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Álvarez Mireya Suarez Evelin Pérez Nereida

Prof. Yenny Rodríguez

Tiempos Verbales

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Introducción / introductionTense is used to refer to an action took place That at a time before another action, for example: The film had finished 1st action When she arrived at the 2nd action cinema. You had cleaned the house. She had lost the credit card. Meanwhile, the negative form is constructed by Placing the negation not between the auxiliary and the main verb, for example: You had not cleaned the house. I had not bought a new dress.

El siguiente trabajo nos llevara a recordar y reconocer los diferentes tiempos verbales que componen una oración en inglés. Donde la formación se realiza a través de auxiliares que nos indican el tiempo que ocurre la acción bien sea pasado, presente y futuro.

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Oración Interrogativa Formula VT +sujeto + VT +Verbo ing + Complemento?Am I cleaning the house now Oracion Afirmativa Formula Yes + Sujeto + VT + ing +Complemento Yes you are cleaning the house now.Oración Negativa Formula No + sujeto +VT+ not +ing + Complemento No, you aren’t cleaning the house now PP VT I am You are He Is She Is It Is We are They are


VT: verbo to bee

PP: pronombre personal

VPP: verbo en participio pasado.

Presente Progresivo ING / Present Progressive ING

En el presente progresivo al verbo se le agrega ING

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• Do – I You – We – they • Oracion Interrogativa • Formula • Do sujeto +verbo presente + complemento • Do I Study English in this moment • Oracion Afirmativa • Formula • Yes you Study English in this moment?• Oracion Negativa• Formula • No, sujeto + don’t + verb +complemento• No, you dont study englihin this momento. • Does He - she It • Con este auxiliar en oración afirmativa se le agrega al verbo( S) o (ES) al verbo.• Se agrega (ES) cuando el verbo terminan en ch, sh y X, O• Oracion interrogativa • Formula • Does + Sujet+ verbo + complemento?• Does +susan wash her hair?• Oracion Afirmativa • Formula • yes, suj + verbo (S) (es) + complemento • Yes, she washes her hair • Oracion negativa • Formula • No, suj doesnt + verb + complemento • No, she doesn’t wash her hair

Presente Simple /Simple Present

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• Have I, you – we – they • Oracion Interrogativa • Formula• Have + sujeto + VPP + complemento • Have we written the exercise?• Oracion Afirmativo • Formula • Yes sujeto Have Vpp + complemento ?• Yes, we have written the exercise • Oración Negativa • Formula • No + sujeto + haven’t + Vpp + complemento • No, we haven’t wrihen the exercise• Has He She It • Oracion Interrogativa • Formula • has + sujeto + VPP +complemento• Has peter read the newspaper?• Oracion Afirmativa • Formula • YES, Sujeto + has VPP + complemento • Yes, he has read the news paper • Oracion Negativa • Formula • No sujeto hasn’t VPP + complemento . • No, he hasn’t read the news paper

Presente Perfecto / Present Perfect

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• Will I you – He she – it we they • Next – tomorrow son algunas palabras que aveces aparecen en una oracion en

futuro • Oracion Interrogativa • Formula • Will + Pp + verbo + complemento ?• Will I study in Caracas?• Oracion Afirmativa • Formula • Yes +PP+ will+ verbo + complemento • Yes you will stady in caracas • Oracion negativa • Formula • No +PP +won’t+ verbo +complement • No you won’t study in Caracas •


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The Simple Past tense is used to describe actions that have happened at an earlier time and have now ended, for example:Did + sujeto + verbo infinito sin toDid you watch TV yesterday night?ORACION INTERROGATIVADID + SUJETO +VERBO+ COMPLEMENTODid you go to supermarket?AFIRMATIVAYES,SUJETO+DID+VERBO+COMPLEMENTOYes, I did go to supermarket.NEGATIVANO, SUJETO+DIDN`T+VERBO+COMPLEMENTONo, I didn`t go to supermarket.Question word + did + subject + verb en infinite sin toWhere did you go?When did she see that film?In both the interrogative and negative form is used as an auxiliary DID is the past form of the verb "TO DO" and accompanies the main verb in the infinitive form. In negations can be used the contracted form of DID, DID NOT ie. Example Did she like the film? Yes, she did.No, she didn´t.

Pasado perfecto / past perfect

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Pasado continuo / past continuous.

• The Past Continuous is a tense describes actions that were being made at one point last referred to and then continued, for example:

• Yesterday he was studying English.

• The Past Continuous is constructed with the auxiliary verb "to be" in its past form and the main verb in the infinitive termination ING.

• The negative form is constructed by placing

the particle after the verb NOT TO BE. You can also use the contracted form or was not were not.

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Pasado perfecto / past perfect

Tense is used to refer to an action that took place at a time before another action, for example:

 The film had finished 1ª action

When she arrived at the cinema 2ª action.

You had cleaned the house.

She had lost the credit card.

Meanwhile, the negative form is constructed by placing the negation NOT between the auxiliary and the main verb, for example:

You had not cleaned the house.

I had not bought a new dress.

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Conclusión / finding

• Los tiempo verbal se utiliza para expresar acciones que suceden en el mismo momento en que se está hablando, al mismo tiempo sirven para describir acciones habituales que suceden con cierta frecuencia y nos hace referencia si ya ocurrió, está ocurriendo o en algún momento ocurrirá.

• The tense is used to express actions happening at the same time they are talking at the same time serve to describe habitual actions that happen frequently and refers us if it happened, is happening or will happen sometime