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Preliminary task

Shannon Graham

Page 2: Preliminary task

IntroductionContinuity is a system of cutting used to suggest a progression of events in real time and space (no flash backs, fade out dissolves

etc. jump cuts)

The taskThe task was to create a 2minute film that involved two characters

to have a conversation and these three rules, match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

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The 3 rules180-degree rule

180-degree rule – Take the central two characters draw a line between them and you do not cross the line.

From my film

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The 3 Rules Shot reverse shot

Shot reverse shot - For example in conversation so you can show two perspectives, you can see the characters face when they talk or to see there reaction to what the other person is saying.

From my film

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The 3 Rules Match on action

Match on action match - a series of shots that show the same action, for example some one opening the door. You would get a clip of them approaching and opening then from the other side of the door you would see them enter.

From our film

For our match on action we decided to use a car door as we thought it would be different than a normal door.

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Our Ideas

Our first idea was a student walking down the corridor with Hoodie and headphones in to there detention the student sits down and the teacher tells the student off and takes there head phones and jumper and gives him work and then leaves. The location would be in a class room.

The conversation would go like;

teacher - “ that is not a part of the dress code give them to me”

student - “ how about no”

teacher - “either you give me them or you will have another detention tomorrow for”

student - gives Hoodie and headphones

teacher - “here some work, I will be back in minute”

teacher leaves

But we thought that it would have been done to many times so we decided to change our idea to a couple leaving to go to work and getting in the car as we thought it would be different to use a car.

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Story board

Cuts to Zoe getting back in the car with her phone

Zoe getting out the car

Bradley walking to the car and get in then followed by Zoe

Inside the house and having a conversation ''Come on Zoe hurry up''

Bradley looks at gear stickThen drives off


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Inside the house

Bradley; Come on Zoe hurry up!

Zoe; Coming!

Running down the stairs

Zoe; we are late!

Bradley; Always waiting for you

Zoe; Come on lets go

Leaving the house

Bradley; Come on Zoe hurry up

Zoe; Yep coming ….Wait for me

In the car

Bradley; Right you got your wallet?

Zoe; yep it's in my back pocket got it

Bradley; You got your keys?

Zoe; Got it

Bradley; you got your phone?

Zoe; Should have..

Checks pockets

Zoe;Wait no I will be right back

Bradley; Oh hurry up and get your phone

Zoe leaves the car then get back into the car

Zoe; Okay lets go

Drives off.

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This is the inside of our location, as we had never been to the location before we didn't realise how difficult it was to film in a small space.

This is outside the house on our location and I think that it was very good for space so there was a lot of room to move around when filming.

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Filming log

Monday 3rd December

In today’s lesson we came up with the idea and our idea was A couple leaving the house to go to work and gets in the car, then the conversation goes as have you got everything, no I forgot something then leaves the car then gets back in and drives off.

Match on action shot of her leaving the house and when they both get inthe car, shot reverse shot of bradley looking at the gear stick and 180 degree rule with them talking in the car and I will be filming from the outside of the car in through the window.

Monday 10th December

In today’ s lesson we practices the shots we was going to use for the film, we practiced exiting the house and getting into the car, we also practiced the dialog and realized we would have to change some it to make it flow more in the scene.

We realized that we would have to wait until the weekend to film as we need a car for the shots.

Sunday 16 December

Today we went to our location to film our task as we had not been to the location before we didn't know how much space there would be for filming which we found out was a bit of a dilemma as soon as we started filming but we soon came over that by changed the size on the camera. The biggest problem we faced when filming outside was having to stop and restart because of passing cars and bikers going past the car and there was nothing we could do but be patient and wait. Another problem was because it was so hard to get everyone in the group at the location at the same time we had to make sure we filmed everything more than once in case we had to change it because we knew we wouldn't have enough time to go back and re-film.

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Once we had filmed our scenes we hit a problem when It came to editing it all together. The format of the videos wasn't the correct format for the video editing software we had, we tried Windows movie maker, Serif and tried converting the videos into different formats like, AVI, DVD, MPEG, MOV, MP4, M4V, MKV and they still didn't work until we downloaded AVS video editor and then we was able to edit our video and then post it on you-tube so then the whole group could access it.

The camera we used to film our video on was a Samsung phone and when I uploaded the videos onto my computer the film rotated to the left and so I had to rotate it to the right to get it the right way around but in doing so it made the video smaller and made the video have less quality so we know now not to film using phones just in case it happens again