Download - Presentation for Pertinence Limited June 2016

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Off the office Wall To team

Members’ Hearts

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What Is Core?What Is Value(s)?

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Core1. The tough central part of various fruits, containing the seeds (life).2. The central or most important part of something.

Values1. A person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.2. The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

• Does This Look familiar?

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TAKE IT OFF THE WALL! Core values is central to establishing

the culture, identity and character of an organisation.

Taking it off the wall is getting it internalised.

It is translating the ‘values’ into demonstrative, measurable behaviours across the workforce in the day-to-day working operations.

Here is where the true cultural change challenge begins.

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From the wall to our hearts

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BUT WHY?Importance of Team Members Internalising Your Core Values…

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Why Integrate Core Values Culture Guide: Core values reflect the way

your business currently operates, provide the map to the future mission.

Identity - Personality Brand Promise Interests – Personal Vs. General Dos and Don’ts Decision Lead Consequences Interpersonal Relationship

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HOW?… Setting the Culture Flight in Motion is a Great Step for Your Organisation

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Journey Through Pertinence Limited


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How This Affects Business/BrandPartnership: Team work & Spirit, Cooperation,

Collaboration, Friendly, Winning, Mutual, etc.Proactivity: Dynamic, Yearning for Excellence,

Ahead of Competition, Creative, Pacesetting, Prompt, Zealous, Committed, etc.

Productivity: Result-Driven, Go-getting, Target-Reaching,

Purity: Integrity, Trustworthiness, Honesty, Forthrightness, Believable, Reliable, etc

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STEPS TO INTEGRATING YOUR CORE VALUES Conceptualise it – now and future (content

and prospect). Document it. Communicate it – once, again and always. Model it. Demand compliance. Inscribe it – Invest in keeping it on their

minds. Reward compliance. Sanction non-compliance.

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Sign Up!

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