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GSA Capital

Practical Scalaz


How to make your life easier the hard way

Chris Marshall Aug 2011@oxbow_lakes

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Overview of talk

The library is confusing What’s with all this maths anyway? The method names are all stupid

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Where is the love?

Kinds M[A] ~> MA[M, A] A ~> Identity[A] M[A, B] ~> MAB[M, A, B]

Wrappers OptionW, ListW, BooleanW

Data Types Validation NonEmptyList

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Common “patterns” “retrofitted” in a uniform way to many types Uses implicits to do this

...Interfaces Like being able to retrofit an interface onto

classes which “logically implement” that interface

...Adapters Adapt existing types to our structures

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Example typeclass

trait Each[-E[_]] {   def each[A](e: E[A], f: A => Unit): Unit


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implicit def OptionEach: Each[Option] = new Each[Option] {     def each[A](e: Option[A], f: A => Unit)

= e foreach f   }

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There are monoids everywhere A set With an associative operation And an identity under that operation

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scala> 1 |+| 2 res0: Int 3

scala> 1.2 |+| 3.4 res1: Double 4.6

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Your own

scala> 200.GBP |+| 350.GBP res2: oxbow.Money 550.00 GBP

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Monoids Beget Monoids

Option[A] is a Monoid if A is a monoid

(A, B, .. N) is a Monoid if A, B..N are monoids

A => B is a Monoid if B is a Monoid

Map[A, B] is a Monoid if B is a Monoid

A => A is a monoid Under function composition

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scala> some(4) |+| none[Int]res4: Option[Int] Some(4)

scala> none[Int] |+| none[Int]res5: Option[Int] None

scala> some(4) |+| some(5)res6: Option[Int] Some(9)

scala> (1, “a”, 4.5) |+| (2, “b”, 3.2)res7: (Int, String, Double) (3, “ab”, 7.7)

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What does this mean?


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trait TradingPosition { def inventoryPnL(implicit prices: Map[Ticker, Double]) : Double def tradingPnL(implicit prices: Map[Ticker, Double]) : Double final def totalPnL(implicit prices: Map[Ticker, Double]) = inventoryPnL -> tradingPnL }

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val positions: Seq[TradingPosition] = db.latestPositions() val (totalTrad, totalInv) =

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trait TradingPosition {

def inventoryPnL(implicit pxs: Map[Ticker, Double]): Option[Double] def tradingPnL(implicit pxs: Map[Ticker, Double]): Option[Double] final def totalPnL(implicit pxs: Map[Ticker, Double]) = inventoryPnL |+| tradingPnL }

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val posns: Seq[TradingPosition] = db.latestPositions() val maybePnL: Option[Double] =

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trait TradingPosition { def sym: Ticker def qty: Int }

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val pete: Map[Ticker, Int] = => p.sym -> p.qty).toMap val fred: Map[Ticker, Int] = => p.sym -> p.qty).toMap

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val totalPositions = pete |+| fred

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for any key, if book1(key) == n and book2(key) == m, then the resulting map has n |+| m at key

Adding across a bunch of Maps now becomes as easy as...


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trait TradingPosition { def sym: Ticker def qty: Int }

type Filter = TradingPosition => Boolean

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Observe: filters are monoids

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val london: Filter = (_ : TradingPositon) endsWith “.L” val ny: Filter = (_ : TradingPositon) endsWith “.O”

positions filter (london |+| ny)

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type Filter = TradingPosition => BooleanConjunction

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val london = (t : TradingPositon) => ( endsWith “.L”) | |∧ val big = (t : TradingPositon) => (t.qty > 100000) | |∧

positions filter (london |+| big)

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Monoid = Semigroup + Zero

Monoid is actually split in 2 Semigroup (the associative bit) Zero (the identity bit)

~ is “or zero” on OptionW A unary method (declared unary_~)

It is really useful Eh?

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var posns: Map[Ticker, Int] = Map.empty

def newTrade(trd: Trade) { posns += (trd.sym -> ( (posns.get(trd.sym) getOrElse 0) + trd.qty)) }

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But observe the equivalence of the following:

(posns.get(trd.sym) getOrElse 0)



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def newTrade(trd: Trade) { posns += (trd.sym -> (~posns.get(trd.sym) |+| trd.qty)) }

We can change the value type To Double?

To any Monoid!

Your own?

Is logically...

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var charges: Map[Ticker, Money] = Map.empty implicit val ChargeCcy = Currency.USD

def newTrade(trd: Trade) { charges += (trd.sym -> ( ~charges.get(trd.sym) |+| trd.charges)) }

Where we have defined our own thus

implicit def MoneyZero(implicit ccy: Currency) : Zero[Money] = zero(

implicit val MoneySemigroup: Semigroup[Money] = semigroup(_ add _)

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BooleanW, OptionW

Consistency with ? and | Option[A] | A == getOrElse Boolean ? a | b == ternary Boolean ?? A == raise into zero Boolean !? A == same same but different Boolean guard / prevent

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An Endo in scalaz is just a function: A => A It’s a translation (e.g. negation)

BooleanW plus Zero[Endo] “If this condition holds, apply this transformation”

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We don’t want to repeat ourselves!

for { e <- xml \ “instruments” f <- e.attribute(“filter”) } yield (if (f == “incl”) new Filter(instr(e)) else new Filter(instr(e)).neg) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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<instruments filter=“incl”> <symbol value=“VOD.L” /> <symbol value=“MSFT.O” /> </instruments>

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We can do this...

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val reverseFilter = EndoTo((_ : Filter).neg) for {

e <- xml \ “instruments”f <- e.attribute(“filter”)

} yield (f == “incl”) !? reverseFilter apply new


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Aside: playing around

scala> EndoTo(-(_ : Double)) res0: scalaz.Endo[Double] scalaz.Endo@6754642

scala> true ?? res0 apply 2.3 res1: Double -2.3 scala> false ?? res0 apply 2.3 res2: Double 2.3

scala> implicitly[Zero[Endo[Double]]] res3: scalaz.Endo[Double] scalaz.Endo@8ae765

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Validation is the killer app for me Opened my eyes to how appalling

java Exceptions are Let your types do the talking!

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Aside: composition

Functors: M[A] plus A => B equals M[B]

Monads M[A] plus A => M[B] equals M[B]

Applicative M[A] plus M[A => B] equals M[B]

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Composing validations

//MAPValidation[X, A] ~> A => B ~> Validation[X, B]

//FLATMAPValidation[X, A] ~> A => Validation[X, B] ~> Validation[X,


//APPLYValidation[X1, A], Validation[X2, B] ~> (A, B) => C ~> Validation[X1 |+| X2, C]

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Validation[NonEmptyList[F], S] = ValidationNEL[F, S]

scala> “Bah!”.failNel[Int]res1 : scalaz.Validation[NonEmptyList[String], Int]


scala> 1.successNel[String]res2 : scalaz.Validation[NonEmptyList[String], Int]


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Using Validation

def file(s: String) : Validation[String, File]

def trades(file: File): List[Trade]

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val ts = file(“C:/tmp/trades.csv”) map trades

//ts of type Validation[String, List[Trade]]

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More realistically

def trades(f: File): ValidationNEL[String,


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file(“C:/tmp/trades.csv”).liftFailNel flatMap trades match {

case Failure(msgs) => case Success(trades) => }

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Using for-comprehensions

for { f <- file(“C:/tmp/trades.csv”).liftFailNel

ts <- trades(f) } yield ts

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What does trades look like?

def trades(f: File): ValidationNEL[String, Trade] = {

//List[String] val ls = io.Source.fromFile(f).getLines().toList

def parse(line: String): Validation[String, Trade]

= sys.error(“TODO”)

ls map parse <<SOMETHING with List[Validation[String, Trade]]>>


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What does trades look like?

def trades(f: File): ValidationNEL[String, List[Trade]] = {

//List[String] val ls = io.Source.fromFile(f).getLines().toList

def parse(line: String): Validation[String, Trade]

= sys.error(“TODO”)

(ls map (l => parse(l).liftFailNel)) .sequence[({type l[a]=ValidationNEL[String, a]})#l,


}GSA Capital

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So why do I care?

Your program logic is no longer forked Catching exceptions Throwing exceptions

Ability to compose Via map, flatMap and applicative Keeps signatures simple

Accumulate errors

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Aside: other applicatives

List[Promise[A]].sequence ~> Promise[List[A]]

f: (A, B) => C (Promise[A] |@| Promise[B]) apply f ~> Promise[C]

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Far too much stuff

Iteratees Kleisli

F: A => M[B] If M is a functor and I have g : B => C, then I

should be able to compose these If M is a Monad and I have h : B => M[C] etc

Arrows Useful methods for applying functions across

data structures, like pairs

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And More

IO Deferring side effects

Writers Logging

Readers Configuration

Typesafe equals Heiko Seeberger at scaladays

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Great references

Tony Morris’ blog Runar & Mark Harrah’s Apocalisp Nick Partridge’s Deriving Scalaz Jason Zaugg at scala eXchange

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