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Page 1: Prayers of the Faithful for Vocations

Catholic Diocese of Hamilton ✠ Vocations to the Priesthood

Prayers of the Faithful for Vocations

Prayers of the Faithful for Vocations

Page 2: Prayers of the Faithful for Vocations

Catholic Diocese of Hamilton ✠ Vocations to the Priesthood

1st Sunday of Advent That during this time of Advent, men and women may be open to the call of God to serve his people as priests and religious, we pray to the Lord.

2nd Sunday of Advent For our Church, may we encourage those among us who may have a call to priesthood or the consecrated life, we pray to the Lord.

3rd Sunday of Advent That Catholic families will pray for and nurture the gift of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life from among their children, we pray to the Lord.

4th Sunday of Advent For our seminarians, novices, and all those preparing for the ordained and consecrated life, that they will experience the love of God and support of the church as they follow their call, we pray to the Lord.

That the faithful response, “Behold, I come to do your will, O Lord,” will be voiced by each person discerning a call to serve Christ as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life, we pray to the Lord.

Christmas That Catholic families will pray for and nurture the gift of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life from among their children, we pray to the Lord.

For all families, that they will continue to nurture and encourage their children to followthe call to serve the church, we pray to the Lord.

Holy Family For Christian families, the source of religious vocations, that they may be prompted to encourage young people to rejoice in doing God’s will, we pray to the Lord. That Catholic families will pray for and nurture the gift of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life from among their children, we pray to the Lord. For all families, that they will continue to nurture and encourage their children to follow

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Catholic Diocese of Hamilton ✠ Vocations to the Priesthood

Epiphany For our Church leaders, may they be guided by the light of Christ, we pray to the Lord, we pray to the Lord. That our young people will learn to open the treasure of their unique vocation through prayer and adore Christ the King by their faithfulness to His call, we pray to the Lord.

Baptism of the Lord. For all baptized Christians that the grace of our baptism may guide us in our vocation, we pray to the Lord, we pray to the Lord.

1st Sunday in Lent For those who have dedicated their lives to God through ordination or religious profession, that they may be faithful to their commitment, we pray to the Lord.

2nd Sunday in Lent For those discerning a call to the priesthood or religious life, may they be open to the voice of God, we pray to the Lord.

3rd Sunday in Lent For priests and religious, may their lives always exemplify the wisdom of God’s ways, we pray to the Lord.

4th Sunday in Lent For those called to ordained ministry, may they be bearers of light and truth, we pray to the Lord.

5th Sunday in Lent For priests and religious, may their lives give witness to the love of Christ for all, we pray to the Lord.

Palm/Passion Sunday For all who have consecrated their lives to God, may they be instrumental in leading others to salvation, we pray to the Lord.

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Catholic Diocese of Hamilton ✠ Vocations to the Priesthood

Easter Sunday For priests and religious, may they proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, we pray to the Lord.

2nd Sunday of Easter For those being called to ordained ministry, may they recognize and follow the voice of the Lord, we pray to the Lord.

3rd Sunday of Easter For those discerning a vocation to the priesthood, may they recognize and heed God’s call, we pray to the Lord.

4th Sunday of Easter For Bishops, priests and deacons, may they model their leadership on Jesus the Good Shepherd, we pray to the Lord.

5th Sunday of Easter For those considering a call to the priesthood or religious life, may they listen with their hearts to the voice of the Lord, we pray to the Lord.

6th Sunday of Easter For all ordained ministers, may their lives give witness to the love of God for all, we pray to the Lord.

Ascension Sunday For priests and all ministers of the Church, may they be faithful witnesses of God’s presence in the world, we pray to the Lord.

Pentecost Sunday For those discerning a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, may they be guided by the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord.

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Catholic Diocese of Hamilton ✠ Vocations to the Priesthood

Ordinary time 2nd Sunday in Ordinary time For all priests of our diocese, that they will recognize and invite to priesthood men of their parishes who have the aptitude for priestly service, we pray to the Lord.

3rd Sunday in Ordinary time For all candidates for priesthood in our diocese, that they may have the courage of their convictions and the generosity to act upon them if they believe in their hearts that God is calling them to priesthood, we pray to the Lord.

4th Sunday in Ordinary time For all parents of our parish, that they may instill a positive regard for the priesthood as a wholesome vocation for their sons to consider, we pray to the Lord

5th Sunday in Ordinary time For the staff of Holy Cross Seminary that they will grow in appreciation of the task entrusted to them, of encouraging and fostering vocations to the priesthood and the Holy Spirit will work through them daily, we pray to the Lord.

12th Sunday in Ordinary time We pray for all the seminarians studying for the priesthood in our diocese, that they may dedicate themselves to God with generosity, we pray to the Lord.

13th Sunday in Ordinary time For those who are frightened by God’s call, may they believe that God will give them the grace they need to follow, we pray to the Lord.

14th Sunday in Ordinary time For people discerning a call to priesthood or the consecrated life that they may have the support and encouragement they need, we pray to the Lord.

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Catholic Diocese of Hamilton ✠ Vocations to the Priesthood

15th Sunday in Ordinary time For all the newly ordained priests, that they may lead the community of faith to greater unity through the celebration of Eucharist, we pray to the Lord.

16th Sunday in Ordinary time For a full appreciation of the gift of ministry within the Church, and for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life, we pray to the Lord.

17th Sunday in Ordinary time That men and women will respond to the call of God to the priestly and religious life, we pray to the Lord.

18th Sunday in Ordinary time We pray in gratitude for the gift of Eucharist and ask that the Church will continue to be blessed with dedicated priests, we pray to the Lord.

19th Sunday in Ordinary time That the Lord will inspire more men to become priests and thus continue to feed the Bread of Life to the Church, we pray to the Lord.

20th Sunday in Ordinary time For all those who are discerning a vocation in their life, that they will be open to the signs of the presence of God in their lives, we pray to the Lord.

21st Sunday in Ordinary time For those who are making important life decisions, may they turn to God for wisdom, we pray to the Lord.

22nd Sunday in Ordinary time For an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life, especially for our diocese, that God will raise up good shepherds in our midst, we pray to the Lord.

23rd Sunday in Ordinary time

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Catholic Diocese of Hamilton ✠ Vocations to the Priesthood

That more men and women will joyfully answer the call of the Lord to proclaim His life, death and resurrection as priests, deacons and in the consecrated life, we pray to the Lord.

24th Sunday in Ordinary time That God will rise up from this very community men and women to serve the church as priests and religious, we pray to the Lord.

25th Sunday in Ordinary time For all men and women who wish to follow Christ, that they may respond generously to God’s graces, trusting to lead them into His service as priests, deacons or religious, we pray to the Lord.

26th Sunday in Ordinary time For those who serve the church as priests, religious and deacons, that they will be richly blessed in their ministry, and be a blessing for those whom they serve, we pray to the Lord.

27th Sunday in Ordinary time For all parents of our parish, that they may instill a positive regard for the priesthood, diaconate or religious life as a wholesome lifetime career path their sons and daughters might consider, we pray to the Lord.

28th Sunday in Ordinary time For seminarians and novices may they find the courage to respond to Jesus’ call, we pray to the Lord.

29th Sunday in Ordinary time For our young people, that they may find a joyful faith in their families, and encouragement to respond to a life of ministry and service, we pray to the Lord.

30th Sunday in Ordinary time For all parishioners who have made a commitment to pray intensely for vocations, that their intercessory prayer for an increase of candidates for priesthood in our diocese will be fruitful for the Church and they will be blessed for their efforts, we pray to the Lord.

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Catholic Diocese of Hamilton ✠ Vocations to the Priesthood

31st Sunday in Ordinary time That parents, by their lives and example, may encourage Church vocations among their children, we pray to the Lord.

32nd Sunday in Ordinary time That the Lord of the Harvest may open the hearts of our young people to the possibility of a life in priesthood or religious life, we pray to the Lord.

33rd Sunday in Ordinary time That men and women may find joy in sacrificing personal gain for the service of others in a Church vocation, we pray to the Lord.

Feast of Christ the King That Christ the King will draw all men and women to the truth of their vocations by listening to His voice in prayer and then actively following His call to the praise of His glory, we pray to the Lord.