Download - Proceedings-Vol 12 No 03-Jan-Feb-Mar-1981 (George Van Tassel)

  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 12 No 03-Jan-Feb-Mar-1981 (George Van Tassel)


    I T ['fBfB mlll i l l t j ~OF THE


    The Voice of the lntegratronOur 27th year of publicat ion IJANUARY - FEBRUARY - MARCH - 1981 NO. 3

    IN MEMORIAMInduction Maich 12, 1910

    short circuit February 9, 1978George W. Van Tassel.was the primary builder of the INTEGRATRON. Through

  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 12 No 03-Jan-Feb-Mar-1981 (George Van Tassel)


    NOTICE TO MEMBERSThe Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc, and the Research Membershipassociated within the College, are not associated with any others , , ,church, organization , or corporation. The fu l l project Integratronis a direct and continuing program that is an outgrowth of the ORIGINALFORMULA given to George W Van Tassel by Solgonda, The ideals remainthe same and the God Power in the reason for this project continue also,I t is th is Power that we r e c o g n i z ~ in the schedule for finalizing andfor use, The calender does not program us, This is a r ight not awant s i tuat ion, Man would be too self ish for proper judgements at th isphase I t is obvious that man does not fool God with human ideas,Weei ther evolve in the way of His Per-petual Progression, or go backwardto man choice, , Wisdom is not conf1ned to the s ize , age, or even theplace of a happening, Babies and children often express wisdom bette r than adults,God provides Man divides, The formula for the Integratron was givenand the attempts by man or a group only ~ to change the patterninvolved with external physical phases, We learned again recentlyfinalizing would be under Specific Authority and tha t the rea l issuewas not a date on a calender page, but sequences of more than ourown planet e c ~ i o n . Many see a calender marked with dates of theirown wants, Earth folk seldom l ive with a very high form of knowing &being acquainted with those of greater and broader concepts than i sours is wonderful,

    "PROCEEDINGS" - mailed f ree to those reques t ing it and who f inanc i a l l y support cos t and pr in t ing by donat ions . Checks & moneyorders ver i fy your c on t r ibu t ion . There i s no subsc r i p t i on ra te .A ll donat ions , money-orders , checks, and bequests should be madeto th e Minis t ry o f Universa l Wisdom Inc . "PROCEEDINGS" - publ ished by th e Minis t ry o f Univer sa l Wisdom In c . ,

    D r a w e r " ~ " Yucca Val ley , Cal i fo rn i a , USA Business & E d i t o r i a l o f f i ce s :Minis t ry Off i ce Building P re s i den t & Edi to r : Mrs. Dorris (Geo.W) Van Tasse l . Secre tary: Edwin Wrenchey.NO SOLICITORS & REPRESENTATIVES EMPLOYED OR AUTHORIZEDManuscr ip t s & photographs by members and f r i ends to be accompaniedby se l f - addressed , stamped envelope. Please address que s t ions ,g i f t s , e tc . , concerning publ ica t ion d i rec t ly to Edi t o r .

    (Al l r igh t s reserved , inc luding t r a n s l a t i o n s . )THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC.

    phone (714) 364-2784 - evenings - 6 to 9Drawer "G" Yucca Valley, Cal i fo rn ia 92284


  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 12 No 03-Jan-Feb-Mar-1981 (George Van Tassel)


    ~ o l d e n Density

  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 12 No 03-Jan-Feb-Mar-1981 (George Van Tassel)




    Permit No . 17

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