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  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming




    ROLL NO: 24.

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Some unsigned single byte numbers are storedat consecutive memory locations starting fromX. Write a programme to add those numbers

    taking into account of any possible overflow ateach step. Store the result as a double precisionnumber at two consecutive memory locations Y

    and Y+1. Number of data to be added is givenat the memory location X-1 .

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Step 1. START.Step 2. Initialize H-L pair as pointer to memory location X-1.Step 3. Move data from memory location X-1 , to register C, which will be used asa counter.Step 4. Clear register D, and register E.Step 5. Increment the pointer.Step 6. Move data from memory location currently pointed to by H-L pair, toaccumulator.Step 6. Add content of register E to that of accumulator.Step 7. Move the result to register E.Step 8. Clear the accumulator.Step 9. Add the content of register D, and accumulator A with carry.Step 10. Move data from accumulator to register D.Step 11. Decrement the count in register C.Step 12. Jump to step 5 if the count is not zero.Step 13. Exchange contents of D-E pair with H-L pair.Step 14. Store contents of H-L pair to memory location Y and Y+1.Step 15. STOP.

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Address Mnemonic Opcode/ data Comment

    8000 LXI H 84FF 21 H-L pair initializedto 1 st address 84FF.

    8001 FF

    8002 84

    8003 MOV C, M 4E C is loaded with thecontent of memory


    8004 MVI D, 00 16 D is made empty by loading 00

    8005 00

    8006 MOV E, D 5A E is also madeempty by loading


    8007 INX H 23 Content of H-L pairis incremented by


  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Address Mnemonic Opcode/ data Comment

    8008 MOV A, M 7E Content of thememory location

    currently pointed to

    by H-L pair, istransferred toaccumulator.

    8009 ADD E 83 Content of E isadded to that of aand the result is

    stored in A.

    800A MOV E, A 5F Content of A istransferred back toE. E contains theleast significcant

    byte of the double precision number.

    800B MVI A, 00 3E A is made empty byloading 00

    800C 00

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    address Mnemonic Opcode/ data Comment

    800D ADC D 8A Content of D andthe carry bit of flag

    register(from theoperation ADD E)

    are added to thecontent of A, and

    the result stored inA.

    800E MOV D, A 57 Now the content ofA is transferred

    back to D.

    800F DCR C 0D Counter isdecremented by 1after each addition


  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Address Mnemonic Opcode/ data Comment

    8010 JNZ 8007 C2 Jump to memorylocation 8007 if

    Z=08011 07

    8012 808013 XCHG EB Content of D-E pair

    and H-L pair areexchanged.

    Hcontains the

    higher byte, while Lcontains the lower byte.

    8014 SHLD 9500 22 Content of L goesto the address given

    in the instructionwhile content of H

    goes to the nextaddress.

    8015 00

    8016 95

    8017 HLT 76 End of programme.

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Memory location Data

    84FF 05

    8500 F6

    8501 E88502 AD

    8503 C9

    8504 BC


    Memory location Data

    9500 10

    9501 04

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Ten 8-bit numbers are stored starting from

    memory location 3100 H. Find thegreatest of the ten numbers and store it atmemory location 3500 H.

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    1. START2. Store 0A in the register D.3. Point the HL pair to the starting

    address of the data block.4. Move the content of memory

    location to accumulator.5. Decrement register D.6. Check if the D register is 0. if

    yes go to step 10.7. Increment pointer.8. Compare content of memory

    location with accumulator.9. Check for CY Flag. If CY=1 go

    to step 4, else go to 5.10.Store accumulator at the

    memory location 9050H.


  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Address Mnemonic Opcode/ data Comment

    8000 MVI D, 0A 16 D register is loadedwith 0A.

    8001 0A

    8002 LXI H 9000 21 H-L pair initializedto 1 st address 9000.

    8003 00

    8004 90

    8005 MOV A, M 7E Content of thememory location

    currently pointed to by H-L pair, is

    transferred toaccumulator.

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Address Mnemonic Opcode/ data Comment

    8006 DCR D 15 Counter is

    decremented by 1after each addition process

    8007 JZ 8012 CA Jump to memorylocation 8012 if Z=1

    8008 12

    8009 80

    800A INX H 23 Content of H-L pair is

    incremented by 1.

    800B CMP M Content of thememory location is

    compared with that ofthe accumulator.

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Address Mnemonic Opcode/ data Comment

    800C JC 8005 Jump to memorylocation 8005 if

    CY=1800D 05

    800E 80

    800F JMP 8006 Jumpunconditionally to

    address 80068010 06

    8011 80

    8012 STA 9050H 32 Store accumulator

    in the memorylocation 90508013 50

    8014 90

    8015 HLT 76 End of programme.

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Memory location Data

    9000 109001 20

    9002 30

    9003 40

    9004 509005 60

    9006 70

    9007 80

    9008 90

    9009 A0


  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Memory location Data9050 A0


  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Write a programme that reads the gray code bits

    from a memory location, find the binary codecorresponding to the gray code and store it inanother location.

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    The following algorithm converts an 8 bit graycode g 7, g7, g1, g0 into an 8 bit binary number

    b7, b6 , b 1, b0 b7= g 7 b i = g i gi+1 0 i 7

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Step 1. START.Step 2. load the accumulator with the data taken from a

    specified locationStep 3. copy that data to register B from Accumulator.Step 3. Do AND operation between 80 and the content ofaccumulator.

    Step 4. copy data from accumulator to register B.Step 5. rotate content of accumulator to right.Step 6. do XOR operation between content of accumulatorand that of register B.Step 7. do OR operation between content of register C andthat of accumulator.Step 8. store result in a specified memory location.Step 9. STOP.

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Address Mnemonic Opcode/ data Comment

    A000 LDA A200 3A A is loaded withthe content of the

    memory locationA200.

    A001 00

    A002 A2

    A003 MOV B, A 47 B Is loaded with

    the content of A to preserve the inputdata.

    A004 ANI 80 E6 Content of A isANDed with 80.

    This is done tocreate a numberwhose msb is same

    as that of theoriginal input data,

    with other data being 0.

    A005 80

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Address Mnemonic Opcode/ data Comment

    A006 MOV C,A 4F This newlycreated number is

    stored in C

    A007 MOV A,B 78 Original inputdata is again

    taken into B.A008 RRC 0F Input data in A is

    roatated right.

    A009 XRA B A8 Original input

    data is XORedwith the number

    created byshifting the inputdata by one place

    to the right.

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Address Mnemonic Opcode/ data CommentA00A ORA C B1 The result of XORing

    is ORed with thecontent of C, so thatthe msb of the outputdata is same as that of

    input data

    A00B STA A300 32 Content of a is stored

    at memory locationA300 as final output.

    A00C 00

    A00D A3

    A00E HLT 76 End of programme.

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Memory location DataA200 28H


  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Memory location DataA300 3CH


  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming


    Here28H = 0010 1000 2

    And its converted gray code is

    0011 1100

    which is equal to 3CH

  • 8/13/2019 Presentation on microprocessor programming
