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Page 1: Prep School Magazine Analysis

Masthead is a simple sans-serif font with correct grammar (capital letters and space) which looks very formal This is suitable for the magazine cover because it is aimed at a formal/upper class target audience.

White is used for the text as it stands out against the background which is predominantly red. This makes it easy to read and also attractive to the eye becuase the simple house colour scheme of red, white and black is not overwhelming but still bright and exciting.

The red background behind the text links to the main image on the cover where there is a red door, and red in the uniforms of the pupils featuring on the cover. This gives the magazine a theme and therefore creates a brand identity for each issue where there is a different main colour used.

Same type-face is used for the masthead however this time it is written in slight italics and is also dark blue with a thin white outline instead of white with a thin black outline.

Above the masthead is the date and issue number of the magazine. This makes it clear to the reader that the magazine is recent, and also shows how many previous magazines there have been so it must be successful if it’s still carrying on. Beneath the masthead is the tag line which assures the reader what the magazine is about. Both of these pieces of text are neatly aligned to fit in next to the masthead.

Follows the theme of changing the main colour in each issue. The chosen colour in this issue is blue which is taken from the student’s collar in the photo.

Photograph is a spontaneous action shot which is exciting and fun, this reflects the mode of address of the magazine because it is about a primary school. The children within the photo are directly addressing the camera which interacts with the reader and makes them want to open the magazine.

School logo in bottom right hand corner reminds the reader what the magazine subject is.

Cover lines of some of the contents of the magazine written in white so it stands out to the reader. They can see what is inside the magazine and decide whether to buy it or not.

Around the edge of the photo, the block colour background gradually fades into it. This gives the cover a professional look.