Download - Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    By Dr. Otiende Amollo, EBS, Chairperson of theCommission on Administrative Justice

    A Presentation to 40th Anniversary Retreat of the PublicComplaints Commission on the theme ‘Repositioning

    the Ombudsman for Better Performance.

    Abuja !i"eria

    #$th October %'

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    Based on the !ocial Contract "heory Ombudsman # Agent or Representative of

    the People $a%ed &mperor Paradigm ' !pea%ing "ruth

    to Po(er )eneral *andate

    +. Redress of )rievances against Administrative,n-ustices

    . /emocratic Control over the Bureaucracy

    .  "ac%ling of Bureau#Pathologies

    4. Protection of 1uman Rights

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    Religious 2oundation ' 3Christianity ,slam56 Prophet

    $athan and 7ing /avid &pisode African "raditional !ocieties ' R(anda !outh Africa

    # Makhadi among the 8enda Community in !outh Africa

    )reece ' 900 BC to :00 BC

    Roman &mpire ' 00 BC China ' BC to 0 A/

    Lokayukta Concept in ,ndia

    !(edish /evelopment

    # 1ighest Ombudsman ' +9+# Parliamentary Ombudsman ' +;0<

    2inland ' +uence on 2utureOmbudsmen

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    ,n>uence of !panish *odel in ?atin America $e( @ealand ' +

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    2actors that fueled the )ro(th of the Ombudsman )ro(th of the Felfare !tate after FF,, resulting

    in gro(th of administrative agencies ,nadeGuacies of the eisting accountability


    ,ncreased 2ocus on Civil ?iberties /iminishing Oversight Capacity of the ?egislature &mergent "hreats to !tatehood ' CorruptionE

    *aladministration ,mpunity

    ?itigation /ecits ' "imeE CostE 2ormalityEAccessibility Husticiability !econd Fave of /emocratisation in ?ate +

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


     "an=ania I+

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    Public !ector versus Private !ectorI!pecialtyJ

    Parliamentary versus $on#


    2used versus Dnfused

    !ingle *embership versus Collegiate*embership

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    Anchorage in ?egal !ystem

    Placement in !tructure of !tate ' Sui Generis,nstitution ' 3ALrmation by the !upreme Courtof !outh Africa in the recent case !ABC vs /A


  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    Revie( of administrative action ' )rievance Redress*echanism

    Complementarity (ith the Courts Advantages over Courts ' CostE "imeE ,nGuisitorialE

    2leibilityE Range of Remedies Accessibility

    Competencies over each other ' Administrative Revie(versus Hudicial Revie(# Bradley & Others vs Secretary of State for Works and ensions !"#$

    # %ommission on uman 'i(hts and )dministrative *ustice vs +orver!Ghana$

    $on#appreciation of the Complementarity ' Court /ecisionsregarding the Ombudsman.# 'epublic of #enya vs ,ision -./. 0elivery Board & the %ommission on

     )dministrative *ustice !#enya$

    !ABC vs /A on meaning of ‘Remedial Action. A Paradigm!hiftN

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    2unctioning of the Classical Ombudsman hinged

    on *oralsuation and Parliamentary Reporting Contradictory Contet ' $ature of For% vis##vis

    Placement ‘!oft Po(er

    Challenge of &nforcement# *oralsuation ' Applicable in AfricaN# ,nadeGuacies of Parliamentary Reporting

    • uality 2reGuency of /ebateE• Politici=ation of Ombudsmans For%

    # /anger of Hudicial &nforcement ' $egation ofthe &istence of the Ombudsman

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    Commission on Administrative Hustice ICAHJ &stablishment6 Article :

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    Po(ers of the Commission6 Po(ers of the Court

    ,ssuance of !ummons and Orders Ad-udication

    !earches and ,nspections !tatements under Oath Compel Production of Relevant ,nformation

    Conduct ,ntervie(s Compel Attendance of the Commission

    Remedial Action ' Compensation e.t.c

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    (nnovative Enforcement )echanisms+. !ubmission of Reports to Appropriate Agencies '

    !. 4I+J IJ (ith timelines for Responses

    . $otice to !ho( Cause

    # Dnresponsiveness# Compliance ?evel of

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    :. Public ,nterest ?itigation# A PartyE ,nterested Party or )micus %uriae

    # Lisa %atherine Matter 1 %ompliance 2ith a %ourt Order 

    . Reporting *echanism# Annual

    # Bi#Annual

    # !pecial

    9. Citation Register# Dnresponsiveness *alfeasance

    # !anctions under Performance Contracting

    # $aming !haming in Annual Report

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    ;. 1uduma Ombudsman A(ards# Re(arding

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


    *aladministrationE Corruption and ,mpunity are threats to

    statehood especially in Africa. Ombudsman plays a %ey Role in promotion of )ood)overnance and Constitutionalism in Africa. "o this endEthe Ombudsman should6+. &hibit ,ndependence in Operations

    . ,nnovate and Adapt to the changing needs of society 'Relevance

    . Adapt a *odel that eKectively address the circumstances ofits people

    4. Actively participate in the ght against corruption ' /irectlyor ,ndirectlyE including giving Companionship to the anti#

    corruption agency.:. Appreciate the Complementary Relationship (ith the Courts

    . &ncourage Partnerships and ?in%agesE including &changeProgrammes

  • 8/18/2019 Presentation on Ombudsman and Administrative Justice - PCC


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