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Page 1: Presbyterian 2 Commit to Life in the Church The church is the chief avenue for the exercise and practice of faith. Here


Presbyterian Courier

Volume 14 January 2010 Issue 1

The Presbyterian Church of Bowling Green, Kentucky

Please send information for the February newsletter to [email protected] by January 15, 2010.

See “Renewal or Resolutions?”, page 2


Pastor’s Corner 1Pastor’s Corner 1Pastor’s Corner 1Pastor’s Corner 1 Music & Art 2Music & Art 2Music & Art 2Music & Art 2 Children’s MinistryChildren’s MinistryChildren’s MinistryChildren’s Ministry 4 4 4 4 Youth & CollegeYouth & CollegeYouth & CollegeYouth & College 5 5 5 5

Congregational CareCongregational CareCongregational CareCongregational Care & Fellowship 6 & Fellowship 6 & Fellowship 6 & Fellowship 6 Church Church Church Church & Community 8& Community 8& Community 8& Community 8 New Members New Members New Members New Members 13 13 13 13 January B’Days 14January B’Days 14January B’Days 14January B’Days 14

Looking Both Directions in a New Year We call the first month of the year January, after the Roman god Janus, who had two faces. The idea was that in this first month of the year, we can look to both the past and the future. Looking backward and forward gives rise to the creation of New Year’s Resolutions. We want the future to be better, so we attempt to improve on the bad habits of the past.

Favorite New’ Year’s Resolutions “In One Year and Out the Other”

The most popular annual resolution is to lose weight. Other favorites include getting out of debt, saving money, quitting smoking or drinking, and finding a better job. The record of people keeping their resolutions is not good. Most resolutions last no more than two weeks. Resolutions and the Christian Faith Because the earliest call to faith was Jesus saying “Repent and believe the good news,” and resolutions are a kind of secular repentance, there are many connections. Christ’s coming is said to have ushered in a new age, which is like a new year, but more glorious. The claim of faith is such a dramatic re-shuffling of priorities that we sometimes speak of it as re-birth. So a new year inspires thoughts with deep roots in our tradition of faith.

Try This In 2010, I hope you will have success with all of your resolu-tions. But all forms of repentance are hard. Here are some suggestions. Engage Deeply in Prayer God should be a part of every effort you make to strengthen and improve yourself. God wants you to be healthy and whole. Pray to God for the help and support you need. Find God to be a faithful partner. Listen to God for direction and help. Trust in God to deliver you from all evil.

The Reverend Kara Hildebrandt, newly ordained Minister of Word and Sacra-ment, prepares to serve communion.

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Commit to Life in the Church The church is the chief avenue for the exercise and practice of faith. Here are many opportunities to grow spiritually. The church is also the headquarters for a healthy and wholesome fellowship with others. Be strengthened by the Good-ness of God and by the goodness of friendships here.

Think About “Worship Plus Two” This is a formula for attendance and par-ticipation. You should attend worship, and at least two additional hours at church each week. Consider Sunday School. Sign up for a mission trip. Read a book with a theological theme. Pray regularly (see above). Call others in the church with no agenda but to be encour-aging. Schedule time to talk at depth with

one of the pastors. Prepare yourself to talk to your best friend about what you believe. There are many, many ways to devote yourself to ministry here.

Repentance and the Renewal of Faith is Better Than Making Resolutions Anyway! When we make commitments to God, we can count on God’s help. And more than that, we are committing to our Creator who knows us best. There can be no “failure” if our resolution is to reach out to the Lord. And Know You Are Loved, Matthew Covington

Renewal or Resolutions? (cont. from page 1)

The month of December has been a whirlwind of meeting new people, learning about The Presby- terian Church, and beginning to become a part of people’s lives. The month has been a good one

and I greatly appreciate the warm welcome by the congregation. The love and care that has been shown to me only adds to knowing that I am called to this time and to this place by God to love all of you. As I am learning more about the congregation I have been gaining insight into the needs and wants in the church, in individual lives, and in the community, which helps me to begin short and long term planning for Christian Education.

My vision for Christian Education is that at every age from birth until death a deepen-ing of our understanding of God, of ourselves, and how to interact with the world around us will take place in this community of faith. Through programs that engage us intellectually, creatively, socially, and practically this vision will be carried forth. Christian education is about meeting people where they are, taking them where they need/want to go, opening them up to where God is, and learning to be a community of love. I am passionate about all aspects of education with all ages. In the coming months new programs will be introduced, other programs may be tweaked, and others will remain the same. (cont. next pg.)

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Music and Art Music and Art Music and Art Music and Art

Monday Afternoon with the Arts: January 2010 1:00PM The Ladies’ Parlor

Jan. 25 A History of Western Music Part Sixty-Eight Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 8 The Symphony of a Thousand – Part One Join us as we continue our major study of Western music in an historical perspective. Today we hear Part One of Gustav Mahler’s massive Symphony No. 8, called The Symphony of a Thousand because of the huge forces required to perform the work. In this historic 1975 performance, Leonard Bernstein conducts the Vienna Philharmonic, massed choirs, and numerous soloists in his own unique style. Program length: 60 minutes

For information about any of the Monday Afternoon with the Arts programming, please contact David Paul Gibson in the church office.

All are invited to attend.

New Art Exhibit Announced

A new exhibit, titled “Moments of Discovery”, will open in Fellowship Hall on Friday January 8, 2010 and run through February 5, 2010. The exhibit will consist of photographs taken by several members of the Sunny 16 Camera Club. Sunny 16 is a local club open to anyone in the community who is interested in photography. The club meets at our church at 7 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. For more information, visit the website at

Christian education is also not limited to the Sunday School hour but will be incorporating other times during the week.

Two new programs on the immediate horizon include a parenting class by Corrie Vos on Sunday mornings and secondly, a new program offered quarterly of learning how to be open to God through creative mediums.

I look forward to working with you all and I hope that the peace of God will be with you wherever you are.

Know you are always loved,

Rev. Kara J. Hildebrandt

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Children’s MinistriesChildren’s MinistriesChildren’s MinistriesChildren’s Ministries

Parents — Epiphany is observed on January 6th and commemorates the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles in the persons of the Magi. It is also known as Twelfth Day. The story of the Wise Men from the East is found in the 2nd chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. It is printed on the next page of this newsletter. Be sure to take some time to read it with your children, and let them color these pictures.

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The Visit of the Wise Men

In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in

Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the child who has been

born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage.” When

King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; and calling together all the chief priests and scribes

of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the


‘And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who is

to shepherd my people Israel.’”

Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the

exact time when the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found

him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage.” When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went

the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they

were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then,

opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankin-cense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to

Herod, they left for their own country by another road.

Matthew 2:1-12

Honoring our Church School Teachers During December, parents and children donated funds to purchase new books for the Children’s Library as a special Christmas remembrance for their teachers. Personalized bookplates have been placed in each book. The books are on display this month so please drop by to see the new additions to our library!

Children’s Church News Beginning January 10, at 11:00, “Movin’ Up”, an advanced children’s worship program for 2nd and 3rd graders will begin in Room 20 in the Children’s Center. This class is to prepare families, the congregation and, most importantly, our children for worship with the whole church by giving them the tools that will encourage them to listen, learn and gain an understanding of what happens in worship services.

Children’s Church for 4-year olds through 1st graders will continue as usual during the 11:00 worship hour.

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Youth & College News Youth & College News Youth & College News Youth & College News COME TO SUNDAY SCHOOL! Beginning January 10th, Sunday School begins at 9:45am. Chris Guthrie continues teaching the Junior Highs. David Muffett will be teaching the Senior Highs on other Christian Denominations.

We were able to help 46 children have a brighter Christmas through the Angel Tree ministry. On December 12 we delivered gifts to 22 households. Thank you to all who helped with this ministry.

David Muffett will be away January 6-9 at Montreat for The Blaze Conference for Youth Leaders. He will also be away January 24-30 in Nashville for the APCE conference.

A big THANK YOU to all who helped with dinners for Youth Group in 2009. Also thanks to all of the adults/parents who assisted with all of the outings/parties this year. You are very much appreciated. Without your help we couldn’t have had the quality programs we offer. We’ve had a great 2009 and 2010 should be even better!

Upcoming events include:

Youth Group Meetings will resume on January 10 from 6-8pm after a break for the holidays.

AN ONLINE YOUTH CALENDAR is now available on the church website . Go to the Youth Ministry page. Check it frequently for updates.

JOIN THE CHURCH FACEBOOK GROUP PAGES (Keep connected to what’s going on!!!) Youth Group Page: bg pres youth group!! Church Group Page: The Presbyterian Church of Bowling Green Follow us on Twitter too: twitter/bgpres

Contact David Muffett, Director of Youth Ministries for more info: [email protected] or 270.202.2776 or

Ski Trip January 22-24. We will leave from the church late Fri-

day afternoon. We’ll spend the night and then ski all day Saturday with an over-night stay. We’ll return Sun-day morning. Cost is only $125 per person.

Winter Retreat February 12-14. We’ve been invited to a Winter Retreat at Camp sponsored by the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee. Our own Kara Hildebrandt is coordinating this event. The cost is $100 per person.

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Congregational Care & Fellowship Congregational Care & Fellowship Congregational Care & Fellowship Congregational Care & Fellowship

In Sympathy In Sympathy In Sympathy In Sympathy

Sympathy is extended to the following members and friends of this church who have recently lost loved ones:

Harvey Johnston in the death of his brother-in-law Emily & Kelley Purpus (& Jane) in the death of their grandfather (f-i-law) Lee McMichael in the death of her grandmother, Jessie Burks Allen McSween (former pastor) in the death of his mother Virginia Clifford in the death of her nephew Doug Lindberg Tom and Steve Zimmer in the death of their mother Margaret Zimmer

Suppers for Six returns in January

Beginning in January, we are going to try to mix up the Suppers for eight notion that we have enjoyed in the church. The idea of Suppers for six should attract those who feel reticent about enter-taining in their home.

Couples and singles will gather in groups of six in a local restau-rant. The responsibility for choosing the restaurant and a time will rotate between three couples (and/or pair of singles) over a three month period. Everyone will pay for their own meals. We will begin in January. Please sign up with Cheryl at the church (843-4707). Questions? Please contact Ann Covington at [email protected] or 846-4325.

Gordoneers will meet on Friday, January 8th at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. (Note the change in time!) Hosts for the evening are Dudley and Sue Bryant and Lee and Peg Truman. Come enjoy good food, fellowship, and a movie with some of your favorite old-time actors! Feel free to bring a comfortable folding chair for watching the movie.

PNO Please watch the Sunday Bulletins and the 60-second email for information about Parents’ Night Out meeting date and location.

Deacons express thanks

Thank you to everyone who donated cookies for the Deacon's Cookies for Sharing this Christmas season! Because of your generosity and hard work in the kitchen, we were able to share homemade treats with so many senior members of our con-gregation, as well as our college students, Preschool staff, and church staff. We even donated our "leftovers" to those attending the Gallery Hop Friday night and our own carolers before they set off after church Sunday. The goodies were a feast for the eyes and tummies and were so appreciated by those who received them.

Doris and Tom Yelton

wish to express their

apprec ia t ion for

everyone’s thoughts,

prayers, cards, and

food during Doris’s

recent hospital stay

and rehab.

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Church & CommunityChurch & CommunityChurch & CommunityChurch & Community

TPC promotes community dialog

B.Y.O.B., Bring Your Own Brain to the Bowling Green Public Library. Come with your brain and your heart, as we, the Presbyterian Church, seek to facilitate community dialogue on various topics about the intersections of faith, diversity and community. Join in on Monday, January 11, Monday, February 1 and Monday, March 1 @ 6:00-7:00p.m. Specific topics for particular days will be forthcoming. Be reminded, our PC(USA) witness calls us to a new openness to the presence of God in the Church and in the world, and for us to be responsive to diversity in both the church and the world. Come and share in a community forum with your witness, combining heart and intelligent engagement that participates in God’s activity in the world. Questions or suggestions for topics, please email me at [email protected]

Who’s Who on The Presbyterian Church Staff?

The Congregational Meeting on January 31 allows our congregation to vote on the adequacy of the Minister’s terms of call. The Personnel Committee, Larry War-den-chair, Trina Larson, Pamela Napier, Bill Oldham, Steve Todd, Donna Hill thought this would be a good time to clarify the current staffing patterns that are in place. Rev. Dr Matthew Covington, Minister of the Word and Sacrament, is head of staff and is ultimately responsible for our spiritual growth and nurture, pastoral care and visioning the future work of this church.

Rev. Kara Hildebrandt, Minister of the Word and Sacrament is Associate Pastor for Christian Education. She is responsible for our spiritual nurture, growth, care and all facets of our Christian Education program.

David Paul Gibson is responsible for supervising all aspects of our Music Ministry, for planning music for all worship services and conducting our Chancel Choir. In ad-dition, he plans and presents our annual Liturgical Arts Festival and all other arts out-reach recitals, concerts and exhibitions.

Thomas N. Moody is organist and pastoral assistant. He provides musical support for choir and worship including weddings and funerals. He assists deaconate and pastors to provide care to members and the community when (cont on page 9)

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your brain and your heart, as we, the Presbyterian Church, seek to facilitate

Who’s Who on the Presbyterian Church Staff (cont. from pg 8)

they seek help from the church, and keeps the records for the membership committee.

David Muffett is Director of Youth Ministries. He plans the mission work and the team building activities that make for a good youth group. He works with Kara and Terry to plan for SS curriculum and evening studies. He also is our web-master and audio-tech support person. He is on salary for 35 hrs a week.

Terry Shoemaker is Director of Youth and College in Mission. He plans for college bible studies for both our college and the community youth. On salary for 15 hrs a week, receives no benefits and is paid in part with Campus Ministry Presbytery funds.

Richard Barefoot is Administrator, performing all finan-cial functions for the church. He oversees the janitorial service contract, repair and maintenance of the building and is the contact person for the secretary for non-pastoral issues. Cheryl Gregory provides administrative support and graphic art design for all staff and some deacon/session committees.

Dr. Covington poses to display one of the boxes of food delivered to the church pantry from the WKU Librar-ies' food drive. This past November WKU Libraries for-gave student fines in ex-change for food. The Presbyterian Church was one of two church pantries to

Donna Wolbe and Clemette Haskins were hired as interim employees to help with pastoral and educational programming. Their salaries came from the one budgeted salary that existed for an Associate Pastor, the position which has now been filled by Kara Hildebrandt.

Donna Wolbe’s tenure ended 12-31-09 and she left in place a Children’s Ministry subcommittee for the Session’s Christian Education Committee. She happily will continue to serve this church in a volunteer capacity.

Since Clemette’s graduation from Louisville Theological Seminary in May 2009, our church has benefited from her preaching/teaching/visiting skills. Our one year com-mitment to Clemette has also given her time to prepare for her ordination exams. The generous response of many to The Stewardship Campaign has allowed us to fulfill this commitment. The anticipated end date of Clemette’s employment will be May 31, 2010.

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Marty Deputy reports from Guatemala

Jesus long ago said "Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these broth-ers, you have done it to me." And so my heart is full after my latest trip to Guate-mala, a land of love, horror, illness, hunger, racism, poverty and beauty. Judy Schwank founder of Children's Aid Mission International (CAMI) and I traveled to-gether. Blanche Warrener Moran has worked with CAMI much more than I. This little jaunt was a last minute thing, and I tried to focus on where I could make a difference no matter how small...whether smiling at a person who feels like the owest of the low, helping with an exam of a child with congenital anomalies, or packing boxes of medical supplies. Here are some ideas for future work:

Take part in making instructional DVDs on self-esteem critical to Guatemala's in-digenous who make up 60% of the population. 90% of Guatemala's population own less than 10% of the wealth. Discrimination is rampant. Sue Bryant may help with the medical information. And David and youth are considering help with pro-duction of similar DVDs for Bowling Green. Here are some additional subjects :

Nutrition especially in helping locate sources of protein Diabetes prevention (I was told that doctors in Guatemala are into healing but not into prevention) Care following surgery for some of the things that we address: cleft lip/palates, congenital hernias, gall bladders Several young people in Guatemala are very interested in making this hap-pen as well as David Muffet & Co. We'd like to have one or more DVD play-ers at each surgical team. We need advice on all the presentations.

Figure out how to make "soy milk" with soy beans...much cheaper than milk, 48% protein, free of cholesterol. Judy Schwank (who is truly a miracle) and I made some of the milk and it tasted pretty bad. Much work to do!!

Learn to make low-cost solar stoves using Mylar and parabolic pans. Judy and I haven't experimented with that yet. I think it's on You Tube.

Collect prosthetic components for adults/children who have one or more miss-ing limbs due to congenital anomalies or trauma. I stayed one night in the home of a certified prosthetologist, Eddie Fuentes and his family. Eddy Fuentes will be able to construct limbs from prosthetic components at no or low cost to the poorest of the poor. By the way if you have connections with any hospitals or orthopedic physicians please ask if they can save used or outgrown orthopedic compo-nents. My phone is 784-4325. We can send without transportation charge through a program called "The Vine, International" in Knoxville.

May I introduce you to some of the children we saw? Some will be brought to the US for surgery/treatment. A surgical team will go to Guatemala in January and perform surgery for cleft lip/cleft palate, hernias. As opposed to many teams, CAMI does follow-ups - some for several years if necessary. Judy has been asked to write protocol/requirements for future medical teams.

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Helen, age 4, and Hector, age 6. Their families are from the same San Marcos neighborhood. Both have hip dysplasia leaving them with one leg 4 - 5" shorter than the other. Many congenital bone problems in this area.

Judy, age 16. Unrepaired cleft lip and improp-erly repaired cleft palate. After tests she was also found to have microadenoma(??) of the pitui-tary. Her parents brought Judy after taking off from their job picking coffee beans in Mexico. I can't remember this 17 year old boy’s name. He

has a severe club foot. It's turned around backward. It’s important that he is admitted to Shriners Hospital in St. Louis before he turns 18.

And there were the 9 day old twins that we could not afford to help. We named them Paul David and Jessica Grace. They were the product of the rape of their mother when she was 12 and who died in childbirth. Their grandmother could not take them in because she is raising 8 other children after her husband died 2 years ago. Judy had planned to take them in and we had set up their bedroom in the house in San Lucas. However, they need intensive care without benefit of a Medical Card. It was a difficult choice to turn away from them. Life and death are close bed-fellows in Guatemala. Surely God is looking lovingly on the “little people” of this world. Love to all, Marty

This is Isobel's aunt. She's 93 and is

nearly blind. We (Judy) will arrange

surgery for her. An eye team is coming

later in the year.

Indigenous mom and babe.

No funds for dental care.

Sugar cane has brought

dental disease and diabetes.

Jackie’s husband is an oral

surgeon and does surgery on

the worst cases from time to


This is Isobel who cooks

and cares for the house in

San Lucas. She is Jorge’s

mother. Jorge is an

orphan, Taken in by Judy

9 years ago.

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The Monday Morning Education Program The Presbyterian Church

Announces the 2010 Spring Series

The Sixties, A Study of a Tumultuous Era

January 18 The American Social Scene Dr. Mike Kanan and 25 Sociologist

February 1 The Presidency : Dr. George Dillingham and 8 Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon Historian

February 15 Activist of the 60’s Dr. Charles Bussey Historian

February 22 The Civil Rights Movement Dr. Robert Haynes Historian

March 1 The Presbyterian Church Ann Wyatt Librarian March 8 Western Kentucky University Nancy Baird Kentucky History Specialist March 15 Music of the 60s David Paul Gibson Church Director of Music

March 22 Bowling Green in the 60s Charles M. Moore Local Businessman

March 29 Viet Nam Local Veterans Coordinated by Lt.Col. Gilbert T.Calhoun, USAF(Ret.)

Classes meet on Monday Mornings at 10:00 in the Conference Room


Confident Christian Parenting in the 21st Century, Third floor Library Biblical Exploration, Room 203 -- Floyd Hayes Ellis Class, Room 202 Couple’s Class, 10th St. Parlor Calvin on the Christian Life, Third floor Conference Room Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, Rm 207 College Sunday School class, Room 201.

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New MembersNew MembersNew MembersNew Members

Mark and Minda Schafer moved to Bowling Green in July, 2008 because of their affiliation with Western Kentucky University. Prior to that, they lived in Pitts-burgh, PA. They have three daughters - Sumer, Han-nah and Lia. The family also includes a dog named Lakota.

Mark likes to ride his bike to work on nice days and Minda enjoys playing tennis. She is currently teach-ing their daugher, Sumer to play tennis. The entire

family likes to be outdoors and stay active.

Both Mark and Minda have been involved in a church throughout their lives and they have a desire to raise their family, as well, in the church. The Presbyterian Church has proven to be a very welcoming place for this purpose. Carl and Earlene Chelf have lived in Bowling Green since 1963. They first lived in Lincoln, NE. then Washington, D.C., before moving to Bowling Green when Carl joined the WKU faculty. While in D.C., Carl had a NDEA Fellowship to work with Congress. Earlene has worked with "Fannie Mae" - Federal National Mortgage Association (not the chocolate company!). They have a son named David and a daughter named Jennifer Chelf. Jen-nifer is a Nurse Anesthetist at Gateway Hospital in Clarksville, TN. and David, along with his wife Colette and two children, Lila - age 3 1/2 and Ben age 1 month, live in Allen County, Kentucky.

Carl and Earlene are both retired from WKU, Carl from the Government (Political Science) Department and Earlene from University Libraries/Kentucky Library and Museum. Presently, they are both actively involved in David's United Country Auction and Real Estate Company and in the care of their grandchildren. Carl maintains an active interest in politics and also enjoys hunting, reading, gardening and working in his shop making knives, bird houses, Shaker-style cooling racks, etc. Earlene's primary interests are literacy, the arts - both visual and performing, and antiques.

While looking for a "church home," the Chelfs decided to visit The Presbyterian Church. The sermons and music were excellent, and Carl and Earlene were impressed also by the range of outreach and mission activities the church is involved in. All of these things, plus a very friendly congregation, were factors in their decision to join the church.

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January 1

Lily Lim

Tyler Siddens

Allison Willian

January 3

Laura Goodwin

Jack Sikes III

January 4

Robert Dickey, Jr.

Harvey Johnston

David W. Rabold

Mark Schafer

January 5

Renee Augugliaro

Christine Burkeen

Emily Perkins

January 6

Brittney Maslowski

Juliana Selig

January 7

Rand Paul

Debbie Trickey

January 8

Dudley Bryant

Les Pfahl

Margaret Stein

John Whitaker

Jane Wilkinson

January 10

Lilian Giles

Jenny Larson

January 11

D. A. Faxon

Jennie Lou Hagans

Tom Moody

Ann Rudolph

Corrie Vos

January 12

Jerry Pardue

James Stites

January 13

Tricia Just

Julia Roberts

Miles Small

January 14

Benjamin Crocker

Benjamin Guthrie

Mary Lee Kelley

Gregory McCord

January 15

Page Beard

Paul Clark

Judy Gerhardt

January 16

Duffy Hayes

Sarah Maurer

January 17

Madelene Chandler

Chris Davenport

January 18

Jenn Miller

Mame Stone

Verna Williams

January 19

David E. Rabold

Calvin Small

January 20

Margaret Bruner

Rick Larson

William Moore

Earlene Newman

January 22

Jeffrey Proctor

Jim Stickles

Priscilla Suh

January 25

Jan Allis

Blake Moran

Kay Schell

January 26

Beth Byrd

Keith Coverdale

Christian Miller

Madeleine Wilson

January 27

Charlotte Garvin

January 28

Benjamin Davenport

Will Paul

January 30

Evan Goad

Joe McFarland

Katie Thomison

January 31

Stone Begley

Nicholas Johnson

John Van Ness

January BirthdaysJanuary BirthdaysJanuary BirthdaysJanuary Birthdays

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January Calendar of EventsJanuary Calendar of EventsJanuary Calendar of EventsJanuary Calendar of Events Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Office Closed New Year’s




10:00am Worship 11:00pm Healing &

Wholeness Service 4:00pm Rainbow

Ringers 6:00pm Jr./Sr. High


4 11:45am Circle 3 7:00pm English Country Dancing


9:30 Staff Mtg. 11:00am Special

Care 4:30pm

Peacemaking 7:00pm Deacons



8 10:00am







8:30am Worship 9:45am Sunday

Morning Circle 9:45am Sunday

School 11:00am Worship 4:00pm Rainbow

Ringers 5:00pm CEWS 6:00pm Jr./Sr. High


11 10:00am Prayer

Shawls 11:30am Circle 9

6:00pm BYOB at

public library 7:00pm English Country Dancing

12 9:30 Staff Mtg.

11:00am Special

Care 5:00pm Worship Min 7:00pm Camera


13 9:15am Wed.

Morning Circle 9:30am Circle 6 7:00pm Chancel Choir

14 4:00pm



15 10:00am




17 8:30am Worship 9:45am Sunday

School 11:00am Worship 4:00pm Rainbow

Ringers 5:00pm CEWS 6:00pm Jr./Sr. High


18 10:00am Mon.

Morning Educ.

7:00pm English Country Dancing

19 9:30 Staff Mtg.

11:00am Special

Care 11:00am Finance

Ministry 7:00pm Session

20 11:00am Circle 4 7:00pm Chancel Choir 7:00pm Christian

Ed Ministry


22 10:00am



Youth Ski Trip


24 8:30am Worship 9:30am King’s Kids 9:45am Sunday

School 11:00am Worship 4:00pm Rainbow

Ringers 5:00pm CEWS 6:00pm Jr./Sr. High


25 10:00am MMEduc 1:00pm Mon w/Arts

7:00pm English Country Dancing

26 9:30 Staff Mtg.

11:00am Special

Care 7:00pm Evening


27 7:00pm Chancel Choir 8:00pm College



29 10:00am




31 8:30am Worship 9:30am King’s Kids 9:45am Sunday

School 11:00am Worship 4:00pm Rainbow

Ringers 5:00pm CEWS 6:00pm Jr./Sr. High


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The Presbyterian Church 1003 State Street Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270)843-4707 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

Non-Profit Organization Permit No. 202

U. S. Postage Paid Bowling Green, KY

The Presbyterian Church Bowling Green, Kentucky


The Presbyterian Church Staff

Dr. Matthew W. Covington Pastor Kara Hildebrandt Associate Pastor David Paul Gibson Director of Music Clemette Haskins Pastoral Associate Thomas N. Moody Organist David Muffett Director of Youth Ministries Terry Shoemaker Dir. of Youth & College in Missions Donna Wolbe Interim Director of Children’s Ministry Richard Barefoot Administrator Steve Moore Treasurer Cheryl Gregory Secretary Dana Patterson Director, Preschool Learning Center Cedric Whitney Custodian Ruben Flynn Sunday Sexton Sheila Reeves Newsletter Editor

“Our reason for being is to manifest

the good news of Jesus Christ in

word and deed so that disciples are

made by means of inspiring and

engaging worship, relevant and

reliable education, compassionate

and caring fellowship, meaningful

and magnanimous outreach, to the

glory of God.”

January 2010