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Prem Nirmal - The Path to Enlightenment

Show aired on June 12, 2008 Click here to listen to the show

Guests for the show!

Prem Nirmal

Prem Nirmal, born in 1960, had his formal education at Mumbai, India. He is a graduate in Electrical & Power

Electronics Engineering with postgraduate studies in Cybernetics, Personal Counseling and eastern wisdom. As a

Young, passionate explorer & learner, he did extensive research in the field of Stress Management, Aura and Chakra

reading with naked eyes, Intuition development, Astral Travel, Kriya yoga and Meditation therapy. For many years he

was visiting faculty at various management institutes and corporate training centers. He has wide experience in

Human Training and personal counseling and has deep insights in human behavior and body-mind healing.

He is the modern scientific-mystic & is known for his cutting - edge western scientific approach balanced by deeply

insightful eastern wisdom. He is the founder Director of Tao Anand Spiritual Centre (TASC) at Thane and Tao

Pyramid Dhyan Kendra at Kalyan.

He travels world wide and shares his understanding with friends and visitors who are interested in the process of

awakening. He conducts Seminars and workshops, Nature Camps & Retreats, for those who are interested in self-

unfoldment, through Kriya and Meditation and new understanding of the process of spiritual awakening.

More information about Prem Nirmal can be found on his website

He talks about:

● His spiritual journey and experiences with Mahavatar Babaji

● Path to Enlightement (1 of 2)7/14/2008 12:17:30 PM

Page 2: Prem Nirmal's Radio Show - The Path to Enlightenment

Prem Nirmal - The Path to Enlightenment

● Art of Holistic Living

● Technique of Kriya Yoga

● "Vihangam Marga- "the way of the bird"

● Balancing Spiritual and Material life

● Law of attraction

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