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14056/09 (Presse 283) 1



EN 14056/09 (Presse 283)


2964th Council meeting

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy

Luxembourg, 9 October 2009

President Ms Åsa Torstensson, Minister for Infrastructure of Sweden

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Main results of the Council

The Council held a debate on the future European transport policy, in order to prepare the

adoption of conclusions on this issue at the December Transport Council meeting.

It adopted negotiating directives on road transport completing the mandate for a Transport Community Treaty with the Western Balkan partners.

The Council reached a political agreement on a draft regulation concerning ship passengers


It gave its political endorsement to an air transport agreement with the United States, Iceland and


In addition, it granted mandates to the Commission to open negotiations with Brazil on a civil

aviation safety agreement and with the USA on a memorandum of cooperation in civil aviation

research and development.

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1 � Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.

� Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's Internet site (

� Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press Office.

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INTERMODAL QUESTIONS AND NETWORKS ...........................................................................8

A sustainable future for transport .........................................................................................................8

Transport Community Treaty with the Western Balkans.....................................................................9


Ship passenger rights..........................................................................................................................10

Reporting formalities for ships...........................................................................................................11

AVIATION ........................................................................................................................................12

Extension of the EU-US air transport agreement to Iceland and Norway .........................................12

Civil aviation safety agreement with Brazil .......................................................................................13

Memorandum of cooperation in civil aviation research and development with the USA .................14

OTHER BUSINESS...........................................................................................................................15

Ban on liquids onboard aircraft ..........................................................................................................15

Conference on Trans-European Transport Networks (Naples, 21-22 October 2009)........................15

ASEM transport ministers' meeting (Vilnius, 19-20 October 2009)..................................................15

EGNOS and Galileo programmes ......................................................................................................15

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– Interoperability of the rail system - Railway safety indicators - Comitology procedure .......................................16

– EU/Brazil agreement on air services......................................................................................................................16

– EU/Morocco aviation agreement - EU enlargement ..............................................................................................16


– Arms exports control system - Annual report ........................................................................................................17


– EU–Russia permanent partnership council ............................................................................................................17


– Imports of photographic gelatine into the Czech Republic....................................................................................18

– Approval of legislative acts under comitology procedure .....................................................................................18

– International Jute Study Group Council.................................................................................................................19


– Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna ................................................................................................................19


– Financial aid to Palestine .......................................................................................................................................19

– Mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund for Italy...................................................................................................20


– EU/India agreement on fusion energy ...................................................................................................................20


– EU/Egypt agreement on agricultural and fishery products - Euro-Mediterranean agreement * ............................20

– Agreements between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Switzerland ...........................................21


– Telecom package - Start of the Conciliation procedure.........................................................................................21

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– European Central Bank ..........................................................................................................................................21

– Cooperation between the EU and Switzerland.......................................................................................................21


– Committee of the Regions .....................................................................................................................................22

– Europol deputy director .........................................................................................................................................22


– Public access to documents....................................................................................................................................22

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The governments of the Member States and the European Commission were represented as follows:

Belgium: Mr Etienne SCHOUPPE State Secretary for Mobility, attached to the Prime


Bulgaria: Mr Alexander TZVETKOV Minister for Transport, Information Technology and


Czech Republic: Mr Gustáv SLAMEČKA Minister for Transport

Denmark: Mr Jonas BERING LIISBERG Deputy Permanent Representative

Germany: Mr Engelbert LÜTKE DALDRUP State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building

and Urban Development

Estonia: Mr Gert ANTSU Deputy Permanent Representative

Ireland: Ms Geraldine BYRNE NASON Deputy Permanent Representative

Greece: Mr Léonidas ROKANAS Deputy Permanent Representative

Spain: Mr José BLANCO LÓPEZ Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

France: Mr Dominique BUSSEREAU Minister of State with responsibility for Transport,

attached to the Ministre d'État, Minister for Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Marine Affairs, responsible for green technologies and climate negotiations

Italy: Mr Altero MATTEOLI Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Cyprus: Mr Nicos NICOLAIDES Minister for Communications and Works

Latvia: Mr Arturs BERGHOLCS Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Transport and


Lithuania: Mr Eligijus MASIULIS Minister for Transport and Communications

Luxembourg: Mr Claude WISELER Minister for the Civil Service and Administrative Reform,

Minister for Public Works

Hungary: Mr Lajos CSEPI State Secretary, Ministry of Transport,

Telecommunications and Energy

Malta: Mr Austin GATT Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and


Netherlands: Mr Camiel EURLINGS Minister for Transport, Public Works and Water


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Austria: Mr Walter GRAHAMMER Deputy Permanent Representative

Poland: Mr Maciej JANKOWSKI Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Infrastructure

Portugal: Mr Mário LINO Minister for Public Works, Transport and


Romania: Mr Eusebiu PISTRU POPA State Secretary, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure

Slovenia: Mr Patrik VLAČIČ Minister for Transport

Slovakia: Mr Milan MOJŠ State Secretary at the Ministry of Transport, Post and


Finland: Ms Anu VEHVILÄINEN Minister for Transport

Sweden: Ms Åsa TORSTENSSON Minister for Infrastructure Mr Leif ZETTERBERG State Secretary to the Minister for Infrastructure

United Kingdom: Mr Sadiq KHAN Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department for

Communities and Local Government

Commission: Mr Antonio TAJANI Vice-President

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A sustainable future for transport

The Council held a public debate on a communication from the Commission presenting trends and challenges in the transport sector for the decades ahead and broadly outlining paths for a future transport policy ("A sustainable future for transport", 11294/09). The debate will give input to the drawing up of a White Paper on the European transport agenda for the next decade, to be published by the Commission in 2010.

The Council invited its working bodies to prepare conclusions, based on the results of the debate, for adoption at the next Transport Council meeting in December.

The debate was guided by a presidency questionnaire (13310/09) relating to the main challenges identified by the Commission (aging, migration and internal mobility, environmental challenges, availability of energy resources, urbanisation and globalisation) and the main priorities highlighted in the communication (better integration of different modes of transport, technological innovation and user-friendliness).

Ministers mostly agreed to the broad principles contained in the communication. During the discussions, they emphasised different aspects of the challenges ahead, such as the impact of the current economic and financial crisis, global climate change, a clearer description of priorities, greater consideration of regional differences and road safety.

They expressed their views as to the most important fields of action, including better integration of all modes of transport, intelligent transport systems, a clear innovation strategy, financing of infrastructure and internalisation of external costs for infrastructure use.

The Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovak Republic) summed up their contributions in a written joint statement (14075/09) underlining in particular the need to take into account the specific situation of the new member states and to provide adequate EU funding so that the technological and infrastructure gaps within the EU can be overcome.

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This debate is a contribution to a broad reflection and consultation process on the future of the European transport policy, launched by the Commission in order to prepare the ground for the new White Paper. The previous White Paper setting out the transport policy agenda until 2010 was issued by the Commission in 2001 and reviewed at mid-term in 2006.

Transport Community Treaty with the Western Balkans

The Council adopted complementary negotiating directives concerning road transport for the negotiation of a Transport Community Treaty between the European Union and the Western Balkan partners Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia as well as Kosovo. The draft treaty resulting from the negotiations with the Western Balkan partners will have to be submitted to the Council for approval.

The decision to open negotiations on the treaty was taken by the Council in June 2008. It was however stipulated that negotiations on road transport require complementary negotiating directives by the Council.

The general objectives in the field of road transport are to make road transport safer and more environmentally-friendly, to bring about a more balanced distribution between the different modes of transport and to ensure fair competition. Integration of road transport markets should be linked to the adoption and implementation, by each of the different Western Balkan partners, of the relevant elements of EU road-transport legislation.

The Treaty establishing a Transport Community is part of the strategy for enhancing the European prospects of the Western Balkan countries. It should initially promote cooperation between the partners within the region. Eventually, it should result in integration of transport infrastructure and in a common legislative framework for transport in the EU and the Western Balkan countries based on the relevant EU legislation. Such a legal framework would also facilitate investments in the region.

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Ship passenger rights

In public deliberation, the Council reached a political agreement on a draft regulation designed to improve the rights of passengers when travelling by sea and inland waterway (13874/09). On the basis of this agreement, the Council will prepare its common position, which will be forwarded to the European Parliament for a second reading under the co-decision procedure.

The draft regulation lays down rules on non-discrimination, accessibility and assistance for passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility. It also contains provisions for all passengers, dealing with assistance, information and compensation in the event of cancellation or delay of their travel as well as with handling of complaints.

Discussing the outstanding issues, ministers agreed the following solutions:

• scope of the draft regulation: ships with not more than 36 passengers should be excluded. Also excluded are ships with not more than three crew members, passenger services over a distance of less than 500 meters one way as well as excursion and sightseeing tours other than cruises. In addition, for 2 years from the date of application, the regulation should not apply to seagoing ships of less than 300 gross tons operated in domestic transport, provided the rights of passengers are adequately ensured under national law.

• exemptions from carriers' assistance and compensation obligations in the case of cancellation or delays:

– no compensation should be due if the passenger is aware of the cancellation or delay before the purchase of the ticket or if the cancellation or delay is caused by a fault of the passenger;

– if the cancellation or delay is caused by bad weather conditions or extraordinary circumstances, the compensation rules will not apply. However passengers will have the right to receive snacks, meals or refreshments and accommodation in the case of extraordinary circumstances, while in the case of bad weather conditions the assistance will not include accommodation.

Moreover, it was decided that the carrier may limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 120 per passenger.

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The proposal forms part of the EU’s general policy to ensure equal treatment of passengers, irrespective of the mode of transport they use for travel. Similar legislation has already been adopted in the field of air and rail transport, and has been proposed for bus and coach services.

The Commission presented its proposal in December 2008 (11990/08). The European Parliament adopted its first-reading opinion in April 2009.

Reporting formalities for ships

In public deliberation, the Council took note of a progress report (13590/09) on a proposal for a directive aimed at simplifying the procedures and formalities to be fulfilled when ships arrive in or depart from EU ports.

Ministers of landlocked member states intervened briefly to ask that the proposed directive should not apply to countries without maritime ports.

The Council instructed its preparatory bodies to continue the examination of this file, with a view to arriving at a rapid adoption of the proposal.

The proposed directive is to replace directive 2002/6/EC on the same subject. In particular, the Commission proposal provides for

– the harmonisation of deadlines for notifying entry into ports,

– the generalisation of electronic means of transmission for the formalities through SafeSeaNet, the Community maritime data exchange system,

– the designation of a single national authority by each member state for the reception of information,

– the simplification of the use of forms: the international "FAL form" (established by the Convention of the International Maritime Organisation on facilitation of international traffic) would not be required if the information requested is already required by EU legislation,

– exemption for intra-Community operations from the requirement to transmit a FAL form.

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The proposal is the first of a number of measures announced by the Commission in a communica-tion of January 2009 (5775/09) with a view to creating a EU maritime transport space without barriers. Last March, the Council welcomed the proposal as a contribution to further rationalisation of administrative procedures for vessels.

The Commission presented its proposal in January 2009 (5789/09). The adoption of the draft directive is subject to the co-decision procedure with the European Parliament. The Parliament has not yet started its examination of the text.


Extension of the EU-US air transport agreement to Iceland and Norway

The Council gave its political endorsement to an agreement extending the air transport agreement with the US ("EU-US Open Skies Agreement"), signed in 2007 and applied since 2008, to Iceland and Norway. The agreement is accompanied by an ancillary agreement with procedural provisions.

The EU-US Open Skies Agreement explicitly provides for the accession of third countries to that agreement. Iceland and Norway, which are members of the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) and have adopted the complete Community legislation in aviation policy, applied for accession in 2007.

The new agreement will give EU air carriers the right to operate flights between Iceland and Norway and the United States; reciprocally Icelandic and Norwegian carriers will be allowed to operate between the EU and the USA.

The Open Skies Agreement with the United States not only removed all commercial barriers for flights between the EU and the US, but in addition the United States granted EU carriers the right to operate between the US and non-EU countries of the ECAA. However, as the ECAA has no external dimension, it has not been possible for EU carriers to take up this right. The new agreement will remedy this situation and create a harmonised framework for flights between the US and the countries applying Community aviation legislation, to the benefit of EU carriers as well as Icelandic and Norwegian carriers.

The Commission presented its proposal in May 2009 (10118/09).

The decision on the signature and provisional application of the agreement will be adopted at a later stage, once the Council's legal-linguistic experts have finalised their work.

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Civil aviation safety agreement with Brazil

The Council adopted a decision authorising the Commission to open negotiations with Brazil on a bilateral agreement in the field of civil aviation safety.

The objective of the future agreement is to facilitate trade in aeronautical products and services whilst ensuring that the relevant safety standards are respected.

More particularly, the agreement aims at achieving, where possible, reciprocal acceptance of certification findings and standards. This would primarily concern airworthiness and environmental aspects of aeronautical products, parts and appliances; it could also include the approval and monitoring of maintenance services. Such mutual recognition of certification and supervision would enable both parties to limit duplication of work as much as possible.

No EU member state has a bilateral agreement with Brazil on the matter at issue. But since 2004 the European Air Safety Agency (EASA) has been cooperating with the National Agency for Civil Aviation of Brazil under a working agreement of limited scope dealing with certification and recognition issues. The proposed agreement would lift cooperation between the EU and Brazil in this field to a far higher level.

The Commission submitted its recommendation to authorise negotiations with Brazil in August 2009 (12580/09).

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Memorandum of cooperation in civil aviation research and development with the USA

The Council adopted a decision authorising the Commission to open negotiations with the US Federal Aviation Administration on a memorandum of cooperation in civil aviation research and development.

The memorandum is intended to ensure interoperability between the European air traffic management (ATM) programme SESAR and its American counterpart NextGen, which is destined to replace the present US ATM system. To this end, the memorandum is aimed at creating a legally binding framework for business activities relating to development of the new systems. In addition, it should have the potential to cover other related civil aviation research and development issues.

The SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) programme is the technological pillar of the “Single European Sky” policy. Its objective is to thoroughly modernize and harmonise the existing air traffic management systems in Europe. SESAR has now entered its development phase and its first results are expected to be deployed in 2013.

In March 2009, in a resolution endorsing the European air traffic management master plan for the SESAR project (8176/09, p. 18-22), the Council requested the Commission to put forward a recommendation to authorize negotiations with the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States in order to secure interoperability of the new systems. The Commission presented its recommendation in June 2009.

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Ban on liquids onboard aircraft

The Council took note of the Commission's views on possible next steps as regards the ban on liquids onboard aircraft (13974/09).

Conference on Trans-European Transport Networks (Naples, 21-22 October 2009)

The Council was informed by the Commission and the Italian delegation on the forthcoming annual ministerial conference on Trans-European Transport Networks (13724/09 and 14010/09). The conference entitled "TEN-T Days 2009: the future of Trans-European Transport Networks: building bridges between Europe and its neighbours" will be jointly organised by the Commission and Italy. Besides discussing the implementation of priority projects, it will focus on the external dimension of Europe's transport networks.

ASEM transport ministers' meeting (Vilnius, 19-20 October 2009)

The Council was briefed by the Lithuanian delegation on the preparation of the first meeting of European and Asian transport ministers in the ASEM (Asia-Europa meeting) framework of cooperation. At the meeting in Lithuania, ASEM transport ministers are expected to adopt a declaration endorsing the new format for transport cooperation between Europe and Asia.

EGNOS and Galileo programmes

The Council was informed by the Commission on the current state of play of the two European satellite navigation programmes Galileo and EGNOS and on its views concerning future developments and further implementation of the programmes.

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Interoperability of the rail system - Railway safety indicators - Comitology procedure

The Council decided not to oppose adoption by the Commission of two proposals aimed at improving:

– common safety indicators and common methods to calculate accident costs, by amending directive 2004/49/EC. Safety indicators are to be reported annually by the national authorities. The first reporting period will be 2010; and

– the interoperability of the rail system within the Community, by specifying the parameters to be used in the document referred to in article 27 of directive 2008/57/EC. This article requires the European Railway Agency to draft a document cross-referencing all the national rules applied by the member states for placing railway vehicles in service.

EU/Brazil agreement on air services

The Council adopted a decision authorising the signature of an agreement with Brazil on certain aspects of air services. Pending its entry into force, the agreement will be applied provisionally from the first month following the notification by the parties of the completion of their internal procedures.

EU/Morocco aviation agreement - EU enlargement

The Council adopted a decision approving the signing and provisional application of a protocol amending the Euro-Mediterranean aviation agreement with Morocco in order to take account of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU.

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Arms exports control system - Annual report

The Council took note of the eleventh report on the common rules governing control of exports of military technology and equipment.

Common position 2008/944/CFSP defining common rules governing control of exports of military technology and equipment provides in its article 8 that a report has to be submitted to the Council yearly.


EU–Russia permanent partnership council

The Council took note of preparations for the seventh EU–Russia permanent partnership council (foreign ministers) to be held in Brussels on 19 October 2009.

The issues for discussion will cover the state of play and perspectives in the implementation of the four common spaces (economic; freedom, security and justice; external security; research, education and culture) and its positive repercussions on bilateral relations, as well as international issues.

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Imports of photographic gelatine into the Czech Republic

The Council decided not to oppose the Commission's decision authorising imports of photographic gelatine into the Czech Republic. As a general rule, the importation and transit of animal by-products and processed products into the EU are prohibited. In accordance with regulation No 1774/2002, the import of photographic gelatine from certain third countries can, however, be authorised under strict conditions.

Approval of legislative acts under comitology procedure

The Council decided not to oppose the adoption by the Commission of three legislative acts in the field of agriculture. This decision concerns the following acts:

• Commission directive amending Annex I to directive 2002/32 as regards maximum levels for certain undesirable substances (arsenic, theobromine, Datura sp., Ricinus communis L., Croton tiglium L. and Abrus precatorius L.) in animal feed;

• Commission regulation amending Annex II to regulation No 396/2005 as regards maximum residue levels for certain pesticides (dimethoate, ethephon, fenamiphos, fenarimol, methanmidophos, methomyl, omethoate, oxydemeton-methyl, procymidone, thiocarb and vinclozolin) in or on food and feed;

• Commission regulation amending Annexes II and III to regulation No 396/2005 as regards maximum residue levels for certain pesticides (azoxystrobin, acetamiprid, clomazone, cyflufenamid, emamectin benzoate, famoxadone, fenbutatin oxide, flufenoxuron, fluopicolide, indoxacarb, ioxynil, mepanipyrim, prothioconazole, pyridalyl, thiacloprid and trifloxystrobin) in or on food and feed;

In accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny, the Council can oppose the Commission's adoption of an act which exceeds the implementing powers of the Commission, is not compatible with the aim or content of the basic instrument or does not respect subsidiarity or proportionality if the regulatory committee previously supported the envisaged measures.

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International Jute Study Group Council

The Council adopted a decision supporting the extension of the International Jute Study Group for one or two periods not exceeding a combined total of four years (13148/09).


Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna

The Council adopted a decision on the EU position to be taken in the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (13422/09). According to this position, the EU asks in particular for stringent conservation and management measures for southern bluefin tuna and measures to control fishing effort.


Financial aid to Palestine

The Council established amending letter No. 1 to the draft budget for 2010, increasing the financial assistance to Palestine by an amount of EUR 95 million in commitment appropriations and an amount of EUR 60 million in payment appropriations. In the absence of a relevant legal basis the Council did however not accept, at this stage, the creation of a new budget line for bananas accompanying measures in view of a possible trade agreement on bananas to be signed with Latin American Most Favoured Nation suppliers. The Council considered it also premature to include an amount of EUR 50 million in commitment appropriations and an amount of EUR 20 million in payment appropriations in order to anticipate an agreement at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in December 2009; this issue should be re-examined during the Council's second reading of the 2010 budget.

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Mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund for Italy

The Council adopted a decision mobilising the EU Solidarity Fund for an amount of EUR 493.8 million for Italy, following the earthquake which affected the Abruzzo region in April 2009. The Council also established draft amending budget No. 9 to the general budget for 2009, which includes the transfer of the required payment appropriations from various budget lines in the policy areas of Agriculture and Rural Development, Environment, Research and Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The commitment appropriations are financed, as provided for by the Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline and sound financial management, over and above heading 3b (Citizenship) of the financial framework.


EU/India agreement on fusion energy

The Council adopted a decision approving the conclusion of a cooperation agreement between Euratom (the European Atomic Energy Community) and India in the field of fusion energy research (11791/09).


EU/Egypt agreement on agricultural and fishery products - Euro-Mediterranean agreement *

The Council adopted a decision approving the signing and conclusion of an agreement with Egypt in order to achieve greater liberalisation of reciprocal trade in agricultural products, processed agricultural products and fish and fishery products (11172/09).

The decision amends the EU/Egypt Euro-Mediterranean association agreement. The trade provisions of this agreement, which are in force since 2004, provide that both sides will gradually implement greater liberalisation of their reciprocal trade in agricultural and fishery products.

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Agreements between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Switzerland

The Council adopted a decision revoking the agreements between the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the Swiss Confederation (12466/09). The Council considers that seven years after the end of the ECSC a special regime for coal and steel products is no longer justified. Following the revocation of these agreements, the provisions of the Free Trade Agreement of 22 July 1972 between the EU and Switzerland will apply automatically to the products in question.


Telecom package - Start of the Conciliation procedure

The Council adopted a decision not approving all of the European Parliament's amendments concerning a draft directive for electronic communications networks and services (14067/09). This allows the President of the Council to convene the conciliation committee in accordance with the codecision procedure.


European Central Bank

The Council adopted a regulation concerning the collection of statistical information by the European Central Bank (12738/09). The new legislative act amends regulation No 2533/98 and, in particular, the scope of the reporting requirements. In order to take into account of structural developments in the financial markets, the new regulation allows the collection of statistical information from the entire sector of financial corporations, and in particular from the insurance corporations and pension funds.

Cooperation between the EU and Switzerland

The Council adopted a decision to be taken in the Joint Committee established under the Agreement between the EU and the Swiss Confederation on cooperation in the field of statistics, with regard to the financial contribution of Switzerland to the EU statistical programme (12579/09). The decision is aimed at simplifying the current rules and reducing the administrative burden.

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Committee of the Regions

The Council adopted decisions appointing as member of the Committee of the Regions, Mr Viktor TROFIMOV, Chairman of Panev÷žys Regional Development Council, and as alternate member of that Committee, Ms Daiva MATONIENö, Council Member of Šiauliai City Municipality.

Europol deputy director

The Council adopted an act re-appointing Mr Michel QUILLÉ (France) as deputy director of Europol from 31 August 2010 to 30 April 2014 (13630/09).


Public access to documents

The Council adopted the reply to confirmatory application No 20/c/01/09 (13278/09).