Download - Presentación sobre AECID. Presentation about AECID


Agencia Española de Cooperación

Internacional al Desarrollo

Spanish Cooperation Agency for International Development

• The AECID fights against poverty in more than 40 countries all around the world

• The AECID has fought against poverty for 25 years

• The AECID has 35 technical cooperation offices, 12 cultural centers, and 4

educational centers in Latin America, Asia, and Africa respectively

• They work with international organizations and with other Spanish entities -

focusing on cooperation, so the help arrives efficiently and we become one step

closer to a better world

• Facilitates cooperation in connection with emergency aid when natural and man-

made disasters leave thousands of people without basic necessities

• With a portion of the Spanish finances, the AECID makes sure that vulnerable

countries and populations have, the right to go to school, access to healthcare and


• Objective: for people to obtain and enjoy their rights and live in peace and liberty

in a more sustainable world

Important information from the video

General knowledge about the AECID

• EYD2015 The European Year of Development

• The 4th Master Plan

• The Millennium Development Goals

• 3 cross-cutting perspectives

gender, environmental quality, and respect for

cultural diversity

• Priority lines:

- the advancement of human development and

equality in international relations

- the prevention of, and attention to emergency


- the promotion of democracy

- the promotion of relations with partner


• Financing: In 2014 the Official Spanish

Development Assistance donated 1034 million

euros for AECID

Where we cooperateThe AECID is present in 38 countries

Priority regionsLatin America

North and Eastern Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa

Aid sectors

- Water and sanitation

- Economic growth

- Culture and science

- Rural development, food security and


- Education

- Gender

- Democratic Governments

- Environment and climate change

- Health

Humanitarian assistance and projects

Water and sanitation

• Freshwater is a key factor for sustainable


• AECID works to guarantee access to

freshwater and sanitation for everyone

• The 4th Master Plan (2013-2016)

Emphasizes the fact that the access to clean

water and sanitation is a human right

• FCAS (2007): The fund of cooperation for

water and sanitation

The most important project in the scope of

water and sanitation

The Cooperation Fond of

Water and Sanitation


Somos agua

Rural development, food security and nutrition

• Self-sufficient agriculture is one of the most

important activities in many of the poorest


• The 3th Master Plan (2009-2012)

Emphasizes the human right to food and improves

conditions and food security of rural and urban


• World Food Summit (1996)

The goal, focusing on physical, social and

economic elements promotes the accessibility of

sufficient nutrition for all.


• In the fight against poverty, education is a very

important factor.

• It is a human right to have access to education, and it’s

a fundamental element of well-being

• The AECID fights for every person, for the right to an

education, focusing on the most vulnerable groups with

the lowest levels of education

• Education for all: a Human Right and Basic Need


• Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

• The sustainable development and the extermination of poverty requires gender equality

• To fight discrimination against women the AECID implemented a strategy to promote the equality

between men and women

• Guidelines to gender equality

- Social and political participation

- Fight against gender violence

- Sexual and reproductive rights

- Economic and workers rights for women

Democratic Governance

• The AECID works to give every individual the right to choose its own political, economical, social and cultural system

• The AECID informs the population of its rights, and by doing so motivates the citizens to keep their dignity and keeps the legitimacy of the state.

• Spanish Cooperation of Democratic Governance MaterialsThis strategy recognizes the citizen’s right to sustainable developmentEmphasizes that the government should guarantee access to public services

Health• Access to health is a human right, and the AECID encourages solidarity, equality, and justice in the

pursuit of this right

• Health in all policies

Health, and knowledge about health are criteria for achieving sustainable development and crucial in

the fight against poverty

Thank you for your attention

Anne Dorte Dyreby – MartaVelasco Rodríguez

Gracias por su atención