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e-mail: [email protected] or contact Sarah Hynd on 07918 978921


Event Date Time Location Details

Parish Council Meeting Thurs 17th Oct 7.30 pm Village Hall All welcome

Parish Council Surgery Sat 19th Oct 10am-11am Village Hall




For many years the barrier to the entrance of the Somerton Road car park has been locked at dusk to

prevent overnight parking. The car park is for the use of people using the playing field and not for

general residents parking. Recently some cars have been parked there at night causing problems with

locking the gate. The gate will be locked at dusk and if a car is left in the car park there is a risk that it

could be locked in all night since there is a sign saying ‘No overnight parking’. The gate is locked to

prevent overnight camping on the car park.

The new Editor of the Newsletter is our Parish Clerk, Sarah Hynd. Contact email address remains the

same, however her phone number is 07918 978921


Are you concerned about what happens in your village? If so, we have a vacancy for an additional Councillor.


For more details please contact: THE PARISH CLERK 07918 978921 OR CHAIRMAN 393749 CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS 12th OCTOBER 2013

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Organisation What we’ve been up to What’s Coming Up

Garden Club Michael/Valerie 393749 2nd Weds 7.30 pm Church Room

Bob Coutts entertained and informed us at our September meeting with a "Gardeners' Question Time" and we certainly kept him busy with a range of questions and problems from our enthusiastic gardeners and no doubt we all learned something new; from how best to get rid of those pernicious weeds to why don't my chickens eat my cabbage white caterpillars. To find out the secrets you'll need to join the Garden Club!

Graeme Simmonds with "History Beneath our Feet" when we will be looking at and trying to identify what strange items we have dug up from our gardens The next Gardening Club meeting will be Wednesday 9th October

In Bloom Jean Neve 393682

Gt Yarmouth in Bloom awards took place in the Town Hall on Friday 13th September. Winterton was awarded a Silver Gilt The Fishermans Return was awarded a Silver Gilt Joyce Pitchford was awarded Silver, basket & window box category. A very special " Thank You " to all Bloomers and Friends who work extremely hard keeping our village looking beautiful --- well done to everybody. Jean Neve Chair, Winterton in Bloom

Please note winter plants arrive on October 22nd.

Quiz Nights 8pm Hermanus Mark Cox – 393302

Next Quiz Thursday 10th October Join us and raise money for Village Groups

WI Joyce Pitchford 393415 3rd Tues monthly 7.30 pm – Church Room

This month John Read giving a talk & slides on the Manufacture of Soap. John & his wife Daphne collected 1200 items (he showed a slide of these in their Front room) he brought with him a collection of boxes of Ipso Rinso,Persil & Robin. Also bars of old soaps like carbolic & sunlight soaps. Years ago soaps were made From 1 part animal fats & 5 parts soda, Bristol was known to be the 1st factory/manufacturer of soap. Elizabeth 1st vowed to have a bath once a month but because of bad diets & hygiene Cholera & Typhoid killed many people so infact soap was a great reformer to wipe out these diseases.

Theatre Royal 27thJanuary 2014 Anything Goes payment due please £28 Christmas Dinner we had a vote & Moments won next month a board will go round & £5 deposit will be required by names on board. October meeting A young college girl has agreed to model for us should be exciting evening Judith is collecting shoe boxes now so please when shopping buy extra items for filling the boxes, e.g. toothbrushes/hairbrushes/puzzle books etc Ages 3-14 boys/girls Harnser meeting Hemsby October 23rd Always a good night out Rig a Jig are appearing, they were excellent at Winterton Church early in the year

901 Troop Marine Cadets Capt Paul Dodson 748395

Winterton on Sea 901 Troop Marine Cadets will be holding their Annual Trafalgar Night on Saturday, October 19 at 7pm at The Lacon Arms, Beach Road, Hemsby. This is always a fantastic enjoyable evening where proceeds go to the Marine Unit which do a great job for the youth of this area. The sumptuous meal will be Roast Beef, Old England with other options available. Punch, Wine and Port will be served and Entertainment provided. Do not be disappointed as early booking will ensure you a place. Tickets are £35 from Paul Dodson on 01493 748395. Website:

WOS Lifeboat Restoration Group Bev Kay – 394954 Volunteer Work parties are held on Weds 1.30-3.30pm and Saturdays 9.30-12.30am

We have had to find somewhere else to store the Lifeboat and after a very long and pretty fruitless search, the Edward Birkbeck will very soon be moved to a private garden where. unfortunately, there will not be public access for the foreseeable future. But please don't forget about us! We will be moving our immediate focus to trying to achieve our own Heritage Centre to house her on a permanent basis alongside a display of village heritage. We are intending to become a Registered Charity which should help us be taken more seriously by other organisations and we will look to set up an online donations system, register for Gift Aid and start searching for Grant funding for the new building. If you want to know more, check out our website, join us on Facebook, call or e-mail us.

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Are you looking after someone?

Are you looking after someone? If you live in Winterton or the surrounding area and are a relation, friend or neighbour who is looking after somebody else who is ill, frail, or has a difficulty or disability then The Winterton Carers Group is for you.

As the Parish Councillor with responsibility for Health matters I am delighted to inform you that, along with 8 other villagers I have found that there is a definite need for this group in the village.

This new group will initially be self funding and will help you find the information you need to support yourself and the person you care for. It will also give you a place to go to so that you can meet with fellow carers and support each other.

The first meeting will take place at the Church Rooms from 2 - 4PM on Wednesday the 16th October 2013, and is open for any carer, their cared for, or anyone else you would like to bring along, you will all be made very welcome

At this first meeting we will put the kettle on, get to know each other and have a talk about how you would like the group to proceed in the future.

If you would like further information please contact,

Brian Jewell 01493 394054 Pam Allen 01493 394365 Bev Hancox 01493 394139

So please come along, bring anyone you like, relax and have great time.

Cllr Brian Jewell

01493 394054

The Highwayman Restaurant at Hermanus is open

throughout the winter From the second week of October we will now be serving Homemade cakes and pastries as well

as offering Breakfasts in the mornings.

Opening times Monday and Tuesday Closed

Wednesday open from 9.30am - 3pm

Thursday - Saturday open from 9.30am - 3pm. Evening bar meals and restaurant open from 6pm-9 pm

Sunday Carvery 12pm-4pm

(Breakfasts served 9.30am - 12pm Wednesday to Saturday)

Also bookings now being taken for Christmas Party nights as well as lunch time


We are open Christmas Day and New Years Eve.......Call a member of our team on 01493 393607 for more

information or email us at [email protected]

The Holyway, Winterton-on-Sea, Norfolk, NR29 4BP

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Winterton Primary School & Nursery has been working closely with a school in France over the past three years. We have shared lessons by videoconference, set up a pen-pal program, hosted teacher exchanges and taken part in a joint residential trip to Paris in the Spring of 2011. The Ecole Jean de la Fontaine is a similar sized school to ours, set in the village of Vabres l’Abbaye which nestles in the rolling countryside of the department of Aveyron, mid-way between the Pyrenees and The Alps. It is a very rural area where the majority of the inhabitants are employed in agriculture, specifically the rearing of the sheep whose milk is made into the famous Roquefort cheese.

I have been lucky enough to visit the school twice, most recently in August of this year. We are planning another joint residential trip for 2014/15 with the French school but this time we will be staying somewhere in England together. The partnership is growing and strengthening each year and it is something that we all value as a means of giving our children a wide range of educational and cultural experiences.

While in France this summer, I was introduced to the mayor of Vabres l’Abbaye and one of his advisers. They were very interested in looking into the possibility of twinning our two villages which would then hopefully give rise to further opportunities for cultural exchanges between members of our two communities. I would like to know if there is sufficient interest in Winterton to further investigate the possibility of a twinning project. Sarah Hynd has very kindly offered to look into the protocol for undertaking such a project and she would really like to hear your views on this proposal, as would I.

I believe it is a rare and exciting opportunity for the children of Winterton Primary School & Nursery and their families and I look forward to hearing if this is something with which the village would like to move forward.

Richard Endall Headteacher of Winterton Primary School & Nursery _________________________________________________________________________________________________

WINTERTON PARISH CHURCH Morning Prayer 9.00am Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. Mass Sundays 9.00am The Church is open as usual during the time the restoration work is in progress. Sunday services as advertised, daily offices as usual and other services as required.

Andrew Fakes Winterton W.W.2 Book is delayed. Andrew has broken his arm and is temporarily out of action. _______________________________________________

Chittlerunners Annual Reunion Lunch 2013 (Descendants of the Winterton Beachmen/fishing men &

beatsters) Saturday 16th November, 12.30pm for 1.00pm Carvery Lunch to

be held at the Hermanus.Price £12.95.

Contact Sandra:01493 393480 To book your ticket. ________________________________________________

Christmas Flower Arranging Workshop

Tuesday 19th November 2013 10.00 am to 3.00pm

To be held in the Church Rooms Winterton on Sea

The workshop is intended to help you be confident about decorating your home for Christmas. At least four arrangements will be demonstrated with the opportunity for you to make them yourselves with assistance. Beverage’s am and pm and lunch are included in the cost of £20 To book Telephone Paula on 01493 393555. There are a maximum of 20 places so book early. Further information will be provided upon booking. All proceeds will go to The Church Tower fund.

Christmas Tree Festival 2013 Saturday 30th November & Sunday 1st December

10.00am-3.00pm Winterton Church

Winterton Church Members would like to make the Christmas

Tree Festival a community event. We would like to take this

opportunity to invite individuals, clubs and businesses to place

a tree in the Church over the weekend. Also those taking part

may like to have a sales table to raise money for their

organization or charity. Tables would be charged at £7.00 a table

to cover heating cost.

If you would like to take part a meeting is being held at the

Church on Friday 4th October at 2.00pm. If you are unable to

attend and would like additional information please contact

Sandra on the phone number above.

Trees do not need to be real and can be made and decorated with

objects to advertise your organization or interest.

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Rectors Ramblings

I love harvest time and the changing colours of autumn. It is a season that conjures up many of my fondest childhood

memories; building straw bale houses (when bales where rectangular), stubble-bomb fights (good natured), using willow

sticks to catapult crab apples, trudging over ploughed fields and many, many more. The days before elfin safety! I

remember collecting fallen branches to make ready the community bonfire for fireworks night, the smell of baked spuds,

oxtail soup; memories, and so many of them, becoming ever distant, but still there.

More recent memories are the wonderful events that you have managed to mastermind in our villages: traditional village

fetes, meals together, outdoor services, concerts, craft fayres and much, much more. Times when villages truly become

dynamic and vibrant, when communities come together to support each other and when we can truly say that rural life is

alive, God is in His heaven and all is well!

It never ceases to amaze me how much rural folk offer with little thanks or recognition; doing Christ’s work often without

even knowing it, unsung heroes or perhaps, more aptly, unsung saints. I guess theirs are lives that really do sing-out the

Christian message of neighbourly love in which the whole imperative of Christian mission is founded and acted-out. The

atrocities in Syria have been comprehensively reported over the past days and many of us will have looked at the images of

children and ordinary citizens suffering from the effects of alleged chemical warfare. The hurt, pain and suffering are

unimaginable to many of us. But whilst we do not engage in such atrocities in this country we do, as individuals have

immense capacity to hurt each other and cause great pain and suffering through the simple things – words, actions and

thoughts. Love your neighbour as you would wish to be loved – neighbourly love and unsung saints…worth a thought?

Harvest is a time of thanksgiving for the richness of God’s bounty given to us freely through His love for each one of us. It is

a time in the year when we can celebrate that love and our care for others around us. Autumn is a season for eyes to be re-

touched with changing vision of colours. It is time we as individuals, communities (including churches) and nations looked

once again at that love and globally, started to reinstate God’s once and for all time giving of His Son Jesus Christ, wasn’t

that enough?

Let me end with this poem by Ian M Fraser:

The saints of God are down our street and round God’s throne of light.

There’s some with formidable minds and some just live aright: together in God’s family their different gifts unite.

Their efforts gain no accolades, they simply earn that grace

which heals the world of many sores, renews its battered face-

through such who live and love and care in their own time and place.

They serve at checkouts, empty bins; they teach and make and mend;

they feed the hungry back from school, the victimised defend;

to voiceless folk they lend an ear and immigrants befriend.

When death comes knocking at their door they’ll look at Christ askance – how could such ordinary lives his Kingdom ends advance?

But Christ will say “It’s party time – come, friends, and join my dance.”

God bless

Revd Eoin Buchanan

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Winterton Church Tower Restoration Fund

David Higgins author of 'The Winterton Story' and 'Winterton Remembered' presented a cheque for £1000 to Winterton Church P.C.C., for the tower Restoration Fund. Jane Jackson (treasurer/organist) and Sandra Laws (Church Warden) are seen receiving the cheque. The P.C. would like to thank all businesses that have sold the book without taking commission and all individuals who continue to support the Restoration Appeal. Copies of the books can be purchased in the Village from 'The Beach Cafe', ‘The Fish and Chip Shop' and 'The Hermanus'. Copies are still available. The books can also be obtained from Sandra 01493 393480 and can be posted with postal charge added.

Help Needed: Subject: 1892 - Death of Coastguard of Winterton Mr Clive Treacher is trying to research the circumstances surrounding the death of his Great Grandfather Frank Quirk who was a Coastguard in Sea Palling (where he is buried). Mr Quirk perished on a rescue in late 1892. His son was born just after his death. He drowned at Winterton. If anyone has any knowledge or information regarding this sad event, please contact Mr Treacher at [email protected] or 020 8530 3445


Eastern Lights, Beach Road, Winterton on Sea Tel: 01493 393913 Mob: 07879 842818

We are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week Your local Winterton Plumbing/Heating Company

Co Reg No. C12368 Technician Reg No. C29910

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Nine residents were welcomed to the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 19th September 2013 together with Cllr


1. Public discussion:

A Resident enquired when the top of King Street was going to be repaired. The Chairman confirmed that Highways are looking into this (and other Highways issues in the village). The Chairman and Clerk will meet with Robert West (Highway Engineer Norfolk County Council) on Wednesday 25

th September to discuss all the

outstanding issues, including a visit to King Street to survey the damage.

A Resident questioned why a planning application approved by the Parish Council for a property in Winterton has now been refused by the Borough council. The resident questioned whether planning applications are looked at. The Chairman confirmed that all planning applications are reviewed but that timing is an issue as the Borough set a time limit of two weeks for review and comments to be received. Although the Parish Council request extensions if the deadline is prior to the Parish Council Meeting, extensions are rarely granted by GYBC.

A Resident asked why the Village has two websites. The Chairman confirmed that most of the Parish Council information is posted on to the site (the official village website run by a webmaster) and that the website is run by a resident and that the Parish Council has no control over the content of this site.

2. To receive a report from the County/Borough Councillors

Cllr Weymouth stated that you can contact the Planning Departments regarding Planning Applications and deadlines for comments, but generally deadlines are not extended.

3. To receive a report from the PCSO: -

The PCSO was not present but the Chairman noted that there were four reported crimes: An attempted break-in at the Cricket Pavilion - Somerton Road, a burglary at a property on the Holway where computers and other items were stolen. A burglary at a property on the Somerton Road where tools were taken and a theft from the Bush Road area where items were stolen from a washing line.

In addition there were 22 routine calls to the police.

4. Planning Applications:

To consider planning applications and review planning permissions: -


06/13/0226/F Proposed residential development of site to comprise 2 no.Bungalows and 2 no chalet style

bungalows. Bulmer Lane, Winterton on Sea – GYBC Approved

06/13/0151/F Proposed internal alterations, extensions and formation of rooms in roof space for disabled

persons. Harmony Patch, Bush Road, Winterton on Sea – GYBC Approved

06/13/0433/F Demolition of ‘Tinho’ and associated buildings, proposed new function room with

upstairs seating. New en-suite letting rooms within roof. Fishermans Return, The Lane, Winterton on Sea.

The Parish Council has no objections

Date of next meeting : Thursday 17th

October in the Village Hall from 7.30p.m.

Contact details for your Parish Councillors


Chairman: Michael Blake – 393749 Parish Clerk: Sarah Hynd – 07918 978921 Mike Ross – 394996 Ayeshia Hammond – 394174 John Allen – 394365 Christine Iles – 393224 Brian Jewell – 394054 Emma Punchard – 394323

Maxine Jones – 393616

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Witches Brew (Pea and Bacon Chowder)


1 tbsp olive oil

onion, finely


1 garlic clove,


650g frozen petits


750ml vegetable


6 rashers streaky


1 tbsp butter,



Heat the oil in a saucepan. Add the onion and

gently cook over a medium heat for 5-6 mins until

softened but not coloured. Add the garlic and cook

for a further min. Stir in three-quarters of the petit

pois, then pour in the stock. Bring to the boil and

simmer for 10-12 mins. Meanwhile, grill the bacon

until crisp.

Allow to cool for a few mins, then carefully transfer

to a food processor and whizz until smooth. You

might need to do this in two batches, depending on

the size of your processor.

Return the soup to the pan and add the remaining

petit pois. Bring to the boil and simmer for 2 mins or

until the whole peas are tender. Season to taste,

then stir in the butter, if using. Break the bacon

into pieces and scatter over bowls or mugs of soup.

The soup can be made up to a day ahead; just grill

the bacon on the day.


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