQuipment Gravimetric or Volumetric Hydraulic Bench? It can now be upgraded to include an electronic flow measurement instrument, offering the convenience of the electronic flowmeter display currently found on the D i g i tal H y d rau l i c Be n c h (H1F).

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• Determination of the contractionand velocity coefficients

• Calculation of the dischargecoefficient

• Determination of the actualdischarge coefficient bymeasurement of flow rate

• Demonstrates the influence ofReynolds number

• Determination of dischargecharacteristics (jet trajectory) foran orifice mounted in the side ofa vertical tank

J e t T r a j e c t o r y a n d O r i f i c e F l o wH 3 3

Demonstrates vertical flow and horizontal jet trajectory through different orifices (nozzles) and allowsstudents to study the trajectory profiles of water jets from the nozzles when mounted horizontally.

S h o w n w i t h t h e D i g i ta l H y d r a u l i c B e n c h ( H 1 F ) –ava i l abl e s e pa r at e ly

With this apparatus students can measure thedecrease in flow, contraction of the streamand energy loss as water discharges from fourvertically mounted, interchangeable nozzleswith different orifice designs.It works with the Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F,available separately) and stands on the benchworktop.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Determination of the contraction and velocity

coefficients• Calculation of the discharge coefficient• Determination of the actual discharge coefficient by

measurement of flow rate• Demonstrates the influence of Reynolds number• Determination of discharge characteristics (jet

trajectory) for an orifice mounted in the side of avertical tank

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Flow Through an Orifice (H4) 104

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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Fluid MechanicsVortices and Cavitation

A transparent vessel on a support frame mounts on aTecQuipment Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F, availableseparately). A low-voltage, variable-speed motor rotatesthe vessel about its vertical axis and a speed-control unitcontrols the speed of rotation.To produce a forced vortex, students add water to therotating vessel until it is about half full. A forced vortexforms. After a few minutes the vortex becomes constant,and students can measure the surface profile using thetraverse probe.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

V o r t e x A p pa r at u sH 1 3

Demonstrates the phenomena of free and fixed vortices withmeasuring devices for calculating the water surface profile.

• Transparent vessel – users can see thevortices from all angles

• Includes a traverse probe to measure watersurface profile

• Low-voltage variable speed motor forsafety

• Ideal for classroom demonstrations as wellas laboratory experiments

• Works with TecQuipment’s Digital HydraulicBench (H1F)

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Determination of the surface profile of a forced

vortex• Determination of the surface profile of a free vortex• Determination of the total head variation in a forced

vortex• Comparison of results with theoretical predictions

S h o w n w i t h t h e D i g i ta l H y d r a u l i cB e n c h ( H 1 F ) – ava i l abl e s e pa r at e ly

F u l l s p e c i f i cat i o n datas h e e t sDatasheets contain full specifications such as size, weight, noise output, fluid capacity, voltage requirements etc. Download from each individual product webpage.

t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m (search product)

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• Also allows practical andeffective study of flow andpressure in a Venturi meter

• Ideal for classroomdemonstrations and studentexperiments

• Fully self-contained recirculatingapparatus – no additional watersupply needed

• Includes full instrumentation, forpressure, flow and temperaturemeasurement

C av i tat i o n i n a V e n t u r iH 4 0 0

A floor-standing, self-contained apparatus to demonstrate and observe the basic principles of cavitationand its implications on the performance of hydraulic machines and systems.

C av i tat i o n i n t h e V e n t u r i

The apparatus is a self-contained, mobile unit. It consists ofa robust frame which holds a water tank (or reservoir), anelectric pump, a flow-control valve, a flow meter and aVenturi.

• Stroboscope (ST1) 303


L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Investigations into cavitation and the Venturi, including: • Flow and pressure in the Venturi• Demonstrations of cavitation • How to predict the onset of cavitation• Study of upstream and throat pressures

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Various flow visualisation experiments in twodimensions, including sink and source points and flowaround models, for example: • Sources and sinks in a uniform stream• Doublet in a uniform stream• Flow around a cylinder (disc) and an aerofoil• Flow through an orifice and a diffuser• Flow through a heat exchanger• The momentum equation• Laminar flow relationship for flow between two

parallel plates• Mean velocity equations (including seepage in soils) • Potential flow relationships• Allows lecturers to represent flow in other branches

of engineering, such as aerodynamics or electricityand heat flow

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Fluid MechanicsFlow


The apparatus works with a steady, air-free water supplyand suitable drain. It consists of a channel, formed betweentwo plates, where water flows at a low Reynolds number. Adye flowing through several small holes at the upstreamend produces streamlines. To perform experiments,students start the water flow and open a dye valve justenough to produce easily visible streamlines. They thenuse valves to allow water to flow from a source point ordrain into a sink point, or various combinations of flow orsink points.

H e l e - S h aw A p pa r at u sH 9

A bench-mounted apparatus to demonstrate two-dimensional laminar flow around differently shapedmodels, allowing the study of various source and sink arrangements.

• Visually effective demonstration of a widevariety of flow patterns around differentshapes

• Models easily cut from sheet (included) –almost any shape possible

• Ideal introduction to incompressiblepotential flow (aerodynamics)

• Source and sink points provided

• Can demonstrate soil seepage problems

• Header Tank (H9a) – A wall-mounted tank with a floatvalve, overflow and a flow-control valve and pipework

• Flow Visualisation (FC15) 92• Flow Through an Orifice (H4) 104


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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ge a

nd W




The apparatus has two separate test pipes: one for waterhammer investigations and one for surge investigations. Aheader tank supplies both test pipes, and includes aninternal overflow weir to keep a constant head.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – bench- 299mounted version (VDAS-B)

N o t e : This equipment needs the latest VDAS® and will notwork with early versions of VDAS®. Contact TecQuipment oryour local agent if unsure.

• Water Hammer Apparatus (TE86) 111

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

P i p e S u r g e a n d Wat e r H a m m e rh 4 0 5

A self-contained unit for teaching the transient effects ofpipe surge and water hammer caused by sudden flowrate changes in pipes.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Investigations into the transient effects of pipe surgeand water hammer caused by changing flow rates inpipes including:• Demonstration and analysis of pipe surge• Demonstration and analysis of water hammer• Determination of frictional head loss between

reservoir and surge tower• Determination of pressure profiles• Determination of velocity of sound in the test pipe

S h o w n w i t h aH y d r a u l i c B e n c ha n d V D A S ®

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l v d A S ® s o f t wa r e

• Multiple pipes and valves provide twodifferent experiments in one product

• Two pressure sensors in the water hammertest pipe help calculate velocity of sound inpipes

• Transparent surge tower so students cansee what is happening

• Works with TecQuipment’s VDAS® for real-time display of the pressure surges andacoustic waves

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Fluid MechanicsPipe Surge and W

ater Hamm


The apparatus is made up of a coil of copper pipe 60 mlong. The inlet connects to a water supply and thedischarge end has a solenoid valve.

• Dual Beam Storage Oscilloscope (H405a) 303

• Pipe Surge and Water Hammer (H405) 110


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

• Illustrates the propagation ofshock waves at sonic velocity inwater

• Demonstrates how to calibratean electronic pressuretransducer

• Includes an electric valve to stopflow instantly

• Contains over 60 m of pipe inone compact unit to save space

• Includes mechanical andelectronic pressuremeasurement

• Includes connectors for extra(optional) equipment fortransient measurements

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Water hammer• Propagation of shock waves in water• Velocity of sound in a water filled pipe• Transducer calibration

Wat e r H a m m e r A p pa r at u sT E 8 6

Demonstrates water hammer and cavitation and thepropagation of shock waves at sonic velocity in water.

F eat u r e s : Easy to use with quick-connect couplings Electronic pressure measuring instrument

specification: – Range 0-2 bar – Accuracy 0.15% rdg + 0.1 fs + digit

Be n e f i t s : Health and safety – eliminates the use of mercury, which is widely prohibited from use in the teaching laboratory

Improved accuracy Purchase from maintenance budget

U p g rad e y o u r k i tUpgrade mercury-filled older generation TecQuipment L o s s e s i n P i p i n g S y s t e m s (H16) and F r i c t i o n L o s s i n a P i p e (H7) with upgrade kits (H16x and H7x) – eliminate the use of mercury.

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E x pa n d i n g Fa c i l i t i e sWith the completion of the University ofDerby’s STEM (science, technology,engineering and maths) centre, theacademic team were very keen onexpanding their fluid mechanics andhydraulics capabilities. They turned to theengineering education equipment marketto source a large flow channel that wouldbe accurate, provide excellentvisualisation of flow channelcharacteristics, while also being flexibleenough to perform a wide range ofexperiments for undergraduate andpostgraduate study and research. Thelimited space available within the newlybuilt STEM centre meant that thechallenge was on to deliver a ten-metreflow channel that would fit in betweenpillars with a relatively low ceiling, whilestill enabling students to move aroundthe apparatus.

R e d u c i n g E x p e r i m e n t T i m e W h i l e I n c r e a s i n g D e p t h o f S t u d yTecQuipment offers a range of flume/flow channel lengthsand widths to suit the space available and learning outcomesrequired: from the narrower channels of 50 mm width and2.5 metres long, through to the wider 300 mm width channelsavailable in 2.5 metre steps between five metres and15 metres. It was the wider 300 mm flume/flow channel in ten metres(FC300-10) that the University of Derby selected for their fluidslaboratory. Not only was this equipment larger than theirexisting flow channel, and therefore made it easier to see thespecific phenomena such as hydraulic jump, it also had muchmore advanced measurement functionality. That functionality,coupled with TecQuipment’s Versatile Data Acquisition System(VDAS®) connected to a 32-way pressure display unit, allowedfor more in-depth study and research. Mathew Whomsley,Technical Instructor at the University of Derby, commented:“The addition of VDAS® also meant that the experiments couldbe performed much more quickly, taking a fraction of the timeit would have done previously.”

T h e S pa c e C h a l l e n g eThe limited physical size of the room with its various pillars andlow ceiling was a point of concern for the team at theUniversity of Derby.“One of the biggest constraints in our original specification wasthe space constraints in the room. TecQuipment was

exemplary when dealing with this, by conducting a site surveyof the space and having discussions about key dimensionswithin the room, such as columns. TecQuipment subsequentlyprovided the university with floor plans and 3D views of theflume within the room, to give us peace of mind that theequipment will be useable within our space requirements,”explained Whomsley.

R e t u r n i n g T i m e a n d T i m e A g a i nThe University of Derby already had a range of TecQuipmentproducts within their engineering department and wereconfident in the quality of the products and ongoing customersupport available, which contributed to the decision to selectTecQuipment over other equipment providers. Summarising, Whomsley explained: “Overall, our excellenthistory with TecQuipment is the reason we continue topurchase equipment through them. Their team is alwaysfriendly, helpful, and they offer good equipment at areasonable price.”

T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f D e r b y C l i m b s t h e L e a g u e Ta b l e sThe University of Derby has recently gained a significantincrease in credibility, particularly among universities offeringmechanical engineering undergraduate and postgraduatedegrees within the UK, ranking 18th in the 2019 GuardianUniversity League Tables. In another league table offered bythe Times, they are ranked the 13th best university in the UK forteaching quality.

O p e n C h a n n e l F l o w E q u i p m e n tat t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f D e rbyReliability, expansive functionality, customer service and competitive price were the main reasons why theUniversity of Derby chose to invest in a sizeable piece of fluid mechanics equipment from TecQuipment.

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In addition, the team at the University of Derby has a mission-focused outlook that aims to continue to attract well-motivatedundergraduate and postgraduate civil engineering students,and prepare them for work within the growing water sector,offering a full range of courses in civil engineering, i.e. MEng,MSc, BEng and BSc.

A P r o f e s s i o n a l a n d K n o w l e d g e a b l e T e a m“The experience throughout the whole process of buying theflume from TecQuipment has been very good. From when theorder of the flume went in, we were given regular updates onthe progress of the flume, alongside reliable deliveryschedules. During the installation and induction, the team were

professional and knowledgeable on both the practical andtheoretical aspects of the flume,” explained Whomsley.“TecQuipment are well established as a provider of innovativeand well developed science and technology equipment to theeducation sector, and having previous experience of theservices offered and their reliability, then as a local supplier,TecQuipment fits our needs. Installation of the equipment wentsmoothly, including thoughtful and dedicated induction forboth technicians and academics; the example experimentsincluding example data are particularly useful. To date, theFC300 flume/flow channel has been very effective incontributing to our objectives.”

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2 . 5 - M e t r e F l o w C h a n n e lF C 5 0 – 2 . 5

Demonstrates flow around weirs and other objects in an open channel. Supplied with all the modelsand instrumentation required for a complete package in flow channel investigations.

The apparatus consists of a floor-standing 2.5-metre,53 mm wide flow channel, together with various gates,weirs and blocks, enabling the phenomena of flowchannels to be easily demonstrated and studied. The FC50is TecQuipment’s most compact flume, providing simpleinstallation and flexible storage in the laboratory.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Sediment Transport Channels (FC80) 115• Flow Channels (FC300) 117

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

• Inclinable acrylic channel providingmaximum flow visualisation

• Inlet includes baffle section to providesteady flow conditions

• Works with TecQuipment’s DigitalHydraulic Bench (H1F) for easy installation

• Includes:

– Broad-crested weir – Sluice gate (undershot weir) – Venturi flume – Sharp-crested weir – Cylindrical gate – Crump weir – Instrument level gauge – Pitot tube

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Study of sluice and drum gates including

investigation into hydraulic jump, specific energy andthe determination of discharge coefficient

• Study of submerged narrow-crested and crumpweirs revealing the relationship between head overa weir and discharge

• Study of a broad-crested weir (by combining thesquare and radius jump blocks) and the effects ofchanging the profile of the weir

• Study of uniform flow in an inclined channel withinvestigations into the Chézy factor and coefficient

• Study of a Venturi flume to indicate the dischargeand surface profile, thus the derivation of thedischarge coefficient

F l o w o v e r B r o a d C r e s t e d W e i r

s H O W N W I T H T H E D I G I TA L H Y D R A U L I C B E N C H( h 1 f ) – AVA I L A B L E S E PA R AT E LY

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Fluid MechanicsOpen Channel Flow2 . 5 - m e t r e S e d i m e n t T r a n s p o r t C h a n n e l

B r o a d - c r e s t e d w e i r

F l o w a n d S e d i m e n t T r a n s p o r t C h a n n e l sF C 8 0 ( 2 . 5 a n d 5 )

Open channel flumes that provide students with the ability to study the varying effects of sedimenttransport, bedform dynamics and fluid flow in an open channel.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Investigations in fixed and smooth bedform• Mechanics of sediment transport• Local (bridge) scour experiments, to understand

scour holes and effects on the integrity of a structure• Sluice gate for investigations into hydraulic jump,

specific energy and the determination of dischargecoefficient

• Submerged sharp-crested weir reveals therelationship between head over a weir anddischarge

• A broad-crested weir and the effects of changingthe profile of the weir

• Uniform flow in an inclined channel withinvestigations into the Chezy factor and coefficient

• A Venturi flume to indicate the discharge and surfaceprofile, thus the derivation of the dischargecoefficient

The FC80 Flow and Sediment Transport Channel workingsections are 80 mm in width and 247 mm deep. They areavailable in 2.5 metre and 5 metre lengths. Each flume hasa built-in recirculating water supply connected to a digitalflowmeter for accurate measurements duringexperimentation.The models included with each flume are: • Broad-crested weir• Sharp-crested weir• Venturi flume• Sluice gate

• Includes four models with the flume forcomprehensive experimentation options

• Digital flowmeter for quick and accuratemeasurements

• Transparent sides for clear visibility, ideal forgroup demonstrations

• Stainless steel beam and toughened glasschannel walls, provides long-lasting usewith sedimentation

• Built-in recirculating water supply forconvenient laboratory use

• Includes two bags of graded sand forsediment experiments, e.g. bed formdevelopment or scour

• 2.5-Metre Flow Channel (FC50-2.5) 114• Flow Channels (FC300) 117

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S ubc r i t i c a l a n d c r i t i c a l f l o w pa s t a P i e r

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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D r u m G at eF C 8 0 a

R a d i a l S e c t o r G at e F C 8 0 b

C r u m p W e i r F C 8 0 d

D a m S p i l lway F C 8 0 e

S t r e a m l i n e d H u m p F C 8 0 g

pa r s h a l l f l u m e – r e q u i r e sV e n t u r i s i d e s ( i n c l ) f c 8 0 h

B r i d g e P i e r s - C y l i n d e r , R o u n d ,S q u a r e , S h a r p N o s e F C 8 0 j

R o u g h e n e d B e d F C 8 0 k

Wav e G e n e r at o r a n d B e a c hF C 8 0 n

s I P H O N s P I L LWAY f c 8 0 L

c U LV E R T M O D E Lf c 8 0 P

F l o w S p l i t t e r F C 8 0 v

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5 - m e t r e S e d i m e n tT r a n s p o r t C h a n n e l

F l o w U n d e r a S l u i c e G at e

O p t i o n a l m o d e l s :


F l o w a n d s e d i m e n t t r a n s p o r t c h a n n e l s ( F C 8 0 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

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Fluid MechanicsOpen Channel Flow

H o o k d e p t h g a u g e

The FC300 series flume working sections are 300 mm inwidth and 450 mm deep. They come in 2.5-metre sectionsand are available in 5-metre, 7.5-metre, 10-metre, 12.5-metre and 15-metre lengths.Included with the flow channel:• Sluice gate• Level gauges• Pitot tube• Sharp-crested weir• Powered end gate

f l o w C h a n n e l sF C 3 0 0

Large open channel flumes that provide the opportunity for advanced research and student study on awide range of fluid flow topics. Select a length (5 to 15 m) to suit needs and the space available.

• 2.5-Metre Flow Channel (FC50-2.5) 114• Sediment Transport Channels (FC80) 115

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

• Digital data acquisition for quick andaccurate measurements

• Transparent sides for clear visibility – idealfor group demonstrations

• Stainless-steel channel base plate andtoughened-glass channel walls providelong-lasting use

• Built-in re-circulating water supply forconvenient laboratory use

• Bed plate pressure tappings at 0.25-metreintervals, providing detailed analysispotential

F C 3 0 0 C o n t r o lB o x a n dI n s t r u m e n tF r a m e ( s h o w nw i t h V D A S ® –i n c l u d e d )

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Sluice gate for investigations into hydraulic jump,

specific energy and the determination of dischargecoefficient

• Submerged sharp-crested weir reveals therelationship between head over a weir anddischarge

• A broad-crested weir and the effects of changing theprofile of the weir (optional ancillary)

• Uniform flow in an inclined channel withinvestigations into the Chezy factor and coefficient

• A Venturi flume to indicate the discharge and surfaceprofile, thus the derivation of the dischargecoefficient

• Further experimentation with additional optionalmodels

• With the optional Sediment Loop (FC300sl) sedimenttransport, scouring, ripple and dune formation andsimilar studies can be performed

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h eV D A S ® s o f t wa r e

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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R a d i a l G at e F C 3 0 0 b

S l u i c e G at e ( U n d e r s h o t W e i r )F C 3 0 0 c

C r u m p W e i r F C 3 0 0 d

D a m S p i l lway F C 3 0 0 e

O g e e W e i r w i t h Ta p p i n g sF C 3 0 0 e 2

E n e r g y D i s s i pat i o n F C 3 0 0 e 3

V e n t u r i F l u m e F C 3 0 0 f

Pa r s h a l l F l u m e F C 3 0 0 h

B r i d g e P i e r s : C y l i n d e r , R o u n dA N D S H A R P N o s e , S q u a r e F C 3 0 0 j

R o u g h e n e d B e d F C 3 0 0 kS a n d F C 3 0 0 k 2 , T u r f F C 3 0 0 k 3

S i p h o n S p i l lway F C 3 0 0 l

S e l f R e g u l at i n g S i p h o n F C 3 0 0 l 2

L i f t a n d D r a g F C 3 0 0 l d

V ibr at i n g P i l e s F C 3 0 0 m

Wav e G e n e r at o r a n d B e a c hF C 3 0 0 n

C u lv e r t M o d e l F C 3 0 0 p

R e c ta n g u l a r a n d V- N o t c h W e i r sF C 3 0 0 q

B r o a d C r e s t e d W e i r S : S H A R P A N D S T R E A M L I N E D F C 3 0 0 r

T r a p e z o i d a l F l u m e F C 3 0 0 z

S e d i m e n t L o o p F C 3 0 0 s l

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I n s t r u m e n t C a r r i e r F C 3 0 0 i c

Wat e r V e l o c i t y M e t e r F C 3 0 0 x

M u lt i -T ube M a n o m e t e r F C 3 0 0 w

3 2 -Way P r e s s u r e D i s p l ay F C A1

D i g i ta l I n s t r u m e n t C a r r i e rF C 3 0 0 i c 2

I n s t r u m e n tat i o n :


m o d e l s :

F l o w c h a n n e l s ( F C 3 0 0 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

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Fluid MechanicsHydrostatics and properties of fluids

• Full and accurate experimentalanalysis

• Ideal for classroom demonstrations

• Bench-mounted

• No services required

• Compact and requires minimalstorage space

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Determination of the metacentric height, and thus themetacentre, of a floating pontoon. This is by graphicanalysis of the angles of tilt of the pontoon with variouscentres of gravity.

The experiment consists of a rectangular pontoon floatingin water. Plastic materials and corrosion-resistant finishesthroughout the equipment give the fullest possibleprotection against corrosion.

• Vee (Hard) Chine and Half Round (Round Bilge) Hulls(H2a MkII)

• Hydrostatics and Properties of Fluids (H314) 121

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


M e ta c e n t r i c H e i g h t a n d S tab i l i t yh 2 M K I I

A bench-mounted apparatus to determine the stability of a pontoon with its centre of gravity,metacentric height and metacentre at various heights.

O p t i o n a l V e e ( H a r d ) C h i n e a n d H a l f R o u n d ( R o u n d B i l g e )H u l l s ( H 2 a M k I I )

H 2 M k I I H u l l a n d S a i l

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The equipment consists of a vertical panel that holds a clearplastic quadrant, to which students add water. The planeworks in either a vertical or inclined (angled) position.Students then compare their measurements withtheoretical analysis.

• Hydrostatics and Properties of Fluids (H314) 121

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

C e n t r e o f P r e s s u r eh 1 1

A pivoted, clear-plastic assembly which students use to find the centre of pressure of a totally or partiallysubmerged plane surface. Compact, self-contained and excellent for classroom demonstrations.

• Compact and self-contained – just needsclean water

• Determines theoreticalcentre of pressure andcompares actual andtheoretical hydrostaticthrust

• Simple but accuratebalance to measuremoment due to hydrostaticthrust

• Tests a vertical and inclinedplane surface

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Studying the relationship between hydrostatic force

and head of water for a fully and partiallysubmerged vertical and inclined plane

• Comparison of actual and theoretical hydrostaticforce on a fully or partially submerged plane for anygiven head of water

• Theoretical calculation of the position of centre ofpressure on a fully or partially submerged plane

M e t i c u l o u s ly pac k e dTecQuipment’s dedicated packing department uses specialist equipment, custom-made transit crates and the most reliable global carriers to ensure products are delivered in perfect condition.

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Fluid MechanicsHydrostatics and properties of fluids

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Determination of fluid density and specific gravity• Principles and use of a hydrometer• Capillarity in tubes and between plates• Measurement of viscosity by falling sphere method• Demonstration of Pascal’s law• Measurement of fluid levels by Vernier hook gauge• Fluid flow head relationship• Verification of Archimedes’ principle and

demonstration of principles of flotation • Stability of a floating body and determination of

metacentric height• Measurement of force and centre of pressure on a

plane surface• Operation and calibration of a Bourdon pressure

gauge• U-tube manometers with fluids of different density

H y d r o s tat i c s a n d P r o p e r t i e s o f F l u i d sh 3 1 4

Self-contained, mobile unit for many experiments in fluid mechanics, from Archimedes’ principle to thestability of a floating body.

• Wide range of experiments

• Determination of fluid propertiesincluding density, specific gravity,surface tension and viscosity

• Demonstration of hydrostatic principles,including Pascal’s law, Archimedes’ principleand determination of pressure at a point ina fluid

• Experiments cover study of buoyancy,flotation and stability of floating bodies,forces on a plane surface, centre ofpressure, operation and calibration of aBourdon pressure gauge and liquid columnmanometers

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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The apparatus consists of a self-contained bench, completewith all necessary equipment for a wide range ofdemonstrations and experiments in hydrostatics andproperties of fluids. Much of the equipment is rigidlymounted on the bench, the remainder being free-standingitems suitable for use on the bench top.

• Surface Tension Balance (H314a)• Hares Tube (H314b)

• Metacentric Height and Stability (H2 Mk II) 119• Calibration of a Bourdon Pressure Gauge (H3a) 92• Centre of Pressure (H11) 120• Pressure Measurement Bench (H30) 96


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

The self-standing Viscosity and Particle Drag apparatus is asimple falling-sphere viscometer. A back plate holds a glasstube filled with the test fluid.

• Osborne-Reynolds Apparatus (H215) 103

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

V i s c o s i t y a n d Pa r t i c l e D r a gh 4 1 0

Demonstrates the drag coefficient of different sized particles (spheres) andthe viscosity of liquids.

• Chemically inert, high-quality clear-glasstube for use with water and other suitablefluids

• Safe, low-voltage backlighting so studentscan see the falling test spheres throughdark fluids (low translucence)

• Includes test spheres of different sizes anddensities to help match a range of test fluids

• Includes stopwatch and timing marks foraccurate results

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Determination of the viscosity of different fluids• Determination of the drag coefficient of various


S u r fa c e T e n s i o n B a l a n c e ( H 3 1 4 a )

H a r e s t ube ( H 3 1 4b )

H y d r o s tat i c s a n d p r o p e r t i e s o f f l u i d s ( H 3 1 4) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

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Fluid MechanicsHydrology

The bench-mounted apparatus consists of five long,transparent sedimentation columns mounted on a rigidframe.

• Sediment Transport Channel (FC80) 115

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L i q u i d S e d i m e n tat i o n A p pa r at u sh 3 1 1

A self-contained, bench-mounting apparatus for studies into the settling characteristics of suspendedsolids and the display of wall effects.

• Finds settling characteristics and particlesizes of suspended solids

• Five identical sedimentation columns forcomparison of different sediments

• Translucent rear panel with back lighting forbetter visibility

• Includes stopwatch, measuring beakers andspecific gravity bottle

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Comparison of settling characteristics of different

sediments• Determination of the effect of concentration on

settling characteristics (hindered settlement)• Determination of velocity distribution curves• Comparison of flocculent and particle suspensions• Determination of particle size distribution (grading

curve) by liquid sedimentation

D own l oad P o s t e r s , S o f twar e an d Catal o g u e sTecQuipment offers a wide range of digital content such as posters, brochures, catalogues, charts and software on the website.

T e cqu i p m e n t. c o m / d o w n l oad s

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The apparatus is a transparent-sided tank, mounted on asteel-framed bench with worktop. The tank is clear sostudents can see the flow patterns. The sides are plate glassto resist abrasion from the permeable medium. The rear ofthe tank contains pressure tappings with filters that stop anyunwanted particles. The tappings connect to a bank ofpiezometer tubes at the side of the apparatus, which allowsmeasurement of the head distribution along the tank.

• Permeable Medium (H312a) – Washed sand, graded0.5 mm to 1.5 mm


P e r m e ab i l i t y, F l o w N e t s a n d D a r c y ’ s L awh 3 1 2

Demonstrates flow through permeable media with common structures, such as dams or walls.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Determination of seepage beneath a structure • Construction of flow nets and determination of

coefficient of permeability • Flow under a sheet pile and determination of critical

seepage force at which ‘piping’ occurs • Seepage flow under an impermeable dam • Flow through an earth dam with and without a toe

drain • Drawdown in horizontal flow (simulation of

groundwater flow into a river or well) • Determination of uplift pressures on structures such

as building foundations • General studies of seepage and drainage• Flow through a porous medium (Darcy’s law)

• Dye-injector system to help demonstrateflow lines

• Clear plate glass resists abrasion andallows students to see flow patterns

• Includes pressure tappings and piezometertubes to measure head distribution

• Plates supplied to simulate models of walls,sheet piling and dams

• Self-contained, floor-standing unit – onlyneeds water supply and drain

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Fluid MechanicsHydrology

The apparatus is a sturdy metal frame which holds a largerectangular stainless-steel tank (catchment area) and areservoir tank. Students can fill the catchment area with agranular medium (not included) to form a permeablecatchment area. A jacking mechanism allows adjustment ofthe angle of the catchment area. Above the catchment areais a frame that holds spray nozzles which simulate rainfallon the catchment. A valve selects all or half the nozzles.Students can use this facility to vary the lag time on ahydrograph, or to simulate a moving storm. At each end ofthe catchment area are end compartments, separatedfrom the catchment by weir plates with porous ‘port holes’.The port holes can be opened to drain water from thecatchment area, or to supply water to it from the end

H y d r o l o g y a n d R a i n fa l l A p pa r at u s H 3 1 3

For studying hydrology principles, including rainfall, through flow and movement of water over landand rivers.

• Permeable catchment area fed with ‘rain’from overhead spray nozzles and/or bygroundwater flow from ends of tank

• Spray nozzles to supply half or all ofcatchment area

• Can measure ‘drawdown’ due to single ortwo interacting wells

• Self-contained – requires only an electricalsupply

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Investigation of rainfall/run-off relationships for dry,

saturated and impermeable catchments of variousslopes (surface run-off only)

• Effect of interflow on outflow hydrograph surfacerun-off (plus groundwater flow)

• Simulation of multiple and moving storms• Measurement of cone of depression for a single well,

and comparison with theory interaction of cones ofdepression for two adjacent wells

• De-watering of excavation sites by use of wells• Flow from a well in a confined aquifer• Demonstration of watersheds for a simulated island

with rainfall and well flows• Sediment transport and meanders in simulated rivers• Studies of scour around simulated bridge piers

compartments. In the middle of the catchment area are two‘wells’ for experiments with water wells. A row of 20tappings along the centre line of the catchment area allowsthe measuring of the water table profile. Each tapping hasspecial slotted ends to stop the permeable media enteringits pipe. The tappings connect to a bank of piezometertubes at the front of the catchment area.

• Permeable Medium (H313a) – Washed sand, graded0.5 mm to 1.5 mm


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The turbine has a sturdy base which sits on the top of thehydraulic bench (H1F). The turbine connects to the pumpedsupply of the hydraulic bench. The bench measures the flowrate. A mechanical gauge measures the inlet pressure tothe turbine. Adjustable guide vanes in the turbine alter theflow rate and direction of flow to the impeller (runner) of theturbine. The end of the turbine outlet tube (draft) sits in therecess in the top of the hydraulic bench.

F r a n c i s T u rb i n eH 1 8

Demonstrates how a Francis turbine works and tests its performance.

• Mounts onto TecQuipment’s DigitalHydraulic Bench (H1F) for flowmeasurement and easy installation

• Includes band brake to measure turbinetorque

• Fully adjustable guide vanes with positionindicator

• Includes pressure gauge to measure inletpressure

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Efficiency of a Francis turbine• Performance of a Francis turbine at different flow

rates• The effect of different guide vane settings on turbine


• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Optical Tachometer (OT1) 303

• Stroboscope (ST1) 303

• Francis Turbine (MFP101d) 138• Pelton Turbine (H19) 127


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

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Fluid MechanicsPum

ps and turbines

The product consists of a Pelton wheel mounted in acorrosion-resistant enclosure. A transparent front panelallows students to see the turbine working. An optionalstroboscope (ST1, available separately) can ‘freeze’ theimage of the turbine to help students better understandhow it works. An adjustable spear valve directs a jet ofwater through a nozzle to the buckets of the Pelton wheel tomake it turn. Manual adjustment of the spear valve controlsthe water jet from the nozzle.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

• Optical Tachometer (OT1) 303

• Stroboscope (ST1) 303

• Impact of a Jet (H8) 105• Francis Turbine (H18) 126• Pelton Wheel (Turbine) (MFP101b) 137

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:



alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

P e lt o n T u rb i n eH 1 9

A compact unit for demonstrations and performance tests on a Pelton turbine.

• Works with TecQuipment’s Digital HydraulicBench for easy installation

• Includes dynamometer to load the turbineand help find the power absorbed (needsan optional tachometer to find speed)

• Includes inlet pressure gauge

• Screw-controlled spear valve for preciseinlet flow control

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Performance charts of power, speed, torque and

efficiency• The effect of spear valve position

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S h o w n w i t h t h e D i g i ta l H y d r a u l i c B e n c h( H 1 F ) – ava i l abl e s e pa r at e ly

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The ram pump is not a normal mechanically-operatedpump. A column of water in the supply (drive) pipe from aheader tank, moving at low velocity, is similar to a ‘plunger’.The energy in the plunger forces water from the supply intoa delivery pipe. This exchanges the momentum of a largeamount of water into energy that pumps a smaller amountof water up a hill or gradient.

• Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) 91

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

H y d r a u l i c R a m P u m pH 3 1

Demonstrates the use of water hammerto create a pumping action.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of the water hammer effect to

produce a pumping action

• Works with TecQuipment’sDigital Hydraulic Bench foreasy installation

• Includes air vessel to reducehydraulic shock

• Ideal for demonstrations tosmall groups of students

• Includes header tank and all necessary pipework

T e cqu i p m e n t b l o gRead the TecQuipment blog for informative posts from topics focused on engineering education, through to guest posts from academics sharing view points and relevant teaching projects and perspectives.

T e cqu i p m e n t. c o m / k n o w l e d g e

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Fluid MechanicsPum

ps and turbines

C e n t r i f u g a l P u m p T e s t S e tH 47

For a comprehensive range of investigations into the performance and characteristics of acentrifugal pump. Demonstrates cavitation and the use of a Venturi tube.

• Pump has a transparent ‘window’ to allowstudents to see clearly its impeller, the waterflow and cavitation

• Demonstrates how to use a Venturi meterand differential pressure measurement tofind flow rate

• Optional stroboscope allows students to seeclearly the effects of cavitation around thepump impeller

• Optional easy-to-read analogueinstrumentation

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Comprehensive demonstrations and investigations intoa centrifugal pump including:• Centrifugal pump performance and characteristics,

typically head versus flow and efficiency versus flow• Non-dimensional performance characteristics• Flow measurement using a Venturi tube• Demonstration of cavitation

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a lV D A S ® s o f t wa r e

T e s t S e t w i t h a n a l o g u e p r e s s u r e m e a s u r e m e n t, d i g i ta lp r e s s u r e m e a s u r e m e n t a n d V e r s at i l e D ata A c q u i s i t i o n U n i t

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Stroboscope (ST1) 303• Analogue Pressure Display (AP1)• Digital Pressure Display (DP1)

• Series and Parallel Pumps (H52) 131• Two-Stage (Series and Parallel) Pumps (H83) 132• Centrifugal Pump Module (MFP101) 135


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

A motor mounted in bearings drives the pump. The pumpdraws water from the integral reservoir. The water travelsup through a valve and filter, through an inlet valve to thepump body, then out through a delivery valve. It thenpasses through a Venturi meter and returns to the reservoirfor re-use. This self-contained water supply keeps waterconsumption to a minimum. The pump has a transparent‘window’ so students can see the impeller turning and howthe water vapour bubbles form in the pump at cavitation.The optional stroboscope makes the effect easier to see.

C av i tat i o n d e m o n s t r at i o n

D i g i ta l P r e s s u r eD i s p l ay ( D P 1 )

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C e n t r i f u g a l p u m p t e s t s e t ( H 47 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

S o c ial M e d iaFind out all the latest up-to-the-minute news, promotions, stories from users and videos etc.

Plus, embrace the opportunity to interact with other academics, students and get fresh ideas.

s har es

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Fluid MechanicsPum

ps and turbines

S e r i e s a n d Pa r a l l e l P u m p sH 5 2

Bench-top test set that allows students to investigate the operation and performance of a singlecentrifugal pump and two centrifugal pumps in both series and parallel.

• Self-contained, compact, bench-top, easy-to-use test set for a range of experimentsand demonstrations

• Easily configurable system to enable pumpsto be tested individually, in series and inparallel, with a manually adjustable waterflow rate

• Long-life, robust valves with large handlesallow students to change the water circuit inseconds, ready for the next experiment

• Includes pressure gauges to measure intakeand delivery pressures

• Discharge flow measurement

The apparatus comprises two identical centrifugal pumps,together with two bearing-mounted motors driving eachpump independently. The pumps draw water from the clearacrylic reservoir. The water travels through a series of valvesto be delivered to a flow measurement device. The waterthen returns to the reservoir for re-use, keeping water use toa minimum.

• Centrifugal Pump Test Set (H47) 129• Two-Stage (Series and Parallel) Pumps (H83) 132• Centrifugal Pump Module (MFP101) 135

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Comprehensive demonstration and investigation into acentrifugal pump including:• Centrifugal pump performance and characteristics,

typically: head versus flow and efficiency versus flow• Operation of centrifugal pumps in series• Operation of centrifugal pumps in parallel

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Comprehensive demonstrations and investigations intoa centrifugal pump including:• Centrifugal pump performance and characteristics,

typically head versus flow and efficiency versus flow• Non-dimensional performance characteristics• Flow measurement using a Venturi tube• Demonstration of cavitation• Operation of centrifugal pumps in series• Operation of centrifugal pumps in parallel

• Pumps have a transparent ‘window’ toclearly see the impellers, water flow andcavitation

• Pumps can be tested individually, in seriesand in parallel, with independent speedcontrol

• Demonstrates how to use a Venturi meterand differential pressure measurement tofind flow rate

• Optional stroboscope allows students to seeclearly the effects of cavitation around apump impeller

• Works with TecQuipment’s Versatile DataAcquisition System (VDAS®) and software

T w o - S ta g e ( S e r i e s a n d Pa r a l l e l ) P u m p sH 8 3

For a comprehensive range of investigations into the operation and characteristics of a singlecentrifugal pump, and two centrifugal pumps in both series and parallel.

T e s t s e t s h o w nw i t h a l li n s t r u m e n tat i o no p t i o n s a n dV e r s at i l e D ataA c q u i s i t i o nS y s t e m

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Fluid MechanicsPum

ps and turbines

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ®s o f t wa r e

Two bearing-mounted motors drive each pumpindependently. The pumps draw water from the integralreservoir. The water travels through strainers and a series ofvalves to be delivered to a Venturi meter. The water thenreturns to the reservoir for re-use, keeping water use to aminimum. The pumps each have a transparent ‘window’ sostudents can see the impeller turning and how the watervapour bubbles form in the pump at cavitation. Theoptional stroboscope makes the effect easier to see.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Stroboscope (ST1) 303• Analogue Pressure Display (AP2)• Digital Pressure Display (DP1)

• Centrifugal Pump Test Set (H47) 129• Series and Parallel Pumps (H52) 131• Centrifugal Pump Module (MFP101) 135


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

P lay N ow – T e c Q u i p m e n t Y o u T u b e C han n e lVisit and subscribe to the TecQuipment YouTube channel for all the latest products showcase, installation and user videos. y o u t ube . c o m / c / t e cqu i p m e n t

S u b s o n i c w i n d t u n n e l (AF 1 6 0 0 ) F r e e v i b rat i o n s ( T M 1 6 0 s e r i e s )

Be n c h -t o p t e n s i l e t e s t i n g mac h i n e ( S M 1 0 0 2 ) 2 .5 m e t r e f l ow c han n e l ( F C50 )

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A precision-machined base plate holds the motor and itssensors. The base plate has location points to give accurateand repeatable alignment onto each Fluid Power module.The coupling between the Universal Dynamometer and allFluid Power machines is a jaw-type coupling with a rubberelement. The Universal Dynamometer directly drives theFluid Power machines. This means that the user has noneed to fit or adjust the tension of belts and pulleys.

U n i v e r s a l D y n a m o m e t e rM F P 1 0 0

Provides motive power with speed, torque and power measurementsfor TecQuipment’s Modular Fluid Power range.

Experiment modules(mfp101–mfp107)

Essential Base Unit (mfp100)


• Centrifugal Pump Module (MFP101) 135• Axial Flow Pump Module (MFP102) 139• Positive Displacement Pump Module (MFP103) 140• Reciprocating Compressor Module (MFP104) 143• Centrifugal Compressor Module (MFP105) 144• Centrifugal Fan Module (MFP106) 145• Axial Fan Module (MFP107) 147

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

F E AT U R E S : B E N E F I T S :Provides motive power to seven differentexperiment modules

Modular design saves space and reduces costs

Multiple electrical outlets for instruments No need for extra power sockets and increasessafety

Quick and easy transfer from one experimentmodule to another

Maximises experiment time

Direct drive No belts or pulleys to adjust

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Fluid MechanicsM

odular Fluid Power

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Centrifugal pump performance and characteristics,

typically head against flow and efficiency againstflow

• Variation of pump performance with inlet pressure• Variation of pump performance with speed• Non-dimensional performance characteristics• Flow measurement using a Venturi tube

C e n t r i f u g a l P u m p M o d u l eM F P 1 0 1

Allows students to study and perform tests on a centrifugal pump and optional turbines, to understandhow they work and calculate performance.

S h o w n f i t t e d w i t ht h e U n i v e r s a lD y n a m o m e t e r( M F P 1 0 0 ) , t u rb i n ed y n a m o m e t e r a n da t u rb i n e

• Centrifugal pump mounted in mobile framewith full instrumentation

• Part of TecQuipment’s Modular Fluid Powerrange which connects with the UniversalDynamometer (MFP100) as a commonmotive power source, for a cost-effectivesolution

• Inlet and delivery valves for wide range ofoperating conditions

• Turbine dynamometer and turbines(available separately) – propeller, Francisand Pelton

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The module includes a centrifugal pump, a Venturiflowmeter, valves, a reservoir and instrumentation – allmounted on a robust, mobile trolley for ease of use. Theseparate Universal Dynamometer (MFP100) measures anddisplays the speed and torque of the pump to calculate anddisplay mechanical (shaft) power. Electronic pressuretransducers measure the pump inlet and delivery pressuresand the Venturi differential pressure (flow rate). Speed isfully variable up to the maximum allowable for the pump.

• Universal Dynamometer (MFP100) 134

• Pelton Wheel (Turbine) (MFP101b) 137• Propeller Turbine (MFP101c) 138• Francis Turbine (MFP101d) 138

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Stroboscope (ST1) 303

• Centrifugal Pump Test Set (H47) 129• Series and Parallel Pumps (H52) 131• Two-Stage (Series and Parallel) Pumps (H83) 132

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

T u rb i n e D y n a m o m e t e rM F P 1 0 1 a

Dynamometer for the turbines of the Centrifugal Pump Module (MFP101).

• Dynamometer that fits on the CentrifugalPump Module to test the optional turbines

• Electrically powered from outlets on theUniversal Dynamometer motor drive

• Measures and displays torque, speed andshaft power

• Can connect to TecQuipment’s VersatileData Acquisition System (VDAS®)

The Turbine Dynamometer is required for tests on theoptional turbines. It fits on the Centrifugal Pump Module(MFP101), near the outlet end of the centrifugal pump. Fitany of the three optional turbines to the TurbineDynamometer. Each turbine has a brake drum that fitsinside the dynamometer.

• Pelton Wheel (MFP101b) 137• Propeller Turbine (MFP101c) 138• Francis Turbine (MFP101d) 138N o t e : Only one Turbine Dynamometer is needed to test all three turbines.


c e n t r i f u g a l p u m p m o d u l e ( M F P 1 0 1 ) c o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

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Fluid MechanicsM

odular Fluid Power

P e lt o n W h e e l ( T u rb i n e )M F P 1 0 1 b

Impulse turbine for use with the Centrifugal Pump Module (MFP101).

• Optional turbine that fits on the TurbineDynamometer (MFP101a) of theCentrifugal Pump Module (MFP101)

• Impulse turbine

• Variable spear jet

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Variation of turbine performance with inlet

pressure and flow rate• Variation of turbine performance with speed• Non-dimensional performance


The Pelton wheel has a large wheel or ‘runner’ that has‘buckets’ (turbine blades) that absorb the energy in thewater. The buckets are in pairs to correctly balance thewheel and to work efficiently. The Pelton wheel has avariable spear jet at its inlet. This allows students tounderstand the effect of changing the velocity of the waterthat hits the buckets. A clear viewing window on the side ofthe turbine allows students to see how the turbine works.

• Centrifugal Pump Module (MFP101) 135(with Universal Dynamometer MFP100) 134

• Turbine Dynamometer (MFP101a) 136

• Impact of a Jet (H8) 105• Pelton Turbine (H19) 127

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

cap t u r e t h e p owe r o f...the Versatile Data Acquisition System from TecQuipment

Our Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) is a highly effective way of collecting and using data from experiments using TecQuipment’s educational teaching equipment.

L O O K AT T H E BE N E F I T S . . .v e r sat i l e – can be used across a wide range of TecQuipment productsdata – transforms raw data instantly which easily exports or creates sophisticated graphs and tablesacqu i s i t i o n – USB connectivity, multiple-source real-time data captures y s t e m – an expandable modular approach providing easy-to-use digital plug-and-play technology

labv i e wAll TecQuipment products compatible with VDAS® have the capability to interface with a LabVIEW environment.

Visit t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m for more information.

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T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M

F r a n c i s T u rb i n e M F P 1 0 1 d

Reaction turbine for use with theCentrifugal Pump Module (MFP101).

• Optional turbine that fits on the TurbineDynamometer (MFP101a) of theCentrifugal Pump Module (MFP101)

• Reaction turbine

• Ten-blade runner

• Fully adjustable guide vanes

The turbine has adjustable guide vanes that control thewater flow in the turbine. They also direct the water at anangle to the blades of the impeller. Students learn how theguide vane setting affects how the turbine works. Theturbine has a clear viewing window and draft tube so thatstudents can see the turbine working.

• Centrifugal Pump Module (MFP101) 135(with Universal Dynamometer MFP100) 134

• Turbine Dynamometer (MFP101a) 136

• Francis Turbine (H18) 126

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Variation of turbine performance with inlet pressure

and flow rate• Variation of turbine performance with speed• Non-dimensional performance characteristics

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P r o p e l l e r T u rb i n eM F P 1 0 1 c

Propeller turbine for use with theCentrifugal Pump Module (MFP101).

• Optional turbine that fits on theTurbine Dynamometer (MFP101a)of the Centrifugal Pump Module(MFP101)

• Inward flow reaction turbine

• Four-blade propeller

• Fully adjustable guide vanes

The turbine has adjustable guide vanes that control thewater flow in the turbine. They also direct the water at anangle to the back of the propeller. Students learn how theguide vane setting affects how the turbine works. Theturbine has a clear viewing window around the guidevanes and a clear draft tube so that students can see theturbine working.

• Centrifugal Pump Module (MFP101) 135(with Universal Dynamometer MFP100) 134

• Turbine Dynamometer (MFP101a) 136

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Variation of turbine performance with inlet pressure

and flow rate• Variation of turbine performance with speed• Non-dimensional performance characteristics

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Fluid MechanicsM

odular Fluid Power

The pump fitted to this module has two sections - one fixedand one moving, each with a set of blades. Water movesfrom a water tank through a calibrated nozzle. It thenpasses through the pump and down to a fully adjustabledelivery valve. It then returns to the water tank. The deliveryvalve allows the user to gradually shut the downstreamwater flow for a range of pump performance tests.

• Universal Dynamometer (MFP100) 134

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


• Axial flow pump, mounted in amobile frame with full instrumentation,including a digital pressure display

• Self-contained – has its own water reservoirand needs no external water supply

• Part of TecQuipment’s Modular Fluid Powerrange which connects with the UniversalDynamometer (MFP100) as a commonmotive-power source for a cost-effectivesolution

• Connection plate with schematic diagramshows the water flow circuit and how partsof the module connect to each other

A x i a l F l o w P u m p M o d u l eM F P 1 0 2

Allows students to study andperform tests on an axialflow pump, to understandhow it works and calculateits performance.

S c r e e n s h o t o ft h e o p t i o n a lV D A S ®s o f t wa r e

S h o w n f i t t e d w i t ht h e U n i v e r s a lD y n a m o m e t e r( M F P 1 0 0 )

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Variation of pump performance with speed • Variation of pump performance with different outlet

pressures and flow rate• Non-dimensional performance curves• Determination of the specific speed of the pump

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• Mobile pump-support module with fullinstrumentation

• Part of TecQuipment’s Modular Fluid Powerrange which connects with the UniversalDynamometer (MFP100) as a commonmotive-power source for a cost-effectivesolution

• Allows students to study and test a range ofpopular positive displacement pumps(available separately)

• Connection plate with schematic diagramclearly shows oil flow circuit and how partsof the module connect to each other

The module consists of a mobile frame with an oil reservoir,a flowmeter, valves and instruments to measure pumpperformance. The flowmeter is a positive displacement unit,so that it still works correctly at any oil viscosity. Any of theoptional pumps fit to the module. Two flexible, high-pressure pipes with quick-release, self-sealing connectionsconnect the pump to the oil circuit.

• Piston Pump (MFP103a) 141• Gear Pump (MFP103b) 141• Vane Pump (MFP103c) 142• Swash Plate Pump (MFP103d) 142N o t e : At least one of the optional pumps must be chosento use with the Positive Displacement Pump Module.Tests or experiments cannot be performed without anoptional pump.

• Universal Dynamometer (MFP100) 134

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

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ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

P o s i t i v e D i s p l a c e m e n t P u m p M o d u l eM F P 1 0 3

Allows students to study andperform tests on a range ofpositive displacement pumps, tounderstand how they work andcalculate their performance.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

S h o w n f i t t e d w i t h t h eU n i v e r s a l D y n a m o m e t e r( M F P 1 0 0 ) a n d a p u m p

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Fluid MechanicsM

odular Fluid Power

P i s t o n P u m pM F P 1 0 3 a

Piston pump for use with the PositiveDisplacement Pump Support Module (MFP103).

• Popular design, ideal for student experiments,demonstrations and projects

• Quick-release, self-sealing connections forsimple and safe fitting

• Demonstrates the characteristics of a twin-piston pump

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Performance and characteristics of a piston pump• Volumetric and overall efficiencies• Use of an oval gear flowmeterWhen two or more optional pumps are ordered:• Comparison of positive displacement pumps

(economy, flow rate and output pressure pulses)

The piston pump is a positive displacement pump. It hastwin vertically-opposed pistons that deliver a given volumeof fluid (oil) for each full rotation of the pump shaft.

• Positive Displacement Pump Module (MFP103) 140(with Universal Dynamometer MFP100) 134

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

G e a r P u m pM F P 1 0 3 b

Gear pump for use with the Positive DisplacementPump Support Module (MFP103).

• Popular design, ideal for studentexperiments, demonstrations and projects

• Quick-release, self-sealing connections forsimple and safe fitting

• Demonstrates the characteristics of a gearpump

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Performance and characteristics of a gear pump• Volumetric and overall efficiencies• Use of an oval gear flowmeterWhen two or more optional pumps are ordered:• Comparison of positive displacement pumps

(economy, flow rate and output pressure pulses)

The gear pump is a positive displacement pump. It hasdouble gears that deliver a given volume of fluid (oil) foreach full rotation of the pump shaft.

• Positive Displacement Pump Module (MFP103) 140(with Universal Dynamometer MFP100) 134

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

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Va n e P u m pM F P 1 0 3 c

Vane pump for use with the Positive DisplacementPump Support Module (MFP103).

• Popular design, ideal for studentexperiments, demonstrations and projects

• Quick-release, self-sealing connections forsimple and safe fitting

• Demonstrates the characteristics of a vanepump

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Performance and characteristics of a vane pump• Volumetric and overall efficiencies• Use of an oval gear flowmeterWhen two or more optional pumps are ordered:• Comparison of positive displacement pumps

(economy, flow rate and output pressure pulses)

The vane pump is a positive displacement pump. It has afixed displacement balanced vane that delivers a givenvolume of fluid (oil) for each full rotation of the pump shaft.

• Positive Displacement Pump Module (MFP103) 140(with Universal Dynamometer MFP100) 134

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

• Popular design, ideal for studentexperiments, demonstrations and projects

• Quick-release, self-sealing connections forsimple and safe fitting

• Demonstrates the characteristics of a swashplate pump

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Performance and characteristics of a swash plate

pump• Volumetric and overall efficiencies• Use of an oval gear flowmeterWhen two or more optional pumps are ordered:• Comparison of positive displacement pumps

(economy, flow rate and output pressure pulses)

The Swash Plate Pump is a positive displacement pump. Ithas a fixed displacement axial piston assembly that deliversa given volume of fluid (oil) for each full rotation of thepump shaft.

• Positive Displacement Pump Module (MFP103) 140(with Universal Dynamometer MFP100) 134

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

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s wa s h p l at e P u m pM F P 1 0 3 d

Swash plate pump for use with the PositiveDisplacement Pump Support Module (MFP103).

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Fluid MechanicsM

odular Fluid Power

• Reciprocating compressor and air receivermounted in a mobile frame with fullinstrumentation

• Allows students to study and test a popularfluid power machine

• Temperature and pressure measurementsat key points in the system

• Connection plate with schematic diagramclearly shows how parts of the moduleconnect together

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Energy balance for a compressor• Variation of compressor performance with pressure• Variation of compressor performance with speed• Mechanical, volumetric and isothermal efficiencies• Thermodynamics of a compressor

R e c i p r o c at i n g C o m p r e s s o r M o d u l eM F P 1 0 4

Allows students to study and performtests on a reciprocating compressor,to understand how it works andcalculate its performance.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a lV D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The module includes a small compressor with an airreceiver and instrumentation, all mounted on a robust,mobile trolley for ease of use. Speed is fully variable up tothe maximum allowable for the compressor. Air enters thecompressor, which then delivers it under pressure to thereceiver. A valve releases pressure from the receiver toatmosphere through an orifice. The valve sets the pressurein the receiver and hence the flow rate; the orifice allows anaccurate measurement of the mass flow rate of the outletair. These values help students to discover how thecompressor flow rate relates to the pressure delivered bythe compressor.

• Universal Dynamometer (MFP100) 134

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Two-Stage Compressor Test Set (GT103) 268

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• Centrifugal compressor,mounted in a mobile framewith full instrumentation

• Part of TecQuipment’s ModularFluid Power range thatconnects with the UniversalDynamometer (MFP100) asa common motivepower source for acost-effectivesolution

• Pressure andtemperaturemeasurements atkey points in thesystem

• Connection platewith schematicdiagram clearlyshows thearrangement of themodule

C e n t r i f u g a l C o m p r e s s o r M o d u l eM F P 1 0 5

Allows students to study andperform tests on a centrifugalcompressor, to understandhow it works and calculate itsperformance.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The module consists of a compressor and instrumentation.Speed is fully variable up to the maximum allowable for thecompressor. Air enters the compressor through a shapednozzle, used to measure the air flow rate. The air thenmoves past a hand-operated delivery valve and out toatmosphere. The delivery valve controls the air flow rate(and therefore delivery pressure).

• Universal Dynamometer (MFP100) 134

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)


e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Performance of a compressor• Variation of compressor performance with speed • Investigation of non-dimensional characteristics• Comparison of performance with that of an ideal

adiabatic system

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Fluid MechanicsM

odular Fluid Power

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Performance of a centrifugal fan• Variation of fan performance with speed • Variation of fan performance with type of impeller• Non-dimensional performance curves• Determination of the specific speed of the fan

C e n t r i f u g a l Fa n M o d u l eM F P 1 0 6

Allows students to study and perform tests on acentrifugal fan, to understand how it works andcalculate its performance.

The module consists of a fan and instrumentation. Speed isfully variable up to the maximum allowable for the fan. Airenters the fan through a shaped nozzle, used to measurethe air flow rate. The air then moves past a slide valve andout to atmosphere. The slide valve controls the air flow rate(and therefore delivery pressure). The fan impeller (movingpart) is interchangeable. Supplied with the fan are threedifferent impellers for more tests on fan performance.

• Universal Dynamometer (MFP100) 134

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Pipe Flow and Nozzle Kit (MFP106a) 146


e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

• Centrifugal fan, mounted ina mobile frame with fullinstrumentation

• Part of TecQuipment’sModular FluidPower range thatconnects withthe UniversalDynamometer(MFP100) as acommon motivepower source for acost-effective solution

• Three interchangeableimpellers provided asstandard

• Optional Pipe Flow andNozzle Kit for moreexperiments

S h o w n f i t t e d w i t h t h e U n i v e r s a lD y n a m o m e t e r ( M F P 1 0 0 )

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

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• Includes a multiway pressure displaywith additional instrument frame

• Includes different pipe fittings tocompare losses in bends and elbows

• Axial probe and additional nozzle tofind pressures along a nozzle

• Pitot traverse to find pressure profileand calculate theoretical flow

• Orifice plate to calculate theoreticalflow and compare with the Pitot andstandard nozzle measurement

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Axial pressure profile along a nozzle• Velocity profile across a pipe• Losses in straight pipes• Losses in bends and elbows (fittings)• Flow through an orifice

Optional Pipe Flow and Nozzle Kit for the Centrifugal FanModule (MFP106). This kit includes two long lengths ofsmooth-walled pipe with multiple pressure tappings and aPitot traverse. The pipes connect to the inlet of the MFP106(the standard inlet nozzle is moved), so it becomes a suctionfan for tests on the pipes. The pipe tappings connect to amultiway pressure display (supplied with the kit).

• Centrifugal Fan Module (MFP106) 145


P i p e F l o w a n d N o z z l e K i tM F P 1 0 6 a

Optional pipe flow and nozzle kit for use with the Centrifugal Fan Module (MFP106).

D i g i tal datas h e e t sVisit individual product pages on the TecQuipment website to view and download the digital datasheets.

t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m

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Fluid MechanicsM

odular Fluid Power

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Characteristics of an axial fan, including head

against flow efficiency• Relationship between power and speed (power law)• Velocity distribution in a round duct• Calibration of an inlet nozzle• Duct resistance and matching to fan to find

operating point

A x i a l Fa n M o d u l eM F P 1 0 7

Allows students to study and perform tests on an axial fan, to understand how it works and calculateits performance.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The module has an axial fan mounted in a cylindrical steelduct. Air enters the duct through an inlet nozzle. Thepressure at a set of tappings just downstream of the nozzleallows calculation of the inlet air flow rate. A slide valve(downstream of the fan) controls flow rate and deliverypressure. Air exits the duct through a silencer to reducenoise in the laboratory.

• Universal Dynamometer (MFP100) 134

• Pitot-Static Traverse – 450 mm (MFP107a) 148• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299

Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


S h o w n f i t t e d w i t h t h e U n i v e r s a lD y n a m o m e t e r ( M F P 1 0 0 )

• Part of TecQuipment’s Modular Fluid Powerrange which connects with the UniversalDynamometer (MFP100) as a commonmotive-power source for a cost-effectivesolution

• Multiple pressure measurement points alongthe fan duct allow students to examine a fullrange of performance characteristics

• Connection plate with schematic diagramclearly shows air flow circuit and how partsof the module connect to each other

• Traversing, calibrated Pitot tube allowsinvestigations of velocity distribution

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The Pitot-Static Traverse allows students to find the velocitydistribution across the duct of the Axial Fan Module(MFP107). This optional ancillary comprises a Pitot-statictube which fits on the duct of the Axial Fan Module and hasa digital indicator to show the tube position across the duct.

• Axial Fan Module (MFP107) 147


P i t o t- S tat i c T r av e r s e (4 5 0 m m ) M F P 1 0 7a

A traversing Pitot-static tube with electronic positionmeasurement for use with TecQuipment’s Axial FanModule (MFP107)

e x p e r t s o n t h e e n d o f t h e p h o n e

The dedicated, multilingual Sales team is available to discuss equipment specifications, teaching objectives and constraints, to offer the best products to suit requirements.

Cal l +44 ( 0 ) 1 15 97 2 2 6 1 1

T ra i n i n g Ava i lab l e O n - S i t e o r at T e c Q u i p m e n t H eadquar t e r sComprehensive equipment training is available from TecQuipment’s team of specialist engineers.

Topics include:

• Operation• Safety • Maintenance• Introductory experimentation

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Materials Testing and properties“We are pleased with the TecQuipment set we have in our lab. It gives students a valuablechance to revisit the theory related to the material and structural behaviour studied in theirmechanics of material and structural analyses courses.

D r . G h a d a K a r a k iA s s i s ta n t P r o f e s s o r , D e pa r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g , Fa c u lt y o f E n g i n e e r i n g a n dT e c h n o l o g y, B i r z e i t U n i v e r s i t y, Pa l e s t i n e

m a t e r i a l s t e s t i n ga n d p r o p e r t i e sb a s i c e l a s t i c p r o p e r t i e s 1 5 1

s t r e s s a n d s t r a i n a n a ly s i s 1 5 3

t o r s i o n t e s t i n g 1 5 8

fat i g u e t e s t i n g 1 5 9

c r e e p t e s t i n g 1 6 0

t e n s i l e a n d u n i v e r s a l t e s t i n g m a c h i n e s 1 6 1

i m pa c t t e s t i n g 1 6 7

i n d u s t r i a l h a r d n e s s t e s t e r s 1 6 9

t e s t s p e c i m e n s 1 7 2

f r e e - s ta n d i n g s t r u c t u r e s e x p e r i m e n t s 1 74

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m at e r i a l s t e s t i n g a n d p r o p e r t i e sThe Materials Testing and Properties products offer a widerange of teaching equipment to demonstrate key materials’properties; they cover Hooke’s law and Young’s modulusassociated with elastic properties, and stress/strainanalysis. For more advanced learning, experimentsavailable progress to hardness testing, complex analysis ofstress and strain, testing specimens to destruction andvarious apparatus for learning about material fatigue.The range also extends into the area of structures andstructural elements, providing supplementary products tothe complete modular Structures range – s e e pa g e 1 8 5 .

L o o k at t h e o t h e r r a n g e s The S t r u c t u r e s (page 185) and E n g i n e e r i n g S c i e n c e(page 5) ranges also include products thatdemonstratehow thechoice ofmaterialsaffects theperformanceof structuralelements.

V D A S ® e n a b l e d P r o d u c t s Pa g e

Thin Cylinder (SM1007) 153

Diaphragm (SM1008) 154

Thick Cylinder (SM1011) 155

Strain Gauge Trainer (SM1009) 156

Digital Strain Display (SM1010) 157

Torsion Testing Machine–30 Nm (SM1001) 158

Rotating Fatigue Machine (SM1090) 159

Creep Machine (SM1006) 160

Bench-Top Tensile Testing Machine (SM1002) 161

Universal Testing Machine (SM1000) 163

Unsymmetrical Cantilever Apparatus (SM1003) 174

Beam Apparatus (SM1004) 175

Euler Buckling Apparatus (SM1005) 177

A u t o m at i c d ata a c q u i s i t i o nMany of the products in this range work with TecQuipment’s unique Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) – S e e pa g e 2 9 9 .

r e f i n e d p r o d u c t s : Meets the needs of a modernmaterials course.

b r o a d a n d p r o g r e s s i v e r a n g e o f e x p e r i m e n t s :Teaches the fundamental principles, progressing tocomplex stress and strain analysis.

a u t o m at i c d ata a c q u i s i t i o n : Multiple and fast-changing measurements make data acquisition avaluable tool.

k e y f eat u r e s an d b e n e f i t s :

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Materials Testing and propertiesBasic elastic properties

H o o k e ’ s L aw a n d S p r i n g R at eS M 1 1 0

Bench-top apparatus tests extension springs to find theirproperties. Proves Hooke’s law and the basic rules ofspring design.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Spring rate and Hooke’s law• To prove the basic rules of spring design• Simple spring scale• Springs in series• Springs in parallel

The Spring Testing Apparatus uses a fundamentalvariable mass and scale measurement to testsprings. It demonstrates how to find the propertiesof a spring and proves some basic laws of physics(Hooke’s law, Newton’s law and spring designrules). It is also a useful tool for a workshop, tocheck the properties of a spring before it is used,or after it has been used.

• Coil Spring (SM1000f) 165• Spring Tester Kit (ES19) 14

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

• Fundamental and accurate test instrument to testsingle springs and springs in series and parallel

• Tests springs and finds their properties – good formechanical workshops and classroom use

• Includes a set of different springs to comparespring rates and effect of different spring sizes

• Supplied with user guide which includes theory,experiments and results

Q ual i t y C o n t r o l w i t h I n - H o u s e P r o d u c t i o nTo maintain high quality and keep lead times to a minimum, products are designed and manufactured all under one roof in the TecQuipment headquarters based in the UK.

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :S ta n d a r d T E 1 6 k i t:• Investigation of the stiffness in bending of different

materials of the same cross-section (Young’smodulus/stiffness)

• Investigation of the stiffness of a single material withdifferent cross-section geometries (second momentof area, or I value)

W h e n u s e d w i t h t h e o p t i o n a l T E 1 6 a :• Experiments to find the deflected shape of a beam

and bending of a beam clamped at one end (acantilever)

• Comparison of a simply supported beam, acantilever and an encastré beam

W h e n u s e d w i t h t h e o p t i o n a l T E 1 6b :• Experiments to find the relationship between angular

deflection and the dimensional and materialproperties of rods and tubes (torsional stiffness)

S t i f f n e s s – B e n d i n g a n d T o r s i o nT E 1 6

Compact, bench-mounted apparatus enabling a variety of investigations into material stiffness.

A rigid metal frame supplied with two adjustable knifeedges that work as simple supports for test beams. A linearscale allows accurate positioning of the knife edges. Alsoincluded are weights, a magnetic dial gauge, a set ofdifferent beams and a Vernier gauge.

• Additional Experimentation Kit (TE16a)• Additional Torsion Testing Kit (TE16b)


• Beam and Leaf Spring (SM1000g) 165• Beam Apparatus (SM1004) 175• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers (STR4) 202• Continuous and Indeterminate Beams (STR13) 204• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers Kit (ES4) 11W h e n u s e d w i t h t h e A d d i t i o n a l T o r s i o n T e s t i n g K i t ( T E 1 6b ) :• Torsion of Circular Sections Kit (ES5) 12• Torsion Testing Machine – 30 Nm (SM1001) 158• Torsion of Circular Sections (STR6) 211

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

• Allows investigations into stiffness inbending of beams of different materialsand cross-section

• Easy-to-use precision parts and instrumentsfor accurate, repeatable and reliable results

• The standard TE16 kit includes test beams ofdifferent materials and cross-section

• Optional additional kits (TE16a and TE16b)available for experiments with differentbeam fixings (cantilever and encastré) andtorsional stiffness experiments

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Materials Testing and propertiesStress and strain analysis

• Includes experiments to find Young’smodulus and Poisson’s ratio

• Closed-end and open-end conditions toallow circumferential or biaxial stress tests

• Includes built-in microprocessor-controlleddisplay of strain measurements

• Self-contained, hand-operated hydraulicpressurising system for accurate pressurecontrol

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Investigations into stresses and strains in a thin cylinder,to give students an understanding of: • Longitudinal stress, hoop (or circumferential) stress,

radial stress and biaxial stress• The behaviour of the cylinder under both open and

closed-end conditions• The use of strain gauges• The stress/strain relationship and value of Young’s

modulus for the cylinder material• Indirect strain and stress• The value of Poisson’s ratio for the cylinder material• The use of Mohr’s circle to calculate the shear strain

at any position in the cylinder• The use of the ‘superposition method’ to find the

principal strains• The effect of the biaxial stress system• Sources of errors in experiments

T h i n C y l i n d e rS M 1 0 0 7

Bench-mounted machine to allow students to perform stress and strain tests on a thin-walled cylinder.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

A thin-walled, oil-filled aluminium cylinder held in a robustframe so that the cylinder is free to move along its axis. Thecylinder is stressed using a hydraulic hand-pump topressurise the oil. Strain gauges on the cylinder surfacemeasure strain, and a gauge and electronic sensormeasure hydraulic pressure.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Thick Cylinder (SM1011) 155

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Experiments possible with this apparatus include theeffect of pressure on:• Surface profile – the results are presented as a non-

dimensional curve• Radial and circumferential strains • Radial and circumferential strain gradients across

the diaphragm Experimental measurements are compared with theory.The student is encouraged to use their results todetermine the accuracy of the location of the straingauges.

• Measurement of effect of pressure onsurface profile of a diaphragm

• Measurement of circumferential and radialstrains of a diaphragm under pressure

• Includes built-in microprocessor-controlleddisplay of strain measurements

• Self-contained, hand-operated hydraulicpressurising system for accurate pressurecontrol

The diaphragm is clamped at the edges and has eightstrain gauges across its surface. The area beneath thediaphragm contains oil. A digital dial gauge can betraversed across the diaphragm to measure its surfaceprofile. A hydraulic pump increases the pressure under thediaphragm.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)


D i a p h r a g mS M 1 0 0 8

Bench-mounted machine to allow students to perform stress, strain and deflection tests ona diaphragm.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

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Materials Testing and propertiesStress and strain analysis

• For comprehensive analysis of the stressesand strains in a thick-walled cylinder, underinternal pressure

• Experiment results compared with Lamépredictions

• Includes built-in microprocessor-controlleddisplay of strain measurements

• Self-contained, hand-operated hydraulicpressurising system for accurate pressurecontrol

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Radial and hoop strains throughout the cylinder wall• Radial and hoop stress distribution in the wall• Longitudinal stress and strain at the outer surface• Circumferential stress and strains at the inner and

outer surfaces• Comparison with Lamé predictions • Principal stresses and maximum shear stress• Appraisal of accuracy of location of strain gauges

T h i c k C y l i n d e rS M 1 0 1 1

Bench-mounted machine to allow students to perform stress and strain tests on a thick-walled cylinder.

The apparatus consists of a thick-walled aluminium cylinderheld in a frame. The cylinder is in two halves cementedtogether. One face of the joint has an eccentric shallowgroove that contains ten strain gauges at precise radii andorientation. These gauges measure the radial and hoopstrains. Jointing cement fills the groove. Strain gauges onthe inner and outer walls of the cylinder measurelongitudinal and circumferential strains. The cylinder isstressed using a hydraulic hand-pump.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Thin Cylinder (SM1007) 153


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

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• Clear layoutwith printedgraphics to helpstudents understandhow strain gauges work

• Includes electronic strain display to show allreadings, and automatically calculates strain

• Fully open bridge connection, with dummyresistors to allow quarter, half and full-bridge connection, to demonstrate howstrain bridge connections work

• Uses strain gauges on three different,popular structures for realistic experiments

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Introduction to the equipment and the different

bridge connections (quarter, half and full-bridge)• Strains and stresses in a bending system• Strains and stresses in a torsion system• Strains and stresses in a tension system, Poisson’s

ratio and Young’s modulus• Tensile strains and stresses in different materials

(needs optional tensile specimens) and comparisonof Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus

• Comparison of different strain measurement systemsand how they could measure force

S t r a i n G a u g e T r a i n e rS M 1 0 0 9

Illustrates how resistance strain gauges work, and methods of measuring strains in different structures.Can be used to demonstrate Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio.

The bending system uses gauges to measure direct tensileand compression strain. The torsion system shows the use ofshear/torque strain gauges. The tension system shows theuse of two gauges at right angles in a ‘Tee’ rosette.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Optional Tension Specimens (SM1009a) – Aluminium, brass and copper


S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a lV D A S ® s o f t wa r e

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Materials Testing and propertiesStress and strain analysis

• All expendable items required forcementing gauges included

• Reduced risk of spillage of chemicals

• Refills available (E19a)

• Step-by-step instructions supplied

• Supplied in a PVC carrying case

S t r a i n G a u g e I n s t r u m e n tat i o nTecQuipment offers the following instrumentation formonitoring and display of strain:• Digital Strain Display (SM1010) – s e e a b o v e

S t r a i n G a u g e K i tE 1 9

Selection of resistance strain gauges and necessaryaccessories and consumable materials – for use withTecQuipment’s SM1010 Digital Strain Display.

• Direct connections for half and full-strainbridge connections, with internal ‘make-up’resistors

• Supplied with cable, self-locking connectorsand a crimp tool to reduce connectionproblems

• Fully programmable to match most types ofstrain gauges and connections

• Ideal for use with TecQuipment’s StrainGauge Kit (E19)

D i g i ta l S t r a i n D i s p l ayS M 1 0 1 0

A 16-channel instrument that connects to industry-standard strain gauges to give direct readings of strain.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ®s o f t wa r e The Digital Strain Display accepts up to 16 channels from

strain gauges connected in quarter, half or full-bridge. Thedisplay is fully programmable to match the strain gaugesand their bridge connections. The display includes precisioninternal ‘make-up’ resistors to work with half-bridgeconnections, if needed. Two channels include additionalindividually adjusted dynamic outputs. They can connect tosuitable instruments, e.g. oscilloscope (not supplied).

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Strain Gauge Kit (E19) 157



• Digital Strain Display (SM1010) 157• Refill Kit for E19 (E19a)


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T o r s i o n T e s t i n g M a c h i n e – 3 0 N mS M 1 0 0 1

Bench-mounted machine to allow students to do torsion tests on different materials. DemonstratesBauschinger effect.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Determination of modulus of rigidity (shear modulus)

and yield strength (when used with the optionaltorsiometer)

• Determination of upper and lower yield stresses fornormalised steel specimens

• Reversed torsion tests to demonstrate theBauschinger effect and the effects of residual bodyand textural stresses on torsional strength

• Comparison of the different elastic and plasticproperties of materials (optional specimensrequired)

• Suitable for destructive tests on specimens

• Forward and reverse loading

• Wide range of test specimens

• Optional Torsiometer (SM1001a) availablefor tests which need increased accuracy

The Torsion Testing Machine consists of a rigid frame. Thespecimens fit between a strain head at one end and atorque reaction and measurement system at the other. Toapply torque, students turn a handle on the gearbox. Theoutput shaft of the gearbox slides to allow for any change inlength of the specimen during tests. A guard protects theuser when performing destructive tests.

• Torsion Test Specimens (TR) 172• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299

Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)• Torsiometer (SM1001a) – Mechanical torsiometer

for use with 6 mm diameter specimens in both the elastic and plastic regions

• Additional Torsion Testing Kit (TE16b) 152• Torsion of Circular Sections (STR6) 211• Torsion of Circular Sections Kit (ES5) 12


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

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Materials Testing and propertiesFatigue testing

R o tat i n g Fat i g u e M a c h i n eS M 1 0 9 0

Demonstrates the failure of materials when subjected to an alternating stress, showing both low andhigh-cycle fatigue.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

• Demonstrates clearly both high and low-cycle fatigue

• Adjustable ‘dead weight’ and load cellsystem – to apply and measure a consistentand accurate load on the test specimens

• Automatic switch stops the experimentwhen the specimen breaks – lets theequipment run unattended

• Includes tools and three sets of specimensof different metals

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :The user guide includes suggested experiments thatshow:• Low and high-cycle fatigue• How to create and use Wohler (S-N) curves for

various materials• Comparison of fatigue properties of various


Based on Wohler’s design, the SM1090 uses a variable-speed drive to control a motor. The motor turns acompliant coupling and a precision shaft. A collet-typechuck at the end of the shaft grips the specimen. The freeend of the specimen is held in a gimbal-mounted, self-aligning bearing. Specimens are designed so their midpointis the point of maximum stress. A clear guard locks in placeduring experiments for safety. The separate control andinstrumentation unit freezes readings at the point ofspecimen failure.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Additional specimens: RF1010 (steel), RF1020 172(aluminium) and RF1030 (brass)


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T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M

• Demonstrates the three phases of creep

• Demonstrates effect of temperature oncreep

• Supplied with weights and test specimens

• Inexpensive specimens readily available inlead and plastics

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :An extensive range of experiments may be carried outwith this apparatus, including:• The normal breaking load of a specimen over a fixed

time• Relationship between breaking load and time for

lead specimens• Time extension curves to show the three phases of

creep (primary, secondary and tertiary)• The effect of temperature on the creep rate of

specimens• Creep recovery

A load beam gives a steady and uniform tensile load. Adigital indicator measures the extension (creep) of thespecimen under load. Load is applied by adding weights toa weight hanger. For temperature tests, a cool pack isfrozen or heated and placed next to the specimen. Atransparent enclosure preserves the temperature duringthe test.

• Creep Test Specimens (CP) 172• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299

Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)


S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

C r e e p M a c h i n eS M 1 0 0 6

Bench-mounted machine which demonstrates the phenomenon of creep under different conditions andin different materials.

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Materials Testing and propertiesTensile and Universal Testing M


B e n c h -T o p T e n s i l e T e s t i n g M a c h i n eS M 1 0 0 2

A laboratory-scale, hand-driven bench-top tensile testing machine, 20 kN capacity.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e O p t i o n a l E x t e n s o m e t e r ( S M 1 0 0 2 a ) f i t t e dt o T L s p e c i m e n

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Tensile tests up to 20 kN on specimens made of

different metals, to find material characteristics suchas upper and lower yield strengths, tensile strengthand overall extension.

• Tests of Young’s modulus (E) for the specimenmaterial (needs SM1002a and TL specimens)

F e at u r e s : b e n e f i t s :Simple hand-operated load application For safe and easy operation that minimises risks

to students

Supplied with chucks for standard 20 mm2

specimensCompatible with older Hounsfield specimens andchucks – cost saving

Optional Extensometer (SM1000d) For tests of Young’s modulus

Optional Compression Cage and Brinell Test Set(SM1002b and SM1002c)

Combines hardness testing with tensile testing forflexibility and cost saving

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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A sturdy base holds a hand-driven worm and wheelgearbox, driving a lead screw with approximately 400 mmof travel. The mechanism uses ball races and self-aligningball thrust races in the direction of loading. These low-friction bearings with the large handwheel allow the user toapply maximum load with minimum effort. The load-measuring mechanism is a strain-gauged loadcell that connects to a microprocessor-controlled digitaldisplay. The load display unit has a ‘peak hold’ function toregister the maximum load before the specimen breaks. Asliding digital display measures the tensile displacement(extension) over the entire movement. The tensile specimensmount between the load application mechanism and loadcell, in collet chucks via ball-jointed spigots. This ensurespurely axial loading.

• Brinell Hardness Test Set (SM1002c) 162

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Extra TL and TS specimens 173• Extensometer (SM1002a) 161

• Universal Testing Machine (SM1000) 163• Materials Laboratory with Data Capture (MF40 MKII) 166• Tensile Tester Kit (ES6) 13


ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

B r i n e l l H a r d n e s s T e s t S e tS M 1 0 0 2 c

Fits in the Compression Cage (SM1002b) of the Bench Top Tensile Testing Machine (SM1002) for Brinellhardness tests.

• Includes specimens of different basicengineering materials

• Includes magnifier with graticule toaccurately measure the indentation

• Works with TecQuipment’s hardness testspecimens (HTP)

An extra experiment module for the test machine, parts ofthis test set fit into the optional Compression Cage(SM1002b) for simple Brinell hardness tests. The set includesa magnifier with graticule (measurement scale) and testspecimens made of basic engineering materials.

• Bench-Top Tensile Testing Machine (SM1002) 161

• Compression Cage (SM1002b)

• Extra hardness specimens (HTP) 173

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:



• Materials Laboratory with Data Capture 166(MF40 MKII)

• Brinell Indenter (SM1000e) 164

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

T h e o p t i o n a lC o m p r e s s i o n C a g e( S M 1 0 0 2b ) f i t si n t o t h e t e n s i l et e s t a r e a , a d a p t i n gt h e m a c h i n e f o re x p e r i m e n t s t h at n e e d ac o m p r e s s i v e l o a d .

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Brinell hardness tests of different basic engineering


B e n c h -t o p t e n s i l e t e s t i n g m a c h i n e ( S M 1 0 0 2 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

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Materials Testing and propertiesTensile and Universal Testing M


U n i v e r s a l T e s t i n g M a c h i n eS M 1 0 0 0

A compact machine for compressive and tensile tests on different materials and structures.

Experiment modules(sm100e–sm1000g)

Essential Base Unit (sm1000)


S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

F E AT U R E S : BE N E F I T S :Supports and provides tensile or compressive forceto three different experiment modules

Modular design saves space and reduces costs

Optional Brinell, coil spring, beam and leaf springmodules

Additional tests in material hardness anddeflections of beam and springs

Includes a set of tensile specimens Allows tensile tests ‘out of the box’

Optional Extensometer (SM1000d) For accurate tests of Young’s modulus on tensilespecimens

Works with VDAS® Quick and reliable tests with data capture

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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A steel frame with four columns supports a hydraulic ram.The ram pushes up a loading platform. The area above theloading platform is for compression tests on a wide rangeof materials, such as wood, brick and mortar. The spacebelow the platform is for tensile tests.

• Brinell Indenter (SM1000e) 164• Coil Spring (SM1000f) 165• Beam and Leaf Spring (SM1000g) 165

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Tensile tests on different materials• Compression tests on different materials

• Includes magnifier with graticule toaccurately measure the indentation

• Includes specimens of different basicengineering materials

• Works with TecQuipment’s hardness testspecimens (HTP)

B r i n e l l I n d e n t e rS M 1 0 0 0 e

Fits in the Universal Testing Machine (SM1000) for Brinell hardness tests.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Brinell hardness tests of different basic engineering


The Brinell Indenter (SM1000e) fits in the area above theloading platform of TecQuipment’s Universal TestingMachine (SM1000).

• Bench-mounted version of the Versatile Data 299Acquisition System (VDAS-B)

• Support Table and Cupboard (SM1000a) – A steel-frame table with a pre-drilled work-top to accept the Universal Testing Machine. Includes a cupboard underneath.

• Extensometer (SM1000d) – A precision sliding gauge with a digital indicator

• Tensile test (TH) specimens 172

• Materials Laboratory with Data Capture (MF40 MKII) 166• Bench-Top Tensile Testing Machine (SM1002) 161• Tensile Tester Kit (ES6) 13

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


• Universal Testing Machine (SM1000) 163

• Extra hardness specimens (HTP) 173

• Materials Laboratory with Data Capture 166(MF40 MKII)

• Brinell Hardness Test Set (SM1002c) 162


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

U n i v e r s a l t e s t i n g m a c h i n e ( S M 1 0 0 0 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

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Materials Testing and propertiesTensile and Universal Testing M


• Includes fittings to hold the spring securely

• Demonstrates Hooke’s law and how to find‘spring rate’ by experiment

• Heavy-duty coil spring for a more practicalexperience

C o i l S p r i n gS M 1 0 0 0 f

Fits in the Universal Testing Machine (SM1000)for compression spring tests on a coiled spring.Demonstrates Hooke’s law.

The Coil Spring (SM1000f) fits in the area above the loadingplatform of TecQuipment’s Universal Testing Machine(SM1000).

• Universal Testing Machine (SM1000) 163

• Hooke’s Law and Spring Rate (SM110) 151• Spring Tester Kit (ES19) 14

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Compression tests on a coiled spring

• Includes two differenttest beams – flat steeland channel sectionaluminium

• Knife-edge supports for the beams, androllers for the leaf spring for accurate results

• Includes tools needed to fit the parts to thetesting machine

• Heavy-duty leaf spring for a more practicalexperience

B e a m a n d L e a f S p r i n gS M 1 0 0 0 g

Fits in the UniversalTesting Machine(SM1000) for tests onbending beams and aleaf spring.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Beam bending tests on beams of different shape,

material and length• Spring rate tests on a leaf spring

The Beam and Leaf Spring (SM1000g) parts fit into thecompressive test area of TecQuipment’s Universal TestingMachine (SM1000).

• Universal Testing Machine (SM1000) 163

• Beam Apparatus (SM1004) 175• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers (STR4) 202• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers Kit (ES4) 11• Continuous and Indeterminate Beams (STR13) 204• Stiffness – Bending and Torsion (TE16) 152• Plastic Bending of Beams (STR15) 200

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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The MF40 MkII consists of a load frame, a digital display offorce (load), a ball indenter for Brinell hardness testing, andan extensometer with a digital display for tensile testing. Toapply loads, students pump a handle connected to ahydraulic pump.

• For Brinell hardness tests and tensiletests of materials

• Includes an extensometer for accuratetensile test results

• Supplied with a set of test specimens –additional test specimens availableseparately

• Includes software to automaticallyrecord results and produce charts (asuitable computer is required)

• Additional tensile test specimens of different 173materials:ML1MS – Mild Steel ML4AL – Aluminium ML2CS – Carbon Steel ML5BR – BrassML3SS – Stainless Steel

• Hardness test specimens of different materials: 173HTPAL – Aluminium HTPMS – Carbon SteelHTPBR – Brass HTPNY – Nylon

• Tensile Tester Kit (ES6) 13• Bench-top Tensile Testing Machine (SM1002) 161• Universal Testing Machine (SM1000) 163

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


M at e r i a l s L abo r at o r y w i t h D ata C a p t u r eM F 4 0 M K I I

A hydraulic machine with electronic instruments and software. It tests the hardness and tensileproperties of materials.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Tensile testing to destruction and Brinell hardness

testing of various specimens• Modulus of elasticity• Yield stress• Ultimate tensile stress• Percentage elongation• Brinell hardness test and hardness number


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Materials Testing and propertiesIm

pact testing

• Many safety features, including enclosure ofall moving parts and mechanicallyinterlocked guard

• Allows investigations into the resistance ofmaterials to crack propagation

• Includes digital display of energy absorbedat impact, and angular position before andafter impact

• Visually-effective, interesting and motivatingexperiments

E n e r g y Abs o rbe d at F r a c t u r eT E 1 5

Compact, bench-top apparatus for introducing students to impact testing.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Introduction to the principles of common impact

testing methods, such as Izod and Charpy tests• Investigations into the resistance of materials to

crack propagation

The apparatus consists of a main unit, an instrumentationunit and a power supply. The main unit consists of apendulum supported in a rigid frame by low-frictionbearings. The pivot arrangement includes an angularencoder to measure the angular position of the pendulumover its range of movement. The apparatus is fully enclosedwith an interlocking guard covering all moving parts.Adjustable feet on the base of the unit enable accuratelevelling of the equipment.

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R o c k w e l lh a r d n e s s t e s t e r( S M 1 0 1 5 )

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Materials Testing and propertiesIndustrial hardness testers

• Nose-mounted indenter allows 360-degree access

• Fully automatic testing cycle andautomatic conversion to alternativescales eliminates operator influence onthe test results

• High level of test result repeatability

• Robust construction with a play-freescrew spindle running on ball-bearings

• Visual and audible signals whenspecified tolerance exceeded andduring pre-load setting

R o c k w e l l H a r d n e s s T e s t e rS M 1 0 1 5

A bench-top industrial-standard tester for accurate measurements of Rockwell hardness.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Hardness testing of classical Rockwell methodsaccording to ISO 6508 and ASTM E18

The machine performs Rockwell hardness tests inaccordance with established specifications, including BS ENISO 6508:1999 and ASTM E18. The machine is supplied witha diamond cone indenter and a 1/16” diameter ballindenter, as standard.

• Hardness Reference Blocks (HTB-R) 173


M e t i c u l o u s ly pac k e dTecQuipment’s dedicated packing department uses specialist equipment, custom-made transit crates and the most reliable global carriers to ensure products are delivered in perfect condition.

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• Capable of performing tests using forces: 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30 kgf

• Unique nose-mounted indenter, allowsaccess to awkward-to-reach test points

• Test scale designation on display, for simpleoperation and data gathering

• Fully automatic testing cycle – eliminatesoperator influence on the test results

• Calculation of average (x) and range (R)

• Audible and visual indication of ‘out oftolerance’ results, eliminating operatordecisions

V i c k e r s H a r d n e s s T e s t e rS M 1 0 1 6

A bench-top industrial-standard tester for accurate measurements of Vickers hardness.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Vickers testing to ISO 6507, ASTM E384 and ASTM E92,UKAS accredited Key Specifications

The machine performs the Vickers hardness test, inaccordance with established specifications including BS ENISO 6507 and ASTM E92.

• Hardness Reference Blocks (HTB-V) 173


M e a s u r i n g t h eh a r d n e s s o f a ni n t e r n a l bo r e

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Materials Testing and propertiesIndustrial hardness testers

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Hardness testing of a range of different materials, usingthree different methods:• Vickers (HV) DIN EN ISO 6507, ASTM E92• Brinell (HB) DIN EN ISO 6506, ASTM E10• Rockwell (HR) DIN EN ISO 6508, ASTM E18

• Dead weight load combinations up to187.5 kg

• Setting of hardness tolerance and statistics(x and R), for a range of experiments

• Integral microscope with measuringshutters and push button for transfer ofdimensional data

• Simple operation

U n i v e r s a l H a r d n e s s T e s t e rS M 1 0 1 7

A bench-top industrial-standard tester for accurate measurements of Vickers, Brinell andRockwell hardness.

The machine performs Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell tests inaccordance with established specifications:• Brinell: ISO 6506, ASTM E10• Vickers: ISO 6507, ASTM E92• Rockwell: ISO 6508, ASTM E18

• Hardness Reference Blocks (HTB-B) – Brunel 173• Hardness Reference Blocks (HTB-R) – Rockwell 173• Hardness Reference Blocks (HTB-V) – Vickers 173


h a r d n e s s t e s t e r d i s p l ay

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C P 1 0 1 0 : Lead

C P 1 0 2 0 : Polypropylene

C P 1 0 2 5 : Nylon 66 (unfilled)

C P 1 0 3 0 : Unplasticised PVC

T H 4 0 1 0 : 0.1%Carbon Steel. Asdrawn. To BritishStandardSpecification230M07. Has noidentity rings.

T H 4 0 1 5 : 0.1%Carbon Steel.Normalised at 900°C.To British StandardSpecification230M07. Has oneidentity ring.

T H 4 0 3 5 : 0.4%Carbon Steel.Normalised at 860°C.To British StandardSpecification 212A42. Has two identity rings.

T e n s i l e T e s t S p e c i m e n s t h

Tensile test specimens of different grade steelfor use with TecQuipment’s Universal TestingMachine (SM100 or SM1000).

T R 1 0 1 0 : 0.1% Carbon Steel.As drawn. To British StandardSpecification 230M07. Nogrooves.

T R 1 0 1 1 : 0.1% Carbon Steel.Normalised at 900°C. ToBritish StandardSpecification 230M07.1 groove.

T R 1 0 2 0 : 0.4% Carbon Steel.As drawn. To British StandardSpecification 212A42. 2grooves.

T R 1 0 2 1 : 0.4% Carbon Steel.Normalised at 860°C. ToBritish StandardSpecification 212A42. 3grooves.

T R 1 0 4 0 : Half-hard Brass. 60% Copper, 40% Zinc. To BritishStandard Specification CZ121. No grooves.

T R 1 0 5 0 : Cast iron. Grade 260. To British Standard BS1452.4 grooves.

T o r s i o n T e s t S p e c i m e n sT R

Torsion test specimens of different metals foruse with TecQuipment’s Torsion TestingMachine (SM1 or SM1001).

C r e e p T e s t S p e c i m e n sC P

Creep test specimens of different materials foruse with TecQuipment’s Creep Machine (SM106or SM1006).

R o tat i n g Fat i g u eS p e c i m e n sR F

Fatigue test specimens of different metals foruse with TecQuipment’s Rotating FatigueMachine (SM1090).

R F 1 0 1 0 : Mild Steel

R F 1 0 2 0 : Aluminium

R F 1 0 3 0 : Brass

s p e c i m e n s ava i l abl e e x- s t o c k

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Materials Testing and propertiesTest specim


H a r d n e s s T e s t S p e c i m e n s H T P

Hardness test specimens of different materialsfor use with the Materials Laboratory with DataCapture (MF40 series), Bench-Top TensileTesting Machine (SM1002) and Brinell Indenter(SM1000e).

H T PA L : Aluminium (6026-T9)

H T PBR : Brass (CZ121/CW614N)

H T P M S : 0.1% Carbon steel (230M07)

H T P N Y: Nylon 6

H a r d n e s s r e f e r e n c e bl o c k s H TB

For use with the Rockwell Hardness Tester(SM1015), Vickers Hardness Tester (SM1016) andUniversal Hardness Tester (SM1017).

T e n s i l e T e s t S p e c i m e n sM L

Tensile test specimens of different materials foruse with the Materials Laboratory with DataCapture (MF40 series).

M L1 M S : Mild steel – specification EN1A or 230M07

M L 2 C S : Carbon steel – specification EN8 or 080M40

M L 3 S S : Stainless steel – specification SAE303

M L4 A L : Aluminium – specification 2011-T3

M L 5BR : Brass – specification CZ121

T e n s i l e T e s t S p e c i m e n s T L a n d T S

Long (TL) and short (TS) tensile test specimens ofdifferent metals for use with TecQuipment’s TensileTesting Machine (SM1002). Will also fit Hounsfield orMonsanto tensometer.

T L1 0 1 0 a n d T S 1 0 1 0 : 0.1% Carbon Steel. As drawn. To BritishStandard Specification 220M07 or 230M07.

T L1 0 1 1 a n d T S 1 0 1 1 : 0.1% Carbon Steel. Normalised at 900°C. ToBritish Standard Specification 220M07 or 230M07.

T L1 0 2 0 a n d T S 1 0 2 0 : 0.4% Carbon Steel. As drawn. To BritishStandard Specification 080M040.

T L1 0 2 1 a n d T S 1 0 2 1 : 0.4% Carbon Steel. Normalised at 860°C. ToBritish Standard Specification 080M040.

T L1 0 3 0 a n d T S 1 0 3 0 : Aluminium 2011 – T3.

T L1 0 4 0 a n d T S 1 0 4 0 : Half hard Brass. To British Standard Specification CZ121.

H TB - R : Rockwell block for use on the SM1015 or SM1017H TB - V : Vickers block for use on the SM1016 or SM1017H TB -B : Brunel block for use on the SM1017 only

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• Self-contained – needs no other parts

• Explains ‘shear centre’ and the use andconstruction of Mohr’s circle

• Supplied with structural and stress analysistextbook with full theory

• Supplied with set of different specimens

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Investigations into bending of unsymmetricalcantilevers, including:• Vertical and horizontal displacement

measurement for varying angles of appliedload

• Demonstration that maximum and minimumvertical deflection occurs when horizontaldeflection is zero

• Use of Mohr’s circle• Experimental and theoretical determination of

the principal moments of area of test sections• Location of shear centre of each section

A beam is mounted vertically in the test frame and the topfixes to a ring that can rotate through 360 degrees. Anincremental load is added to the free end of the test beam.Beam deflections are measured in two directions at rightangles to each other. To find shear stress, a cross piece isused to allow loads to be applied across and outside thesection of the cantilever.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

U n s y m m e t r i c a l C a n t i l e v e r A p pa r at u sS M 1 0 0 3

Examines and displays bending of an unsymmetrical cantilever; demonstrates the use of Mohr’s circle.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear Centre (STR7) 212


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Verification of the bending equation • Determination of flexural rigidity and elastic modulus

(Young’s modulus)• Verification of static equilibrium• Deflection of beams on two simple supports with

point loads• Reciprocal properties for loads and deflection• Simple and propped cantilevers with any loading• Continuous beams – statically indeterminate cases

for simply supported beams and cantilevers on morethan two supports with any loading (includingmeasurement of unknown reactions)

• Simply supported and cantilever beams with sinkingsupports

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Materials Testing and propertiesFree-standing structures experim


• Includes textbook with full theory

• Simply supported and cantilever beam testswith up to four supports with any loading

• Three load cells with digital indicatorsmeasure reaction forces or act as rigidsinking supports

• Precision digital indicators for accuratedeflection measurementsS c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

c o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

B e a m A p pa r at u sS M 1 0 0 4

Examines the deflection and forces on different types of beams for a wide range of supports and loads;also demonstrates Young’s modulus.

With the SM1004a Specimen Beams, these additionalexperiments can be done:• The effects of material and section shape on flexural

rigidity• Bending characteristics of a brass/steel compound

beam, with and without shearing connectionbetween the two layers

• Equivalent sections – characteristics of a metal-facedwooden beam

• Deflections on a non-uniform (tapered) beam orcantilever

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The apparatus consists of an upper cross-member carryinggraduated scales, and two lower members bolted to T-legsto form a rigid assembly. The three load cells andcantilever-support pillar slide along the lower membersand can be clamped firmly in any position. The load cellshave direct digital readout and each is fitted with ahardened steel knife edge which can be adjusted to set theinitial level, or to simulate a sinking support. Locking pinscan convert each load cell to a rigid support when required.The cantilever support is a rigid pillar with a sturdyclamping arrangement to hold the beams when built-inend conditions are required. Four weight hangers and a setof weights are supplied to apply static loads.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Additional Specimen Beams (SM1004a)

• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers Kit (ES4) 11• Stiffness – Bending and Torsion (TE16) 152• Beam and Leaf Spring (SM1000g) 165• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers (STR4) 202• Continuous and Indeterminate Beams (STR13) 204

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


B e a m A p pa r at u s ( S M 1 0 0 4) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

P lay N ow – T e c Q u i p m e n t Y o u T u b e C han n e lVisit and subscribe to the TecQuipment YouTube channel for all the latest products showcase, installation and user videos. y o u t ube . c o m / c / t e cqu i p m e n t

R o tat i n g Fat i g u e Mac h i n e ( S M 1 0 9 0 ) H y d r o l o g y an d Ra i n fal l ( H 3 1 3 )

T rac e dam p i n g m o d e l s ( V DAS ® ) S mal l e n g i n e t e s t s e t ( T D 2 0 0 )

g ear t ra i n s ( E S 1 3 ) A i r c o n d i t i o n i n g t ra i n e r ( E C 150 1 )

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Materials Testing and propertiesFree-standing structures experim


E u l e r s t r u t B u c k l i n g A p pa r at u sS M 1 0 0 5

Bench-top apparatus tests different types of struts and demonstrates how they deflect under load, anddemonstrates the use of Southwell's method.

LEARNING OUTCOMES:W i t h t h e s ta n d a r d s e t o f t e n s p e c i m e n s : • Demonstration of buckled (crippled) shape of struts

with different end conditions• Determination of load/deflection curves and buckling

loads for struts of different lengths and cross-sections, with any combination of ‘pinned’ orclamped end fixings

• Comparing experiment results with those usingEuler’s buckling theory

• Investigation of the effects of side load and eccentricloading on strut buckling characteristics

• Flexural rigidity and buckling loads for struts ofdifferent materials

• The use of Southwell’s method to estimate bucklingloads and strut eccentricities from experimentalresults

• Can also test struts as simply supportedbeams – to extend experiments andfind flexural rigidity of the struts

• Buckling tests cover pinned and clamped(encastré) ends for various strut lengths andcross-sections

• Special end fittings allow tests with eccentricloading

• Range of ten struts supplied as standard

• Extra specimen struts available for moreadvanced experiments

• Determination of flexural rigidity and comparisonwith calculated values

• Deflections of a simply supported beam with apoint load, including the verification of generaldeflection formulae, and the deflected shape

W i t h t h e S M 1 0 0 5 a o p t i o n a l s e t o f a d d i t i o n a l s t r u t s : • Flexural rigidity and buckling loads for struts of a

further range of different materials• Tests on typical engineering sections (circular,

angle, channel and irregular section specimens);the significance of the neutral axes; combinedbending and twisting due to eccentric loading.

• The effect of flexibility in end fixings• Tests on a compound strut with imperfect shearing

connections between the two components

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :

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A sturdy base that at one end has a loading device whichuses a screw to apply loads to the struts. The screw is infixing blocks with bearings to give precise and easy loadapplication. At the opposite end is the load measuringdevice. This is a precision mechanism that resists thebending moments produced by the struts as they deflect,and transmits the pure axial force to an electronic load cell.This gives an accurate measurement of buckling load. Adigital load meter (DL1 – included) shows the load.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Set of Additional Struts (SM1005a)

• Euler Buckling of a Column (STR12) 199


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

E u l e r B u c k l i n g A p pa r at u s ( S M 1 0 0 5 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

cap t u r e t h e p owe r o f...the Versatile Data Acquisition System from TecQuipment

Our Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) is a highly effective way of collecting and using data from experiments using TecQuipment’s educational teaching equipment.

L O O K AT T H E B E N E F I T S . . .v e r sat i l e – can be used across a wide range of TecQuipment productsdata – transforms raw data instantly which easily exports or creates sophisticated graphs and tablesacqu i s i t i o n – USB connectivity, multiple-source real-time data captures y s t e m – an expandable modular approach providing easy-to-use digital plug-and-play technology

labv i e wAll TecQuipment products compatible with VDAS® have the capability to interface with a LabVIEW environment.

Visit t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m for more information.

h e r e t o h e l p y o uA team of specialist customer care personnel is available to answer a range of questions relating to technical details, spare parts and maintenance.

c u s t o m e r . car e@t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m

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Statics Fundamentals

s t a t i c s f u n d a m e n t a l sw o r k pa n e l 1 8 1

e x p e r i m e n t s 1 8 2

“After inviting companies to bid for the new equipment, we selected TecQuipment based on thepremium specifications, competitive price, and reputation for quality of service supported bythe excellent pre-sales experience.

Pa u l M at t h e w sS e n i o r L e c t u r e r a n d C o o r d i n at o r at S o l i h u l l C o l l e g e

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E a c h k i t i s s u p p l i e d w i t h a f u l ly i l l u s t r at e d u s e r g u i d ec o n ta i n i n g t h e o r y, e x p e r i m e n t s a n d t y p i c a l r e s u lt s .

T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M1 8 0






s tat i c s f u n d a m e n ta l s

a S tat i c s F u n d a m e n ta l s e x p e r i m e n t k i t f i t t e dt o t h e w o r k pa n e l

The Statics Fundamentals range offersteaching equipment for understandingthe core principles required for civil andmechanical engineering disciplines. Therange brings theories, such as concurrentand non-concurrent coplanar forces,Bow’s notation, equilibrium theory,parabola theory, and many more, to life. The range consists of a series of modularexperiment modules that fit to theessential base unit (Statics Work Panel),these can be mixed and matched to suitteaching requirements.

f l e x i b i l i t y: Share one work panel between experimentkits, or one work panel for each kit.

h a n d s - o n : Large tactile parts for students to fit andadjust.

h i g h ly v i s u a l : For classroom demonstrations or groupsof students.

k e y f eat u r e s an d b e n e f i t s :

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Statics FundamentalsW

ork Panel

For use with TecQuipment’s Statics Fundamentals range,the work panel fits on most desk or bench tops. Students orteachers fit the magnetic parts of their StaticsFundamentals kits to the work panel to study ordemonstrate one of the fundamental topics of static forces.

• Suspension Cable Demonstration (STF2) 182• Equilibrium of a Rigid Body (STF3) 182• Equilibrium of Forces (STF4) 183• Equilibrium of a Beam (STF5) 183

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t k i t s :

Experiment modules(stf2–stf5)

Essential Base Unit (STF1)


F EAT U R E S : BE N E F I T S :Supports four different experiment kits Modular design saves space and reduces costs

Large working area Ideal for classroom demonstrations

Clear metric grid Repeatable positioning of parts with accurateresults

Easy set-up – all experiment kits can be removedand fitted in minutes

Maximises experiment time

Highly visual, hands-on design Improves student understanding, even with a largeclass

s tat i c s w o r k pa n e ls t F 1Work panel for use with TecQuipment’s Statics Fundamentals (STF) range.

F u l l s p e c i f i cat i o n datas h e e t sDatasheets contain full specifications such as size, weight, noise output, fluid capacity, voltage requirements etc. Download from each individual product webpage.

t e c q u i p m e n t. c o m (search product)

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S u s p e n s i o n C abl e D e m o n s t r at i o nS T F 2

Demonstrates the tensions and shapes in asuspension cable, comparing them withtheory.

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :• Analysis using catenary and parabola

theory• Cable weight and tension• Comparison of a symmetrical suspension

cable and catenary• Unsymmetrical suspension cable• A point load on a suspension cable

For use with the Work Panel (STF1), the kit allows severalexperiments with a suspension cable. Students or teachersfit the magnetic parts of the kit to the work panel to study ordemonstrate the shapes and tensions in a suspensioncable.

E q u i l ibr i u m o f a R i g i d B o d yS T F 3

Demonstrates the forces around a ladder-typestructure.

For use with the Work Panel (STF1), the kit allows severalexperiments with a rigid body – a ladder structure.Students or teachers fit the magnetic parts of the kit to theWork Panel (STF1) to study or demonstrate the forcesaround an inclined ladder-type structure. • Work Panel (STF1) 181

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

• Work Panel (STF1) 181

• Simple Suspension Bridge (STR19) 197

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :• Horizontal and vertical reaction forces on a ladder• Safe angles for a ladder• A climbing mass on a ladder• A ladder at different angles

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Statics FundamentalsExperim


E q u i l ibr i u m o f F o r c e sS T F 4

For experiments with three or more coplanarforces at equilibrium and an introduction toBow’s notation.

For use with the Work Panel (STF1), the kit allows severalexperiments with forces pulling on one or more points atdifferent angles. Students or teachers fit the magnetic partsof the kit to the Work Panel (STF1) to study or demonstratethree coplanar concurrent forces (triangle of forces) ormore (force polygons).

• Work Panel (STF1) 181

• Forces Kit (ES2) 9

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

E q u i l ibr i u m o f a B e a mS T F 5

For experiments with forces,moments and reactions arounda beam at equilibrium.

For use with the Work Panel (STF1), the kit allows severalexperiments with a rigid beam. Students or teachers fit themagnetic parts of the kit to the Work Panel (STF1) to study ordemonstrate forces, moments and reaction forces around arigid beam at equilibrium.

• Work Panel (STF1) 181

• Moments Kit (ES3) 10

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :• Concurrent and non–concurrent coplanar forces• An introduction to Bow’s notation and graphical

analysis• Force triangles, polygons and link polygons

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :• Using moments and the theory of

equilibrium to find beam reactionand other unknown forces

• Simply-supported beams• Balanced beams

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P r o d u c t s a r e m a n u fa c t u r e d I n - h o u s e at t h e T e c Q u i p m e n t h e a d q u a r t e r s i n t h e U K

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s t r u c t u r e ss u p p o r t e q u i p m e n t a n d a n c i l l a r i e s 1 8 8

s o f t wa r e 1 9 0

A r c h e s , B r i d g e s a n d T r u s s e s 1 9 1

Fa i l u r e 1 9 9

d e f l e c t i o n s a n d s t r e s s 2 0 2

m o m e n t s 2 0 8

T o r s i o n 2 1 1

“TecQuipment’s Structures line was chosen to enhance the learning experience of ourengineering students. The products were delivered in a timely manner and were easy to set up.After-sales support has been very accommodating, allowing us to modify the experimentmanuals as we saw fit, giving us flexibility in learning objectives. Students have shown greatinterest and have found operating the units to be easy and simple.

R i a d R a j a by o r k u n i v e r s i t y, o n ta r i o , c a n a d a

Ö r e s u n d B r i d g e b e t w e e n S w e d e n a n d D e n m a r k

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T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M1 8 6




The Structures range consists of teaching equipment forunderstanding basic structural principles, focusing onbeams, bridges and cantilevers for students ofmechanical, civil and structural engineering. The 19 desk-mounted experiment modules can be usedstand alone or with TecQuipment’s powerful Structuressoftware which provides automatic data acquisition(ADA). To complement laboratory learning, experimentscan also be performed virtually, using only the software.

T h e S t r u c t u r e sT e s t F r a m e S T R 1This strong, sturdy andbench-mounted testframe holds theinterchangeableexperiment modulesand instruments ofTecQuipment’sStructures range.

A u t o m at i c D ataA c q u i s i t i o n U n i tS T R 2 0 0 0Links to load cells and otherinstruments in the Structuresrange to send data to asuitable computer (notsupplied).

S t r u c t u r e sS o f t wa r e S T R SThe software accuratelysimulates all 19experiment modules ona suitable computer (notsupplied) without theneed of the Structureshardware.

T h e E x p e r i m e n t M o d u l e s S T R 2 – S T R 2 0

Interchangeable experiment modules give realistic andverifiable experiment results.

I n c l u d e s S t r u c t u r e sS o f t wa r e ( S T R S ) I n c l u d e s e x t e n s i v e u s e r g u i d e s

a n d e x a m p l e e x p e r i m e n t s

s t r u c t u r e s

F l e x i b l e a n d m o d u l a r A u t h e n t i c s o f t wa r e s i m u l at i o n• Experiment modules and instrumentation fix easily to the

test frame• Easily removeable and changeable experiments, making

good use of laboratory space• The modularity of the range allows for expansion as


• The Structures software offers an affordable and effectivemethod for students to quickly learn structures principles byperforming virtual experiments on a computer

• Allows students the flexibility of working away from thelaboratory

• Expands experiments beyond the limits of the hardware

A u t o m at i c d ata a c q u i s i t i o n H i g h f u n c t i o n a l i t y, a f f o r d a b ly p r i c e d• The use of automatic data acquisition and digital

instrumentation means students can get quick andaccurate results, optimising laboratory time

• There are no difficult-to-read instruments or abstractexperiment set-ups to distract students

• One experiment can demonstrate several principles, forexcellent value

• Extensive experiment capabilities and choice of hardwareand software, mean our Structures range provides anunsurpassed teaching solution at an unbeatable price

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= V I R T UAL E X P E R I M E N T S e x t e n d e d e x p e r i m e n t s

S o f twar e( S T R S )


E x p e r i m e n t M o d u l e s( S T R 2 – S T R 2 0 )

T e s t F ram e( S T R 1 )


A D A U n i t( S T R 2 0 0 0 – i n c l u d e s S T R S S o f twar e )

= HAR D WAR E E X P E R I M E N T S V I R T UAL E X P E R I M E N T S e x t e n d e d e x p e r i m e n t s AU T O MAT I C DATA ACQU I S I T I O N

E x p e r i m e n t M o d u l e s( S T R 2 – S T R 2 0 )

T e s t F ram e( S T R 1 )

O r d e r i n gThe modular nature of our Structures range means items can be chosen to create the right combination of products that bestsuits teaching needs.

A R C H E S , B R I D G E S A N D T R U S S E S pa c k a g e S T R A

• Pin-jointed Frameworks (STR8) 191• Three-Pinned Arch (STR9) 192• Two-Pinned Arch (STR10) 193• Fixed Arch (STR11) 194• Redundant Truss (STR17) 195• Simple Suspension Bridge (STR19) 197

FA I L U R E pa c k a g e S T R C

• Euler Buckling of a Column (STR12) 199• Plastic Bending of Beams (STR15) 200• Plastic Bending of Portals (STR16) 201

D E F L E C T I O N S A N D S T R E S S pa c k a g e S T R B

• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers (STR4) 202• Bending Stress in a Beam (STR5) 203• Continuous and Indeterminate Beams (STR13) 204• Curved Bars and Davits (STR14) 206• Frame Deflections and Reactions (STR18) 207

M O M E N T S Pa c k a g e S T R D

• Bending Moments in a Beam (STR2) 208• Shear Force in a Beam (STR3) 209• Bending Moments in a Portal Frame (STR20) 210

T O R S I O N Pa c k a g e S T R E

• Torsion of Circular Sections (STR6) 211• Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear Centre (STR7) 212

Pa c k a g e sThe following packages are available which offer greatvalue for money. Each hardware package is supplied with a25-seat software license.

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t Eq



and An




• One or more Structures experiment 191–212modules (STR2–STR20)

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

• Holds the interchangeable Structuresexperiment modules and instruments

• Strong, bench-mounted frame

• Easy-to-use fixings and slots so studentscan quickly set up, remove or changeexperiments

• Also ideal for holding experiments duringstorage

• Includes textbook with full theory andexplanations of different structures

S t r u c t u r e s T e s t F r a m eS T R 1

A strong frame that holds the experiments ofTecQuipment’s Structures range.

T e s t F r a m e ( S T R 1 ) f i t t e d w i t h t h e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e B e n d i n g S t r e s s i n a B e a m ( S T R 5 ) a n d D i g i ta l F o r c e D i s p l ay ( S T R 1 a )

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StructuresSupport Equipm

ent and Ancillaries

Au t o m at i c D ata Ac q u i s i t i o n U n i tS T R 2 0 0 0

Connects any of the Structures range experiments to a computer – includes TecQuipment’s Structuressoftware for automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments.

• Suitable computer (not supplied by TecQuipment)


• Interface unit links to loadcells and otherinstruments in theStructures range to senddata to a suitablecomputer

• Allows students tocompare results fromactual experiments withresults from simulationsoftware

• Fully automatic andsimple connection to acomputer – no need toadd any extra circuitboards

T h e S T R 2 0 0 0 c o m p u t e r i n t e r fa c e u n i t s e n d i n g d ata f r o m o n e o f t h e S t r u c t u r e sh a r d wa r e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s t o t h e S t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

D i g i ta l F o r c e D i s p l ayS T R 1 a

For use with TecQuipment’s Structures range, thisdisplay shows the forces from up to four force sensorson the Structures experiments.

• One or more Structures experiment 191–212modules (STR2–STR20)


• Fits onto the Structures Test Frame (STR1) togive a tidy work area

• Real-time display of each of up to fourforces

• Can connect to TecQuipment’s AutomaticData Acquisition Unit (STR2000) toautomatically measure all four forces at thesame time

• One or more experiment modules from the 191–212Structures range (STR2–STR20)


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• Accurately simulates all 19 ofTecQuipment’s Structures rangeexperiments

• Includes user guides withsuggested experiments andtypical answers

• Gives virtual experiments thatextend beyond the limits of theexperiment hardware

• Single-user and networkedoptions available

• Latest version of the software canbe downloaded from the website

TecQuipment’s Structures Software is ideal for students ofcivil, mechanical and structural engineering. It allows themto perform computer-simulated experiments which studythe principles of structures. N o t e : The Structures Software (STRS) can be bought byitself, but it is also included free with the Automatic DataAcquisition Unit (STR2000) – s e e pa g e 1 8 9 .The software is also supplied with the Structures packages– S E E PA G E 1 8 7 .

• Suitable computer (not supplied by TecQuipment)


S t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r eS T R S

Software that allows computer simulation of structures. Simulates and extends TecQuipment’sStructures range.

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :Computer-simulated examination of a wide variety ofstructures principles, including:• Bending moments in a beam• Shear force in a beam• Deflection of beams and cantilevers• Bending stress in a beam• Torsional deflection of circular sections• Unsymmetrical bending and shear centre• Pin-jointed frameworks• Three-pinned arch• Two-pinned arch• Fixed-arch• Euler buckling of a column• Continuous and indeterminate beams• Curved bars and davits• Plastic bending of beams• Plastic bending of portals• Redundant truss • Frame deflections and reactions• Simple suspension bridge• Bending moments in a portal frame

S E E F O R Y O U R S E L F !

D O W N L OAD A D E M O N S T RAT I O NV E R S I O N F R O M T H E ‘ d o w n l o a d s ’


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StructuresArches, Bridges and Trusses

Students use stainless-steel members to build different pin-jointed frameworks. The equipment includes twoframework supports: a pivoting support, and a pivoting androlling support. Each member has a strain gauge attachedthat connects to a digital strain bridge. Load cells measurethe load applied at various angles. A second load cell canbe fitted to simulate lateral forces on the truss (STR8a).

P i n -J o i n t e d F r a m e w o r k sS T R 8

For the study of strains, stresses, forces anddeflections in various pin-jointed frameworks,and study of Bow’s notation.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a lT e c Q u i p m e n t S t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Study of Bow’s notation, strains, stresses, forces and

deflections in various frameworks, including aWarren girder and roof truss

• Comparison of different frameworks

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Additional Load Cell (STR8a)

• Redundant Truss (STR17) 195

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:



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, Bri





Students apply various loads at set positions along the topof a simple ‘determinate’ three-pinned arched structure.They can also apply a uniformly distributed load. A load cellmeasures the thrust reaction.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Two-Pinned Arch (STR10) 193• Fixed Arch (STR11) 194

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:



S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Studies of:• The characteristics of a three-pinned arch• The relationship between applied loads and

horizontal thrust produced from a simpledeterminate arched structure

Also:• Appreciation of footing stability and economy.

T h r e e - P i n n e d Ar c hS T R 9

For the study of the characteristics of a three-pinned arch under various load conditions.

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StructuresArches, Bridges and Trusses

Students use masses on weight hangers to apply variousloads to the arch at set positions along its span. A load cellmeasures the thrust reaction.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Three-Pinned Arch (STR9) 192• Fixed Arch (STR11) 194

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


R E C O M M E N D E D AN C I L LAR I E S :L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of the characteristics of a two-pinned

arch• Examination of the relationship between applied

loads and horizontal thrust produced from aredundant (in one degree) arched structure

• Comparison of behaviour to simplified theory basedon the Secant assumption

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

T w o - P i n n e d Ar c hS T R 1 0

For studies of the characteristics of a two-pinned arch under various load conditions.

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, Bri





L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of the characteristics of a fixed arch• Examination of the relationship between applied

loads, horizontal thrust and fixing moment producedfrom a fixed (thus redundant in three degrees)arched structure.

• Comparison of behaviour to simplified theory basedon the Secant assumption.

To load the arch, students fit masses on weight hangers toset positions along the arch span. Load cells measure thefixed moment reaction and horizontal thrust.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Three-Pinned Arch (STR9) 192• Two-Pinned Arch (STR10) 193

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:



S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

F i x e d Ar c hS T R 1 1

For the study of the characteristics of a fixed arch under various load conditions.

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StructuresArches, Bridges and Trusses

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Study of strains, stresses, forces and deflections in a:• statically determinate structure; and• statically indeterminate structure

R e d u n d a n t T r u s sS T R 1 7

For the study of determinate and indeterminate structures.

Two supports hold the top and base of one side of astructure. The top support allows pivoting, the base supportallows pivoting and rolling. Initially, one of the members ismissing from the structure, making it determinate. To makethe structure indeterminate, students refit the missingmember. A load cell measures the applied force.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Pin-Jointed Frameworks (STR8) 191

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:



S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

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S t r u c t u r a l M e c h a n i c sL a b o r at o r y, B i r z e i t U n i v e r s i t yFor many years, Birzeit University in Palestine has trusted TecQuipment to be their number one provider ofengineering laboratory products to aid the teaching of mechanical, civil and environmental engineeringcourses. Knowing from personal experience that the equipment is built to last, and that they can rely heavily onlocal support from the TecQuipment agent in Palestine, backed up by the dedicated TecQuipment CustomerServices team, it was the logical choice to choose TecQuipment once again for their new laboratory equipment.

N e w S t r u c t u r a l M e c h a n i c s L a b o r at o r yThe structural mechanics laboratory at BirzeitUniversity is an expansion of the facilities dedicated tothe Department of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering. The aim of the laboratory is to developstudents’ skills by integrating theoretical and practicalaspects of structural behaviour.

“We are pleased with the TecQuipment set wehave in our laboratory. It gives students avaluable chance to revisit the theory related tothe material and structural behaviour studied intheir mechanics of material and structuralanalyses courses.” Commented Dr Ghada Karaki,Assistant Professor at the Department of CivilEngineering, Faculty of Engineering andTechnology, Birzeit University.

Since the 1980s, when Birzeit University purchasedfluid mechanics, material testing, aerodynamics andtheory of machines products from TecQuipment thatare still in use, they have continued to call upon thecompany for thermodynamics, fluid mechanics,structures, materials testing and theory of machinesequipment.

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StructuresArches, Bridges and Trusses

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of the characteristics of a simple

suspension bridge• Examination of the relationship between applied

loads and the suspension cable tension• Observation of the stability of the structure• Comparison of behaviour to simplified cable theory

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a lT e c Q u i p m e n t S t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

S i m p l e S u s p e n s i o n B r i d g es t r 1 9

For the study of characteristics of a simple suspension bridge.

Students use masses on weight hangers to apply variousloads to a rigid deck, joined to a parabolic cable viahangers. A load cell measures the cable tension.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Suspension Cable Demonstration (STF2) 182

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:



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T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M1 9 8

T e c Q u i p m e n t U s e r G u i d e sEach piece of apparatus is accompanied by acomprehensive user guide which includes:

• Assembly instructions• Use and maintenance instructions• Associated theory

T h e o r y I n c l u d e dSupporting theory is included in the user guide, accompanied by suggested experiments along with sample results. In aselection of guides, suggested text books that the students and teachers may find useful are also included. MostTecQuipment products are suitable for further experiments to those included in the guide; for this reason, furtherinvestigations using the equipment or results are frequently suggested.

W o r k b o o k s I n c l u d e dFor some of the ranges, for example the Engineering Science range (page 5), both teacherand student guides are included, along with workbooks for the students to follow. The fullEngineering Science set (ESF, page 7) covers a complete basic engineeringsyllabus. These guides are supplied electronically for ease of distribution tostudents.

D i a g r a m s a n d P h o t o sWhere necessary, the guides are illustrated with step-by-step photographs or diagrams to assist withassembling and maintaining the equipment,and performing experiments. Suggestedtable layouts for results are alsoincluded, easing the workloadon tutors as results shouldbe presented in thesame formatfrom eachstudent.

“Every time we look at the quality of the materialsyou have used to build these apparatuses, and theuser-friendliness of your software, we thank you andwished other companies would learn from you.”

P r o f e s s o r K h o s r o wj e r d iW e s t e r n N e w E n g l a n d U n i v e r s i t y

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Students compress aluminium columns (struts) using ascrew mechanism. The equipment uses chucks to hold thestruts and allows different end-fixing conditions. A load cellmeasures the load applied to the strut.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

E u l e r B u c k l i n g o f a C o l u m nS T R 1 2

For the study of buckling of slender columns and relationships between length, end-fixing conditions andbuckling load.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Euler Strut Buckling Apparatus (SM1005) 177

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:



L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Euler buckling loads• Relationship between strut length and collapse load• Relationship between various end-fixing conditions

and collapse load• Nature of deflection and deflected shapes with

various end-fixing conditions

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T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M2 0 0






Students fix a specimen beam in chucks at both ends of abackboard. The chucks can either clamp the beam(encastré fixing), or hold it on a knife-edge. The studentsthen load the beam using a screw mechanism andelectronic load cell. Deflection of the structure is measuredby a digital indicator.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Beam and Leaf Spring (SM1000g) 165

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S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

P l a s t i c B e n d i n g o f B e a m sS T R 1 5

Introduces students to plastic theory and limit state design.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Relationship between load and deflection for beams

loaded to the plastic condition• Introduction to form factor• Introduction to limit state design• Relationship between maximum loading and plastic

hinge formation for a simply supported beam, apropped cantilever and a fixed beam

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S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

P l a s t i c B e n d i n g o f P o r ta l sS T R 1 6

For the study of plastic theory and limit state design in portal frames.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Relationship between load and deflection for portal

frames loaded to the plastic condition• Introduction to limit state design• Relationship between maximum loading and plastic

hinge formation in portal frames loaded verticallyfrom the centre, horizontally from one corner, andequally from both positions

• Interaction between horizontal and vertical loadingin terms of plastic hinge position and mode ofcollapse

Students fix a specimen portal frame (two uprights with across-beam at the top) to the bottom cross-piece of a testframe. The test frame also holds horizontal and verticalscrew mechanisms, with electronic load cells for loading theportal frame. Deflection is measured by two digitalindicators.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

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D e f l e c t i o n o f B e a m s a n d C a n t i l e v e r sS T R 4

For the study of beam deflection under different loads and fixing conditions, and demonstration ofYoung’s modulus.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :E x a m i n at i o n o f :• Beam deflections• General bending formulae• Beam end rotations • Elastic modulus (Young’s modulus) for various

materials T y p i c a l c o n d i t i o n s a r e :• Cantilever• Propped cantilever• Encastré beam• Simply supported beam

The experiment hardware consists of a backboard that fixesto the Structures Test Frame (STR1, available separately).Test beams fit onto the backboard using a rigid clamp andknife-edge supports. Students apply loads at any positionusing hangers holding various masses. Mounted on atrammel, a digital deflection indicator traverses the beamto measure beam deflection.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers Kit (ES4) 11• Stiffness – Bending and Torsion (TE16) 152• Beam and Leaf Spring (SM1000g) 165• Beam Apparatus (SM1004) 175• Continuous and Indeterminate Beams (STR13) 204

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alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

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StructuresDeflections and Stress

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Study of:• Second moment of area• Converting strains to stresses• Strain gauges• The neutral axis• The bending equation

The experiment hardware is a T-beam that fits onto aStructures Test Frame (STR1, available separately). Studentsadjust a load cell that bends the beam and, whenconnected to the optional Digital Force Display (STR1a,available separately), it measures the bending force (load).Strain gauges and a digital strain bridge measure thestrains in the beam. Dummy strain gauges compensate fortemperature variation and balance the strain bridges.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

B e n d i n g S t r e s s i n a B e a mS T R 5

For the study of stress distribution across the section of a beam.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

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• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers Kit (ES4) 11• Stiffness – Bending and Torsion (TE16) 152• Beam and Leaf Spring (SM1000g) 165• Beam Apparatus (SM1004) 175• Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers (STR4) 202

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S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

C o n t i n u o u s a n d I n d e t e r m i n at e B e a m sS T R 1 3

Versatile equipment for a wide variety of beam experiments, from simple cases to complex problems.

Students rest a beam on up to three ‘piers’. The piers aremovable, so students can arrange them in many differentpositions under the beam. Students use masses on weighthangers to load the beam. Each pier has a load cell tomeasure the reaction force. A flexible beam can also beattached to measure deflection or fixing moment.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Reactions of a simply supported beam• Reactions of a two-span continuous beam• Reactions and fixing moments of a fixed beam and a

propped cantilever• Reaction and fixing moment of a propped cantilever

with a sinking support• Relationship between load and deflection for beams

and cantileversThis equipment allows many possible experimentconfigurations, using a stiff (rigid) beam or asignificantly more flexible beam.

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t h e M at e r i a l s T e s t i n g a n d P r o p e r t i e s r a n g e a l s o e x t e n d s i n t o t h e a r e a o f s t r u c t u r e s a n d s t r u c t u r a l e l e m e n t sa n d i n c l u d e s t h e f o l l o w i n g f r e e - s ta n d i n g p r o d u c t s :

U n s y m m e t r i c a l C a n t i l e v e r A p pa r at u s (SM1003) – Pa g e 1 74

Examines and displays bending of an unsymmetrical cantilever.

B e a m A p pa r at u s (SM1004) – Pa g e 1 7 5

Examines the deflection and forces on different types of beams for awide range of supports and loads.

e u l e r S t r u t b u c k l i n g a p pa r at u s (SM1005) – Pa g e 1 7 7

Tests different types of struts and demonstrates how they deflect under load.

L o o k at t h e M at e r i a l s T e s t i n g r a n g e

The above equipment is compatible with TecQuipment’s Versatile Data Acquisition System(VDAS®). This gives accurate real-time data capture, monitoring and display, calculation andcharting of all important readings on a computer – pa g e 2 9 9 S M 1 0 0 3 V DAS ® S c r e e n s h o t

E u l e r s t r u t b u c k l i n g a p pa r at s ( S M 1 0 0 5 )

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Investigation of the relationship between load,horizontal deflection and vertical deflection for:• Curved davit• Angled davit• Semicircle structure• Quarter-circle structure

Included with the experiment module are four differentstructures. Loads are then applied to the structure usingmasses on hangers. Deflection of the structure is measuredby two digital indicators.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

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S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

C u r v e d B a r s a n d D av i t sS T R 1 4

For students to investigate two common curved structures and two common davit structures.

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StructuresDeflections and Stress

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Study and comparison of load, horizontal reactions,fixing moments, sway and shear forces in a:• rectangular portal with a uniform section; and• rectangular portal with a non-uniform section

The hardware includes two rectangular portal frames withthe same dimensions. However, one of the frames has aconstant second moment of area, while the other has oneleg with a smaller second moment of area. Load is appliedusing variable masses whilst deflection is measured by adigital indicator.

F r a m e D e f l e c t i o n s a n d R e a c t i o n sS T R 1 8

For the study of rectangular portals subjected to vertical loads.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Bending Moments in a Portal Frame (STR20) 210

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B e n d i n g M o m e n t s i n a B e a mS T R 2

Illustrates and proves the basic theory of bending moments in a beam.

The experiment hardware is a simply supported beam ‘cut’by a pivot. Students apply loads at set positions usinghangers holding various masses. To stop the beamcollapsing, a moment arm bridges the ‘cut’ onto a loadcell, thus reacting to (and measuring) the bendingmoment force.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments



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S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Bending moment variation at the point of loading• Variation of bending moment away from the point of

loading• Examination of various other loading cases,

including loads traversing the beam

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S h e a r F o r c e i n a B e a mS T R 3

Illustrates and proves the basic theory of shear force in a beam.

The experiment hardware is a simply supported beam witha ‘cut’. A mechanism bridges the cut, which stops the beamcollapsing and allows movement in the shear directiononly. Students apply loads at set positions using hangersholding various masses. The load cell measures shear forceat the ‘cut’.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

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S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Shear force variation with an increasing point load• Variation of shear force for various loading

conditions• Examination of various other loading cases and

their effect on shear force, including loads traversingthe beam

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B e n d i n g M o m e n t s i n a P o r ta l F r a m eS T R 2 0

For the study of bending moments and sway in portal frames.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

Students use masses on weight hangers to apply variousloads to a portal frame. The portal has three members: ahorizontal beam and two vertical members or ‘legs’ joinedat two upper corners. All members are of the same materialand have the same flexural rigidity, i.e. value. Deflection ismeasured by a digital indicator.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Frame Deflections and Reactions (STR18) 207

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alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Strain gauge linearity• Using strain measurement to find the bending

moment• Bending moments and sway for vertical and

horizontal loads• Bending moments for internal and external moments

on vertical members• Comparison of ideal and non-ideal structures

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The experiment module examines the behaviour in theelastic region of solid and tubular-section specimens. Twochucks on a backboard hold a test specimen. A mechanismon one chuck applies torque manually to the specimen. Aprotractor scale on this chuck measures angular movement.A load cell on the other chuck measures torque.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Digital Force Display (STR1a) 189

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Torsion of Circular Sections Kit (ES5) 12• Additional Torsion Testing Kit (TE16b) 152• Torsion Testing Machine – 30 Nm (SM1001) 158

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alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

T o r s i o n o f C i r c u l a r S e c t i o n sS T R 6

For the study of torque and deflection in different materials with circular section.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Study of:• The relationship between specimen length, torque

and angular deflection• The behaviour of specimens of different materials

and sections• General torsion theory• Shear modulus• Polar moment of inertia

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U n s y m m e t r i c a l B e n d i n g a n d S h e a r C e n t r eS T R 7

For the study of vertical and horizontal deflection of different unsymmetrical (asymmetric) sections.

The experiment module examines the vertical andhorizontal deflection of different unsymmetrical sections atvarious angles and loads. Two multi-way chucks hold a testspecimen vertically. One chuck has an indexing system forrotating the beam in set increments. This changes the angleof loading. The other chuck and a weight hanger applies avariable load. Two digital deflection indicators measuredeflection in the x and y directions. An interchangeableplate allows students to find the shear centre of thespecimen.

• Structures Test Frame (STR1) 188

• Structures Software (STRS) for virtual experiments 190o r

• Automatic Data Acquisition Unit (STR2000) for 189automatic data acquisition and virtual experiments

• Unsymmetrical Cantilever Apparatus (SM1003) 174

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alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l T e c Q u i p m e n tS t r u c t u r e s S o f t wa r e

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Study of:• Horizontal and vertical deflection of different

unsymmetrical sections under various loads and atvarious angles

• Relationship between the vertical and horizontaldeflections and the principal moments of area ofeach section

• Shear centre of various unsymmetrical sections

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Theory of machines

“We saw the things required for training and everything was in good shape and we could seethat there was high quality assurance for material testing and production. We were impressedand happy that whatever TecQuipment provided was good quality and, as customers, we’revery satisfied.

M a k ’ o m o n d i L u c a s O w i n oH e a d o f T r a i n i n g , E a s t A f r i c a S c h o o l o f Av i at i o n

T H E O R Y O F M A C H I N E SF R I C T I O N 2 1 5

M O T I O N 2 1 9

V I B R AT I O N 2 3 0

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The Theory of Machines range offers teaching equipmentfor the basics of machine engineering, such as motion, tomore advanced studies of free and forced vibration, frictionin bearings, geared systems and governors.

S a f e Y e t H i g h ly V i s u a lDue to the amount of fast moving parts in this range, extrasafety features have been incorporated. Interlocked guardsprevent accidents, while care has been taken in the designprocess not to compromise the visibility.


E n g i n e e r i n g S c i e n c eThe Engineering Science range also includes productsthat demonstrate some of the fundamental principlesof simple machines, such as pulleys and gears – S e e pa g e 5 .

V D A S ® e n a b l e d P r o d u c t s Pa g eAir Bearing Apparatus (TE96) 215

Cam Analysis Machine (TM1021) 219

Geared Systems (TM1018) 222

Gyroscope (TM1004) 226

Centrifugal Force (TM1005) 227

Governors (TM1027) 229

Free Vibrations of a Mass-Spring System (TM164) 234

Free Torsional Vibrations (TM165) 235

Free Vibrations of a Cantilever (TM166) 236

Free Vibrations of a Beam and Spring (TM167) 237

Free and Forced Vibrations (TM1016) 239

A u t o m at i c d ata a c q u i s i t i o n Look at the products in this range that work with TecQuipment’s unique Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) – S e e pa g e 2 9 9 .

B A S I C T O A D VA N C E D T E A C H I N G : To suit all your laboratoryneeds.

s a f e t y b y d e s i g n : Interlocked guards where requiredprevent accidents.

a u t o m at i c d ata a c q u i s i t i o n : Fast moving equipmentoften requires multiple fast measurements, making dataacquisition a powerful tool.

k e y f eat u r e s an d b e n e f i t s :

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Theory of machinesFriction

A i r B e a r i n g A p pa r at u sT E 9 6

A self-contained air bearing apparatus to demonstrate the performance of self-acting, gas-lubricatedjournal bearings, including the phenomenon of half-speed whirl.

• Demonstrates the performance of a self-acting, gas (air)-lubricated journal bearing

• Self-contained and bench-mounted –includes all instrumentation needed for tests

• Variable bearing load and speed, for arange of tests

• Includes a multi-channel digital pressuredisplay

• Demonstrates the onset of bearing ‘whirl’

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstrate how a vertical load affects the pressure

distribution around an air-lubricated journal bearing• Demonstrate how bearing speed, and therefore

compressibility number, affects the pressuredistribution in the bearing, and how this compareswith theory

• Demonstrate the onset of ‘whirl’

s c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The main part has a variable-speed motor that turns a beltdrive. The belt drive turns a precision bearing shaft. Theshaft has a high-quality surface finish and spins inside avertically loaded bush. A hand-operated load control andload cell allow the user to apply and measure the load onthe bearing bush. The bush has pressure tappings equallyspaced around its circumference. The tappings connect to amultichannel digital pressure display unit.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Michell Pad Apparatus (TE99) 217• Journal Bearing Demonstration (TM25) 218


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H e r t z i a n C o n ta c t A p pa r at u sT E 9 8

Self-contained unit that allows a practical examination of Hertz’s theories of contact between materials.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• The effect of varied pressure with constant angle• The effect of varied angle (different relative

curvature) with constant pressure

• Compact, self-contained unit – needs noelectricity or external services

• Uses flexible material to produce magnifiedand easily viewed results

• Controllable hydraulic pressure system withgauge for repeatable results

• Variable relative contact angles andpressures for a range of experiments

The apparatus has two pads with curved contact surfaces.The upper pad (made of a transparent plastic material) hasa compound radius. The lower pad (made of an opaqueflexible material) has a simple radius. A hand-operatedhydraulic pump and cylinder force the two pads together.Students may rotate the lower pad – a pointer shows theangle of rotation. This allows a study of the effect ofdifferent relative curvatures.

D o c u m e n t s I n c l u d e d – E v e r y t h i n g Y o u N e e dA comprehensive pack of documents is supplied with all experiments, including:

U s e r Man ual : How to use the product, along with instructions on experiment set-up and supporting enginering principles for guided learning. Pac k i n g c o n t e n t s l i s t: All the parts that make up the complete product. T e s t c e r t i f i cat e : Your peace of mind that the product has been thoroughly tested before dispatch.

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Theory of machinesFriction

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Study of:• Pressure distributions in a tilting pad bearing• Influence of sliding speed and viscosity on the

pressure distribution in the bearing, and comparisonwith calculations based on Reynold’s equation

• Relationship between pressure and the film thicknessat the trailing edge of the pad

M i c h e l l Pa d A p pa r at u sT E 9 9

Demonstrates the pressure distribution across the film of oil in a Michell tilting pad slider bearing. Helpsto prove Reynold’s equation for pressure gradient in fluid film.

The bench-mounting unit has an aluminium plate (pad)mounted above a continuous loop flat belt. The belt runs inan oil reservoir to provide a continuous supply of oil underthe pad. This creates a pressurised film of oil between thepad and the belt. A set of 13 graduated tubes show the oilpressure across and along the film under the pad.

• Air Bearing Apparatus (TE96) 215• Journal Bearing Demonstration (TM25) 218

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

• Proven design, based on a machinecreated by Imperial College London

• Accurately mimics a Michell tilting pad,fluid-lubricated slider bearing

• Fully adjustable pad (tilt) angle

• Includes oil and a viscometer

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J o u r n a l B e a r i n g D e m o n s t r at i o nT M 2 5

Demonstrates the pressures around a journal bearing at different speeds.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :S i m p l e d e m o n s t r at i o n s :• Observation of oil wedge (film thickness) and hence

eccentricity variations for different speeds and loads • Observation of the pressure profiles at these

conditions • Observation of the critical bearing whirl E x p e r i m e n t s :• Measuring pressure profiles for chosen conditions

and plotting the Cartesian and polar pressure curves • Measuring pressure profiles for chosen conditions

and plotting the theoretical Sommerfeld curve• Measuring shaft speed and journal speed at the

critical whirl All tests may be conducted for either direction ofrotation of the shaft.

• Acrylic bearing allows clear observation ofoil film at all times

• Pressure profiles, along and around thebearing, continuously monitored on largemanometer panel

• Theoretical pressure profiles (Sommerfeldanalysis) may be tested and comparedwith practical results

• Provides striking demonstration of self-excited vibrations (half-speed whirl)

• Fully adjustable speed, direction and loads

An adjustable reservoir supplies oil to a low-pressure regionat both ends of the bearing. The bearing contains 12 equi-spaced pressure tappings around its circumference, andfour additional ones along its topside and on a verticalradial plane. All are connected by light and flexible plastictubes to the rear manometer panel, to clearly show thepressure head of oil at all 16 points at all times. Studentsload the bearing by attaching weights (included) to armsconnected to the bearing.

• Stroboscope (ST1) 303

• Air Bearing Apparatus (TE96) 215• Michell Pad Apparatus (TE99) 217


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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Theory of machinesm


• Illustrates cam and follower separation or‘cam bounce’ under safe and controlledconditions

• Fully interlocked for safety

• Highly visual and audible – perfect fordemonstrations

• Works with TecQuipment’s VDAS® to capturedata and show live traces (on a computerscreen) of the follower movement – even atbounce

C a m A n a ly s i s M a c h i n eT M 1 0 2 1

Studies the dynamic behaviour of different cams andfollowers and their ‘bounce’ speed.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The main part of the product has a precision-machinedheavy steel base which holds a high-torque, direct-drivevariable-speed motor. The motor shaft connects through acoupling to the main shaft which then passes into the camtest area. Self-aligning heavy-duty bearings support theshaft which has a substantial flywheel. The flywheel reducesspeed variations as the torque demand changes during thecam rotation cycle. The cam under test fits to the end of themain shaft, accurately mounted both axially and radially toensure repeatability. The follower fits to the bottom of avertical shaft running in low-friction linear bearings.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – bench- 299mounted version (VDAS-B)

N o t e : This equipment needs the latest VDAS® and will notwork with early versions of VDAS®. Contact TecQuipment orthe local agent if unsure.

• Cam and Crank and Toggle Kit (ES12) 23

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Comparing actual results with theory for profiles of

follower displacement, acceleration and velocity• Cam bounce speeds for different cam and follower

combinations, and comparison of speeds to thosepredicted by simplified theory

• How spring rate, preload and follower mass affectcam bounce speed

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E n g a g i n g S t u d e n t s t h r o u g hC o m p e t i t i o n sFor academics looking to find new ways of motivating students with the practical elements of theircourses, TecQuipment is introducing student competitions. This is achieved by working with academicsto create custom competitions that integrate into the syllabus.

C o m p e t i t i o n E x a m p l eFirst-year Mechanical Engineeringstudents at Nottingham TrentUniversity were set a new challengein their thermo-fluids module to helpthem prepare for the real world ofwork at the end of their degree. Thestudents were required to design anew experiment, using one ofTecQuipment’s fluid mechanicsproducts, to investigate a fluidphenomenon of their choosing.

To enter, students submitted a videoof the team demonstrating theexperiment and discussing theoutcomes, which was judged live bya panel. Winners received a trophyand prize money provided byTecQuipment.

Email to discuss competition options.

S i m o n W o o d s P r e s e n t s ‘a C a r e e r i n E n g i n e e r i n g ’ at N o t t i n g h a m T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y t of i r s t-y e a r E n g i n e e r i n g S t u d e n t s

F l u i d M e c h a n i c s L abo r at o r y at N o t t i n g h a m T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y

m a r k e t i n g @ t e c q u i p m e n t. c o m

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Theory of machinesM


• Demonstrates first and second mode whirlspeeds and how to predict them

• Extra bearings and weights (included) givea choice of free-free, fixed-free and fixed-fixed end conditions and experiments withloaded shafts and eccentric loading

• Supplied with different shafts to study howlength and diameter affects whirling

• Optional stroboscope to ‘freeze’ the imageof the shaft to see its shape clearly

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Basic whirling demonstration• The effect of shaft length and diameter• The effect of end conditions (fixings)• Loaded shaft (one and two masses)• Eccentric loading

W h i r l i n g o f S h a f t s a n d C r i t i c a l S p e e dT M 1 0 0 1

Demonstrates ‘whirling’ in different horizontal shafts with a variety of fixings (end conditions),loaded and unloaded.

A variable-speed motor turns the horizontal test shaft. Twobearings hold the shaft – one bearing at the ‘driven end’and the other bearing at the ‘tail end’ of the shaft. The tailend bearing slides in its housing to allow the shaft length tochange as it ‘whirls’. Similar to a beam on two simple knife-edge supports, both bearings allow free angular shaftmovement (free ends condition). Also supplied with theequipment are extra bearings that restrict angularmovement when fitted, to give ‘fixed ends’.

• Stroboscope (ST1) 303


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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :

G e a r e d S y s t e m sT M 1 0 1 8

A set of products for dynamic and static experiments on geared and other drive systems.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :D y n a m i c :• Simple and compound gear trains• Mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and dynamic

efficiencies of gear trains• Mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and dynamic

efficiencies of optional drive systems (chain, belt andhelical gears)

• Appreciation of the different characteristics of drivesystems

• Chain and belt drive tension, including differentmethods of application

F E AT U R E S : B E N E F I T S :Fully equipped bench-mounted base unit for testson several different drive units

Saves space and reduces costs

Includes gear drive unit, with optional belt, chainand helical gear drive systems

Offers comparative tests of different designs

Optional test stand (TM1018a) For additional tests in static efficiency and inertia

Easy set-up – all drive units can be removed andfitted in minutes

Maximises experiment time

Works with VDAS® Quick and reliable tests with data capture

A c c e l e r at i o n a n d s tat i c :• Mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and static

efficiencies of gear drives• Mass moment of inertia of a flywheel by experiment

and calculation• Mass moment of inertia of geared drive systems by

experiment and calculation

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Theory of machinesM


O p t i o n a l D r i v e U n i t s

T o o t h e d B e lt D r i v e T M 1 0 1 8bR o u n d B e lt D r i v e T M 1 0 1 8 cC h a i n D r i v e T M 1 0 1 8 dh e l i c a l g e a r d r i v e t m 1 0 1 8 eThe optional drive units work with the TM1018 base unit fordynamic tests on performance, allowing comparison withthe gear drive. For extended experiments, the optionaldrives each include three different methods of adjustingtheir tension to demonstrate how this affects performance.

O p t i o n a l T e s t S ta n d T M 1 0 1 8 a

The Acceleration and Static Test Stand (TM1018a) givesextra experiments in measuring angular acceleration andstatic efficiency.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

• Acceleration and Static Test Stand (TM1018a) 223• Toothed Belt Drive (TM1018b) 223• Round Belt Drive (TM1018c) 223• Chain Drive (TM1018d) 223• Helical Gear Drive (TM1018e) 223• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299

Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)


In the base unit’s upper level, the student fits their choice ofdrive unit. A variable-speed, low-voltage motor providesthe shaft input turning force (effort) to the drive. Adynamometer provides the output braking force (load) tothe drive. The dynamometer uses electromagnetic brakingand a hysteresis effect to provide a variable load at aconstant torque, irrespective of the speed. Sensors on themotor and dynamometer measure their shaft speed, torqueand therefore power in and out at the drive. Fans provideair cooling for both the motor and dynamometer. Flexiblecouplings with collets connect the drive unit to the motorand dynamometer for quick and accurate alignment.

• Drive Systems Kit (ES11) 20• Gear Trains Kit (ES13) 21• Potential and Kinetic Energy Kit (ES9) 17

(for the optional test stand TM1018a)

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

T o o t h e d B e lt D r i v eT M 1 0 1 8 b

R o u n d B e lt D r i v eT M 1 0 1 8 c

C h a i n D r i v eT M 1 0 1 8 d

h e l i c a l g e a r d r i v et m 1 0 1 8 e

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B a l a n c e o f R e c i p r o c at i n g M a s s e sT M 1 0 2 2

A model four-cylinder engine that demonstrates the primary and secondary forces and moments whenbalancing reciprocating masses.

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Primary and secondary forces and moments in

popular engine configurations – one, two and four-cylinder

• Primary and secondary forces and moments fordifferent crank settings

• The effect of adding additional mass to one or morepistons for any chosen crank setting

• Comparing calculated forces and moments withactual results

• Includes a control and instrumentation unitto process the force and moment signals –also has an electronic drive control to adjustand display the engine speed accurately

• Simulates one, two and four-cylinderengines

• Variable crank angle settings and additionalpiston masses – for a range of tests

• Works with VDAS® to show dynamic forceand moment waveforms for popular enginearrangements and compare them withtheory

A cantilever holds a model four-cylinder engine. The modelengine has a crankshaft, connecting rods, bushes (as big-end bearings), pistons and a cylinder block. A separatecontrol and instrumentation unit (included) controls a motorthat turns the engine crankshaft. The crankshaft hasadjustable sections. Students can rotate each sectionrelative to the others to change the crank angles.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

E S S E N T IAL AN C I L LAR I E S :• Static and Dynamic Balancing (TM1002) 225

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

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Theory of machinesM


• Interlocked transparent dome allowsstudents to observe the masses rotating

• Demonstrates balancing a horizontal shaftwith two, three or four rotating masses

• Independent analysis of static and dynamicbalancing

• Includes four removeable rotating masses(balance blocks) with different inserts for arange of moments

• Protractor, horizontal scale and slidingindicator to help accurately position therotating masses

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of simple static and dynamic

balancing of two, three and four rotating masses • Dynamic balancing of rotating mass systems by

calculation and vector diagrams (triangle andpolygon)

S tat i c a n d D y n a m i c B a l a n c i n gT M 1 0 0 2

For experiments in balancing a rotating mass system, statically and dynamically.

The test assembly includes a balanced steel shaft mountedhorizontally on low-friction bearings. The equipmentincludes a set of four rotating masses (balance blocks). Thebalance blocks fix in any horizontal position and relativeangle on the shaft. Each block contains a different (andremovable) circular insert, allowing students to create fourblocks of different mass and moment. Without the inserts,the blocks become four identical masses for simplebalancing tests.

• Balance of Reciprocating Masses (TM1022) 224

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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• Directmeasurementof gyroscopictilting force,couple andvelocities(speeds) shownon digitaldisplays

• Interlocked,transparentdome allowsstudents toobserve the gyroscope spinning in safety

• Works in both clockwise and anticlockwisedirections for a full range of tests

• Unique multifunction controls for coarse andfine adjustment of velocity and direction

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Direction of gyroscopic couple (in relation to

precession and rotor spin directions).• Magnitude of gyroscopic couple (in relation to

precession and rotor spin velocities).

The rotor of an electric motor shares a horizontallysupported shaft with a flywheel, forming the gyroscope. Asecond electric motor turns a belt that turns a turntableunder the gyroscope, causing precession about a verticalaxis. Both motors work in clockwise and anticlockwiserotation and with variable velocity.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

G y r o s c o p eT M 1 0 0 4

For experiments in gyroscopic couple and velocities of rotor and precession.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)


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Theory of machinesM


• Demonstrates the relationship betweencentrifugal force, mass of a rotating body,its distance from the axis, and its angularvelocity

• Balanced arm mechanism for accuratereadings

• Interlocked, transparent dome allowsstudents to see the mechanism rotating insafety

• Includes a set of weights for differentexperiments

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Finding the relationship between centrifugal force, themass of a rotating body, its distance from the axis ofrotation (radial position) and the speed of rotation.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

C e n t r i f u g a l F o r c eT M 1 0 0 5

For experiments in centrifugal force and angular velocity.

A base unit supports a mechanism that rotates under aclear dome. An electric motor turns a belt that turns aturntable under the mechanism. The motor works inclockwise and anticlockwise direction and with variablevelocity. A sensor measures the rotational velocity of themechanism.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Centrifugal Force Kit (ES16) 22


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C o r i o l i s F o r c eT M 1 0 1 7

For demonstrations and experiments in Coriolis force.

A bench-top base unit supporting a rotating arm on whicha transparent water tank and counterbalance are mounted.The water tank houses a submersible pump whichproduces a jet of water. The jet of water is observed todeflect when the arm rotates. The deflection is due to theCoriolis force, a fictitious force which appears to act onobjects moving within a frame of reference that is rotating.Dials and a digital display on the base unit allow students toadjust the speed and direction of rotation, as well as thepump rate.

• Clearly demonstrates the Coriolis forcedeflecting a jet of water within a rotatingreference system

• Adjustable speed and direction of rotation

• Adjustable pump rate

• Local LCD display

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Understanding of fictitious forces• Visualisation of the Coriolis force effect • Verification of the relationship between Coriolis force,

the speed and direction of rotation and the velocityof objects moving within the rotating referenceframe

n e w

F u l l s p e c i f i cat i o n datas h e e t sDatasheets contain full specifications such as size, weight, noise output, fluid capacity, voltage requirements etc. Download from each individual product webpage.

t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m (search product)

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2 2 9

Theory of machinesM


L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Finding characteristic curves of governor speed

against sleeve lift• Comparison of governor types in terms of sensitivity,

stability and effort• On the Porter and Proell governors, the effects of

varying centre sleeve mass• On the Hartnell governor, the effects of varying:

– arm length – spring rate – spring compression– rotating mass

• Demonstration of the isochronous condition (Hartnellgovernor)

A base unit contains a variable-speed motor. The motorturns each of three different governors: Proell, Porter andHartnell. N o t e : Only one governor can be tested at a time.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299 Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)


• Includes three easy-to-fit governors:Hartnell, Porter and Proell

• Interlocked, transparent dome allowsstudents to observe the governors rotatingin safety

• Includes additional weights to change themass of the Porter and Proell governorsleeves

• Supplied with different springs and rotatingmasses for the Hartnell governor

H a r t n e l l g o v e r n o rs h o w n f i t t e d

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

G o v e r n o r sT M 1 0 2 7

Demonstrates how different governors work, including Hartnell, Porter and Proell governors.

p o r t e r g o v e r n o r P r o e l l g o v e r n o r

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F E AT U R E S : B E N E F I T S :Rigid and lightweight construction Ensures repeatability of results and long service life,

yet light enough to move around the laboratory

Supplied with all the tools needed for assembly Quick and easy set-up time – optimises experimenttime during laboratory sessions

Includes a storage tray for safe storage of any toolsand smaller parts of the optional experiments

Reduces risk of losing components – greaterlongevity

For use with TecQuipment’s Free Vibrations experiments, thetest frame fits on any standard desk or bench top. Students,teachers or lecturers fit the parts of their free vibrationsexperiments to the test frame to study or demonstrate afree vibrations topic.

• Simple and Compound Pendulums (TM161) 231• Filar Pendulums (TM162) 232• Centre of Percussion (TM163) 233• Free Vibrations of a Mass-Spring System (TM164) 234• Free Torsional Vibrations (TM165) 235• Free Vibrations of a Cantilever (TM166) 236• Free Vibrations of a Beam and Spring (TM167) 237

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

F r e e V ibr at i o n s T e s t F r a m eT M 1 6 0

Sturdy frame for use with TecQuipment’s Free Vibrations experiment modules.

Experiment modules(tm161–tm167)

Essential Base Unit (tm160)


S h o w n w i t h o n e o f t h e ava i l abl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s

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Theory of machinesVibration

This product is part of a range that explores free vibrationsin simple ‘one degree of freedom’ systems and introducesstudents to key scientific terms such as:• Simple harmonic motion (SHM) and period of oscillation• Mass moment of inertia• Radius of gyration• Routh’s rule

S i m p l e a n d C o m p o u n d P e n d u l u m sT M 1 6 1

Studies simple harmonic motion and the factors that affect the period of oscillation of pendulums.

• Back panels with referenced scales andsliding indicators for accurate positioning ofpendulum parts

• The simple pendulum has unique quick-change spheres and adjustable cord length– no tools required

• Includes simple, compound and Kater’spendulums for a range of experiments

• Quick and easy assembly

• Contains all parts needed for theexperiments – including a stopwatch andbasic tools

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Cord length and period of a simple pendulum• Mass and period of a simple pendulum• Using a simple pendulum to find the acceleration

due to gravity• Centre of gravity and period of a compound

pendulum• How an adjustable mass affects the period of a

compound pendulum• Using a Kater’s pendulum to find the acceleration

due to gravity

• Free Vibrations Test Frame (TM160) 230

• Simple Harmonic Motion Kit (ES7) 15

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

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This product is part of a range that explores free vibrationsin simple ‘one degree of freedom’ systems and introducesstudents to key scientific terms such as:• Simple harmonic motion (SHM) and period of oscillation• Mass moment of inertia• Radius of gyration• Axis of rotation• Parallel axis theorem

• Free Vibrations Test Frame (TM160) 230

• Simple Harmonic Motion Kit (ES7) 15

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

• Flexible and modular – fits onto the testframe (TM160) for experiments andlaboratory demonstrations

• Different pendulum designs, lengths, massand inertia – for a range of experiments

• Quick and easy assembly

• Contains all parts needed for theexperiments – including an ‘examplemachine element’, stopwatch, steel rule andbasic tools

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Cord length and period of bifilar and trifilar

pendulums• Cord (support) positions and period of bifilar and

trifilar pendulums• Mass and period of bifilar and trifilar pendulums• Position of mass on bifilar and trifilar pendulums• Finding moment of inertia of an ‘example machine

part’ in two different axes

F i l a r P e n d u l u m sT M 1 6 2

Studies simple harmonic motion and the factors that affect the period of oscillation of bifilar andtrifilar pendulums.

S h o w n w i t h t h e T e s t F r a m e ( T M 160 )

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Theory of machinesVibration

This product is part of a range that explores free vibrationsin simple ‘one degree of freedom’ systems and introducesstudents to key scientific terms such as:• Simple harmonic motion (SHM) and period of oscillation• Radius of gyration• Centre of gravity• Centre of percussion (CoP) and the ‘sweet spot’• Impact reactions

• Free Vibrations Test Frame (TM160) 230

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

• Flexible and modular – fits onto the testframe (TM160) for experiments andlaboratory demonstrations

• Realistic scale – for highly visual andaccurate experiments in complete safety

• Quick and easy assembly

• Contains all parts needed for theexperiments – including a stopwatch andbasic tools

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Centre of gravity, period of oscillation and radius of

gyration of a compound pendulum• Centre of percussion of a compound pendulum

C e n t r e o f P e r c u s s i o nT M 1 6 3

Illustrates how to calculate and find a compound centre of percussion pendulums.

S h o w n w i t h t h e T e s t F r a m e ( T M 160 )

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• Flexible and modular – fits onto the testframe (TM160) for experiments andlaboratory demonstrations

• Optional dashpot for extra experiments inoscillation damping

• Non-contacting measurement sensors fornegligible damping

• Additional acceleration sensor forcomparison with software-derivedwaveform

• Works with TecQuipment’s Versatile DataAcquisition System (VDAS®) for real-timedisplay of the mass-spring oscillations

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Spring extension and force (spring constant) and

Hooke’s law• Frequency of oscillation, spring constant and varying

mass• Phase difference between displacement and its

derivatives• Comparison of measured and derived acceleration• Oscillation damping and coefficient – needs optional

Damper Kit (TM164a)

F r e e V ibr at i o n s o f a M a s s - S p r i n g S y s t e mT M 1 6 4

Uses simple harmonic motion theory todemonstrate how to calculate the frequency ofoscillation in simple mass-spring systems;demonstrates Hooke's law.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

S h o w n f i t t e d w i t ht h e o p t i o n a lD a m p e r K i t ( T M 164 a )

This product is part of a range that explores free vibrationsin simple ‘one degree of freedom’ systems and introducesstudents to key scientific terms such as:• Simple harmonic motion (SHM) and frequency of

oscillation• Spring constant and Hooke’s law• Oscillation damping• Phase difference between displacement and its


• Free Vibrations Test Frame (TM160) 230

• 2 x Damper Kit (TM164a)

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – bench- 299mounted version (VDAS-B)

N o t e : This equipment needs the latest VDAS® and will notwork with early versions of VDAS®. Contact TecQuipment orthe local agent if unsure.

• Free and Forced Vibrations (TM1016) 239


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


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• Uses the rotational movementof a disc suspended from acircular rod for a highly visualand intuitive display of simpleharmonic motion

• Optional Damper Kit (TM165a)for extra experiments inoscillation damping

• Includes a selection of specimen rods andan additional inertia ring for a range ofexperiments

• Non-contacting displacement sensor to seeand measure oscillatory motion withnegligible damping effect

• Works with TecQuipment’s VDAS® for real-time display of the displacement waveformand its derivatives

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Theory of machinesVibration

• Free Vibrations Test Frame (TM160) 230

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – bench- 299mounted version (VDAS-B)

N o t e : This equipment needs the latest VDAS® and will notwork with early versions of VDAS®. Contact TecQuipment orthe local agent if unsure.

• Damper Kit (TM165a)


e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:


S h o w n f i t t e dw i t h t h eo p t i o n a lD a m p e r K i t( T M 165 a )

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

This product is part of a range that explores free vibrationsin simple ‘one degree of freedom’ systems and introducesstudents to key scientific terms such as:• Simple harmonic motion (SHM)• Frequency of oscillation• Shear modulus• Polar moment of area• Mass moment of inertia• Phase difference between displacement and its


L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Rod diameter and frequency of oscillation• Rod length and frequency of oscillation• Inertia and frequency of oscillation• Phase difference between displacement and its

derivatives• Damped torsional oscillations – needs optional

Damper Kit (TM165a)

F r e e T o r s i o n a l V ibr at i o n sT M 1 6 5

Demonstrates the oscillatory motion of a discattached to a slender rod.

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This product is part of a range that explores free vibrationsin simple ‘one degree of freedom’ systems and introducesstudents to key scientific terms such as:• Simple harmonic motion (SHM) and frequency of

oscillation• Beam stiffness• Rayleigh’s method• Dunkerley’s method• Second moment of area• Phase difference between displacement and its


L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Predicting oscillation frequency using Rayleigh’s

method and the simplified method assuming thatthe beam is ‘light’

• Phase difference between displacement and itsderivatives

• Horizontal cantilever length and frequency ofoscillation

• Using Dunkerley’s method to predict the ‘beam only’frequency

• Comparison of vertical and horizontal cantilevers

F r e e V ibr at i o n s o f a C a n t i l e v e rT M 1 6 6

Uses fundamental theory and Rayleigh’s approximation tocalculate the frequency of oscillation of a cantilever. Also utilisesDunkerley’s method to predict the ‘beam only’ frequency.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

• Quick and easy assembly

• Mounts both vertically and horizontally foralternative analysis

• Includes a plain cantilever and a weightedcantilever with ‘tip mass’ for a range ofexperiments

• Non-contacting displacement sensor to seeand measure oscillatory motion withnegligible damping effect

• Free Vibrations Test Frame (TM160) 230

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – bench- 299mounted version (VDAS-B)

N o t e : This equipment needs the latest VDAS® and will notwork with early versions of VDAS®. Contact TecQuipment orthe local agent if unsure.

• Free and Forced Vibrations (TM1016) 239

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

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Theory of machinesVibration

This product is part of a range that explores free vibrationsin simple ‘one degree of freedom’ systems and It introducesstudents to key scientific terms such as:• Simple harmonic motion (SHM) and frequency of

oscillation• Moment of inertia• Oscillation damping• Spring constant and Hooke’s law• Phase difference between displacement and its


S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

S h o w n f i t t e d w i t ht h e o p t i o n a lD a m p e r K i t( T M 167a )

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Spring extension and force (spring constant), and

Hooke’s law• Phase difference between displacement and its

derivatives• Frequency of oscillation and varying mass moment

of inertia by varying mass value• Frequency of oscillation and spring constant• Frequency of oscillation and varying mass moment

of inertia by varying mass position• Oscillation damping and coefficient – needs optional

Damper Kit (TM167a)

• Uses a pivoted beam with spring for ahighly visual display of simple harmonicmotion

• Integral scales to save time and forconvenient use

• Optional Damper Kit (TM167a) for extraexperiments in oscillation damping usingsafe, easily-available fluids

• Non-contacting displacement sensor to seeand measure oscillatory motion withnegligible damping effect

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

F r e e V ibr at i o n s o f a B e a m a n d S p r i n gT M 1 6 7

Demonstrates the oscillatory motion of a rigid beam, pivoted at one end and suspended by a spring atthe other.

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• Versatile Data Acquisition System – bench- 299mounted version (VDAS-B)

N o t e : This equipment needs the latest VDAS® and will notwork with early versions of VDAS®. Contact TecQuipment orthe agent if unsure.

• Free and Forced Vibrations (TM1016) 239

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


S h o w n f i t t e d t o t h e T e s t F r a m e ( T M 160 ) a n d c o n n e c t e d t o V D A S ®

• Free Vibrations Test Frame (TM160) 230

• Damper Kit (TM167a) 237


e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

F r e e V ibr at i o n s o f a B e a m a n d S p r i n g ( T M 167 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

u n i v e r s a l v ibr at i o n s a p pa r at u sT M 1 6 s

This package includes all products from the Vibration section of TecQuipment’s Theory ofMachines range (TM160–TM167 and TM1016). It offers multiple experiments in both free andforced vibrations, and includes our Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®).

Products included in the package:

• Free and Forced Vibrations (TM1016)• Free Vibrations Test Frame (TM160)• Simple and Compound Pendulums (TM161)• Filar Pendulums (TM162)• Centre of Percussion (TM163)• Free Vibrations of a Mass-Spring System


• 2 x Damper Kit (TM164a)• Free Torsional Vibrations (TM165)• 1 x Damper Kit (TM165a)• Free Vibrations of a Cantilever (TM166)• Free Vibrations of a Beam and Spring (TM167)• 2 x Damper Kit (TM167a)• 2 x Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS-B)

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Theory of machinesVibration

F r e e a n d F o r c e d V ibr at i o n sT M 1 0 1 6

Investigates the free and forced vibrations of a rigid beam with a spring, and a simply supported beam.Demonstrates Rayleigh’s approximation and Dunkerley’s method.

S c r e e n s h o t o ft h e V D A S ®s o f t wa r e

F E AT U R E S : B E N E F I T S :Two different vibration systems in one self-contained unit: a ‘rigid’ beam with a spring and apinned-pinned (simply supported) ‘flexible’ beam

Increased experimental scope with minimal set uptime

Non-contacting displacement sensor Frictionless measurement of displacement –minimises influence on experiment results

High-quality servomotor ‘exciter’ – for forcedvibrations at a constant speed

Minimises cyclical variations – enhances accuracyand repeatability

Offset mass position sensor Demonstrates the phase relationship betweenapplied force and displacement

Built-in accelerometer for comparison of derivedand measured acceleration waveforms

High level functions deepen students’understanding

Works with TecQuipment’s VDAS® for real-timedisplay of the vibrations

Advanced software eliminates need for additionalexpensive oscilloscope

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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F r e e a n d F o r c e d V ibr at i o n s ( T M 1 0 16 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

S h o w n c o n n e c t e d t o V D A S ®

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Free and forced vibrations of a rigid beam and

spring• Free and forced vibrations of a flexible pinned–

pinned (simply supported) beam• Using Rayleigh’s approximation to predict vibration

frequency • Frequency of oscillation and varying mass• Finding the ‘beam only’ frequency using Dunkerley’s

method• Phase difference between displacement, its

derivatives and measured acceleration• Damped free and forced oscillations and damping

coefficient• Phase relationship between the applied force and

beam position for different damping values• Demonstration of a two-degree of freedom (2DoF)

system• Demonstration of an undamped vibration absorber

A bench-top unit to demonstrate free and forced vibrationsof two mass-beam systems:1. A ‘rigid’ beam with a pivot at one end and a spring at

the other – the spring provides the elasticity.2. A ‘flexible’ pinned-pinned beam with a pivot at one end

and a roller pivot at the other – the beam itself providesthe elasticity.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – bench- 299mounted version (VDAS-B)

N o t e : This equipment needs the latest VDAS® and will notwork with early versions of VDAS®. Contact TecQuipment orthe local agent if unsure.

• Free Vibrations of a Mass-Spring System (TM164) 234• Free Vibrations of a Cantilever (TM166) 236• Free Vibrations of a Beam and Spring (TM167) 237

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


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“BAE Systems Defence Information, Training and Services have recently used TecQuipment tosupport training activities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the procurement of two gasturbine trainers. Throughout the procurement, manufacturing and installation periodTecQuipment have performed well and supported extra requirements such as product safetyjustification reports. The experience and expertise of their commissioning engineer was firstclass and in-country activities went well.

N C H E R R YT R A I N I N G P R O C U R E M E N T WA R T O N , B A E S Y S T E M S ( O P E R AT I O N S ) L I M I T E D

t h e r m o d y n a m i c sT H E R M O D Y N A M I C P R I N C I P L E S 2 4 3

H E AT T R A N S F E R 2 4 6

T E M P E R AT U R E 2 6 6

S T E A M 2 6 7

C O M P R E S S O R S 2 6 8

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The Thermodynamics range offers teaching equipment forthe illustration of the basic principles of thermodynamicsthrough to complex theories. Students can learn usingpractical experiments about the behaviour of gases, heattransfer and thermal conductivity, conduction, convectionand heat exchange. They can get hands-on to provetheories such as the Antoine equation, Seebeck effect, Lenzand Thomson effects, Carnot cycle and reversible Carnotcycle, Stefan Boltzmann law, Kirchhoff’s law and Lambert’sdirection law.

S a f e , p r a c t i c a l a n d r e a l i s t i cAs thermodynamics experiments can often take manyhours, the range has been designed to reduce theexperiment time to a practical and realistic level, with safetyas the key aspect.


A u t o m at i c d ata a c q u i s i t i o n Look at the products in this range that work withTecQuipment’s unique Versatile Data AcquisitionSystem (VDAS®) – S e e pa g e 2 9 9 .

M o d u l a r f l u i d p o w e rThe Modular Fluid Power range includes products thatcan be analysed in terms of thermodynamicperformance, such as compressors – S e e pa g e s 1 3 4 – 1 4 8 .

s a f e a n d p r a c t i c a l d e s i g n : Reduced experiment times.

b r o a d r a n g e o f p r o d u c t s : From basic principles togas turbines.

a u t o m at i c d ata a c q u i s i t i o n : Thermodynamicsexperiments need several minutes of constant monitoringto achieve thermal equilibrium, making automatic dataacquisition a useful tool.

k e y f e at u r e s a n d b e n e f i t s :

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odynamic principles

• A self-contained bench-top experiment –no power supply needed

• Highly visual experiment using a ‘liquidpiston’ for reliability and accurate,repeatable results

• Includes a thermocouple and digital displayto help maintain constant temperature anddemonstrate how compression anddecompression of a gas can affect itstemperature

• Supplied with hand-operated pumps tocompress or decompress the gas (air)above and below atmospheric pressure

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstrations of gas temperature change during

compression and decompression• Proving Boyle’s law by experiment

I d e a l G a s e s – B o y l e ’ s L awT D 1 0 0 0

Demonstrates the relationship between pressure and volume of an ideal gas at a fixed temperature.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The bench-mounted equipment includes a backplate thatholds two clear-walled cylinders containing oil (supplied).Students use hand-operated pumps (supplied) to increaseor decrease the pressure in the left-hand cylinder (thereservoir) which moves a ‘liquid piston’ of oil in the right-hand cylinder (the test cylinder). This piston compresses ordecompresses a trapped column of air in the test cylinder.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Ideal Gases – Gay-Lussac’s Law (TD1001) 244• Expansion of Perfect Gas (TD1004) 245


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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• Demonstrates Gay-Lussac’s law relatingpressure and temperature of an idealgas (air)

• Simple and safe – needs no tools

• Uses low pressures and a thermally-insulated heater

• Includes thermocouples and a pressuresensor connected to a digital display

• Electronic controller to accurately regulatetemperature

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstrates change of pressure of a fixed volume

of gas during heating• Proving Gay-Lussac’s law by experiment• The principle of a vapour pressure thermometer

I d e a l G a s e s – G ay- L u s s a c ’ s L awT D 1 0 0 1

Demonstrates the relationship between pressure and temperature of a fixed volume of ideal gas.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The bench-mounted equipment includes a backplate thatholds a low-pressure vessel. The vessel holds a fixedvolume of air surrounded by an insulated heater, controlledby an electronic temperature controller.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Ideal Gases – Boyle’s Law (TD1000) 243• Expansion of Perfect Gas (TD1004) 245


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odynamic principles

e x pa n s i o n o f a p e r f e c t g a sT D 1 0 0 4

Bench-top apparatus to demonstrate the behaviour and expansion processes of a perfect gas.

• A self-contained bench-top experiment, forconvenient use in a laboratory

• Highly visual experiment with accurate andrepeatable results

• Simple and safe to use – needs no tools

• Supplied with an electric pump for easycompression and decompression of thegas (air)

• VDAS® connectivity included featuring dataacquisition via USB

The apparatus consists of two frame-mounted,interconnected transparent and rigid vessels, with onevessel equipped for operation under pressure and thesecond vessel under vacuum.

• Ideal Gases – Boyle’s Law (TD1000) 243• Ideal Gases – Gay-Lussac’s Law (TD1001) 244

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• The non-flow energy equation• Clément Desormes experiment• The behaviour of a perfect gas and its describing

equations• Adiabatic reversible process (isentropic expansion)• Constant volume process• Constant internal energy process• Polytropic processS c r e e n s h o t o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

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• Has a glass vessel so students can see whatis happening

• Demonstrates nucleate, film and sub-cooled boiling

• Demonstrates condensation on differentsurface finishes

• Demonstrates filmwise and dropwisecondensation

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Boiling heat transfer• Condensing heat transfer

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

Heating and condensing takes place inside a partially filledglass vessel. A heater coil heats the water. For boiling heattransfer experiments, students adjust the current in aresistant wire heater element in the water. The temperatureof the wire reaches significantly higher than 100°C.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)


F i l m w i s e a n d D r o p w i s e C o n d e n s at i o n a n d B o i l i n gT E 7 8

Demonstrates heat transfer during different boiling and condensing processes.

D o w n l o a d P o s t e r s , S o f t wa r e a n d C ata l o g u e sTecQuipment offers a wide range of digital content such as posters, brochures, catalogues, charts and software on the website.

T e cqu i p m e n t. c o m / d o w n l oad s

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E m i s s i v i t y – N at u r a l C o n v e c t i o n a n d R a d i at i o nT D 1 0 1 1

Demonstrates to students how different types of heat can transfer over a range of pressures; helps themunderstand the Stefan Boltzman constant.

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ThermodynamicsHeat Transfer • Helps students to

understand natural ‘free’convection, radiation,emissivity and the StefanBoltzman equation

• Includes a pressure vesselto allow tests above andbelow atmosphericpressure

• All instruments andvacuum pump included

• Test results are accurateenough to allow extrapolationdown to a complete vacuum

• VDAS® connectivity included featuring dataacquisition via USB

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

A small heated element hangs in the centre of a pressurevessel. The heater has a matt black surface. Attached to itssurface is a thermocouple to measure the temperature. Thevessel’s inside is also black, and it has a thermocouple fittedto its wall to measure the temperature in the vessel. Thevessel may be charged with compressed air up to 1 bar(gauge) or evacuated down to approximately 5 Pa(absolute). Students can extrapolate the results down to atotal vacuum (no convection). This allows them to isolate theheat transfer by radiation.

• Free and Forced Convection (TD1005) 255• Radiant Transfer Experiments (TD1003) 262

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Determination of emissivity• Verification of the Stefan Boltzmann constant

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Transient temperature changes with sudden

immersion (unsteady state)• How shape and surface area affect heat transfer• How materials of different thermal conductivity

affect heat transfer

• Includes TecQuipment’s Versatile DataAcquisition System (VDAS®)

• Includes a set of different solid shapes ofdifferent materials – for multipleexperiments

• Simple to use – needs no tools

• Water temperature controller for consistentresults

• Clear digital displays of all readings – acomputer is not required to operate or takereadings from the equipment

U n s t e a d y S tat e H e at T r a n s f e rT D 1 0 0 9

Measures unsteady state heat transfer to bodies of different shape and thermal conductivity.

H e i s l e r c h a r t c r e at e d b y t h eV D A S ® s o f t wa r e

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

T e s t s h a p e s

A sturdy, bench-mounting frame contains a hot watervessel and instrumentation. The test shapes are of differentdimensions and material to give different heat transferareas and thermal conductivities. This gives multipleexperiments in heat transfer.

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ThermodynamicsHeat Transfer

F o r c e d C o n v e c t i o n H e at T r a n s f e rT D 1

Demonstrates forced convection in pipes and heat transfer theory. Demonstrates the derivation of thevalue of Nusselt number, determination of the Stanton number and determination of the validity of theReynolds analogy for air.

• Constant-speedfan with variableflow-control valve forbetter flow control

• Heater interlock forsafety

• Includes Pitot tubetraverse for velocityprofile measurements, andtraversing thermocouple tomeasure temperature distribution acrossthe test pipe

• Includes thermocouples along the test pipeto measure heat transfer

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Derivation of the value of Nusselt number (Nu) and

comparison with empirical formula• Calculation of the local heat transfer coefficient (h)• Determination of the Stanton number (St)• Calculation of the friction factor (f) and comparison

with experimental value• Determination of the validity of the Reynolds analogy

for air

The fan runs at a constant speed and draws air through acontrol valve. The air then moves into a u-shaped pipe. Anorifice plate in the pipe connects to a manometer on theinstrumentation panel to measure the air flow rate. A largermanometer on the instrument panel measures the fanpressure drop. The u-shaped pipe connects to a smallerdiameter insulated and electrically heated copper ‘testpipe’. Students control the power input to the test pipeheater using a variable transformer, while noting the powerusing instrumentation on the panel. The test pipedischarges to atmosphere.

• Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger (TE93) 261• Free and Forced Convection (TD1005) 255• Water-to-Air Heat Exchanger (TD1007) 263

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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H e at T r a n s f e r E x p e r i m e n t s B a s e U n i tT D 1 0 0 2

Base unit for a range of optionalexperiments that study differentmethods of heat transfer.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The Heat Transfer Experiments Base Unit (TD1002) is thecore of the TD1002 range. It provides cold water and heaterpower to the optional experiments and all the instrumentsneeded to measure their performance.

• Linear Heat Conduction Experiment (TD1002a MkII) 251• Radial Heat Conduction Experiment (TD1002b) 252• Extended Surface Heat Transfer Experiment 253

(TD1002c)• Conductivity of Liquids and Gases Experiment 254


• VDAS-F (frame-mounted version of the Versatile 299Data Acquisition System)


ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

• Free and Forced Convection (TD1005) 255• Radiant Transfer Experiments (TD1003) 262

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

Experiment modules(td1002a–td1002d)

recommenedancillary (vdas-f)

Essential Base Unit (TD1002)


F E AT U R E S : BE N E F I T S :A self-contained bench-top base unit with fouroptional experiments

Modular approach reduces total laboratory costs

Foolproof fittings allow students to change andconnect the optional experiments quickly and easily(needs no tools)

Simple and safe to use – self-sealing connectorsprevents spillage of water

Clear digital displays of all readings No computer needed to operate it or take readings– simplified approach enhances student learning

The experiments each have a bedplate with a clearschematic diagram to show students how theyconnect, and the measuring point positions

Maximises teaching effectiveness – simple to setup and students can easily understand theexperiment

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ThermodynamicsHeat Transfer

• One of four optional experiments forthe Heat Transfer Experiments Base Unit(TD1002)

• Fits quickly and easily onto the base unit –water connections have self-sealing quickconnectors (need no tools)

• Demonstrates the principles of linear heatconduction along a rod of uniform diameter

• Clear schematic printed on the baseplateaids student understanding

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration and calculations of linear heat

conduction• Calculation of the thermal conductivity (k value)• Demonstration of the effectiveness of thermal paste• Demonstration and calculations of thermal

resistances (R value) in series • Demonstration of ‘thermal lag’

This experiment has a solid brass bar of circular cross-section, made in two sections with an interchangeablemiddle section. It mounts on a base plate with a clearschematic of the experiment layout.

• Heat Transfer Experiments Base Unit (TD1002) 250

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

L i n e a r H e at C o n d u c t i o n E x p e r i m e n tT D 1 0 0 2 a M K I I

Introduces students to the principles of linear heat conduction and thermal conductivity.

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• One of four optional experiments for theHeat Transfer Experiments Base Unit(TD1002)

• Fits quickly and easily onto the base unit –water connections have self-sealing quickconnectors (need no tools)

• Demonstrates the principles of radial heatconduction around a disc of uniformdiameter

• Clear schematic printed on the baseplateaids student understanding

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration and calculations of radial heat

conduction• Calculation of the thermal conductivity (k value)

This experiment has a solid brass disc with an electricheater (heat source) at its centre and a circular cross-section cooling tube (heat sink) around its circumference. Itmounts on a base plate with a clear schematic of theexperiment layout.

• Heat Transfer Experiments Base Unit (TD1002) 250

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

R a d i a l H e at C o n d u c t i o n E x p e r i m e n tT D 1 0 0 2 b

Introduces students to the principle of radial heat conduction and thermal conductivity.

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ThermodynamicsHeat Transfer

• One of four optional experiments for theHeat Transfer Experiments base unit(TD1002)

• Fits quickly and easily onto the base unit –water connections have self-sealing quickconnectors (need no tools)

• Demonstrates how a long thin rod conductsheat along it and how heat is lost due toradiation and convection

• Clear schematic printed on the baseplateaids student understanding

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• To demonstrate how heat transfers from the surface

of a solid bar or rod• To demonstrate the temperatures on, and heat flow

through the solid bar to its surroundings

This experiment has a thin solid bar with an electric heater(heat source) at one end. It mounts on a base plate with aclear schematic of the experiment layout.

• Heat Transfer Experiments Base Unit (TD1002) 250

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

E x t e n d e d S u r fa c e H e at C o n d u c t i o n E x p e r i m e n tT D 1 0 0 2 c

Demonstrates an example of conduction combined with losses due to radiation and convection.

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C o n d u c t i v i t y o f L i q u i d s a n d G a s e s E x p e r i m e n tT D 1 0 0 2 d

Allows students to test various fluids to find their thermal conductivity.

• One of four optional experiments for theHeat Transfer Experiments base unit(TD1002)

• Fits quickly and easily onto the base unit –water connections have self-sealing quickconnectors (need no tools)

• Allows students to measure the thermalconductivity of various compatible liquidsand gases

• Clear schematic printed on the baseplateaids student understanding

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Calibration of the unit using air as the known

medium• Finding the thermal conductivity (k) of various liquids

and gases and comparing them to typical publishedvalues

This experiment has three concentric cylinders. The innercylinder contains an electric heater (the heat source). Thetest liquid or gas forms a second, thin cylinder around theheat source. The third cylinder, cooled by water, surroundsthem both to make a heat sink. The whole assembly ismounted on a base plate with a clear schematic of theexperiment layout.

• Heat Transfer Experiments Base Unit (TD1002) 250

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

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ThermodynamicsHeat Transfer • Includes three of the

most common heattransfer surfaces – flatplate, pinned and finned

• Thermocouples and asensitive anemometermeasure temperaturesand air velocity – shownon a digital display

• Additional hand-heldthermocoupleprobe included tomeasuretemperaturesalong the length ofthe pins and fins oftwo heat transfer surfaces

• Variable-speed fan and variable-powerheat source for a range of tests

F r e e a n d F o r c e d C o n v e c t i o nT D 1 0 0 5

Illustrates free and forced convection from different heattransfer surfaces.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a lV D A S ® s o f t wa r e

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Comparing free and forced convection for different

surfaces• Comparison of free convection from vertical and

horizontal (finned) surfaces• Comparison of heat transfer surface efficiency • Comparing the coefficient of heat transfer and

Nusselt number for forced and free convection• Temperature distribution along finned and pinned


The bench-top equipment includes a vertical duct thatholds the chosen heat transfer surface and all instrumentsneeded. TecQuipment include three different common heattransfer surfaces with the equipment.

• Bench-mounted version of the Versatile Data 299Acquisition System (VDAS-B)

• Forced Convection Heat Transfer (TD1) 249• Heat Transfer Experiments (TD1002) 250• Emissivity – Natural Convection and Radiation 247

(TD1011) • Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger (TE93) 261• Water-to-Air Heat Exchanger (TD1007) 263


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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The Bench-top Heat Exchangers Service Module (TD360) isthe core of the bench-top heat exchangers range. Itprovides hot and cold water to the heat exchangers and allthe instruments needed to measure their performance.

• Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger (TD360a) 257• Plate Heat Exchanger (TD360b) 258• Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger (TD360c) 259• Jacketed Vessel with Coil and Stirrer (TD360d) 260

• Frame-mounted version of the Versatile Data 299Acquisition System (VDAS-F)


ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

B e n c h -t o p H e at E x c h a n g e r s S e r v i c e M o d u l eT D 3 6 0

Examines and compares small-scale heat exchangers to help students understand how they work.

Experiment modules(td360a–td30d)

recommenedancillary (vdas-f)

Essential Base Unit (TD360)


F E AT U R E S : BE N E F I T S :A bench-top service module with optional small-scale demonstration heat exchangers – designedfor teaching

Efficient use of valuable laboratory space

Optional heat exchangers include most commontypes used in industry (tubular, plate, shell andtube, and a jacketed vessel with coil and stirrer)

Qualitative and quantitative comparison of mainheat exchanger designs

All optional heat exchangers have the samenominal heat transfer area and wall thickness

Allows students to compare them directly

Foolproof fittings allow students to change andconnect the optional experiments quickly and easily(needs no tools)

Simple and safe to use – self-sealing connectorsprevents spillage of water

Heat-exchangers each have a bedplate with aclear schematic diagram to help studentsunderstand how to connect it

Easy to set up and operate – maximises students’practical time

• Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger (TE93) 261• Water-to-Air Heat Exchanger (TD1007) 263

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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ThermodynamicsHeat Transfer

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of heat transfer from one fluid to

another through a solid wall• Energy balance and efficiency calculations• Demonstration of parallel-flow and counter-flow

operation of heat exchangers• Measurement of the heat transfer coefficient, and

the effect of fluid flow rates and the driving force(temperature differential) upon it

• Introduction to the logarithmic mean temperaturedifference in heat exchangers

• Comparison of different types of heat exchanger interms of performance, size and relative cost (only iftwo or more optional heat exchangers have beenbought)

This is the simplest of the optional heat exchangers. It hastwo tubes, one inside the other. One tube carries hot fluid,the other carries cold fluid.

• Service Module (TD360) 256

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

• One of a set of optional heat exchangers foruse with TecQuipment’s TD360 ServiceModule

• Simple and safe to use – foolproof fittingsallow students to change and connect theheat exchanger quickly and easily (needsno tools)

• Clear outside casing, so students can see itsconstruction

• Bedplate with a clear schematic diagram tohelp students understand how to connectthe heat exchanger

C o n c e n t r i c T u b e H e at E x c h a n g e rT D 3 6 0 a

Illustrates how a simple concentric shell and tube heat exchanger works.

h e r e t o h e l p y o uA team of specialist customer care personnel is available to answer a range of questions relating to technical details, spare parts and maintenance.

c u s t o m e r . car e@t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m

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• One of a set of optional heat exchangersfor use with TecQuipment’s TD360Service Module

• Simple and safe to use – foolprooffittings allow students to change andconnect the heat exchanger quickly andeasily (needs no tools)

• Clear outside casing, so students can seeits construction

• Bedplate with a clear schematicdiagram to help students understandhow to connect the heat exchanger

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of heat transfer from one fluid to

another through a solid wall• Energy balance and efficiency calculations• Demonstration of parallel-flow and counter-flow

operation of heat exchangers• Measurement of the heat transfer coefficient, and

the effect of fluid flow rates and the driving force(temperature differential) upon it

• Introduction to the logarithmic mean temperaturedifference in heat exchangers

• Comparison of different types of heat exchanger interms of performance, size and relative cost (only iftwo or more optional heat exchangers have beenbought)

This heat exchanger is a set of metal plates separated byspacers (gaskets). The plates and gaskets have holes thatmake the hot and cold flow run on alternate sides of theplates, thereby transferring heat.

• Service Module (TD360) 256

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

P l at e H e at E x c h a n g e rT D 3 6 0 b

Illustrates how a compact plate heat exchanger works.

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ThermodynamicsHeat Transfer

S h e l l a n d T u b e H e at E x c h a n g e r T D 3 6 0 c

Illustrates how a compact shell and tube bundle heat exchanger works.

• One of a set of optional heat exchangers foruse with TecQuipment’s TD360 ServiceModule

• Simple and safe to use – foolproof fittingsallow students to change and connect theheat exchanger quickly and easily (needsno tools)

• Clear outside casing, so students can see itsconstruction

• Bedplate with a clear schematic diagram tohelp students understand how to connectthe heat exchanger

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of heat transfer from one fluid to

another through a solid wall• Energy balance and efficiency calculations.• Demonstration of parallel-flow and counter-flow

operation of heat exchangers• Measurement of the heat transfer coefficient, and

the effect of fluid flow rates and the driving force(temperature differential) upon it

• Introduction to the logarithmic mean temperaturedifference in heat exchangers

• Comparison of different types of heat exchanger interms of performance, size and relative cost (only iftwo or more optional heat exchangers have beenbought)

This heat exchanger is one of the most common types usedin industry. This is because it is compact, but can work athigher pressures than other designs. It is a large tube (shell)which surrounds several smaller tubes (a bundle).

• Service Module (TD360) 256

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

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J a c k e t e d V e s s e l w i t h C o i l a n d S t i r r e r T D 3 6 0 d

Illustrates how a ‘jacketed vessel’ heat exchanger works and how stirring affects heat transfer.

• One of a set of optional heat exchangers foruse with TecQuipment’s TD360 ServiceModule

• Simple and safe to use – foolproof fittingsallow students to change and connect theheat exchanger quickly and easily (needsno tools)

• Clear top cover, so students can see itsconstruction

• Jacketed vessel with internal coil and stirrerfor batch or continuous heating tests

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstration of heat transfer from one fluid to

another through a solid wall• Introduction to the logarithmic mean temperature

difference in heat exchangers• Comparison of different types of heat exchanger in

terms of performance, size and relative cost (only iftwo or more optional heat exchangers have beenbought)

• Flow-through and batch heating, with or withoutstirring, using a heating jacket or a coil

This heat exchanger mimics those used in the processindustry. It can demonstrate heat transfer by using the outerskin (or ‘jacket’) of the vessel, or by a coil inside the vessel.Students can set a continuous feed to the vessel for heating,or you set a fixed batch for heating.

• Service Module (TD360) 256

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :Typical experiments include:• Determining the pressure losses created by the heat

exchange rods and creating a chart of pressure dropagainst upstream pressure

• Calculating the inlet velocity and the mean velocitythrough the rods

• Determining the rate at which the heated rod coolsdown, within a bank of rods and by itself

• Plotting ‘cooling curves’ and using them to find thecoefficient of heat transfer (h) for the heated rod atvarious positions in the heat exchanger

• Determining the velocity distribution (profile)downstream of the rods

• Converting results into dimensionless values(typically using Nusselt, Prandtl and Reynoldsequations)

• Comparing results and producing heat transfercoefficient curves

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ThermodynamicsHeat Transfer

• For full understanding of heat exchange byforced convection and measurement ofheat transfer

• Consists of a wind tunnel with fullycontrollable air flow and heat exchangerrod matrix

• Separate pre-heated element with built-inthermocouple can take the place of anyheat exchanger rod

• Instrumentation unit also includes controlledheat source to pre-heat element

The TE93 is a horizontal wind tunnel with a contractioncone, a working section, a diffuser, a constant-speed fan,and an exhaust with silencer. A variable slide valve controlsthe air flow. The working section includes a series of rodsarranged in a matrix and at right-angles to the direction ofair flow. To do experiments, students can remove any one ofthese rods and replace it with a cylindrical copper element.The copper element is of known thermal capacity andincludes a built-in thermocouple. Students insert theelement, which has been pre-heated to a specifictemperature, into the working section at a known airvelocity. They measure the time taken for the temperatureto drop and determine the heat transfer rate.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)


C r o s s - F l o w H e at E x c h a n g e rT E 9 3

For studies into the principles and performance of heat exchangers.

• Forced Convection Heat Transfer (TD1) 249• Bench-top Heat Exchangers (TD360) 256• Free and Forced Convection (TD1005) 255• Water-to-Air Heat Exchanger (TD1007) 263

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

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fer • Uses a safe, low-voltage heat source and

thermopile (heat flux sensor) for radiantheat transfer experiments

• Includes plates of different heat absorptionproperties and apertures for extraexperiments in heat transfer

• Uses a safe, low-voltage ‘integrating sphere’light source and lux meter (light meter) forlight transfer experiments

• Includes different optical filters for extraexperiments in light transfer

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :H e at:• Inverse square law (or Lambert’s distance law/area

law) – demonstrating that radiation is inverselyproportional to distance squared

• Stefan Boltzmann’s law – demonstrating therelationship between radiation and sourcetemperature

• Kirchhoff's law – demonstrating that a body withgood emissivity also has good absorptivity

• Area factor – demonstrating that radiation transferdepends on the exposed area of the radiant source

L i g h t:• Inverse square law (or Lambert’s distance law/area

law) – demonstrating radiation is inverselyproportional to distance squared

• Lambert’s direction law (or cosine law) –demonstrating that radiation is proportional to thecosine of the angle between the emitter and thereceiver

• Transmittance and absorbance – demonstratingthat optical filters can reduce light intensity

R a d i a n t T r a n s f e r E x p e r i m e n t sT D 1 0 0 3

Demonstrates the laws of radiant transfer from heat and light sources.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ®s o f t wa r e

The equipment has two parts: an aluminium experimentframe and a control box. The frame holds all theexperiment parts and allows the user to slide the partsalong easily for experiments of transfer over distances. Thecontrol box contains the electrical controls and displays ofthe measured readings.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Heat Transfer Experiments (TD1002) 250• Emissivity – Natural Convection and Radiation 247



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ThermodynamicsHeat Transfer

F E AT U R E S : BE N E F I T S :Includes one heat exchanger as standard Complete experiment ‘out of the box’

Two additional heat exchangers available forextended experiments

Allows quantitative comparison of different designsof heat exchanger

Heat exchangers have transparent sides andschematic diagrams

Enhanced learning capabilities – helps studentsunderstand how they work and how to connectthem

Foolproof fittings allow students to change andconnect the optional experiments quickly and easily(needs no tools)

Simple and safe to use – self-sealing connectorsprevents spillage of water

Wat e r -t o -A i r H e at E x c h a n g e rT D 1 0 0 7

Illustrates how cross-flow water-to-air heat exchangers work.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e1 6 -T u b e H e at E x c h a n g e r( T D 1 0 0 7a )

F i n n e d H e at E x c h a n g e r( T D 1 0 0 7 b )

c o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Heat transfer between fluids through a solid wall• Energy balance and efficiency• Finding the heat transfer coefficient and log mean

temperature difference (LMTD)• Effect of water temperature (the ‘driving force’)• Comparison of heat exchangers of different

construction and heat transfer area (needs optionalheat exchangers, TD1007a and TD1007b)

Many thermodynamic applications use water-to-air heatexchangers. Examples include using circulated water toheat or cool air in an HVAC installation, or to cool hot waterusing a flow of air, as in the radiator of a combustionengine.The TecQuipment Water-to-Air Heat Exchanger mirrors airheating and water cooling applications. It fits on a benchtop and includes a hot water supply, a cooling air duct andall instruments needed for tests on cross-flow heatexchangers. The heat output of the design produces goodresults, without greatly affecting the temperature of areasonably-sized classroom or laboratory.

• 16-Tube Heat Exchanger (TD1007a) 263• 16-Tube Finned Heat Exchanger (TD1007b) 263• VDAS-F (frame-mounted version of the Versatile 299

Data Acquisition System)

• Bench-Top Heat Exchangers (TD360) 256• Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger (TE93) 261• Free and Forced Convection (TD1005) 255• Forced Convection Heat Transfer (TD1) 249


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

wat e r -t o -a i r h e at e x c h a n g e r ( t d 1 0 0 7 ) c o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

e l e c t r i c a l p o w e r s y s t e m s r a n g eThe Electrical Power Systems range provides a high quality, tried and tested solution for teaching the fundamental elements of power systems, for use in an academic environment or within in industrial training facility. From large units to replicate an entire system, to smaller units which can act independently or as part of an interconnected system.

All elements of an electrical power system are represented in the comprehensive range:

• Generation • Utilisation• Transmission • Protection• Transformation • Distribution

Visit i n d u s t r ial .t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m

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ThermodynamicsHeat Transfer

• Connects for both Peltier or Seebeck tests –giving a full set of experiments

• Schematic diagram and transparent guardto help students understand the deviceconstruction and allow simpledemonstrations

• A switchable load, variable heat source anddevice power supply for multiple testconditions

• Clear, multiline digital displays of allreadings – a computer is not required tooperate it or collect data

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Seebeck coefficient and the performance of a

thermoelectric generator (TEG)• Peltier heat pump tests and the performance of a

thermoelectric cooler (TEC)• Coefficient of performance (CoP) and energy

balance• Comparisons of manufacturers’ data, theoretical

performance and results from experiments• Observation of the Lenz and Thomson effects• Simple cooling demonstrations (determined by local


P e lt i e r a n d S e e b e c k E f f e c tT D 1 0 0 8

Examines the performance of a thermoelectric device when connected for Peltier or Seebeck tests as aheat pump or generator.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The TD1008 can be connected in a choice of two modes: • Heat to electricity for power generation when used in

Seebeck mode – often used for thermoelectricgeneration and given the acronym ‘TEG’.

• As an electrically powered heat pump when used inPeltier mode. Often used in thermoelectric cooling andgiven the acronym ‘TEC’.

• VDAS-B (bench-mounted version of the Versatile 299 Data Acquisition System)


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• Uses a platinum resistance thermometer asa reference to accurately calibrate the otherdevices

• Demonstrates how electrical resistancedevices and thermocouples work, theircharacteristics and how to connect themcorrectly to reduce measurement errors

• Hand-held digital thermometer for thermalinfrared measurements

• Built-in water heater tank with protectiveguard and drain tap for safe experiments

• Built-in pressure sensor (barometer) withdisplay of local water boiling temperature

T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M2 6 6








L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Simulation of two, three and four-wire connection of

a platinum resistance thermometer (PRT)• Constant current and voltage sources• Calibration and linearity of temperature

measurement devices and temperature lag• Thermal infrared temperature measurement on

surfaces of different emissivity• Thermocouples in series, parallel and the Seebeck

effect• Resistance in thermocouple circuits

T e m p e r at u r e M e a s u r e m e n t a n d C a l i b r at i o n T D 4 0 0

Studies the accuracy, linearity and important characteristics of popular temperature measuring devices.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The Temperature Measurement and Calibration apparatusfits on a desk or bench top. It includes eight differenttemperature measurement devices and demonstrates theircharacteristics and how to calibrate them against a standard.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)


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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Variation of saturated steam pressure with

temperature• Confirmation of the Antoine equation

• Proves the Antoine equation for saturatedsteam

• Vessel (boiler) has viewing window to seethe boiling process and the water level

• Simple and safe to use – includestemperature cut-out switches and apressure-relief valve

• Electronic sensors measure boilertemperature and pressure – shown on adigital display in both SI and traditionalunits (including absolute values) The Marcet boiler is a simple experiment to demonstrate

the relationship between pressure and temperature forsaturated (wet) steam for comparison with publishedresults.The apparatus consists of a rigid frame containing aninsulated pressure vessel (boiler) and an instrumentationand control unit. The frame also has extra space for theoptional VDAS® interface.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Thermal Power Plant with Steam Engine Trainer 283(TD1050)


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

S at u r at e d S t e a m – T h e M a r c e t B o i l e rT D 1 0 0 6

Illustrates the pressure and temperature relationship for saturated steam.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

2 6 7


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T w o - S ta g e C o m p r e s s o r T e s t S e tG T 1 0 3

Illustrates how single and two-stage compressors work, and the thermodynamic properties.

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :A range of experiments and tests based on:• Volumetric, mechanical and isothermal efficiency• Indicated work done• Motor output power (compressor shaft power)• Pressure ratio• Temperature ratio• Inlet dryness calculations• P-V indicator diagram (needs optional pressure

indicator)• Effect of inter-stage cooling on compressor total

power requirements and effect on cycletemperatures

• Effect of two-stage compression and inter-stagepressure on power requirements

This test set has two independently-controlled, motor-driven compressors, intercooler and air receiver. It works asa single-stage, two-stage or two-stage compressor withintercooler. All controls and instrumentation are on an easy-to-operate mimic panel.

• Pressure Indicator (GT103a)N o t e : A computer with a spare USB socket is required tosetup and analyse the pressure indicator results.

• Reciprocating Compressor Module (MFP104) 143


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

• Works assingle-stage,two-stage ortwo-stageintercooledcompressor

• Independentlycontrolledcompressorunits, both withvariable-speeddynamometer drives

• Clear, fully-instrumented control panel withmimic diagram

• Completely fail-safe operation – interlocksand pressure-relief valves prevent misuse

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e n g i n e si n t e r n a l c o m b u s t i o n e n g i n e t e s t s e t s 2 7 1

s t e a m 2 8 3

g a s t u r b i n e s 2 8 4

“For a number of years we have procured laboratory-based teaching resources fromTecQuipment. Operation of this equipment, coupled with the robust build quality, provides ourstudents with a clear understanding of the intrinsic features behind thermo-fluids andmechanical principles. This instills confidence for a safe, hands-on experience demonstratingthese principles in practice. Furthermore, the build quality of TecQuipment products also givesassurance that the investment made satisfies our ongoing teaching needs well into the future.

g r a h a m p r e e c efa c u lt y o f c o m p u t i n g , e n g i n e e r i n g a n d s c i e n c e s , s ta f f o r d s h i r e u n i v e r s i t y

R o l l s - R o y c e B R 7 1 0 E n g i n e

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The Engines range offers teaching equipment for a widevariety of engine-specific theory. It covers internalcombustion engines, starting with simple four-strokeengines, through to gas turbines/turbojets, along with asteam engine trainer. The range meets entry level requirements for the generalteaching of mechanical engineering, through to addressingthe more advanced theories required for final-yearstudents, enabling them to meet the learning objectivesrequired for specific industries, such as aerospace,automotive and power.

e n g i n e s

P r o d u c t Pa g eSmall Engine Test Set (TD200) 271

Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300) 276

Exhaust Gas Calorimeter (TD300a) 280

Automatic Volumetric Fuel Gauge (DVF1) 281

Thermal Power Plant with Steam Engine Trainer 283(TD1050)

Turbojet Trainer (GT100) 284

Turbojet Trainer with Reheat (GT100RS) 285

Two-Shaft Gas Turbine (GT185) 286







A u t o m at i c D ata A c q u i s i t i o nLook at the products in this range thatwork with TecQuipment’s unique

Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) – S e e pa g e 2 9 9 .

TecQuipment’s gas turbine products workwith our unique Gas Turbine software.

m o d u l a r : Entry level packages with further optionsavailable.

d e s i g n e d f o r s a f e t y: Suitable for all university studentlevels.

k e y f eat u r e s an d b e n e f i t s :

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eNGINES Internal Com

bustion Engine Test Sets

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ®s o f t wa r e

C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e

Experiment modules(TD201 or TD211,TD202 or td212)


(avf1 or dvf1)



Essential Base Unit (TD200)


S h o w n f i t t e dw i t h o n e o f t h eo p t i o n a l e n g i n e s

F E AT U R E S : BE N E F I T S :Fully equipped test set that supports a choice ofinternal combustion engines

Saves space and reduces costs

Optional petrol and diesel engines Allows comparative tests of different engines

Several engine and instrument options Expands the range of studies

Separate instruments and test bed Avoids transmission of vibration to give accurate,repeatable results

Robust, simple hydraulic dynamometer Reliability and long life

Easy set-up – it takes minutes to remove and fit anengine

Maximises experiment time

Works with VDAS® Quick and reliable tests with data capture

S m a l l E n g i n e T e s t S e tT D 2 0 0

Versatile engine test bed and instrumentation for investigations into the fundamental features ofinternal combustion engines.

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T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :A comprehensive range of investigations into thefeatures of single-cylinder, four-stroke petrol and dieselengines including:• Torque, speed and power relationship• Brake mean effective pressure• Engine performance curves• Air and fuel consumption• Volumetric and thermal efficiencies• Willans line for a diesel engineBy using the recommended ancillaries and enginechoices, students can investigate more featuresincluding:• Plotting p-q and p-V diagrams• Engine cycle analysis• Indicated mean effective pressure• Indicated power• Comparison of brake and indicated mean effective

pressures• Mechanical efficiency of the engine

The bed sits on a trolley for portability. It includes a robust,precision-machined, trunnion-mounted hydraulicdynamometer. The dynamometer applies load according tothe flow rate and level of water in the casing. An accurateneedle valve controls the flow rate and level. An electronicload cell measures torque. The engines (availableseparately) are supplied pre-mounted on a sturdy precisionbase plate. When the engine is initially mounted onto the testbed or exchanged with an alternative engine, dowels andslots locate the engine quickly, accurately and reliably. Toenable students to measure air flow, an air-box and orificeplate are located underneath the engine bed on the trolley.

• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD201 or TD211) 272 /274• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD202 or TD212) 273 /275

• Manual Volumetric Fuel Gauge (AVF1) or 281• Automatic Volumetric Fuel Gauge with Digital 281

Read-Out (DVF1)

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300) 276


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :


S m a l l E n g i n e T e s t S e t ( T D 2 0 0 ) C o n t i n u e d f r o m p r e v i o u s pa g e

F o u r - S t r o k e P e t r o l E n g i n eT D 2 0 1

A four-stroke, single-cylinder petrol engine for use with TecQuipment’s Small Engine Test Set (TD200).

• High-quality yet cost-effective enginespecially modified for educational use

• Wide range of investigations possible

• Quickly and accurately mounts on the testbed

• Includes colour-coded fueltank with quick-releasecouplings

2 7 2









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L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :When used with TecQuipment’s Small EngineTest Set (TD200), investigations into theperformance and characteristics of a four-stroke petrol engine, including:• Torque, speed and power relationship• Brake mean effective pressure• Engine performance curves• Air and fuel consumption• Volumetric and thermal efficiencies

Adapted specially for education, the engine includes anexhaust thermocouple, a half-coupling to link to the test setdynamometer and all essential hoses and fittings. Inaddition, each engine includes a colour-coded fuel tank withself-sealing couplings. The couplings ensure the engine canbe connected and disconnected quickly and efficiently, withminimum loss or spillage of fuel. This engine starts using asimple pull cord, however, TecQuipment can supply anelectric start version (TD201ES).

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :When used with TecQuipment’s Small Engine Test Set(TD200), investigations into the performance andcharacteristics of a four-stroke diesel engine, including:• Torque, speed and power relationship• Brake mean effective pressure• Engine performance curves• Air and fuel consumption• Volumetric and thermal efficiencies• Willans line

Adapted specially for education, the engine is mounted ona sturdy precision bed plate. The bed plate has dowels andslots which align and locate it accurately with thedynamometer test set. This minimises the time spentreplacing one engine with another. In addition, each engineincludes a colour-coded fuel tank with self-sealingcouplings. The couplings ensure the engine can beconnected and disconnected quickly and efficiently, withminimum loss or spillage of fuel. This engine starts using asimple pull cord, however, TecQuipment can supply anelectric start version (TD202ES).

• Small Engine Test Set (TD200) 271

• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD201) 272• Modified Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD211) 274• Modified Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD212) 275• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD301) 278• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD302) 279

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

F o u r - S t r o k e D i e s e l E n g i n eT D 2 0 2

A four-stroke, single-cylinder diesel engine for use with TecQuipment’s Small Engine Test Set (TD200).

• High-quality yet cost-effective enginespecially modified for educational use

• Wide range of investigations possible

• Quickly and accurately mounts on thetest bed

• Includes colour-coded fuel tank withquick-release couplings

2 7 3

eNGINES Internal Com

bustion Engine Test Sets

• Small Engine Test Set (TD200) 271

• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD202) 273• Modified Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD211) 274• Modified Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD212) 275• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD301) 278• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD302) 279

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

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T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M

• Modified for use withoptional Pressure(ECA101) and CrankAngle (ECA102)Transducers and EngineCycle Analyser (ECA100)

• Wide range ofinvestigations possible

• Quickly and accuratelymounts on the test bed

• Includes colour-codedfuel tank with quick-release couplings

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :When used with TecQuipment’s Small Engine Test Set(TD200), investigations into the performance andcharacteristics of a four-stroke petrol engine, including:• Torque, speed and power relationship• Brake mean effective pressure• Engine performance curves• Air and fuel consumption• Volumetric and thermal efficienciesWhen used with TecQuipment’s Small Engine Test Set(TD200), Cylinder Head Pressure Transducer (ECA101),Crank Angle Encoder (ECA102) and Engine CycleAnalyser (ECA100), students can investigate furtherfeatures including:• Plotting p-q and p-V diagrams• Engine cycle analysis• Indicated mean effective pressure• Indicated power• Comparison of brake and indicated mean effective

pressures• Mechanical efficiency of the engine

Adapted specially for education, the engine includes anexhaust thermocouple, a half-coupling to link to the test setdynamometer and all essential hoses and fittings. Inaddition, each engine includes a colour-coded fuel tankwith self-sealing couplings. The engine has a modifiedcylinder head and crank. These allow use with the CylinderHead Pressure Transducer (ECA101, available separately)and the Crank Angle Encoder (EA102, available separately).These can then connect to the Engine Cycle Analyser(ECA100, available separately) to extend the range ofexperiments possible. The engine is mounted on a sturdyprecision bedplate. The bedplate has dowels and slotswhich align and locate it accurately with the dynamometertest set. This engine starts using a simple pull cord, however,TecQuipment can supply an electric start version (TD211ES).

• Small Engine Test Set (TD200) 271

• Engine Cycle Analyser (ECA100) 282• Cylinder Head Pressure Transducer (ECA101) 282• Crank Angle Encoder (ECA102) 282

• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD201) 272• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD202) 273• Modified Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD212) 275• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD301) 278• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD302) 279


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

M o d i f i e d F o u r - S t r o k e P e t r o l E n g i n eT D 2 1 1

A four-stroke, single-cylinder petrol engine with modified cylinder head and crank, for use withTecQuipment’s Small Engine Test Set (TD200).

2 74









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M o d i f i e d F o u r - S t r o k e D i e s e l E n g i n eT D 2 1 2

A four-stroke, single-cylinder diesel engine with modified cylinder head and crank, for use withTecQuipment’s Small Engine Test Set (TD200).

• Modified for use with optionalPressure (ECA101) and CrankAngle (ECA102) Transducers andEngine Cycle Analyser (ECA100)

• Wide range of investigationspossible

• Quickly and accurately mountson the test bed

• Includes colour-coded fuel tankwith quick-release couplings

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :When used with TecQuipment’s Small Engine Test Set(TD200), investigations into the performance andcharacteristics of a four-stroke diesel engine, including:• Torque, speed and power relationship• Brake mean effective pressure• Engine performance curves• Air and fuel consumption• Volumetric and thermal efficiencies• Willans lineWhen used with TecQuipment’s Small Engine Test Set(TD200), Cylinder Head Pressure Transducer (ECA101),Crank Angle Encoder (ECA102) and Engine CycleAnalyser (ECA100), students can investigate furtherfeatures including:• Plotting p-q and p-V diagrams• Engine cycle analysis• Indicated mean effective pressure• Indicated power• Comparison of brake and indicated mean effective

pressures• Mechanical efficiency of the engine

Adapted specially for education, the engine includes anexhaust thermocouple, a half-coupling to link to the testbed dynamometer and all essential hoses and fittings. Inaddition, each engine includes a colour-coded fuel tankwith self-sealing couplings. The engine has a modifiedcylinder head and crank. These allow use with the CylinderHead Pressure Transducer (ECA101, available separately)and the Crank Angle Encoder (EA102, available separately).These can then connect to the Engine Cycle Analyser(ECA100, available separately) to extend the range ofexperiments possible. The engine is mounted on a sturdyprecision bed plate. The bed plate has dowels and slotswhich align and locate it accurately with the dynamometertest set. This engine starts using a simple pull cord, however,TecQuipment can supply an electric start version (TD212ES).

• Small Engine Test Set (TD200) 271

• Engine Cycle Analyser (ECA100) 282• Cylinder Head Pressure Transducer (ECA101) 282• Crank Angle Encoder (ECA102) 282

• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD201) 272• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD202) 273• Modified Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD211) 274• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD301) 278• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD302) 279


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

2 7 5

eNGINES Internal Com

bustion Engine Test Sets

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Experiment modules(TD301 or TD302)


(avf1 or dvf1)


(TD300a and vdas-f)

Essential Base Unit (TD300)


R e g e n e r at i v e E n g i n e T e s t S e tT D 3 0 0

Versatile engine test bed with instrumentation for comprehensive investigations into the features andoperating characteristics of internal combustion engines.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

S h o w n f i t t e d w i t h o n eo f t h e o p t i o n a l e n g i n e s

F E AT U R E S : BE N E F I T S :Fully equipped test set that supports a choice ofinternal combustion engines

Saves space and reduces costs

Optional petrol and diesel engines Allows comparative tests of different engines

Several engine and instrument options Expands the range of studies

Separate instruments and test bed Avoids transmission of vibration to give accurate,repeatable results

Precision four-quadrant drive to start and loadthe engines

Accurate loading with no need for pull-cordstarting

Easy set-up – engines can be removed and fitted inminutes

Maximises experiment time

Works with VDAS® Quick and reliable tests with data capture

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eNGINES Internal Com

bustion Engine Test Sets

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :A comprehensive range of investigations into thefeatures of single-cylinder, four-stroke petrol and dieselengines including:• Torque, speed and power relationship• Brake mean effective pressure• Engine performance curves• Air and fuel consumption• Volumetric and thermal efficienciesBy using the recommended ancillaries and enginechoices, students can investigate more featuresincluding:• Plotting p-q and p-V diagrams• Engine cycle analysis• Indicated mean effective pressure• Indicated power• Comparison of brake and indicated mean effective

pressures• Mechanical efficiency of the engine

The bed is held on anti-vibration mounts. It includes arobust trunnion-mounted DC machine. An electronic loadcell connected to the machine measures the driving torqueof the test engine. The engines (available separately) aresupplied pre-mounted on a sturdy precision base plate.When the engine is initially mounted onto the test bed orexchanged with an alternative engine, dowels and slotslocate the engine quickly, accurately and reliably. Eachengine includes a colour-coded fuel tank with self-sealingcouplings. The couplings ensure the engines can beconnected and disconnected quickly and efficiently, withminimum loss or spillage of fuel. For convenience andsafety, the fuel tank can be removed for filling or for storagein a fuel locker when not in use. Removing the fuel tank alsoprevents unauthorised use of the equipment.

• Four-stroke petrol engine (TD301) 278• Four-stroke diesel engine (TD302) 279

• Manual Volumetric Fuel Gauge (AVF1) 281o r

• Automatic Volumetric Fuel Gauge with 281Digital Read-out (DVF1)

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Exhaust Gas Calorimeter (TD300a) 280

• Small Engine Test Set (TD200) 271


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

ava i labl e e x p e r i m e n t m o d u l e s :


cap t u r e t h e p owe r o f...the Versatile Data Acquisition System from TecQuipment

Our Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) is a highly effective way of collecting and using data from experiments using TecQuipment’s educational teaching equipment.

L O O K AT T H E B E N E F I T S . . .v e r sat i l e – can be used across a wide range of TecQuipment productsdata – transforms raw data instantly which easily exports or creates sophisticated graphs and tablesacqu i s i t i o n – USB connectivity, multiple-source real-time data captures y s t e m – an expandable modular approach providing easy-to-use digital plug-and-play technology

labv i e wAll TecQuipment products compatible with VDAS® have the capability to interface with a LabVIEW environment.

Visit t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m for more information.

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• Modified for use withoptional Pressure (ECA101)and Crank Angle (ECA102)Transducers and EngineCycle Analyser (ECA100)

• Quickly and accuratelymounts on the test bed

• Includes colour-coded fueltank with quick-releasecouplings

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :When used with TecQuipment’s Regenerative EngineTest Set (TD300), investigations into the performanceand characteristics of a four-stroke petrol engine,including:• Torque, speed and power relationship• Brake mean effective pressure• Engine performance curves• Air and fuel consumption• Volumetric and thermal efficienciesWhen used with TecQuipment’s Regenerative EngineTest Set (TD300), Cylinder Head Pressure Transducer(ECA101), Crank Angle Encoder (ECA102) and EngineCycle Analyser (ECA100), students can investigate furtherfeatures including:• Plotting p-q and p-V diagrams• The thermodynamic cycle of an internal combustion

engine• Indicated mean effective pressure• Indicated power• Comparison of brake and indicated mean effective

pressures• Mechanical efficiency of the engine

Adapted specially for education, the engine includes anexhaust thermocouple, a half-coupling to link to the test setdynamometer and all essential hoses and fittings. Inaddition, each engine includes a colour-coded fuel tankwith self-sealing couplings. The engine has a modifiedcylinder head and crank. These allow use with the CylinderHead Pressure Transducer (ECA101, available separately)and the Crank Angle Encoder (ECA102, availableseparately). These can then connect to the Engine CycleAnalyser (ECA100, available separately) to extend the rangeof experiments possible. The engine is mounted on a sturdyprecision bed plate. The bed plate has dowels and slotswhich align and locate it accurately with the dynamometertest set.

• Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300) 276

• Engine Cycle Analyser (ECA100) 282• Cylinder Head Pressure Transducer (ECA101) 282• Crank Angle Encoder (ECA102) 282

• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD201) 272• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD202) 273• Modified Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD211) 274• Modified Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD212) 275• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD302) 279


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

F o u r - S t r o k e P e t r o l E n g i n eT D 3 0 1

A four-stroke, single-cylinder petrol engine with modified cylinder head and crank, for use withTecQuipment’s Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300).

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eNGINES Internal Com

bustion Engine Test Sets

• Modified for use with optional Pressure(ECA101) and Crank Angle (ECA102)Transducers and Engine Cycle Analyser(ECA100)

• Quickly and accurately mounts on the testbed

• Includes colour-coded fuel tank withquick-release couplings

L e a r n i n g O u t c o m e s :When used with TecQuipment’s Regenerative EngineTest Set (TD300), investigations into the performanceand characteristics of a four-stroke diesel engine,including:• Torque, speed and power relationship• Brake mean effective pressure• Engine performance curves• Air and fuel consumption• Volumetric and thermal efficienciesWhen used with TecQuipment’s Regenerative EngineTest Set (TD300), Cylinder Head Pressure Transducer(ECA101), Crank Angle Encoder (ECA102) and EngineCycle Analyser (ECA100) students can investigate furtherfeatures including:• Plotting p-q and p-V diagrams• The thermodynamic cycle of an internal combustion

engine• Indicated mean effective pressure• Indicated power• Comparison of brake and indicated mean effective

pressures• Mechanical efficiency of the engine

Adapted specially for education, the engine includes anexhaust thermocouple, a halfcoupling to link to the test beddynamometer, and all essential hoses and fittings. Inaddition, each engine includes a colour-coded fuel tankwith self-sealing couplings. The engine has a modifiedcylinder head and crank. These allow use with the CylinderHead Pressure Transducer (ECA101, available separately)and the Crank Angle Encoder (ECA102, availableseparately). These can then connect to the Engine CycleAnalyser (ECA100, available separately) to extend the rangeof experiments possible. The engine is mounted on a sturdyprecision bed plate. The bed plate has dowels and slotswhich align and locate it accurately with the dynamometertest set.

• Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300) 276

• Engine Cycle Analyser (ECA100) 282• Cylinder Head Pressure Transducer (ECA101) 282• Crank Angle Encoder (ECA102) 282

• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD201) 272• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD202) 273• Modified Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD211) 274• Modified Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD212) 275• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD301) 278


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

e s s e n t ial bas e u n i t:

F o u r - S t r o k e D i e s e l E n g i n eT D 3 0 2

A four-stroke, single-cylinder diesel engine with modified cylinder head and crank, for use withTecQuipment’s Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300).

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L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :When used with TecQuipment’s Regenerative EngineTest Set (TD300), the Exhaust Gas Calorimeter enablesstudents to assess the heat lost to exhaust in the energybalance for single-cylinder, four-stroke petrol (TD301)and diesel (TD302) engines.

The heat exchanger is mounted on a sturdy base plate.Exhaust gases from the test engine mounted on the test setflow through the tubes. A jacket of constantly flowingcooling water surrounds the tubes, and the heat content ofthe gases is assessed by measuring the cooling water flowrate and the inlet and outlet temperatures. A hand-operated valve, which mounts on the control console of thetest set, controls the flow of cooling water through the heat-exchanger jacket. Thermocouples measure the temperatureof gas and water at the inlet and outlet. A turbine flowmeter measures the flow rate. For safety, the heatexchanger also includes a pressure-relief valve in caseinsufficient cooling water is flowing.

• Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300) 276


E x h a u s t G a s C a l o r i m e t e rT D 3 0 0 a

For use with TecQuipment’s Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300) to measure the heat content ofengine exhaust gases.

• Safely and effectively measures the heatcontent of TecQuipment’s test engineexhaust gases

• Specially designed for educational use

• Uses electronic transducers and a digitaldisplay for ease of use and accuracy

• Separate instrumentation unit convenientlymounts on test set console frame

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eNGINES Internal Com

bustion Engine Test Sets

• Accurately and automaticallycalculates fuel consumption

• Directly displays fuel consumption ondigital read-out

• Can cycle continuously or run once only

• Self-sealing couplings enable quickand efficient connection anddisconnection of fuel lines withminimum loss or spillage of fuel

A u t o m at i c V o l u m e t r i c F u e l G a u g e w i t h D i g i ta l R e a d - O u tD V F 1

Automatic fuel gauge for use with TecQuipment’s Engine Test Sets (TD200 and TD300 series).

• Volumetric fuel gauge for use withTecQuipment’s Small Engine Test Set (TD200)and Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300)and engines

• Convenient and accurate measurement offuel consumption

• Easy to install and use

• Self-sealing couplings enable quick andefficient connection and disconnection of fuellines with minimum loss or spillage of fuel

The fuel gauge consists of a precision-calibrated two-bulbpipette and control valves. It mounts on the instrumentationframe of the test set and connects between the fuel tankand the engine under test.

M a n u a l V o l u m e t r i c F u e l G a u g eAV F 1

Convenient and accurate fuel gauge for use withTecQuipment Engine Test Sets (TD200 and TD300 series).

• Small Engine Test Set (TD200) 271• Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300) 276

• Stopwatch (SW1) 28



The gauge accurately calculates fuel consumption anddisplays it directly on a digital read-out.

• Small Engine Test Set (TD200) 271• Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300) 276


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• For use with TecQuipment’s Small EngineTest Set (TD200) and Regenerative EngineTest Set (TD300) and engines

• Includes powerful Windows®-basedsoftware specially designed for educationaluse

• Automatic calculation and real-time displayof p-q and p-V plots and other importantparameters

• Snap-shot, replay and animation functions

• Accurate, clear animations of crank, piston,inlet and exhaust valve positions helpstudents visualise the engine cycle

L e a r n i n g o u t c o m e s :When used with suitable test engines, the analyserallows investigations into a variety of internalcombustion engine characteristics, including:• The thermodynamic cycle of an internal combustion

engine.• Calculation of indicated mean effective pressure and

indicated power.• Comparison of indicated mean effective pressure

and brake mean effective pressure.• Mechanical efficiency of the test engine.• Further work using exported data such as

combustion analysis.

The equipment consists of a hardware unit with connectorsand leads, plus Windows®-based data acquisition andanalysis software. The hardware consists of amicroprocessor-based signal conditioning unit, with high-speed PC interface, housed in a rugged, protectiveenclosure. It accepts and conditions signals from theCylinder Head Pressure Transducer (ECA101) and CrankAngle Encoder (ECA102), available separately. The cylinderpressure input includes a precision charge amplifier, with adigital thumb-wheel for calibration. As well as crank angleposition, the signal from the Crank Angle Encoder is alsoused to determine engine speed.

E n g i n e C y c l e A n a ly s e rE C A1 0 0

Hardware and software to measure internal combustion engine cylinder pressure and crank angle.

• Cylinder Head Pressure Transducer (ECA101)• Crank Angle Encoder (ECA102)• Suitable computer

• Modified Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD211) 274• Modified Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD212) 275• Four-Stroke Petrol Engine (TD301) 278• Four-Stroke Diesel Engine (TD302) 279



T e c Q u i p m e n t o f f e r s a c o m p l e t e pa c k a g e– t h e E C A1 0 0 S – w h i c h i n c l u d e s t h eE C A 1 0 0 , o n e E C A1 0 1 a n d o n e E C A1 0 2

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A mobile frame contains all the parts ofthe test set. An electric pump draws froma reservoir (included) to deliver water toan electrically-heated boiler. The boilerincludes a safety valve, water level gauge and ‘blow-down cock’. The boiler produces steam to turn a two-cylinder steam motor. The used steam from the motor outletpasses through a mains water-cooled condenser, thendown to a waste tank or to a measuring vessel (supplied).TecQuipment supplies a stopwatch and thermometer toallow accurate measurement of the flow and temperatureof the condensate (steam flow).

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Frame-mounted version (VDAS-F)

• Saturated Steam – Marcet Boiler (TD1006) 267


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

T h e r m a l P o w e r P l a n t w i t h S t e a m E n g i n e T r a i n e rT D 1 0 5 0

A laboratory-scale steam plant that demonstrates fundamental thermodynamic principles of energyconversion and mechanical power measurement.

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• Introduces students to industry-standard methods of analysing steamplant performance, including Rankinecycle analysis and using the Willans line

• Uses a simple two-cylinder steammotor and an electrically heated boilerfor easy understanding of the mainparts of a steam plant

• Self-contained in a mobile frame thatincludes all instruments needed forexperiments

• Allows students to copy theMarcet boiler experiment toprove the pressure-temperature relationship forsaturated steam

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e


• Steam plant performance,including the Rankine cycleanalysis and the Willans line

• Marcet boiler experiment onsaturated steam (pressuretemperature relationship)

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Various investigations into single-shaft turbine thrust jetperformance, including:• Effect on thrust generation by variation in rotational

speed and propelling nozzle area• Isentropic, polytropic and mechanical efficiencies of

compressor, combustion chamber and turbine • Pressure ratios of turbine, compressor and non-

dimensional characteristics• Combustion chamber pressure losses and

combustion efficiencies• Specific fuel consumption, thermal efficiency, air

standard cycle, work ratio and heat balance

A steel frame that holds a gas generator, combustionchamber, oil and fuel tanks, pumps, ancillaries and guards.Air passes into an air box, into a compressor, then into thecombustion chamber. A pump transfers fuel from the fueltank to spray through a nozzle into the combustionchamber. A high-energy spark ignites the air and fuelmixture that flows to a radial flow turbine, then a variablearea propelling nozzle. The exhaust gases discharge to asuitable exhaust system. A fuel flow control valve on theinstrumentation and control panel regulates the speed.

• Turbojet Trainer with Reheat (GT100RS) 285• Two-Shaft Gas Turbine (GT185) 286

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

T u rbo j e t T r a i n e rG T 1 0 0

Allows detailed experimentsthat demonstrate how a single-shaft gas turbojet works,and tests its performance.

• Uses industrialparts, poweredby kerosenefor realistic testsand results

• Fully interlockedstartingprocedure andautomatic shut-down

• Automatic data acquisition(ADA) included (supplied withsoftware)

• Well-proven design – versions installed inuniversities, technical colleges and militarytraining establishments in 30 countriesworldwide

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e G T 1 0 0 s o f t wa r e

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eNGINES Gas Turbines


Turbine, reheat and nozzle tests to find key performanceinformation such as: • Specific thrust and fuel consumption• Pressure losses and ratios• Thermal, propulsive, isentropic and mechanical

efficiencies• Work and power• Thrust with and without reheat• How the variable area nozzle affects thrust

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e G T 1 0 0 R S s o f t wa r e

• Uses industrial parts,powered by kerosene forrealistic tests and results

• Fully interlockedstarting procedureand automaticshut-down

• Automatic DataAcquisition (ADA)included (suppliedwith software)

• Well proven design– versions installedin universities,technical collegesand militarytrainingestablishments in30 countriesworldwide

Air passes into an air box, through a calibrated nozzle into acompressor, then into the combustion chamber. A pumptransfers fuel from the fuel tank to spray through a specialnozzle into the combustion chamber. A high-energy sparkignites the air and fuel mixture that flows to a radial flowturbine, then to the reheat section. It then passes through avariable area propelling nozzle. The exhaust gases thendischarge to a suitable exhaust system. A fuel flow controlvalve on the instrumentation and control panel regulatesthe turbine speed. A second high-energy spark in thereheat section ignites the reheat fuel. This creates asecondary burn (or afterburn) using some of the remainingoxygen in the hot exhaust gases leaving the turbine.

• Turbojet Trainer (GT100) 284• Two-Shaft Gas Turbine (GT185) 286

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

T u rbo j e t T r a i n e r w i t h R e h e atG T 1 0 0 R S

Allows detailed experiments that demonstrate how a single-shaft gas turbojet with reheat (afterburner)works, and tests its performance.

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Turbine tests to find key performance information such as: • Specific fuel consumption• Pressure losses and ratios• Thermal, isentropic and mechanical efficiencies• Work and powerCombustion chamber: • Pressure loss• Combustion efficiency• Air and fuel ratio

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• Uses industrial parts,powered by kerosene forrealistic tests and results

• Fully interlocked startingprocedure andautomatic shut-down

• Automatic DataAcquisition (ADA)included (suppliedwith software)

• Direct-coupled (nobelts) eddy currentdynamometer foraccurate loading,speed control andtrue shaft powermeasurement

• Well proven design –versions installed inuniversities, technicalcolleges and militarytraining establishmentsin 30 countries worldwide

T w o - S h a f t G a s T u rb i n eG T 1 8 5

Allows detailed experiments that demonstrate how a two-shaft gas turbine works, and testsits performance.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e G T 1 8 5 s o f t wa r e

A steel frame holds a gas generator, power turbine,combustion chamber, oil and fuel tanks, pumps, ancillariesand guards. Air passes through a calibrated nozzle and airbox, into a compressor, then into the combustion chamber.A pump transfers fuel from the fuel tank to spray through aspecial nozzle into the combustion chamber. A high-energyspark ignites the air and fuel mixture that flows to a gasgenerator turbine. A fuel flow control valve on theinstrumentation and control panel regulates the turbinespeed. Hot gas from the gas generator turbine passesthrough a short duct to the power turbine. The exhaustgases then discharge to a suitable exhaust system. Thepower turbine couples direct to an eddy currentdynamometer. A load cell on the dynamometer measurestorque and a sensor measures the dynamometer speed, toallow calculation of true shaft power.

• Turbojet Trainer (GT100) 284• Turbojet Trainer with Reheat (GT100RS) 285

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

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Environmental Control

“It is gratifying indeed to work with a company with exemplary customer service such as yours.Thank you on behalf of the entire Department of Civil Engineering at Oregon Tech.

Pat r i c k K i l eO r e g o n i n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y

e n v i r o n m e n t a l c o n t r o lc o o l i n g 2 8 9

R e f r i g e r at i o n 2 9 0

A i r C o n d i t i o n i n g 2 9 1

h u m i d i t y 2 9 2

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F u n d a m e n ta l s o f H VA C : The range provides thecapabilities to study the fundamental components of anHVAC course.

D ata A c q u i s i t i o n a s s ta n d a r d : Most products in therange come with TecQuipment’s Versatile Data AcquisitionSystem, offering high specification and great value.

I n d u s t r i a l a n d D o m e s t i c : With units covering air-conditioning and cooling towers, students can study theelements of both industrial and domestic environmentalcontrol.

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The Environmental Control range offers teachingequipment covering the fundamental theories associatedwith thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer.This enables students to understand environmental controlin the real industrial and consumer world. Experimentsallow students to explore the workings of cooling towers,refrigeration, air-conditioning, humidity and solar energy;utilising psychrometric and p-h charts.

A u t o m at i c d ata a c q u i s i t i o n Look at the products in this range that work withTecQuipment’s unique Versatile Data Acquisition System(VDAS®) – S e e pa g e 2 9 9 .

e n v i r o n m e n ta l c o n t r o lk e y f eat u r e s an d b e n e f i t s :

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C o o l i n g T o w e r se c 1 0 0 0

Bench-top unit demonstrates theoperational characteristics of anevaporative cooling tower.

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Environmental Control Cooling

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :How key variables affect the performance of a coolingtower, including:• Variation of water flow rate• Variation of air flow rate• Packing density and arrangement• Variation of water temperature• Energy and mass balance

• The EC1000 includes one column withpacking for immediate experimentationpotential

• Three extra interchangeable columns,containing different packing densities andarrangements, further extend experimentalcapabilities

• An additional interchangeable column withno packing demonstrates free-fall cooling

• VDAS® connectivity included featuring dataacquisition via USB

A centrifugal pump delivers the heated water to a spraynozzle at the top of the column. The water sprays into thecolumn, passing over ‘packing’ inside the column andreturning to the heated water tank. The fan directs airupwards through the column in counter flow to the water,extracting the heat. Electronic sensors measure the air andwater flow, humidity, pressures and temperatures at keypoints, shown on clear, multiline displays. This gives allmeasurements needed to understand the evaporativecooling tower operation. A clear tube above the heated

water tank allows the user to measure the water lost toevaporation.

• Cooling Column Type A (EC1000a)• Cooling Column Type B (EC1000b)• Empty Cooling Column (EC1000c)• Packing Characteristics Column (EC1000d)


E C 1 0 0 0 a E C 1 0 0 0b

E C 1 0 0 0 c

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

S h o w n w i t h t h e Pa c k i n g C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sC o l u m n ( E C 1 0 0 0 d )

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Learn to use a p-h chart• Determine Coefficient of Performance (CoP)• Determine superheat and sub-cooling

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r e f r i g e r at i o n c y c l ee c 1 5 0 0

Bench-top unit that allows students to investigate the stages of refrigeration.

• Pressure and temperature measurementstaken around the refrigeration circuit

• VDAS® connectivity included featuring dataacquisition via USB

• VDAS® software allows students to visualiseexperimental parameters using pressure-enthalpy charts

• LCD display of all measured parameters(temperature and pressure)

The refrigeration circuit features high and low-pressuregauges, a pressure switch, sight glass, filter dryer and TEVvalve. The circuit also includes pressure transducers thatconnect to the instrumentation. Four thermocouples placedaround the refrigeration circuit allow the observation oftemperatures; these can be used for the calculation ofpotential super-heating and sub-cooling. The evaporatorand condenser coils are submerged in heat source andheat sink water tanks for the clear demonstration of apractical heat pump. A small pump provides circulation ofthe water between the heat source and sink for steadystate experiments.

S c r e e n s h o t s o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r eC h a r t s c a n be d o w n l o a d e d

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Environmental Control Air Conditioning

a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g t r a i n e re c 1 5 0 1

Bench-top trainer, allows students to investigate the fundamental principles of air conditioning.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Learn to use p-h charts• Learn to use psychrometric charts• Determine Coefficient of Performance (CoP)• Determine superheat and sub-cooling• Determine enthalpy change in the air flow

• Pressure and temperature measurementstaken around the refrigeration circuit

• Relative humidity and temperaturemeasured either side of the evaporator

• VDAS® connectivity included featuring dataacquisition via USB

• Software allows students to visualiseexperimental parameters usingpsychrometric charts

• LCD display of all measured parameters(relative humidity, temperature andpressure) The unit features an air-cooled condenser unit connected to

an evaporator located in an air duct. The air duct containsrelative humidity and temperature sensors on both sides. Asmall fan provides air flow down the duct; air flow rate canbe manually adjusted. The refrigeration circuit features highand low-pressure gauges, a pressure switch, sight glass,filter dryer and TEV valve. The circuit also includes pressuretransducers that connect to the instrumentation. Fourthermocouples placed around the refrigeration circuit allowobservation of temperatures; these can be used for thecalculation of potential super-heating and sub-cooling.

S c r e e n s h o t s o f t h eV D A S ® s o f t wa r eC h a r t s c a n bed o w n l o a d e d

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L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Measurement of air flow rate in a duct• Measurement of relative humidity using different

types of instrumentation• Comparison of measurement methods for accuracy

and ease of use

• Allows students to compare differenthumidity measuring instruments

• Includes air filter to help prevent dust andother impurities from entering instruments

• Includes mechanical and electronicinstruments to measure temperature andhumidity

• Variable flow-rate fan to demonstrate theeffect of air flow on humidity measurement

A square cross-section duct supports a blower unit. Theduct contains a selection of instruments to measurehumidity and temperature. A fan in the blower unit abovethe duct supplies a flow of air and a hand-operated valvevaries the air flow rate. This allows students to study theeffect of air flow on the instruments. An orifice plate andmanometer measure the flow rate. An air filter in the airflow path stops dirt or other particles affecting theinstruments. The instruments include a whirling hygrometerthat students use near the outlet of the duct, providing anextra method of measuring temperature and humidity. Theback of the duct includes an extra port. It allows students tointroduce low-pressure steam into the duct.

H u m i d i t y M e a s u r e m e n tT E 6

Illustrates the principles of humidity measurement and compares various methods of measurement.

F u l l s p e c i f i cat i o n datas h e e t sDatasheets contain full specifications such as size, weight, noise output, fluid capacity, voltage requirements etc. Download from each individual product webpage.

t e cqu i p m e n t. c o m (search product)

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Solar Energy

“The TecQuipment teaching solutions and scalable teaching equipment has allowed theThermal Engineering and Energy Department to provide training up to Masters degree levelwith continuous and undeniable quality.

p r o f e s s o r j e a n - n o Ë l b l a n c h a r di u t o r l e a n s , f r a n c e

s o l a r e n e r g ys o l a r p h o t o v o lta i c 2 9 5

s o l a r t h e r m a l 2 9 6

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s o l a r e n e r g yThe Solar Energy range offers teaching equipment for thecore principles of solar energy, including photovoltaic cells,flat plate solar thermal energy collectors and focusing solarenergy collectors. Students can learn about the efficienciesand limitations of each method of harnessing andconverting solar energy for use in the real world.

V e r s at i l e d ata a c q u i s i t i o n S y s t e m The Solar Energy products work with TecQuipment’s uniqueVersatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) – S e e pa g e 2 9 9 .

L o o k at o u r o t h e rr e l e va n t r a n g e s Other TecQuipment products link directly torenewable energy. For example, our M o d u l a r F l u i dP o w e r products (pages 134–148) include turbines toharness the energy in water. The A e r o d y n a m i c s andF l u i d M e c h a n i c s ranges include experiments todemonstrate how shapes affect air and water flow.These are essential tools for engineers whendesigning wind or water energy systems.

P h o t o v o lta i c , f o c u s i n g a n d f l at p l at e e n e r g yc o l l e c t i o n : Demonstrates three key methods used inharnessing solar energy.

a u t o m at i c d ata a c q u i s i t i o n : VDAS® is particularlyuseful when monitoring longer duration experiments.

s a f e a n d e a s y s e t u p : Low temperatures, safeconnections and simple, hand-operated controls allowthe set up an experiment safely and quickly.

k e y f eat u r e s an d b e n e f i t s :

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• Demonstrates the performance of a high-efficiency photovoltaic cell array andbattery storage system

• Includes solarimeter, charge controller andcontrol module with digital displays and DCoutputs

• Supplied with both high and low-ratedbatteries to allow students to investigatecharge and discharge cycle of the systemin a typical laboratory session as well aslonger cycles

• Includes three different types of electricalload

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Performance of the solar panel• Demonstration of float mode• Demonstration of load cut

The TE4 uses a commercially available solar panel madefrom high efficiency cells. The solar panel is on a wheeled,lightweight frame that allows adjustment of the panelangle, relative to the sun. A solarimeter on the framemeasures incident radiation. The panel recharges a choiceof two batteries through a charge controller. The chargecontroller recharges the battery at the correct rate ofcharge without damage to the battery. The frame holds ahigh-performance, deep-cycling battery in a storage box.The equipment also includes a second lower-rated battery.This allows students to examine the charge and dischargecycle of the system in a typical laboratory session.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

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Solar EnergySolar Photovoltaic

p h o t o v o lta i c c e l l st e 4

Illustrates how effective photovoltaic cells are incapturing solar energy.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Focusing Solar Energy Collector (TE38) 296• Flat Plate Solar Thermal Energy Collector (TE39) 297

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


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• Mobile, self-containedfocusing solar energycollector speciallydesigned for educationaluse

• Demonstrates principles,advantages andlimitations of focusingsolar energy collectors

• Includes four differentsizes of collector forstudies of different energyconcentration ratios

• Removable transparentcover allows students tocompare properties ofshielded and unshieldedcollectors

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Demonstrations of the

performance, advantages andlimitations of a focusing solarenergy collector

• Understanding the effective useof the direct component of solarradiation

• Measurement of the efficiency ofthe collector with and without atransparent cover

• Measurement of the maximumpossible energy collectortemperature

A highly-polished stainless steel parabolic reflector,supported on trunnion bearings on a turntable. Byadjusting the horizontal and vertical position of the reflector,students focus solar energy onto an energy collector. Theenergy collector is a brass cylinder with an embeddedthermocouple that measures the cylinder temperature. Toenable students to compare different concentration ratios,TecQuipment supplies four different sizes of energycollector. Also supplied is a removable transparent cover forthe collector, so students can study the properties ofshielded and unshielded collectors. Attached to the reflectorcarrier is a solarimeter (pyranometer) that measures theincident solar radiation.

F o c u s i n g S o l a r E n e r g y C o l l e c t o rT E 3 8

Illustrates the workings of a focusing solar energy collector and allows students to study its performance.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Stopwatch (SW1) 28

• Photovoltaic Cells (TE4) 295• Flat Plate Solar Thermal Energy Collector (TE39) 297

alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :


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Solar EnergySolar Therm


L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S :• Efficiency of the collector• Efficiency and heat losses• Effect of collector angle

F l at P l at e S o l a r T h e r m a l E n e r g y C o l l e c t o rT E 3 9

Illustrates the workings of a flat plate solar energy collector and allows students to study its performance.

S c r e e n s h o t o f t h e o p t i o n a l V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

The panel has a thin sheet metal absorber, backed by risertubes and insulating material, to reduce heat loss to therear. A box with a clear cover encloses the panel, formingthe collector. To allow users to adjust its angle, the framehas a hinge. Cold mains water enters the collector. Sunlightenergy heats the water in the collector. The heated waterreturns to a pump that mixes it with the incoming coldwater. A pressure-sensitive valve allows the heated water toleave the equipment at the same rate as cold water entersit. A flow transducer measures the water flow rate and asolarimeter (or pyranometer) measures incident radiation.Thermocouples measure the water temperature at all theimportant points, and the shade temperature.

• Versatile Data Acquisition System – 299Bench-mounted version (VDAS-B)

• Photovoltaic Cells (TE4) 295• Focusing Solar Energy Collector (TE38) 296


alt e r nat i v e p r o d u c t s :

• Educational flat plate solar energy collector with full instrumentation

• Allows students to investigate the effectiveuse of a renewable, environmentally friendlyenergy source

• Purpose designed and built solar panel forhigh quality

• Includes digital display of flow, radiationintensity and temperatures at differentpoints throughout the apparatus

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B r a z i n g t h e p i p e w o r k o f t h e E c 1 5 0 0

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Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®)

A c q u i s i t i o n S y s t e mV e r s a t i l e d a t a

“Every time we look at the quality of the materials you have used to build these apparatuses,and the user-friendliness of your software, we thank you and wished other companies canlearn from you.

P r o f e s s o r M . K h o s r o wj e r d i W e s t e r n N e w E n g l a n d U n i v e r s i t y, S p r i n g f i e l d , M a s s a c h u s e t t s U S A

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V e r s at i l e D ata A c q u i s i t i o n S y s t e mHigh-capacity, accurate, efficient and user-friendly automatic data acquisition for over60 TecQuipment products.

T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M3 0 0



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TecQuipment’s Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®)works with a growing list of over 60 TecQuipment products,enabling real-time display and capture of experiment data.

B e n c h -t o p V e r s at i l e D ata A c q u i s i t i o nS y s t e m ( V D A S - B ) i n t e r fa c e u n i t

V D A S i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f T e c Q u i p m e n t Lt d

• Cost-effective digital automatic dataacquisition hardware, software andaccessories to enhance teaching andlaboratory sessions

• Real-time traces, data capture, monitoringand display of experiment readings on acomputer

• Available in frame-mounting, bench-topand integrated (selected products only) forconvenience

• Selected TecQuipment products areavailable with integrated VDAS® whichconnect directly to a PC

• Similar software layout for all VDAS®-compatible products – no need to learnnew software when changing experiments

F r a m e - m o u n t i n gV e r s at i l e D ataA c q u i s i t i o n S y s t e m( V D A S - F ) i n t e r fa c e u n i t

L at e s t V D A S ® s o f t wa r eava i l a b l e o n l i n e

D o w n l o a d v e r s i o n 3 . 0f o r i m p r o v e d u s a b i l i t y

t e c q u i p m e n t. c o m / d o w n l o a d s

S a m p l e s c r e e n s h o t s o f t h e V D A S ® s o f t wa r e

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Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®)

V DAS ® - c o m pat ibl eT e cQu i p m e n t p r o d u c t

V DAS ® i n t e r fac eu n i t

I n t e g rat e d V DAS®

O u t p u ts i g nal s



E x p o r t e dData

R eal T i m eD i s p lay s

C har t s

Tab l e s o fdata

V D A S ® s h o w n w o r k i n g w i t h t h e F r e eV i b r at i o n s o f a C a n t i l e v e r ( T M 1 6 6 )e q u i p m e n t

L abV I E W D ata A c q u i s i t i o nExperimental data from TecQuipment products can beacquired in real-time within National Instrument’sLabVIEW software environment. All TecQuipmentVDAS®-compatible products are supported by theVDAS®-LabVIEW software package which is freelyavailable from the TecQuipment website. LabVIEWusers have the flexibility to extend TecQuipment’ssoftware to perform novel data processing,presentation and analysis.

F r e e U n l i m i t e dS o f t war e D o w n l oad s

P l u g an d p layo p e rat i o n

n o cal i b ra i t o n u s b c o n n e c t i v i t y

W h y c h o o s e V D A S ® ?

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V D A S ® e n abl e d p r o d u c t sA e r o d y n a m i c s• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300) 41• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S)* 47• Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1600S)* 49• Nozzle Flow Apparatus (AF27) 58• Intermittent Supersonic Wind Tunnel (AF300) 59• Continuous Supersonic Wind Tunnel (AF302) 61

F l u i d M e c h a n i c s• Pipe Surge and Water Hammer (H405) 110• Flow Channel (FC300)* 117• Centrifugal Pump Test Set (H47) 129• Two-Stage (Series and Parallel) Pumps (H83) 132• Centrifugal Pump Module (MFP101) 135• Axial Flow Pump Module (MFP102) 139• Positive Displacement Pump Module (MFP103) 140• Reciprocating Compressor Module (MFP104) 143• Centrifugal Compressor Module (MFP105) 144• Centrifugal Fan Module (MFP106) 145• Axial Fan Module (MFP107) 147• Pitot-Static Traverse (450 mm) (MFP107a) 148

M at e r i a l s T e s t i n g a n d P r o p e r t i e s• Thin Cylinder (SM1007) 153• Diaphragm (SM1008) 154• Thick Cylinder (SM1011) 155• Strain Gauge Trainer (SM1009) 156• Digital Strain Display (SM1010) 157• Torsion Testing Machine – 30 Nm (SM1001) 158• Rotating Fatigue Machine (SM1090) 159• Creep Machine (SM1006) 160• Bench-Top Tensile Testing Machine (SM1002) 161• Universal Testing Machine (SM1000) 163• Unsymmetrical Cantilever Apparatus (SM1003) 174• Beam Apparatus (SM1004) 175• Euler Strut Buckling Apparatus (SM1005) 177

T h e o r y o f M a c h i n e s• Air Bearing Apparatus (TE96) 215• Cam Analysis Machine (TM1021) 219• Geared Systems (TM1018) 222• Gyroscope (TM1004) 226• Centrifugal Force (TM1005) 227• Governors (TM1027) 229• Free Vibrations of a Mass-Spring System (TM164) 234• Free Torsional Vibrations (TM165) 235• Free Vibrations of a Cantilever (TM166) 236• Free Vibrations of a Beam and Spring (TM167) 237• Free and Forced Vibrations (TM1016) 239

T h e r m o d y n a m i c s• Ideal Gasses –Boyle’s Law (TD1000) 243• Ideal Gasses – Gay-Lussac’s Law (TD1001) 244• Expansion of Perfect Gas (TD1004)** 245• Filmwise and Dropwise Condensation and Boiling 246

(TE78) • Emissivity – Natural Convection and Radiation 247

(TD1011)**• Unsteady State Heat Transfer (TD1009)** 248• Heat Transfer Experiments (TD1002) 250• Free and Forced Convection (TD1005) 255• Bench-top Heat Exchangers (TD360) 256• Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger (TE93) 261• Radiant Transfer Experiments (TD1003) 262• Water-to-Air Heat Exchangers (TD1007) 263• Peltier and Seebeck Effect (TD1008) 265• Temperature Measurement and Calibration 266

(TD400) • Saturated Steam – Marcet Boiler (TD1006) 267

e n g i n e s• Small Engine Test Set (TD200) 271• Regenerative Engine Test Set (TD300) 276• Thermal Power Plant with Steam Engine Trainer 283


e n v i r o n m e n ta l c o n t r o l• Cooling Towers (EC1000)** 289• Refrigeration Cycle (EC1500)** 290• Air Conditioning Trainer (EC1501)** 291

s o l a r E n e r g y• Photovoltaic Cells (TE4) 295• Focusing Solar Energy Collector (TE38) 296• Flat-Plate Solar Energy Collector (TE39) 297

Search for VDAS® on our website for the latest list ofVDAS®-compatible products.

t e c q u i p m e n t. c o m

* Is supplied with VDAS-F, VDAS-FC or VDAS-B as standard** Is supplied with Integrated VDAS® as standard

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+ 4 4 1 1 5 9 7 2 2 6 1 1 I N F O @ T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M 3 0 3

T h e f o l l o w i n g i t e m s a r e a n c i l l a r i e s t o s o m e o f t h e o t h e r p r o d u c t s a n d p r o d u c t r a n g e s i n t h i sc ata l o g u e . S o m e w i l l o n ly w o r k w i t h T e c Q u i p m e n t p r o d u c t s , a n d s o m e w i l l a l s o w o r k a s g e n e r a l-p u r p o s e l a b o r at o r y e q u i p m e n t.

P l e a s e n o t e : The specifications of these ancillary products are correct at the time of printing. They are designed or chosen to work with the correct TecQuipment products or product ranges. If it is intended that theseancillaries are to be used as general-purpose laboratory equipment , please check its datasheet or ask our experts atTecQuipment b e f o r e o r d e r i n g .

This symbol means that we keep an up-to-date This symbol means that Tecquipment or the local datasheet on our website ( distributor must be contacted for the latest


P r e s s u r e I n s t r u m e n t s a n d E q u i p m e n t

C o m p r e s s o r C E 1 B

A laboratory-scale compressor providing ten litres a minute flowat a pressure of 3 bar (45 PSIG). Works with several TecQuipment products and is good forgeneral-purpose use.

C o n s u m a b l e s pa c k C K 1

A selection of jubilee clips, connectors, glass manifolds, caps,valves, tubes, weights, hangers and other consumables; allcommonly used on TecQuipment products.

O s c i l l o s c o p e s

D u a l B e a m S t o r a g eO s c i l l o s c o p e

H 4 0 5 a

A two-channel 50 MHz digital storage oscilloscope . Works with several TecQuipment products and is good forgeneral-purpose use.

O s c i l l o s c o p eO S 1

A dual channel 50 MHz digital oscilloscope.Works with several TecQuipment products and is good forgeneral-purpose use.

O p t i c a l Ta c h o m e t e rO T 1

A hand-held, battery-powered optical tachometer with a digitaldisplay and a speed range of 3 to 99999 rev.min–1 (rpm). Itworks with reflective surfaces or stick-on reflective tape. Works with several TecQuipment products and is good forgeneral-purpose use.

S t r o b o s c o p e s a n d Ta c h o m e t e r s

S t r o b o s c o p eS T 1

A portable, mains-poweredstroboscope that gives 60 to 7,500flashes a minute in one continuousrange. Includes a display of flashspeed and works with an internal orexternal trigger. Works with several TecQuipmentproducts and is good for general-purpose use.

g e n e r a l- p u r p o s e a n c i l l a r i e s a n d i n s t r u m e n t s

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+ 4 4 1 1 5 9 7 2 2 6 1 1 I N F O @ T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M 3 0 5

k e y w o r d i n d e x

AAerodynamics 2 9Aerofoil 150 mm chord NACA0012 (AF1300d) 4 3 150 mm chord NACA2412 (AF1300c) 4 3 S1210 (AF1300l) 4 3 tapped (AF18) 3 8Aeroplane (AF41) 5 3Afterburner (reheat) (GT100RS) 2 8 5Air bearing (TE96) 2 1 5Air conditioning (EC1501) 2 9 1Aircraft model 4 3Air flow (AF10–18) 3 1 around a bend (AF15) 3 6 visualisation (AF17) 3 7 , (AF80) 5 5Angle feedback (wind tunnel models) (AFA4) 4 5Antoine Equation (TD1006) 2 6 7Arch fixed (STR11) 1 9 4 three-pinned (STR9) 1 9 2 two-pinned (STR10) 1 9 3Archimedes Principle (H314) 1 2 1Aspect ratio (AF1125–AF1600) 3 9 – 5 0Automatic data acquisition (STR2000) 1 8 9 , (VDAS®) 2 9 9

BBalance of reciprocating masses (TM1022) 2 2 4 static and dynamic (TM1002) 2 2 5Ball and beam (CE106) 7 0Ball and hoop (CE109) 74Bar linkage mechanisms (ES15) 2 5Batch processing (CE111) 8 0Bauschinger effect (SM1001) 1 5 8Beams (SM1005) 1 7 7Beam balance (ES3) 1 0 bending (STR4) 2 0 2 , (SM1000g) 1 6 5 , (TE16) 1 5 2 continuous and indeterminate (STR13) 2 0 4 deflection (ES4) 1 1 equilibrium of forces (STF5) 1 8 3 plastic bending (STR15) 2 0 0 reactions (ES3) 1 0 stresses (STR5) 2 0 3Bearings (ES17) 1 8 , (TM25) 2 1 8 , (TE96) 2 1 5Bending moment (STR2) 2 0 8 , (STR20) 2 1 0 plastic (STR15) 2 0 0 , (STR16) 2 0 1 stress (STR5) 2 0 3 unsymmetrical (STR7) 2 1 2 , (SM1003) 1 74Bernoulli’s equation (AF11) 3 2 , (H5) 9 4 , (H10) 9 5Boiling (TE78) 2 4 6 , (TD1006) 2 6 7Boltzmann (TD1003) 2 6 2 , (TD1011) 2 47Boundary layer (AF14) 3 5Bourdon gauge (H3a) 9 2 , (H30) 9 6Bow’s Notation (ES2) 9 , (STF4) 1 8 3 , (STR8) 1 9 1 , (STR17) 1 9 5Boyle’s Law (TD1000) 2 4 3Brinell hardness tests (SM1000e) 1 6 4 , (SM1002c) 1 6 2 , (SM1017) 1 7 1 , (MF40 MKII) 1 6 6Buckling of struts (STR12) 1 9 9 , (SM1005) 1 7 7Buoyancy (H2 MkII) 1 1 9 , (H314) 1 2 1

CCalibration temperature (TD400) 2 6 6 pressure (H3a) 9 2 , (H30) 9 6 flow (H40) 9 7Cams (ES12) 2 3 , (TM1021) 2 1 9Cantilever (ES4) 1 1 , (STR4) 2 0 2 , (SM1004) 1 7 5 , (SM1009) 1 5 6 , (TE16a) 1 5 2 unsymmetrical (SM1003) 1 74 , (STR7) 2 1 2Catenary (STF2) 1 8 2 , (STR19) 1 9 7Cavitation (H47) 1 2 9 , (MFP101) 1 3 5 , (H400) 1 0 8Centres of gravity (ES2) 9 ,(H2 MkII) 1 1 9Centrifugal force (ES16) 2 2 , (TM1005) 2 2 7Centripetal force (ES16) 2 2 , (TM1005) 2 2 7Chain drive (ES11) 2 0 , (TM1018) 2 2 2Chezy factor (FC50) 1 1 4 , (FC80) 1 1 5 , (FC300) 1 1 7Choked flow (AF27) 5 8Coandă effect (AF16) 3 6Compressor centrifugal (MFP105) 1 4 4 laboratory (CE1B) 3 0 3 reciprocating (MFP104) 1 4 3 two-stage (GT103) 2 6 8Computer control system (TE3300/06) 8 6 , (TE37DCS) 8 8 , (CE2000) 6 5Compression of a gas (TD1000) 2 4 3 tests (SM1000) 1 6 3 of springs (ES19) 1 4Condensing (TE78) 2 4 6Conduction (thermal) (TD1002) 2 5 0Control cascade (CE117) 8 1 coupled drives (CE108) 7 3 coupled tanks (CE105/CE105MV) 6 9 digital (CE111) 8 0 , (CE123) 7 9 distributed (TE3300/06) 8 6 , (TE37DCS) 8 8 engineering 6 3 engine speed (CE107) 7 1 flow (TE3300/03) 8 3 , (TE37) 8 7 , (CE117) 8 1 level (TE3300/04) 8 4 , (TE37) 8 7 , (CE117) 8 1 multi-loop (CE117) 8 1 multivariable (CE105MV) 6 9 , (CE108) 7 3 naturally unstable (CE106) 7 0 position (CE109) 74 , (CE106) 7 0 pressure (TE3300/02) 8 2 , (TE37) 8 7 , (CE117) 8 1 process (CE117) 8 1 , (TE37) 8 7 , (TE3300 series) 8 2 – 8 6 ratio (TE37) 8 7 servomotor (CE110) 7 5 software (CE2000) 6 5 split range (TE37) 8 7 temperature (TE3300/05) 8 5 , (TE37) 8 7 , (CE117) 8 1 thermal (CE103) 6 8 velocity (CE106) 7 0 , (CE109) 74Controller (CE120) 6 6Convection (thermal) (TD1002) 2 5 0 , (TD1011) 2 47 forced (TD1) 2 4 9 , (TE93) 2 6 1 , (TD1005) 2 5 5 free (TD1005) 2 5 5Cooling (EC1000) 2 8 9Coriolis force (TM1017) 2 2 8Coupled drives (CE108) 7 3

P l e a s e n o t e : For ease of use we have only shown the main TecQuipment products relating to the keywords in this index. However, there maybe other similar products that are also suitable for your needs. These are listed as alternative products in the main pages of this guide.

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T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M3 0 6

Coupled tanks (CE105/CE105MV) 6 9Coupling (universal) (ES11) 2 0Crank motion (ES12) 2 3 , (ES14) 2 4Crank angle encoder (ECA102) 2 8 2Creep (SM1006) 1 6 0Critical whirl speed (TM1001) 2 2 1Curved bars (STR14) 2 0 6Cylinder head transducer (ECA101) 2 8 2 thick (SM1011) 1 5 5 thin (SM1007) 1 5 3 wind tunnel models 4 3

DDarcy’s Law (H312) 1 2 4Davits (STR14) 2 0 6Diaphragm (SM1008) 1 5 4Differential pressure transducer (DP6) 4 8 , 5 0Digital control (CE111) 8 0 , (CE123) 7 9 interface (CE122) 6 7Discharge coefficient (H4) 1 0 4 , (H33) 1 0 6 , (flow channels) 1 1 4 – 1 1 8 , (H5) 9 4 , (H6) 9 3 , (H40) 9 7 over a notch (H6) 9 3Distributed control (TE3300/06) 8 6 , (TE37DCS) 8 8 (CE2000) 6 5Drag (air) (AF12) 3 3Drag coefficient (H410) 1 2 2Drive systems (TM1018) 2 2 2 , (ES11) 2 0Dropwise condensation (TE78) 2 4 6Dunkerley (TM1016) 2 3 9 , (TM1001) 2 2 1Dynamometer hydraulic (TD200) 2 7 1 regenerative (TD300) 2 7 6 turbine (MFP101a) 1 3 6 universal (MFP100) 1 3 4

EElastic properties (ES19) 1 4 , (SM110) 1 5 1 , (SM1002) 1 6 1 , (TE16) 1 5 2Emissivity (TD1003) 2 6 2 , (TD1011) 2 47Energy conversion (TD1050) 2 8 3 losses in pipes (H34) 1 0 1 potential and kinetic (ES9) 1 7 renewable (TE4) 2 9 5 , (TE38) 2 9 6 , (TE39) 2 9 7Engine cycle analyser (ECA100) 2 8 2 diesel (four-stroke) (TD202) 2 7 3 , (TD212) 2 7 5 , (TD302) 2 7 9 petrol (four-stroke) (TD201) 2 7 2 , (TD211) 2 74 , (TD301) 2 7 8 speed control (CE107) 7 1 steam (TD1050) 2 8 3 test set (regenerative) (TD300) 2 7 6 test set (small) (TD200) 2 7 1Engineering science 5Equilibrium (rigid body, forces, beam) (STF) 1 8 2 – 1 8 3Euler buckling (STR12) 1 9 9 , (SM1005) 1 7 7Exhaust gas calorimeter (TD300a) 2 8 0Extensometer (SM1000d) 1 6 4 , (SM1002a) 1 6 1 , (MF40 MKII) 1 6 6

FFan axial (MFP107) 1 47 centrifugal (MFP106) 1 4 5Fatigue (SM1090) 1 5 9Flat plate boundary layer (AF14) 3 5 , (AF1300f) 4 3 , (AF1450f) 4 8 impact of a jet (H8) 1 0 5

Flow channel (FC50) 1 1 4 , (FC80) 1 1 5 , (FC300) 1 1 7 control (TE3300/03) 8 3 , (TE37) 8 7 , (CE117) 8 1 counter (TD360) 2 5 6 laminar and turbulent (H7) 9 9 , (H215) 1 0 3 measurement (H10) 9 5 , (H408) 1 0 2 , (H40) 9 7 , (H5) 9 4 meter calibration (H40) 9 7 orifice (through) (H4) 1 0 4 , (H33) 1 0 6 , (H40) 9 7 parallel (TD360) 2 5 6 permeable media (through) (H312) 1 2 4 transitional (H215) 1 0 3 visualisation (AF17) 3 7 , (AF80) 5 5 , (FC15) 9 2 , (H9) 1 0 9Flywheel (TM1018a) 2 2 3 , (ES9) 1 7Fluid mechanics 8 9Flumes (FC50) 1 1 4 , (FC80) 1 1 5 , (FC300) 1 1 7Force display (digital) (STR1a) 1 8 9Forces concurrent, coplanar (STF4) 1 8 3 , (ES2) 9 equilibrium of (ES2) 9 , (ES3) 1 0 , (STF range) 1 7 9 non-concurrent (ES2) 9 , (STF4) 1 8 3 polygons (ES2) 9 , (STF4) 1 8 3 primary (TM1022) 2 2 4 secondary (TM1022) 2 2 4 triangles (ES2) 9 , (STF4) 1 8 3Fracture (energy) (TE15) 1 6 7Frame (portals) (STR16) 2 0 1 , (STR18) 2 0 7 , (STR20) 2 1 0Framework, indeterminate (STR17) 1 9 5Friction (ES8) 1 6 , (TE96) 2 1 5 , (TE98) 2 1 6 , (TE99) 2 1 7 , (TM25) 2 1 8 angle of lap (ES11) 2 0 fluid (H7) 9 9 , (H16) 1 0 0 , (H34) 1 0 1 , (H408) 1 0 2 pipe (H7) 9 9 , (H16) 1 0 0 , (H34) 1 0 1 , (H408) 1 0 2 rotational (ES17) 1 8 sliding (ES8) 1 6Froude Number (FC50) 1 1 4 , (FC80) 1 1 5 , (FC300) 1 1 7Fuel gauge automatic volumetric (DVF1) 2 8 1 manual volumetric (AVF1) 2 8 1Fuzzy logic (CE2000) 6 5

GGases ideal (TD1000) 2 4 3 , (TD1001) 2 4 4 perfect (TD1004) 2 4 5Gas generator (GT100) 2 8 4 , (GT100RS) 2 8 5 , (GT185) 2 8 6Gas turbine single-shaft (GT100) 2 8 4 , (GT100RS) 2 8 5 two-shaft (GT185) 2 8 6Gay-Lussac’s Law (TD1001) 2 4 4Gears (ES13) 2 1 , (TM1018) 2 2 2Geneva mechanism (ES18) 2 6Governors (TM1027) 2 2 9Gyroscope (TM1004) 2 2 6

HHardness Brinell (MF40 MKII) 1 6 6 , (SM1000e) 1 6 4 , (SM1002c) 1 6 2 , (SM1017) 1 7 1 Rockwell (SM1015) 1 6 9 , (SM1017) 1 7 1 Vickers (SM1016) 1 7 0 , (SM1017) 1 7 1Hare’s tube (H314b) 1 2 2Heat exchangers cross-flow (TE93) 2 6 1 liquid to liquid (TD360) 2 5 6 water to air (TD1007) 2 6 3Heat pump (TD1008) 2 6 5Heat transfer 2 4 6 – 2 6 5Hele-shaw (H9) 1 0 9Hertzian contact (TE98) 2 1 6Hooke’s Law (ES19) 1 4 , (SM1000f) 1 6 5 , (SM110) 1 5 1Humidity measurement (TE6) 2 9 2

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+ 4 4 1 1 5 9 7 2 2 6 1 1 I N F O @ T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M 3 0 7

Hydraulic bench (H1F) 9 1Hydraulic ram pump (H31) 1 2 8Hydrology (H311) 1 2 3 , (H312) 1 2 4 , (H313) 1 2 5Hydrostatics (H314) 1 2 1

IImpact tests (TE15) 1 6 7Inclined plane (ES8) 1 6Internal combustion engine test sets (TD200) 2 7 1 , (TD300) 2 7 6

JJet (air) attachment (AF16) 3 6Jet (water) impact of (H8) 1 0 5 trajectory (H33) 1 0 6Journal bearing (TM25) 2 1 8

LLadder logic (CE111) 8 0Laplace equation (H9) 1 0 9Level control (TE3300/04) 8 4 , (TE37) 8 7 , (CE117) 8 1Levers (ES3) 1 0Lift balance (AF1300z) 4 4 , (AF1300t) 4 5 ,(AF1450t) 4 8 , (AF1600t) 5 0Liquid slop (CE109) 74LMTD (logarithmic mean temperature difference) (TD360) 2 5 6

MMach number (AF27) 5 8 , (AF300) 5 9 , (AF302) 6 1Manometer multi-tube (AF10a) 3 8 , (AFA1) 5 1Marcet boiler (TD1006) 2 6 7Mass flux (AF13) 3 4Materials testing and properties 1 4 9Mechanisms (ES14) 2 4 , (ES18) 2 6Metacentric height (H2 MkII) 1 1 9Michell pad (TE99) 2 1 7Modulus of Rigidity (ES5) 1 2 , (SM1001) 1 5 8Moments primary (TM1022) 2 2 4 principle of (ES3) 1 0 , (STF5) 1 8 3 secondary (TM1022) 2 2 4Momentum flux (AF13) 3 4Motion (TM1017) 2 2 8 , (TM1018) 2 2 2 , (TM1021) 2 1 9 , (TM1022) 2 2 4 , (TM1002) 2 2 5 , (TM1004) 2 2 6 , (TM1005) 2 2 7 , (TM1027) 2 2 9 , (TM1001) 2 2 1

NNozzle calibration (H40) 9 7 flow (supersonic) (AF27) 5 8 , (AF300) 5 9 , (AF302) 6 1 flow through (H4) 1 0 4 , (H33) 1 0 6 , (H40) 9 7

OOscillations (ES7) 1 5 , (TM161) 2 3 1 , (TM162) 2 3 2 , (TM164) 2 3 4 , (TM165) 2 3 5 , (TM166) 2 3 6 , (TM167) 2 3 7 , (TM1016) 2 3 9Oscilloscope (OS1) 3 0 3 , (H405a) 3 0 3

PParabolic (STF2) 1 8 2 , (STR9) 1 9 2 , (STR10) 1 9 3 , (STR11) 1 9 4 , (STR19) 1 9 7Parallelogram of forces (ES2) 9 , (STF4) 1 8 3Peltier (TD1008) 2 6 5Pendulum (ES7) 1 5 , (TM161) 2 3 1 , (TM162) 2 3 2 , (TM163) 2 3 3Permeability tank (H312) 1 2 4Photovoltaic cells (TE4) 2 9 5Phugoid (AF41) 5 3

Pin-jointed framework (STR8) 1 9 1 , (STR17) 1 9 5Pipe friction (H7) 9 9 pressure loss (H16) 1 0 0 , (H34) 1 0 1 , (H408) 1 0 2 surge (H405) 1 1 0Pitching moment 4 2 , 4 5 , 47 , 4 8 , 4 9 , 5 0Pitot-static traverse 5 2 , (MFP107a) 1 4 8Pitot tube flow meter (H40a) 9 8Poisson’s Ratio (SM1007) 1 5 3 , (SM1009) 1 5 6Polygon of forces (ES2) 9 , (STF4) 1 8 3Portal frames (STR16) 2 0 1 , (STR18) 2 0 7 , (STR20) 2 1 0Potential flow (H9) 1 0 9Pressure centre of (H11) 1 2 0 , (H314) 1 2 1 control (TE3300/02) 8 2 , (TE37) 8 7 , (CE117) 8 1 display (H47) 1 2 9 , (H83) 1 3 2 display (32-way) (AFA1) 5 1 distribution (AF15) 3 6 , (AF18) 3 8 , (AF1125–AF1600) 3 9 – 5 0gauge (calibration of) (H3a) 9 2 , (H30) 9 6 , (H314) 1 2 1 loss (in pipes) (H16) 1 0 0 , (H408) 1 0 2 , (H34) 1 0 1 measurement (H30) 9 6 of a gas (TD1000) 2 4 3 , (TD1001) 2 4 4Process trainer (CE117) 8 1Programmable logic controller (PLC) (CE123) 7 9 process (CE111) 8 0Pulleys (ES10) 1 9Pump axial (MFP102) 1 3 9 centrifugal (H47) 1 2 9 , (H52) 1 3 1 , (H83) 1 3 2 , (MFP101) 1 3 5 gear (MFP103b) 1 4 1 hydraulic ram (H31) 1 2 8 piston (MFP103a) 1 4 1 positive displacement (MFP103) 1 4 0 series and parallel (H52) 1 3 1 , (H83) 1 3 2 swash (MFP103d) 1 4 2 vane (MFP103c) 1 4 2

QQuick return mechanism (ES14) 2 4

RRadiant transfer (TD1003) 2 6 2Radiation (thermal) (TD1003) 2 6 2 , (TD1011) 2 47Ratchet mechanism (ES18) 2 6Reciprocating masses (balance of) (TM1022) 2 2 4Refrigeration (EC1500) 2 9 0Renewable energy 2 9 3Reynolds number (H215) 1 0 3Rockwell hardness tests (SM1015) 1 6 9 , (SM1017) 1 7 1Rotating fatigue (SM1090) 1 5 9Round turbulent jet (AF13) 3 4

SSchlieren (AF300a) 6 0 , (AF302a) 6 2Scotch yoke (ES14) 2 4Screw jack (ES17) 1 8Sediment (FC80) 1 1 5 , (FC300) 1 1 7 , (H311) 1 2 3Seebeck (TD400) 2 6 6 , (TD1008) 2 6 5Servo trainer (CE110) 7 5Shear centre (STR7) 2 1 2 , (SM1003) 1 74 force (STR3) 2 0 9 modulus (SM1001) 1 5 8Shock waves (AF300) 5 9 , (AF302) 6 1 , (TE86) 1 1 1Simple harmonic motion (ES7) 1 5 , (TM161–TM167) 2 3 1 – 2 3 7Smoke generator (AFA10) 4 5 , (AF17) 3 7 , (AF80) 5 5S-N curve (SM1090) 1 5 9Solar energy 2 9 3 focusing (TE38) 2 9 6 flat-plate (TE39) 2 9 7 photovoltaic (TE4) 2 9 5

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T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M3 0 8

Specific energy (FC50) 1 1 4 , (FC80) 1 1 5 , (FC300) 1 1 7Specimens (MTT) 2 8 , (CP, RF, TH, TR) 1 7 2 (TL/TS, HTP, ML, HTB) 1 7 3Spring coil (SM1000f) 1 6 5 elastic potential energy (ES9) 1 7 leaf (SM1000g) 1 6 5 testing (ES19) 1 4 , (SM110) 1 5 1Stability of a floating body (H2 MkII) 1 1 9 , (H314) 1 2 1Statics (STF) 1 7 9Steam motor (TD1050) 2 8 3 saturated (TD1006) 2 6 7Strain analysis (SM1007) 1 5 3 , (SM1008) 1 5 4 , (SM1009) 1 5 6 , (SM1011) 1 5 5 display (SM1010) 1 5 7 gauge kit (E19) 1 5 7 gauge trainer (SM1009) 1 5 6Stiffness of materials and structures (TE16) 1 5 2Stirred vessel (CE117) 8 1 , (TD360d) 2 6 0Stress analysis (SM1007) 1 5 3 , (SM1008) 1 5 4 , (SM1009) 1 5 6 , (SM1011) 1 5 5Stroboscope (ST1) 3 0 3Structures 1 8 5 software (STRS) 1 9 0 statically determinate (STR8) 1 9 1 , (STR9) 1 9 2 statically indeterminate (STR17) 1 9 5 test frame (STR1) 1 8 8Struts (SM1005) 1 7 7 , (STR12) 1 9 9Surface tension (H314a) 1 2 2Suspension bridge (STR19) 1 9 7 cable (STF2) 1 8 2Sway (STR18) 2 0 7 , (STR20) 2 1 0

TTachometer optical (OT1) 3 0 3Tapped aerofoil (AF18) 3 8Temperature control (CE117) 8 1 , (TE3300/05) 8 5 , (TE37) 8 7 measurement and calibration (TD400) 2 6 6Tensile tests (ES6) 1 3 , (MF40 MKII) 1 6 6 , (SM1000) 1 6 3 , (SM1002) 1 6 1Test specimens (MTT) 2 8 , (CP, RF, TH, TR) 1 7 2 (TL/TS, HTP, ML, HTB) 1 7 3Theory of machines 2 1 3Thermal control (CE103) 6 8 , (CE117) 8 1 , (TE3300/05) 8 5Thermodynamics 2 4 1Thermoelectric (TD1008) 2 6 5Thermometer (TD400) 2 6 6Toggle (ES12) 2 3Torsiometer (SM1001a) 1 5 8Torsion (ES5) 1 2 , (TE16b) 1 5 2 , (SM1001) 1 5 8 , (STR6) 2 1 1Triangle of forces (STF4) 1 8 3 , (ES2) 9

Truss (redundant) (STR17) 1 9 5Turbines Francis (H18) 1 2 6 , (MFP101d) 1 3 8 gas (GT100) 2 8 4 , (GT100RS) 2 8 5 , (GT185) 2 8 6 Pelton (H19) 1 2 7 , (MFP101b) 1 3 7 propeller (MFP101c) 1 3 8Turbojet trainer (GT100) 2 8 4 with afterburner (GT100RS) 2 8 5Turbulent jet (AF13) 3 4

UUnsteady state heat transfer (TD1009) 2 4 8

VVelocity coefficients (H33) 1 0 6 of sound (H405) 1 1 0 , (TE86) 1 1 1profile (AF13) 3 4 , (AF14) 3 5 , (H40a) 9 8Venturi flume (FC50) 1 1 4 , (FC80) 1 1 5 , (FC300) 1 1 7 meter (H5) 9 4 , (H10) 9 5 , (H40b) 9 8Versatile data acquisition system (VDAS®) 2 9 9Vibration (TM160) 2 3 0 , (TM1016) 2 3 9Vickers hardness tests (SM1016) 1 7 0 , (SM1017) 1 7 1Viscosity (H314) 1 2 1 , (H410) 1 2 2Vortex (H13) 1 0 7

WWater hammer (TE86) 1 1 1 , (H31) 1 2 8 , (H405) 1 1 0Wave generator (FC80) 1 1 5 , (FC300) 1 1 7Wedge (ES17) 1 8Weight set (WT) 2 8 , (WTL) 2 8Weirs (H6) 9 3 , (FC50) 1 1 4 , (FC80) 1 1 5 , (FC300) 1 1 7Weston differential pulley (ES10) 1 9Wheel and axle (ES10) 1 9Whirling of shafts (TM1001) 2 2 1Wind tunnel flight demonstration (AF41) 5 3 flow visualisation (AF17) 3 7 , (AF80) 5 5 modular (AF10–AF18) 3 1 –3 8 subsonic (AF1125) 3 9 (AF1300) 4 1 , (AF1450S) 47 , (AF1600S) 4 9 supersonic (continuous) (AF302) 6 1 supersonic (intermittent) (AF300) 5 9Worm drive (ES13) 2 1Wohler (SM1090) 1 5 9

YYoung’s Modulus (ES4) 1 1 , (TE16) 1 5 2 , (SM1007) 1 5 3 , (SM1009) 1 5 6 , (SM1002) 1 6 1 , (SM1000) 1 6 3 , (SM1004) 1 7 5 , (STR4) 2 0 2

ZZiegler/Nichols (CE105/MV) 6 9

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L- R : A n d r e w R at c l i f f e – T e c n i c a l s u p p o r t m a n a g e r ,D av e G i d d i n g s – I C T M a n a g e r , M at t h e w F e l l o w s –A p p l i c at i o n s E n g i n e e r

T E C Q U I P M E N T. C O M3 0 4

C o n ta c t i n g T e c Q u i p m e n t

A f t e r s a l e sThere is a dedicated teamof people at TecQuipmentthat are committed toproviding a high level ofaftersales care andsupport to all ourcustomers, past andpresent.No matter how old theequipment is, we continueto provide support.

P u r c h a s e e n q u i r i e s

For all purchase enquiries please contact the local agent or: s a l e s @ t e c q u i p m e n t. c o m

Purchase enquiries can be:• Requests for data sheets, catalogues and further information• Technical advice for product selection prior to purchase• Prices and quotations

For all aftersales queries please contact:c u s t o m e r . c a r e @ t e c q u i p m e n t. c o mor use the form on our website at:t e c q u i p m e n t. c o m

Aftersales queries can be:• Requests for manuals and user guides• Quotations for spares and consumables• Post-sales technical advice and support

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p r o d u c t l i s t

AA F 1 0 Modular Air Flow Bench 31A F 1 1 Bernoulli’s Equation 32A F 1 2 Drag Force 33A F 1 3 Round Turbulent Jet 34A F 1 4 Boundary Layer 35A F 1 5 Flow Around a Bend 36A F 1 6 Coandă Effect and Jet Flow 36A F 1 7 Flow Visualisation 37A F 1 8 Tapped Aerofoil 38A F 2 7 Laval Nozzle Flow Apparatus 58A F 4 1 Flight Demonstration Wind Tunnel 53A F 8 0 Flow Visualisation Wind Tunnel 55A F 1 1 2 5 Bench-Top Subsonic Wind Tunnel 39A F 1 3 0 0 Subsonic Wind Tunnel 41A F 1 4 5 0 S Subsonic Wind Tunnel 47A F 1 6 0 0 S Subsonic Wind Tunnel 49A F 3 0 0 Intermittent Supersonic Wind Tunnel 59A F 3 0 0 a Schlieren Apparatus 60A F 3 0 2 Continuous Supersonic Wind Tunnel 61A F 3 0 2 a Schlieren Apparatus 62AV F 1 Manual Volumetric Fuel Gauge 281

CC E 1 B Compressor 303C E 1 0 3 Thermal Control Process Apparatus 68C E 1 0 5 / M V Coupled Tanks Apparatus 69C E 1 0 6 Ball and Beam Apparatus 70C E 1 0 7 Engine Speed Control Apparatus 71C E 1 0 8 Coupled Drives Apparatus 73C E 1 0 9 Ball and Hoop Apparatus 74C E 1 1 0 Servo Trainer 75C E 1 1 1 PLC Process 80C E 1 1 7 Process Trainer 81C E 1 2 0 Controller 66C E 1 2 2 Digital Interface 67C E 1 2 3 PLC Trainer 79C E 2 0 0 0 Control Software 65

DD V F 1 Automatic Volumetric Fuel Gauge 281

EE 1 9 Strain Gauge Kit 157E C 1 0 0 0 Cooling Towers 289E C 1 5 0 0 Refrigeration Cycle 290E C 1 5 0 1 Air Conditioning Trainer 291E C A 1 0 0 Engine Cycle Analyser 282E S 1 Work Panel 8E S 2 Forces Kit 9E S 3 Moments Kit 10E S 4 Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers Kit 11E S 5 Torsion of Circular Sections Kit 12E S 6 Tensile Tester Kit 13E S 7 Simple Harmonic Motion Kit 15E S 8 Friction and Inclined Plane Kit 16E S 9 Potential and Kinetic Energy Kit 17E S 1 0 Pulley Kit 19E S 1 1 Drive System Kit 20E S 1 2 Cam, Crank and Toggle Kit 23E S 1 3 Gear Trains Kit 21E S 1 4 Simple Mechanisms Kit 24E S 1 5 Bar Linkages Kit 25E S 1 6 Centrifugal Force Kit 22E S 1 7 Rotational Friction Kit 18E S 1 8 Additional Mechanisms Kit 26

E S 1 9 Spring Tester Kit 14E S F Engineering Science Full Set 7E T L Trays and Lids 27E S T Storage Unit 27E S X Spare Parts Kit 28

fF C 1 5 Flow Visualisation 92F C 5 0 2.5 Metre Flow Channel 114F C 8 0 Sediment Transport Channels 115F C 3 0 0 Flow Channels 117

GG T 1 0 0 Turbojet Trainer 284G T 1 0 0 R S Turbojet Trainer with Reheat 285G T 1 0 3 Two-Stage Compressor Test Set 268G T 1 8 5 Two-Shaft Gas Turbine 286

HH 1 F Digital Hydraulic Bench 91H 2 M K I I Metacentric Height and Stability 119H 3 a Calibration of a Bourdon Pressure Gauge 92H 4 Flow Through an Orifice 104H 5 Bernoulli’s Theorem 94H 6 Discharge over a Notch 93H 7 Friction Loss in a Pipe 99H 8 Impact of a Jet 105H 9 Hele-Shaw Apparatus 109H 1 0 Flow Measurement Methods 95H 1 1 Centre of Pressure 120H 1 3 Vortex Apparatus 107H 1 6 Losses in Piping Systems 100H 1 8 Francis Turbine 126H 1 9 Pelton Turbine 127H 3 0 Pressure Measurement Bench 96H 3 1 Hydraulic Ram Pump 128H 3 3 Jet Trajectory and Orifice Flow 106H 3 4 Pipework Energy Losses 101H 4 0 Flow Meter Calibration 97H 4 0 a Pitot Tube 98H 4 0 b Venturi Flow Meter 98H 4 0 c Orifice Flow Meter 98H 47 Centrifugal Pump Test Set 129H 5 2 Series and Parallel Pumps 131H 8 3 Two-Stage (Series and Parallel) Pumps 132H 2 1 5 Osborne-Reynolds Apparatus 103H 3 1 1 Liquid Sedimentation Apparatus 123H 3 1 2 Permeability, Flow Nets and Darcy’s Law 124H 3 1 3 Hydrology and Rainfall Apparatus 125H 3 1 4 Hydrostatics and Properties of Fluids 121H 4 0 0 Cavitation in a Venturi 108H 4 0 5 Pipe Surge and Water Hammer 110H 4 0 5 a Dual Beam Storage Oscilloscope 303H 4 0 8 Fluid Friction Apparatus 102H 4 1 0 Viscosity and Particle Drag 122

MM F 4 0 M K I I Materials Laboratory with Data Capture 166M F P 1 0 0 Universal Dynamometer 134M F P 1 0 1 Centrifugal Pump Module 135M F P 1 0 1 a Turbine Dynamometer 136M F P 1 0 1 b Pelton Wheel (Turbine) 137M F P 1 0 1 c Propeller Turbine 138M F P 1 0 1 d Francis Turbine 138M F P 1 0 2 Axial Flow Pump Module 139M F P 1 0 3 Positive Displacement Pump Module 140

This is a list of our main line items so some ancillary products may not appear. Please refer to the main line item to find any ancillaries(for example, to find AF80a look at AF80). Alternatively, check our website at t e c q u i p m e n t. c o m or contact our expert Sales team.

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M F P 1 0 3 a Piston Pump 141M F P 1 0 3 b Gear Pump 141M F P 1 0 3 c Vane Pump 142M F P 1 0 3 d Swash Plate Pump 142M F P 1 0 4 Reciprocating Compressor Module 143M F P 1 0 5 Centrifugal Compressor Module 144M F P 1 0 6 Centrifugal Fan Module 145M F P 1 0 6 a Pipe Flow and Nozzle Kit 146M F P 1 0 7 Axial Fan Module 147M F P 1 0 7a Pitot Static Traverse (450 mm) 148

OO S 1 Oscilloscope 303O T 1 Optical Tachometer 303

SS M 1 1 0 Hooke’s Law and Spring Rate 151S M 1 0 0 0 Universal Testing Machine 163S M 1 0 0 0 e Brinell Indenter 164S M 1 0 0 0 f Coil Spring 165S M 1 0 0 0 g Beam and Leaf Spring 165S M 1 0 0 1 Torsion Testing Machine – 30 Nm 158S M 1 0 0 2 Bench-Top Tensile Testing Machine 161S M 1 0 0 2 c Brinell Hardness Test Set 162S M 1 0 0 3 Unsymmetrical Cantilever Apparatus 174S M 1 0 0 4 Beam Apparatus 175S M 1 0 0 5 Euler Strut Buckling Apparatus 177S M 1 0 0 6 Creep Machine 160S M 1 0 0 7 Thin Cylinder 153S M 1 0 0 8 Diaphragm 154S M 1 0 0 9 Strain Gauge Trainer 156S M 1 0 1 0 Digital Strain Display 157S M 1 0 1 1 Thick Cylinder 155S M 1 0 1 5 Rockwell Hardness Tester 169S M 1 0 1 6 Vickers Hardness Tester 170S M 1 0 1 7 Universal Hardness Tester 171S M 1 0 9 0 Rotating Fatigue Machine 159S T 1 Stroboscope 303S T F 1 Statics Work Panel 181S T F 2 Suspension Cable Demonstration 182S T F 3 Equilibrium of a Rigid Body 182S T F 4 Equilibrium of Forces 183S T F 5 Equilibrium of a Beam 183S T R 1 Structures Test Frame 188S T R 1 a Digital Force Display 189S T R 2 Bending Moments in a Beam 208S T R 3 Shear Force in a Beam 209S T R 4 Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers 202S T R 5 Bending Stress in a Beam 203S T R 6 Torsion of Circular Sections 211S T R 7 Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear Centre 212S T R 8 Pin-Jointed Frameworks 191S T R 9 Three-Pinned Arch 192S T R 1 0 Two-Pinned Arch 193S T R 1 1 Fixed Arch 194S T R 1 2 Euler Buckling of a Column 199S T R 1 3 Continuous and Indeterminate Beams 204S T R 1 4 Curved Bars and Davits 206S T R 1 5 Plastic Bending of Beams 200S T R 1 6 Plastic Bending of Portals 201S T R 1 7 Redundant Truss 195S T R 1 8 Frame Deflections and Reactions 207S T R 1 9 Simple Suspension Bridge 197S T R 2 0 Bending Moments in a Portal Frame 210S T R 2 0 0 0 Automatic Data Acquisition Unit 189S T R S Structures Software 190

TT D 1 Forced Convection Heat Transfer 249T D 2 0 0 Small Engine Test Set 271T D 2 0 1 Four-Stroke Petrol Engine 272T D 2 0 2 Four-Stroke Diesel Engine 273T D 2 1 1 Modified Four-Stroke Petrol Engine 274T D 2 1 2 Modified Four-Stroke Diesel Engine 275

T D 3 0 0 Regenerative Engine Test Set 276T D 3 0 0 a Exhaust Gas Calorimeter 280T D 3 0 1 Four-Stroke Petrol Engine 278T D 3 0 2 Four-Stroke Diesel Engine 279T D 3 6 0 Bench-top Heat Exchangers Service Module 256T D 3 6 0 a Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger 257T D 3 6 0 b Plate Heat Exchanger 258T D 3 6 0 c Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 259T D 3 6 0 d Jacketed Vessel with Coil and Stirrer 260T D 4 0 0 Temperature Measurement and Calibration 266T D 1 0 0 0 Ideal Gases – Boyle’s Law 243T D 1 0 0 1 Ideal Gases – Gay Lussac’s Law 244T D 1 0 0 2 Heat Transfer Experiments Base Unit 250T D 1 0 0 2 a Linear Heat Conduction Experiment 251T D 1 0 0 2 b Radial Heat Conduction Experiment 252T D 1 0 0 2 c Extended Surface Heat Conduction Exp 253T D 1 0 0 2 d Conductivity of Liquids and Gases Exp 254T D 1 0 0 3 Radiant Transfer Experiments 256T D 1 0 0 4 Expansion of Perfect Gas 245T D 1 0 0 5 Free and Forced Convection 255T D 1 0 0 6 Saturated Steam – Marcet Boiler 267T D 1 0 0 7 Water-to-Air Heat Exchanger 263T D 1 0 0 8 Peltier and Seebeck Effect 265T D 1 0 0 9 Unsteady State Heat Transfer 248T D 1 0 1 1 Emissivity – Natural Convection and Radiation 247T D 1 0 5 0 Thermal Power Plant with Steam Engine Trainer 283T E 4 Photovoltaic Cells 295T E 6 Humidity Measurement 292T E 1 5 Energy Absorbed at Fracture 167T E 1 6 Stiffness – Bending and Torsion 152T E 3 7 Control and Instrumentation Study Station 87T E 3 7 D C S Distributed Control System 88T E 3 8 Focusing Solar Energy Collector 296T E 3 9 Flat-Plate Solar Thermal Energy Collector 297T E 3 3 0 0 / 0 2 Pressure Process Training System 82T E 3 3 0 0 / 0 3 Flow Process Training System 83T E 3 3 0 0 / 0 4 Level Process Training System 84T E 3 3 0 0 / 0 5 Temperature Process Training System 85T E 3 3 0 0 / 0 6 Computer Control System 86T E 7 8 Filmwise and Dropwise Condensation and 246 Boiling T E 8 6 Water Hammer Apparatus 111T E 9 3 Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger 261T E 9 6 Air Bearing Apparatus 215T E 9 8 Hertzian Contact Apparatus 216T E 9 9 Michell Pad Apparatus 217T M 2 5 Journal Bearing Demonstration 218T M 1 6 0 Free Vibrations Test Frame 230T M 1 6 1 Simple and Compound Pendulums 231T M 1 6 2 Filar Pendulums 232T M 1 6 3 Centre of Percussion 233T M 1 6 4 Free Vibrations of a Mass-Spring System 234T M 1 6 5 Free Torsional Vibrations 235T M 1 6 6 Free Vibrations of a Cantilever 236T M 1 6 7 Free Vibrations of a Beam and Spring 237T M 1 0 0 1 Whirling of Shafts and Critical Speed 221T M 1 0 0 2 Static and Dynamic Balancing 225T M 1 0 0 4 Gyroscope 226T M 1 0 0 5 Centrifugal Force 227T M 1 0 1 6 Free and Forced Vibrations 239T M 1 0 1 7 Coriolis Force 228T M 1 0 1 8 Geared Systems 222T M 1 0 2 1 Cam Analysis Machine 219T M 1 0 2 2 Balance of Reciprocating Masses 224T M 1 0 2 7 Governors 229

VV D A S Versatile Data Acquisition System 299

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F l u i d m e c h a n i c s l a b o r at o r y at T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f N o t t i n g h a m

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U n i v e r s i t y o f N o r t h w e s t e r n S t Pa u lB u i l d s N e w E n g i n e e r i n g P r o g r a m m ew i t h H e l p f r o m T e c Q u i p m e n tWhen the University of Northwestern StPaul, located in Minnesota in the USA, setout to build new laboratories whilemeeting USA degree accreditationrequirements, they scoured theeducational teaching equipment marketfor a supplier that could deliver:

• High quality products and customerservice

• Competitive prices • Purpose-built equipment with teaching

flexibility in mind• A single supplier source for the majority

of the practical teaching needs

“We chose TecQuipment because theyticked all the boxes and some more.They were great to work with from startto finish, from initial discussions at ASEE2016 in New Orleans, through to themore recent installation, training andcommissioning in August 2018. Evenwhen we encountered problems, theLab Midwest team and TecQuipmentdealt with the situation with smiles andjoyfulness,” explained Rachel Friesen,Laboratory Technician at the Universityof Northwestern.

D e g r e e A c c r e d i tat i o nThe legacy of teaching engineering at theUniversity of Northwestern goes back tothe debut of pre-engineering in 1983–1984and then to the establishment of theengineering dual degree programme inconjunction with the University ofMinnesota in 2000. Students in the dual degree programmewould typically enrol in mathematics, science, and engineeringcourses at the University of Northwestern for three years andthen transfer to the University of Minnesota for the final twoyears of the curriculum. The decision to offer a completebachelor’s degree programme in engineering at Northwestern,beginning in 2016, was made, with accreditation as a highpriority. They already had a strong teaching team with lots ofexperience, but another requirement for accreditation was theaddition of modern and practical teaching equipment toprepare students for the industry workforce.

F l e x i b l e T e a c h i n g R e q u i r e m e n t s a n d S pa c eL i m i tat i o n s“Our current laboratory space was renovated from art studiosand kitchens, which means space is a high concern,” explainedFriesen. “This was another reason why we opted forTecQuipment products that are compact, while still being bigenough for groups of students to work on them together.” In addition to this, they were looking for equipment that wouldrun pre-set experiments, as well as offer flexibility for theteaching team to design their own laboratory experiments.

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C o s t S a v i n g sThe University of Northwestern looked at four main suppliers ofequipment, comparing the product specifications, cost andcomprehensive equipment provision. “TecQuipment was both cost effective as well as able toprovide the majority of the equipment that we needed toteach both our thermal-fluids and materials laboratories,”commented Friesen.

T h e L a b o r a t o r y S e t - u pAt the University of Northwestern, theory and laboratorycourses do not relate one-to-one. For example, the materialslaboratory consists of mainly destructive testing equipmentthat explores concepts from both the material science andmechanics of materials courses.“Our favourite piece of equipment has been the UniversalTesting Machine. Despite also having a higher capacity pieceof equipment in the laboratory, we like this one because it is aneasy-to-manipulate, hands-on machine,” explained Friesen.The compact size means that the instructors have the freedomto move it around and can allow students to operate it. Plus, ifit should break, they felt confident about the repair process.Friesen explained further: “It is so very fun to watch thestudents pumping the hydraulic arm and then see them edgefurther and further away as they anticipate the break inmaterial. It has also given the engineering department anopportunity to educate the rest of the university and localcommunity about what we do. We’ve had groups from our

alumni community, human resources and the local communitycome along to the department, get hands-on and breaksomething with this piece of equipment. It allows us to showthem that engineering is not all equations and work oncomputers.”Other equipment for exploring materials included thepurchase of the Torsion Testing Machine and Creep TestingMachine.

D e d i c a t e d T h e r m o - f l u i d s L a b o r a t o r yFor the thermo-fluids laboratory, they purchased a DigitalHydraulic Bench and experiments to mount on it, including theFlow Measurement Methods apparatus and Flow Calibrationapparatus. They also purchased freestanding apparatusesincluding the Piping Networks apparatus and Two-Stage(Series and Parallel) Pumps. For learning about heat transferand thermodynamics, they opted for the Heat Transferexperiment base unit with a range of experiments, HeatExchanger Service Module base unit and experiments, a Freeand Forced Convection experiment, a Radiation experimentand, lastly, a Refrigeration Cycle experiment.

A S e a m l e s s E x p e r i e n c e“Throughout the process of purchase we have had excellentservice from the TecQuipment team and local agent, LabMidwest. It extended from the initial quote, where it was clearto see what was and what wasn’t included, through to the setup and installation - which was incredible. Paul Holslin fromLab Midwest worked with me for a week in 90-degree heatunpacking crates. Then, TecQuipment specialist Matthew

Fellows did a wonderful job of walkingus through all the products, answeringquestions and resolving the small transitdamage issues,” summarised Friesen.Rachel Friesen went on to emphasise thepeople element. “Another thing I reallyappreciate about working withTecQuipment is that you are workingwith people, not just with namelessassistance at a generic email address.It’s that personal care and attention thathas never left me feeling that I’m waitingunnecessarily.”

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TecQuipment Ltd, Bonsall Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 2AN, UK

Product Catalogue 2019

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p r o d u c t c a t a l o g u e 2 0 1 9E n g i n e e r i n g E x c e l l e n c e i n E d u c a t i o n

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