Download - Preventing conflict through better communication[1]

Page 1: Preventing conflict through better communication[1]

Tom MosesTom Moses

Jessica BarlowJessica Barlow

Nakisha FlorenceNakisha Florence

Page 2: Preventing conflict through better communication[1]

All divisions and departments must group together, in separate locations. Everyone identify yourselves with your supervisor.

Each person pick 1 person to exchange information from your original group.

Each person then pick a single person from each of the other groups and exchange information.

5 Minute time limit to return to your original groups.

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–noun1.the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated.

2.the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.

3.something imparted, interchanged, or transmitted.

4.a document or message imparting news, views, information, etc.

5.passage, or an opportunity or means of passage, between places.

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con·flict   –verb come into collision or disagreement;

be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; clash: The account of one eyewitness conflicted with that of the other. My class conflicts with my going to the concert. fight or contend; do battle.

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Effective communication creates an efficient atmosphere where ideas and information are shared between groups without hesitation.

Conflict arises from a breakdown in that communication cycle.

We will reproduce the cycle of communications through several activities.

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There are four modules set across the room, each with its own activity, the goal today is to make it through these activities and see just how communication in the workplace can help and hinder our activities.

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Communication and the Common Goal!

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The group is directed to form a seemingly random chain. By locking arms with individuals as directed by the module

leader, the group will form what appears to be a tangled chain.

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On the floor under the group is a plastic loop. The goal of this exercise is to move the loop from it’s starting position, to a

marked position only 10 feet away.

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Once movement begins, the ring cannot stop.

The chain cannot be broken and must stay intact at all time.

The ring can only touch the floor in the beginning or the ending position, at no other time may it touch the ground.

The group must deliver the ring to its ending position in less than 10 minutes.

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Your Time limit is 10 minutes…


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The effect here is to show you that no matter how big a mess something might seem at the beginning, all it takes is effective communication to make it work out for the best!

What were some things that were done well?

What were some things that could be improved?

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Communication's effect on the big picture!

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Previously we saw how communication can effect the outcome of a seemingly difficult task. Now we will see how

ineffective communication can hinder even something that seems easy.

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As you will see, there are several tables with 5 chairs around them. We will choose at random who will sit where.

In front of each place setting there is a pile of jigsaw pieces. The object of this game is to assemble your portion of the puzzle without any help from your peers sitting at the table.

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Note, some of these pieces do not belong to your section.

The first rule in this part of the exercise is no verbal or non-verbal communication may take place.

Secondly, each individual is free to take six pieces of the puzzle from the individual sitting to their right; however, those pieces cannot be returned. All motion will be clockwise.

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Your time limit for this section is 3 minutes to build as much of your section as you



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For this next section, you have 2 minutes to barter the other members of your table for any pieces you think you might need to assemble your pieces.

You are free to give away whatever pieces you think will aid another person, but each member must assemble their own section of the puzzle!

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You have 2 minutes, on my mark!


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Just as with the first part, you all have 3 minutes to assemble your portions of the puzzle without speaking.

This time, you are free to remove 6 pieces from the person sitting to your left if they appear to match your puzzle. This time the counter clockwise motion is in effect.

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You have 3 minutes, on my mark!


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You all have sections of your puzzle put together at this point. The final portion of this module is putting together the whole picture.

You have 2 minutes to piece together the entire puzzle with the help of your group.

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You have 2 minutes, on my mark!


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Even though the task seems simple, poor communication can effect the way the task is completed. As individuals only work for themselves instead of the team, it’s much more difficult to complete a big picture assignment.

What were some things that were done well? What were some things that could be


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Trust while navigating the minefield!

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Throughout our busy lives, we find many things that hinder our efforts and even stop us in our tracks. Sometimes we

need to rely on others in order to complete whatever tasks we might need

to accomplish.

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This module each group will be broken into pairs, one person will be blindfolded while the other is the navigator.

The object of this module is to move as many people through the minefield without disrupting the obstacles in the way.

Navigators may only use single word commands, and if any object is disrupted the pair must start completely over.

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You have 10 minutes to move each member of your team through the

obstacles, the team with the most people through the maze at the end of the time

limit wins!

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You have 10 minutes, on my mark!


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Though sometimes our tasks might seem menial, teamwork facilitates a better experience for the entire group. Even working in pairs a complicated job becomes much simpler through effective communication and good teamwork!

What were some things that were done well?

What were some things that could be improved?

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Communicating the big picture through smaller pictures!

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In this game, groups will sit at a table and build a story, one picture at a time!

In the center of the table there is a stack of pictures facing down. Each person must pick up one picture and without showing it to anyone come up with a contribution to the story as its builds from the rest of the team.

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Only the person that picked up the picture may see it. Do not, under any circumstances show the rest of your group.

Each member must contribute to the story, no member is allowed to pass.

The motion begins clockwise with the starting player, and with each successive turn around the table each player draws a new picture from the stack at the center of the table.

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You have 10 minutes, on my mark!


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In this assessment, we see that ideas flow from the most unlikely source and that effective communication exists within all of us if we simply take the time and give it a chance. Our stories today may not make a lot of sense, but imagine if everyone had a more complete picture of what was happening along the lines?

What were some things that were done well? What were some things that could be


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Conflict is born from poor communication and our inability to deal with situations

which arise and throw us off our routines. Though we might dismiss the role of

communication from day to day, I would hope that today we see how effective and

ineffective communication helps and hurts our efforts in the workplace.

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As conflicts in the workplace grow, try to think about what sort of things might

be averted if we would only slow down and talk to one another instead of

ignoring the possibilities.

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Conflict Resolution (Dana, 2001)

Emerging Systems for Managing Workplace Conflict (Lipsky, Seeber, Fincher, 2003)

Capitalizing on Conflict (Blackard, Gibson, 2002)