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Concept of Truth


Began in the US around 1870

The most influential philosophy at 19th

reflection of American’s philosophy of life

spreads all around the world along with US’ supremacy


πράγμαderives from Greek word pragma

its mean “deed, act, or affair”

adopted in English by “practical and empirical”

Pragmatism:any approach that emphasizes what can be done in the actual world rather than in an ideal world

a beliefs that the truth or value of a doctrine depending on its application for the benefit of man

the set of belief that the truth cannot be realized except by practicing it. Their standard of truthful is the effectiveness and its success, their measure is by choose which has more effectiveness, succession, and benefit.


Pragmatism:the doctrines that the meaning of conceptions isto be sought in their practical bearings. Thefunction of thought is to guide the action, andthat truth is preeminently to be tested by thepractical consequences of belief, and as amethod of philosophy, in which the truth of aproposition is measured by its correspondencewith experimental results and by its practicaloutcome.

C. S. Peircefirstly introduced in 1878 in an article ‘How to Make Our Ideas Clear,’

experimental, empirical, and purposive thought based on and applying to experience

Immanuel Kant’s “Pragmatisch”

Popularized by William James, especially with his book “Pragmatism” (1907).


Pragmatism is an philosophy in modern era

but its method was not sublimely new

As a philosophical movement, it originated in 1872 in discussions in The Metaphysical Club


In its early stage of its development, pragmatism attempts to unify science and philosophy

and solve endless philosophical-metaphysical debate

In its further development, the method is applied in every aspect of human life

Because it is a philosophy of human action, every aspect of human life becomes its field

Pragmatism began to decline in 1920, eliminated by Analytic Philosophy’s

Deweythe only founder who still active at that time

Supported in the next decades by second and third generation thinkers afterwards, pragmatic thought

finally rises again in semiotics, sociology, social psychology, economics, and other fields.


They had different philosophical concerns and terms

They also had some disagreement

However, they embrace the same lines of pragmatism

They never cooperated to build this school of philosophy

but the growth of pragmatism cannot be separated from their roles and figures

Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914)

He was born in 1839 in Cambridge

never studied philosophy formally

entered the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University and graduated summa cum laude in chemistry in 1863

His School called “Pragmaticism” and often referred to as “Pragmatic Maxim”

rather more rationalistic and realistic goal

his version of pragmatism leaded to “theory of meaning” not “theory of truth”

his version of Pragmatism inspired by Kant & Hegel

William James (1842 – 1910)

He was born in New York in 1842

Same as Peirce, He never studied philosophy formally

the first to be widely associated with the term “pragmatism” due to Peirce's lifelong unpopularity

His unique doctrine known as radical empiricism

firstly presented in “Essays in Radical Empiricism”

He also influenced by Kant and Hegel

John Dewey (1859 – 1952)

He was born in New York in 1859

studying philosophy in Vermont under tutelage H.A.P. Torrey

receiving his doctorate from Johns Hopkins in 1884

His Pragmatism is a synthesis from Peirce & James

his philosophy referred as "instrumentalism"concerned with social, economics & government issues


the truth of science is nothing more than the human’s pure opinion

what we call “universal” is the opinions that ultimately agree and accept the beliefs of community of knower

James’ CriteriaFirst, Pragmatism emphasizes results, the idea that concerned of the actions and its results that can be achieved.

Second, Pragmatism is a democratic philosophical school, which assumes that everyone is a philosopher.

Third, pragmatism is an individual school of philosophy, that truth is personal. There will never be an absolute truth.

Fourth, pragmatism is humanistic and optimistic philosophy, in terms of putting human as a side that determines the truth.

Fifth, pragmatism is a speculative philosophy. The truth is relative, depending on experience or verification process conducted by a person against the truth.

James’ Method of ThinkingThe truth is a postulate; can be determined and found based on experiences and ready to be tested by a debate & discussion.

the truth is a statement of fact, that is have anything to do with experience.

the truth is conclusions that generalize from statements of fact.


It can be seen in Peirce’s formulation, the first and second point leads to relativism, while the third formulation’s means to eradicate the metaphysics.

It also can be concluded from James’ principles, it leads to pluralism. In addition, one of the basic ideas of pragmatism is a separation religion from life (secularism). Thus, in the context of ideological, Pragmatism means rejecting religion as a source of knowledge.

Pragmatism x Islam

Pragmatism’ measure of truth is false from three sides:

Pragmatism confuses the criteria of truth with its practical uses.

Pragmatism denies the role of human intellect and put more emphasis into his satisfaction.

Pragmatism causes relativity of truth by change of the subject and the context of time and place.

Islamic teaching sets the standard of deeds according to command and prohibitions from Allah. This does not mean Islam deny the benefit as one aspect of human deeds. However the benefit concept is not same as pragmatism, Islam has set it up based on maslahah, not on what desired by their passion. Allah give humans the benefit, although not in the form of matter, right now or later in hereafter.

Pragmatism had many contradictions with Islamic teaching, especially in definition and standard of truth.


It also leads to pluralism, humanism, secularism, and the other harmful doctrines. Therefore, we cannot accept it.