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Page 1: Present Simple Verbs

Present Simple Verbs

1. She ___ four languages.a. speakb. speaks

2. Jane is a teacher. She ___ French.a. teachb. teaches

3. When the kettle ___, will you make some tea?a. boilb. boils

4. I always ___ the window at night because it is cold.a. closeb. closes

5. Those shoes ___ too much.a. costb. costs

6. The food in Japan is expensive. It ___ a lot to live there.a. costb. costs

7. His job is great because he ___ a lot of people.a. meetb. meets

8. He always ___ his car on Sundays.a. washb. washes

9. My watch is broken and it ___ to be fixed again.a. needb. needs

10. I ___ to watch movies.a. love

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b. loves

11. I ___ to the cinema at least once a week.a. gob. goes

12. They never ___ tea in the morning.a. drinkb. drinks

13. We both ___ to the radio in the morning.a. listenb. listens

14. He ___ a big wedding.a. wantb. wants

15. George ___ too much so he's getting fat.a. eatb. eats

16. The earth ___ round the sun, doesn't it?a. gob. goes

17. The shops in England ___ at 9:00 in the morning.a. openb. opens

18. The post office ___ at 5:30 pm.a. closeb. closes

19. Jackie ___ two children now.a. hasb. have

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20. Mr. Smith ___ too much. He always has a cigarette in his mouth.a. smokeb. smokes

21. When the phone ___, please answer it.a. ringb. rings

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of words given:


1.                 I  ____________ (read) a very interesting book every week.

2.                 Joanne  ____________  (work) eight hours a day.

3.                 Tonight we ____________  (see) a play at the theatre.

4.                 Who ____________  you ____________ (speak) to when you go there?

5.                 I  ____________  (not know) him very well.

6.                 What will you do if she ____________  (come) late?

7.                 My wife ____________  (like) coffee for breakfast.

8.                 What ____________  Tom usually ____________(have) for breakfast?

9.                 Your train ____________  (leave) at 17.25 from platform 3.

10.             What ____________  Mary ____________ (do) ? She's a student.

11.             My whole family _______________(go) to church once a week.

12.             My wife and I _________________(go) to the beach in the summer.

13.             Listen! The phone ________________(ring) in the other room.

14.             Rain seldom ________________(fall) in the Sahara.

15.             He is thirteen years old now, and his voice _____________________(change).

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16.          The teacher_____________________usually (correct) our papers.

17.             Leap year __________________(come) every four years.

18.             My grandfather ________________(grow) tomatoes in his garden this summer.

19.             He ________________(grow) them every summer .

20.             The children ______________________(leave) for school in the morning.

21.             The children __________________(leave) at 8:30 every morning of the week.

22.           The baby ______________________(take) her nap every day at 12.00.

23.             In the north the season ____________________(change) four times a year .

24.             Unfortunately, a patient ______________________ (die) evry week in the hospital.

25.             The monsoon _____________________(come) once or twice a year.

26.             It's spring and the days _____________________(get) longer.

27.             The weather _____________(get) very cold in Moscow in the winter.

28.             It _________________(rain) hard here in autumn.

29.             It's November and the birds ___________________(fly) south.

30.     Many birds of Europe _____________(fly) south to Africa every winter.