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Lana Del Rey Dark paradise

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The font type for this is san serif, this is good as it keeps the font readable when reduced in font size and makes it more easier to read from further away. They are very good if you want the words to stick out and to be seen. That’s why it is conventional to be the used as the title on a CD cover as it will grasp the audiences attention a lot easier and can has more chance of being seen from afar so it will create more interest and different dynamics and ethnic groups of people if advertised in a public place such as a supermarket.

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ImageThe image used on the CD cover is a picture of the artist, this helps the audience identify who's music is being advertised. The shot type used on the image is a mid long shot, this is to show the body language of the artist and recognise the face. It also shows the background and the surroundings around the artist which could be used to help identify the genre of the artists music.

The mise en scene in this image helps create an artists identity and the genre of the music. The clothes the artist is wearing are summery and girly which connotes that the music genre is pop and particularly aimed at girls. The fact she is wearing fashionable clothes and linked in with the headband which is her own personal statement signifies that her genre is mainly aimed at women and teens as they are the more fashionable people in society and teens are always looking to create their own identity. The setting shows she is somewhere exotic which links in with the title ‘dark paradise’ suggesting she is in paradise. The rule of thirds is used which is how the audience will typically see the image and helps the audience focused on what was intended to be focused on.

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The colours used in the image are mainly yellow pastel colours which connotes her innocence and the fact that she is girly. The colours suggests she is somewhere summery and hot which is shown through the shadows which connotes it’s a little bit more threatening which links in to the album name ‘dark paradise’. The bright blue used on the font makes it stand out which helps capture the audiences attention first which follows the rule of thirds. The blue connotes a relax feeling signifying the sea showing she is in a summery atmosphere.

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The route of the eye is conventional for this type of advertisement. This follows the rule of thirds placing the image of her on one of the vertical lines placing her head on the hotspot where the image will be eye catchy. The layout of the cover is simply with having the heading then a the picture on the left. The title is very large which helps grab the audiences attention and having Lana Del Rey in big fonts will make it easier for her fan base to see and recognise.

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This CD cover is conventional by having half the cover covered by an image of the artist making it easier for the audience to recognise the artist. They have also place the album title and the artist name on the cover which is also conventional for a CD cover. Bright summery colours are used which are conventional for a pop CD cover as it helps the audience to apply to the target audience of the genre which is typically teenage girls.

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Lana Del Rey Dark paradiseBack of CD cover

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Typography San serif font is used on the back of the CD cover to follow the structure of the font used on the front cover keeping it structural. This is conventional for the heading and title as it makes them stand out the most and makes them more recognisable. There is also serif font used on the bottom half of the cover this is to give the cover a more personal feel by making the font look more hand written, the flicks on the font signifies that it applies to a more feminine audience as this is typically have teenage girls write.

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The blue used in this keeps the pattern of the structure conventional as this is the colour also used on the front. The blue background allows the white font colour to stand out and make it easy to read, this is so it captures the audiences attention. The blue connotes that she is relaxed and somewhere hot but signifying the colour of a swimming pool and the white font connotes purity and innocence.

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The back cover to this CD follows the route of the eye, by this layout the audience will see the heading first, being able to register what the album is called and who the artist is, creating interest the route of the eye will take the audience to the bottom half telling them that the CD inside involves and the fine print with a logo of the studio production and then the bar code making the CD album conventional.

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They have also place the album title and the artist name on the cover which is conventional for a CD cover. Bright summery colours are used which are conventional for a pop CD cover as it helps the audience to apply to the target audience of the genre which is typically teenage girls. The back of the CD cover also follows the pattern of the front of the CD cover using the same colours and font to write the headings. This is conventional for a pop CD album.

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Little Mix Salute

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For the heading serif font is used, this is so that the band can create a personal connection with the audience, and can also be used to help identify who the band are. The flicks linked in with the colour used signifies that this album applies to young women and more specifically teenage girls. The serif font looks like it was done with paint strokes to make it appear the girls did this themselves and makes it look more handwritten. The Name of the album ‘salute’ is in san serif font which is conventional for titles as it makes them more stand out and easier to read from afar.

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imageThis is a long wide shot to show the band members and their body language as well as the type of clothes they are wearing which connotes their genre. An image of the band is conventional on a CD cover as it identifies the members of the band. The mise en scene is used by the use of costume, the 4 girls are wearing fashionable clothes and creating their own unique style which signifies they are aimed at young women as they are the demographics in society that are into clothes and creating a personal identity.

The composition of the image suggests that they are close as friends as well as band mates as they are very close together which makes them look united, this shows there music applies to friend groups and parties.

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The colour red is used as the font colour ‘little mix’ this is to connote power, the dark colours used in the image suggest they are rebellious, the darkish sky suggests that it is summer in the evening when the sun is about to set, the grey clouds connotes the weather may be turning threatening with the girls in the middle of the image may suggest they are in the middle of most trouble.

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layoutThe layout of this CD cover is conventional as it follows the route of the eye, this is the order in which the audience will look at the CD cover. With this image this means the audience will first see the bands name and then the title of the album, this helps the audience recognise the band and if they like it, then they will keep looking as it will be the first thing to catch their eye. The next thing the viewer will see is the image of the band, this will give the audience recognition of what

The band look like giving them an identity it will also help promote the girls and let them take credit for their music. This is because they audience might recognise the band but not their name.

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conventionsThe conventions on this CD cover are as follows: • Follows the route of the eye• Shows an image of the artists• Has a heading and the name of the group• The costumes worn are fashionable which is

conventional for a pop CD cover• Logo of band in left right hand corner • Serif font, makes it look more girly and

handwritten showing this appeals to teenage girls.

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Little mixSalute

CD back cover

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The font style used on the back cover is san serif, this is typically used for headings and titles, which is conventional for this as its listing the songs within the album. This is easier to see from a distance therefore it is easier to advertise the product.

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colourThe colours on the back of the album cover is conventional and follows the pattern from the front of the cover. The background image of the sky which is the same used on the front cover which shows they are using the same image creating a pattern throughout. The font colour is red which is the main colour used on the front which also signifies power. This shows the band want the audience to think of them as a powerful pop group.

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layoutEverything on this is based in the centre of the album back cover in a list format which is very simple and not cluttered which is not conventional for a pop band. The list of songs that the album says to have is conventional however.

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The conventions are:• Follows the pattern from the front• Barcode• Production studios• Songs included in the album