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Page 1: Presidents of the United States Part 2 of 8

A look at the presidents and political parties from 1981 to 2016. As well as an overview of the current 2016 election.

Page 2: Presidents of the United States Part 2 of 8

Table of Contents:Page Title: Page Number:History of US Political Parties 4

Overview of the Parties 5

Democrat 15

Republican 49

Decade Overview 1980 to 1989 84

Ronald Wilson Reagan 90

President Profile 91

President Reagan’s First Term 95

Domestic Events 96

International Events 102

Economic Overview 108

Policies 118

President Reagan’s Second Term 149

Domestic Events 150

International Events 156

Economic Overview 162

Policies 172

Presidential Pros & Cons 183

Page Title: Page Number:Decade Overview 1990 to 1999 188

George Herbert Walker Bush 194

President Profile 195

Domestic Events 199

International Events 205

Economic Overview 211

Policies 221

Presidential Pros & Cons 245

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Table of Contents:

Page Title: Page Number:William Jefferson Clinton 250

President Profile 251

President Clinton’s First Term 255

Domestic Events 256

International Events 262

Economic Overview 268

Policies 278

President Clinton’s Second Term 298

Domestic Events 299

International Events 305

Economic Overview 311

Policies 321

Presidential Pros & Cons 334

Page Title: Page Number:Decade Overview 2000 to 2009 339

George Walker Bush 345

President Profile 346

President Bush’s First Term 350

Domestic Events 351

International Events 357

Economic Overview 363

Policies 373

President Bush’s Second Term 400

Domestic Events 401

International Events 407

Economic Overview 413

Policies 423

Presidential Pros & Cons 435

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Table of Contents:Page Title: Page Number:Decade Overview 2010 to 2016 441

Barack Hussein Obama II 446

President Profile 447

President Obama’s First Term 451

Domestic Events 452

International Events 458

Economic Overview 464

Policies 474

President Obama’s Second Term 497

Domestic Events 498

International Events 504

Economic Overview 510

Policies 520

Presidential Pros & Cons 537

Page Title: Page Number:Presidential Election 2016 543

Republican Candidate Profile 544

Democrat Candidate Profile 548

Candidates on the Issues 552

Work Cited 578

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An overview of the history of the political parties in the US.

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Democrats:History of democrats in the US.

Picture goes here

Image Source: Google Images

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Democrat Party Origin:

Compiled by author from:

1793: Democrats trace their lineage

back to Thomas Jefferson

1800: the Democratic-

Republican party gained the presidency

The Federalists were the opposition

1796: the Federalist popularity declined

1824: Every candidate identified themselves as Democratic-Republican

1828: Andrew Jackson was strong enough to win the electoral college

1830: The party adopted the official name of Democratic Party

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Democrat Party Shift:

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1792: the Democratic party

is the oldest political party in

the US

19th century: supported

slavery, opposed civil rights


By the mid-20th century it had undergone a realignment and reinvented itself as a

party supporting organized labor, the civil rights of minorities, and progressive


Since Roosevelt’s New Deal of the 1930s, the party has tended to favor greater


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Democratic Philosophy:

Since 1912, the Democratic party has positioned itself to the left of the Republican Party in economic and social matters

The left-leaning activist philosophy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, has influenced American liberalism and has shaped much of the party's

economic agenda since 1932

Liberal Democrats tend to favor an active role for government in society and believe that it can improve the quality of people’s lives

and help achieve the larger goals of opportunity and equality

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Democratic Landscape:

Senate Leader: Harry Reid

Seats in the Senate: 44/100

Seats in the House: 188/435

Governorships: 18/50

Membership: 43.1 Million (as of 2012)

Traditionally strong in California, Massachusetts and New York

Social and human ideas: Based on community and social responsibility

Famous Presidents: Franklin Roosevelt (FDR), John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton,

Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama

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1st Democratic President

1824: Jackson was nominated for president in 1824, but lost

1828: Jackson was elected and worked hard to strengthen the Democratic Party

7th President of the US Andrew


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Incumbent Democratic President:

Barack Obama the 44th

President Incumbent

He is the first African American to hold the office and the first president born

outside the continental US

Noted for the military operation that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden

Major domestic initiatives in his first term included the Patient Protection and

Affordable Care Act

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Democrat View on Government:

Democrats believe that the federal government should have a strong role to directly address the challenges

faced by the American people, especially those which pertain to the less privileged in American society

Democrats argue that with a high unemployment rate, many families need government assistance and they

want to expand these programs

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Democratic Tax Philosophy:

Progressive (high income earners should be taxed at a higher rate) and generally not opposed to raising taxes to fund government

Democrats support progressive taxes, i.e. they want high-income individuals to pay taxes at a higher rate and they support higher taxes on the wealthy to pay for public programs

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Democrats on Budget & Economy:

We want to move our country forward

by creating an economy built to

last from the middle out

We can’t go back to before the

economic crisis, we must ensure it never happens


Create an economy built to last & built from the middle out

Restore the budget discipline of the 1990s

Cut the deficit in half over the next 4 years

Policy should encourage home ownership & affordable housing

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Democrats on Jobs:

We don’t believe in tax give-a-ways that reward

companies for moving jobs overseas

The major crisis today is not unemployment, but the

rapid decline in working-class wages

The more serious problem is that real wages for American

workers have declined by 16% over the last 20 years

Bridge to work: help the long-

term unemployed

Create jobs that stay in America

Tax system should not reward job


Protect workers’ right to organize

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Democrat Platform on Gun Control:

Democrats favor more gun control laws e.g., oppose the

right to carry concealed weapons in public places

Reasonable Regulation on Firearms

Reauthorize Assault Weapons Ban, Close Gun Show Loophole

Strengthen Gun Control to Reduce Violence

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Democrat Platform on Abortion:

Democrats support abortion

rights and feel choice is a

constitutional right Strongly and

Unequivocally Support Roe V. Wade

Invest in Stem Cell and Other Medical Research

Pursue Embryonic Stem Cell Research

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Democrat Platform on the Military:

Democrats: Prefer lower increases in military spending and are comparatively more reluctant to using military force against countries like Iran, Syria and Libya

Democrats tend to support cuts to defense and want military pay and

benefits to increase

Democrats would further reform the retirement system and improve housing,

health care, and childcare benefits to support the competitiveness of military


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Democrats on Iraq:

Democrats are pursuing the possibility of a political

resolution, and continuing our capacity-building efforts

We will continue providing counterterrorism and training


The US will make clear that we respect Pakistan's sovereignty

and that our interest is in putting an end to Al-Qaeda's safe havens

No US forces in Iraq; no US bases in Iraq

Bring our troops home from Afghanistan by 2014

Focus on preventing terrorism by education in Muslim world

Committed to Israel but support Palestinian state

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Democrat Ideology on Civil Rights:

Committed to expanding access to employment for people with disabilities

Veterans have more options in finding good jobs with federal contractors

More veterans are getting benefits and are in college

PTSD is no longer a dirty wordEnable disability access; plus 100,000

federal jobs

Equal treatment under law for same-sex couples

Racial and religious profiling is wrong

Keep marriage at state level; no federal gay marriage ban

Strengthen some parts of Patriot Act and change other parts

Pass hate crime legislation including gays

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Democrats on Homeland Security:

For democrats, homeland security

begins with hometown security

Excessive use of military action tends to

increase animosity against our country and breeds more terrorists

Confront Terrorism While Upholding Constitutional Values

Lead The World by Telling Truth to Our Troops & Our Citizens

Excessive Use of Our Military Breeds More Terrorists

Reform Intelligence Community Internationally and Locally

Safeguard Nuclear Material and Stop Creating New Material

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Democrats on Education:

Democrats took on banks to reform our loan program, saving $60 billion by removing the banks acting as


Making college affordable,

doubling investments in Pell

Grants, creating the American

opportunity tax credit worth up to


Make college tuition tax deductible

Use standardized tests to advance learning, not bureaucracy

Education is top priority in Democrat presidency

Turn around our struggling public schools; expand public options

Charter schools are OK, but NOT vouchers

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Democrats on Free Trade:

Democrats have taken steps to open new markets to American products, while ensuring that other

countries play by the same rules

President Obama signed into law new trade agreements with south Korea, Colombia, and


Expanded and reformed assistance for trade-affected workers

Double our exports by 2015 with new trade


Knock down barriers to free,

fair and balanced trade

Review all trade

agreements; investigate China rights


Free trade with safeguards will

benefit all

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Democrats on Energy/Oil:

Energy independence puts the US in the driver’s

seat to pursue efficient energy solutions to

benefit all Americans, improve America’s

security, reduce the burden on American

families, and help clean our environment

We cannot drill our way to energy independence

Energy independence to avoid dealing with repressive regimes

Invest in technology & transportation friendly to earth

Transfer billions in oil & gas subsidies to alternative R&D

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Democrats on the Environment:

Restoring the Great Lakes, the Florida Everglades, and local wilderness areas

Working with Gulf Coast states to restore the Gulf and hold BP accountable

Work with communities to conserve our publicly-owned lands, expand investments in conserving and restoring forests, grasslands,

and wetlands

Continue working to ensure the integrity of the waters Americans rely on every day for

drinking, swimming, and fishing

Restoration of wilderness & watersheds for generations to come

Honor hunting & fishing heritage via more conservation lands

Rejection of the choice of healthy economy over a healthy environment

Encouragement of open space and rail travel

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Democrats on Global Warming:

Democrats, want to dial down the use of coal, oil and other fossil fuels in

favor of renewable energy

Democrats want to evaluate all decisions to

ensure they do not "exacerbate" global


Democrats are opposed to the Keystone XL Pipeline and they also feel most of

jobs created will be temporary

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Democratic Stance on Immigration:

Undocumented immigrants within our borders who clear a background check, work hard and pay taxes should have a

path to earn full participation in America

Protect immigrants from exploitation by employers

Path for undocumented aliens to earn citizenship

Hispanics vote 60%-75% Dem; naturalizing "imports Democrats"

DREAM Act for now; comprehensive reform next

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Democrats on Infrastructure/Technology:

Invest in the technologies of the future, from renewable energy to nanotechnology to biomedicine

Committed to vigorous federal highway and transit initiatives that put

Americans to work, relieve traffic congestion, and foster long-term projects at state and local levels

Recognizing and defending Internet freedom worldwide

Putting science ahead of ideology in research and policymaking

Vigorous federal highway and transit initiatives

Every home should have Internet access

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Democrats on Social Security:

Democrats believe that Social Security

and Medicare must be kept strong for future


Democrats believe that after a life of

hard work, you earn a secure retirement

Preserve promise of Social Security; don't privatize it

Bar practice of keeping retirement funds in company stock

Oppose privatization and oppose raising retirement age

Strengthen Social Security for Baby Boomers

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Democrat Supreme Court Justices:

Sotomayor Kagan

Ginsburg Breyer

Since 1869 there have been 9 Supreme Court Justices

Before the death of Scalia (R) , the Supreme Court had 5 Republican justices and 4

Democratic justices; A Democrat win could make the court more liberal than at any other

point in the last 50 years

After the 2016 election, a left shifting court may choose to address the constitutionality of

the death penalty, or reject the constitutionality of capital punishment

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Democrat Party Facts:

41% of Democrats describe themselves as liberal, 35%

are moderates and 21% are conservative

In 2000, 43% were moderate, 27% liberal and 24%


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83% of Democrats approve of the way Obama is

handling his job compared to

43% of Independents and 9% or Republicans

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Democrat Party Facts:

Bill Clinton had a higher job rating (56%) 1999, Clinton’s job rating among Democrats was about the same as Obama’s today (82%)

George W. Bush had a lower job rating (31%) and lower rating among his own party (66%) than Obama does today

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60% said they would back a candidate who will

compromise with Republicans

48% said cutting the size of big banks; (45%) expand trade


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Democrat Party Facts:

53% say it is more important for a presidential candidate to have “experience and a proven


39% say it is more important for a candidate to have “new

ideas and a different approach”

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Among liberal Democratic primary voters 60% would be more likely

to vote for a candidate who wants to reduce the size of large banks

Liberal Democratic voters are more likely than conservatives to have a good view of a candidate who backs the Iran nuclear deal

(53% vs. 31%)

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Diversity in the Democrat Congress:

House: Senate:Minority Women Minority Men White Women White Men

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All information presented in this PowerPoint, came from the following sources.

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