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Training and Developing EmployeesKelompok 4

• Ahmad Kurniadi NPM 1006809925• Almansyah Auriyanto NPM 1006810290• Ramhadtu Prasaditama NPM 1006814351• Yanuar Heikal NPM 1006815461

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Training and Development

Menurut (Hadari:2005:208).Pelatihan adalah program- program untuk

memperbaiki kemampuan melaksanakan pekerjaan secara individual, kelompok dan/atau berdasarkan jenjang jabatan dalam organisasi atau perusahaan.

Pengembangan adalah usaha yang dilakukan secara formal dan berkelanjutan dengan difokuskan pada peningkatan dan penambahan kemampuan seorang pekerja.

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Orienting Employees

Employee OrientationA procedure for providing new employees with basic background information about the firm.

Purpose of Orientation• Feel Welcome and at ease• Understand the organizations• Know what is expected in work and behavior• Begin the Socialization process

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• Company organization and


• Safety measuresand regulations

• Facilities tour

• Employee Orientati


• Employee benefit information

• Personnel policies

• Daily routine

The Orientation Process

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New EmployeeDepartmental

Orientation Checklist

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The Four-Step Training Process

Needs analysis

Instructional design

Program implementation



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Analyzing Training Needs

• Task Analysis:

Assessing new

employees’ training needs

• Performance Analysis:

Assessing current

employees’ training needs

• Training Needs Analysis

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Task AnalysisRecord Form

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Performance Analysis:Assessing Current Employees’ Training Needs

• Performance Appraisals

• Job-Related Performance Data

• Observations

• Interviews

• Assessment Center Results

• Individual Diaries

• Attitude Surveys

• Tests

• Methods

for Identifyi

ng Training Needs

• Specialized Software

• Can’t-do or Won’t-do?

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On-the-Job Training

CoachingOr Understudy

Job Rotation

Special Assignment

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Steps to ensure On-the-Job Training Success

4. Follow-Up

3. Do a Tryout

2. Present the Operation

1. Prepare the Learner

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Types of Training (cont’d)

Apprenticeship Training• Combination of formal learning&long-term OJT• Under the tutelage of experienced employees

Informal Learning• Learn not through formal training

Job Instruction Learning• Step by Step• Key points: How it’s to be done-and why.

Lectures• Can be effective• Quick&simple way

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Job Instruction Training @ UPS

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Programmed Learning

Step by step, self learning methodPresenting

questions, facts, or problems to

the learner

Allowing the person to respond

Providing feedback on the accuracy of answers

Reduces training time Self paced learning Get immediate feedback Reduce trainee’s risk of error

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List of Various Computer-Based Training Techniques

PI Computer-based programmed instruction

CBT Computer-based training

CMI Computer-managed instruction

ICAI Intelligent computer-assisted instruction

ITS Intelligent tutoring systems

Simulation Computer simulation

Virtual Reality Advanced form of computer simulation

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Internet Based Training

Teletraining and Videoconferencing

Electronic Performance Support

Systems (EPSS)

Computer-Based Training

E-learning and learning portals

Distance Learning Methods

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Intelligent Tutoring SystemOne step further than programmed learning

Computerized, supercharged, programmed instruction programs

Identify what questions and approaches worked or did not work for the learner

Adjust the suggested instructional sequence to the trainee’s unique needs

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Audiovisual-Based Training

More expensive than lectures, but more interesting


•Need to illustrate how to follow certain sequence over time.


•Need to expose trainees to events not easliy demonstrable in live lectures, ex: visual tour of a company or open-heart surgery


•Need organization wide training

•Too costly to move the trainers from place to place

Use if..

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Vestibule Training

Off the Job Training

Actual or Simulated Equipment

Use it when:

Too costly or dangerous to train employees on the job

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Teletraining and Video Conferencing

• Train at remote location• Using satellite television• Interactive communication

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Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS)

Modern Job Aid

Set of



Similar method

Computerized tools and displays

Automate training, documentation& phone support

Integrate this into application

Faster, cheaper, more


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Sample: Virtual Reality TrainingEYESIM-Immersive Virtual Reality Training System

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Learning Management System

Internet Based

Software package

Helping employersindentify:• needs • scheduling• delivering• assessing

Managing the training itself

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Lifelong Learning and Literacy Training Techniques

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Creating Training ProgramSet Training Objective

Use a detailed job description

Develop an abbreviated task analysis record form

Develop a job instruction sheet

Compile training program for the job

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JoBs Description (example)

• Memastikan transaksi Settlement L/C Import, SBLC & SKBDN, Documentary Collection, Proses Asuransi dijalankan sesuai dengan standar dan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan, serta comply dengan regulasi internal dan eksternal

• Memastikan transaksi Settlement L/C Import, SBLC & SKBDN, Documentary Collection, Proses Asuransi dijalankan sesuai dengan Service Level Agreement

• Melakukan evaluasi dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan proses kerja• Monitoring SAA modifikasi dan Incoming Swift• Memonitor pelaksanaan laporan harian, mingguan dan bulanan• Memonitor pelaksanaan review atas file Settlement Impor secara berkala• Memberikan bimbingan, arahan dan pengajaran perihal transaksi di Settlement

Impor baik bagi Intern/Ekstern• Membantu mencari perbaikan sistem kerja di bagian• Melakukan pemeriksaan error detection seluruh transaksi di bagian settlement

Impor• Ikut membantu melakukan kaderisasi di bagian

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Implementing management development program

Long term focus of management development

Appraising managers’ current


Developing the managers and

future managers

Assessing the company’s

strategic needs

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Succesion planning

Anticipate managemen

t needs

Review firm’s

management skills


Create replacement


Begin managemen

t development

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Management Development Techniques

Job rotation

Coaching and understudy

Managerial On-the-Job Training

Action learning

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Off Jobs Management Training techniques (examples)

Case study metode

Management games

Outsides seminar

Executive coaches

Behavior modeling

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Behavior ModelingModel the effective behaviors

Have trainees role play using behaviors

Provide social reinforcement and feedback

Encourage transfer of training to job

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Managing Organizational Change Programs

What to Change


Culture StructureTechnology


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Managing Organizational Change and Development

Overcoming resistance to


Effectively using organizational development


The Human Resource Manager’s Role

Organizing and leading

organizational change

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Managing Organizational Change and Development (cont’d)

Lewin’s change process




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How to Lead the ChangeUnfreezing

StageEstablish a sense of urgency (need for change).

Mobilize commitment to solving problems.

Create a guiding coalition.

Develop and communicate a shared vision.

Help employees to make the change.

Consolidate gains and produce more change.

Moving Stage

Refreezing Stage

Reinforce new ways of doing things.Monitor and assess progress.

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Using Organizational Development


Applies behavioral science knowledge

Organizational Development (OD)

Usually involves action research

Changes the organization in a particular direction



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TABLE 8–3 Examples of OD Interventions

Human Process ApplicationsT-groups (Sensitivity Training)Process consultationThird-party interventionTeam buildingOrganizational confrontation meetingSurvey research

Technostructural InterventionsFormal structural changeDifferentiation and integrationCooperative union–management projectsQuality circlesTotal quality managementWork design

HRM ApplicationsGoal settingPerformance appraisalReward systemsCareer planning and developmentManaging workforce diversityEmployee wellness

Strategic OD ApplicationsIntegrated strategic managementCulture changeStrategic changeSelf-designing organizations

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Evaluating the Training Effort

• Designing the Evaluation Study Time series design

Controlled experimentation

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Evaluating the Training Effort (Cont’d)

• Choosing Which Training Effects to Measure– Reaction of trainees to the program

– Learning that actually took place

– Behavior that changed on the job

– Results achieved as a result of the training

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A Sample TrainingEvaluation Form