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Name: Pratik Shah (FIN & MKT)(B.E. (Electronics & Communication), No Work-exp.)

Company: Infosys Technologies.Profile: Associate Consultant (ERP)

Interview Process:

1st Phase: Short listing based on CGPA (2.99 was the cut-off)

2nd Phase: Face-to-face interview

My interview came after the panel had a nice lunch along with me. My friends advised me not to have much lunch, but I did not had anything since morning, so I had a nice lunch.So this made me feel slightly sleepy. But that was before I entered the interview room. My interview started at around 2:00 PM. The interviewers look highly refreshed after the lunch.

The interview went like this:

There were two guys- one(1M) who was extremely fair and appeared to have a dashing personality. Another one was pretty silent during the interview and just made observations (2M).

So 1M called me inside and introduced him as well as 2M.

1M: Intorduce yourself.

Me: As a person with no work-exp, I have to stretch this question. So I started with my UG, what all I did, what were the reasons to go for MBA and join SDM. I was about to start PG when 1M stopped me.

1M: Where have u done your SIP and what did you do there? (Another standard question and I was prepared for it)

Me: So I started where I did and what was my objective. I told them that I did Ratio Analysis of my company along with its competitors. At this point they stopped me. Actually I did many other things along with Ratio Analysis at my SIP, but the moment they heards this word they started asking me questions related to Ratio Analysis.

1M: What were your observations after Ratio Analysis? Explain with some specific numbers!!! (How can I remember that out of 25 odd ratios I did of 6 companies which company was better)

Me: But suddenly I remembered about Working Capital ratio and I explained them about it and I also gave explanations about who are having lowest WCM ratio in the indusry and what can be the advantages of it!

After this there were series of questions which I really did not expected, so everytime they asked any questions I would think and than gave my answers. But I did one good thing that I didnt bluffed on any questions and there were around 2-3 No Idea kind of answer to their questions from my side!!!!!

After completing Ratios they asked me about CRR and SLR, which I explained them with great confidence and tried to make up for some quesiotns which I was unable to answer. I was slowly and steadily nervous and this became evident after I gave wrong figures about current CRR and SLR ratios.

Till this point 2M didnt spoke a single word. He made only observations. ( But I was happy as I had to handle only one person and answer to his questions only!!!!)

Now from nowhere they asked me this question and I was totally trapped. Till now interview was an average performance.

2M for first time broke his silence and asked: What is your knowledge about C++? (I thought that how can anybody remember what one has learnt about 4 years ago, when we are unable to recall what we learnt in previous semester!!!!!)

Me: I gave them some absurd answer and than they asked me what was the most complex program that I have ever solved? I showed them and than they asked me for the logic of that program. Than they asked me about functions and advantages of using functions while constructing the program (Pure Technical stuff which CS engineers can easily but for EC engineers like me tough to recall). Still I gave them some answers.

Now I was thinking that the interview should be over as fast as possible because they are literally doing emotional murder of my knowledge.

1M after listening this explanation asked me about MIS, the course which we learnt in First year and as usual I gave a general reply and explained them about it without being specific. They asked me about the project that I did in MIS and I explained it to them. They were first surprised about why there is a need for MIS implementation and so I explained them the needs and benefits of MIS in my company.

2M: This time he changed the topic and asked: Why Infosys and how many years you would like to work in your first company?

I was happy as the technical round of questions were over and now they might ask me only HR related questions!!!!!

I answered them and they asked me about my family and my choice of place where I would like to be posted. Many of my friends were asked about this question and so I gave a safe answer that I would like to work anywhere and I would not mine to be placed faraway from my home-town.

Then the interviewer asked me about any doubts/question I had? But I was highly nervous and wanted to complete this interview at any cost. So I said no and came out of interview room!!!!!

Some Suggestions/Takings from this interview:

Please have a complete understanding about your SIP as well as Contemporary Issue. For Fresher the questions could come from this two areas.

For students having technical backgroud and having no work-exp, there are high chances that the questions can come from their engineering subjects.

Try to substanstiate your answer with an example as the interviewers also would love to hear a theory which is backed by an example.

Try to change your answer according to the requirment of the profile.

Infy interview was my not so good experience. It was definitely worst than the two interviews which I had with other two companies. So a small advise is to believe in yourself, you need a small amount of Luck and loads of efforts. So every interview you just try to put your efforts and let Luck do the rest.

Also If rejected, dont worry as Life is too long and you would have many other opportunities which could be cashed upon!!!!!!



Pratik [email protected]: 09480028988