Download - Prison - Planning for Release Factsheet.pdf

  • 8/16/2019 Prison - Planning for Release Factsheet.pdf


  • 8/16/2019 Prison - Planning for Release Factsheet.pdf



    1. What is resettlement?

    Resettlement is the word used by prisons and probation services whenyou leave prison and go back into the community. Resettlement shouldmean that services support you and your family to prepare for life afterprison. Support can come from the prison such as the resettlement team,

    the National Probation Service (NPS), Community Rehabilitation Company(CRC) and voluntary agencies such as charities.

    There might be different things to do when you leave prison, such asgetting help for your mental health, finding a job, applying for benefits andfinding somewhere to live. If you have support, it can make getting backinto the community easier. You can help to prepare for your release bythinking about your plans during your sentence.


    2. How do I get help for my mental health?

    Treatment for your mental health might need to continue when you arereleased. It is important that the prison healthcare team refer you toservices on release if your treatment needs to continue. They can only dothis if you give them your permission.

     Your GP

    You may already be registered with a GP in the community. The prisonhealthcare team could update them on the treatment you have beengetting.

    If you do not have a GP, the prison healthcare staff should help you toregister with one. The prison healthcare team should also make sure thatyou have enough medication until you are able to get a prescription fromyour GP.1 

    Community Mental Health Team (CMHT)

    CMHTs can give care and treatment for people who have severe mentalillness. You may have been getting treatment from a CMHT before goinginto prison. The prison healthcare team should update them on what

    healthcare you got in prison. They should make sure that a care plan is inplace ready for your release.

    If you were not with a CMHT before going into prison, the prisonhealthcare team can refer you to one. They can do this if they feel thisservice could help you. You would need to give your permission for themto do this. 2 

     Your rights to services

    You have the same rights to health, housing and community care servicesas anyone else. Local authorities have to assess someone who may have

    community care needs. This can include support in the community. Anyone can contact the local authority and ask for you to be assessed.

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    The prison, you, a friend or relative or another professional that you are incontact with could ask for an assessment.3 

    You can find more information about:  Healthcare in prison 

      Care Programme Approach 

      Community Mental Health Teams   Community Care 

    at Or call 0121 522 7007 and ask for the information tobe sent to you.


    3. How and when do I get released from prison?

    How and when you are released will depend on the type of sentence you

    are serving. Some sentences are determinate. This means they have anend date. Others are indeterminate, which means there is no fixed enddate.

    Determinate Sentences

    If your sentence has an end date, you will usually be released halfwaythrough your sentence. The National Probation Service (NPS) orCommunity Rehabilitation Company (CRC) will supervise you when youare in the community.

    Indeterminate Sentences

    If your sentence does not have an end date, the parole board will decidewhen you are released from prison. Your Offender Supervisor will tell youwhat your sentence plan is and what you need to do before release. Yoursentence plan could include you doing things in prison such as educationand offender behaviour programmes. It is important to do the things onyour sentence plan.


    You can apply for parole if you have a sentence of four years or more or ifyour sentence does not have an end date. The court will give you aminimum amount of time for you to spend in prison before applying forparole. This is called your tariff. The parole board decides to release youbased on information such as:

      your offence or offences,

      your home situation,

      your plans for release,

      your behaviour in prison, and

      reports from prison staff including healthcare and probation staff.4 

    If you have things in place such as housing, work or education, and asupport network such as friends and relatives, it may be more likely foryou to get parole.

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    4. How can I plan for my release?

    It is a good idea to think about your release before your release date. Itcan take time for you to arrange things for when you leave prison. It may

    be difficult to think about release, but there are some small things you cando to prepare.

    Make the most of your time in prison

    There should be things to do in prison, such as education, training, sports,and jobs. These things will give you skills and experience ready for whenyou leave. This can be helpful if you want to look for work, education ortraining opportunities on release.

    Good behaviour

    It is important not to get into trouble in prison. Prison staff may record anyincident you are involved in. Staff will look at these records if you apply forparole or ROTL (Release on Temporary Licence). They can consider anyadjudications or ‘nickings’ (disciplinary hearings) you have had, and yourlevel of entitlements (basic, standard or enhanced).

    Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL)

    ROTL means you can do things outside the prison, such as education,training, work and spending time with family. These activities can helpresettlement.

    It is important to remember that ROTL is a privilege, it is not a right. Not allprisons will have this system. ROTL is available for compassionatereasons, for example, visiting a sick relative, going to a funeral or medicalappointments. It may be available for overnight release to see family andchildcare (if you have responsibility for a child under 16).

    The prison will risk assess you before deciding to give you ROTL. Not allprisoners can have ROTL. For example, you cannot apply for ROTL if youare a Category A prisoner, if you are on remand or convicted and un-sentenced. If you want to apply for ROTL, ask your prison how you can dothis.

    Think about housing

    If you have nowhere to live on release, the resettlement team or Probationstaff can help you. If you have children or vulnerable, you may be placedon a priority housing list. There are four main types of accommodation:

      general needs housing (including social or council housing),

      hostels and supported accommodation,

      private rented accommodation, and

      family and friends.

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    You can find more information about ‘Housing Options’ Or call 0121 522 7007 and ask for the information to besent to you.

    Education, training or work

    Think about what you want to do on release. If you would like to do

    education, training or work, you could start looking for these opportunitiesin prison. The resettlement department or ROTL (Release on TemporaryLicence) scheme could help.

    The education department in prison may be able to help you write a CVand fill out application forms for work and training. It can be harder to get a job with a criminal record. Some jobs have rules about hiring someonewith previous convictions, such as when working with children orvulnerable people.

    Volunteering may be a good idea if you do not feel ready for work yet.There are different things you can do to volunteer. Volunteering can giveyou an up to date reference and help with your wellbeing by doingsomething that you enjoy.

    You can find more information about  Criminal Record Checks

      Criminal Convictions – How and When to Tell Others

      Work and Mental Illness

    at Or call 0121 522 7007 and ask for the information to

    be sent to you.

    Think about benefits

    You might be able to apply for a number of benefits when released fromprison. These include housing benefit, child tax credits, employment anddisability related benefits. It is important to go to your local Jobcentre Pluson release and tell them your current situation

    Some prisons have benefit specialists that you could speak to for advice. Ifthere is not a benefit specialist, the resettlement team should be able tohelp and contact the relevant authorities for you.

    You can find more information about ‘Prison – What happens while I amin prison’ and ‘Welfare benefits and mental illness’ at Or call 0121 522 7007 and ask for the information to be sent to you.


    5. Who can help me plan for release?

    There are people and organisations that can help you think about yourrelease from prison.

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    Resettlement Workers

     A lot of prisons have resettlement departments. They can give youinformation and advice on things such as housing, work and benefits. Staffmay be prison officers who have had resettlement training, or staff from anorganisation outside of the prison. They could refer you to services in thecommunity and give you helpful information.

    National Probation Service (NPS) / Community RehabilitationCompany (CRC)

    You will be supervised when you are released from prison. Thissupervision will be by the National Probation Service (NPS) or aCommunity Rehabilitation Company (CRC). The NPS will supervise you ifyou are a high risk offender. A CRC will supervise you if you are a low tomedium risk offender.

    They will help you when released from prison. This can include getting

    help for your mental health, finding housing, applying for benefits andwork.

    The probation team in a prison is based in the Offender Management Unit(OMU) and you will have an Offender Supervisor. They can help youduring your sentence and as you plan for release. You should meet anOffender Supervisor quite soon after arriving at prison.

    You may be released from prison with conditions. This could be that youare on licence, or on a ‘tag’ (known as Home Detention Curfew). Yourlocal NPS or CRC in the community will monitor and support you. In the

    community, you will be supervised by someone known as a ProbationOfficer or Offender Manager.

    Family and Friends

    If you have a good relationship with family and friends, you might want toinvolve them as much as possible. They could be a good support networkfor you once you are back in the community. They may be able to help youwith appointments, give you somewhere to live or speak with services foryou such as probation and healthcare. They also offer that extra bit ofencouragement if you are finding it difficult to return to normal life in the


    You could ask the resettlement workers or probation staff to contact themcertain people if you want them involved.

    Resettlement Projects and ‘Through the Gate’ Services 

    Some organisations or charities provide a mentoring scheme for when youare released from prison. These can include a ‘Through the Gate’ service.Someone from the service can meet you at the prison gates on yourrelease. They will support you with appointments and refer you to servicesin the community. Ask the resettlement workers if your prison has this



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    6. What happens when I leave prison?

    The National Probation Service (NPS) or a local Community RehabilitationCompany (CRC) will supervise you. This will depend on your level of risk.The NPS will supervise you if you are a high risk offender. The CRC willsupervise you if you are a low to medium risk offender.

     A Offender Manager will supervise you. Their role is to:

      monitor you in the community,  help you with any problems such as:

    o  housing,o  your mental health,o  drugs or alcohol,

      tell the court if you do not meet any conditions put on you.

    It is important to keep appointments with your Offender Manager. If you

    miss more than one you can be sent back to court. The court could giveyou further punishment.

    Serving some of your sentence in the community

    In some cases, you may be able to serve some of your sentence in prisonand the rest in the community under supervision. This depends on thetype of sentence you are serving (see section 3).

    The prison and probation service will assess your risk. You may have tomeet certain conditions, and this is known as being ‘on licence’. 

    On Licence

    If you are released before the end of your sentence, you will be on licence.Probation will ask you to sign a piece of paper which says you understandthe conditions you need to meet. These could include:

      living at a certain address,

      not meeting up with certain people,

      staying away from certain areas, and

      meeting with healthcare services or drug and alcohol services.

    The conditions should be related to your offence. It is important to keep tothese conditions. If you do not, you may be recalled (returned) back toprison.

    Home Detention Curfew (‘On Tag’) 

    You could be released from prison ‘on tag’ if you are serving a sentencemore than three months and less than four years.5 You must sign alicence which says you have to stay at an address between certain times.This is known as a curfew. This may be known as being “on tag” becauseyou have electronic device on your ankle. Contractors such as Serco or

    G4S will fit the electronic bracelet and install monitoring equipment at youraddress. This will record when you enter and leave the address. If you donot meet the times of your curfew, the tag will notify the contractors andthe police may bring you back to prison. This is being recalled.

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    There is a Home Detention Curfew helpline: 0203 334 5043 and 0203 3345044 for general advice on the process.6 

    What else should I consider?

    BelongingsThe prison should return all the things you came in with, including clothing.If your clothes don’t fit anymore, the prison should give you clothes if theycan. You have to sign for your things, so make sure that nothing ismissing.


    The prison may give you a travel warrant and/or discharge grant whenleaving prison. A travel warrant will pay for your travel back home. Theywill also give you any money you have saved or earned in prison.

     A discharge grant can help with living expenses for your release. This canhelp with things such as emergency housing.


    7. What is MAPPA (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements)and does it apply to me?

    MAPPA involves the police, the National Probation Service (NPS), prison

    service and other agencies, such as mental health services. It managesviolent and sexual offenders in the community.

    Who is managed through MAPPA?

    There are three groups of offenders that MAPPA applies to/

      Anyone who is on the Sex Offenders Register. 

      Violent and sex offenders who have sentences of 12 months or

    more in prison or hospital who and are in the community with

    probation supervision.

      Other dangerous offenders who are considered by probation to be

    a risk of serious harm to the public. This may be if you committed

    an offence in the past that caused serious harm and your current

    behaviour is concerning.7 

    How does MAPPA work?

    The probation service will assess your risk and decide if MAPPA shouldmanage you. If MAPPA manages you the probation service decide thelevel of management you need by appropriate services.

    There are three levels and your level can change. If you are level 1MAPPA, one or two agencies may manage you. If you are level 3 MAPPA,

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    a number of senior people from several agencies could manage you. Theywill meet regularly and review your needs.

    How does this affect me?

    MAPPA can help with your needs such as mental illness, drug or alcoholproblems and housing issues. MAPPA is there to protect the public and

    help you settle into the community.

    You do not go to MAPPA meetings, but it is important that you work withthe agencies they ask you to.

    How long will I be on MAPPA?

    This depends on which category you are in. If you are a:

      registered sex offender, you are on MAPPA until your

    “registration” ends,

      violent and other sex offender, you are on MAPPA until your

    licence or hospital order (including any restriction order) ends,


      dangerous offender, you are on MAPPA until the agencies

    involved decide that your level of risk has reduced enough8. 

    What if I disagree with being on MAPPA?

    If you feel that you shouldn’t be on MAPPA, you can speak to yourOffender Manager. They can answer any questions you have about



    8. Sources of Support

    This factsheet mentions different people and organisations that can helpyou while in prison and the community.

    Some of these services are in ‘Useful Contacts’. Some prisons let you visitsome websites on the internet. If your prison does not let you do this, you

    could ask a member of staff, relative or friend to look into theseorganisations for you.

    Some of the phone numbers are free for you to call from a prison phone,but you will have to ask for the numbers to be included on your PIN phonelist. You could ask a member of staff to make a copy of this factsheet soyou can take a copy when released.

    Healthcare and Mental Health Services

    HafalThey work with individuals recovering from serious mental illness and theirfamilies in Wales.

    Telephone: 01792 832400

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    Address: Lon Catwg, Pontardawe, Neath, Port Talbot, SA8 3DXEmail: [email protected] Website: 

    NHS 111

    They can help if you are feeling unwell or provide information on localhealth services. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Callsare free from landlines and mobile phones.

    Telephone: 111

    Revolving Doors AgencyThey deliver regional projects in England for people with multiple problemsincluding poor mental health who are in contact with the criminal justicesystem.

    Telephone: 020 7407 0747Address: 4th Floor, 291-299 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1JGEmail: [email protected] Website: 

    Together A national charity working with people with mental health issues. You cansearch for services on its website.

    Telephone: 020 7780 7300Address: 12 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BEEmail: [email protected] Website: 

    Drug and Alcohol Services

    Rehabilitation for Addicted Prisoners Trust (RAPt)Delivers drug and alcohol services in prisons and communities.

    Telephone: 020 3752 5560Address: The Foundry, 2nd Floor, 17 Oval Way, London, SE11 5RREmail: [email protected] Website: 

    Work and Volunteering

    Apex TrustHelps people with criminal records to find jobs or self-employment.

    Telephone: 01744 612 898

    Address: Tontine House, 24 Church Street, St. Helens, Merseyside WA101BDEmail: [email protected] Website: 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]

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    Start Up A programme that offers ex-offenders, and those about to be releasedfrom prison, the opportunity to become self-employed.

    Telephone: 020 7259 0190Address: Elizabeth Street Enterprise Centre, 21-23 Elizabeth Street,London, SW1W 9RPEmail: [email protected] Website: 

    Ex-offender organisations

    Just MentoringProvides a list of local mentoring services for prisoners and ex-offenders inthe community. A mentor can help you find services in your area andsupport you when leaving prison.

    Telephone: 03300 882877Address: c/o Mentoring and Befriending Foundation, Suite 1, 4th Floor, 3Universal Square, Devonshire Street North, Manchester, M12 6JHEmail: [email protected] Website: 


    Provides a range of services across England and Wales. You can searchfor local services on its website.

    Telephone: 0300 123 1889Resettlement Advice Service: 0300 123 1999Address: First Floor, 46 Loman Street, London, SE1 0EHEmail: [email protected] Website: 

    Prisoners’ Advice Service

     A legal charity who can provide information on your rights and representyou in some cases.

    Telephone: 0207 253 3323 or 0845 430 8923Address: PAS, PO Box 46199, London, EC1M 4XAEmail: [email protected] Website: 

    Prison Reform TrustThe advice and information service can give information on prison rules,

    life in prison, your rights, prison conditions and how to get help in prison.

    Telephone: 0207 251 5070

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]

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    Free phone line for prisoners: 0808 802 0060 (freephone and you donot need to put it on your pin. Monday 3:30pm - 7:30pm, Tuesday andThursday 3:30pm - 5:30pm.)Address: Prison Reform Trust, FREEPOST ND 6125, London, EC1B 1PN Email: [email protected] Website: 

    St Giles TrustProvides a range of support, such as mentoring, help with benefits,housing, finding a job and maintaining ties with family.

    Telephone: 020 7703 7000Address: 64-68 Camberwell Church Street, London, SE5 8JBEmail: [email protected] Website:

    Unlock A charity and membership organisation, led by reformed offenders. Itprovides information on many topics including how being in prison affectsbenefits and housing, banking, insurance and employment.

    Telephone: 01634 247350 (helpline for people with convictions) or text07824 113848Address: Maidstone Community Support Centre, 39-48 Marsham Street,Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1HHEmail: [email protected] Website: 


    Langley Housing Trust A Christian charity that provides resettlement accommodation for ex-offenders and those at risk of offending. It also delivers resettlementprojects.

    Telephone: 03330 035 025Address: Langley House Trust, PO Box 181, Witney, Oxon, OX28 6WDEmail: [email protected] Website: 

    Prison Link CymruHelps Welsh prisoners who are homeless.


    North WalesTelephone: 01978 317 911Address: Shelter Cymru, PO Box 2293, Wrexham, LL11 0FBEmail: [email protected] / [email protected] 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]

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    Prisoners detained at HMP Swansea and HMP and YOI ParcTelephone: 01792 460 609 Address: Gwalia Care and Support, 7-13 The Kingsway, Swansea, SA15JNEmail:  [email protected] 

    Prisoners detained at HMP Cardiff, HMP Prescoed, HMP Usk andHMP Eastwood ParkTelephone: 02920 776 000 Address: Fountain House, Fountain Lane, St Mellons, Cardiff, CF3 0FBEmail: [email protected] 

    ShelterCan provide information and advice on housing and homelessness.

    Telephone Free Housing Advice Helpline: 0808 800 4444 (8am-8pmMonday-Friday and 8am-5pm Saturday-Sunday)Address: 88 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HUEmail: [email protected] Website: 

    Shelter CymruCan provide information and advice on housing and homelessness inWales.

    Telephone Support Line: 0845 075 5005Address: 25 Walter Road, Swansea, SA1 5NNWebsite: 

    Women OffendersWomen in Prison Supports and campaigns for women offenders and ex-offenders. They cangive advice on housing, education, mental health, legal rights, work,benefits, debt, domestic violence and more.

    Telephone: 0800 953 0125 (freephone for women in prison) or020 7359 6674Address: FREEPOST RSLB-UABE-TYRT, Women in Prison, Unit 10, TheIvories, 6 Northampton Street, London, N1 2HYWebsite: 


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    You can find more information on  –about:

      Prison – Going in

      Prison - What happens while I am in prison

      Healthcare in Prison

      Complaints about prison

      Complaints about probation

      Criminal Record Checks

      Criminal Convictions – How and When to Tell Others

      Housing Options

      Work and Mental Illness

      Welfare Benefits and Mental Illness

    Or call 0121 522 7007 and ask for a copy to be sent to you.

    1 HM Prison Service (2006). PSO 3050 Continuity of Healthcare for Prisoners. London:Department of Health. Page 15. 2 As note 1

    3 Department of Health. Care and Support Statutory Guidance Issued under the Care Act

    2014. para 17.274 HM Prison Service (2005). PSO 6000 Parole.  [May 2013] 5 HM Prison Service (2010). PSO 6700 Home detention curfew. [June 2015]6 HM Prison Service (2013). PSO 6700 Home Detention Curfew. [May 2013] 


     s325, Criminal Justice Act 2003 c44..8 Ministry of Justice (2012) MAPPA Guidance 2012, version 4. London: Ministry ofJustice.

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