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Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

By: Christina Chapan

The plantar fascia is a band of connecting fiber that originates at the heel and goes to the bottom of the toes.

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

It facilitates warm-ups of balance, stability, running, walking, and cardiovascular warm-ups.

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

Plantar faciitis is a condition where the plantar is overstretched; it results in pain that comes from micro-tears and inflammation to the fascia.

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

Some of the causes of plantar faciitis include

improper shoes, wear or tight ankles or calves,

increasing vigorous activity more than 10% in a week, and vigorous activity such

as running, jumping, or pounding on the bottom of

the foot.

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

Tight hamstrings, calves, and shins and stress placed on the plantar faciitis cause plantar faciitis.

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

Some great exercises to prevent or rehabilitate

the plantar faciitis include:

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

1. Toe graspingCurl the toes and imagine

you are grabbing something with the toes of

each foot.

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

2. Towel CurlGrab a towel by curling the toes under. Make sure your heel stays on the floor.

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

3. Marble Pick-upsHave marbles in a cup and try to pick them up with your toes. For a variation, try different sizes of coins.

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

4. Rolling PinUse a rolling pin, pedicure roller, or tennis ball, and while seated, roll it with the arch of your foot.

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

5. Calf StretchTo stretch the Achilles tendon, lean forward against a wall, keep the knee of one leg straight and keep our heel on the ground while bending the knee in the other leg. Then, switch legs. When you rotate your ankle clock- and counter clock-wise, you are also recruiting the hamstring and quadriceps and using the whole leg. For a variation, try stretching your calves and legs in a side-to-side position. To get both the shin and calf to stretch, place them on the edge of a stair or a slant board.

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

With care, many plantar suffers can return to pain-free activity with

proper rehabilitation.

Most suffers can return to modified activity with rest, rehabilitation, and time.

Preventative Treatment and Rehabilitation for Plantar Fascia

Proper footwear and a stretching and strengthening

program can help prevent reoccurrence of this condition.