Download - Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Dr. Ruben Aghgashyan,


    State Engineering University of Armenia


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    State Engineering University of

    Armenia is the legal successor ofYerevan Polytechnic Institute: one

    of the leading engineering schools

    of the former Soviet Union

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Mission Statement

    State Engineering University of Armenia (Polytechnic)

    is a higher educational institution with a polytechnic

    emphasis, the basic mission of which is:

    to create and implement academic/research programs

    and services consonant with educational and

    technological needs of the national economy and society,

    to prepare students for life, career, life-long learning and

    professional progress in line with changing economic

    environment and emerging global information society,

    to create a supportive environment for the comprehensive

    personal and intellectual development of each individual,

    generation of law-abiding and responsible citizens.

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    The University at a glance - 1

    Yerevan Polytechnic Institute (YPI) was founded in 1933having only 2 departments and 107 students.

    In 1980-1985 reached its peak with about 25000 students

    and more than 66 majors, becoming the largest higher

    education institution in Armenia.

    On November 29, 1991, the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute

    was reorganized and renamed State Engineering

    University of Armenia (SEUA).

    In 2005, by the Resolution # 1717 of the RA Government

    the traditional name Polytechnic was returned to the

    University as an acronym.

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    The University at a glance - 2

    The Central Campus of the University is located in Yerevan and the BranchCampuses - in Gyumri, Vanadzor and Kapan.

    The University has affiliated high schools in Yerevan and Regional Campuses,

    aimed at recruiting future gifted students from schools.

    4 study programs of vocational, higher and post-higher professional

    education,conferring the qualification degrees of junior specialist,

    bachelor, master and researcher (PhD).

    The University also offers extended education courses by means of itsfaculties and a network of continuing education structures.

    More than 35 Bachelors and 25 Masters major specialties in Engineering,

    Industrial Economics, Engineering Management, Applied

    Mathematics and Industrial Sociology.

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    The University at a glance - 3

    At present 19 faculties with over 10 thousand studentsfollowing 4 degree programs, about 200 foreign students

    studying in English and Armenian language groups.

    In addition, over 800 learners at the SEUA central and

    regional affiliated high schools.

    The academic staff of the University exceeds 1000, most of

    them with Degrees of Candidate or Doctor of Science.

    With its developed research system and infrastructure the

    University is nationally recognized as the leading center in

    technical sciences.

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    The University at a glance - 4

    The University is a member of:

    European Universities Association,

    Black See Universities Network,

    Mediterranean Engineering Universities Network,

    Association of Engineering Universities of CIS countries,

    is involved in:

    many European and other international research and educational

    programs (TEMPUS, TACIS, FP, DAAD, OSIAF, INTAS, USAID,NATO Science, NATO Networking, NISCUPP, etc.).

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Faculties Co-UniversityChairs

    Divisions ScientificResearches

    Other StructuralUnits

    The Structure of State Engineering University of Armenia (Central


    Chemical andEnvironmental


    Electrical Engineering

    Power Engineering


    Mechanics and MachineScience

    Computer Systems andInformatics


    Radio Engineering andCommunication


    Mining Engineering andMetallurgy

    Transport Systems


    Social-PoliticalDisciplines and General



    Physical Training andSports


    Circuits and Systems

    Interdepartmental ChairMathematics

    Engineering Graphics

    Life and Labor Safety

    Courses in Humanities,Economics and



    Division of ForeignStudents

    Graduate Division

    Coordinating Division ofSpecialized Council

    Scientific ResearchLaboratories

    Computer Center

    Laboratory of UniversityLAN

    Preparatory Courses

    Printing House


    Art Clubs

    Public Food Complex

    Student Carrier ServiceCenter

    University-IndustryLiaison Center

    Faculty DevelopmentCenter

    Alumni Association

    Student Council

    Specialized Common Educational


    Donation and GraduatesSection

















    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    SEUA (former Yerevan Polytechnic Institute) is the

    incontestableleader in technical education of RA During 78 years since its establishment

    SEUA has given more than 110,000


    The graduates have formed RAs

    main engineering manpower

    scientific technical community

    industrial leadership

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    During its 78-year history the University has created some stable

    values and traditions, which united several generations of the facultyand students and defined its unique Polytechnic character.

    Polytechnic Roots and Polytechnic Orientation

    The Student's Success and Satisfaction is the Mirror of the

    University's Success

    The Unique Mission and Responsibility of the University

    The University as an Ethical Model for the Students and


    Open University Community, Shared Responsibility andGovernance

    Quality of Education by European Standards.

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    The offer based disciplinary structure (list of specialties) and relevantcurricula of the University do not respond always to the changing needsof employment market.

    Rigidly planned and teacher centered educational system, which doesnot give freedom for learning choices to students.

    Too theoretical contents of educational programs not targeted to thegeneration of practical skills of the graduates.

    Dangerously fast increasing average age of teaching staffpractically atall Faculties because of insufficient inflow of young academic staff notmotivated to work at the universities for low salaries.

    Insufficient renovation of teaching laboratories and the technical

    infrastructure of Faculties and restricted use of new IT basededucational methodologies.

    Lack of long term industrial collaboration links between Faculties andthe national and international Armenian companies and enterprises ofthe corresponding fields.

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    To renovate the content of studyprograms based on thecompetency and skill needs of the employment market.

    To continue and deepen the replacement of old rigid organi-zational structure ofeducation by a new, credit based flexiblesystem able to respond to rapidly changing market demands.

    To strengthen the existing and establish newUniversityIndustry partnerships to involve more employer organizationsin the process of formation of high quality future engineers.

    To start close cooperation with local and foreign HEIs aimedto developing and implementing joint degree programs in theareas of mutual interests.

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    The Vision of the University

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    The University aspires to become an institution:

    where the entrance and educational recourses are accessible to diverse

    social and age groups, to both local and international students

    whish is adaptable to environmental changes and responsive to the

    changing needs of the society, economy and the demands of the market

    which has an essential role in programs of economic development

    that prepares students for a full-fledged career, professional progress,

    innovation and leadership that provides quality education by integrating theory and practice, creating a

    sound basis for general education

    that encourages the opportunity of open communication and debate to

    all and where everyone is responsible for the development process

    which is proactive and entrepreneurial in its interaction with external


    which is guided by global prospective and moves toward internationali-

    zation and European integration.

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    TEMPUS-JEP: Development and

    Integration of University Self-assessmentSystems - (Initial Assignments)

    State Engineering University of Armenia

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    F O R E W A R D

    State Engineering University of Armenia

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    During the recent years certain methodological

    preconditions and practical experience are acquired

    in State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA)

    to combine the existing separate mechanisms aimed

    at education quality assurance and to form an entire

    internal system of quality assessment, assurance and

    continuous enhancement.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    It became possible mainly due to quite productive cooperation of

    SEUA with some Armenian and European universities in the field

    of QA, a best example of which was the TEMPUS-JEP Internal

    quality assurance system in Armenian HEIs (ARMQA) carried

    out during 2007-2009 in close cooperation with Yerevan State

    University and 2 EU partners: Middlesex University (London) and

    Genoa University (Italy).

    The current 2 new TEMPUS projects, ongoing under the German

    partners general coordination, are considered as the best chance tocomplete the gained already experience and by the end of the

    projects to come over with the development of standards for both

    internal and external QA systems.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    The SEUA activity aimed to the assurance of education

    quality is carrying out in accordance with the goals and

    objectives defined in SEUA Strategic Plan 2011-2015.

    The strategy of development of quality assurance system

    and continuous enhancement of quality are integrated

    within the mentioned strategic plan.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    The current state and nearest problems of

    SEUA according to ESG components

    DIUS Assignment 1:

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    1. Policy and procedures for quality assurance

    Standard: Institutions should have a policy and associated

    procedures for the assurance of the quality and standards of

    their programmes and awards. They should also commit

    themselves explicitly to the development of a culture which

    recognises the importance of quality, and quality assurance, in

    their work. To achieve this, institutions should develop and

    implement a strategy for the continuous enhancement of quality.

    The strategy, policy and procedures should have a formal statusand be publicly available. They should also include a role for

    students and other stakeholders.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    The strategy of QA system development and

    continuous enhancement of education quality

    integrated within the SEUA strategic plansThe nearest objectives of reforms:

    Formation of long term QA policy as a basefor development and assessment of the qualitycontinues enhancement internal system

    Development and approval of appropriateofficial document on the policy of QA, which isrequired by ENQA standards

    Detailed description and bringing in

    compliance with ENQA standards the processesand procedures of internal QA

    The proved Action plan and timetable of Strategic

    Plan accomplishment with the list of responsible


    The developed methodical framework, procedures

    and timetable for self assessment of educational

    departments and divisions

    The specialized Division of quality control

    established within the SEUA Educational

    methodical Department

    Self assessments realized in the SEUA all Faculties

    and regional branches

    The developed conceptual and organizational

    framework of SEUA internal QA system

    1. Policy and procedures for quality assurance

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    2. Approval, monitoring and periodic review of

    programmes and awards

    Standard: Institutions should have formalmechanisms for the approval, periodic review

    and monitoring of their programmes and awards.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    Design of curriculum in accordance with the

    State Educational Standards of qualifications

    The nearest objectives of reforms:

    Aimed at the taking into account the QAfactor in advance, to implement a new

    methodology of planning, development,

    realization and monitoring of educational

    programmes with clear-cut separation of

    these processes and harmonization with

    ENQA standards criteria using Europeanadvanced experience.

    Organization of a preliminary internal peer

    review of the developed curricula

    Organization of external expertise of the

    developed curricula

    Summarizing the results of external expertise

    and final corrections of the developed curricula

    Approval of curricula by the SEUA AcademicCouncil in accordance with internal regulations

    Design of disciplines programmes at the chairs,

    organization of their external review and

    approval by the SEUA Vice-Rector for Academic


    2. Approval, monitoring and periodic review of

    programmes and awards

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    3. Assessment of students

    Standard: Students should be assessed usingpublished criteria, regulations and procedures

    which are applied consistently.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    A unified Rating Points system of assessment

    used at SEUA for students of all 3 educational

    cycles (BE, ME, PhD)The nearest objectives of reforms:

    Modernization of regulations and procedures of

    student assessment in line with ENQA standards

    criteria, in particular:

    - adequate tools for measuring the achievement

    of the intended learning outcomes and objectives

    of programme/discipline,

    - clearness and transparency of assessment


    - control of accuracy of the procedures


    - introduction of computer based impartial


    Current monitoring of student achievements

    through intermediate assessments and session


    Centralized institutional examination

    commissions for all the basic common disciplines

    of the University

    Obligatory external expertise of all graduation

    works and dissertations

    Qualifications awarded by an independent State

    Examination Commission headed by a leading

    external expert of the field

    3. Assessment of students

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    4. Quality assurance of teaching staffs

    Standard: Institutions should have ways of satisfying

    themselves that staff involved with the teaching ofstudents is qualified and competent to do so. They

    should be available to those undertaking external

    reviews, and commented upon in reports.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    Contractual system of teaching staff appointment

    The nearest objectives of reforms.:

    Reconstruction of processes of teaching staff

    quality assessment, recruitment and

    enhancement of competences in harmony

    with the requirements of ENQA standards,

    especially, from the point of view of:

    - testing the minimum necessary level of

    pedagogical skills in the staffing phase,

    - organizing the quality enhancement of

    new appointed teaching staff,- monitoring the professional progress of

    teaching staff.

    Competitive system of teaching staff recruitment

    in accordance with the prescribed qualification

    requirements to the existing categories

    Internal system of improvement of teaching staff

    professional skills through the SEUA Faculty

    Development Centre

    Partial assessment of teaching staff by means of

    sociological polls among students

    Assessment of teaching quality and teachers

    skills by colleagues through reciprocal lecture


    4. Quality assurance of teaching staffs

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    5. Learning resources and student support

    Standard: Institutions should ensure that the

    resources available for the support of student

    learning are adequate and appropriate for each

    programme offered.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    Syllabuses, main and extra support teaching

    aids and methodical materials

    The nearest objectives of reforms:

    Development of procedures to ensure the

    quality of learning resources and othersupport services of educational process, in


    - establishment of clear criteria of resource

    base necessary for a new program creation,

    - development of auxiliary new services

    promoting the learning process,

    - introduction of clear procedures and

    criteria for monitoring learning resources

    condition and their permanent improvement.

    A network of specialized classrooms equipped

    for E-teaching and learning; good

    preconditions for distance learning

    New laboratories with capability to provide

    virtual laboratorial works and lessons

    The University research library involved in

    the republican library network and equippedwith two E-reading halls

    Partly developed institutions of academic

    counselors/curators and support services of

    student career forming

    5. Learning resources and student support

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    6. Information systems

    Standard: Institutions should ensure that they

    collect, analyse and use relevant information for the

    effective management of their programmes of study

    and other activities.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    Collecting and processing regular information

    about students current and terminal progress in


    The nearest objectives of reforms:

    Reorganization of the University internal

    information system and regulation of

    internal and external (public) information

    flows in accordance with the requirements

    of new established internal QA system.

    Analysis of students current, terminal and

    graduation progress results on the University

    different levels (chair, faculty, Rectorate andAcademic Senate)

    Regular updating and analysis of data on

    student contingent and its movement

    Newly developed computer-aided system for

    faculty offices used to store and process data on

    students and their progression

    Presentation and discussion of the faculties

    annual reports and the resumptive report of the


    6. Information systems

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    7. Public information

    Standard: Institutions should regularly publish up

    to date, impartial and objective information, both

    quantitative and qualitative, about the programmes

    and awards they are offering.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    Annual publications of the offered programmes

    list, the vacancy numbers and entering

    requirementsThe nearest objectives of reforms:

    Regulation of public information about the

    offered academic programmes by means of

    introducing clear-cut procedures of

    information presentation and putting the

    provided information into a common format,

    in particular:

    - including in provided information the

    missing so far descriptions of potential jobs

    available to the graduates of the offeredspecialties,

    - presentation of alternative tracks of

    academic programmes available for

    continuing the education.

    Periodical publications of catalogues and other

    information materials about SEUA, its

    educational subdivisions and regional branches

    Publication of the University periodicals: SEUA

    official monthly Polytechnic, yearly magazine

    Polytechnic Panorama and the Student Unions

    monthly Impulse

    Yearly Study guidelines and catalog of

    disciplines for all graduate and postgraduate

    students; annual guides for first-year students

    Regularly updated Web site of SEUA that

    illustrates the University activity in different


    7. Public information

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    The SEUA nearestneedsin QA - 1

    To cover ENQA requirements completely and to ensure theinternal QA system at SEUA the following further steps areneeded:

    Development of the University long-term policy of QA anddocumentary verification of its formal status (ENQA 1.1

    standard), Matching the existing QA procedures to the ENQA standards

    and documentation of the procedures methodical andorganizational basics (ENQA 1.1 standard),

    Implementation of European experience based new methodologyto separate the educational programmes planning, execution,

    monitoring and periodical revision cycles and to take into accountthe QA elements priory (ENQA 1.2 standard),

    Improvement of students assessment criteria aimed to adequatemeasurement of the level of obtaining the programme learningoutcomes (ENQA 1.3 standard),

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    The SEUA nearest needsin QA - 2

    To cover ENQA requirements completely and to ensure theinternal QA system at SEUA the following further steps areneeded:

    Implementation of a testing mechanisms for new teachers in thephase of their appointment to examine and ensure the minimum

    level of their pedagogical skills and organizing the faculty furtherprofessional development and the progress monitoring (ENQA 1.4standard),

    Development and implementation of a clear-cut system ofnormative requirements to learning recourses of the existing andnew establishing programmes; a realized institution of tutors

    (ENQA 1.5 standard),

    Normative and procedural regulation of public information aboutthe offered educational programmes, in particular, presentation ofinformation on potential employment and alternative tracks of theprogramme available for continuing (ENQA 1.7 standard).

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    The University mission and theunderlying processes

    DIUS Assignment 2:

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-

    July, 2011

    The SEUA Mission

    State Engineering University of Armenia (Polytechnic) is ahigher educational institution with a polytechnic emphasis,the basic mission of which is:

    to create and implement academic/research programs and

    services consonant with educational and technological needsof the national economy and society,

    to prepare students for life, career, life-long learning andprofessional progress in line with changing economicenvironment and emerging global information society,

    to create a supportive environment for the comprehensivepersonal and intellectual development of each individual,generation of law-abiding and responsible citizens.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-

    July, 2011

    The SEUA mission evolves around

    teaching and learning(1)

    The evolvement processes within underlying this dimension

    are identified in the SEUA Strategic Plan 2011-2015 and

    sound as follows:

    Gradual reconstruction of contents and structures of existing

    study programmes and development of new ones in line with therequirements of Tuning methodology; Goal 2, Objective 2.2.

    Improvement of existing credit system by widening the range of

    its possibilities and increasing the efficiency of its use; Goal 2,

    Objective 2.3.

    Improvement and renovation of academic staff in line with the

    development of modern quality requirements of study

    programmes; Goal 3, Objective 3.1.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-

    July, 2011

    The SEUA mission evolves around

    teaching and learning(2)

    Ensuring the satisfactory facilities and technical conditions of theeducational processes in central and regional campuses of SEUA;Goal 4, Objective 4.3.

    Improvement of the University information resources make up

    process, ensuring their accessibility and effective use consonantwith the developments of study programmes needs; Goal 6,Objective 6.2.

    Ensuring supportive prerequisites and encouraging mechanismsto enhance the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learningcontinuously; Goal 2, Objective 2.4.

    Implementation of a University system of quality assessment andassurance accordingly to the requirements of ENQA standardsfor the internal valuation of higher education quality; Goal 2,Objective 2.1.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-

    July, 2011

    The SEUA mission evolves around

    research and development

    The processes underlying within this dimension are again

    identified in the SEUA Strategic Plan 2011-2015 andsound as follows:

    Enhancement of the University postgraduate study programme

    in harmony with the requirements of National Qualifications

    Framework and demands of the research employment market,

    as the 3-rd cycle of higher education; Goal 7, Objective 7.1.

    Stimulation of the research products and services applied

    efficiency and innovative competitiveness enhancement,ensuring the supportive prerequisites for the commercialization

    of the products; Goal 7, Objective 7.3.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-

    July, 2011

    The SEUA mission evolves around

    services to society

    Objective 1.4. To develop and enhance the system of continuing

    education at the University in accordance with the demands of the

    education market.

    Monitor the demand for continuing (extended) education among the

    potential SEUA clients, conduct marketing of the demanded trainingcourses and provide support to course design and delivery.

    Develop a comprehensive and demand based system of continuing

    education at SEUA with the active involvement of the regional


    Introduce distance learning technologies and support their efficientuse in training courses of continuing education and correspondence

    form of instruction.

    Create conditions for concurrent enrollment, accumulation of credits

    and certification of external learners (non matriculatedstudents)

    registered for the regular courses of study programs.

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    Managerial organization schemes

    of SEUA internal QA system

    DIUS Assignment 3:

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011


    External Experts

    Faculty Deve-

    lopment Centre




    QA Division

    Regular Seminars

    Academic CouncilRECTOR

    Deputy Vice-

    Rector for QA

    Head of AcademicAffairs Department

    QA Commission

    of AC

    Regional Academic


    Councils of Faculties

    Local groups of


    The diagram of administrative organization of SEUA internal QA system

    QA Sub-commissions ofFaculty Councils

    Regional QACommissions

    QA Commission ofStudent Council

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011


    QA Commission of AC


    Chairs, Faculties,


    External Experts

    Head of Academic Affairs


    Academic Council

    Deputy Vice-Rector

    for QA


    QA Commission of

    Student Council

    Regional AC

    QA Commission

    QA DivisionAcademic Planning


    QA Sub-commissions of

    Faculty Councils

    The Diagram of Information Flows in the SEUA internal QA System

    Councils of Faculties

    Th Fl f C l C d i h SEUA i l QA S

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011


    QA Commission of AC


    Chairs, Faculties,


    External Experts

    Head of Academic Affairs


    Academic Council

    Deputy Vice-Rector

    for QA


    QA Commission of

    Student Council

    QA DivisionAcademic Planning


    QA Sub-commissions of

    Faculty Councils

    The Flows of Control Commands in the SEUA internal QA System

    Councils of Faculties

    Regional AC

    QA Commission

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

    Thank you for your attention

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    Welcome to a short videotour to SEUA

    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

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    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Le Mans - Koblenz, June-July, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation for KOBLENZ - Combined July 2011


    Thank you