Download - President's Report community will gain by purchasing lo- · live and work in Guam – both civilian AND military community alike. There are many benefits the military ... Energy

Page 1: President's Report community will gain by purchasing lo- · live and work in Guam – both civilian AND military community alike. There are many benefits the military ... Energy

President's ReportThe

Guam Chamber of Commerce "Partners in Progress"

OCTOBER 2010"Buy Local" Purchases: Good for Guam

A Message from the President

In Saluda Hao, Mr. Bice!

Members of the AFC leader-ship extended a warm Si Yu'os Ma'asi and bid farewell to Mr.

David Bice, outgoing Executive Director, Joint Guam Program

Office, during his last official visit to Guam.

Pictured L-R: Chamber President David Leddy, Board

Directors Joe Arnett and Frank Campillo, AFC Steering mem-

ber Phil Santos, Mr. Bice, Board Director Charlene Goo, AFC Chairman Carl Peterson and

Vice Chairman & Board Director, Paul Blas.

Your Chamber is always looking for ways to promote the membership, and help your businesses grow. And, when businesses are healthy it translates into a healthy, thriving local economy that’s good for all of us.

The real benefits to purchasing the prod-ucts and services of our local businesses are obvious. When we invest in local companies, their businesses are stronger, and they are able to grow. That means they hire workers thereby employing more of our family, friends and neigh-bors, who in turn spend money here on food, clothing, housing and taxes.

An expanding tax base translates into more dollars to improve our schools and government services. So buying local is a key to a successful local economy.

At a time when Guam is experiencing profound and rapid changes as a result of the U.S. military buildup, it is imperative for the federal government and DoD to support our local vendors as well.

This would further ensure a growing economy for the greater good of all who live and work in Guam – both civilian AND military community alike.

There are many benefits the military community will gain by purchasing lo-cally, including:

Greater product freshness and varietyDecreased and/or elimination of ware-housing and inventory costsPrompt after sales services compared to off-island suppliersConvenient delivery schedulesAccess to local advertising, marketing and promotional activities



Red Ribbon Week is now upon us. All throughout the month of October Guam's Red Ribbon Coalition has reached out to our island community about the dangerous real-ity of drugs, violence and substance abuse. From community service announcements to a 5K event, educational outreach presenta-tions in Guam’s schools to organizing youth contests, the coalition has been busy putting together an activity filled month specifically for Red Ribbon Week. This campaign is officially recognized nationally the week of October 23 - 31st. Recognizing the signifi-cance of the cause, the Coalition has planned since the beginning of the year, various activities and programs to last for the entire month of October.

The Coalition held a community outreach event at the Guam Premier Outlets, which featured poster contest entries, a rap/poetry contest and a resolution presentation by Speaker Judith Won Pat. The culminating event, "Say Boo! to Drugs" will take place this Friday, October 29th at the Agana Shopping Center's center court. An awards presentation will take place and all who attend will receive ribbons and candy (while supplies last!). The membership is encour-aged to support the event on Friday and wear your red ribbons this week!

For more information regarding this event please contact your Guam Chamber of Commerce staff member at 472-8001/6311. Support a drug free environment - wear red this week and support the Coalition!

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2 • The President's Report • October 2010

Inside this issue....

Page 2Board Updates

Page 3Chamber Board Elections

Proxy FormGYP Updates

Page 4Chamber Calendar

Page 5Armed Forces Committee

November 6 5K EventSmall Business Outreach

Page 6Meet the Board Candidates Mixer

Dept of Labor - November Labor Clinics

Welcome New MembersChristmas Festival

Page 7Training OpportunitiesCommunity Outreach

Back CoverGYP Photos

GYP October 28 Mixer

Publication ContributorsDavid Leddy

Catherine CastroKayla Guevara

Charles OnederaMelanie Mendiola, Guam Young

Professionals (GYP)

THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT is published monthly

by the Guam Chamber of Commerce173 Aspinall Ave., Ada Plaza Center, Suite 101

P.O. Box 283, Hagåtña, Guam 96932Tel: 472-6311/8001 • Fax: 472-6202

E-mail: [email protected] •

Small Business Seminar Series

Rodney Webb, Michael Ady and Grace Donaldson were the guest presenters at the October 15 seminar entitled “Managing Growth: A Panel Discussion on Facilities, Staffing/Training, and Finance” held at the Outrigger Guam Resort.

Prompt replacement of expired and/or damaged products which will result in less costs and personal savingsShrinkage, hazard and liability insur-ance costs become the responsibility of the local vendor.

However, while 48 states including Alaska and Hawaii are approved to participate in purchasing processes of military exchange services, Guam was given a brief chance to participate as well, but was indirectly eliminated somewhere along the bureau-cratic process.

On a per capita basis, Guam has proven time and again that the patriotism of its citizens is second to none in the nation so why not be given the same privileges as Alaska and Hawaii?

Supporting our local companies will not only provide long term economic sustain-ability beyond the construction phase but will more importantly validate the federal government’s intention for the buildup to benefit all of the people of Guam.

The Guam Chamber of Commerce stands firm in its efforts to continue to work with the federal government and DoD to promote local purchases that will contrib-ute to the growth and prosperity of our economy and a ‘win for all’ who make Guam their home.

Board UpdatesChamber participates in Guam

Energy Task Force The Guam Energy Task Force held its first meeting on October 13the at the Uni-versity of Guam President’s Conference Room. The purpose of the group is to ad-dress and to create awareness and engage our community in energy issues, sustain-able practices and opportunities. Subse-quent meetings will focus on developing subcommittees as well as the creation of a strategic plan and curriculum. The Task Force is comprised of representatives from the University, the Government of Guam, the Mayor’s Council of Guam, GHRA, Guam Power Authority, Joint Region Mar-ianas, Guam EPA and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Representing the Guam Chamber is Mr. Gabriel Simon, P.H.R Ken Asset Management Director of Engineering Development and member of the Chamber’s Utilities Committee.

Chamber concerns expressed to U.S. SBA Officials

On October 8th, Chamber President David Leddy, Board Director and Small Business Development Committee Co-Chair, Mike Ady and Past Board Chairman, Monty McDowell recently met with Ken Lujan, Guam SBA Branch Manager, Jess Knox, Associate Administrator, U.S. SBA Office of Field Operations and Elizabeth Echols, Regional Administrator, U.S. SBA Region IX. Discussion focused on the challenges and opportunities posed by the buildup and the urgency of providing the U.S. SBA Guam Branch office with the neces-sary resources to meet the needs of local small businesses.

Chamber Opposed PLAs at NAVFAC Hearing

On October 6, NavFacMar held a a hear-ing on Project Labor Agreements at the Top O’ the Mar. Chairman David John, along with members of the Guam Contrac-tors Association, the Guam Employees

Dr. Dale Vallotton, was the main presenter at the September 10th Small Business Seminar entitled "Wellness and Injury Prevention in the Workplace" that was held at the Outrigger Guam Resort. Mem-bers interested in attending future small business-seminars are encouraged to call the Chamber office for details or visit the Chamber's site:

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The President's Report • October 2010 • 3

The 2010 Business & Economic Forum featuring Mr. Carl Gutierrez and Mr. Eddie Calvo, can-didates for the office of Governor in the November elections, attracted over 270 attendees to the October 6th event held at the Sheraton Laguna Resort. The Forum was put together by organiza-tions of the Committee to Keep Guam Working: the Guam Chamber of Commerce, Guam Hotel and Restaurant Association, the Employers Council, the Guam Contractors Association and the Japan Guam Travel Association. The Forum provided a platform for each gubernatorial can-didate to address specific plans related to the economy, general business concerns and private sector issues. “We were very pleased to provide this service to the members of our organizations and to the general public by way of broadcast on television," said Monte Mesa, Interim Chair-man of the Committee to Keep Guam Working. Special thanks to the Galaide Group for their assistance in planning the event!

Gubernatorial Candidates at October 6 Business & Economic Forum

Council and other stakeholders in the private sector provided testimony oppos-ing the use of Project Labor Agreements in relation to construction projects associ-ated with the Guam military buildup. In attendance was Kimberly Hussey, Com-mand Labor Advisor Naval Facilities Engineering Command. “PLA’s just don’t make any sense for Guam. Navy Facilities Engineering Command has workforce pro-tections in place for all bids and contracts associated with any work on all DOD facilities, programs and projects,” stated Chairman John.

November 17 Board Election2010 Chair Laura-Lynn Dacanay would like to remind the Chamber membership that there are seven (7) seats to fill on 2011 Chamber Board of Directors. The top five (5) vote getters will serve a three-year term and the next two on the roster will serve one year terms as Alternate Direc-tors.

Board elections will take place on Wednesday, November 17th at the Hyatt Regency Guam. Members will be able to cast their votes between 11 am and 12:30 p.m. Only member representatives on the Chamber’s membership roster or a designated proxy will be allowed to vote. A proxy letter should have the following information:

SAMPLE PROXY FORM(Please insert on company letterhead)


In accordance with the By-laws of the Guam Chamber of Com-merce, I hereby appoint (name of representative), (title) as my proxy to vote for me on behalf of my company a thte Novem-ber 17, 2010 Annual Board of Directors Election.

Dated this __ day of November, 2010.


Members are urged to contact the Cham-ber office to inquire about your Chamber’s designated representatives are. Members must be current with the dues investment in order to cast their ballots. If you would like to know what the status is of your membership, please contact your Chamber office for details.

Following are important dates to remem-ber about this year’s election:

October 29: Deadline for submission of candidate documentsNovember 2: Special Election Report to membershipNovember 4: Meet the Candidates Af-ter Hours Mixer, First Hawaiian Bank, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Save the date! Annual Meeting and

Board Election: Wednesday, November 17

Hyatt Regency Guam

GYP UpdateMelanie Mendiola, GYP Secretary

It was a month of “moving” and “shak-ing” for the Guam Young Professionals as members mobilized throughout the island for various events throughout the month of October. The month began with a series of talks in the Guam Public School system spreading the message of the Red Ribbon Week coalition. Activity continued with various community events aimed at career skill enhancement, as well as domestic violence prevention. Guam Young Profes-sionals also adopted the Hafa Adai Pledge to promote the Hafa Adai Spirit through-out the island. As the month draws to a close, the Blueprint for Progress Frame-work is ready for unveiling, and to unwind at the end of the month, a quarterly mixer is planned for October 28th.

GYP takes the Hafa Adai Pledge!

GYP Steering Committee Members were at the Guam Visitors Bureau on October 21st to support the spirit of Hafa Adai in

their individual businesses and in their organization.

L-R: Robert Stoll, GYP Vice Chairman, Jay Rojas, GYP Chairman, Steering Committee Members: Tom Maxedon,

Jessica Leon Guerrero, Melanie Men-diola and Rita Jugo.

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4 • The President's Report • October 2010

C A L E N D A RThe Guam Young Professionals worked in conjunction with the Red Ribbon Week Coalition throughout the month of October to encourage kids to live drug-free. GYP members spoke briefly at each presentation, giving an introduction about the Chamber of Commerce, as well as discussing the importance of being drug free in order to pursue life goals effectively. Red Ribbon Week complimented GYP’s regular involvement in the Juvenile Drug Court program. GYP hosts a monthly visit (Bank of Guam in the month of October) to a local business with the intention of show-ing students alternatives to a lifestyle in which drugs play a major role. This month’s visit to Bank of Guam was made possible by Be Influential Committee member, Maria Eugenia Leon Guerrero.

GYP was asked to participate at the Guam Community College’s Building A Better Workforce event on October 15th. GYP Trea-surer Rita Jugo (Bank of Hawaii) presented a seminar on “Goal Setting” to students. This was the fourth seminar of the year, pri-or ones held at the University of Guam, in which GYP members were asked to present on career skill topics. Other topics have included resume writing and effective interviewing techniques.

For an adrenaline rush, GYP participated in the Victims Ad-vocates Reaching Out (VARO) bed race, which took place on October 23rd at the Agana Shopping Center Parking Lot. The bed, sponsored by GYP Co-Chair, Rob Stoll (Merrill Lynch), and decorated by members, was raced against 13 teams from other organizations, with the proceeds of sponsorships to benefit VARO, an organization whose mission is to provide victims of violence, assault, abuse, and other traumatic events with counsel-ing and related services. Team GYP faired well, winning its first two rounds against the UOG Army ROTC and the Andersen AFB Fire Department. The Hafa Adai Pledge, was signed by GYP Secretary Melanie Mendiola (Planate Management Group), on October 21st at the Guam Visitors Bureau, along with seven other organizations. By signing the pledge, GYP committed to a number of small steps to help perpetuate the Hafa Adai Spirit throughout the island, such as addressing all communications to members with Chamorro salutations, wearing island wear on Fridays, and other related items. The Be Influential Committee has completed the Blueprint for Progress Framework. Sub-committees organized by issue area (healthcare, infrastructure, transportation, education, and eco-nomic development) polled Chamber general membership, to research and write a comprehensive document meant to be a vi-sion for Guam in 2030. While the committees are winding down, the Framework is a work in progress, according to Chairman Jay Rojas (SEI Guam), as many of these issues, such as Healthcare Reform’s impact on medical affordability in Guam, are mov-ing targets. Chairman Rojas will be presenting on the Blueprint Framework during the October 27th General Membership Meet-ing at the Guam Marriott Resort & Spa.

OCTOBER1 Fri 8:00 a.m. Buy Local Program Meeting (Small Business SubCommittee),

Chamber Conference Room 9:00 a.m. Red Ribbon Week Proclamation Signing, Governor’s Office4 Mon 11 am AFC Steering Meeting, Conference Room5 Tue 7:30 a.m., Small Business Focus & Development Committee Meeting,

Chamber Office 8 am RRW Mtg, Sirena Plaza6 Wed 7:30 a.m., JDC Program Meeting, Chamber Office 9:00 a.m., NAVFACMAR Mtg re:PLAs 11:30 a.m. CKGW Gubernatorial Forum, Sheraton Laguna Resort Guam,7 Thu 4:00 pm, AFC Social Committee Meeting, Chamber Conference Room8 Fri 8:00 a.m., Nominating Committee Meeting, Chamber Conference Room 2:00 p.m., GYP Steering Committee Meeting, Chamber Conference Room11 Mon Columbus Day, Observed--Office Closed12 Tue 8 am, RRW Mtg, Sirena Plaza 10 am, Festival Planning Meeting 13 Wed 12 Noon, Guam Energy Task Force Meeting, UOG15 Fri 8:00 a.m., Small Business Seminar, Outrigger Guam Resort 3:00 p.m., Blueprint for Progress Meeting, Chamber Conference Room18 Mon 11:00 a.m., Information & Dissemination Group Meeting, Chamber Confer

ence Room19 Tue 8:00 a.m., RRW Mtg, Sirena Bldg. 5:30 p.m., AFC Reception, Hilton Guam Resort & Spa20 Wed CME & Hita I Marianas Conference, Guam Marriott Resort 10:00 am, Mtg w/Mayors Council re: Annual Christmas Festival21 Thu Industry Day Kick-Off Conference, Hilton Guam Resort & Spa23~31 Red Ribbon Week27 Wed 11:30 a.m., General Membership Meeting, Guam Marriott Resort & Spa 5:00 pm Sponsorship Deadline for Festival29 Fri 4:00 p.m. Say Boo! To Drugs, Agana Shopping Center 5:00 pm Deadline for Board Nomination Submissions

NOVEMBER2 Tue All Soul’s Day/ Election Day Holiday Special Chamber Board Election Report available to the Membership3 Wed 10 am Festival Planning Meeting, Chamber Conference Room4 Thu 5:30 p.m. Meet the Candidates After Hours Mixer, FHB5 Fri Small Business Seminar, 8:00 a.m., Outrigger Guam Resort 10 am Festival Meeting with Government Officials, Chamber Conference

Room6 Sat AFC 3rd Annual 5K Run/Walk9 Tue Small Business Focus & Development Committee Meeting, 7:30 a.m.,

Chamber Office11 Thu Veterans Day – Office Closed12 Fri 4th Quarter Armed Forces Committee General Membership Meeting,

11:30 a.m., Outrigger Guam Resort 3:00 p.m., GYP Steering Committee Meeting, Chamber Conference Room13 Sat Festival Contest Display & Judging at the Agana Shopping Center, 10 am17 Wed Annual Membership Meeting/Board of Directors Election, 11:00 a.m.,

Hyatt Regency Guam18 Thu Maritime Affairs Committee Meeting, 10:00 a.m., Chamber Office 2 pm, Festival Meeting with Food Vendors, Chamber Conference Room19 Fri 10 am, Festival Planning Meeting, Chamber Conference Room 4 pm, Festival Meeting with Volunteers, Chamber Conference Room23 Tue 10 am, Festival Officials Meeting, Chamber Conference Room26 Thu Thanksgiving Day--Chamber Office Closed27 Sat 18th Annual Christmas Festival Holiday Kick-Off, Skinner Plaza,

Hagåtña, 4 pm

DECEMBER7 Tue Small Business Focus & Development Committee Meeting, 7:30 a.m.,

Chamber Office8 Wed Our Lady of Camarin Day —Office Closed at Noon10 Fri Small Business Seminar, 8:00 a.m., Outrigger Guam Resort 2:00 p.m., GYP Steering Committee Meeting, Chamber Conference Room9 Thu MAC Trucking & Transportation Sub-Committee Meeting, 10:00 a.m.,

Chamber Conference Room15 Wed Board of Directors Meeting, 7:30 a.m., Chamber Office16 Thu Maritime Affairs Committee Meeting, 10:00 a.m., Chamber Office25 Fri Christmas Day —Office Closed

...Making a difference in our community.

Find out more about us:

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The President's Report • October 2010 • 5

The AFC welcomed participants of the USMC Defense Policy Review Initiative (DPRI) on October 19th at the Hilton Guam Resort & Spa.L- R: Craig Whelden, Executive Director, Marine Forces Pacific, Bryan Wood, Director, Pacific Division (PP&O) shaking hands with AFC Chairman Carl Peterson, Brigadier General Robert Ruark, As-sistant Deputy Comman-dant, Installations &Logistics (Facilities)

R U READY? Mark Your Calendars!

3rd Annual AFC 5K


6thSkinner Plaza

The Be Connected Committee chaired by Michele Catahay (Pacific Telestations) is hosting GYP’s Halloween Mixer to be held on October 28th at Mac & Marti Cigar Lounge in Tu-mon. Members and guests are invited to attend to socialize and network with the young professional community. A por-tion of the proceeds from the mixer will be used to support GYP community service events during the holiday season. For its many community service as well as social events, GYP seeks sponsorship on an ongoing basis, and thanks those have contributed to the success of the organization thus far. Keep updated with Guam Young Professional activities by visiting us on Facebook or at our web site:

Armed Forces Committee Updates

Join the Fun and Remember our Veterans3rd Annual 5K, November 6th

The Chamber’s 3rd Annual AFC 5K Run/Walk event is just around the corner. The event will be held the weekend before Veteran’s Day to honor the island’s numerous Veterans that have served and continue to serve our great nation to protect the freedoms we enjoy today. Join the Chamber and run in support of our men and women in the Armed Forces. It’s never too late to volunteer your time and service to help this good cause by con-tributing beverages, refreshments, raffle prizes, even manpower!

R U Up to the Challenge?For two years in a row, the Guam National Guard has held the trophy for the most registered participants for the event. Second last year was ASC Trust Corporation. Can your company or or-ganization take home the trophy this year for year-long bragging rights? Step up to the challenge! Sign up your group today!

EARLY ENTRANCE FEE: $7/person, $20/group of 4RACE DAY FEE: $10/person

Registration is on-going. Forms and numbers are available at the Chamber office or at Hornet in Tamuning. Showtime is 5 am and Go time is 6 am sharp!

Free t-shirts will be given to the first 700 finishers. Refreshments will be served and prizes will be given out after the race. For more information, visit our web site: or call the Chamber office at 472-6311/8001. Come join the fun at Skinner Plaza on November 6th at the AFC 5K run!

The AFC would like to welcome the following new members to the Committee:

David Beaver, Merrill LynchJennifer Dizon, Holiday Resort & Spa GuamMatt Hempel, Blue River Information Technology, LLCRoger Ramos, Hilti Inc. Gina San Nicolas, Holiday Resort & Spa Guam



Simon Yang, Holiday Resort & Spa GuamThank you for your membership support!Members interested in becoming an active member of the Armed Forces Committee are encouraged to consider membership. Call your Chamber office for details

November 12 AFC General Membership MeetingThe Armed Forces Committee's 4th Quarter General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 12th at the Outrigger Guam Resort. Military commands will provide updates on to the membership on contracts and activities at each command. RSVPs are being accepted by the Chamber office. Not an AFC member? Join today! (AFC Membership is open to voting members of the Guam Chamber of Commerce in good standing)

Small Business Outreach

Small Business Seminar SeriesThe Small Business Focus & Development Committee, with the Guam SBDC, recently held its October 15th Seminar at Outrigger Guam Resort. The seminar was entitled, “Managing Growth: A Panel Discussion on Facilities, Staffing/Training, and Finance” and was presented by Mike Ady of M-80 Office Systems, Grace Donaldson of Solutions, and Rodney Webb of Small Business Know-How. Each speaker discussed critical factors and key ideas to successfully managing the growth of a business or orga-nization. Participants gained tips on how to plan their facilities to meet their needs, to retain and properly reward valuable employ-ees, and to manage financial capacity and future expansion.

November 5 Seminar Next month's Small Business Seminar is entitled “Presenting

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6 • The President's Report • October 2010

Your Products Powerfully.” The seminar will feature presentations by Jina Rojas of Glimpses Advertising, Albert Sampson of NAVFACMAR, and Jay Rojas of Slotnick Enterprises. Participants will learn tactics and techniques on promoting and posi-tioning their business in the marketplace, doing business with the Military, and building a strong customer base.

The Small Business Seminar will be held on Friday, November 5, 2010 at the Outrigger Guam Resort from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Fort San Jose Room. For more information or to RSVP for the semi-nar, please contact the Chamber office at 472-6311/8001 or visit our web site:

“Meet the Board Candidates Mixer” Thursday, November 4

Join your fellow Chamber members and get to know the candidates running for the 2011 Chamber Board of Directors. All candidates have been urged to attend the reception to meet with the membership. The mixer will take place on Thursday, November 4th at the First Hawaiian Bank location in Maite. Special thanks to First Hawaiian Bank and M80 Office Systems for co-sponsoring this event! Call in your RSVPs today: 472-6311/8001 or email us at [email protected].

The mixer is an activity of the Small Busi-ness Focus & Development Committee. If you or your company would like to spon-sor a future mixer event, you are welcome to contact a member of the Committee or a Chamber staff member for details.



The Guam Chamber of Com-merce seeks to recognizei n d i v i d u a l s ,businesses or organiza-tions that contribute to beautifying our island.

N o m i n a t i o n F o r m s for the Na'La'Bonita Guam Beautification Award are available at the Chamber Office.

Support a Drug-Free and Violence-Free Workplace and Island - Support Red Ribbon Week


TECHNOLOGYInformation Technology-Value Added

Reseller/IntegratorMatt Hempel,

Director, Asia-Pacific Region166 Chalan Fandango St.

Dededo, Guam 96929Tel: (671) 487-7976

[email protected]


Health and Wellness CompanyStephani Ferrara, President

P.O. Box 11034 Tamuning, Guam 96931

Tel: (671) 482-2798/969-6536 [email protected]

The Guam Department of Labor will be conducting the following labor clinics for the month of November 2010. The sessions are aimed at providing training to private sector employers, managers and supervisors on what they need to know about labor rules and regulations. The labor clinics will be conducted at the GDOL’s conference room, 3rd floor, GCIC Building, Hagatna, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. There are no registration fees for the labor clinics.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010 – Fair Labor Standards Act – learn about the Fair Labor Standards Act including Minimum Wage, Overtime Pay, Deductions from Pay, Child Labor, Record Keeping and your responsi-bilities as an employer.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 – Work-ers Compensation – learn about the Worker’s Compensation Program, report-ing procedures and forms used.

Thursday, November 18, 2010 – Disabil-ity Etiquette – learn the top ten points of etiquette necessary to effectively commu-nicate with and include people with a wide range of disabilities in the workplace.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 – Fair Employment Practice - learn about your responsibility for compliance with laws related to harassment and unfavorable treatment in employment.

To register, please contact Phyllis Topasna, 475-7078, email: [email protected].

Christmas FestivalThe Chamber Festival Elves have been

hard at work! The group, led by head elf, Kristine Lujan (2010 Festival Event Chair), is reaching out to the membership to bring the Guam community the best ever Christmas Festival. For 18 years, the Chamber has used the festival format to ring in the holiday season. This year’s theme, titled “Tiempon Minagof!” mean-ing Time of Joy/Happiness, is a celebra-tion of Christmas on Guam and the Håfa Adai spirit. Join in the island-style festivi-ties and participate as a sponsor, contribu-tor or volunteer! It’s an experience that you won’t forget!

Sponsorship Deadline is on October 28th:Illumination Sponsorship: $2,000Marine Corps Drive Sponsorship: $1,500Santa’s Helper Sponsorship: $500Children’s Delight Sponsorship: $500

Additional Participation:Pay your Festival Assessments by Novem-ber 12th and get your name on the banner at Skinner Plaza from November 27 – Janu-


Representatives from Guam's Red Ribbon Coalition were present at the Proclamation Signing event on October 1st with

Lt. Governor Michael Cruz, M.D.

RRW Outreach Event at GPO on Saturday, October 23rd.

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The President's Report • October 2010 • 7

Training Opportunities

The Chamber Elves are helping the U.S. Marine Corps and other charitible organizations kick off the Toys for Tots Program for Guam and the Marianas Islands. Bring a new and unwrapped toy to the Chamber office or sign up your company or organization to be a designated toy drop off point. Call the Chamber office for details. Lets help each other bring a smile to a child at Christmas!

ary 3, 2011!Mini-Parade ParticipationCompany Mascots or Costume CharactersLight-Up Hagåtña - decorate your buildings in lights!Give-aways for KidsVolunteers

Don’t see an activity but would love to sponsor it? Let us know! Contact your Chamber office for details or download forms at

You won't want to miss this year's event: Calendar: Saturday, November 27th, Skin-ner Plaza, Hagåtña. The Park opens at 4 pm. See you there!

Community Outreach

US Military Contracting Conference The Tinian Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring a US Military Contracting Conference on October 27 at the Tinian Dynasty Hotel and Casino. Speakers will include Rear Admiral Bushong who is Com-mander of Joint Region Marianas and also the US Defense Representative to Microne-



sia as well as Mr. John Jackson, Executive Director of the Joint Guam Program Office (Forward). Other notable speakers will be Capt. Peter Lynch, Commander of NAVFAC Marianas and Richard Solander who is the Project Manger for the Office of Economic Adjustment under the Secretary of Defense. Seating will be limited so register early to ensure you have a seat at this important con-ference. Fax or email for registration: (670) 433-4329 or [email protected]

SHRM Conference – October 28The Society for Human Resource Manage-ment Guam Chapter has announced its An-nual Conference will take place on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at the Guam Marriott Resort & Spa. This year’s conference will feature a Comprehensive Review of Health Care Reform, Employer Expectations and Responsibilities.

Registration is required. Contact: [email protected] c/o Paris Blas at Guam Manpower Resources located at the W.Y. Building, 426 W. Rt. 8, Ste 201 (2nd Floor) Barrigada, Guam. For more information, please call 735-2010.

8th Annual Governor’s Tourism Cup Championship Golf Tournament¡

The Guam Hotel & Restaurant Association and its Industry Partners will be hosting the 8th Annual Governor’s Tourism Cup Cham-pionship Golf Tournament at the Leo Palace Resort on November 20 & 21. Registration is now open - Choose either a One-Day Calloway or Two-Day Tourney. Either way you are sure to spend a day in the sun embarking in healthy competition with great fellow golfers and chances to win superb prizes! Don’t miss out on this op-portunity – contact the GHRA Office or Leo

Ernie Galiton, Deputy General Manager Guam Visitors Bureau provided the membership with an

update on the state of Tourism on Guam at the September 29th General Membership Meeting

held at the Sheraton Laguna Resort in Tamuning.

Chairman of the Board David John provided testimony on October 6th at the NavFacMar Engi-

neering Facilities against the establishment of PLAs on Guam for contracts relating to the

military buildup.



Thursday, October 28th (12:00 noon – 2:00pm)Growth Venture Series:

Presented by the UOG Guam SBDC/Bank of Guam Women in Business Program: As you plan for growth in your business, every new decision will affect your operations. This seminar will help you make specific changes to improve profitability based on your Three–Year Projected Income Statement, strengthen financial performance based on the Three–Year Projected Bal-ance Sheet, and increase the business’s overall wealth based on the company’s financial ratios.Seating is limited to 15 participants. Advance signup and registration fee of $20 required to be paid at the Guam SBDC located at the University of Guam Leon Guerrero SBPA Building by 5:00pm, October 27, 2010. Cash, check (payable to University of Guam) & major credit cards (AMEX, Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club & JCB) accepted. Requests for reasonable accommoda-tions must be made 72 hours in advance. Services are extended to the public on a non-discriminatory basis. To register, please contact Lorie Sablan or Natasha Cruz at 735-2590 or email [email protected] or [email protected]. The Pacific Islands Small Business Development Center is a program supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration under a cooperative agreement. SBA cannot endorse any products, opinions, or services of any external parties or activities.

Palace Resort to register!

Notary Meeting - October 29Guam Notary Public Association (GNPA) has announced that it is meeting on Friday, 10/29 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. RSVP to attend with: Paris JM Blas, General Manager/Nota-ry Public, Guam Manpower Resources, Inc.Tel: (671) 735-2010/11 or email: [email protected] for details about the meeting or how to join the orga-nization.

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