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DEC. 10, 2014

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36. final note

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Contour PR Agency is located on the Commons in Ithaca, NY. We are comprised of engaged and proactive students hoping to satisfy every desire of our individualized client. We strive to generate an educated and enthused voice for our clients through our effective PR campaigns. As a team, we work to please the client. Our clients share our vision as well as our values. We pride ourselves on creating and delivering innovative plans catered VSHFLÀFDOO\�WR�HDFK�DQG�HYHU\�RQH�RI�RXU�FOLHQWV�needs and wants.




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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Handwerker Gallery provides an outlet for creative work and intellectual discourse for the greater Ithaca College community. We feel that it is under appreciated on campus, mainly because of the lack of awareness. With the Handwerker Gallery being our client, we have the opportunity to position the gallery as a creative and cultural center on campus.

Our goals are to build awareness, position the museum’s prominence on campus, increase attendance and promote the gallery as an important cultural resource for the community. We feel that with the proper exposure and a well-executed strategy we can generate more attendance to the Handwerker Gallery.

We would like to thank the Handwerker Gallery for giving us the opportunity to create this public relations proposal, and Mara Baldwin for answering our initial questions.



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The Handwerker Gallery works to create an integrative arts space that enriches the intellectual and creative life of Ithaca College as well as the greater Finger Lakes region. The gallery distinguishes itself as a creative laboratory for innovation and collaboration in the visual arts. Additionally, the gallery strives to unite the various schools of Ithaca College and the greater Ithaca community by providing a platform for the access to and interpretation of art through an innovative calendar of exhibitions, events, and publications.



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ResearchIn our survey, we opened up students to suggestions of what they would like to see added to the gallery. A few suggestions we extracted directly from the survey results are: · “More poetry readings and a chance for IC students to submit their work for an exhibit”· “Last year the gallery had interactive exhibits all around campus (the most popular being the wish tree), and I think that was one of the gallery’s best ideas.”· “More advertising!”· “Poetry!”· “More diverse lectures and events.”From this feedback, we were able to articulate strategies and tactics that FRXOG�VLJQLÀFDQWO\�ERRVW�+DQGZHUNHU·V�YROXPH�LQ�YLVLWRUV�DQG�SUHVHQFH�LQ�WKH�community and on campus.

Situation Analysis Cont.


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S.W.O.T. ANALYSISStrengths - Not in competition with galleries in town - 91% of students are aware of gallery - 75% of respondents have visited it - IC’s primary source of art history and exhibitions - 71% of respondents reported having some kind of interest in art.

Weaknesses - Most students visit the gallery as a requirement for class, credit, theme event, etc. ��6WXGHQWV�UHSRUW�EHLQJ�VLPSO\�VDWLVÀHG�E\�WKH�gallery, rather than impressed ��/RZ�SURÀOH�DPRQJ�,&�- Not a topic of conversation for most students

Opportunities:- Students want to showcase their own work- Students want to see their peers’ work- Awareness can be increased simply by advertising more- Staircase up to library is an excellent spot to advertise to students of all majors- Collaborating with another gallery or art-based organization- Creating an organization for all IC art lovers

Threats - Cornell’s Johnson Museum of Art - more than 80,000 visitors each year - As industry trends diminish, Gallery may be dissolved as well - Losing interest among non-majors


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Competitor Research:,Q�RXU�LQLWLDO�VHFRQGDU\�UHVHDUFK��ZH�ÀUVW�GHWHUPLQHG�WKH�6WDWH�of the Art Gallery and Cornell’s Johnson Museum of Art to be Handwerker’s primary competitors. Our primary survey research actually showed us that the State of the Art Gallery could be eliminated as a competitor, as only one respondent was aware of SOAG and this person was the only non-student we had in our pool of respondents. On the other hand, Cornell’s Johnson Museum of Art poses a bit of a threat as it receives over 80,000 visitors a year and presents over 35,000 works spanning 6 millennia. Survey respondents who have visited Johnson reported that they were especially attracted to its diverse range of artwork from a variety of cultures, large size, complex DUFKLWHFWXUH�RI�EXLOGLQJ��WKH�LQWHUHVWLQJ�OLJKW�À[WXUHV�RQ�WKHceiling, and the presence of natural light in various galleries. While changing any sort of architecture is out of the question, Handwerker could try imitating some of what makes Johnson so intriguing by diversifying its exhibitions even more, or even potentially collaborating with Johnson.



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SEcondary ResearchAs far as search engine optimization, the Handwerker Gallery’s webpage is the WRS�KLW�DQG�ÀUVW�OLVWHG�RQ�*RRJOH�ZKHQ�*RRJOH�VHDUFKHG���:KHQ�ZH�UHYLHZHG�Handwerker’s search history on Google Trends, we found there was not enough VHDUFK�YROXPH�WR�JLYH�XV�D�JUDSK��EXW�ZH�ZHUH�DEOH�WR�ÀQG�D�JUDSK�UHÁHFWLQJ�WKH�trend history of art gallery exhibitions in general.

As you can see, interest in art gallery exhibitions has sadly decreased over the years, but we have brainstormed ways to generate interest in the Handwerker Gallery campus-wide and bring in students from all majors.


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The Public Relations plan for the Handwerker Gallery is designed to achieve the following objectives:

1. Build awareness of the gallery’s collections, publications,

exhibitions and events

2. Broaden the gallery’s prominence on campus

3. Increase attendance and motivate people to visit the


4. Position the gallery as an important cultural resource in

the community



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Our public relations team chose three distinct target audiences, which we feel are untapped resources the Handwerker Gallery could market towards in order to increase visitor rates and media presence. These target audiences are parents of Ithaca students, Ithaca students who are not aware of the art presence on campus, and out of town visitors who have an interest in art. These three audiences are unique in their own ways, and can be accessed through a variety of public relations strategies. We chose parents of Ithaca students because this audience frequently visits campus, whether they are dropping of their students at orientation or picking their students up for holiday break, or attending their student’s graduation. We chose students who are not aware of the art presence on campus because these students are on campus 24/7, yet are not aware of the Handwerker Gallery’s H[KLELWLRQV��DQG�FDQ�EH�HDVLO\�LQÁXHQFHG�WR�DWWHQG�VLQFH�WKH\�DUH�ORFDWHG�VR�FORVH�WR�WKH�JDOOHU\��:H�FKRVH�WKH�ÀQDO�DXGLHQFH��RXW�RI�WRZQ�WRXULVWV�ZKR�KDYH�DQ�LQWHUHVW�LQ�DUW��EHFDXVH�Ithaca is a big tourist attraction in upstate New York, and the town’s art scene attracts many different people from all over the region. Through the use of print media, social media, and advertising around the area of the Handwerker gallery, these audiences will be reached with a memorable message that increases their awareness of the Handwerker Gallery and what it has to offer.



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Tim and Lisa are excited that their daughter Sarah chose to attend Ithaca College for the next 4 years. Sarah is attending Ithaca for the Theatre Arts program, and their family has an interest in theatre, museums, and art exhibitions. Tim and Lisa were walking on campus to drop Sarah off when they decided to pick up the latest edition of The Ithacan to check if any local art events were showing. They saw an advertisement for Ithaca College’s Handwerker Gallery, which was showcasing a new exhibit on African-American artists from the 1920’s. Tim and Lisa decided they will head over to the Handwerker Gallery to check out the new exhibit.

Tim & LISA



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Kelly and Chris are students at Ithaca College. Kelly is a PT major, and a cross-country runner. Chris is a Sports Management major, and plays for the men’s soccer team. They are involved in athletic events on campus, but have been trying to spice up their relationship and ÀQG�QHZ�DFWLYLWLHV�WR�GR�WRJHWKHU��2QH�DIWHUQRRQ��.HOO\�is leaving the library when she passes by the Handwerker Gallery. She is immediately drawn to the study lounge area, seen through the gallery’s windows and she decides to walk in. She notices how calm and relaxed the atmosphere of the gallery is compared to the nosy ambiance of the library. The next Sunday, she and Chris decide to study in the galley, enjoying a part of their campus that they normally do not visit. After their relaxing visit, they agree to visit the Handwerker Gallery once a month together, to take some time to participate in a newfound activity they can share together.


Chris & KElly


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Norman and Karen are a happy couple who live in Boston. Norman is a history professor at Boston College, and Karen works at a major art museum. Karen, while middle aged, has a job at the museum that requires her to keep up on the latest art news trends on social media. She is doing research on a VSHFLÀF�DUWLVW�RQ�VRFLDO�PHGLD��ZKHQ�VKH�ÀQGV�D�OLQN�on twitter to a photograph by a photographer that is displayed at the Ithaca College Handwerker Gallery. This photograph is displayed on the Handwerker Gallery’s Instagram account, and has been “liked” by local members of Ithaca’s art community. She and Norman decide to plan a weekend getaway to Ithaca, with the Handwerker Gallery at Ithaca College among their top destinations to visit.




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The Public Relations Campaign for the Handwerker Gallery is designed to target our desired target audiences through a number of strategies:

1. The lack of awareness around campus of the Handwerker Gallery and all that it offers is currently a major weakness for the gallery. To increase awareness, we are going to generate story ideas for coverage in traditional media outlets in Tompkins County and the Finger Lakes, as well as generating stories for on campus publications. With this, we hope that the increased awareness will lead to higher attendance. We want to be able to provide a platform for students to facilitate the dialogue about global ideas, issues, advocacy, activism and critical discourse



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2. Currently, the Handwerker Gallery social media consists mainly of sporadic Facebook posts. It is important to engage with our audience, and the best way to go about this is through more active social media accounts. As a Gallery, we feel the most effective way to show what we have to offer to our potential audience can be shown through Twitter, Instagram and Facebook posts. Through these different channels, we can show all that we have to offer from pictures of current pieces in the gallery, to event posts to show our audience different activities that we are offering.



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3. The Handwerker Gallery has the potential to be a creative hub at Ithaca College. We see the Handwerker Gallery as the platform for students and faculty to showcase their works for their peers and have it be an opportunity for hands on learning in the planning and implementation of exhibitions. We want the gallery to be an integral part of an Ithaca College art scene that enhances the great academic offerings already available to students and faculty. Students and faculty should be able to use the Handwerker Gallery as a creative outlet that stimulates engaging and meaningful art centered visitor experiences for diverse audiences.



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4. Creating a welcoming environment for students to visit the Handwerker Gallery is important when considering ways to increase attendance. Students should feel comfortable and welcoming when browsing to increase the probability of them telling their friends and returning for future visits. Also, tying in the Handwerker Gallery to current and future IC and ICSM curriculum would generate more interest, with certain classes requiring visits to the gallery.



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Objective 1: Build awareness of the gallery’s collections, publications,

exhibitions and events

In order to build a greater awareness of the gallery and all that is has to RIIHU��LW�ZRXOG�EH�EHQHÀFLDO�WR�JHQHUDWH�VWRU\�LGHDV�IRU�FRYHUDJH�LQ�traditional media outlets in Tompkins County and the Finger Lakes and in college publications. For example, publications like the Ithacan, Ithaca Today, Tompkins Weekly and Cornell Daily Sun and Cornell Chronicle. To do this, we could invite reporters to come to the gallery, peruse the QHZ�H[KLELWLRQ�DQG�DOVR�PHHW�0DUD�DQG�RU�WKH�VSHFLÀF�DUWLVW�ZKR�LV�showcasing his or her work. It would be advantageous to create some VRUW�RI�SUHVV�NLW�WR�KDYH�RQ�ÀOH�WR�EH�XVHG�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�DQG�WR�EH�VHQW�to editorials and various publications. In addition, sending out detailed press releases a week in advance about any shows or events happening in the gallery would generate some publicity outside of campus. It would also be favorable to invite local bloggers to the show DQG�DVN�LI�WKH\�ZRXOG�OLNH�WR�FRYHU�D�VSHFLÀF�HYHQW�IRU�WKHLU�EORJ��DQG�LI�they would be interested in doing an interview or a feature of an artist before the event. We could then document and post all blog advertising on the gallery’s social media accounts.



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Objective 2: Broaden the gallery’s prominence on campus

Social media will be a key factor in reaching our audience. Creating Twitter and Instagram accounts and also expanding on the Facebook page would attract more of our target audience. While the Handwerker Gallery has already established a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account, there is still more that can be done to increase the gallery’s social media presence. We believe these various social media platforms can create more of a connection between our audience and the gallery. Having these various social media accounts will also defer the cost of mail paper announcements. In order to maintain these social media platforms, it would be a great opportunity to have one intern each semester to be responsible for the social media accounts. Interns will be in charge of posting content daily all the while being consistent and relevant. To do this, it would be opportunistic to create D�VRFLDO�PHGLD�RUJDQL]DWLRQ�WKDW�FDWHUV�VSHFLÀFDOO\�WR�WKH�+DQGZHUNHU�*DOOHU\·V�VRFLDO�PHGLD��The organization can consist of 3-4 students with an interest in social media to generate content and posts for the social media platforms. The students will be in charge of creating contests and campaigns to entice people to visit the gallery. For example, during the shows DQG�HYHQWV��KDYH�YLVLWRUV�XVH�D�VSHFLÀF�WZLWWHU�KDVKWDJ�WKDW�LV�UHODWHG�WR�WKH�VSHFLÀF�VKRZ��RU�also ask the artist if they would be willing to take over our own Handwerker Gallery social media accounts to recount their own artistic process.



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NEW LOGO $OWKRXJK�LW�PD\�EH�GLIÀFXOW�WR�KDYH�D�QHZ�ORJR�approved for an on-campus gallery, it would be a great way to easily coordinate and connect various social media outlets of the gallery, while also making branding more successful. Logos help solidify the quality and RIÀFLDO�VWDWXV�RI�RUJDQL]DWLRQV��DQG�WKH\�DUH�D�simple way to strongly represent their associated group’spurpose. This image could be featured on stickers, postcards, posters, pamphlets, and practically any material that involves the Handwerker Gallery. While this logo is uniquely its own, it was designed to UHÁHFW�WKH�VW\OH�DOUHDG\�LQ�SODFH�IRU�,WKDFD�College.


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potential improvements : InstagramOLD NEW


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potential improvements : Instagram


potential improvements : Twitter



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Objective 3: Increase attendance and motivate people

to visit the gallery

We want the gallery to be a comfortable place where people can come in, relax and enjoy the ambiance the gallery has to offer. In doing this, it would be imperative to cross collaborate with other public arts initiatives such as the Music School, the Theatre Department and the Park School. For example, Musician Night at the gallery would have volunteer student musicians perform before and during opening receptions for exhibitions. Volunteer Park students can market the shows, events and exhibitions with student made posters, which would have to be looked over and deliberated upon before putting up. Posters need WR�IROORZ�D�VSHFLÀF�JXLGHOLQH�WKDW�DGKHUHV�WR�,WKDFD�College regulations.



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In addition to collaboration, creating an Open Submissions Event for students would be highly UHZDUGLQJ��$�FDPSDLJQ�OLNH�WKLV�FRXOG�VLJQLÀFDQWO\�LQFUHDVH�+DQGZHUNHU·V�LQWHUHVW�DQG�DZDUHQHVV��Several respondents suggested the idea of having shows where students have the opportunity to submit work, This gives us high hopes for this campaign becoming a success. We built even more off this idea and came up with ways to also make student shows a fundraising opportunity, and a chance to work together with local businesses. We suggest holding these student exhibitions twice a semester, one before the mid-semester breaks, and one at the end of each semester. Opening the exhibitions up to students of all majors would also help increase Handwerker’s awareness throughout IC. You could possibly even give themes to each of the exhibitions. For example, you could have students submit work UHÁHFWLQJ�ZK\�WKH\�ORYH�,WKDFD��RU�WKHLU�PRVW�VLJQLÀFDQW�WDNHDZD\�IURP�WKH�VHPHVWHU��7R�JHQHUDWH�SURÀW��you could have students pay a small fee to submit artwork. Prizes such as “Most Innovative”, “Most Powerful”, or “Overall Best” could be given out before the end of each show. Prizes could be given out based on votes from faculty and students. Bringing in a diversity of students to vote may be a challenge, VR�ZH�VXJJHVW�\RX�FRXOG�HYHQ�GUDZ�LQ�VWXGHQWV�E\�DOORZLQJ�WKHP�WR�HQWHU�D�UDIÁH�ZKHQ�WKH\�FRPH�LQ�WR�vote. You could ask for donations for local businesses, such as free movie tickets from Cinemapolis, 50% off ticket purchases at the State Theatre, or gift cards to Purity and CTB, which would supply the prizes that students can enter to win. This also presents an excellent opportunity for you to team up with other businesses and increase presence in the Ithaca community.



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:KLOH�WKH�JDOOHU\�H[XGHV�D�VSHFLÀF�impressionable aura, we want to PD[LPLVH�LWV�ZRUWK��0LGWHUPV�DQG�ÀQDOV�are stressful and the gallery has a very soothing ambiance to it that is very under utilized. With the implementation of a lounge and study area, students would be more likely to enter the gallery and stay. Incorporating the gallery as a place to sit, stay and work can provide an exposure that has not been implemented before.



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Objective 4: Position the gallery as an important cultural resource in the community

While Ithaca College students are one of our target audiences, they are not the only audience we want to reach. We have a whole community of art oriented residents who would love to be a part of the Hand-ZHUNHU�*DOOHU\��,Q�GRLQJ�VR��ZH�ZDQW�WR�LPSOHPHQW�PRUH�ÁH[LEOH�WRXU�VFKHGXOHV�WKDW�JHW�SURVSHFWLYH�students and parents to actually come into the gallery during their tours, whether that be the tour guide physically bringing their group into the gallery or simply offering it as an extra tour at the end, this would drive more prospective students and parents into the gallery. Doing this will provide that prospective stu-dents and parents are aware of the gallery’s presence and know where it is located.



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,Q�DGGLWLRQ�WR�PRUH�ÁH[LEOH�WRXUV��FROODERUDWLQJ�ZLWK�WKH�6WDWH�RI�WKH�$UW�*DOOHU\downtown would open up the idea of cross promotion. We could potentially integrate and hold events during Gallery Night that coincide with the downtown Ithaca community. Student artwork could potentially be show in the State of the Art Gallery while local artwork could be showcased in the Handwerker.



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6RFLDO�0HGLD�7UDIÀF- We will track the number of “likes” on Facebook and Instagram and followers on Twitter.- We will use these platforms as a way to generate feedback from the target audiences



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MEASUREMENTSAttendance of Events- We will keep track of the number of people attending the events prior and then after the implementation of these ideas. Monitor Press Coverage and Media Impressions- We will observe the amount of media coverage throughout the campaign and keep a record of the amount of publicity the Handwerker generates in each typeof media. Comment Cards and Surveys- We will measure product satisfaction in a survey style comment card that would be available at the shows and events.


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The Handwerker Gallery is an institution that prides itself on creating successful events with a small budget. Our budget is very low cost, comprised solely of printing costs. Press releases would be sent electronically to minimize printing costs. The other promotional costs would be a press kit that was sent out to publications.

Print Advertising Costs for Shows (at Staples):1 Framed Poster for advertising shows= $69.99���Á\HUV� �������25 brochures = $34.99100 postcards = $34.99Total= $157.96 x 2 shows each semester = $315.92 Other promotional materials estimate (Press kits)= $30$345.92 Estimate cost of prizes if not donated = $80Total = $425.92



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Meet our team

Jesse Bunch is a sophomore at Ithaca College and is a major in Integrated Marketing Communications and a minor in Environmental Studies. Next year he plans on interning with an advertising agency through Ithaca College’s Los Angeles program. After graduation he hopes to work for an advertising agency in New York, which is close to his home in Philadelphia. Over the past few years, Jesse has interned for Milkboy Studios, a recording studio in Philadelphia that has done recording work for Justin Timberlake and 7KH�5RRWV��+H�KDV�DOVR�LQWHUQHG�IRU�D�VWDUW�XS�PDUNHWLQJ�ÀUP�EDVHG�LQ�&RQQHFWLFXW��+H�KDV�done marketing along with advertising for these brands, and loves working on creating new marketing strategies for companies.

Taber Tyrrell is a junior at Ithaca College’s Park School of Business and is a Business Administration Major with a concentration in Management. Last semester in the spring of 2014, he studied at Anglo American University in Prague, Czech Republic. Over the past three summers he has worked for his father who is an engineer that works for a computer software company called Verdasys. Taber was born in Boston, MA and attended Andover High School in Andover, MA.

Jesse Bunch

Taber Tyrrell


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Meet our team

A junior at Ithaca College, Kyle is majoring in Integrated Marketing Communications. Next semester, he will continue his studies at Ithaca College while working at Catholic Charities Tompkins Tioga in downtown Ithaca as a marketing intern. After graduation, he plans on getting a job in market research. Kyle was born and raised in Reading, MA, and attended Reading Memorial High school.

A native of Syracuse, NY, Emily is currently pursuing her B.A. in Integrated Marketing Communications with Minors in Art and the Honors Program at Ithaca College. Post IC, Emily hopes to make her permanent home in the country of New Zealand DQG�SXUVXH�D�FDUHHU�LQ�WKH�ÀHOG�RI�$GYHUWLVLQJ��DQG�PRUH�VSHFLÀFDOO\��$UW�'LUHFWLRQ���$�FXULRXV�H[SORUHU�DQG�FDQGLG�photographer, she hopes to travel to all ends of the earth as a creative blogger before taking on a serious career.

Kyle Mccarthy

Emily Renne


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Meet our team

Shey Aponte is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major with a minor in Women and Gender Studies. Shey has interned for the Downtown Ithaca Alliance as a marketing intern and is currently a student ambassador for the scavenger hunt based app, Campus Pursuit. Originally from New Jersey, Shey plans to study abroad in Australia next Spring, gaining H[SHULHQFH�LQ�WKH�SXEOLF�UHODWLRQV�ÀHOG��

Greg LaPierre is a junior Fine Arts major and IMC minor at Ithaca college. His work is mainly focused in illustration and graphic design. He is also currently interning at The Ink Shop in downtown Ithaca, which is a studio and gallery space for local printmakers. He thoroughly enjoys freelancing and creating PDWHULDO�IRU�YDULRXV�EDQGV��ÀOPV��DQG�ORFDO�FRPSDQLHV��ZKLFK�KH�KRSHV�WR�transform into a career. Over the summer, Greg plans to study printmaking DEURDG�LQ�,UHODQG��LQWHUQ�DW�D�GHVLJQ�ÀUP��DQG�DWWHQG�DV�PDQ\�FRQFHUWV�DV�possible.

Shey aponte

Greg LaPierre


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Contour Public Relations found the Handwerker Gallery to be an exquisite and inspiring entity to Ithaca College. The talent showcased within the Gallery is equally incredible, which contributed to our passion to effectively reach the IC and Ithaca Community in our proposal. Learning about the Gallery and constructing opportunities to promote its image and presence has been our pleasure. The Gallery KDV�H[FHOOHQW�SRWHQWLDO��DQG�ZH�KRSH�WKDW�LW�ÀQGV�RXU�SURSRVDO�EHQHÀFLDO���

Best Wishes,Your Friends at Contour PR