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Three reasons why Jefferson and Hamilton didnt get along

2Category 1 - 10Why did Adams have so much difficulty getting anything done during his presidency?

Two reasons why the Election of 1800 was crucial to the political evolution of the United States

What state was Madison from?

Why was Hamiltons plan to exchange bonds so controversial?

What happened during the XYZ Affair?

What were two things that the 1796 election proved about the politics in the US?

What are two films that are nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award?

Why was Washington considered to be irreplaceable?

3Category 1 - 20What were two parts to the Alien Act?

What were three of Jeffersons goals mentioned during his inauguration?

What role, if any, did the newer generation of leaders play in causing the War of 1812?

Explain what happened during the Whiskey Rebellion

Why did Washington decide to remain neutral in the war between Britain and France?

How did the Louisiana Purchase serve TJs vision for the US?

What other well known coach is married to Jim and John Harbaughs sister?

In what ways did Hamiltons financial plan serve to strengthen the national government?

4Explain this cartoon:

What were the two legitimate reasons for the War of 1812?

Why did Jefferson try to impeach John Pickering and Samuel Chase?

In what ways did the French Revolution pose a problem for the United States?

Who was the first President of the United States?

What is the capital of Canada?

True/false: Washington received all the electoral votes in each election that he won

In what ways did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions threaten the national government?

In what ways did Jefferson go beyond his interpretation of the Constitution when he got the Louisiana Purchase?

Why did the British decide to burn Washington, DC?

In what ways did Native American leaders such as The Prophet and Tecumseh threaten the United States?

What happened in the Chesapeake incident?

How did Hamilton undermine Adams during his Presidency?

What two R&B singers allegedly got into a brawl over the past weekend?

Explain Washingtons message to the country in his Farewell Address

What state was Adams from?

Explain the importance of the Lewis and Clark expedition

In what ways did the War of 1812 lead to the birth of nationalism?

Why was Hamiltons plan to add a National Bank so controversial?

What happened during the Quasi War?

True/false: Adams and Jefferson died on the same day

Who is this remarkable looking man?