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Principle FilmingA2 Media Music Video

Page 2: Principle Filming

Lip Syncing Scenes

• First we began by filming the lip-syncing scenes in the TV Studio using the green screen. I set up one camera to film straight on and had the actor move into various positions for each take. Using the program TriCaster I added a white background which I’m then going to overlay clips onto. During filming we have a screen inside the studio with a preview of what was being filmed so the actor could make sure they were always in frame. We also had the music playing in the studio which made the lip-syncing to the track easier.

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Powder Paint Scenes

• We then set up the background for the powder paint scenes which was a white sheet hung up and taped in front of the green screen and plastic covering a large area of the floor and lighting equipment. I used three cameras for this scene to capture the action from various angles that I would later cut together in editing. I then made sure I was out of shot and threw multi-coloured powder paints at the actor from different positions. I also made sure to that it went on the sheet and floor to create a colourful setting around her. When I come to edit these I’ll most likely adjust the lighting as I think it may have been too bright during filming.

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Paint Pouring Scenes

• For the last scene in the TV Studio we cleared away the sheets and white background and replaced it with a black curtain and a chair for the actor to sit on. I thought the black would contrast nicely with the pastel colours of her hair and clothing. I then stood on a stool next to the chair and poured a pot of blue paint mixed with water over her head. I used two cameras for this shot, one facing directly forwards and a close up angle from the side. I think overall the principle filming went well and I got some effective shots that I’m going to use in my final music video.