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Pre-production mood board

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Page 4: Pre Production Mood Board

Sketches I used the colours black white and red because they contrast well and are popular colours in music magazine. Iv only drawn one band member, but when I’m making the cover I will use both of them from the group.

For the contents page I only included the main features of the magazine because after researching other music magazines I found this was a popular style. I liked that the model creates a border of the page, it makes it interesting.

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Mast head designs.

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Earlier names

• Spun-out attitudes

• Safety pins

• Rebellion

• Old school punk

• Ripped piercing

• The clash

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Photo shoot ideas

Front cover Contents D.P.S

For my front cover my idea was to have the artist of the band to be trying to take his top off without sopping listening to his headphones and getting tangled up, this fits with the slogan ‘wired for sound’

For the contents page my idea is to have the artist sitting up against a wall to uses as a border of the page, I am going to have them dressed in ripped clothing and smoking to symbolise the rebellious of punk.

For the double page spread my idea was to have it very simple with large rebellious title taking up a lot of one side, with a picture of the artists at a medium close-up posing for the camera.

For my photo shoot i am going to use a plain, bare background like a wall. I am going to have the artist posing but in a relaxed way. I am either going to use a white or black background and use the opposite colour for the text so that the colours contrast well and interlink with each of the pages.