Download - Press Your Luck Final Exam


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Press Your Luck Final Exam1Instructions234567891011121314151617181920444342413736353433323127262524232221403038484746452829395049Question 6My new job had a bad (affect/effect) on my grades. Roll AgainRandom!Question 8I (hear/here) that youve won a trip to Europe!Roll AgainRandom!Question 9My friends have seen me (threw/ through) some difficult times. Roll AgainRandom!Question 10I saw (their/there/theyre) mom sitting (their/there/theyre). Roll AgainRandom!Question 11He bought (to/two/too) speakers (to/too/two) complete his stereo system. Roll AgainRandom!Question 12We are (already, all ready) for summer vacation to start!Roll AgainRandom!Question 36Choose the correct adverb/adjective:Her second job was (bad/worse/worst) than her first. Roll AgainRandom!Question 33Choose the correct verb:Here (is/are) some basic medical supplies needed for every home. Roll AgainRandom!Question 32Choose the correct verb:She (live/lives) with her dog and two cats. Roll AgainRandom!Question 26Find the adjective(s):Her long and strenuous workouts would soon pay off. Roll AgainRandom!Question 21I would (advice/advise) you to go into your basement if the sires go off. Roll AgainRandom!Question 48Identify Sentence, Run-On, or Fragment:Have a new center and a new point guard. Roll AgainRandom!Question 28Find the Subject of the sentence:Where can you find the only subtropical preserve in North America? Roll AgainRandom!