Download - Preparatory Project Application Form Kirsti Mijnhijmer 27 th August 2009 – Inverness, Scotland


Preparatory Project Application Form

Kirsti Mijnhijmer27th August 2009 – Inverness, Scotland

European UnionEuropean Regional Development Fund

Application Form


Informative project name Short straightforward

Project period Max. 6 months


Section 3: Choose ONE priority

Choose and tick ONE priority (one objective) the project meets Focused themes on preparatory projects as decided by PMC in June 2009 Only apply for funding from 1 priority If wider scope, select priority most activities are directed to


Section 4 & 5: Target Area and Budget

Target area Location of operations and acitvities Activities should be kept within the programme area

Budget State total eligibel budget (total project costs) State request for funding

Maximum funding 60% of eligible costs (€18 000) Match figures with projects costs in table 14


Lead partner: Do not forget to sign!!!!!!


Person in Lead partners organsiation responsible for accepting contigent financial liability, Financial director/ Head of financial services LP accepts full responsibility for the project Assures correctness of information

Section 6: Partners

Complete list of all partners in the project - recommended max. 4 LP and all other partners carrying out activities and participating in cooperation

measures Completed for each partner concerned Should match partner information forms Lead partner From within the programme area Not from Greenland or Faroe Islands


Section 7-13: The content part


Sell your idea – here!

Aims and objectives of the project

Products and services to be developed

Project description

Partnership constellation


Section 7 & 8 : Project idea and added value

Project’s aim Challenges, needs and

demands addressed Presentation of

appropriate solutions and answers to needs and demands

Products and services Potentially developed in

the main project In relation to programme

core concepts and objectives Innovation Transnationality Viability


Your vision of the potential main project

Section 9-11: Further project outline

Objectives Anticipated outcomes

Project description Time plan Description of activities Different project stages in

order to achieve the objectives

Justification How meets the application

the criteria for preparatory project?


Section 12: Partnership Constellation

Potential partnership constellation of the envisaged main project Organisational types Expertise Location

Triple helix and holistic project approach Further guidance to appropriate partnership in programme manual and

guidelines to preparatory project application Contact Secretariat and Regional Contact Points


Section 13: Other information

Any further information relevant to the project?


Section 14: The Budget – project costs and financing plan

Complete all tables in Euros/ €

Follow NPP 20072-2013 Common Eligibility Rules Programme Manual part 4

Requested funding should be the minimum necessary for the project to proceed

Match funding must be available before sending application Proof of match funding must be

attached to application12

Total budget project costs

Total budget for project costs In Euros Timeframe

Private cash contribution Does not generate ERDF funding Private sector invited to

participate Private funding reduces eligible


Match figures with table 15 No common costs No partners on 20% or 10% rule


Financing Plan: Funding sources

Public and public-like funding Generates ERDF funding See also definition of public-like


Own work= cash contribution (self-financing)

Funding of 60% of total eligible costs for all partners


Section 15: Project budget breakdown

Breakdown of costs per partner

Explanation to each budget line


Partner costs Breakdown of costs per

partner Match total with table 14


Breakdown and explanation of partner costs

Staff or external expert?

Travel costs: Think sustainable! Match travel and accommodation

with planned meetings

Other: 1st level of control for each partner, except Sweden

Check NPP Common Eligibility Rules, part 4 Programme Manual

Contact Secretariat


Section 16: Lead partner information form

Lead Partner information form


Is partner able to recover VAT?

Signed Match-funding commitment , at least copy


Lead partner information

Lead partner information Title Legal status Contact details Bank information

Is the LP eligible and has the capacity of running a preparatory project?


Additional questions to the Lead partner

Is the organisation able to recover VAT? Other questions

Organisation’s aim and core activities Organisation’s interest in the project idea Organisation’s experience in ERDF co-financed projects


Section 17 Partner information

Partner information form


Is the partner able to recover VAT?

Signed Match-funding commitment, at least copy/scan


Partner information

Information on each project partner Title of the organisation Legal status Contact information Ability to recover VAT


Additional partner information

Additional questions Organisation’s aim and core

activities Organisation’s interest in the

project idea Organisation’s experience in

ERDF co-financed projects

Partner: Do not forget to sign the partner form Person within the

organisation who has legal and financial authority


Match Funding Commitment Template To be completed by each financier

of the project

Make copies of the form

Only completed originally signed and stamped forms

Signed by a person within the organisation who will be responsible or accepting the contingent liability of that organisation

Remember: Own work = Cash contribution

In-kind contribution (DELETE)

How to Submit the application form

Submit application in an original blue ink signed and electronic version to

Northern Periphery Programme Secretariat

Strandgade 91, 4th floor

DK-1401 Copenhagen K, DENMARK

[email protected]

Thank you for listening!