Download - presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series presentation(6).pdf- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, may Allah increase his life and knowledge Principles of Halal and Haram

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Page 2: presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series presentation(6).pdf- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, may Allah increase his life and knowledge Principles of Halal and Haram

What does 100% Halal mean?

What does Zabiha Halal mean?

Why is it a MUST to consume Halal and ONLY Halal?

What are the harms of consuming Haram?

Is the meat of Ahlul Kitab (the People of the Book) permissible?

Questions to Answer


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ا ﴿ ب طي لا ـ ض حل رأ ا فى ٱلأ لوا مم ها ٱلن اس ك أي ـ ت ي طوٲ ول تت بعوا خن ـ يأط بين ٱلش م و ﴾إن ه لكم عد

1. “O people, eat permissible good things out of what lies in the earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan); indeed, he is an open enemy for you.” (al-Baqarah:168)

م ﴿ بات ما رزقناك لوا من طي ها ال ذين آمنوا ك ﴾يا أي 2. “O you who believe, eat of the good things (tayyib)We have provided to you and be grateful to Allah” (al-Baqarah:172)

The Need to Eat Halal 10 Ayat of the Holy Quran about Islamic Dietary Laws


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لحا إن ى بما تعأملون عليم ﴿ ـ ت وٱعأملوا ص ـ ب لوا من ٱلط ي ل ك س ہا ٱلر أي ـ ﴾ي

3. “O messengers, eat from the good things, and act righteously. Of whatever you do, I am fully aware.” (al-


ت ﴿ ـ ب لونك ماذآ أحل لهمأ قلأ أحل لكم ٱلط ي ـ ﴾يسأ 4. “They ask you as to what has been made lawful for them. Say, “Made lawful for you are good things” (al-Maa’idah: 4)

The Need to Eat Halal 10 Ayat of the Holy Quran about Islamic Dietary Laws


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ونه ﴿ م ى ٱل ذى يجد ول ٱلن بى ٱلأ س مأ فى ٱل ذين يت بعون ٱلر ۥ مكأتوبا عنده لهم وف وينأہٮهمأ عن ٱلأمنڪر ويحل هم بٱلأمعأر نجيل يأأمر رٮة وٱلأ ٱلت وأ

ث ٮ ـ م عليأهم ٱلأخب ت ويحر ـ ب ﴾ٱلط ي 5. ” Those who follow the Messenger, the Ummiyy (unlettered) prophet whom they find written with them in the Torah and the Injil , and who bids them what is fair and forbids what is unfair, and makes lawful for them good

things, and makes unlawful for them impure things”(al-


The Need to Eat Halal 10 Ayat of the Holy Quran about Islamic Dietary Laws


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نأخنقة ﴿ بهۦ وٱلأم م ٱلأخنزير وما أهل لغيأر ٱلل م ولحأ متأ عليأكم ٱلأميأتة وٱلد ر ح

يأتمأ بع إل ما ذك ية وٱلن طيحة وما أكل ٱلس ترد قوذة وٱلأم ﴾ وٱلأموأ

6. “Prohibited for you are: carrion, blood, the flesh of swine, and those upon which (a name) other than that of Allah has been invoked (at the time of slaughter), animal killed by strangulation, or killed by a blow, or by a fall, or by goring, or that which is eaten by a beast unless you have properly slaughtered it;” (al-Maa’idah:3)

The Need to Eat Halal 10 Ayat of the Holy Quran about Islamic Dietary Laws


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﴾ول تأكلوا مما لم يذكر اسم الله عليه وإنه لفسق ﴿ 7. “Eat not (of meats) on which Allah's name has not been pronounced, and surely it is a sin...” (al-An’aam:121)

عليأها ٱفأترآء عليأه ﴿ م ٱلل ون ٱسأ ر ك م ل يذأ ـ ها وأنأع متأ ظهور ر م ح ـ ﴾وأنأع

8. “…and there are cattle over which they do not pronounce the name of Allah, __ all being fabrications against Him.” (al-An’aam:138)

The Need to Eat Halal 10 Ayat of the Holy Quran about Islamic Dietary Laws


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م ٱلأخنزير وما أهل بهۦ لغيأر ٱلل ﴿ م ولحأ تة وٱلد م ٱلأميأ م عليأڪ ﴾إن ما حر

9. “He has only prohibited for you carrion, blood, the flesh of swine and that upon which a name of someone other than ‘Allah’ has been invoked.” (al-Baqarah:173)

عليأه ﴿ م ٱلل ا ذكر ٱسأ لوا مم ﴾وما لكمأ أل تأأڪ 10. “What should cause you to avoid eating of that upon which the name of Allah has been invoked” (al-An’aam:119)

The Need to Eat Halal 10 Ayat of the Holy Quran about Islamic Dietary Laws


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:عن أبي هريرة قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

« إن الله تعالى طيب ل يقبل إل طيبا»

Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:

“Allah, the Almighty, is tayyib (pure) and accepts only that which is tayyib.”

(Sahih Muslim, 1015)

The Need to Eat Halal


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بات ﴿: وإن الله أمر المؤمنين بما أمر به المرسلين فقال تعالى» لوا من الط ي ل ك س ها الر يا أي

لوا من ﴿: وقال تعالى. ﴾واعملوا صالحا إن ي بما تعملون عليم ها ال ذين آمنوا ك يا أي م بات ما رزقناك (1015رواه مسلم )« .﴾طي

Allah has commanded the faithful to do that which he commanded the Messengers, and the Almighty has said:

“O messengers, eat from the good things, and act righteously.” (al-Mu’minoon:51)

“O you who believe, eat of the good things (tayyib)We have provided to you and be grateful to Allah” (al-


(Sahih Muslim, 1015)

The Need to Eat Halal


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عوة » «يا سعد أطب مطعمك تكن مستجاب الد Sayyiduna S'ad ibn Abi Waqqas (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that

the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“O S'ad purify your food (and as a result) you will become one whose supplications are accepted.”

People used to flock to Sayyiduna Sa’d (may Allah be pleased with him) to get their Duas answered

(Tabrani, 6495)

BECOME MUSTAJAB AD-DA’WAAT (He Whose Dua is Accepted)


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ذكر الرجل يطيل السفر أشعث أغبر يمد يديه إلى السماء يا رب يارب ومطعمه » «حرام ومشربه حرام وملبسه حرام وغذي بالحرام فأنى يستجاب له

The Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) mentioned (the case of) a man who, having journeyed far, is dishevelled and dusty and who spreads out his hands to the heavens (saying): “O Lord! O Lord!” — while his food is unlawful, his drink unlawful, his clothing unlawful, and he is nourished unlawfully, so how can he be answered!”

(Sahih Muslim, 1015)

A Traveler’s Dua Unanswered


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«ل يدخل الجنة جسد غذي بالحرام » The body which has been

nourished with Haram


(Baihaqi, 6110)

Will Not Enter Jannah


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« قمة الحرام في جوفه ما يتقب ل د بيده، إن العبد ليقذف الل وال ذي نفس محم «منه عمل أربعين يوما

The Prophet (peace be upon him):

“I swear by Him in whose hands the soul of Muhammad lies, verily a servant (of Allah) puts a haram (impermissible) food morsel in his stomach (due to which) no good deed is accepted from him for 40 days” (Tabrani, 6395)

Good Deeds Unaccepted


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The Beloved Prophet (s) once saw Sayyiduna Hasan (r) pick up a date and put it in his mouth.

He immediately took it out of Hasan’s mouth because there was doubt about its source.

A Date Taken Out


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Sayyiduna Abu Bakr ate a bite of food in extreme hunger.

When he found out it was doubtful, he forced himself to throw up.

A Bite Thrown Up


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Imam Abu Haneefah (rh) avoided goat meat for many years because one goat was stolen in his neighborhood and the goat meat in the market could possibly come from that goat.

The Stolen Goat


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Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (rh)’s father Abu Salih

Jangidost (rh) once picked up an apple from a flowing river and ate it.

When he realized it could belong to someone else, he went and asked forgiveness from the possible owner.

The owner stipulated that he has to marry his blind, mute, handicapped daughter (to test his Taqwa).

In fear of the repercussions of eating this apple in the Akhirah, he agreed, only to find out the daughter was completely of the opposite condition.

A Doubtful Apple


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Shaykh Ya’qub Nanotawi (rh) once attended

an invitation and began to eat.

After eating only a bite, he suddenly left the gathering.

After one week, he said to his students, “I have been afflicted with evil temptations for the past week due to the (doubtful) bite of food I ate at that invitation.”

A Week of Evil Temptations


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A father enrolled his son to study the Deen

and prohibited him from eating meat from the market.

Reason: Doubtful food prevents knowledge.

A Pious Father


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Shaykh Qasim Nanotawi (rh) used to wait an

entire year to receive a yearly invitation from a poor man who had pure earnings.

He used to say: “Due to this pure (completely Halal) food, I get energy to stand the entire night in Tahajjud.

Yearly Invitation


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Mufti Muzaffar Hussain (rh) was known to naturally throw up any food that was not purely Halal.

Only Pure Halal


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Halal: permissible, lawful

Haram: impermissible, unlawful, prohibited



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In the Shariah, the basic rules about Muslim’s diet are:

ONLY Tayyib is halal

Khabeeth is haram

Principles of Halal and Haram


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”الصل في الشياء الباحة وفي اللحوم الحرمة “ The principle in all things is permissibility (allowed)

(unless proven otherwise)


The principle in meat is impermissibility (haram) (unless proven otherwise)

(Upon the consensus of the major ulama of all four mazhahib of Fiqh)

Principles of Halal and Haram


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“It is not necessary to consume all that which is halal


It is absolutely necessary to avoid all that which is haram”

- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri,

may Allah increase his life and knowledge

Principles of Halal and Haram


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ا﴿ ض جميع رأ و ٱل ذى خلق لكم م ا فى ٱلأ ﴾ه

“It is He who created for you all that the earth contains” (Surah al-Baqarah:29)

Are there dietary laws in Islam?


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There two types of issues in Islam:

Umoor Ta’abbudiyyah: those issues related to ibadah (worship)

Umoor ‘Adiyah: those issues related to everyday life, unrelated to ibadah (worship)


Are there dietary laws in Islam?


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من صلى صلاتنا واستقبل قبلتنا وأكل ذبيحتنا فذلك » «المسلم الذي له ذمة الله وذمة رسوله

“The one who prays our salat, faces our Qiblah, and eats our zabiha, he

is the Muslim who is under the protection of Allah and His

Messenger (s)”

(Bukhari, 391)

Are there dietary laws in Islam?


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Condition #1: THREE out of the FOUR main

veins of the animal’s throat MUST be cut

Condition #2: Tasmiyyah: Mentioning the Name of Allah verbally at the time of each slaughter

Condition #3: The butcher must be a Muslim or Believing Ahlul Kitab

The Conditions of Zabiha


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If any one condition is NOT MET, the meat will NOT be considered ZABIHA HALAL

The Conditions of Zabiha


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Condition #1:

The method of slaughtering

The Conditions of Zabiha


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THREE out of the FOUR main veins of animal’s

throat MUST be cut:

1. Trachea (windpipe)

2. Esophagus (foodpipe)

3. Juglar Vein #1

4. Juglar Vein #2

The Conditions of Zabiha #1


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Condition #2: Tasmiyyah:

Mentioning the Name of Allah verbally at the time of each


The Conditions of Zabiha


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﴾عليه وإنه لفسق ول تأكلوا مما لم يذكر اسم الله ﴿ “Eat not (of meats) on which Allah's name has not been pronounced, and surely it is a sin...” (al-An’aam:121)

The Conditions of Zabiha #2:

Mentioning the Name of Allah


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Mentioning the Name of Allah ( Bismillah )

verbally is required at the time of each slaughter

If the butcher intentionally leaves out Bismillah, the meat is HARAM

Any animal upon which Bismillah is not mentioned at the time of slaughter intenionally, is considered maitah (carrion)

If the butcher unintentionally forgets Bismillah, there is no problem with meat

The Conditions of Zabiha #2: Mentioning the Name of Allah


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“Prohibited for you are: Maitah (carrion), blood, the

flesh of swine, and those upon which (a name) other than that of Allah has been invoked (at the time of slaughter)…” (al-Maa’idah:3)

Allah mentions the meat of swine third, after Maitah (carrion) and blood, indicating that avoiding the first two is even more serious than pork

The meat upon which the name of Allah was not pronounced at slaughter time (Maitah) is worse than pork

The Deception that We Have Befallen


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Condition #3:

The butcher must be a Muslim or Believing Ahlul Kitab

The Conditions of Zabiha


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If one does not know who slaughtered the animal, further researched MUST be done before eating

Imported meat will be judged by the place from which it came

The Conditions of Zabiha #3:

The Butcher must be Muslim or Believing Ahlul Kitab


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Those animals declared as “Halāl”, if they have been

slaughtered according to “Zabīha” rules, only then consuming their meat is “Halāl”.

If they have not been slaughtered as per Shar’i rules, then that meat cannot be called “Halāl”, it would be considered as “Maitah (Carrion)” which is “Haram”.

Note: This clearly proves that there are no difference of “Halāl” and “Zabīha” meat in Islam.

Is there a difference between Halal and Zabiha?


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1. Machine Slaughter and what is labeled as ‘Halal’ in the market

2. Does Kosher mean Halal?

3. Say Bismillah and JUST EAT IT!


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Machine-slaughtered meat is labeled ‘HALAL’ in great abundance

The ulama state that machine-slaughtered meat is NOT HALAL

If more than one animal is slaughtered at one time, Bismillah must be pronounced separately on each animal (adapted from Fatwa Rahimiyyah, vol. 10, pg. 80)

Machine Slaughter


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Further Problem


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Mufti Taqi Usmani: “The only solution to this

problem is that instead of one person, three Muslims be employed to cut the throats of chicken manually. They can slaughter the hanging chicken, alternatively. The speed of the machine need not be slowed down, nor does the production need to be reduced. Each one of these three persons will cut the throats of chickens by pronouncing the name of Allah".

A Solution


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“In the way I have suggested, all the process of the

mechanical production will remain as it is. The only act to be done manually is the act of cutting the throat without slowing down the machine. You can see that the separation of liver and some other parts of chicken is still being done manually, while it does not in any way, slow down the process. The same method is suggested for cutting the throat also.” (Contemporary Fatawa, p.288-289)



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“The food (slaughtered meat) of Ahlul Kitab (People of the Book) is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them.” (al-Maa’idah:5)

The food of the Christians and Jews, even with their distorted beliefs, is considered Halal for Muslims

Does Kosher mean Halal?


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The same conditions that are stipulated in an Islamic Slaughter, according to the Quran and Sunnah, are also the conditions for the people of the Book.

Are There Any Conditions?


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“Eat not (of meats) on which Allah's name has not been pronounced, and surely it is a sin...” (al-An’aam:121)

Proof from Quran


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Ibn Kathir: These are lawful for Muslims because they consider slaughtering animals for anyone other than Allah as unlawful and do not invoke any name other than that of Allah on animals they slaughter - even if they believe in things about Almighty Allah from which the great Creator is free and far above (Ibn Kathir, p. 19, v. 3).

Proof From Our Scholars


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Mufti Rasheed in ‘Ahsan al-Fatawa’ writes about how he sent letters to the major Christian seminaries, including the Vatican, asking about if they have any dietary laws pertaining to animal slaughter.

They responded in the negative, saying that they do not have any rules for sacrificing an animal.

Today: Christians


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This is from common knowledge that a good majority of Christians are atheists in belief. In other words, they are far from sanctifying their food by using the Oneness of God.

And their Iman?


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“Before performing ritual slaughter, it is necessary to

recite the blessing, “Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and has commanded us concerning ritual slaughter.” However, if the blessing is not recited, it is still permitted to eat the meat.”

“this blessing covers all the animals slaughtered in that period.”

MT Book 5, The Book of Holiness, Sefer Kedushah; Treatise 3, Laws Concerning Shehitah (Shechitah, Ritual Slaughter); Chapter 1, sec 2 (pages 506M 259Y) - See more at:

The Kosher Slaughter


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KOSHER does NOT necessarily mean ZABIHA.

KOSHER has its own respective standards but does NOT necessarily conform with ZABIHA requirements

KOSHER is a general term for that which is allowed in the Jewish faith. So, there are Kosher foods, wines, businesses, etc.

In order for a Muslim to consume meat, it MUST meet ZABIHA requirements

So Does Kosher mean Zabiha?


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: باب ذبيحة العراب ونحوهم عن عائشة ـ رضى الله عنها ـ أن قوما، قالوا للن بي صلى الله

عليه عليه وسلم إن قوما يأتونا بالل حم ل ندري أذكر اسم الل لوه " أم ل فقال وا عليه أنتم وك قالت وكانوا حديثي . ” سم

عهد بالكفر (5507:صحيح البخاري)

Say Bismillah and JUST EAT IT!


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Chapter: The animals slaughtered by Bedouins or the like. Narrated by Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her:

“A group of people said to the Prophet, "Some people bring us meat and we do not know

whether they have mentioned Allah's Name or not on slaughtering the animal." He said,

"Mention Allah's Name on it and eat." Those people had embraced Islam recently.”

(Sahih al-Bukhari:5507)

Say Bismillah and JUST EAT IT!


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There two types of issues in Islam:

Umoor Ta’abbudiyyah: those issues related to ibadah (worship)

Umoor ‘Adiyah: those issues related to everyday life, unrelated to ibadah (worship)


Say Bismillah and JUST EAT IT!


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“A group of people once said to the Prophet (SAW), “Some people have come to us with meat, and we do not know whether the name of Allah has been mentioned over it or not.” He replied, “You yourselves mention the name of Allah over it and eat.”


Say Bismillah and JUST EAT IT!


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This ruling is only for meat slaughtered UNDOUBTEDLY by Muslims

Meat from other sources is not included in this ruling

Say Bismillah and JUST EAT IT!


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• SBNY provides the Muslim community with a FREE

certification and monitoring service concerning the Zabiha status of the meat available in the markets

• SBNY is authorized by the NYS Dept. of Agriculture & Markets to certify businesses as serving Zabiha Halal

Zabiha Monitoring & Certification


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It means an independent team of Ulama Kiram who

have the academic credentials, experience in the field and expertise in monitoring Zabiha Halal, is regularly monitoring the business practices of a Halal provider.

The interested business owners sign a contract with SBNY allowing them to randomly inspect their meat inventory, business premises, invoices, employee activity, etc.

What Does Shariah Board Certified Zabiha Halal Mean?


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This is a testimony from the Ulama that this business

is not mixing hand-slaughtered Zabiha Halal by Muslims with any other non-Halal or machine-slaughtered meat and thus it is safe, beyond a reasonable doubt, to trust this business as long as they allow this independent team of Ulama Kiram to monitor their business.

What Does Shariah Board Certified Zabiha Halal Mean?


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How much does it cost?


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We do not live in a Muslim-majority population,

where it is undoubtedly true that every link in the chain of meat supply is Muslim. In those places, everyone from the butcher to the supplier to the retail store/restaurant owner is Muslim. There is no room from non-Halal in that market and they do proper slaughter.

Why do we need Zabiha Halal Certification and Monitoring?


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Where we live, as a small minority of the population, the story is different. See why:

1. Since the supply for non-Halal meat is much more than the supply of Halal meat in USA, because Muslims are a small minority of the population at large, non-Halal meat is naturally cheaper than Halal meat.

A rule of the market it that when is DEMAND IS HIGH and SUPPLY IS LOW PRICE IS HIGH

Why do we need Zabiha Halal Certification and Monitoring?


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Where we live, as a small minority of the population, the story is different. See why:

2. Halal meat is sold at a much higher price to the customer, because it costs more in the wholesale market. A savvy business owner has a big opportunity to capitalize on this. He can easily buy cheaper non-Halal meat and sell it for much more by simply putting a Halal label on it.

Why do we need Zabiha Halal Certification and Monitoring?


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Where we live, as a small minority of the population, the story is different. See why:

3. So can anyone simply place a Halal label on whatever they like? Yes, and seeing a Halal label is not enough to fulfill our obligation as a Muslim. There is no substantial regulation of the Halal meat market. Some states have very good legislation to prevent this type of cheat and deception but eating Halal is a concern of the Muslims, not the legislation. The generous members of the legislation have done their part by passing such laws (where they have done so). It is now the obligation of the Muslim consumer to report any cheat they encounter.

Why do we need Zabiha Halal Certification and Monitoring?


Page 69: presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series presentation(6).pdf- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, may Allah increase his life and knowledge Principles of Halal and Haram

Why do we need Zabiha Halal Certification and Monitoring?


Page 70: presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series presentation(6).pdf- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, may Allah increase his life and knowledge Principles of Halal and Haram

Why do we need Zabiha Halal Certification and Monitoring?


Page 71: presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series presentation(6).pdf- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, may Allah increase his life and knowledge Principles of Halal and Haram

Why do we need Zabiha Halal Certification and Monitoring?


Page 72: presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series presentation(6).pdf- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, may Allah increase his life and knowledge Principles of Halal and Haram

Where we live, as a small minority of the population, the story is different. See why:

4. It should be clear regarding the meat which is labeled as ‘HALAL’:

a. It is based mostly on trust

b. Unfortunately, deception is a normal business practice

c. There is a great need to have an alternative available to the unmonitored, uninspected, controversial ‘halal meat’ labels prevalent in the market

Why do we need Zabiha Halal Certification and Monitoring?


Page 73: presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series presentation(6).pdf- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, may Allah increase his life and knowledge Principles of Halal and Haram

Where we live, as a small minority of the population, the story is different. See why:

5. There are distributors and suppliers involved in the chain of meat supply. Even if a slaughterhouse is known to conduct proper Zabiha Halal slaughter, by the time it gets to your plate, there are at least two or three businesses involved. Any one weak link in the chain could allow Haram into your stomach!

Why do we need Zabiha Halal Certification and Monitoring?


Page 74: presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series presentation(6).pdf- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, may Allah increase his life and knowledge Principles of Halal and Haram

Where we live, as a small minority of the population, the story is different. See why:

6. The common consumer does not have the legal right to inspect the business premises of any business. Even if they were allowed into the meat cooler, they have no idea about which slaughterhouses or distributors are conducting proper Zabiha slaughter and selling only Zabiha Halal, without any mixing with non-Halal. SBNY takes the legal permission from the business owner to check what is happening inside.

Why do we need Zabiha Halal Certification and Monitoring?


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Where we live, as a small minority of the population, the story is different. See why:

7. The Ulama Kiram and concerned consumers of Halal throughout the world, where Muslims live as a minority in the population, have formulated this system of monitoring, to ensure what is labeled Halal is truly Halal.

Why do we need Zabiha Halal Certification and Monitoring?


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• We certify only HAND-SLAUGHTERED BY

MUSLIM Zabiha Halal

• We DO NOT certify any machine-slaughtered meat

What is the difference between what SBNY Zabiha Monitoring Committee does and

what others do?


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What is the difference between what SBNY Zabiha Monitoring Committee does and what

others do?

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We don’t just certify the meat, we are with it every step of the way. From the slaughterhouse, to the supplier, to the store you are buy from, SBNY checks what they are doing and what you are getting.

What is the difference between what SBNY Zabiha Monitoring Committee does and

what others do?


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• SBNY certifies and monitors the entire chain, from the slaughterhouse to the processing plant, to the distributor to the retail store/restaurant

• If there is any link in the chain which is not monitored by SBNY, the levels after it cannot be certified.

It is the only way to guarantee you are getting 100% Zabiha Halal meat.

What is the difference between what SBNY Zabiha Monitoring Committee does and

what others do?


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SBNY regularly monitors the business in the interim

of the 1-year certificate it issues. Every year, the certification must be renewed to ensure the terms and conditions agreed upon in the relationship between SBNY and the business is reviewed and rejuvenated.

What is the difference between what SBNY Zabiha Monitoring Committee does and

what others do?


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Simply issuing a certificate of Halal is not enough.

Regular monitoring is necessary because certification simply means that the business was found to meet the requirements of Halal at any one time. What they are doing on a regular basis is not monitored in the interim (if there even is a renewal requirement which does not exist with every Halal certifier).

What is the difference between what SBNY Zabiha Monitoring Committee does and

what others do?


Page 82: presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series presentation(6).pdf- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, may Allah increase his life and knowledge Principles of Halal and Haram

• Every Halal provider in USA to be independently monitored by

a team of expert Ulama Kirams

• Every Halal Sign in USA to have an accompanying “Monitored by” disclosure

• Meat which is labeled HALAL to be labeled “Hand-slaughtered Zabiha Halal” vs. Mechanically slaughtered

• NO Muslim should be deceived in terms of the sources of their meat. They should truly receive what they pay so much for.

What’s the objective of this effort?


Page 83: presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series presentation(6).pdf- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, may Allah increase his life and knowledge Principles of Halal and Haram

This is a very big and difficult task, considering the

locally based effort involved and the vast billion-dollar market of Halal meat. We take the challenge putting our full trust in Allah and exerting whatever ability we are able to.

What’s the objective of this effort?


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What is the progress of this great effort so far?


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What is the progress of this great effort so far?


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What is the progress of this great effort so far?


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Currently, 50+ establishments are monitored and


You can find a store near you at and click ‘Certified Businesses’.

What is the progress of this great effort so far?


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SBNY Certified Listing

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SBNY Certified Listing

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In our area, monitored slaughterhouses are currently

running in NJ, MD and VA.

An approximate 150,000 chicken and 10,000 larger animals per week are produced Zabiha Halal from these facilities.

What is the progress of this great effort so far?


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Awareness of the issues and challenges in the Halal market is absolutely necessary. DEMAND your local Halal meat store/restaurant to get this free, no-hassle certification to give you assurance that they are doing the right thing. It is a win-win situation for the honest business owner. SBNY conducts regular awareness programs and promotes certified businesses on the web. It’s free publicity!

What can I do to help?


Page 92: presents I NEED TO KNOW MY DEEN series presentation(6).pdf- Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, may Allah increase his life and knowledge Principles of Halal and Haram

The process is: 1. The company/ plant / retail store must apply to SBNY for

certification and monitoring. 2. SBNY examines if all of the fresh meat used are Zabiha Halal

which means: a. The animal is slaughtered only by a Muslim butcher. b. The Tasmiah (Bismillah) must be pronounce on each and every animal

verbally by the butcher. c. Three of the four passageways of the animal’s throat must be cut. d. The facility cannot mix manually slaughter Halal meat with

mechanically slaughtered meat. e. For the processed meat: any ingredient which is animal-derived in the

product must come from Zabiha Halal meat. Any pork or other non-Halal meat sources disqualifies the product from Zabiha Halal.

How do I get my meat business Certified and Monitored Zabiha Halal

by SBNY?


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3. SBNY dispatches an Alim or trained representative to

inspect. SBNY sends one of its own scholars to do an initial inspection at the company's facility. A feasibility study is conducted to determine how SBNY can create a Halal monitoring program to meet the company's needs.

4. Once that program is established, a contract is signed and the certificate is issued whereby the company is now obligated to follow the Zabiha Halal standards required by SBNY.

5. An inspector visits the plant unannounced on a periodic basis to make sure that the business is maintaining SBNY Zabiha Halal standards.

How do I get my meat business Certified and Monitored Zabiha Halal

by SBNY?


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Who is responsible for the meat I EAT? Who is

responsible to check?

A Last Thought…


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Who is responsible for the meat I EAT? Who is

responsible to check?


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The businesses listed on our certified listing page are the only ones certified by SBNY.

If the business name is not listed on our website, it is NOT certified by us.



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CALL (718) 426-3454



[email protected]

For Zabiha Monitoring related issues:

[email protected]

