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  • 7/29/2019 presentation on child assement


    Presentation on ChildPresentation on Child

    Marriage Assessment fromMarriage Assessment fromSDC partnersSDC partners

    October 7October 7thth

    20102010Conducted by NECDO

  • 7/29/2019 presentation on child assement


    Introduction:Introduction: The main theme of the need assessmentThe main theme of the need assessment

    The objective of the study was to provide clear and in

    depth information on how SDC funded livelihoodprojects contribute, direct/indirectly, in social changes

    particularly on the trend of early child marriage in the

    targeted areas. It also includes generating overall know-how on impact of our activities in the field of


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    The Need Assessment Targeted AreaThe Need Assessment Targeted Area

    Rostaq district of Takhar province, SDCpartner TDH

    Rio Do Aab district of Samanganprovince, SDC partner Helvetas Wakhan district of Badakhshan Province,SDC partner AKF Yawan district of Badakhshan Province,SDC partner Oxfam

  • 7/29/2019 presentation on child assement


    Main Factors of Child MarriageMain Factors of Child Marriage

    Tradition of the people Role of Arbab & Khans in forced marriages(child marriage) Poverty & Economical problems Heavy expensive wedding customs especially(Qaling or marriage money)

    Silence of Imams

    Lack of awareness ( human rights, womensright from Islamic perspective, health, badimpacts of child marriage ..)

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    Main FindingsMain Findings The Arbabs (head of the community) playing crucialrole, making the marriage contracts forcefully

    Over all, according to the interviews we found thatLivelihood project since last 5 years has reducedindirectly the issue of child marriage up to 20%

    Economic empowerment is very important for men &

    women Imams & mosques can be useful source for change ofattitude within the community Drug usage of women in the assessed areas especiallychild brides

    Domestic violence is increasing day by day

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    Positive points:Positive points:

    Appreciating livelihood partners work undervery difficult circumstances of weather,poverty, and far sighted area with verylimited communication and other facilities oflife

    The flood and land slides brought most ofwork double. Partners working their withdedication.

    Challenges to work in very conservativesociety where culture has many limitationsto work freely

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    Positive pointsPositive points

    The livelihood project in the visited areaswere very thoughtfully implemented, suchas the new seed introduction, new (wastedrainage, water supply, toilet, and

    gardening) Women garden was very successfulactivity SDC partners were very supportive inhelped a lot with the assessor team of


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    Child Marriage RationChild Marriage Ration RostaqRostaq

    Our findings based on the number of 85 persons interviewed, 60persons said that the child marriage did exist in their communities, 5

    persons denied to answer this question and 20 persons said the

    child marriage did reduced in result of the LH projects. We found

    that (71% of the people whom we interviewed said direct orindirectly that the child marriage still existed in their community for

    both girls and boys and 24% of the people interviewed in Rostaq

    said that the livelihood projects implemented by TDH have helpedwith the reduction of the child marriage in the communities in thearea & 5% did not answered).

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    Child Marriage Ratio in Roe DoChild Marriage Ratio in Roe Do AbAb

    The figure we have found during the interview we conducted from 42persons interviewed, 35 persons said the child marriage did exist in thecommunities and 7 persons said that in result of the LH project the childmarriage did reduce (we found that still 84 % of the people who were

    interviewed said either directly and indirectly that the child marriage of bothboys and girls existed in their communities about 16% of the intervieweessaid that the LH project implemented by Helvetas has helped with


    reduction of the child marriages in the communities living in Roi

    do Aab)This

    shows that the chid

    marriage issue rate is higher than Rostaq

    and other

    areas.Roe Do Ab

    had three gender focal points Ms. Parween, Ms. Fiza

    & Mr.


    and according to gender focal points there

    the issue of child

    marriage can not be addressed directly within the community as its sensitiveissue with strong types of economical situation. They also mentioned that sofar they have not been involved in the issue of Child marriage and there hasno training for them. We observed that the project staff themselves werelacking capacity on the issue of child marriage and we found big

    need that at

    least the gender focal points and other project staff should be given trainingson the issue of child marriage

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    Child marriage ratio inChild marriage ratio in WakhanWakhan

    The percentage indicated below is based on ourfindings out of the interview was made from 78persons were interviewed 66 persons said that thechild marriage did exist in their communities while 12persons said that the child marriage did reduced in

    result of the LH projects implemented (85 % of thepeople interviewed by the assessors said eitherdirectly and indirectly that the child marriage didexist in their communities due to the cultural,

    economical reasons and 15% of the intervieweesexpressed that the child marriage did reduce in effectof the LH projects implemented by AKF because thepeople have began to think otherwise and would like

    to be different from before).

  • 7/29/2019 presentation on child assement


    Child Marriage Ration inChild Marriage Ration in YawanYawan

    In Yawan we interviewed 113 persons where 90persons said that the child marriage did exist in thecommunity, 14 persons denied to answer, 9 personssaid the child marriage did reduce in result of the LHprojects implemented (80% of the people who wereinterviewed in groups and individually said both

    directly and indirectly that the child marriage stillexisted in their communities and 11% of theinterviewees said that due to the LH projectsimplemented by Oxfam there has been changes in the

    mentality of the people and there reduction in therate of the child marriage and 9% dined fromanswering the question). This figure are the base forour findings which shows the rate of child marriage in

    Yawan is higher than the other areas.

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    Gender equality should be compulsory condition onpartners

    The involvement of community Shuras and Imams for

    change of attitude by partners

    Addressing the issue of Child Marriage in LH projects bypartners through regular awareness raising workshopsside by side of the activties

    Awareness and trainings in regards to the disadvantagesand social problems which arise from the child marriageshould be given to the LH direct beneficiaries than theyshould be utilized for sharing the information with atleast 5-10 persons

    Basic Health, hygiene and sexual health, drug usage sideeffect training through community social worker

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    Before Imams and community leadersinvolvements on the issue they should be providedtrainings

    Public campaigns should be launched throughFriday prayers starting from less irritating pointsthan slowly the topic should be condemned byImams publically

    Peoples culture is more strong there is need ofmulti dimensional acts and a single training is notenough

    A professional partner in this field should workside by side with the current partners of SDC onthe elimination of the child marriage

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    Government institutions and law enforcementagencies should be involved in order to help withthe reduction of this phenomenon, throughcreation of networking group among communitymembers, community shura, government, andreligious groups

    Child brides are facing domestic violence the onlyway to over come is role of Imams preachingwomens right from Islamic perspective for more

    quicker reactions Economic empowerment of women side by sidemen Literacy & educational programs for women side byside of men

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    Thank you for your attention!Thank you for your attention!

    Time for questions