Download - Pre-war attitudes (see Drift towards World War II handout)

Page 1: Pre-war attitudes (see Drift towards World War II handout)
Page 2: Pre-war attitudes (see Drift towards World War II handout)

Pre-war attitudesPre-war attitudes(see Drift towards World (see Drift towards World War II handout)War II handout)

Page 3: Pre-war attitudes (see Drift towards World War II handout)

IsolationismIsolationismNeutrality Act (1935)Neutrality Act (1935)

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Gradual shift Gradual shift toward involvementtoward involvement

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Cash and CarryCash and Carry

Destroyer DealDestroyer Deal

Lend-Lease Act Lend-Lease Act (repealed Neutrality Act)(repealed Neutrality Act)

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Relations with JapanRelations with Japan

Japanese fears Japanese fears concerning resources, concerning resources,


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Pearl HarborPearl Harbor

U.S. Enters WarU.S. Enters War

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The Home FrontThe Home Front

Some important Some important wartime agencieswartime agencies

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War Production BoardWar Production BoardOrganized and coordinated Organized and coordinated industries to make quick, efficient industries to make quick, efficient transition to production of war transition to production of war materials.materials.

No consumer autos were built during No consumer autos were built during war.war.

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Office of War InformationOffice of War Information

Responsible for maintaining Responsible for maintaining morale – positive propagandamorale – positive propaganda

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Office of Price Office of Price AdministrationAdministration

Set prices, rationed goods, Set prices, rationed goods, fought inflation and black fought inflation and black market – assured military market – assured military

needs were metneeds were met

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War Labor War Labor BoardBoard

Settled disputes between business Settled disputes between business and laborand labor

Avoided strikes and maintained Avoided strikes and maintained moralemorale

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Fair Employment Fair Employment Practices CommitteePractices Committee

Prevented employer Prevented employer discrimination against workersdiscrimination against workers

Foundation for the civil Foundation for the civil rights movement of the rights movement of the 1950s1950s

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Conduct of warConduct of war

Two front war for the U.S.Two front war for the U.S.

Europe firstEurope first(See War Strategy H/O)(See War Strategy H/O)

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World War II AlliesWorld War II Allies

Included Great Included Great Britain, Free France, Britain, Free France, the USSR, and the USSR, and nationalist China.nationalist China.

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ConferencesConferencesCasablanca, Cairo, Teheran: Casablanca, Cairo, Teheran: Planned war strategyPlanned war strategy

Yalta: (1945) planned Yalta: (1945) planned post-war strategiespost-war strategies

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PostwarPostwar PeriodPeriodService men’s readjustment act of 1944 Service men’s readjustment act of 1944 (GI Bill)(GI Bill)

The United NationsThe United Nations

Organization favored big winnersOrganization favored big winners


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The Cold WarThe Cold War

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The Truman DoctrineThe Truman DoctrinePledged aid to Greece and Pledged aid to Greece and TurkeyTurkeyContainment policyContainment policyIntended to keep communism Intended to keep communism within its original borderswithin its original borders

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Marshall PlanMarshall PlanOffered recovery assistance to Offered recovery assistance to allall European countries European countries

Communist countries declinedCommunist countries declined

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Berlin BlockadeBerlin Blockade

Soviets block land access Soviets block land access U.S. responds by airU.S. responds by air

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NATONATODesigned to block or contain Designed to block or contain Communists, especially Communists, especially Soviet, expansionSoviet, expansion

Ignored George Washington’s Ignored George Washington’s advice against permanent advice against permanent alliancesalliances Cold War

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Communist victory in ChinaCommunist victory in China

Nationalists flee to TaiwanNationalists flee to Taiwan

Government there recognized as Government there recognized as China by the United States and the China by the United States and the U.N. until NixonU.N. until Nixon

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Korean WarKorean War

Communist North Korea attacks South Communist North Korea attacks South Korea, the U.N. respondsKorea, the U.N. responds

Armistice terms restore status Armistice terms restore status quoquo

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Southeast Asia Treaty Southeast Asia Treaty Organization is the Pacific Organization is the Pacific equivalent to NATOequivalent to NATO

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France, Dien Bien Phu, France, Dien Bien Phu, and our involvement in and our involvement in VietnamVietnam

Antiwar demonstrations and Jane FondaAntiwar demonstrations and Jane Fonda

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Hungarian RevoltHungarian Revolt

Soviets crush Soviets crush Hungarian revolutionHungarian revolution

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Aswan DamAswan DamSoviets assist Egypt in Soviets assist Egypt in building the dambuilding the dam

U.S. and Britain offered U.S. and Britain offered first but withdrew the first but withdrew the offeroffer

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Suez Canal seizureSuez Canal seizureEgypt takes control, France, Egypt takes control, France, Britain and Israel invade, U.S. Britain and Israel invade, U.S. and Soviets stop themand Soviets stop them

Superpower “diplomacy” at workSuperpower “diplomacy” at work

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Eisenhower DoctrineEisenhower Doctrine

Offers aid to Middle Eastern Offers aid to Middle Eastern countries who feel threatened countries who feel threatened by communismby communism

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U-2 incidentU-2 incident

U.S. spy plane shot down U.S. spy plane shot down over Soviet territoryover Soviet territory

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Independence of Independence of African nationsAfrican nations

Civil Wars break out all overCivil Wars break out all over

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Cuban RevolutionCuban Revolution

Castro takes over, announces Castro takes over, announces communist regime, relations communist regime, relations with the U.S. deterioratewith the U.S. deteriorate

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Bay of PigsBay of Pigs

Cuban refugees, backed by Cuban refugees, backed by the United States fail to the United States fail to overthrow Castrooverthrow Castro

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Berlin WallBerlin Wall

Soviets seal off East Berlin with Soviets seal off East Berlin with physical Wallphysical Wall

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Cuban Missile CrisisCuban Missile Crisis

Soviets attempt to Soviets attempt to place missiles in place missiles in Cuba. The U.S. Cuba. The U.S. blockadesblockades

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The “Hotline”The “Hotline”Direct link between U.S. Direct link between U.S. and USSR intended to and USSR intended to divert nuclear disasterdivert nuclear disaster

First used during six day warFirst used during six day war

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Nuclear test ban treatyNuclear test ban treaty

Allowed only Allowed only underground testingunderground testing

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Outer Space treatyOuter Space treaty

Banned the military bases Banned the military bases weapons and weapons tests in weapons and weapons tests in outer spaceouter space

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Nuclear Nuclear nonproliferation treatynonproliferation treaty

Banned the spread of nuclear Banned the spread of nuclear weapons among signatory weapons among signatory nationsnations

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VIETNAM, 1946-75 (the 10 000 Day War)

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• Vietnam had been a French colony under the name of French Indochina (along withCambodia and Laos)

• Vietnam began to fight for its independence from France during WW II ( when France was preoccupied with European conflict)

• the Vietnamese revolutionary leader was Ho Chi Minh, a Communist

• wanted to be the leader ofan independent, communist Vietnam; Ho received support from both the USSR and “Red” China

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• this colonial war raged from 1946-54, culminating in the French defeat at Dienbienphu

• Fr. decided it wanted out and called a peace conference in Geneva, Switzerland (attended by France, Vietnam, the US, and the USSR)

• the decision of the conference was to partition Vietnam into a communist North led by Ho and a “democratic” South Vietnam led by Ngo Dinh Diem

• the settlement was an outgrowth of basic Cold War tensions between the Americans and Soviets and clearly reflected the US policy of containment with respect to Soviet communist expansionism

• the US had come to see South Vietnam as a “domino” that they couldn’t afford to lose

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• this phase originated with Ike” and JFK but was intensified under Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), who assumed the presidency afterJFK’s assassination

• The U.S. never formally issued a declaration of war, but after the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, where 2 American destroyers were apparently fired upon by the North Vietnamese, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions (August 1964)- here Congress gave LBJ their support in sending American personnel and materiel

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• in spite of ongoing escalation throughout the 1960s, the US experienced a lack of successagainst the Vietnamese guerrilla forces in S.Vietnam (the Vietcong) as the US Army was unprepared for their tactics and mentality

The US was also never entirely successful in shutting down the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a

supply line that ran between North and South Vietnam via difficult jungle terrain, often underground and through neighboring nations like Cambodia

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• the war definitely turned against the US in 1968, when the NVA’s General Giap began the Tet Offensive, a surprise offensive on a major Vietnamese holiday that saw attacks all over the country, including in Saigon itself

• ongoing US casualties and losses saw an increase in antiwar sentiment on the American Home Front,in large part because Vietnam was a TV War where American audiences saw the brutality of war firsthand

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• this included American atrocities at My Lai (Lieutenant Calley)

• they also witnessed the usage of weapons like napalm and Agent Orange, which devastated the environment

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• as the Counterculture gathered momentum (Hippies, Flower Children, etc.), protests became widespread and began to polarize the nation

• this was intensified after the Kent State Massacre

– National Guardsmen opened fire on student protestors in Ohio, killing four, and by Senator William Fulbright’s (Chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee) admission that the war was a “mess”

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• increasingly the American people came to perceive the “Credibility Gap”, i.e. they no longerbelieved that LBJ was telling them the truth about events in the war

in 1968, LBJ chose not to run for president, and Republican Richard M. Nixon was elected on a platform of “Peace with Honour”

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• Nixon wanted the South Vietnamese to play a greater role in the war, a policy he labeled Vietnamization

• in spite of that, he continues carpet bombing Hanoi and orders a secret invasion of Cambodia

• He relied on the diplomacy of Henry Kissinger to achieve peace and/or an American withdrawal

• the US does manage to extricate itself by Jan. 27, 1973

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• the NVA easily defeated the South by 1975; the South had appealed to Nixon for aid, which had been promised, but by 1975 Nixon was embroiled in the domestic Watergate Crisis, and he was in essence a “lame duck”

• 1975 – the US abandoned its embassy in Saigon, which was renamed

Ho Chi Minh City in the newly unified and communist Vietnam

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1969. Nixon’s visit to China1969. Nixon’s visit to China

Communist China had already Communist China had already become the U.N. member, now become the U.N. member, now President Nixon’s visit opened new President Nixon’s visit opened new friendly relations with this huge friendly relations with this huge nationnation

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DetenteDetente1972-President Nixon visited Moscow 1972-President Nixon visited Moscow and signed several agreements and signed several agreements including the anti-ballistic missile including the anti-ballistic missile treatytreaty

The Cold War easedThe Cold War eased

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The Reagan RevolutionThe Reagan RevolutionThe West wins the Cold WarThe West wins the Cold War

The Gorbachev influenceThe Gorbachev influence

The I.N.F. TreatyThe I.N.F. Treaty

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1980 Election1980 ElectionIssuesIssues


Hostage crisisHostage crisis

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Reagan and CommunismReagan and Communism

Evil EmpireEvil Empire


Latin AmericaLatin America


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1988 Election1988 ElectionCandidates and issuesCandidates and issues

Bush policiesBush policiesDesert Storm and Middle East policyDesert Storm and Middle East policy


civil rightscivil rights

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William Jefferson William Jefferson ClintonClinton

All of this review to All of this review to present will be done in present will be done in

the classroomthe classroom

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Civil Rights – rights guaranteed to all Americans by the constitution

Civil Rights movement – struggle to achieve equal rights in the 1950’s through 1970’s by changing laws

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Plessy vs. Ferguson – in 1896 Supreme Court ruled that “separate but equal” was ok, segregation is ok

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NAACP – National Association for the Advancement of Colored People founded in 1909 by W.E.B. DuBois

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Brown vs. Board of Education

• In 1952 Oliver Brown sued the school so his daughter could go to a closer school

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Went to Supreme Court

•In 1954 Supreme Court ruled that “separate but equal” was not ok in the schools

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1955 – Montgomery, AL

•Rosa Parks arrested for not giving up her seat to a white passenger

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1955 – Montgomery, AL

• Rosa Parks arrested for not giving up her seat to a white passenger

• African Americans boycotted Montgomery buses, very effective

• Martin Luther King, Jr. arrested for blocking a bus

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1960 – Greensboro, NC

• Sit-in at Woolworth’s

• 4 African American students were ignored sitting at the counter

• Came every day from open to close to protest

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1963 – Birmingham, AL

• led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was put in jail

• protests in stores, restaurants, and workplaces

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1963 – Birmingham, AL

• led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was put in jail

• protests in stores, restaurants, and workplaces

• police chief “Bull” Conner ordered fire hoses and police dogs to stop protest, the attacks were televised

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1963 – Washington D.C.

•200,000 people march to Washington

•Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gives “I have a Dream” speech

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1964 Civil Rights Act

1965 Voting Rights Act